
This is a rush transcript from "Watters World," May 12, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to "Watters' World". I'm Jesse Watters.

A huge spring for President Trump and America on the foreign policy front. North and South Korea are heading towards ending the Korean War. Little rocket man released three American hostages from the hermit kingdom, and the summit is set in Singapore where President Trump and Kim Jong-un will hopefully negotiate peace on the peninsula - all historic diplomatic victories, but it's driving the left crazy.

Here's New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.


CHARLES ELLIS SCHUMER, US SENATOR, NEW YORK, DEMOCRAT: We cannot be folded into given the North Korean regime credit for returning Americans that never should have been detained in the first place.

American citizens are not diplomatic bargaining chips. Their release should not be exalted, it should be expected. It is no great accomplishment of Kim Jong-un to do this, and when the president does it, he weakens American foreign policy and puts Americans at risk around the world.


WATTERS: Former Obama CIA Director, John Brennan slamming the summit, claiming that Kim Jong Un is Trumps puppet master.


JOHN BRENNAN, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: I think he has been masterful in how he has manipulative perceptions and how he has manipulated and quite frankly, duped Mr. Trump.


WATTERS: Listen, America has been played by North Korea before, that's why President Trump is more than willing to walk away from the table, unlike John Kerry. Here's the president in his own words.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I will be meeting with Kim Jong-un to pursue a future peace and security for the world, for the whole world, and the relationship is good, but you remember everybody in the fake news when they were saying, "He is going to get us into a nuclear war. He's going to get us into a nuclear war."

You know what gets you into nuclear wars? You know it gets into other wars? Weakness. Weakness.


WATTERS: Speaking of weakness, the president got America out of the weak Iran deal where we paid them to lie to us about developing nukes. Here he is, solving problems. Leaving President Obama's foreign policy in tatters.

Joining me now, Fox News contributor and 2012 Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain, and former senior adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Philippe Reines.


WATTERS: I got your name right, I hope on that one.

REINES: One hundred percent.

WATTERS: But I'm going to start with my man, Herman Cain, Mr. Cain, I mean Crying Chuck should be shedding tears of joy that American hostages were released. We didn't have to even have to trade any GTMO terrorists for them like Barack Obama did.

HERMAIN CAIN, CONTRIBUTOR, FOX NEWS: President Trump nailed it when he said, "Weakness gets us into wars." The fact that this president is making so much progress on the diplomatic front with Kim Jong-un is driving liberals crazy, as you pointed out.

Weakness is not what this president believes in. He believes in negotiating from a position of strength, and this is what he's doing, he's delivering on his promises, and the Democrats hate it.

WATTERS: Peace through strength, Philippe? Isn't that with the president is doing instead of war due to weakness?

REINES: Well, I think you have a few things going on here. First off, if you look at the wars that I think are being referenced, particularly Iraq and Afghanistan, those were entered into by President Bush. President Obama did yeoman's work in terms of drawing down and bringing us into a better position.

WATTERS: Well, Hillary voted for the Iraq war and then Obama lost the peace...


WATTERS: And ISIS took over.

REINES: You take my point, I think what's going on now with the Koreans and with Iran should be separated into three parts. First, it's terrific that three Americans are now back on American soil. They should never have been detained. I don't know anyone who is not happy about that.

I understand the point about, let's not give too much credit to the guy who snatched them to giving them back. The last American he gave back, Otto Warmbier basically died within days.


REINES: And this was the same host, so let's get too carried away. In terms of...

WATTERS: But no one is really just heaping praise on Little Rocket Man for returning the hostages. I think President Trump just said, it was a sign of respect that he did this to lay the groundwork for the Singapore summit.

REINES: Well, but I'm old enough to remember that when Bill Clinton in 2009 went to North Korea and met with Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un's father and brought home two Americans who were being - two American journalists who were being detained, and I don't remember any kind of huge outpouring of support or plus for that, and by the way, that's not what it's about, so that's fine.

