
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 14, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Welcome to "Hannity." This is a "Fox News Alert." Breaking news, a stunning new report from The Hill tonight. It ties Democrats and Republicans to the very same lobbyist who met with Trump, Jr.

John Sununu, Gregg Jarrett, Jay Sekulow, Larry Elder, Ari Fleischer, Patrick J. Buchanan and Dr. Sebastian Gorka all here on this busy Friday breaking news edition of "Hannity." Also, a "Hannity" investigation into what is real collusion between Democrats and the media that they're not telling you about! That is tonight's very important "Opening Monologue."

All right, there are several reports tonight that increase the number of people who attended the meeting that Donald Trump, Jr., had with this Russian lawyer in 2016, including a Russia lobbyist. And by the way, some outlets are reporting the man has ties to Russian intelligence, although he denies it.

Now, this comes as The Hill is breaking another major story tonight about who Donald Trump, Jr., met with and how they're tied to the Democrats. That's right, the Democrats. According to The Hill, this Russian lobbying effort has ties to three Russian businessmen, and the lobbying team included a former Democratic congressman and a former government official.

Now, the report also details how these pro-Russian lobbyists, including one of the people who met with Donald Trump, Jr., also tried to meet with Democrat and Republican members of Congress. So in other words, a lot of people involved in this.

And we're also learning tonight that back in March, Senator Chuck Grassley-- he published a complaint where he detailed how a Russian lobbyist in this story worked with that group we've been telling you about, Fusion GPS. Remember? They published the fake document about President Trump, and that goes to the Ritz Carlson, and that goes to hookers. Remember all that?

But they were there to lobby Congress on the Magnitsky Act. Remember the one we're talking about? That's the one that matters. There's also new information how several Obama administration agencies allowed this Russian lawyer to enter the U.S. back in 2015 and stay until -- through her June 9th meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. So it sounds like John Kerry, Loretta Lynch and Jeh Johnson all have a lot of explaining to do tonight because, after all, if this Russian lawyer was such a threat, like the left and the media is claiming, well, then, why was she allowed into the country? Why did she get a special waiver and allowed to stay?

Once again, as we begin to peel back the layers of this onion and learn more and more about truth and facts, this is now boomeranging back onto the Democratic Party.

Plus, a stunning new revelation about the Clintons, their financial ties to Russia and more potential evidence of a major pay-to-play scheme with million of dollars. Now, in a Wikileaks email allegedly from the Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta, his inbox -- a staffer actually bragged about stopping a story that tied Clinton to the Magnitsky Act. And it reads in part, quote, "With the help of the research team, we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link Hillary Rodham Clinton's opposition to the Magnitsky Act and the bill to a $500,000 speech that William Jefferson Clinton gave in Moscow." By the way, double his normal speaking fee.

Now, the campaign was able to kill that story, but The Wall Street Journal reported that back in 2010, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and opposed this particular act, well, quote, "Bill Clinton participated in a question and answer session at a Renaissance Capital Investors conference where he was paid $500,000, and after the appearance, Mr. Clinton received a personal thank you call" -- from who? Vladimir Putin, then the Russian prime minister! The government news agency Tass reported that.

And in that same article, a Clinton spokesman, well, did push back against that connection, but this isn't the only evidence of pay-to-play and wrongdoing from the Clintons that they've gotten a pass on. We're going to expose that in a second.

But first, the Democrats, the destroy Trump media, have for months breathlessly, hysterically, been feigning moral outrage and pushing those black helicopter tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about collusion, when in fact, they now are the ones. They have been colluding the entire time all in an effort to damage, to delegitimize, and ultimately overturn an election of you, the American people, and destroy the president.

Let's go back to the campaign. Remember WikiLeaks? They exposed this unholy alliance between the Clinton campaign and the press. There was a highly orchestrated plot between the Clinton campaign, the media. Why? They wanted Hillary elected. Now, the evidence is overwhelming. It's incontrovertible, including -- remember CNN? Oh, yes, fake news. Well, remember they gave the Clinton team debate questions ahead of time. And by the way, does anyone ever remember that poor Bernie Sanders was railroaded and the fix was in and it was a rigged primary?

Now, by the way, this is why that Clinton was given a free pass by the media despite a mountain of evidence of felonies, crimes, wrongdoing, inexcusable behavior. And it's why now the media refuses to even cover massive scandals that you, the American people, need to know about.

