
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 8, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Congressman Jason Chaffetz and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five." President Trump keeping some praise on his justice department today, pursuing California over its shielding of illegal immigrants.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Sanctuary cities, we're working very hard. The justice department has done a fantastic job. I do think we should have legislation where we put an extra line in the money that we give them. You want the money, you can have the sanctuary cities. What the mayor of Oakland did the other day was a disgrace, where they had close to a thousand people ready to be gotten. She went out and warns them all. Scattered. So instead of taking in 1,000, they took in a fraction of that. Very dangerous from the standpoint of ICE and border patrol. It's very dangerous. You really made law enforcement much more dangerous than it had to be.


PERINO: The sanctuary state lashing out hard against the administration for targeting its immigration policy. Watch:


OAKLAND MAYOR LIBBY SCHAAF: How dare you vilify members of our community by trying to frighten the American public into thinking that all undocumented residents are dangerous criminals. The attorney general is trying to distract the American people from a failed immigration system by painting a racist broad brush of our immigrant community as dangerous criminals.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF: It's a bad idea for him to start talking about anything to do with the history of slavery or reconstruction or the Civil War in the United States. His credibility is pretty much shot on those issues. California represents the future. And they don't like it, but there you go.


PERINO: The president plans to visit California next week for the first time in office. Should be an interesting trip, Kimberly.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yes. OK. So -- are we going to ignore the obvious?

PERINO: Well, we all wore blue in solidarity for something that we will maybe explain later. Or we just forgot. Anyway.

GUILFOYLE: And one of us looks like a Smurf. Not me.

PERINO: One of us looks like Grover. That would be me. Kimberly looks fabulous. She is the one.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, we want you to write us, right?


GUILFOYLE: Who wore it best?

PERINO: Well, we know who wore it best. It's obvious. OK, anyway. So President Trump is going to California, and I think that both political basis, the left and the right, that this is the issue where they are not going to agree. And so, they do it -- a lot of people do and they can't agree, Kimberly, they're going to court.

GUILFOYLE: They are going to court.

PERINO: Who's going to win?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Well, you know, this is what happens, right? So California has obviously been in all of this, you know, leaders and the governor to the senate governor, quite aggressive against President Trump, aggressive against his immigration policies. You have mayors making a protest, warning illegals is there's about to be a raid, etcetera. So you also wanting to sue him environmentally about the about the wall, taking a lot of heat about that. And everybody who's running for office for governor next feels the same way and wants to sue. OK. So I don't think that's going to work out very well for them. But what I like about President Trump is he's not shying away from any kind of adversity. He's going to go there. He's going to make his opinions known. He's going to check and see what's going on. I think it's going to be contentious. There'll probably be protest, etcetera. But ultimately, I believe he's going to prevail on this issue.

PERINO: Greg, California -- well, of course, his politics mostly lean left. There are a lot of conservative and Republicans who live there that probably agree that at least on the sanctuary city issue, and may be even the wall, that it's a good idea.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: We touched on this yesterday about -- if you're a Californian, do you want your far left leaders to equate this kind of issue with an issue that led to civil war? I mean, when they're bringing up slavery or when you're bringing up any kind of civil rights you take this. Are you as a Californian OK with far left activists basically drumming up an issue to a point where it could be -- lead to violence. That is absolutely nuts. Yet, they're doing it. I think I mentioned it yesterday. Talking about like our paths or our civil wars -- slavery -- 600,000 people died in the civil war. It's a little bit irrational to bring up these things when you're talking about illegal aliens and a federal law, you know, and sanctuary cities. It's a bit irrational. And I go back to the other point, I said if you're OK with violating a law that you don't like, then you better be OK with me violating a law that you like. So, can I have a sanctuary city for open carry or an abortion-free zone. What would really tick off the left?


GUTFELD: Smoking. Or how about this, just an entire city -- sanctuary city for unborn children, a permit to carry, and country music.

PERINO: Well, country music?

GUTFELD: Yes, that would drive left-wing activists.


PERINO: Actually, I will let you have your own sanctuary city for Death Metal, and then no one will come visit you.



PERINO: And it will be better for you. Are you with me, America? Let me know. Juan, OK, I had a great question for you about this.


PERINO: I mean, I really had a good one. He threw me off with country music. So I'll just let you say whatever you think you want to say.

GUTFELD: I agree with Greg, says Juan. OK, moving on. Yes.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Because it's kind of a blue thirst.


