
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 6, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld, whose phone is impossible to turn off. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

It's a significant development, a major breakthrough if true. Kim Jong-un is signaling he is willing to denuclearize North Korea if the U.S. agrees to talk. The surprising news came out of a meeting between the dictator and a South Korean delegation. President Trump reacted today with cautious optimism.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We have come certainly a long way at least rhetorically with North Korea. It would be a great thing for the world. It would be a great thing for North Korea. It would be a great thing for the peninsula. But we'll see what happens. We have made progress, there's no question about it.


PERINO: The president also crediting sanctions as a motivation for North Korea to come to the table.


TRUMP: I think that they are sincere, but I think they're sincere also because the sanctions and what we're doing with respect to North Korea, including, you know, the great help that we've been given from China, they can do more. I really believe they are sincere. I hope they're sincere. We're going to soon find out.


PERINO: So the president taking a cautious approach, a little-bit skeptical but optimistic. Not everybody feels the same way. John Bolton, former U.N. ambassador, had this to say.


AMB. JOHN BOLTON, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: Look, the only thing North Korea is serious about is getting deliverable nuclear weapons. And by all accounts, they are very close to achieving an objective they've been after for 25 years. So why do they want to talk now? I will bet you a dollar just as we're sitting here today you're going to hear almost immediately the United States has to contribute to the atmosphere. We've got to show good faith. Let's prime the pump. All of which is code talk for make concessions. And if that comes, then I think you can count on this. North Korea will get deliverable nuclear weapons before the end of this year.


PERINO: So John Bolton, basically, has some pretty frank talk there, Greg, on North Korea. He's skeptical.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yeah. And I think it's good to be skeptical. It's good to be skeptical. But even if what North Korea said is baloney, it's actually new baloney. And skepticism should always be where you're from. But what would you rather hear than this? I mean, what would you -- Like, you're actually hearing something positive. Sure, you'd like him to say we're going to end labor camps and we're going to go to our free market system. But in the spectrum of positive shifts, this is actually pretty good and it is new. I mean, they're talking about getting together, South Korea, for the first time in ten years. I don't think they've ever talked about denuclearization as part of this plan. If this happened under Obama, the Nobel peace prize would've been shipped, Amazon Prime, next day, one-touch delivery. I thought Trump's response was pretty reserved.


GUTFELD: And said, you know, look, it could happen, could not happen, but, you know, I will take them at their word for now and see what happens. But we all know Bolton, down the line, he's very consistent on this stuff. That's why he won't shave that mustache.


PERINO: And the president, I think, rightly saying, Jesse, that one of the ways -- reasons you have this new development, no matter how it turns out, is because the sanctions are starting to have an effect.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Right. Rocket man is crazy. And he's very slick. So this could just be a ploy for cash infusion. But at the same time, it's a positive development, as Greg said. Where are the Democrats? Because the Democrats have been saying that all this tough talk would lead to war, and all we need to do is sit down at the table and have negotiations and diplomacy. Well, Trump has now gotten us to the point of potential diplomacy and talks. I don't hear anything from the Democrats. The Democrats will never give anybody credit, especially Donald Trump, when something happens positive for the American people. I think both parties are responsible for this. You know, Pelosi, they called the tax cuts crumbs. Harry Reed wouldn't even admit that the surge worked. There were Republicans who wouldn't give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden. I get that. But the media said that this would lead to war, the fire and fury and all these war games. So the media should be completely discredited because it led to the opposite. And it's because they don't report cause and effect. President Trump says some things and all of a sudden border crossings are down, or NATO countries are ponying up money, ISIS is decimated. These are the results of Trump rhetoric, action and policy. But the media won't tell you the whole story. They're only reporting things in isolation because they're just dishonest.

PERINO: I haven't heard the Democrats say anything.

GUTFELD: Give them time.

PERINO: Meaning that they haven't said anything positive or negative. It seem like it's been pretty quiet, although it's just did happened today. I don't what their hot takes are

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: You know I listen to Jesse so closely. H8ere is what I have to say to you audience.

WATTERS: Doesn't seem like it.

WILLIAMS: If it snows in Boston or New York City in the next two days, Donald Trump is right about global warming. That will be the proof. So Jesse, let me just say, when he is talking about my button is bigger than your button.


WILLIAMS: . and you will get devastated, we will wipe you off here. When you are talking that way to someone, we agree is a bit of a nutcase, right, Kim Jong-un, Americans have a right to worry. Why is our president engaging at that level with someone who is impetuous and also dangerous?

WATTERS: So where did that bring us to now, Juan.

WILLIAMS: It has brought us nowhere.

WATTERS: historic negotiations working for the first time.

WILLIAMS: Can I finish?