They don't care to search for answers. They're not looking for the truth. They have political, ideological interests, and of course, that's advancing that radical alt left-wing agenda, and of course, hurting President Trump.

Now, just take a look at this disgusting display from Democrats. This is just earlier today. Some of them -- they've been doing this since November 9th, talking about the president and impeachment. Watch this.


REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIFORNIA: So many of us are attempting in every way that we possibly can to unveil the criminal activity, the unconstitutional activity of this president and his family. So I have dubbed them the criminal clan a long time ago.

REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALI., MINORITY LEADER: I've always been reluctant because I think impeachment is something that has an impact on the country. So when the facts are clear -- the law is certainly clear, when the facts are clear, then (INAUDIBLE) time we'll make a decision.


HANNITY: Now, here's the thing. When it comes to Democrats once again calling for impeachment, it doesn't matter what does or doesn't happen. This has been their goal for a very long time! All these cries, impeachment, impeachment, all the hysteria, all the conspiracy theories -- it's really about distracting you, the American people, from real scandals that they're not reporting on that we're investigating.

And of course, we will continue to investigate. We will continue to expose them because you deserve answers, the truth, and people need to be held responsible for their actions.

For example, back in January, we've been telling you Politico uncovered a massive, huge scandal, much bigger than Trump-Russia. Here's the headline. "Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump" -- oh, a foreign government! -- "backfired. Kiev officials scrambling to make amends with the president- elect after quietly working to boost Clinton."

Now, that story, as we've been telling you -- it details how a DNC paid operative, Alexandra Chalupa -- she literally spearheaded a plan, along with the Ukrainian government, Ukrainian ambassador, to hurt Donald Trump's campaign and boost Hillary Clinton.

Now, Politico highlights in the piece how Chalupa once worked for the Clinton White House, worked to try to expose former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and they were successful, including meeting with the Ukrainian diplomats in the Ukrainian embassy. And Chalupa said that those Ukrainian diplomats were helpful when it came to finding information. They were researching it, disseminating that information.

And the bombshell quote about Chalupa -- well, she shared her findings with officials from the DNC and Clinton's campaign. Oh, that's called collusion.

But Chalupa's efforts didn't end there. Remember, she also said that she would help, quote, "a lot of journalists," their willing accomplices in the media and writing stories about Manafort to try to hurt the Trump campaign.

Now, we've reached out again to Chalupa. We haven't heard back. Shocking. Now, as we said last night on the program, she needs to be called in by the Republicans. They have the power to do this. Put her under oath, make her testify to Congress. What did she know, when she know it, how did she get this information, who did she share the information with?

And Congress also needs to hear from the Ukrainian ambassador she was meeting. Remember? They sat down in the embassy. And we can't stop there. DNC -- they were briefed. Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- she needs to be put under oath and tell you, the American people, what she knows about this scandal. And on top of that, if they briefed the campaign, which the report says they did, all right, bring in John Podesta, put him under oath. He needs to testify about the information Chalupa passed on to the campaign. Robby Mook, as well.

Now, this is a major scandal, but only the tip of the iceberg of what needs to be investigated. We still have the Russian dossier. Remember Christopher Steele? That's the former intelligence agent, Great Britain. He wrote that fake news dossier about Donald Trump, and by the way, paid for some of the information. It cited Russian sources. And then the group connected to Hillary -- that's Fusion GPS -- remember? They were sending it around, and the Democrats -- they were using that phony information to attack then candidate, now President Trump. They all need to be brought before Congress under oath and answer questions!

Then, of course, we got the former FBI director, Comey. He wanted to pay this guy 50 grand! And his removal of government information from the FBI, leaking it to The New York Times, and helping to get his friend to be a special counsel. Let's put him under oath in this.

Now, this special counsel ended up becoming Comey's buddy, Robert Mueller. Oh, OK. Then he hires Hillary Clinton's attorney. We've been saying this over and over again. It is now time to start investigating the investigator.

You're not hearing about any of this from the mainstream media. Now, Mueller may be actually breaking out (sic) the law by carrying out this investigation when it's James Comey, his BFF, is the key witness and Mueller's hiring -- let's see, members to his team donating thousands and thousands to Obama and Clinton?

Take a look at the graphic. His investigators have donated tens and tens of thousands of dollars to the likes of Hillary and Obama. And what's even worse is one of the lawyers of Mueller's team -- well, he was working for Clinton and the Clinton Foundation!