But in terms of the nuclear free Korea, if President Trump can do that, everyone's for that. I mean, that is a terrific, terrific outcome.

In terms of Iran, I think it's a little early to say...

WATTERS: Well, let's keep that on the table before we get to Iran. Philippe, one of the most sensible Democrats around, that's why we have him on the show, Mr. Cain, but it is funny hearing the left criticize President Trump's foreign policy dealings, when they are the party that's given us bad deal after bad deal, from NAFTA to the Bergdahl trade, to the Iran deal, to come in at the end and say, "Trump doesn't know what he's doing, he's getting played," well that party has been played for decades.

CAIN: Yes, and Philippe, let's not shift the subject to Bill Clinton or some other war. This concerns North Korea, and what some of the Democrats want to do is to shift the subject, as I say, ignore the fact that there is real progress here. That's what this president is doing.

Secondly, as a businessman, he has been successful because he was willing to walk away from the table. I know that North Korea has gone back on some of its promises in the past. Well, there is a new sheriff in town, his name is President Donald J. Trump.

And Chuck Schumer and Brenner and all of the others ought to be either cheering him on and hope that he is successful, or they should just shut up because that can do more damage than anything else.

WATTERS: Philippe, yes, I think the references to John Kerry who was, when he was negotiating the Iran deal, refused to leave the table because it was up against the time constraint and the legacy play was very much in his mind, very much in Barack Obama's mind. This President, I think is going to keep John Kerry and his little bicycle far away from Singapore.

REINES: Well, I guess - again, I think it's two different things on the Koreas. I think every American including Democrats and everyone in Congress are first and foremost, thinking about the tens of thousands of American soldiers who are in South Korea, including on the DMZ.

So, people want them to be safe and ideally come home at some point, so I don't think anyone is rooting against the President. People just want to want to make sure that that can happen.

In terms of Iran and John Kerry, I think it might be a little early to be celebrating. It's easy to tear up an agreement. We don't know how it's going to go. I know the people who actually negotiated that agreement and I trust their judgment. They and our allies, and a lot of smart people who may be wrong, but they feel that this is a real problem.

WATTERS: Here's one of the reasons, Philippe and Herman, that I believe that President Trump is going to be successful by getting out of this Iran deal. You guys remember George Costanza from "Seinfeld?" During the moment in the diner he says, "Every instinct I've ever had has been wrong in my life, and here is where I am, I'm going to do the opposite." Let's roll that tape.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Two nachos, coleslaw, cup of coffee.

JASON ALEXANDER, AMERICAN ACTOR: Yes. No, wait a minute. I always have tuna on toast. Nothing's ever worked out for me with tuna on toast. I want the complete opposite of tuna on toast. Chicken salad on rye, untoasted, with a side of potato salad and a cup of tea.


WATTERS: So, Herman, I think by Donald Trump doing the opposite of Barack Obama in foreign and domestic policy, that could work out pretty well.

CAIN: It could work out pretty well, and Trump's style, which many of the liberals and Democrats want to ignore is to get the person or the country to the table. If nothing else comes out of the Singapore summit, he at least has them to the table. I'm not saying that others weren't able to do that, but I believe Kim Jong-un knows he's dealing with a totally different person, where, if he does not do some of the things that the world wants, it's not just the United States and Donald Trump, if he doesn't do some things to enhance peace by giving up the nuclear program, then I believe, he believes that Donald Trump is not to be messed with. All you've got to do is look at some of the other decisions that he has made and kept his word.

WATTERS: All right, guys, I've got to run, and next time, Philippe...

REINES: It's an invalid "Seinfeld" reference. George was saying that, "I, George, am wrong. Not you Jerry wrong."

WATTERS: You know what, I thought it made perfect sense, and now you're never allowed back on the Philippe...

REINES: The facts are important with "Seinfeld."