WILLIAMS: This has nothing to do with Donald Trump's rhetoric. The better case to be made is it has something to do with sanctions. The effect we've had in trying to get china and others, including Russia, reluctantly, to somehow give them credit.


WILLIAMS: But that's not him. This is a result -- the administration has said as much. They didn't like the idea of the two Koreas marching together at the Olympics. They didn't like the idea of President Moon of South Korea engaging in talks independently, potentially undercutting U.S. efforts to put pressure on North Korea. And now, you get a result of the South Korean.

WATTERS: I think Obama deserves credit.

WILLIAMS: I'm just saying don't sit here and say.


PERINO: Let me get Kimberly in because it's not without possible concerns, right? There are several things happening. For example, we don't have an ambassador in South Korea. We don't have.

WILLIAMS: An assistant secretary for Asian affairs.

PERINO: Thank you, that's true.

GUTFELD: oh, my God, what will we do? I was just thinking. We don't have one of those.

PERINO: My point is that you had an opportunity for diplomacy here. And so, the Trump administration would want to have reinforcements there, especially, if one of the goals of North Korea is to split off South Korea from its strong alliance with the United States. That's what I was trying to say.



PERINO: Thank you, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: So I think this is something very positive. You know, really, the Democrats, Republicans, independents, undecideds, whatever you are, unregistered, I don't know. You would be happy about this, because why wouldn't you want to have an attempt, at least, at thoughtful, you know, consistent negotiations to try to work on eliminating, reducing the threat of nuclear war. If they're willing to come to the table and they are sincere and earnest and we will give it a very discerning eye indeed, as Ambassador Bolton had said. Why not sit at the table with him. Make that effort. Make that attempt. If the president didn't put out a tweet like this, you would see the liberals, the Dems, going.


GUILFOYLE: . screaming crazy town. To say, yeah, give peace a chance. You're just trigger happy. You want to put your finger on the button. It's crazy. If he said little rocket man says he wants to negotiate, doubt it.


PERINO: I like how they do this -- ever since -- on North Korea, since the beginning of the administration. There's kind of a good cop-bad cop thing. Let me read to you, Greg, what Rex Tillerson said today.

GUTFELD: I love Rex.

PERINO: . which is that North Korea threatens the entire global community with its unlawful nuclear ballistic missiles, blah, blah, blah. It must be a global effort. Basically, he is trying -- he's the heavy.

GUTFELD: Yes. The thing is -- and it was part of the whole idea of what Trump was talking about with ISIS and stuff. Unpredictability. It's kind of nice when America is the, quote, crazy person on the block. We have been the person that the crazy person says death to America. Now we're the unpredictable person, and the unpredictability actually resets the table with North Korea. And it has reset the table and other areas as well if you look at certain things. Even with immigration. Like, we don't know what's coming and things change because of that. But I disagree. I don't think that Kim Jong-un is crazy. I think he's a rational actor and this is what he's doing to make sure that he survives, because I think he's figuring out that this is going into a different phase. And when he says something like we will denuclearize, if we feel that you guys aren't going to -- that's actually a rational statement. Like Bolton says though, he could be lying. The thing is, to Jesse's point, which is true, and to Kimberly, you don't have to like Donald Trump to admit now and then that progress is made. None of your friends are going to think less of you because you can't admit that he actually did something pretty good. The problem is he's done five pretty good things this year.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, like what?


GUTFELD: Do you want to start with ISIS? Do you want to start with the tax cuts. Do you want to talk with North Korea? Oh, now you don't want to hear The Five.

WILLIAMS: No, I'll give it to you, but I'm just saying to you what John Bolton said has real significance.

GUTFELD: I agree.

WILLIAMS: For 25 years of the North Koreans making what looks like, oh, let's have some talks, we'll cool our reactors, and then they do nothing.

WATTERS: A month ago, Juan wouldn't talk about everything else.


WILLIAMS: Listen, did I say don't talk?

WATTERS: The president doesn't trust them also. He said we're ready to go hard either way if they try to play, you know, slippery with us. But here's the deal, they do push. They duped Carter. I think Trump is going in there with wide and clear eyes. And if they try to wiggle out of this, or this is just a handout attempt, then he's going to get out of there. That's rational. Wouldn't you agree?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. To me, the important thing is here, to protect American interests in that region, and I think that's going to be very difficult.

GUILFOYLE: So what do you suggest?

WILLIAMS: But I don't think that he, and which is what you argued, caused this meeting.

WATTERS: OK. Maybe Rex Tillerson (INAUDIBLE).


GUILFOYLE: Who's part of the Trump administration.

WATTERS: There you go.

WILLIAMS: No, he was joking. He's joking. It's not Rex, it's the South Korean president.