And we've also learned that the former Obama attorney general, Loretta Lynch, influenced the investigation into the email server scandal, pressuring James Comey to call it a matter instead of an investigation. Then of course, the 40-minute tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.

When are we going to put these people under oath? It's got to happen sooner than later. And by the way, go (ph) to all of this, it includes, you know, reopening -- this is the most important part. If we're going to have equal justice under the law, reopen Hillary Clinton's email investigation since we know, well, that -- in that particular case, Lynch influenced that investigation. Only a matter? Not really.

There's also Hillary breaking the law, having secret, top-secret, special access program, classified information on her server. That's mishandling by definition. And then destroying some.

Then the corrupt Uranium One deal. Remember? She was serving as secretary of state, approved the transfer of up to 20 percent, America's uranium, the foundational material for nuclear weapons, a real Russian conspiracy! That goes to Vladimir Putin. That goes to the Russians. And people involved in that deal kicked back as much as $145 million into the Clinton Foundation! That's called bribery where I grew up. And while Bill Clinton doubled his speaking fees in Moscow.

Nobody else is telling you this! It's outrageous, the double standard. It is beyond anything I've seen in my lifetime.

Joining us now, former governor of New Hampshire John Sununu. Also lawyer, FOX News anchor Gregg Jarrett. And on the phone is the president's attorney. He's also the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow. We'll get to him in a second.

John Sununu, welcome to the program. Along--


HANNITY: What's that?

SUNUNU: Happy Friday.

HANNITY: Happy--


HANNITY: Happy investigative Friday! Thank you. You've been around this business a long time.

SUNUNU: Right.

HANNITY: You're one of the smartest people I know. You ever see anything like this, a double standard as bad as this?

SUNUNU: No. You're right on it being a double standard, but I think we just have to keep at it. A couple of the points that you brought up I think are even more serious than you made them.

The Ukrainian folks are puppets of Putin. They provided opposition research, and therefore they provided a campaign contribution. And so the Clintons were guilty of not reporting that campaign contribution.

This is -- if they want to play this game, we have to be specific, we have to be sharp, we have to be focused, and we have to point these things out. I'm not a lawyer. You got two other lawyers on with me. I'm sure they can tell you how serious that is.

The other point that I think is--

HANNITY: Jay -- go ahead.

SUNUNU: Go ahead. Go ahead.

HANNITY: No, no, no. You go, sir. I would never interrupt Governor Sununu! That could be a -- I've watched you on "Crossfire." Go ahead.

SUNUNU: The other thing that is important to understand here is that there is also -- the Uranium One situation, I think, has not been investigated properly. And (INAUDIBLE) contribution of $100 million to the Clinton Foundation should explain how clearly beneficial that Uranium One deal was to him and to the Russians. And so if you want to point to the Russians, there's two examples where I think there's illegality.

HANNITY: OK. Now, I agree with you. I think that's very well said.

Jay, let me go to you. Let's separate fact from fiction here. Governor Sununu is right. In the Ukrainian deal, there was a meeting in the embassy with the ambassador! Information was exchanged. It was passed on to the Hillary campaign. OK, that didn't happen that anybody knows of with Trump and Russia. Then you have Fusion GPS and their ties to Hillary Clinton's campaign, this phony dossier, information coming from Russia.

So separate fact from fiction for us here.

JAY SEKULOW, TRUMP LEGAL TEAM (via telephone): Yes. Well, first -- the first fact from fiction is what was the purpose of the meeting in Russia, according to the people from Russia that were engaged as part of (INAUDIBLE) you know, the lawyer that was there. What was the purpose of the meeting, actually? When it actually took place, it was information about the Magnitsky Act, which was an entire lobbying activity that had been taking place -- they went right from meeting with Donald Trump, Jr--.

HANNITY: But the email suggested otherwise.

SEKULOW: Sure. Sure. The email suggested otherwise. They thought they had opposition research. And it -- you know, opposition research? Guess what? That's part of political campaigns. What happened here -- and this is what's important. What actually happened (INAUDIBLE) a much larger -- basically, a lobbying campaign on the whole issue of the Magnitsky Act, which is the sanction on human rights violations with Russia. And that is what this was about, at the end of the day. So the difference between, of course, what happened in the situation where the Ukrainians (INAUDIBLE)

HANNITY: All right. So you're breaking up a little bit. Let me go to Gregg Jarrett. So if you look at Trump/Russia as one issue, Gregg, and you look at issue number two, Ukrainian ambassador, paid DNC staffer passing on information--


HANNITY: -- and you look at a third issue, Fusion GPS getting information from Russia -- and again, who's funding them is also tight with Clinton -- of the three, which is the worst? And then add Uranium One to the mix.

