
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," February 28, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM: All right, Sean, take care. Good evening, from Washington. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.

We had a roller coaster news day including an uproar among Second Amendment advocates over remarks made by President Trump.

Plus, Trump confidant, Roger Stone, tells us what the special counsel may be trying to pin on the president and on him.

And later, tonight's ANGLE on the ICE chief blasting Oakland's mayor calling her, quote, 'No better than a gang look out' after she tipped criminals off to sweeps and raids that were done over the last three days.

And some in Hollywood -- this is unbelievable -- are trying to push Ryan Seacrest off the red carpet at the Oscars. And just as Barbara Streisand is blaming gun violence, of course, on the president. We'll have all the details.

But first, is President Trump giving away the store on gun rights? During a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers this afternoon, the president shocked Republicans -- yours truly included -- and Democrats alike after saying this.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I like taking the guns early like in this crazy man's case that just took place in Florida. They sought everything. To go to court with (inaudible) offense. You could do exactly what you're saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.
You have to look at the age of 21 for certain types of weapons. Some people aren't going to like that, but you're going to have to look at that very seriously.


INGRAHAM: Well, he looked at Pat Toomey at one point, and Pat Toomey, who did the bill with Manchin that's being proposed, and Toomey says, that's not in our bill, and the president says, well, you know why? Because you are afraid of the NRA.

That was stunning. He also added that he wanted to strengthen background checks for gun buyers, that's fine. The problem is, those policies have been fiercely opposed by the NRA and other advocates that he said he was standing with on most issues. A little bit confusing.

Joining us now to discuss this and a lot more, Jeff Sessions fall out, is Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis, and Fox News senior political analyst, Brit Hume. It is so great to have both of you on the show. Brit, I don't think you have been on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE before and I'm losing my mind.
Thank you for joining us. I appreciate it.

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: It's not my first time, Laura. I've been here before.

INGRAHAM: You've been in the studio with me, thank you very much. Brit, what about this Trump bipartisan meeting today, the cameras pulled in. It was interesting, sitting next Dianne Feinstein, and you had Manchin and Toomey who had come up with some interesting legislation, then the president kind of hits Toomey and says, you are afraid of the NRA. I don't think Toomey seems to be afraid of the NRA on most any issue that I know of.

HUME: I think that's right. And Toomey -- I don't remember the exact words. Toomey had a pretty good comeback. It will go on the books as president attacking Republican senator, but I think it was something the world won't remember.

INGRAHAM: Ron, Congressman DeSantis, on the issue of this meeting today at the White House, I mean, Twitter blew up, social media blew up, because people watching this didn't know what the president was advocating or saying, and at one point, Dianne Feinstein said, what are we going to do about these weapons of war.

And he basically seemed to say, well, we should look at that too, and then it may be either an all-out pan -- it was very difficult to follow. She seemed to be rubbing her hands together and saying, goody. Maybe this was all a show. I know you and I are big fans of the president, but this was a wild thing. It was not cool for a lot of people, who believe in the Second Amendment.

REPRESENTATIVE RON DESANTIS, R—FLORIDA: When I think of the overall debate, not just that meeting, but since this has happened, you have an instance in which the authorities had dozens of calls and visits to this shooter's home. People in the school knew that this was somebody who had serious problems.

Obviously, he got kicked out of the school. So, you had all these red flags, and of course, the FBI was given a specific tip that he was going to commit a school shooting, and yet they fell down on the job.

That is the number one issue that comes out of this. And then I think there are obvious things that we should be doing on a state and local level to harden the schools, to provide more visible security, and to deal with the mental health issues.

I mean, all that stuff could be dealt with. I think you get really good even bipartisan support. I think when you start going down the waters that Dianne Feinstein wants to go down, that's not going to go.

INGRAHAM: Take the guns and go to the court later, I wasn't following that. We have to get to the bad blood between Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, and Donald Trump. The president started by saying, 'Why is AG Jeff Sessions asking the inspector general to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey. Isn't the IG an Obama guy, why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!' And Brit, you said this is Trump at his worst.

He's asking the DOJ to investigate itself. The inspector general has his own staff of lawyers and investigators, et cetera. Brit, let's go to you first on this, what's happening here with this continued frustration, the president obviously has with the attorney general, is this wise?