WILLIAMS: So my thought is this, that there're so much interesting, so many layers because, as you know, President Obama sued Arizona for violating some of the federal government policies with regard to immigration, and he won. He won because the court said that federal law, when it comes to immigration, is supreme and is the law of the land and states shouldn't interfere. California's response to this though is that they're not interfering. That, in fact, what they're doing under the tenth amendment, which guarantees them the right to protect public safety, is taking steps to make sure, one, for example, private employers aren't simply trying to avoid paying people by calling the feds and say, hey, get these guys out of here before I had to pay them. Or secondly, that people who are not criminals but are immigrants are not abuse when they are detained and house in facilities, sometimes for a profit facilities. There's been a history of past abuse of immigrants. And when it comes, Greg, to -- this talk about slavery, that was brought up not by Kamala Harris. That was brought up by our attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who said that the southern states believed in nullification of federal law, and that's what he said California was up to. I think that there are areas here where California is going to say we're not trying to nullify any law. We're simply trying to protect the state of California. We're trying to protect.

GUTFELD: Protect from what?

WILLIAMS: Well, public safety. Because, remember.

GUTFELD: Who is a threat to public safety?

WILLIAMS: The threat to public safety is that people feel like they can't talk to the cops. They can't talk to law enforcement because they're in fear.


WILLIAMS: That's why the police chief backs it up.

PERINO: Some police chiefs do. That's true. That's why I said some do. What do you think of this, Jason? Because when you are in congress, this whole issue -- when President Obama sued Arizona, that all took place at that time.

JASON CHAFFETZ, GUEST CO-HOST: One of the most infuriating hearings that I held was when we have the victims of the crimes from the criminal elements. The point isn't about the bigger, broader population, although if you're here illegally, you're here illegally, but it's the criminal element. And 80,000 times during the Obama administration there was somebody that was incarcerated, gotten tangled with the law, they were convicted of a crime, and then President Obama released them back out into the United States as opposed to deporting them. Democrats in California are absolutely nuts.

GUILFOYLE: Tell us about it.

CHAFFETZ: They're absolutely nuts. We're talking about taking care of ICE officers that are trying to get rid of the criminal element.


CHAFFETZ: And all the problems and things going on in California like education, and crime, and not funding their pensions, they have to go out and pass a law saying, hey, you, you private entity, you cannot cooperate with the federal law enforcement. That's crazy.

WILLIAMS: No, no. They didn't say they couldn't cooperate -- California, and they could lose on this, as Kimberly said. But they simply said that they want a 72-hour period so that employers are not in the position of saying, we don't want to pay these guys or we can get rid of these guys and get a new batch of illegal immigrants that we can pay less. That's what that's about.

CHAFFETZ: They go to great lengths to protect the criminal element as opposed to supporting those ICE officers who put their lives on the line.


WILLIAMS: I think that you will remember that President Obama was called the deporter-in-chief because he was very aggressive. And by the way, the American people.

CHAFFETZ: Not aggressive enough.

WILLIAMS: If you have committed a crime and you're an illegal immigrant, people want you out. What we're talking about is red meat for the base, I think that's what Pelosi said. That's what this is. This is Trump.

GUTFELD: You're in trouble when you're quoting Pelosi, Juan.


PERINO: Let me ask about the policy.


WILLIAMS: It aggravates Republicans who love to beat her up.

GUTFELD: She is a truth speaker.


PERINO: Kimberly, I wanted to ask about the policies of this because there is a gubernatorial and a senate election in California next year.


PERINO: And so, in some ways what you're seeing in some of the comments from somebody like the mayor of Oakland, she said how dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical open borders agenda.


PERINO: Is this issue going to pull all of those Democrats that are in the gubernatorial race, farther to the left as they try to win that primary, possibly making it hard for them to tack back to the center.

GUILFOYLE: I think it will make it difficult for them to tack back to the center for sure. But let's be honest, if you're looking and talking about the gubernatorial race, you're talking about the current lieutenant governor, Gavin Newsom, you're talking about -- I haven't heard of him.


GUILFOYLE: And Antonio Villaraigosa -- yeah, worked hard for my endorsement. So both of them are already pretty decidedly left, that there is a component down in southern California that they're going to want to try to snag and grab that base.


GUILFOYLE: But it's going to be tough because I think they are going to be pushed even further to the left. You see it's already in the rhetoric. They don't want to see the president for this, saying they don't want to observe these policies, saying that you shouldn't, in fact, be warning people when these raids are happening. So they've kind of already made their choices. They've made their bed.

PERINO: And then, what happens then for a conservative in California? Do they move?

GUILFOYLE: Stump their feet.

GUTFELD: Well, there is the Gutfeld solution, which is.


GUTFELD: . U-Haul. Selling California to Mexico for $50 trillion.

PERINO: Oh, I forgot about that.

GUTFELD: The rest of America, 49 states, gets a three-year tax holiday. That's about $10 trillion. The remaining $40 trillion goes to solve poverty, air pollution, diseases by 2030. America will consider buying California back but only if they behave.