JARRETT: Oh, well, Uranium One by far because it's a crime. To use your public office to confer benefit to a foreign government in exchange for money -- that's called public corruption. It's called bribery. That's a real emoluments violation.

The meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. -- my goodness, you know, Vladimir Putin, former KGB, could have sat in on that meeting and it wouldn't be a crime. The Constitution gives us the freedom to freely associate with anybody, including Russians, and the freedom to exchange ideas and information from any source, including Russians.

But there's this myth somehow that every Russian is the boogeyman, and if you dare talk with one of them, it's a heinous crime. The fact is, there are no crimes here.


HANNITY: -- we're talking to a left and right and getting information from them!

JARRETT: Right. There's no treason, as all of these Democratic lawmakers, including Pelosi, seem to imply because we're not at war with Russia. It's not conspiracy to defraud the government because there's no deceit here. It's certainly collusion because that's only anti-trust law. And finally, it is not, as Pelosi said, a violation of election laws because the law specifically allows foreign nationals to volunteer information and their personal services. The law says that is not a foreign donation.

HANNITY: All right--

JARRETT: But the media never asks the tough questions here.

HANNITY: Governor, welcome back. Gregg, as always, thank you. We lost Jay Sekulow. Thank you, Jay.

And when we come back on this busy breaking Friday news night, Larry Elder, Ari Fleischer will respond to tonight's "Opening Monologue" and the left's Russia obsession, their double standard.

And later, the original insurgent himself, Patrick J. Buchanan, is here.

And also tonight--


SEBASTIAN GORKA, DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT: You are now 13th place in national ratings behind Nick at Night, which is at 11.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: You used that line on Monday, and you know, it was sort of mildly amusing on Monday--

GORKA: Yes. Tucker Carlson gets four million viewers. You barely scratch 200,000.


HANNITY: Fifty-year-old "Yogi Bear" reruns and 25-year-old "Full House" reruns do beat CNN. Anyway, Dr. Gorka talks about his beatdown of CNN later.



KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO THE PRESIDENT: Frankly, you know, when I was campaign manager in those last several months, you know, when I needed negative information about Hillary Clinton, I didn't have to go very far. I looked at Hillary Clinton. She was a treasure trove. She was, like, a treasure box of negative Hillary information with arms and legs!


HANNITY: All right, that was counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway. That was earlier today on "Fox & Friends."

Joining us now with reaction, Salem Radio nationally syndicated host Larry Elder, former White House press secretary, Fox News contributor Ari Fleischer.

Ari, I guess from a PR standpoint, I can sit here all day and I can point out the duplicity, the double standards, there's not equal application of standards as it relates to Ukraine and a DNC operative who's being paid by the DNC, passing on information to the Clinton campaign, meeting in the Ukrainian embassy -- I could talk about Fusion GPS and where their money comes and their connection to some these same Russians.

But the media won't even touch it! Why?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Sean, I concede everything you said is true. And I've also said, and I've said it for decades, that it's so much easier to be a Democrat talking to the media than it is a Republican because the Democrats and the media see things very much the same way. And this case, they all hate Donald Trump. For the most part, they hate Trump.

HANNITY: Yes. They're sheep (INAUDIBLE)

FLEISCHER: Having said that, I still have to say -- I still have to say that it was a mistake -- and Donald Trump, Jr., almost said this himself on your show -- to get that email and hold the meeting. When you get an e- mail from a foreign government, particularly the Russian government, saying that they have dirt on your opponent and they want to have a meeting and it's sponsored by the government, this meeting, you don't take the meeting.

I think Donald Trump, Jr., would have been so much stronger if he had just said on your show, the critics are right, I shouldn't have had the meeting.

HANNITY: OK. But he kind of said -- he said in retrospect. And again, the circumstances were different. You've been in the middle of campaigns. You know the flurry of emails and texts and meetings and everything's going at a rapid pace.