HUME: Laura, I think it is simple, I think the president's conception of what an attorney general is supposed to be is to be his political protector, his political and legal protector. As you and I both know, that is absolutely not what the attorney general is supposed to do.

He is certainly supposed to advise the president on legal and perhaps in some cases ethical matters, but he is not supposed to run the Justice Department to run interference politically or legally for the president.

The president has been disappointed from the jump with Sessions because he thought Sessions would be helping him out in dealing with the Russian matter and so on, and Sessions, quite properly, in my view, recused himself.

And in this instance, quite properly, turned to the inspector general to investigate alleged misconduct by the department rather than having Justice Department lawyers investigate the Justice Department.

So, you know, I think the president is clearly off-base here and I think the nation has been well served by Jeff Sessions. We all should hope that Sessions would stay on the job regardless of this hazing by the president.

INGRAHAM: Congressman DeSantis, you also tweeted on this matter, and you seemed to disagree on the best way to pursue this FISA abuses.

DESANTIS: You're right, Laura. The inspector general, I mean, he is a fine guy, but he doesn't have any prosecutorial power. He can't hold anyone accountable. He'll take a year and a half to write a report and offer recommendations.

And there is a time and a place, but from what we have seen over the last six or seven months, just scores of people who have been demoted or have to leave these agencies, a bunch of different potential offenses ranging from false statements to disclosure of classified information.

You need a special counsel who can actually pursue those matters, somebody from outside the Justice Department, who is not afraid to offend the applecart. That's what we need in this situation. The IG just not going to cut it.

INGRAHAM: When we look at -- yes, go ahead, Brit.

HUME: Laura, I was just going to say, if you're looking for a quick investigation that won't take very long, as the congressman suggests that he would like to see, the last thing on earth you need is another special counsel. They famously take forever. They run far afield from their original purpose.

I have had constitutional doubts about special counsels. I think regardless of that, a bad idea anyway, and the last thing on earth we need is another one of those.

INGRAHAM: Other than Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, the only other person that has been with President Trump, by his side on the campaign or governing mode, has been Hope Hicks, and today, it was announced she will be leaving the White House in the coming weeks. How big of a story is this, Brit, and will that further, perhaps, destabilize the situation in the West Wing?

HUME: I think she is a loss to the president because he trusted her, and by all reports, she was very able, wise, as John Kelly said, beyond her years and was an effective adviser to him and I suspect steered him away from his own impulses sometimes and showcase what he did well.

So, I think she is a loss. I don't think that her departure is any kind of scandal or reflects badly on her. I suspect she has had enough in two years in that job, and that is a pretty long tour of duty. And I suspect that the opportunities waiting for her on the outside are extraordinary. I don't blame her at all for seeking to take someone up on one.

INGRAHAM: Congressman DeSantis, I've heard some time ago that she wanted to move on to something else. All the other networks are saying, this is because she had nine hours of testimony at House Intel, and it was grueling, and the white lies, an end they're trying to tie this to the recent facts. But I think she was kind of gearing down months ago, but she stayed on because she wanted to help the president. Your thoughts quickly?

DESANTIS: Yes. I mean, those are shift leaks about her testimony, take that for what it's worth. She has been with the president from the first day of the campaign. She has been at this a long time. It is not an easy job for the campaign or the White House. She was very respected, and I think she did a good job for President Trump.

INGRAHAM: All right, thank you both. No matter what comes of the FISA investigation, Democrats are hoping that Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller will find evidence of wrongdoing by the president.

Republican strategists and Trump confidant, Roger Stone, joins us now to share what he believes Mueller is now investigating. Roger joins us from Miami. Roger, it's great to see you. These leaks keep coming out, don't they, of the Mueller investigation? We'll get into a lot of it.

But some of it is now seeming to focus on whether Donald Trump knew about those WikiLeaks hacks or the e-mails that WikiLeaks had of John Podesta and the DNC, and your name keeps popping up as a potential intermediary between, I guess, implied, the Trump campaign and Julian Assange. I know you've been through this before, but it's all out today.

ROGER STONE, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Laura, this is an attempt by the handmaidens of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media to re-inflate the deflated Russian collusion delusion. Let's be very clear. The truncated doctored screenshot published by The Atlantic magazine actually proves that I had no advanced knowledge of the source or content of the WikiLeaks disclosures regarding Hillary Clinton and I never claimed that I did.