WATTERS: Oh, yes, Moon.

PERINO: We have beaten this horse to death. But we'll have more.


PERINO: If you've never heard of Sam Nunberg before, I bet you know his name now, the wild media circus over the ex-Trump aide. Next.


GUTFELD: Last night, a low-level former Trump aide was all over the networks. Acting erratic, angry, armed with little real information. Still, the media ate it up:


SAM NUNBERG, FORMER TRUMP AIDE: I'm not going to cooperate. Why do I have to spend 80 hours going over my emails?

I think it would be funny if they arrested me.

By the way, I think my lawyer is going to dump me.

What do you think Mueller is going to do to me?

KATY TUR, NBC NEWS: You know, I'm not a lawyer. I don't know.

NUNBERG: Trump may have very well done something during the election with the Russians. And if we find it out, if he did that, I don't know.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN: Talking to you, I have smelled alcohol on your breath.

NUNBERG: Well, I have not had a drink.

BURNETT: You haven't had a drink. So that's not true?


BURNETT: Anything else?



NUNBERG: No. Besides my meds.


NUNBERG: Antidepressants. Is that OK?


PERINO: That is not good.

GUTFELD: MSNBC called this whole thing historic, but for everyone else it felt kind of sad and odd. It reminds me of the footage we ran when someone freaks on an airplane flight. We air because it's so much fun to watch. Or when someone loses their temper in a store and shouting at a clerk, we air that tape because it's so much fun to watch. Just like high school, when a fight breaks out, we all crowd around to watch because it's so much fun.

Thanks to the plethora of cameras, the person among 300 million having a really bad day becomes a delightful segment. And it's obvious here. When it comes to news, we've lost perspective. In overdrive, to fill the daily recommended allowance of anti-Trumpism, everything becomes a banner headline including some poor guy acting manic of air either caused by drugs side effect, booze, or Roger Stone advice. Hard to tell the difference at times.

One newscaster accuses Nunberg of drinking just there. Well, if you smelled the booze on him, why did you have him on? Where the optics just too good or was it because he knew the guy was going to dump all over Trump?

The bottom line: we all love a good meltdown, real or contrived, until it's us doing the melting down. Then we hope to God there isn't a camera nearby because if there is, all compassion goes out the window.

Dana, it's hard to tell -- is this a publicity stunt or was he really messed up? Was this a Roger Stone production?

PERINO: Well, I know that he's always been a big admirer of Roger Stone, something like a prank and something outrageous. I don't know. I've never met Sam. I think that once you see somebody do an interview with one reporter and then basically dialing around to find out who else will have me tonight.


PERINO: At CNN, Jake Tapper already done a long phone interview with him. The news has been made. And I really just think it's inappropriate to ask somebody about there -- you know, if they think -- even if you do think they're drunk.


PERINO: The better thing to do, I hope I were in that situation, I would say were going to commercial break. We'll be right back. And then get him off the set because it's just unnecessary. He had already been on air for five hours. I do wonder if we were given the opportunity to talk to John Doe of the state department during the Obama administration, who had a lot of information about Benghazi.


PERINO: I can imagine that it's tempting. And I can't say what would have happened. That they'll say is hypothetical. This guy is going to have to end up talking to the grand jury. He's already met with Mueller, informally.


PERINO: And so, he's just going to have to go and do it. And I don't know if this was also, partly, to sort of make them look like he's maybe out of his mind.


PERINO: And so, maybe you can't have that testimony as admissible if he's not on right mind.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's a good point. Thank God nobody asked me if I was drinking on the show.


GUTFELD: Oh, my goodness. Kimberly.

PERINO: We're going to go to commercial break.


(CROSSTALK) GUTFELD: What do you make of this whole.

GUILFOYLE: A lot. So I just think it's sort of rich that CNN, that she's going after him, because how many times, Jesse? It's your favorite subject about how everybody -- New Year's Eve, it's like drinking.


GUILFOYLE: No, it's hilarious. It's like, are you? I'm like, OK. Well, you guys ought to know.


GUILFOYLE: I'm telling you I'm full of them, full of great points. So that I thought was ironic. Correct. And also, I think that the fact that she would do that -- I think it's unseemly. Why would you do that? You know, it seems almost like politics, of personal destruction. You had the guy on there. He's agreed to come on your show. Like, who are you trying to send judgement -- or examine him.

GUTFELD: Like intervention.

GUILFOYLE: . recognition expert. Or you're like pulling him over on the side of the road and doing a DUI. What is that? To try to shame or humiliate. If you have genuine serious questions to ask, tell him the question, let him answer them, and then ask a follow-up question. That's journalism.