And I guess the only thing I would say in their defense is, you know, if -- if you have a DNC staff member that's paid that's passing on information after meeting at the Ukrainian embassy, and dirt is disseminated by the Ukrainians, in that particular case against Trump, that's far worse than anything that Donald Trump, Jr., or anybody in the Trump campaign, up to this point, that we know about, ever did!

And I guess to me, it's just beyond -- you know, you accept a double standard. I'm not willing to accept it!

FLEISCHER: I think the other thing that's important that needs to be said here is we still to this date have seen zero evidence that anybody from the Trump campaign was involved in the fundamental issue here, which was the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Podesta's emails--

HANNITY: Good point.

FLEISCHER: -- and the dissemination of them. The two are unrelated. And the entire controversy really does hinge on the latter, not the former. The former, the meeting, was bad judgment. It should not have happened. But the crime -- which it would be a crime in my book for anybody to cooperate with stealing emails -- an attack on one political party should be an attack on all political parties. There still is no evidence anybody from Trump world was involved there.

HANNITY: None whatsoever. And Julian Assange -- I think I'm one of the few people only in the country that's interviewed him and talked to him, and had him on radio and TV at least five times, and he vehemently denies that it was any state or the Russians in particular.

Larry Elder, both about the double standard -- I think Democrats have gone so much further on this. There's zero coverage of that. What do you think?

LARRY ELDER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, I'd also say this. In addition to the double standard, one of the reasons that people don't like to go into politics is because politics is not beanbag. It is rough and it is tough. It is tumble. And I find it very difficult to believe that if the circumstances were reversed, the Clintons would not have taken this meeting. I've got dirt on my opponent, dirt that may hurt my opponent's campaign in a very tough campaign? I find it--

HANNITY: But the Ukrainian ambassador was working with the DNC!

ELDER: I find it flabbergasting to hear all of this holier than thou from people saying, I wouldn't have taken that meeting. Are you kidding me? The Clintons would not have taken that meeting, given their track record of shenanigans, personal, ethical and sexual transgressions, starting from the most recent ones, the Clinton server, the Espionage Act likely violations, the various stories they gave us about Benghazi--

HANNITY: Larry, you're really good.

ELDER: Give me a break!

HANNITY: All right, let me ask this then. All right, maybe Ari is right. And I'll give Larry first crack at this. Maybe Ari's right. There's a double standard, and it's really flagrant. But there shouldn't be a two- tiered justice system. There needs to be equal justice under the law.

So if Mueller's going to investigate all this regarding Donald Trump, Jr., and committees are going to bring them in, shouldn't we bring in Podesta and Robby Mook and Hillary Clinton? Doesn't the Uranium One deal now come back into play, Larry? Don't all those people need to be put under oath? The justice system should be separate from politics, right?

ELDER: I couldn't agree with you more. But you heard that old line in Washington, D.C., if you want a friend, get a dog. The unfortunate thing is there is a double standard. Republicans are treated differently. Barbara Boxer once said it's very difficult for any Republican to win because she believes that the media are against us. And that's the case. So we're going to have to deal with.

HANNITY: Thank you guys, both, for being with us. Appreciate it.

Next, Patrick J. Buchanan is here to respond to all this hysteria.

And also tonight--


GORKA: In the last nine months, you and your colleagues in the fake news media, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times--


GORKA: -- Washington Post--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're not going to--

GORKA: I'm going to finish! I'm going to finish.



HANNITY: Dr. Gorka's takedown of the mainstream media. He is here to respond. He'll join us later tonight as we continue on this busy Friday breaking news night.


JACKIE IBANEZ, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Good evening. Live from America's news headquarters, I'm Jackie Ibanez in New York.

The Trump administration has now appealed a recent ruling from a federal judge in Hawaii that would allow more refugees into the United States. That ruling, a direct challenge to the president's travel ban, which requires people from six Muslim majority countries to prove a bona fide family relationship to enter the U.S., the long and tangled legal battle will culminate before the U.S. Supreme Court in October.

Meanwhile in Iraq's largest city, the liberation of Mosul has left vast devastation. After nearly nine months, Iraq's U.S.-backed forces managed to oust militants and retake the city, but it came at a cost. Roads, bridges, and thousands of buildings have been destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. The country is now focused on what is expected to be a long and very costly road to reconstruction.

I'm Jackie Ibanez. Now back to "Hannity."


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think we got along very well. And I think that's a good thing. That's not a bad thing.