PERINO: And who's going to be the judge of that?



GUILFOYLE: Also, Larry Kudlow is considering this, he told me he was listening too in the car on the radio.

GUTFELD: Who said this?

GUILFOYLE: Larry Kudlow, perhaps the next national economic advisor for the president.

GUTFELD: Yeah, we talk daily. I've never met him.

GUILFOYLE: He's good.


PERINO: Last word to you, Jason.

CHAFFETZ: Senator Grassley or Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the house judiciary committee, should immediately call up the mayor of Oakland, have her raise the right hand and testify and explain exactly what went down. How did she know these raids were coming? Where did she get that information? Why did she do it? Congress should.

PERINO: And then we'll have a sixth special counsel.


CHAFFETZ: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: Spoken like a true congressman.

PERINO: Are violent video games partly to blame for school shootings in America? President Trump is concerned about it. But gaming execs pushed back on the suggestion today at the White House. That's next.


GUILFOYLE: President Trump holding another meeting at the White House today in the wake of the Parkland school massacre. This time exploring whether violent video games are in any way linked to gun tragedies, something that he alluded to last week.


TRUMP: The video games, the movies, the internet stuff is so violent. It's so incredible. I see it. I get to see things that you'd be amazed at. I have a very young son. I look at some of the things he's watching. And I say, how is that possible? And this is what kids are watching.


GUILFOYLE: Well, the president met earlier with representatives of the industry and many rejected the idea that games lead to gun violence, noting that the same games are played in other countries that don't have these kinds of mass shootings. We'll go to little blueberry spice over here, who is our expert on this.

GUTFELD: Well, thank you for that. I am blueberry spice. All right. What complicates -- OK. There are some disturbing issues about this idea on both sides. If you read Dave Grossman book it's called, Assassination Generation. The reason why our troops improved their shooting skills so much from World War I to now is advancement in target practice. They move to fix targets to moving targets. And now, if you look at video games, they're similar to what you might do in simulation, learning how to shoot in modern-day warfare. So, Grossman points out that when you look at lot of these spectacles, these mass shootings, there are a lot more head shots because kids are just better at it.

But, the data won't help you. New academic study shows as video games have become more and more popular, U.S. school shootings are down and they're safer than ever. Northeastern University, it was James Alan Fox, he's a professor of criminology, four times as many children were killed in schools in the 90's than they are now. Over 55 million school kids, an average of ten students a year that have been killed over 25 years. So you can do the math. It's compared to other things, it's very small. So as video games go up, it seems that this is on the decline. The only differences what we're seeing are spectacles and we have to admit that, that the numbers out of Chicago, obviously, people are getting killed in far greater numbers, but these spectacles grab our attention. But I don't think -- I think we're all trying to look for the magic villain.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: So the left will say the NRA, and then the right will say I've talk about video games a lot, and I've talked about movies. And I do believe we have devalued the human currency in our pop culture. But I don't know if that translates by the numbers into deaths. I don't think you can make that leap, Though I understand the urgency to blame that when you see this stuff and you think all these kids do all day is try to kill each other. You know, it's got -- it has to have some kind of correlation.

WILLIAMS: But don't you think this is all about Trump trying to get away from conversations about gun control? I think that's the entirety of this whole thing. And here's the key for me. I think that you have the video industry, as Kimberly said in the introduction of this segment, saying, hey, we distribute around the globe. There is no other country where you see these mass shootings. Even as you say Greg, there's been a decrease. We have more mass shootings in any country in the world, and we don't have a specific limit in terms of who gets our violent video games.


WILLIAMS: Let me finish.

GUTFELD: Major city where there is.

WILLIAMS: Let me finish.


GUTFELD: . we're one of the safest countries in the world.

WILLIAMS: President Obama, even as a Democrat, thought there might be a link to the video games. He too was interested in this. But I think we've been through these arguments as a nation. On pornography, does pornography change the way, especially, men relate to women? How about on hard-core rap? I remember being in the midst of that argument and thinking, boy, this is terrible for our teenagers to be hearing about the N-word, misogyny, I've been in jail, I shot more people than you. We lose these arguments every time.

GUILFOYLE: Fascinating.

CHAFFETZ: I think a lot of these come down to the breakdown of the family. I don't think it's necessarily the video games or the movies that come first. But there are a small subset of kids that can't distinguish right from wrong. And if you put them 15 hours in front of a scenario where they're killing people all day and they can't establish right from wrong, then they start to act on them. Remember the killing -- the mass killing - - I think it was Aurora, Colorado, in 2012, the summer, you know, at a Batman movie. This kid -- I mean, he was so mentally unstable. But I think a lot of it comes down to the breakdown of the family.