GUTFELD: Jesse, they wanted him on because they assume he would slam Trump. It didn't really matter, right? I mean, that was the.

WATTERS: Yeah, I mean, listen, Trump hires the best people.


WATTERS: And we also know -- remember what the full Ginsberg is, you go on five shows. This is the full Nunberg. You go on five shows drunk. And listen, I don't blame CNN, actually, or MSNBC because this guy just gotten subpoenaed and it's kind of a big story. And I'd get drunk if I got subpoenaed by Mueller too. I get that.


WATTERS: They're slamming it a little bit. It's sleazy. Cable news is sleazy sometimes. If it bleeds, it leads. This guy was a wounded animal, put them on. There's 24 hours to fill. What I don't like is the network news what they did. They went down into the gutter and took this guy when he said in the afternoon, and by 6:30 he was completely discredited. And they took it on and they made that the lead. Even though the guy contradicted himself and discredited himself so egregiously. He said Trump colluded, then he didn't collude. Said Carter Page colluded. Then he never met Carter Page. The guy was all over the map. He said he invented the wall and the travel ban was his idea. I mean, come on. The guy was clearly intoxicated. And the networks ran with it like it was serious stuff. That's what I don't like.

GUTFELD: I think with Charles Gasparino. You guys see this -- he said that he talk to him, right? Said he might have been drinking. Not Charles.


GUTFELD: Sam. Juan, you're not drinking right now, are you, Juan?


(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: I'm a little puzzled by this whole conversation until Jesse said what I think is obvious, the man was subpoenaed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, says he's not going to go before the grand jury. That's news. That's not fake news. That's reality. If I'm a journalist I want to talk to this guy and he wants to talk. The business about drinking, by the way, let me tell you, a lot of that was coming from the Trump White House seeking to undercut what he was saying. And so you have Aaron Burnette, I think, almost saying, well, you know, this is being said about you by important people in Washington, in the White House, how do you respond? It does look like, as you guys describe it, an injured animal because he was saying a lot of wacky stuff. The stuff that's unattractive, I think. But nonetheless, there is no question this was news and a very important bit of news because he was offering information from the subpoena, so we could gauge what it is that Robert Mueller is looking at and, you know, where's this investigation going? (INAUDIBLE) To me, this is just incredibly important. I loved it though when -- I think it was Stephen Colbert said something to the effect that what Nunberg was saying to Mueller about lock me up, you think that lock me up -- he says that's like saying to Hannibal Lector, eat me. Because, guess what, he was irritating Mueller. He might have been angering President Trump, but he was -- the man with the power over him at this moment was not pleased with what happened yesterday.

GUTFELD: Well, to me, basically world stop hip-hop for policy wonks, you know.



GUTFELD: Democrats hoping a blue wave can take down Ted Cruz today in Texas, as the midterm election season officially begins. That's next.


WILLIAMS: The 2018 midterm election season, officially, underway. Texas holding the first of the nation's primary today. Democrats are trying to turn a red state blue. They're turning out in force. Could it be a hint of what's to come for Republicans in November? Senator Ted Cruz is up for reelection and he's sending a challenge from Democrat, Beto O'Rourke, who's been raking a lot of campaign cash.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNINDENTIFIED MALE: You're right. My opponent is raising a ton of money. It doesn't hurt that Chuck Schumer came down to Texas and brought his liberal buddies with him. They would love to see the state of Texas have an antigun, big government, pro-amnesty liberal Democrat represent it.

(END VIDEO CLIP) WILLIAMS: You've got a situation, Greg, where not only is Beto O'Rourke getting a lot of money, but Democrats right now are turning out in record numbers. This is twice the rate of voter turnout for Democrats, early vote that they saw in the 2014 election.

GUTFELD: Yeah. I think the turnout is driven by one thing, the desire to undo a previous election. If you can get new senators and new congressman in there, you can get impeachment because you can't win on the issues, because you've got the two big issues, economy and foreign policy right now, and Trump is doing an excellent job. The only way you can get rid of the guy is by electing more people who can get rid of him. That's the way I see it and I'm sticking to it.

WILLIAMS: All right. So Jesse, you had a situation there in Texas, and this is whether or not, you know, Texas might be a harbinger of things to come. Every seat, every one of the 36 congressional seats in Texas now has a Democrat challenging for it. We haven't seen this.

WATTERS: Yes. The Texas Democrats are getting very organized. There's a lot of people from blue states that are moving to Texas for tax purposes. There's a lot of young Americans going to college in Texas. A growing Hispanic population. And I don't think they're going to turn it blue. I think that's a pipe dream. It's not even purple yet. Trump won it by nine. But I think Ted Cruz has a competitive race. He'll keep the seat. But the national party is going to have to spend a lot of extra money to make sure he secures that. And that's going to take money away from other more competitive senate seats where they're looking to, you know, get rid of the Democratic incumbent.