TRUMP: People said they shouldn't get along. Who are the people that are saying that? I think we got along very, very well. We're a tremendously powerful nuclear power. And so are they.


TRUMP: It doesn't make sense not to have some kind of a relationship.


HANNITY: That was President Trump this week defending his attempts to normalize relations with Russia. Joining us now with reaction, author of "Nixon's White House Wars," our friend Patrick J. Buchanan. You know, there is great irony here this week is that the Russians are so bad, you can't talk to them, Pat. But as soon as two Russians start saying anything bad about Trump, they're the most credible people on earth and we need to listen. That was before tonight when we learned that the Democrats were also targeted by them. What are your thoughts on all this?

PATRICK BUCHANAN, AUTHOR, "NIXON'S WHITE HOUSE WARS": My thoughts are the president of the United States is correct in wanting to deal with Russia and affect a rapprochement with Russia after the problems of the Obama administration, Sean. They got 6,000 or 7,000 nuclear weapons. Vladimir Putin is a tough customer. He's an autocrat. He's not Pope Francis. But he's not Stalin, and he's not -- I mean, he's not Brezhnev. And he really hasn't done the kind of crimes, massive crimes the Soviet Union did.

And yet American presidents have tried ever since Truman to get along with Russian leaders. And now we have got a Russian leader who's not a communist, and I think we ought to try to get along with him.

HANNITY: He's former KGB. Nobody likes what he did in Ukraine or Crimea or any of these other instances. But at the end of the day, Trump is not exactly being Putin's best friend. He is trying to set up a system where energy-wise, which is the lifeblood of the economy of everybody, that western Europe has an option beyond Russia in case he goes nuts and wants to turn off the spigot from there.

BUCHANAN: You know, take Syria, Sean. I mean, there the Russians and the Iranians, like it or not, the Syrians, they won the civil war. They helped us to a degree kill ISIS in Raqqa and in Syria. And now the United States wants to work with the Russians to try to affect a peace which will stop the horrific slaughter in probably one of the worst civil wars since the Spanish civil war of the `30s. And this is a real world. And I commend the president for trying to deal with it.

HANNITY: So there's been one narrative, but yet there's far more evidence of real collusion, the DNC paid operative passing on information, meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador at the embassy. Then you've got GPS, Fusion GPS, false information gotten from Russia, regurgitated by Democrats. The media doesn't even touch it and it's far worse. If you're the Trump White House, how do you deal with it, Pat? You've lived under fire pretty much your entire life.

BUCHANAN: Well, let me tell you, you've touched on a valid point here. They're not going after Hillary Clinton for a variety of reasons. One of them is she's irrelevant. She's gone. Secondly, the media in this town and the deep state are determined to bring down Donald Trump. They got a bit in their teeth. They smell the blood in the water. There are Pulitzers all around. For a lot of journalists, this is their Watergate time. This is their hour.

HANNITY: Is it going to work?

BUCHANAN: Sean, it's an obsession, morning, noon and night. Is it going to work? Let me say this, looking at it -- and I follow the cable and the news daily, with five newspapers -- I don't see when this ends or how it right now, but I don't think it's going to end well. And when things come along, like what happened up there in New York, with Donald Trump Jr. at that meeting and not giving the whole truth, it simply feeds this. I think this battle is really a fight to finish for the control for the destiny of the United States politically.

HANNITY: That is really chilling. I don't want disagree, but I will make it my business to make sure the duplicity, the hypocrisy, the lying is exposed, because they're not doing it. It's sad. Thank you, Pat.

Up next tonight on this busy breaking news night on "Hannity."


DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA, DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT: So you know who leaked the information? Do you have those identities?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm asking, do you believe that --

GORKA: No. I'm asking you. Do you believe --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I can't answer that, sir.

GORKA: Do you know?


HANNITY: Dr. Gorka, his beat-down of the liberal media, and did it to the anchors, right to their faces, all week. That's straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So this week, one brave member of the Trump administration went into the lion's den over and over again to do battle with the destroy-Trump media. Now, whether he was appearing on CNN or MSNBC, Dr. Sebastian Gorka took the president's message to some pretty dark corners of the fake news sphere, and he came out on top. This is entertaining. Take a look.


GORKA: More people watch "Nick at Night" cartoons than CNN today.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Our ratings are doing just fine. If you want to go there, our ratings are doing just fine.