WATTERS: That was an alternative fact. Guys, thank you very much.


WATTERS: We may know now why the left is in hysterics over President Trump's big wins. He was never supposed to be president. Shocking new allegations could be the latest proof, the FBI may have had a spy infiltrate the Trump campaign back in 2016, an actual spy.

Let's bring in the Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, Congressman Mark Meadows, who has been at the forefront of this investigation. Congressman, I mean, every day another shoe drops on this thing. What would you think this could possibly be? A spy? An informant? How do you see this?

MARK MEADOWS, CHAIRMAN, HOUSE FREEDOM CAUCUS: Well, obviously, I don't know whether that has happened or not. I've read some of the reports that would be in a classified setting if indeed that happened.

But, I can tell you, if there's any truth to it, even a small amount of truth to it, it's extremely troubling. You would have one administration allowing their FBI to infiltrate another candidate's campaign. That goes beyond Russian collusion. That's collusion that should send somebody to jail. Again...


WATTERS: Can you imagine it President George W. Bush's Justice Department or FBI had an informant inside Barack Obama's presidential campaign?

MEADOWS: Well, everybody would be going crazy. But you know, when we look at this, it's all about getting the truth, Jesse, and I applaud you for being willing to take this on because we are getting stonewalled at each and every step of the way.

And yet, here we are today having to talk about the possibility, if anything that was reported just yesterday was true, then we've got a number of other areas. I can tell you, I've seen enough documents that give me areas of concern that are not as large in scope as what has been reported within the last 24 hours.

But indeed, we've got to make sure the American people see it, your viewers understand it.

WATTERS: Yes, because you haven't got enough documents because they have been stonewalling and foot dragging. Because obviously, there's something that they feel guilty about.

And if Hillary had won this election, none of this abuse would have ever come to see the light of day. Also coming to see the light of day, thanks to Judicial Watch, we now believe that James Comey, after he was fired as the FBI Director colluded with Mueller, the special prosecutor about his testimony before the Senate committee.

Do you think it's appropriate for the fired FBI director to talk to Robert Mueller who is investigating why he was fired, to talk to each other - about his testimony?


MEADOWS: No, not to work on their testimony. But what we do know is Director Comey has gone on a charm offensive all over the country on his new book tour.

WATTERS: Not very charming.

MEADOWS: Well, and you're right because what we're finding is the facts don't line up with his rhetoric. And in fact, we're looking even at Congress that it appears there's a growing body of evidence that would suggest that he didn't give truthful testimony to Congress.

So, he may have a bigger problem than that, but when you look at the Special Counsel, and you've got a person saying, "Well, let's get together, so we have the right testimony before we go before Congress," that's inappropriate and certainly is not something that should happen.

WATTERS: Totally inappropriate and he was basically the chief witness in an obstruction of justice case. And he is now talking to special counsel, his mentor of ten years at the FBI, it doesn't look good.

Lastly, you're trying to audit the Mueller probe, why would you be doing that?

MEADOWS: Well, I mean, here's the thing is - the American people supported the Mueller probe when it looked at Russia collusion. But what we're starting to see is that a lot of it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, it actually goes other areas, and the judge just the other day pointed out a good point. Are they really going after for political reasons or are they trying to go after it for Democratic reasons and making sure their elections are strong.

And so, we believe in Congress, since we appropriate the funds, we need to make sure that those funds are being spent for collusion and not after a political witch hunt.

WATTERS: Well, I'm glad you're doing that. I've always said, this has been a witch hunt from the jump. It's been a frame job to lead to impeachment. We have not seen any evidence of collusion. I think the obstruction case is weak, the President wanted James Comey to look into potential colluders.

James Comey said he was never obstructed and the investigation went on after he was fired, 13 out of the 17 lawyers in Robert Mueller's probe are Democrats, not one Republican. It doesn't add up. I think it's time to wind down this investigation. What you think the timing is of that?