WILLIAMS: And Kimberly, we're a week away from a primary -- or a special election, I should say, in the state of Pennsylvania.


WILLIAMS: You've got Rick -- I think it's Saccone, who is the Republican, versus Conor Lamb who is the Democrat. Saccone a strong evangelical conservatives. Lamb is a former marine, former prosecutor like you. What do you see there?

GUILFOYLE: Look, obviously, an upset there would be very bad in a place that's, you know, Trump friendly; would be a blow to the White House, especially during this time that timing is not fortuitous. You know, to have a setback and suffer a loss there. So I think it's important that they deliver and make sure that there is a positive, you know, outcome.

I think that's going to also be a little bit of a litmus test and kind of Republicans, GOP going to be watching that closely to see what happens.

And then, as it relates to Texas, I'll just offer my own answer for that, unsolicited. I think that Ted Cruz is going to win reelection. I'm just saying -- this is what I think from just studying it. But nevertheless, can't put it in for sure. But never -- he's the type of guy -- remember, he's "Green Eggs and Ham." He will do whatever it takes and work 24 hours to make sure that he wins reelection. I wouldn't, you know, ever count him out.

WILLIAMS: So Dana, you have a situation in Pennsylvania where people are saying, well, could it be that President Trump, who won the 18th District, I think, by 30-plus points, has decided to start talking about tariffs, because it might appeal to some of these steelworkers, union folks in the district, and therefore help the Republicans?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I had Rick Saccone on the show the other day, and he did say he absolutely supports that. Although it is -- there are a lot of union members in the district, and that happened to be the same week that the Supreme Court heard arguments about whether or not a union should be allowed to demand money from union members in order to then spend it on political activities, even if they don't agree with those political activities. And then it was a little bit like, "Well, I'm not exactly sure." Because it's a tough district.

The Democrats trying to win Texas reminds me of Republicans who said for years they could won Pennsylvania, and then Trump won Pennsylvania.


PERINO: And I think that -- I don't think that Ted Cruz will lose. I do think that Democrats will pick up some of the local and state races, and that's how you build back a movement. Remember, they were decimated in the Obama years. So they are having a chance to really make their way back.

The other thing I would point out is on turnout, in Virginia's gubernatorial election last November, Ed Gillespie got more Republicans than ever in the history of that state to come out and vote for him, and he still lost by nine points. So turnout is key.

WILLIAMS: I think it is, but I disagree with you guys. I think this is going to be a nip-and-tuck race for Senator Cruz, in large part because Democrats are so energized, and it's not the case on the Republican side right now now.

Some Democrats in Congress under fire for ties to blatant racist and anti- Semite Louis Farrakhan. That's straight ahead.


JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Welcome back to "The Five." FOX News has just confirmed that President Trump's top economic advisor, Gary Cohn, has just resigned. President Trump said this: "Gary has been my chief economic advisor and did a superb job in driving our agenda, helping to deliver historic tax cuts and reforms, and unleashing the American economy once again. He's a rare talent, and I thank him for his dedicated service to the American people."

And this statement out from Mr. Cohn: "It has been an honor to serve my country and enact pro-growth economic policies to benefit the American people, in particular, the passage of historic tax reform. I'm grateful to the president for giving me this opportunity and wish him and the administration great success in the future."

All right. Kimberly, he came from Goldman Sachs.


WATTERS: And great pedigree there. Very successful on Wall Street. And he was considered what people say in the White House who didn't like him, a globalist. Meaning not an American nationalist, more concerned about the world economy and not necessarily a defender of the American manufacturing base. And had a lot of internal fights with some members of the administration.

And some people are now speculating that he may have resigned in the wake of President Trump's saying that he's going to enact steel tariffs. What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: OK. So I think that he's obviously a highly competent individual. He was well-regarded at Goldman Sachs. I say it's fair to say that people thought that he was more of a globalist. That term has been used.

I think that he's somebody, obviously, that wanted to serve the country. He worked very hard in there. The president liked his organization. And he would present, like, charts with him, and like different color-coded, and he liked that. So he was very organized. I like organization. Dana Perino likes organization.

PERINO: Indeed.

GUILFOYLE: So that, I think, is very good.

If he felt that, you know, he had kind of provided the opportunities and the help and the assistance to the president and to the country, and his work was done there, that's one thing.

I mean, the president made a tweet this morning, put out a tweet that said there may be some staff changes and things coming in the future. I think this is one that was expected. There's been discussion about Cohn, McMasters, and chief of staff John Kelly. So you have one of those people already now leaving, you know, the president.