CHAFFETZ: But it's unfair to say that Donald Trump is avoiding a discussion. Donald Trump is going to get a lot of credit for having an open dialogue in the White House about a variety of subjects that are very difficult, and doing it in the light of day with all of the cameras going.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. But one minute you think, oh, he's going to do something about guns. Then the NRA comes back says, oh, no, he's not doing it. He's no chain. I mean, all it is is a dog and pony show.

GUILFOYLE: All right. We have some breaking news real quick that I want to get to our viewers. The president of the United States has just made an announcement that South Korea is going to make a major announcement this evening at 7:00 PM Eastern. We'll bring it to you here at the Fox News Channel. Probably on Martha MacCallum's show.

GUTFELD: I can tell you what it is now. I'm actually leaving The Five to go become the president of South Korea.


GUTFELD: So there you go. So don't worry about 7:00.

GUILFOYLE: Way to blow it for us, Greg. Let's go to our real individual - - congressman, what do you make of this in terms of what the major announcement might be regarding South Korea?

CHAFFETZ: I don't know. I wish I knew. I look over at Greg and all I can see is the Willy Wonka when the kid eats all those blueberries and then starts floating up to the top saw.

GUTFELD: That is then my dream.


CHAFFETZ: I'm a little distracted.

PERINO: Well, trying to think of the time difference with South Korea.

GUTFELD: Fourteen hours?

PERINO: So if it's 7:00 PM here, that must mean it's 5:00 AM there or something?

GUTFELD: Right, 14 hours.

PERINO: You're going to make an announcement, then it's probably what they would consider to be good news. I really doubt it's going to be that Kim Jong-un has agreed to denuclearizing, then there's going to be sunshine and light and unicorns hopping around the Korean peninsula. But it's significant enough for the president to make an announcement that he wants us all to watch.


PERINO: . South Korea is going to say at 7:00, I guess we better tune in.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, it's been characterized as a major announcement, so obviously it's going to be something of significance. And they're letting us know ahead of time, about an hour and half prior to the announcement, so we'll keep an eye on that.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think South Korea has taken the lead on this. They're the ones setting up this whole thing. And I think what you're likely to hear is that South Korea says the United States would be a full party to these negotiations.

GUTFELD: I think this is -- again, when you look at the news of the week with North Korea talking -- mentioning denuclearization, even if you don't like Trump, you've got to hand it to him on this. This strategy has been working. To be the unstable -- I know you're moaning, but to be unpredictable.


WILLIAMS: It's not about Trump. Everything is about Trump with you.

GUTFELD: What I'm trying to say is this is the first time we have been the unpredictable member of the party, the person that you have to worry about, and this is the result you're getting. I think it's hopeful.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I mean, obviously, I think it's going to be a positive announcement. The president is already telegraphing it, going to be a major announcement. Has to be something that's significant regarding what's going on with North Korea, South Korea, and hopefully there's going to be some stewardship. Dana?

PERINO: Well, I was just thinking, who I'm going to get to be on The Daily Briefing tomorrow to talk about North Korea.


PERINO: So producers, if you're watching, can you get me some Dennis Wilder on the phone please.



PERINO: Dennis Wilder, I'll take either one of them.

GUILFOYLE: This one is always closing. She's already booking a show for tomorrow. All right, ahead, a story that hasn't gotten much coverage because nothing happened. Thanks to law enforcement who did something after concerned American said something right back.


GUTFELD: The mass murder in Broward County was a huge story. But what about another chilling event where nothing nearly as bad happened but could have? Saint George, Utah, homemade explosive was found in a backpack. On Monday, a student saw the backpack in a common area at Pine View High, which looked to be smoking. The police have the student who notified faculty and the school officer prevented an explosion that would have caused mass casualties. Police got to the suspect's home, found the bomb making materials as well as info suggesting he'd been researching ISIS. Last month, the suspect may have also replaced the American flag at a different high school with an ISIS one and painted part of an ISIS-inspired threat on one wall.

So why don't you hear about this story? Well, it's obvious. First, the bomb didn't go off. That's how news works. We never report when the plane lands safely. And of course, the weapon was not a gun but a bomb.

Anyway, we should be grateful that no one got hurt, but don't be relieved because the only reason why no one got hurt is that they got lucky. That backpack smoked and a kid saw it. I return to the solution: hardening soft targets. Surveillance cameras should have caught the kid painting the wall or replacing the flag. Metal detectors could do a lot to reduce all threats. But right now all we have to rely on our eyeballs and chance. We can do better.

So Dana, this story was on the front page of USA Today.


GUTFELD: Seven hundred and fifty six copycat threats since the Parkland mass murder. And there's been -- I mean, I've always say this is why -- I think it's good that we play down the reporting of this because the attention builds copycats.