MEADOWS: Well, I think that over a year and a half, we've been investigating it. What I would say, let's go ahead and wind it down, either bring the charges or bring it to a halt. Enough is enough at this point, it's time to bring it to a close.

WATTERS: All right, I agree and you know, they can't beat the President at the ballot box, so they're trying to do that in the courtroom. But it makes sense if you're the Democratic Party, they have Pocahontas as the potential nominee, I'd probably do the same thing. Congressman, always the best.

MEADOWS: Jesse, great to be with you.

WATTERS: Up next, a "Watters' World" investigation into Stormy Daniels' attorney. Now, when you hear this, it's all going to start to make sense. Be right back.

You have seen this guy all over cable, Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' attorney, but this week, he acted as a political operative, obtaining confidential bank records from Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, potentially an illegal act and leaking them to the media, and of course, the media loved it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael Avenatti is a beast.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Okay, that's true. He's a beast.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's a beast and he keeps popping Donald Trump and all of his folks in the mouth. Jon Meacham says he may be the savior of the republic. This is really interesting.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He killed the news of the Iran deal practically in one big stroke. He really is a master of the media cycle.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I owe Michael Avenatti an apology. For the last couple of weeks, I've been saying, "Enough already, Michael. I've seen you everywhere. What do have left to say?" I was wrong, brother. You have a lot to say. The Democrats could learn something from you. You are messing with Trump a lot more than they are.


WATTERS: Yes, porn lawyer saving the republic. Got it. The Treasury Department now investigating Avenatti's actions. Now, "Watters' World" conducted our own investigation to the porn lawyer and found out some very interesting information.

Former Bill Clinton adviser and Democratic pollster, Mark Penn joins me now. Mark, so we looked up this guy's records. It's all public. He owes about $1.2 million in taxes to the IRS, a partnership he created which went bankrupt that is being sued by about 50 states, owes about 4 million to Uncle Sam, and his law firm, he was involved with, went bankrupt, and at one point, $2.4 million.

So, the guy is broke, and I believe that might explain this crusade he's on because he's trying to get out of the financial hole looking for publicity and money. What you think?

MARK J.PENN, AMERICAN FORMER POLLSTER, POLITICAL STRATEGIST: Well, look, I don't know his personal financial situation, I think my point is what kind of vetting is being done on this guy who is on every single network and channel? What are his interests? Who is paying for things? How did he get treasury records? Where did he get them? Has he committed any illegal acts in getting them? Is he a journalist? Is he a lawyer? Is he a political operative? I mean, what is going on here?

WATTERS: Those are great questions, I mean, he told, I believe "60 Minutes" that you know, he's not a political operative. He's doesn't do politics. I mean, he's donated to pretty every single Democrat you can have - Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, John Edwards - and he worked for Rahm Emanuel, among other Democrats.

So, to say this guy is not political is ignoring the evidence and like you said, he was on CNN more than 60 times in the last month. They don't look into who the guests are when they come on the show?

PENN: Well, normally you have to state what your real interests are. What are his real interest? He says, "Well, I have crowdsourcing now." But he didn't have that when he started. And how does anyone account for the $457,000.00 he has collected? I haven't seen any accounting.

But I think most significantly, is this whole question about where he got bank records. He claims that it's work product. Work product is usually a brief or a legal brief the lawyer prepares, not confidential potentially illegal information. Everybody needs to get to the bottom of this.

WATTERS: Right, and the Treasury Department is opening an investigation into this, and from what we see from his financial history and the companies that he has been involved with, he is kind of a fraud according to the accusations from some of his business partners and some of the parties that were dealing with his financial shenanigans.

I mean, there's lawsuits galore, bankruptcies galore and debt galore. You also wrote a very interesting column in The Hill the other day talking about the Special Counsel investigation. It is my opinion that it was crooked from the junk. It was started by Hillary and some crooked cops at the FBI. It has now exploded into this off the rails investigation, it's going God knows where, Mueller was slapped down by a judge in court the other day for saying - for being outside the bounds of the investigation, for trying to take down Trump. You are involved in the Clinton White House. You have some perspective on Special Counsels, what do you see happening?