GORKA: You're 14th. You are now 13th place in national ratings behind "Nick at Night," which is at 11:00.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You used that line on Monday.

GORKA: Yes, 4 million viewers. You barely scratched 200,000.

In the last nine months, you and your colleagues and the fake news media, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times --


GORKA: I'm going to finish. I'm going to finish.

Do you know who leaked the information? Do you have those identities?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm asking you. Do you believe that --

GORKA: No. I'm asking you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I can't answer that, sir.

GORKA: Do you know?

You've seen that leadership from the southern border to NATO to Warsaw to the economy to the stock market, we're crushing it, and he can do that from anywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right, well, the White House doesn't crush a stock market.

GORKA: It's a common phrase. It means winning.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thanks for helping me with a common phrase.

GORKA: You're welcome. Any time.



HANNITY: All right, a Gorka beat-down. Joining us now, the man himself, the deputy assistant to the president, Dr. Sebastian Gorka. I just want to point out factually, 50-year reruns of "Yogi Bear," 25-plus year reruns of "Full House" are what's on at "Nick at Night" that is beating CNN. So you're factually correct. And you took it to them. And I'm glad you did. Why did you decide to do it?

GORKA: Because sooner or later somebody has to push back. We have beautiful, intelligent women like Kellyanne. We've got brave professionals like Sean Spicer. Somebody has to be the president's pit bull. And I'm ready. I'm going to take it to them.

Sean, they had a reputation, CNN in the warzones, MSNBC. It's gone like a puff of smoke. They have a credibility crisis. Think about what they're doing. They've been in this collusion delusion for nine months, not one piece of evidence of any illegal activity, and they spin and they spin. They're tanking. Somebody has to make them wake up, and I'm glad to help them.

HANNITY: Listen, it's something we do on this program almost every night. And we're giving news and information that I argue you really can't get anywhere else. And I even watched about eight minutes last night of a CNN program. It was so shallow, so bitterly partisan, so absolutely factually inaccurate that I couldn't take it anymore. I tweeted it out, and people were like why did you waste eight minutes of your life? We know it's fake news.

But here's the issue. Now we know that there was collusion, there were meetings with paid DNC operatives and the ambassador of Ukraine, and information is passed on to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. Then you've got the Christopher Steele, Russian dossier, money paid out, Russian information given in that particular case. Comey even wanted to hire the guy. There's so much evidence of collusion on other side, and nobody else is talking about it. This isn't funny at this point.

GORKA: Sean, they've made a decision. My White House colleague Anderson Raven (ph), he coined the phrase last week, the fake news industrial complex. There's two ways to be successful in your business, Sean. One way is to go after the ratings with sensationalism, with lies, lies about Tony Scaramucci, lies about what Mueller is going to testify. Just spin, spin, spin so you make more money.

HANNITY: Everybody has been lied about.

GORKA: Right.

HANNITY: They've gone after you. They've gone after the first lady, the first daughter. They've gone after even an 11-year-old kid, 10 at the time. They've gone after both brothers. They've gone after Reince and Bannon and Kellyanne and Steve Miller, and, by the way, people that support the president and agree with his agenda like me. There's nobody that gets a pass here. They want to kill anybody associated with the president, politically speaking.

GORKA: Sean, they have a psychological issue. It really is a psychological issue. They cannot believe that the American people chose Donald J. Trump to be president. As a result they're in this bubble, they're in this psychological crisis, they're tanking, so they spin, they spin. They want to make more money on ratings so their corporate owners are happy. The only way to be successful in the long term, the only way is to do what you do, Sean. It's about truth. You saw that you're a conservative, but you're interested in the truth, whether it's about Benghazi, the IRS scandal --

HANNITY: Absolutely.

GORKA: -- Fast and Furious, they don't care about the truth. Think about their professionalism or their lack of it. Could you imagine a Walter Cronkite or an Edward R. Murrow having a guest on their show, and then after their interview ends, in the next panel they insult the guest when he can't defend himself. That's what Anderson Cooper did this week.

HANNITY: It was pathetic.

GORKA: That's just unprofessional.

HANNITY: And by the way, used a guy that recently died to do it.


HANNITY: Great job this week. This is -- that was important, a line in the sand. And it's about time people start calling them out. Good job, Dr. Gorka. Thanks for being with us.

GORKA: Thanks, Sean.