PERINO: And it's not just for shootings, this happens also with other types of crimes as we know.


PERINO: In this one, the case like the raising of the ISIS flag, when you talk about a red flag.


PERINO: Like, OK, there's a problem here.

GUTFELD: It's a black flag.

PERINO: We need to find him.


PERINO: I'm going to offer another solution --


PERINO: -- in terms of hardening the targets. You're going to think I'm a little ridiculous but hear me out.


PERINO: And I think that if you -- you could arm teachers if you want. Localities if that's what you decide to do. You could have police officers there.

I also think dogs make a big difference. They can -- bomb-sniffing dogs, ammunition-sniffing dogs.

GUTFELD: It's always dogs with you.

PERINO: They also have -- they're a great deterrent.


PERINO: They really are for your home security or for schools. And it's actually a pretty affordable one. You can't just have them there by themselves. They have to have a handler, of course.


PERINO: That means that you actually have --

GUTFELD: I see a second business for you. After -- after you -- I see a second business.


PERINO: If you think about all these dogs that are coming back from wartime.


PERINO: OK? They've got a couple more years in them.

GUTFELD: That's true. That's true.

PERINO: We could use them.

GUTFELD: You know the area, too.

JASON CHAFFETZ, CO-HOST: Yes. Look, this is southwestern Utah. And you worry because law enforcement has got to take this very seriously. But I think you're both right.

The Pentagon sent more than $20 billion to try to figure out how to find improvised explosive devices and weapons. And after this, their No. 1 conclusion, the best way to find this: dogs.


CHAFFETZ: It's not some technology. It's not some -- it's dogs is the single best way to do it.

But we do have -- we do have to harden some of these soft targets.

And law enforcement has got to have the people's back when they actually want to go prosecute these people. Even though the kid may be 17 years old, we've got to believe them --


CHAFFETZ: -- and prosecute.

GUTFELD: And there's got to be a way to tag them civilly. If they're law- abiding -- if this kid is deranged but he hasn't broken the law, we need a database. So you know, when you see -- I don't know how this guy, Juan, was able to replace a flag on a school and not get caught. I mean --

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think most people would think the problem is the guy is crazy.


WILLIAMS: Right? So they would think -- I mean, I think they would react less to which flag, and they think "What flag is that anyway? What is the kid doing?" But nobody apparently asked the question.

PERINO: It would be very different if it was a "Don't Tread on Me" flag, versus an ISIS flag.

WILLIAMS: No, I think the whole idea, to respond to what Greg is saying, is that if the kid changed the flag -- and I think if people -- if you're specifically saying is this an Islamic terror connection? And oftentimes with shootings, that's the first time we looked at. I think the recent reports when it came to the Parkland -- oh, he's got some -- and of course, it's not true. It's just that he's deranged. And I think that's the bigger area for me.

I don't mind having some precautions in place, but I think we have to discuss kids who are mentally ill, coming back to your family breakdown stuff, no father, no direction. And second, I think we've got to talk about guns and that these people shouldn't have access to guns.

GUTFELD: Yes. That gun -- that was a bomb. But anyway, Kimberly, finish.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: It goes to show you where somebody has this kind of intention, they're going to do whatever it takes to get some kind of weapon to effectuate the outcome that they are desiring, whether it's somebody making, like the Tsarnaev brothers with the pressure cookers, or someone downloading some of these videos that are available to people to see. Which, you know, is very troubling, in and of itself. They're going to find a way to do it.

But I am a very big proponent of having dogs and utilizing them. I've seen them be very effective with law enforcement. When I worked as a prosecutor and also in schools that I have taught in as an educator, as well. So, you know, I think it's a fantastic idea, and I also am familiar with some organizations that do this. And why not? Why wouldn't we? You know, we use them in the military. We use them in the armed forces, because they are effective.

PERINO: At the train stations, bus stations.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. So why not protect our schools?

GUTFELD: All right. I just worry that so far we're relying so much on luck and chance.


GUTFELD: All right. More to come in just a moment.


WILLIAMS: President Trump moving ahead with sweeping new tariffs on steel and aluminum today, moves sharply at odds with many in his own party.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The strong steel and aluminum industry are vital to our national security. Absolutely vital. Steel is steel. You don't have steel, you don't have a country.

The American steel and aluminum industry has been ravaged by aggressive foreign trade practices. It's really an assault on our country. It's been an assault. The actions we're taking today are not a matter of choice. They're a matter of necessity for our security.


WILLIAMS: The proclamations exclude Canada and Mexico, possibly other nations, as well, down the road. Now some Republicans like Ben Sasse argue the tariffs will kill American jobs and hurt our economy. Do you agree, congressman?