I'll also note that, you know, he's always been very close with Jared and Ivanka, as well. And that was kind of like a triumvirate right there, that the three of them were together and probably coalesced on some, you know, of the issues.

He wasn't a big fan, proponent of exiting the Paris Climate Change Accord, so that was also probably part of the reason why people would, you know, frame him in that fashion as a globalist.

But he certainly knows the economy, and he was very helpful, I think, to the president, you know, in that regard. And now you see, they'll bring in some -- some new people. Because what does President Trump do?

WATTERS: Always hires the best people.


WATTERS: What's so funny, Juan?

WILLIAMS: That's hilarious.

WATTERS: You haven't been hired.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Jesse.

WILLIAMS: I ain't looking for a job at the moment. I mean, that's ridiculous.

But I mean, how many people come and go in this -- and they come and go so quickly. I mean, to me, what Kimberly said about Kushner is right forefront now, because he was seen as part of the Kushner wing of the Trump White House. And Kushner, obviously, is on very thin ice, having his security clearance downgraded. Can't really function properly in this White House. And charges of nepotism larger than ever. "Wall Street Journal" telling him, "Go back home."

GUILFOYLE: Well, I think he'll probably move to the campaign side.

WILLIAMS: Well, whatever.

GUILFOYLE: The president already announced his campaign. And then Ivanka will stay.

WILLIAMS: But I'm saying that seeing Gary Cohn -- Gary Cohn is so widely respected on the economic side, now out. It just says to me boy, you know, we say, "Oh, downplay the chaos. Oh, it's not so bad." It is chaotic in there.

WATTERS: Markets might not like this.

PERINO: yes, but I think -- here's one thing. I think that he's been a loyal public servant and that when you said that a globalist cares more about the global economy than the American economy, I think he would say that that's not true. I think that what -- he's resigning on principle, because he cares about the American economy. And the accomplishments of this past year, especially with tax reform and the dereg piece, actually very much helped the United States economy. And just on principle, decided to resign.

And that's when you know you have a loyal public servant. If you feel that you have given your best advice.


PERINO: Well, like, guess what? Sorry. But you are the -- the president is the president. I'm only her. I can give you my best advice, and if you don't take my advice, if I feel strongly enough that it is a bad decision, then I should resign. And I think that we should welcome that. It doesn't always happen that way in Washington.

WATTERS: And he had a good run, Greg, on the economic side.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: That he did. That he did. A typical globalist would say that, Dana.

But no, the point is I -- I mean, if you want -- no, the point is, if you want cheap goods, to -- or goods that people can afford, and you want to spread the wealth, if that makes you a globalist, then you're a globalist. I'm so tired of that phrase.

PERINO: Me, too.

GUTFELD: I think the phrase has been -- it's become some kind of knee-jerk thing to say what Trump isn't. But the fact is, we're all globalists. We all are.

GUILFOYLE: Like we're all dreamers?

GUTFELD: We're all dream -- we're all globalist dreamers.

But the thing is, this really is about, I think, protectionism. And I think, you know, he was a big proponent of free trade, obviously, Cohn was. And the problem with populism, one day you zig, the next day you zag. You know, it depends on what's popular, what -- you know, what people like. And I think, you know, when you know, Trump will say he's a free marketer, but then he will talk about protectionism. Then he'll say, "Well, I'm about fair trade." And I think Cohn was hoping -- he knew this was going to come up. But he was hoping it wasn't going to come up this quickly.

PERINO: They're going to have a meeting tomorrow with --

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

PERINO: -- with consumers of steel products to try to change the president's mind, and that could be canceled.

GUTFELD: Wasn't going to happen.

WILLIAMS: And one of the realities of last week was that he was supposed to have the ability to review and talk to the president before the decision. The president just did it.

WATTERS: We've got to get -- listen, enough of the White House drama. There's even more drama on TV.


WATTERS: "The Bachelor."

GUILFOYLE: Hard news.

WATTERS: Breakup seen around the world. A guy dumped his fiancee on national TV. Everyone went crazy. K.G. is going to take this one.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for an all new edition of "Kimberly's Dating Tips." No one can say I mail it in. That was all the way, baby.

All right. Some very important advice today: How not to break up with your fiancee. Now, whatever you do, don't do it on national television. And another tip: Don't propose in the first place if you're in love with someone else. How about that?

Well, I present to you last night's disastrous "Bachelor" finale.


ARIE LUYENDYK JR., "THE BACHELOR": I -- I wanted it so bad for us, but there was something that was holding me back. And I just -- I can't go through with it.

I love you so much.


LUYENDYK: Becca, will you marry me?

KUFRIN: Of course.

So what? Do you want to be back with her?