PENN: Look, I spent a year fighting Ken Starr and saw on the inside how these investigations affect people trying to do their job in the White House or political campaigns, or in our democracy, unless there's something really incredibly significant there, to continue and drag this on, drags down the ability for people to do their job for this country, and you look at this thing, the origins of this thing have been suspect from the beginning - the Steele dossier, the Papadopoulos meeting, the Australian who may have been connected to the Clinton Foundation, this have been the fruits of a poisonous tree.

What was originally sought after wasn't found. This is now 1998 all over again with an investigation somehow related to a porn star. Come on, we need to get a North Korea deal, we need to push back on the Iranians. We need a good economy. We cannot treat our White House, presidents, people working campaigns and put them under this kind of star chamber investigation and expect our government to function.

WATTERS: Now, you are a former Clinton pollster, Democratic eye, for you to say this on "Watters' World" on Fox News, you know you're going to catch some heat when you go back to the neighborhood afterwards, but listen, you are a brave guy. I respect you for at least, speaking your mind. Mark, I've got to run. Thanks for coming on "Watters' World."

PENN: Thank you and let's get some more Republicans and Democrats singing the same tune on this.

WATTERS: All right, we'll see what happens. Coming up, a nightmare for Democrats. We're going to tell you what's going on, stick around.

MOLLY LINE, FOX NEWS: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Molly Line.

The Islamic state now claiming the suspect in the Paris stabbing attack with one of its soldiers as French authority say they are opening a terrorism investigation into the incident. Police say the suspect stabbed several in the central part of the French capital killing one and injuring at least four.

Officers then shot and killed the attacker, a French prosecutor says witnesses report the suspect shouted "Allahu akbar," God is great in Arabic.

North Korea now saying it will hold a ceremony for the dismantling of its nuclear test site at the end of the month. Officials planning to destroy all tunnels at the site with an explosion and remove all research facilities.

It comes ahead of leader Kim Jong-un's summit with President Donald Trump set for June 12th in Singapore.

I am Molly Line, now back to "Watters' World." For all your headlines, log onto foxnews.com.

WATTERS: President Trump taking a victory lap at his Indiana rally after a huge week. Despite 90% of network evening news coverage being negative towards the president, his approval ratings are surging in nearly every poll.

And now, the president already campaigning aggressively to keep the House out of Nancy Pelosi's hand in the midterms.


TRUMP: Nancy Pelosi said yesterday, she wants to end the tax cuts and raise your taxes. I said, "Tell me, is that like good politics?" You know, it's not about politics, but think of that from a political standpoint. I don't think her party was too happy, but you know what? That's her thought. That's what they want to do. They want to raise your taxes, and your tax cuts. They want to have open borders where everyone flies into our country. That's not happening.


WATTERS: Here to react, White House senior adviser for strategic communications, Mercedes Schlapp.

So, Mercedes, let's take a look at this poll. The Democrats in the generic Congressional ballot a little while ago had a 16-point advantage over Republicans and that lead has shrunk to three., which is basically within the margin of error. What do you account for this for?

MERCEDES SCHLAPP, WHITE HOUSE SENIOR ADVISER FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS: It's the Trump wave. There's no question that it's because of President Trump's vision, his bold action, the promises he's made to the American people and the fact that he is keeping these promises whether it be in the area of the economy where we've seen a booming economy because of the tax cuts and the deregulatory actions that he has taken, to what we're seeing in terms of America first foreign policy, which is these legacy, these historic moments, Jesse, right now, that were seen in terms of our actions in North Korea, in our actions in Iran in terms of ensuring that we get rid of what he calls the worst deals in Iran, as well his action that he's taken in moving the embassy over to Jerusalem.