Julian Assange himself has said, 'Roger Stone merely retweeted and followed what I was saying and tweeted, absolutely true.' And to be absolutely clear, I never discuss the WikiLeaks disclosures regarding Hillary or John Podesta, which I also had no knowledge of come up with candidate Donald Trump, before, during, or after the election.

There is just literally nothing there. Now, all this material that was released today had been turned over to the House Intelligence Committee months ago. But this is an attempt to, essentially, re-inflate a false narrative.

INGRAHAM: But don't you also see a shift happening, Roger. They were set on the collusion narrative and they tried, but it doesn't seem to be really going anywhere. So now, you sense they are moving to a compromise narrative, namely that the president reportedly must be compromised in some way by Russia, hence his soft treatment of Russia. And I want to play something for you from your dear friend, Jeffrey Toobin, this morning on CNN. Let's watch.


JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST: why has Donald Trump been so favorable to Vladimir Putin? What is in it for him? A very clear possibility is business, money, that he has business dealings in Russia that he has wanted to cultivate. I just wrote a story in The New Yorker about when he brought the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013. That led directly to the meeting and Trump Tower in June of 2016.


INGRAHAM: Now, Roger, the Miss Universe pageant is brought into the equation on the Mueller investigation. Aside from the rank speculation by Toobin?

STONE: Look, first of all, if we are so pro-Putin, why is the president providing offensive weapons to the Ukrainians over the adamant objection of the Russians? Look, Donald Trump didn't want to go to war over Syria and Hillary Clinton was promising the deep state and expansion of the proxy war there.

If you look at Syria, Assad finances Hezbollah and Hamas propped up by the Russians. On the other side, you have ISIS and a thousand other radical groups. We have no friends here. Donald Trump does not want to spend borrowed American money or American lives going to war with Russia over Syria.

A no-fly zone as favored by Hillary Clinton and John McCain would have been an invitation for a World War III. So, Donald Trump was the peace candidate in the last election. He has no illusions about Russia or the corruption of the Russian system or the fact that Putin is a bad guy, but they have thermonuclear weapons, Laura, perhaps we should be talking to them.

INGRAHAM: And the idea that Trump is somehow softer on the Russians than Obama was -- I mean, Obama's big push was December 2016, OK, we're going to kick all these Russian officials out of the country. But they were trying to do the reset, they had to deal with Bill Clinton, the secretary of state, Uranium One. I think the argument is clear that, if anyone was soft on Russia, it was Obama. It wasn't Trump. It was Obama who was soft.

STONE: The mainstream media is absolutely right about the fact that there was a major party candidate whose top aides were in bed with the oligarchs around Vladimir Putin. There was one candidate whose foundation was taking millions of dollars from Russian interests. That would be the real Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Panama Papers published in January of 2016 exposed the Podesta brothers' dealings, shady dealings, in Russia, the gas deal, the uranium deal, the banking deal. This is all a matter of public records. So, she was the candidate in bed with Putin, not Donald Trump.

INGRAHAM: By the way, Roger, I know you love this story, Jeff Sessions is dining at a very high-profile restaurant tonight with Rod Rosenstein, his deputy, and the solicitor general, Newell Francisco, and this is being interpreted as a big show of force, DOJ, in the face of the Trump tweet this morning. Your thoughts?

STONE: Rod Rosenstein approved the use of the phony Russian dossier as the legal rationale for surveillance of the Republican candidate for president. Rod Rosenstein should be terminated immediately. He has a conflict of instrument or make interests in the appointment of Robert Mueller, who gave him his first job in public service. He's up to his neck in Uranium One as the U.S. attorney. Rosenstein must go first, then, sadly, Jeff Sessions should go next.

INGRAHAM: all right, Roger, thanks so much. We've got big news from the sanctuary state, yes, California, coming up.

We are also going to tell you why the nation's top immigration official is blasting the mayor of Oakland for helping hundreds and hundreds of criminals escape the authorities. Coming up.


INGRAHAM: Sanctuary politicians versus the rule of law, that is the focus of tonight's ANGLE. When Immigration Customs and Enforcement announced last night that it had just wrapped a three-day sweep that netted 150 illegal aliens, many of you were probably cheering, but Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf was not amused.

Last weekend, Mayor Schaaf took the extraordinary step of sending out a public notice that warned immigrants and their families of the impending ICE raids.