CHAFFETZ: Look, I think we need to give the president a lot of latitude on this one. The status quo is not necessarily working for us. The president campaigned for it. He said exactly what he's going to do. The president is always negotiating, always putting other people back on their heels. And I think he should be given some latitude to see how this works out and let him do what he said he was going to do.

WILLIAMS: Before you stop, what about the divide within the party?

CHAFFETZ: I think it's healthy to have a debate. I mean, this came up pretty quickly, although he'd been campaigning for it for a year. There is a vibrant debate.

Where I really think there's going to be a tough thing is for the Democrats. Because what do they have to campaign for? They've got Donald Trump, who's pulling up every blue-collar Democrat, and they're going for Donald Trump.

WILLIAMS: OK. Kimberly, the Koch Brothers even are saying they don't agree with this, because they say free trade is essential to American prosperity. This will cost us jobs. They point back --


WILLIAMS: -- to Bush tariffs, Obama tariffs that didn't work. And of course, Smoot-Hawley at the start of the Great Depression.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and there's 100 congressional leaders that have also requested that the president trim the tariffs back and what he's going to do. I think we've got to follow what he's -- he's met with his economic advisors. Let's give him a chance and see how this works out. Hopefully, it will stimulate our economy.


PERINO: Well, the president has had a steely resolve on this.


PERINO: It's one of the things that a lot of conservatives on the protectionist front -- on the protectionist issue. I just can't get my head around it.

Grover Norquist tweeted, like, four times right in a row "A tariff is a tax. A tariff is a tax. A tariff" -- and it's just because economic theory always gets you back to the same point, which is that -- I want American businesses to be able to compete, and I want American workers to be able to have great jobs, and I want American consumers to be able to afford good products that they want to buy.

And I think that if we want to compete fairly, that we win 85 percent of the cases that we take to the World Trade Organization and that there's just a better way to go about this.

WILLIAMS: And Greg, do you worry about a full global trade war at this point?

GUTFELD: Not really. I mean, he's exempting Canada and Mexico. So -- so that makes Trump half a globalist. Or a bi-globalist. Or a continentalist. Or North American nationalist? I'm not sure.

But it's good news, because it seems that he's flexible.

The bigger story is when you look at Mike Pence, OK? What happens when you're an ideologue who's trafficked in the team sport of left versus right and now you're walking away from those beliefs, because some of those beliefs were pure free trade? And it creates a new war of opposition.

So now we have new labels. We have "You're a globalist, and I'm a nationalist." And so instead of calling you a RINO, I'm going to call you a globalist, which is every bit as silly as every other team sport ideology. And I think that it's much more complicated than that.

But I'm glad to see that he's exempting Canada and Mexico. That means, you know, he's not -- he's our kind of globalist.


PERINO: -- now.

WILLIAMS: All right. So there's some breaking news out of the White House, as we told you earlier on the Koreas. Chief White House correspondent John Roberts joins us now with details -- John.


We have a first here at the White House. After 413 days, President Trump stuck his nose and his toes, that's about all, into the briefing room. He opened the door between the lower press office and the briefing to say that there was going to be a major announcement from South Korea at about 7 p.m. tonight. The topic will be North Korea.

The South Korean national security advisor has been at the White House all day with his staff, meeting with H.R. McMaster, our national security advisor, to talk about what looks like a bit of a breakthrough here, with Kim Jong-un agreeing that he will come to Panmunjom border crossing between North and South Korea and go to what's called the Peace House, which is actually on the South Korean side of the border, for the very first talks that he has ever had with Moon Jae-in, who is the South Korean president.

In fact, it will mark the first time since the Korean War that a North Korean leader has actually been on South Korean soil.

All of this, the White House hopes, would be leading toward direct talks between the United States and North Korea about getting rid of its nuclear weapons program.

The president has said that he would only talk to North Korea if it was about denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, and it looks like we may be getting closer to that point.

We don't know what the substance of the announcement will be here, but it will be on North Korea and it will be coming from South Korea, Juan, in the Brady Briefing Room at about 7 p.m. So keep watching for that.

WILLIAMS: Thank you so much, John.

Did you have any thoughts on this, Congressman?

CHAFFETZ: Well, I believe Kim Jong-un -- I don't believe has ever met with another world leader.

PERINO: Right.

CHAFFETZ: So if that's happening with the new President Moon -- I've actually been in that Peace House. It will be a very significant moment. And I do think you have to give some credence to what Donald Trump has been doing. The rhetoric, combined with the military might, it's been having an effect. And I hope this is as positive as it sounds.