WATTERS: Sure, so you have a bunch things on the foreign-policy and domestic policy front. The American people want safety, they want security and they want prosperity. But you also want to give the Democrats a little credit for sinking their own fortunes. They've run on Russia, they've run on porn stars, they've run on impeachment and now, they are running on tax hikes.

They have a little responsibility in this absolute disaster of a poll, wouldn't you agree?

SCHLAPP: Oh, no question. Wait, Jesse, are you talking about the Democrats or are you talking about the liberal media? I don't know which one are you talking about? It sounds that they both...

WATTERS: I mean, it's really hard to distinguish, Mercedes.

SCHLAPP: I feel like they both have the same agenda, and I think that you know, as you go and travel across the country, you really understand that the American people get this. They understand that the Democrats don't have an agenda right now. Their agenda has been one that they have been pushing for months since the President has gotten elected, which is that of resisting whatever the President pushes for.

They're not only resisting his very practical agenda when it comes to the economy. I mean, they don't even want to push through his very qualified nominees.

WATTERS: In my opinion, the Democratic Party has become the party of identity politics because they've lost their identity. They don't know who they are. They don't even have a slogan. I don't know what their slogan is, I don't think Hillary even had a slogan, the President unveiled his new slogan which is going to be, "Keep America great again."

But they have a problem even within their identity politics world, millennial support for Democrats is down 10 percent. Black approval of Donald Trump has doubled in just a short while. I call that the Kanye West bump, but they are in some deep trouble on their key demographic groups.

And I don't see any way they can recover from the after they've alienated the white working-class space.

SCHLAPP: Yes, I think it is so telling that when you're looking at the American workers and the fact that they are starting to see positive impact in their lives, when you're talking about wages increasing, when you're talking about the millions of Americans have received bonuses, where you're seeing small businesses spending more, more investment, more capital investment in terms of their businesses, these are positive stories.

I mean, I get to spend time talking to small business leaders and realizing that they are seeing this impact in terms of money in their pocket. The fact that families are receiving over $2,000.00 in tax cuts, this is a big deal. This impacts you personally.

WATTERS: It was James Carville who said it's the economy, stupid.

SCHLAPP: That's right.

WATTERS: But you know, who's not seeing more money in their pockets? It's the DNC. I mean, their last report, I mean they are broke as a joke, Mercedes. They are in debt. They have no cash on hand. The Republicans have all the cash on hand. The DNC is the only business in the Trump economy that's not doing well.

SCHLAPP: Well, there's no question that when you don't have a message and when you don't have a pro-growth agenda and when - then you can't win.

Identity politics will get you nowhere. It's one of the reasons why Hillary Clinton lost. It's why Americans are so turned off with trying to divide us. What President Trump wants to do is unite our country, bring us together, work with our allies and have victory here in America.

WATTERS: Right. All right, Mercedes, thank very much.

SCHLAPP: Thank you so much.

WATTERS: Up next, the left's new plans to put illegals first. Illegals first over Americans. Details, after the break.

President Trump took aim at Farrakhan's good friend, Democratic Congressman, Keith Ellison.


TRUMP: We have the worst immigration laws in the history of mankind. Last week, as an example, the Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Congressman Keith Ellison, do you know him? Marched in a parade wearing a t-shirt that read - he was very proud of it, "I do not believe in borders."


WATTERS: This is what he's referring to. Ellison seen here wearing this protest t-shirt which translates to quote, "I don't believe in borders."

And convicted felon turned Senate candidate, Chelsea, formerly Bradley Manning, vowing to eliminate borders and abolish ICE altogether if she wins a Congressional seat in Maryland.

Here to react, Fox News contributor, Tomi Lahren.

Tomi, I like Democrats that are on us. These Keith Ellison people that don't believe in borders, they wear it on their t-shirts, the Bernie Sanders people that say "Yes, you know what? I'm going to spend a trillion dollars on universal healthcare." It's kind of refreshing.