MAYOR LIBBY SCHAAF, OAKLAND: I continue to feel confident that what I did was the right thing and it was legal. I did not give specific information that could have endangered law enforcement. I encouraged people to not panic but to know their rights, to know their responsibilities, and to know about the unique resources that are available in this community.


INGRAHAM: Now, according to that warped view, immigration laws are, at their core, discriminatory and unfair, and therefore, ignoring them or avoiding them is not only fine, it is the honorable thing to do. So, get this, if you are a criminal alien, there is no better state to live in then good old California.

What Mayor Schaaf did with her illegal immigrant emergency broadcast bulletin, it wasn't just outrageous, it is potentially criminal. ICE Director Tom Homan said the Justice Department is reviewing the possibility of filing federal charges against the mayor.

And 'The Washington Times' headline said, 'Locked Libby up now, worry about Hillary later.' That was a fun one. Half of the 150 arrested were convicted criminals, and the charges included gang membership, weapons, domestic violence, and DUIs.

But unfortunately, some 864 criminals that ICE was seeking remain at large in the Oakland and San Francisco regions. Now, some of them undoubtedly fled the area after receiving the warning by Mayor Schaaf. Well, this incensed the ICE director, Tom Homan, who spoke to 'Fox & Friends.'


TOM HOMAN, DIRECTOR, IMMIGRATION CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT: When politicians choose to take care of their political ambitions and make political statements on the backs of law enforcement, it's terrible. It makes our job more difficult. I will say this, a mayor and every other politician that wants to vilify the men and women of ICE, we are not going way. We are going to keep enforcing the law.


INGRAHAM: Of course, the mayor defended her actions, calling it her duty and moral obligation. Oh, please. And she later told 'The Washington Post,' 'I consider myself a law-abiding citizen. I consider myself a believer in American democracy that moves towards a more just society, and I definitely consider myself part of the resistance.'

At least she's honest. Resistance to common sense, it may be. Well doing this, Mayor Schaaf's dancing right on the edge of obstruction of justice for shamelessly putting agents, police, and her neighbors in danger. I really hope that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is taking a serious look at this.

Here's the bottom line. Because the Oakland mayor put politics and, frankly, her sheer hatred of the president ahead of the rule of law, innocent Californians, and legal immigrants, by the way, might die, be terribly harmed, and I know Oakland is a liberal place -- but how does making life easier for criminal aliens, including MS-13 gang bangers, how does that help your community? It's disgraceful. And that's ANGLE.

Joining us now for reaction is Bay Area radio talk show host, Ethan Bearman, who is in L.A. tonight. Ethan, that is your neck of the woods up there in San Francisco area, talk radio is hot up there.

We have 864 criminal aliens now on the loose who have either been ordered deported -- didn't show up for their deportation hearings -- or convicted criminals, also illegal immigrants, who were released back into the system.

ICE wants to get them out of the country to keep the people of the Bay area safe. How does this mayor, in good conscience, one them to escape, and why is that good?

ETHAN BEARMAN, SAN FRANCISCO RADIO HOST: She didn't specifically warn them those who have been convicted of specific crimes. And remember California, even under our sanctuary state laws, SB54. Our law enforcement is supposed to work with ICE and federal immigration authorities when you are convicted of a violent felony, for example.

It's not like we are like, violent felons hang around California, that's not the case at all. What it is, is we have a couple of million people who are members of our community, the city of Oakland specifically, Mayor Schaaf, those are members of the community. Her job is to protect and care for her community. So, these are members of our community who may have married an American citizen, have children who are American citizens --

INGRAHAM: Ethan, that's all great. Yes, that's all great. However, there is something called federal immigration law, and we are not allowed as American citizens to pick and choose which federal laws that we abide by -- if we don't like them, that's fine, figure out a way to elect more officials in Washington that change the laws.

But the laws on the books now say that if you are a criminal alien, you are subject to immediate deportation in the United States once released.
California has made it -- put out a welcome mat for individuals in the country illegally who commit crimes. Maybe it is multiple DUIs.

People die in those crimes. Maybe it is simple narcotics trafficking charge. Maybe it is stealing. Maybe it's domestic abuse. Those are the types of people who were swept up in this raid.

Now we have the people who are still at large, by the way, one of the targets in Oakland include a Honduran citizen who was previously arrested in San Francisco multiple times for cocaine possession and transport -- probation violations and sex with a minor under the age of 16. But he's nowhere to be found now. We don't think that's a problem?