LUYENDYK: I want to see if there's that possibility.

KUFRIN: Are you (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kidding me?


KUFRIN: Leave. What are you still doing here?


GUILFOYLE: Oh, the worst! OK. Arie Luyendyk ripping Becca's heart out after blindsiding her with the news that he wants runner-up Lauren instead. Well, ABC is also under fire for televising the breakup.

I mean, what is going on around here? Look at Greg. He is delighted. He's, like, "The Bachelor's" biggest fan.

GUTFELD: Well, for one thing, the brunette, you dodged a bullet. There isn't a bigger loser than that dude.


GUTFELD: When he enters a room, the median I.Q. of a group drops 5 percent. He is the dumbest man on television.

And you know what sucks about this? The only reason why he broke up with her was he was -- to go back with the blonde that he dumped before. He had to check with her first and see that she would take him back. Because he wanted a backup wife. He was afraid --

PERINO: Gross.

GUTFELD: If she -- if the blonde didn't agree to go back with him, he wouldn't have broken up with this girl. Because he's such a coward and a wuss and a wimp. You know this guy what this guy is? He's a guy --

GUILFOYLE: A coward, a wuss and a wimp.

GUTFELD: He's a cad. He's what you call a cad. A cad gets everything in life, so they don't want to actually make choices about life. They don't want to -- like, they don't want to make a decision about what -- like, they'd rather string people along.

GUILFOYLE: You can tell by the tilt of his -- yes, you can tell by the tilt of his head.

GUTFELD: I can't stand his voice. He's the -- he's just so annoying. That's why I watched the show, just to hate-watch Arie-head. I call him Arie-head. His name's Arie.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. You just said that's why you watch the show?

GUTFELD: I watched it just to throw things at that guy.

GUILFOYLE: OK, going very negatory for "Kimberly's Dating Tips."

GUTFELD: He's an unsuitable suitor.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana.

PERINO: Well, OK, but if you're Lauren, wouldn't it be best if tonight you dumped him back?

GUTFELD: But she won't.

PERINO: She won't?

GUTFELD: NO, because he never would've done the other thing. This is all planned.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Greg has been, like, heavy on the online "Bachelor" forums.

PERINO: This is a terrible way to try to find a life partner, America. Looks like that's dating tip number --

GUTFELD: This is a career for people.

GUILFOYLE: Dana's advice is go in the friendly skies.

PERINO: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: Go in the friendly skies and find a husband up there.

OK, Jesse, do you know anything about this whatsoever? And I'm a little bit concerned about the similar hairstyle.

WILLIAMS: My gosh.

WATTERS: Arie's hair was my color in the beginning of the season. Then look at it.

I'm just surprised a relationship on "The Bachelor" didn't work out. I mean, they always work out so perfectly.

I've watched every season of "The Bachelor" except this one. And I actually missed the most dramatic season. This was the most dramatic season.

GUILFOYLE: They say that every year.

WATTERS: This guy was a tool. He never should've been cast as the main guy.


WATTERS: I don't know why they did. But I'm going to tune in tonight. I'm going to DVR "Hannity."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness.

OK, so Juan, what do you think of this, like, fiasco?

WILLIAMS: Will Jesse marry Hannity? I don't know, because I think --

GUILFOYLE: Trump picks the best people.

WILLIAMS: That's true. But Tucker may get -- come back from vacation after this. I don't know. I've got to say, I've never watched a minute of it. I think it is tawdry. I'm so sorry if he hurt that young woman's feelings.


WILLIAMS: Because that's a pretty serious thing to do. And the idea that you televised it, well, I guess that's what this is, is reality TV. We want to see someone in pain and weeping. But boy, I tell you, I think you could go read a book.

PERINO: What would you have done to him, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. See, I happen to have my handy pen ready and --

GUTFELD: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: -- before he could get a word out, you just -- (PLUNGES PEN INTO HER NECK)

I just want to save America.

GUTFELD: That -- he deserves some kind of punishment that he got away with.

WATTERS: He's going to get that tonight.

GUILFOYLE: I think that's -- yes, that's coming.

PERINO: You think he's going to get punished?

WATTERS: If the whole crowd hates him and both girls, I'm not so sure happy. And the host hates him.


WATTERS: It's going to be a bloodbath tonight. It's going to be like Nunberg all over again.

PERINO: But make sure you watch "Hannity."

GUTFELD: The producers, this is a dream for them.

WATTERS: This is a great show.

GUILFOYLE: ABC is loving it. Everybody's going to watch it. He's, like, kind of the villain that everybody now is going to love to hate.

GUTFELD: And she's the hero. Becca will be the hero.

GUILFOYLE: And he's going to be on, like, "Dancing with the Stars" next or something.