TOMI LAHREN, CONTRIBUTOR, FOX NEWS: It is at least, they are finally being honest. Their cards are on the table. We have got Keith Ellison who believes in open borders of course, and Chelsea Manning who is clearly insane. I think that that would make a great ticket for 2020. One that I would really like to see, Ellison and manning for president and vice president in 2020. That's an election I would love to watch.

WATTERS: That's the ticket. Let's move on to John Kelly, White House chief of staff. Now, he's getting all of this heat for actually telling the truth about Central American immigrants that come across our southern border. Let's see what he says here. Ready?

"The vast majority of the people that move illegally into the United States are not bad people. They are not criminals, they are not MS-13, but they're also not people that would easily assimilate into the United States. They are overwhelmingly rural people in the countries they come from - fourth, fifth sixth grade educations are kind of the norm. They don't speak English, obviously that's a big thing. They don't integrate real well. They don't have skills."

So, Kelly is getting murdered for this, but if you look at the demographics and the people that are crossing the southern border from Honduras, Guatemala, this is who they are, and the president says he wants a merit- based system, not just random people coming in.

LAHREN: Well, Jesse, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with a merit based system?

WATTERS: Nothing.

LAHREN: What's wrong with bringing the best people that we have into this country? The fact that we care more about feelings and kinship over actually improving the United States of America is the problem, but of course that's the slogan of the Democratic Party.

WATTERS: I know, and it is an emotional appeal to these people because they feel sorry for them, but you know who I feel sorry for, Tomi? I feel sorry for American workers that were born here, that are trying to raise a family and the influx of illegal immigration which is driving down wages and in some cases bringing crime, and lowering property values in some cases, those are the people that I feel sorry for.

I just don't understand why people don't understand there's a line, you wait in the line like everybody else, I am sure when you're in a restaurant and someone cuts you in line, you don't take it very lightly.

LAHREN: Well, these people need to understand it is a privilege to be an American and that's a privilege that you work towards. It's not a right. You don't just come into this country with low skills, low education and not understanding the language, and come into our country because someone says that makes you feel nice.

That's not what this country is based on, we are based on the rule of law and we believe in bringing the best people into this country to make it even better. We don't believe in importing poverty. Trust me, I live in California, we have enough poverty, we have enough issues. We don't need more.

WATTERS: Yes, you're ground zero for this and a lot of the cities in Southern California are rebelling against Governor Moonbeam and his sanctuary state policies, they want out. I've seen you cover it, and listen, God bless you out there in Southern California, Tomi, I don't know how you do it, it's probably the weather, that's why you're there.

LAHREN: Hey, we're making it better, that's why I am here. Behind enemy lines trying to make it a little bit better.

WATTERS: All right, keep up the good fight. And up next, ladies, Diamond and Silk.

This week, First Lady Melania Trump unveiled her "Be Best" Children's Anti- bullying Campaign, a great initiative.


MELANIA TRUMP, FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: I feel strongly that as adults, we can and should be best at educating our children today. I'm very excited to announce, "Be Best."


WATTERS: But she was attacked immediately by the media.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's are a lot of reality that she's dealing with. This is the First Lady who is not culturally American, but she is learning the ways.


WATTERS: Then New York Times reporter, Glenn Thrush criticizing her grammar tweeting, "For non-English speakers, preferably those from Eastern Europe is "Be Best" an idiom in your language?"

And the far left haters on Twitter mocking her accent. Here to react, video bloggers and Trump supporters, Diamond and Silk. Ladies, always good to have you back, but I mean aren't Republicans there supposed to be the ignorant dumb ones that are criticizing the accents of immigrants? Not the enlightened cultural elites and the mainstream media, right?

DIAMOND, VIDEO BLOGGER: But you see, the Democrats are the ones doing it, like April Ryan. She probably only know how to speak one language compared to our first lady that knows how to speak five languages. You know, I really wish that they would lay off of this first lady. She's doing a phenomenal job. And just leave her alone. She's doing a great job, and for them to demean her and disparage her is saddening to me. It's very sad.