BEARMAN: Yes, of course, someone who has committed a pedophilic act like that should be put in prison and/or deported. But that is one example, that's an anecdote. By the way, I am a loud advocate on my show against driving under the influence. Ten thousand people die --

INGRAHAM: That's not a problem in L.A., though, right? L.A. or San Francisco, illegal immigrants driving drunk? That is a huge problem, and the DUIs -- right, we are full up with them, we don't need any more driving drunk.

You're absolutely right, Ethan. I salute you for doing that on your show. We have enough problems. We don't need to import new problems in the United States, not until we get every homeless person, homeless vet off the streets. It's ridiculous. Of course, we have Americans who do that, but it doesn't mean we want more people.

BEARMAN: We have worked very hard to get homeless vets off the street. There has been tremendous progress.

INGRAHAM: Wow -- there is like a homelessness epidemic in San Francisco.

BEARMAN: Laura, you talked about rule of law, the rule of law is the conservatives brought the case to the Supreme Court in 1997, the majority opinion written by Justice Scalia, supported by Chief Justice Rehnquist that talked about commandeering. The federal government cannot commandeer local resources to do their job. So ICE has to do their job. We don't have to cooperate.

INGRAHAM: If you guys think it works out well for you to have these criminal aliens, gangbangers, people transporting weapons, domestic abusers released into the system to get a warning from the mayor in Oakland, flee the scene, come back later with ICE is gone, if you all think that's going to work out well for you, I guess God bless you. I hope it works out.

But the second they cross another state's boundaries, guess what? Those states are going to work with ICE and we're going to get them out of the country. But I just don't see how this is good for tourism, good for the state just because people want some cheap agricultural and hospitality workers. I don't see how that's good for you.

Go ahead, you can close out.

ETHAN BEARMAN, SAN FRANCISCO RADIO HOST: I was just going to say, 874 out of about 2 million people, I agree with you, criminals we want to take care of. Criminals need to serve the time. Criminal need to be held accountable for their actions. You and I don't disagree with that. It's maybe how we go about it. You and I both want safer streets, Laura. I agree with that. But we also want to take care of our community and the peoples in it.

INGRAHAM: The first obligation for any elected official is to the American citizen. The community is a euphemism. It's a community of American citizens and people who are legal immigrants who paid the dues and went the right way for our system in my view. But it's great to have you on, Ethan, thank you very much. And I'm going to tune into your show.

And we saw the epic failure of deputies to stop the Florida school shooting. So should teachers be the first line of defense? We are going to debate the president's controversial proposal to arm them next.

And later, MSNBC attacks the first lady and first daughter. Oh, that's classy. We'll respond later.


INGRAHAM: Developing tonight, a law enforcement source telling Fox News that a commanding officer on the scene at the Parkland high school shooting apparently ordered deputies searching for the active shooter to stop and set up a perimeter outside. The source, who was on the scene, said that was atrocious and could have cost lives.

We brought you a similar report a few days ago, and it related to a body camera. They were told if you don't have body cameras, don't go in. That report has not been disputed by Broward.

And the stream of disturbing revelations is fueling a major flashpoint in the gun debate. So should teachers be allowed, if they want, to carry guns in school? For more, we are joined by Laura Carno. She's the founder of Faster Colorado, a civil liberties organization that advocates for arming teachers, along with Mo Canady, executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers.

Mo, let's start with you. The public polling on this isn't great for the people who want to arm teachers. In Florida 50 percent say no or 56 percent say no. But this will be a state by state determination. What is wrong with a teacher who is proficient and trains regularly and wants to do this, what is wrong with that teacher deciding I'm going to defend myself and my students?

MO CANADY, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS: First of all we realize that this is going to take place at the local level, and that's where the decision is really going to be made. The thing that we are calling for is there be at least one school resource officer in every school in America, and that's a trained, certified law enforcement officer who is specifically trained to work in a school environment.

Now, when we talk about teachers being armed, the last thing we want to do certainly as an association is suggest that anyone's Second Amendment rights were violated. We are not about that at all. We recognize certainly that there are concerns about teachers as a whole being armed, and when you hear a statement like arming teachers, that is a broad statement. And so it causes broad responses like our association being concerned about --

INGRAHAM: So wait a second, Mo, just so I understand it, so your organization is not against teachers in certain circumstances carrying a firearm?

CANADY: No, I didn't say that.