HANNITY: And up next on this busy breaking Friday news night on "Hannity." --


JAMIE DIMON, CEO, J.P. MORGAN CHASE: We have become one of the most bureaucratic, confusing, litigious societies on the planet. It's almost an embarrassment.


HANNITY: J.P. Morgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, he unloads on the inefficient Washington bureaucrats, the swamp. I have got another message tonight for Washington, Republicans in particular. That's our mini monologue.

And also tonight --


TERRENCE WILLIAMS, COMEDIAN: There's two things in this world that I cannot stand, blondes and liberals.


WILLIAMS: They're always crying and melting every time you disagree with them.


HANNITY: All right, he's back. He's been here all week, conservative social media Twitter sensation Terrence Williams. He gets the last word of the week tonight on "Hannity."


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Bureaucracy, red tape, taxes, are ravaging American businesses, stifling entrepreneurs, and stunting the growth of wages all across the country. You know what, it's time for the government to get off all of our backs. And that's why we're putting Washington on notice in this very important mini monologue tonight.

All right, so the federal government is now spending more than $400 billion of your hard-earned money per month for the first time in American history. So what you getting for your hard-earned dollars? Let's see. Let's see, a huge, controlling, inefficient, bloated bureaucracy that just wants more and more and more.

Now during a quarterly earnings conference call J.P. Morgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, well, he went off on the confusing red tape that all of us as Americans have to jump over just to earn a simple living and provide for our family. Listen to what he said.


JAMIE DIMON, CEO, J.P. MORGAN CHASE: We have become one of the most bureaucratic, confusing, litigious societies on the planet. It's almost an embarrassment to be an American citizen traveling around the world and listening to the stupid -- we have to deal with in this country.

And you know, at one point we all have to get our act together or we won't do what we're supposed to do for the average America. Unfortunately people write about this seem like it's for corporations. It's not for corporations. Competitive taxes are important for business and business growth, which is important for jobs and wage growth.


HANNITY: That's right, jobs for us, the American people. Jamie Dimon is absolutely right. And thankfully, President Trump is taking action. In just his first few months in office that president has signed over a dozen laws rolling back the stifling Obama era regulations and implemented a new rule requiring these bureaucrats to eliminate two regulation for every new regulation they impose on us.

Sadly, there's one of Obama era regulation that some could argue is more harmful to American businesses, the American people, than any other regulation or law on the books, and that, of course, is Obamacare. Earlier today the president tweeted out "Republican senators are working hard to get their failed Obamacare replacement improved. I will be at my desk pen in hand." So important Republican senators under the leadership of Senate Majority Leader McConnell, get healthcare plan approved after seven years of Obamacare disaster. This must happen. After all the years of suffering through Obamacare, Republican senators must come through as they have promised.

Well, guess what. All of you in the Senate, it's time for you to keep that promise and start working for the American people. Oh, this is hard. OK, you've been promising us seven years, repeal, replace Obamacare. It's not only necessary for the health and the well-being of our citizens, but also for the health and well-being of this economy. We give, what, the government hundreds of billions of dollars every month. It's time for you in Congress, in this particular case the Senate, put your money where your mouth is. Get your job done. We're getting tired of waiting.

And up next, on this busy breaking news Friday night on "Hannity." --


TERRENCE WILLIAMS, COMEDIAN: There's two things in this world that I cannot stand, blondes and liberals.


WILLIAMS: They're always crying and melting every time you disagree with them.


HANNITY: Conservative Twitter social media sensation Terrence Williams, he gets the last word this week as he has every night this week. That's next.


HANNITY: All right, Welcome back to "Hannity." All week our friend, conservative social media sensation, Twitter sensation Terrence Williams has had the last word on the program. And here is the final word for the week. Here's Terrence.


TERRENCE WILLIAMS, COMEDIAN: There's two things in this world that I cannot stand, blondes and liberals.


WILLIAMS: They're always crying and melting every time you disagree with them. Every time Trump open his mouth, they run to their mama's basement to cry and complain about life. You can't even have a real debate with a liberal. They don't care about that. They don't know why they want Trump impeached. Half the snowflakes complaining, they need to get out there to vote. But you know what, you ask them why they are mad at Trump, they're going to say, well, CNN told us to be mad.


WILLIAMS: They need to go to bed.


HANNITY: You've got to love that laugh. Terrence, thank you so much. You've been great all week. We appreciate it.

That's all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. This show will always be fair and balanced. Have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday.


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