PERINO: The other thing is, I think it's really significant. I didn't realize that the South Korean national security advisor was -- I think I had read about that this morning. But when we talked about it when the news first broke that there was going to be this statement, I thought it was coming from South Korea. But it's actually, at the end of today

And one of the things the North Koreans had tried to do was to drive a wedge between the United States and South Korea. And it appears that the United States and South Korea have remained strong enough in their alliance and then forcing Kim Jong-un to come to them. It's a pretty good development.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I think this is -- it's very auspicious. I'm looking forward to the announcement in detail. I think this is a tremendous forward progression development here that really will help in terms of an international, you know, peace. And this is something that everybody should be happy about, and I think in full measure, you know, credence to President Trump.

WILLIAMS: And now John Bolton.

GUTFELD: Gangnam style.

PERINO: It will be fun.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: Technology certainly makes our lives more convenient. But are these gadgets like Alexa getting a little creepy? Next.


CHAFFETZ: Alexa, please stop laughing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alexa, play the last sound.



CHAFFETZ: It's kind of creepy. If you're one of the users who have been hearing haunting cackles like that from your device, fear not. Amazon says it's performing an exorcism. The company says it's working to fix the unprompted laughs coming out of some of its virtual assistants.

Meanwhile, Movie Pass just fixed a feature from its app that let the company track customers after widespread backlash.

Is technology generally becoming too creepy? I happen to think the answer is yes. But Kimberly, what do you think?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think it is kind of creepy. That's why I always tell my little -- leave Alexa in his room. I don't know. But he loves her. He travels with her and everything.

But you do have to be careful, because you notice all the tracking devices, all those apps that you download, they all say allow them to access them, or allow them to track you. Why do they need to be tracking you? Because they are just sucking all the information for marketing purposes about your life. It is very Big Brother-ish. And if you're kind of creepy like Greg, you should be concerned.

GUTFELD: Greg's the little brother.

CHAFFETZ: Greg, is it creeping you out?

GUTFELD: Well, OK, let's explain the creepy laugh. No. 1, Amazon could actually have mined the consciousness of their workers, downloaded them into each device, and those laughs are actually cries for help. There are people trapped inside those devices. You've got to get them out.

But here's the irony, OK? Google, like people have no problem --

GUILFOYLE: Them, as well.

GUTFELD: People have no problem with companies like Google taking your information and making billions of dollars off your information.

However, Google employees are upset that Google is working with the military to help make their drones more effective. So they want your info, but they don't want to help out those who keep us free enough so they can steal your info. That bothers me.

PERINO: Well, I mean, not only that, but the FBI is desperate to try to get the tech companies to help them --


PERINO: -- so that they can, in real time, help protect people. And that is going to come to a head pretty soon.

That said, I actually kind of like the convenience of it sometimes. Although I was creeped out today. This happened this morning. I walked by a shoe shop in Columbus Circle. And I was like, "Oh, those are cute." So I went online, as one does, and I checked the price. I was like, "God, those are so extensive." So I put it away.

By the time I got off the subway, I got an email from them saying, "We noticed you were checking us out." Don't do that to me.

GUILFOYLE: No, that's what they do.

GUTFELD: Dobbs does that to me all the time.

GUILFOYLE: You wish.

CHAFFETZ: Juan, you've got kids, grandkids. Do you worry about them carrying these smart phones and all these devices that will track your -- your loved ones?

WILLIAMS: Well, it's troublesome to me in that they get so much information about people's habits and -- it's not that I think there's going to be a threat to them, although I guess it's possible. I haven't seen that realized yet.

What bothers me is the sense of lack of privacy. I think that there should be an assumption -- and I think the courts would side with me on this -- that you have a right to the expectation of some privacy.

So for example, on the Moviefone deal, Greg and I were talking about it. It's a great deal. You get to watch a movie a day, set prices much cheaper. But then they track you even when you leave the movie theater.

You know, or like Dana, when I walk around around there's some -- I think it's Foursquare will tell me, "Hey, you're in midtown Manhattan. Do you want to eat here?" And I think, "Get away for me."

GUTFELD: That's me.

GUILFOYLE: Because Juan, you have to turn it off on your phone.

PERINO: We'll turn it off for you. We'll show you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you, love.

GUTFELD: I kind of like being bothered.

PERINO: It's your friend?

GUILFOYLE: Because he's crying out for attention. So I mean, if he gets it from an app, he'll take it.

GUTFELD: I don't like making decisions. Make them for me. That's what I say.

GUILFOYLE: But you make the same decisions in a repetitive fashion.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Because of your OCD nature.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: You want the salt and pepper, pork chop. Same thing. Your little structure.

GUTFELD: Don't knock the salt and pepper pork chops. They're amazing.


GUILFOYLE: -- with the beef jerky.