INGRAHAM: You're trying to couch it here and we're trying to get a straight answer. Are you in favor of teachers --

CANADY: Our recommendation is that they not be armed.

INGRAHAM: Thank you, that's what I thought. You don't want them armed. You want the school resource officer who is trained to be armed, right, with more than maybe pepper spray, be armed. The problem is we had a school resource officer, correct, in Broward, and that didn't work out so well. So something has got to change.

Laura let's go to you on this. You made a lot of progress in Colorado on this issue, talked to you on the radio today. The scenario is the teacher has a gun and the student wrestles it away, gun goes off, shoots the kid, or a teacher gets frustrated with a mouthy kid and blasts away, that's a concern.

LAURA CARNO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, FASTERCOLORADO.COM: Right. And let's think about who these folks are. They're not just teachers. They are janitors, principals, all kinds of folks throughout the school, and they are all volunteers. And a lot of people are saying teachers don't want to be armed. If they don't want to be armed, they are not going to ever be armed.

But all of those what-if scenarios, we train for that. The training that these folks go through, not quite to the deputized level like you were mentioning earlier, but they are very, very well trained, and they certify in firearms proficiency just like police officers do in states where this is being done. So to say that it is only law enforcement that can stop a killer, we say that that is just not accurate, and the faster you stop the shooter, the fewer people died. And even where there is a school resource officer, in a school that is big enough for an SRO, that is a big school with lots of hallways and lots of classrooms, and the bad guy knows that. The SRO is in uniform, they know exactly who they are.

INGRAHAM: Again, I always go back to this. We have a God-given right, in my view, to be defend ourselves, and to ask these teachers to go to school where you may or may not have a resource officer who is there at the right place and responds and the right way, I would much rather be able to defend myself, defend my students, if I train regularly, background checks, mental health, whatever it is. That is my God-given right. And I think if you don't want to do that as a teacher, Mo, then don't do it, or if you are a parent who has a problem with this, I would hightail it to another school district that doesn't have armed school teachers. But I would take the chances of a teacher or a maintenance person who knows firearms who trains of protecting that classroom over hoping the police get there in time and hoping the one resource officer can handle it. It's our God-given right, and I don't like people taking away our God-given rights. Thank you both. Great segment.

And by the way, meanwhile, Barbra Streisand, she is claiming President Trump is to blame for gun violence in Florida, as MSNBC -- it gets better -- slams the first lady first lady and Ivanka Trump as fakes. We'll show you what's fake when we return.


INGRAHAM: Time now for our seen and unseen segment where we expose what's really behind the big cultural stories of the day. First up, Ryan Seacrest is under pressure more than ever from the #MeToo movement, even after an investigation cleared him of sexual harassment. For more let's bring in Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo. It's a gang up on men time in the culture, all the men are evil and all the women have the answers.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: This makes no sense. E! looked into these allegations back in November. They spent two months, they had an outside counsel come in. They cleared Ryan Seacrest. They said there was not enough evidence to substantiate these claims. They cleared him. Now with the Oscars coming, knowing that Ryan will be a fixture on the red carpet, the woman making the allegations, the makeup artist, has gone public with her allegations.

INGRAHAM: After they have already been investigated. You can't win in these scenarios. If someone makes a mere allegation, even if you're cleared, you end up getting trashed. I've got to read this -- Bellamy Young, this actress, comes out this week, and she continues to pile on.
Let's watch.


BELLAMY YOUNG, ACTRESS: I think this is a time to step aside and let someone of equal talent that is beyond reproach to be in charge. Now that someone is asking, do you consent, we get to say no. People have to accept our no and step aside.


INGRAHAM: Bellamy wants someone in Hollywood who is beyond reproach. You give me that list. Anyone in the room know anyone who is beyond reproach in Hollywood or Washington?

ARROYO: We're taking names. But Me Too is great, but fairness too has follow, and you can't keep dredging up allegations that have been already proven unfair.

INGRAHAM: Me too for fairness.

OK, Babs, now Babs is claiming the election was rigged against Hillary, still trying to prop up that cadaver, political cadaver, and blaming Trump for the Parkland shooting?

ARROYO: You've got read this.

INGRAHAM: You read it.

ARROYO: Here is Barbra Streisand on the election, 'I really believe Hillary Clinton won the election. She talked to senators from Michigan -- I've talked to senators from Michigan and Wisconsin. I do believe, like I believed them during Bush, they were playing with these voting machines.'
We'll leave it there. That's all you really need to know.