WILLIAMS: So what if someone did this to you?

GUILFOYLE: Impossible.

OK. "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Jesse.

WATTERS: Well, if you love America, you're going to like my "One More Thing."

It's about a bald eagle. Check out this footage in Montana. Guy captured some -- whoa, did you guys see that? So that's a closeup shot of a bald eagle swooping down and scooping up its prey. Oh, look at that. God, I love this country.

And I'm going to be on "Hannity" tonight at 9 o'clock.

PERINO: That's why you wanted to watch it.

GUILFOYLE: You didn't get that?

WATTERS: DVR "The Bachelor" and watch "Hannity" live.

PERINO: Yes. You and the other Jesse?

WATTERS: Yes. Jess and Jess.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh.

WILLIAMS: Carlisle.

WATTERS: That's right.

PERINO: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Come on, now. "Kimberly's Food Court."

Perfect. Lots of animation today, folks. So everyone is excited about this, because it's Oreos, baby. And this is National Oreo Day.

Why are there all this weird -- OK.

OK, so Jesse is going to partake in this. He loves Oreos. So in honor of this momentous occasion, Oreo is giving away a million free Oreo chocolate candy bars today.


GUILFOYLE: I don't have one, but whatever. The first one million people who sign up on their website will get this. Don't "eww" it, Greg.

GUTFELD: Candy bar? Oreo candy bar? No.

GUILFOYLE: This was created in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, Nabisco. Yum, yum, you. And by the way, in Chelsea Market in Manhattan. How about that?

PERINO: That's right. I did hear about that.

GUILFOYLE: Five hundred billion Oreos have been sold.

GUTFELD: Where they used to tape "Oz."

PERINO: Do you prefer double stuff?

GUILFOYLE: Do you pull it across like this?

PERINO: Yes and then lick it off. There you go.

WILLIAMS: Talk about love.

PERINO: All right. That was Kimberly. Juan is next.

WILLIAMS; All right. So you might have seen this image last week. It went viral in every way. That's 2-year-old Parker Curry staring at former first lady's Michelle Obama official portrait at the National Portrait Gallery in D.C. Michelle Obama so taken with this picture she invited the young woman to her office for a meeting, and that's when a dance party broke out.





WILLIAMS: That little girl didn't know that Michelle Obama had been first lady. Her Mom said she thought she was looking at a queen. Little Miss Curry looked like a queen herself as she danced to "Shake It Off."

GUILFOYLE: She is the cutest, cutest, cutest. Look at that. I love it.

PERINO: Isn't that fun when you can make -- bring joy to a child?

GUTFELD: All right. Let's get to my important "One More Thing." I am the cutest! Let's do this.

PERINO: Shake it off.


GRAPHIC: Greg's I Have a Lot of Free Time to Do Stuff News.


GUTFELD: "Greg's I Have a Lot of Free Time to Do Stuff News."

GUILFOYLE: No kidding.

GUTFELD: This is where I focus on somebody with a lot of free time to do stuff. Like this guy. He's the host of "Action Lab." Take a look at what he did. He was able to build a perfect circle out of Pringles without using any glue at all, just employing the basic physics --


GUTFELD: -- which is the science of stacking that he loves. And that's what he's doing. He's --

PERINO: You said you had the best "One More Thing," and I -- I would have to agree.

GUTFELD: That is pretty amazing.


WATTERS: You don't like the American eagle?

GUILFOYLE: What about my Oreo segment.


GUTFELD: The American eagle could fly into the Pringles ringle, they call it. Pringle ringle, as it's called. But that's from "The Action Lab."

PERINO: Do you have anything else today for "One More Thing"?

GUTFELD: Is yours really that bad?

You're, like, trying to stretch it out. Is it about Bill Hemmer.

GUILFOYLE: Stall tactic.

PERINO: So you know there's going to be a storm tonight. Right? A little nor'easter. Well, we're not the only ones trying to stay warm. Check out this creativity in New York. Somebody decided to crochet some sweaters for the trees.


PERINO: In case they get cold. And so the --

GUTFELD: That's crazy.

PERINO: The city was going to take them all down, because it's a violation.

GUTFELD: And it is.

PERINO: But guess what? The business owners came outside and said this helps bring customers. And so if you want to decorate a tree, you can do it, but you have to get a tree work permit.

GUTFELD: The tree doesn't have a choice in this. That's tree-ist.

PERINO: That is tree-ist.

WILLIAMS: But you know what? You guys are all down on De Blasio. He said yes. Let the business community have this --

PERINO: Let there be tree sweaters.

GUTFELD: He's one of -- one of them. He's a tree.

PERINO: All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Sp [SIC] -- The Five." "Special Report" is up next.

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