CHAFFETZ: All right. "One More Thing" is coming up next. Stay with us.


PERINO: Time now for "One More Thing." With happy birthday eve, Kimberly Guilfoyle.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much, my little blueberry twin. Cute. Little smurfer over there, Greg.

All right. Today, Greg and I have a joint "One More Thing," and we would like to celebrate International Women's Day. And Greg and I have been talking about this for a long time. We think it's very important.

March is Women's History Month here in the United States of America, and people around the world are celebrating this together.

GUTFELD: Ack! Started by communists!

GUILFOYLE: Here are pictures in the four square boxes. And the day is aimed at inspiring women everywhere --

GUTFELD: Started by communists!

GUILFOYLE: -- and celebrating their achievements. You're going to get lit up from the Internet. I can't wait.

It's actually an official holiday, Greg, in 15 countries, including China, Vietnam, and the Ukraine --

GUTFELD: What do they have in common?

GUILFOYLE: Government offices, schools and stores are closed.

Oh, boy, you're going to get an avalanche. I can't wait.

And even McDonald's, a big franchise here --

GUTFELD: What's McDonald's favorite color? Red.

GUILFOYLE: OK, but then yellow. They will turn the archers upside down for "W's" in a number of their locations to be able to support women. So I think this is fantastic, and you should be very much celebrating this, Greg.

GUTFELD: Oh, I'll celebrate it.

PERINO: OK. Greg's going to love this one, too. Take a look at this Corgi. This is Pax of Houston, Texas. Now he got groomed, and his owner put this photo up. And can you believe Americans responders said -- like, started fat shaming this dog and it all became this whole thing about how much does this dog weigh? And then they just kept going back and forth, and back and forth.

America, stop it. Do not fat shame dogs.

GUTFELD: It's not like he knows.

PERINO: I know. Well, the owner was upset.

GUTFELD: Well, you know, don't feed the dog so much, owner.

PERINO: The dog's not fat. The dog is right in range. His BMI is fantastic. Of course, Greg --

GUTFELD: I don't know. I don't know.

PERINO: You're next.

GUILFOYLE: Struggling.

GUTFELD: To my own.


GRAPHIC: Greg's Penguin Selfie News


GUTFELD: "Greg's Penguin Selfie News." All right. This is really interesting.

Two emperor penguins -- they do exist -- in the Antarctica, they captured a short video of themselves -- take a picture of this.




GUTFELD: This is amazing. They found a camera left on the ice by humans. This reminds me of that time I woke up nude at the Central Park Zoo. And it was just -- they --

GUILFOYLE: And Dobbs had to come pick you up?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes. He was so mad.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he was so mad.

GUTFELD: But I got to write in his Jaguar, so it was cool.

Anyway, they're actually re-adapting the scene from "Goodfellas," the trunk scene, you know? When they put the guy in the trunk, just seeing if he's still alive.

I don't know. Anyway, kind of adorable.

PERINO: I like them, too. Pretty cute. Pretty cute.


GUTFELD: The best "One More Thing" you're going to see.


GUTFELD: On International Women's Day.

WILLIAMS: Who killed JFK? What happened at Area 51? And where is Amelia Earhart's remains? Where can they be found?

Well, one of these mysteries now solved. A new scientific study of bones concludes that Earhart died on a coral island in the Pacific. She was attempting to fly around the world, 1937, when her plane disappeared.

The latest theory is based on a review of bones. The professor who did the study says there's now more than a 99 percent similarity to her bones, more than anyone else, 99 percent of the rest of the population.

PERINO: Wow. That's pretty interesting. That is a mystery we didn't think would be solved.

GUILFOYLE: Fascinating, isn't it? Science and technology.

WILLIAMS: And on Women's Day.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Also, if you're thinking to get someone --

GUTFELD: A woman spends --

GUILFOYLE: Excuse me, Greg.

GUTFELD: -- two years in prison for not wearing a hijab, we should talk about that.

PERINO: Was the island a communist? OK.

GUILFOYLE: We can talk about that, too.

PERINO: Jason Chaffetz.

CHAFFETZ: Big, big news in the Chaffetz family, because my wife Julie and I actually became grandparents.

GUILFOYLE: I saw the picture. So cute.

CHAFFETZ: even our grandkids come prebaked with heads of hair. and she's a beautiful girl. Our daughter and son-in-law, it's just a true miracle.

I feel like I'm 33 years old, but I'm a little bit older than that. I have a grandchild at this point. Screaming her -- screaming her lungs out.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations. God bless.

CHAFFETZ: I'm very proud of my daughter and son-in-law.

PERINO: And may there be many, many more in your future.

CHAFFETZ: I hope so.

PERINO: All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five," because it's pretty fabulous. "Special Report" is next.

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