INGRAHAM: They were playing 'Funny Girl.'

ARROYO: Well, I don't mean to rain on Babs' parade, but she claimed to talk to senators from Wisconsin and Michigan. Your producer Emma today called all those senators. Guess what, the two senators from Wisconsin said, we never spoke to Barbra Streisand, we never suggested there was any voting fraud in our states. And if there is, then the funny girl needs to get those states to call their election commissioner and file complaints and launch an investigation.

INGRAHAM: So this is people who need people to make the call.

ARROYO: Something like that. And you've got to talk about the shooting.

INGRAHAM: No, we are going to pile on Melania. So now we have the crew on 'Morning Joe' who are perpetually piling on Melania and Ivanka Trump, and they said today something that -- I think we just need discuss. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The whole thing clearly is a joke, an utter joke, just like Melania's role on cyberbullying, which I think is an insult to women completely, and expect today John Kelly to be forced to put out a statement about Ivanka. These women have been given fake jobs.


INGRAHAM: I don't know if I were Mika talking about fake jobs. What's the point of that. That show is gardening with the kids. Fake job, OK.

ARROYO: You saw Me Too saying that women need to be respected, but it's OK to disrespect these women.

INGRAHAM: They never respect anyone who is a conservative woman or anyone who has ever worked for Trump who is a women doesn't really get any respect, unless you go and trash Trump, and then you get respect.

ARROYO: And then Barbra Streisand claiming he is to blame for the shooting violence in Florida. I found a tweet where she writes this, "Donald Trump is making me gain weight. I start the day with liquids, but after the morning news, I eat pancakes smothered in maple syrup." So Trump is to blame now for her weight gain, too. This is unbelievable.

INGRAHAM: She said I think even the shooter was affected because Trump brings out the violence in people. She says, it's OK, rally, lock her up.
So that is where she really hit the --

ARROYO: So Donald Trump I guess is to blame to everything. You don't bring me pancakes anymore.

INGRAHAM: We hit every lyric. The mirror has two faces?

ARROYO: There was a great review of a movie where John Simon said the mirror has two faces, both of them ugly.

INGRAHAM: Oh, how awful.


INGRAHAM: You just want to get on the red carpet.

ARROYO: What red carpet? I'm not pure enough to be on the red carpet.

INGRAHAM: Beyond reproach.

One celebrity's comments bashing Christians has ignited a firestorm of protest. No one is apparently listening, that is a shock, but we have details.


INGRAHAM: Silence like a cancer grows wrote Paul Simon, and the sound of silence is all we are hearing from ABC after the network was bombarded with more than 30,000 complaints about Joy Behar's comments about Christians.
The Media Research Center organized the protest against "The View" host.
She mocked the Christian faith of Vice President Mike Pence earlier this month during a discussion with her co-host.


JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST, 'THE VIEW': I don't know that I want my vice president speaking in tongues.

Like I said before, it's one thing to talk to Jesus. It's another thing when Jesus talks to you.

That's mental illness, if I'm not correct.


INGRAHAM: Pence called out NBC for giving a platform to religious intolerance and for supporting a show that compared Christianity to mental illness. Critics have said "The View" should no longer fall under ABC's News division, but ABC News and its parent company, Disney, have yet to respond to the complaints of their own viewers. For a business dependent on the family, many of them Christians, this seems like the definition of a mental illness, if you ask me. And in the meantime, Joy, we are praying for you. We'll be right back.


INGRAHAM: Before we go, we want to update everyone on the story we discussed last week when a Stoneman Douglas student claimed that CNN tried to script questions for him ahead of its gun violence town hall. The student offered email exchanges as proof, but that student's father now admitting he altered part of those emails by omitting key words. Shouldn't do that.

And by the way, Jeff Sessions has told Axios that the dinner he had tonight with Rod Rosenstein, his deputy, and Noel Francisco, his solicitor general, was not a show of force against Trump, OK? It was just the boys hanging out together. It was preplanned, just congratulating each other on the great jobs they are doing. It's not being mean to be president. So no mean tweets about Jeff Sessions having dinner. The man needs to eat.

That is all the time we have tonight. I cannot wait to watch Shannon Bream and the 'Fox News @ Night' team. They have a great show on tap. Miss Shannon, take it from here.

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