If the shoe was on the other foot, they wouldn't have done this kind of thing to Michelle Obama.

SILK, VIDEO BLOGGER: That's right, they are really letting a hate show. It is really showing and it's a shame.

WATTERS: Yes, you mean the high heel was on the other foot. Don't forget, the stilettos are pretty tall. Also, Michelle Obama, former first lady saying she's very concerned about women in America, let's listen.


MICHELLE OBAMA, FORMER FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: In light of this last election, I'm concerned about us, as women and how we think. If we're not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be our president, compared to what? You know, we have to have that conversation with ourselves as women.

WATTERS: I think, Kanye needs to get to the first lady there because it doesn't like she's a free thinker. Aren't woman allowed to vote Republican and Democrat, however they want?

DIAMOND: We are allowed. You know, with all due respect, Michelle Obama, we don't need her lecturing us about who we should and should not vote for. What she needs to do is maybe ask the question, maybe she's feeling guilty about the fact that she didn't vote for Hillary Clinton when they were running back in 2007. Maybe that's what she's feeling guilty about.

And why does she keep talking about Hillary Clinton? Was Hillary Clinton supposed to be giving a kick back paddy whack, give a dog a bone by somebody? And Hillary Clinton can run tomorrow, we still won't vote for her, even if she tried to lure us in with hot sauce.

SILK: Absolutely not.

WATTERS: That's a good point. You know, if she's supposed to be pro- women, she should of voted against her husband in the Democratic primary in 2008 and voted for Hillary. Okay, lastly we have Maxine Waters going nuts on the House floor with Congressman Mike Kelly. Trying to make a point, Maxine wasn't having it.


GEORGE JOSEPH "MIKE" KELLY JR., US REPRESENTATIVE, PENNSYLVANIA, REPUBLICAN: We are trying to make that we're making America great every day in every way and the best way to do that is to stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation. We're coming together as a people in spite of what you think.

MAXINE MOORE WATERS, U.S. REPRESENTATIVE, CALIFORNIA'S, DEMOCRAT: I resent that and I resent the remark about making America great again. He's down here making a speech, but this dishonorable president of the United States of America, having said that, I reserve the balance of my time and no, I do not yield, not one second to you. Not one second. Not one second to you.


WATTERS: Wow. Mad Maxine getting a little feisty on the floor there, ladies.

DIAMOND: Yes, let me tell you what's wrong with Maxine and these Democrats. They're upset because they dropped the ball on the American people by ignoring us and giving us enough to keep us quiet, but not enough to make a difference.

So a businessman came along named Donald Trump and picked up that same ball, and now, he scored a touchdown by giving us tax cuts and more money in our pockets. What Maxine Waters needs to know is that Republicans believe in going to work and working, maybe she needs to switch her party to Republican so she can get to work.

SILK: That's right because we know that they call her the poverty pimp, that's because she lives in a mansion while the district she represents live in poverty.

WATTERS: All right, there they are, the ladies, Diamond and Silk. Chitchat tour underway, go to diamondandsilk.com to find out more. Thank you, guys, very much.

SILK: Thank you for having us.

DIAMOND: Thank you for having us.

WATTERS: Up next, last call, and it's a hot one.

Time now for last call. An incredible sight in Hawaii as Mount Kilauea continues to erupt. The big island's volcano began erupting more than a week ago, molten lava has covered more than 116 acres. Thousands of residents have evacuated. The Hawaii Volcano Observatory now warning that explosive eruptions may continue for weeks.

We just want to make sure everybody in Hawaii stays safe. I was going to make an Obama birth certificate joke, but my producers advised me against that. That's all for us tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. "Justice with Judge Jeanine" is up next. And remember, I am Watters, and this is my world.


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