
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 22, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I am Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld. It is 9 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

The Democrats are on a losing streak despite the near incessant accusations of presidential obstruction of justice and unconstitutional actions. The Democrats are now 0 for 4 in Congressional special elections for seats vacated by Trump appointees. The Democrats issues were on full display on Tuesday after the GOP netted two wins in special elections in Georgia and South Carolina. This is despite unprecedented spending by liberals. President Trump brought up the Republican victories last night at his rally in Iowa.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Their plan isn't working because they thought they were going to win last night in Atlanta. They thought they were going to win. And they have been unbelievably nasty. Really nasty.

All we do is win, win, win. We won last night. They can't believe it. They say, what is going on? What is going on? We won last night. And even the worst of them said, "That was a big win for Trump."


PERINO: The results have even some Democrats questioning whether House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi should keep her job.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Do think Nancy Pelosi is more toxic than Donald Trump?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what? The honest answer is, in some areas of the country, yes, she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nancy Pelosi is a great speaker. She is a great leader. But her time has come and gone. Yes, she's a great fundraiser but if the money that we are raising through her leadership is not helping us win elections, then we have to have this difficult conversation now.


PERINO: Liberal co-maker Michael Moore echoed that sentiment, tweeting out that the Democrats, quote, "Have no message, no plan, no leaders." As for Ms. Pelosi herself, she is brushing off the criticism and is as confident as ever.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: Do you want me to sing my praises? Is that what you're saying? I am a master legislator. I am a strategic politically astute leader. My leadership is recognized by many around the country and that is why I am able to attract the support that I do. Which is essential to our election, sad to say.


PERINO: And today, President Trump tweeted that he does not want Pelosi out. He said, "I certainly hope the Democrats do not force Nancy P out. That would be very bad for the Republican Party. And please, let crying Chuck stay. "So, take a look at this headlines, Jesse. This is from around the beltway. This is all about Nancy Pelosi being in the hot seat. But I just wonder if they're actually going to oust her. You know, they tried in the beginning of the Congress and she is like held strong. She is a big national fundraiser for them. And she actually enforces party discipline, better than anybody so far. Do you think she stays or goes?

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I think she goes. But then the coup attempt, if it's not successful, then the knives come out. Because everybody knows who voted for who. That is the danger there. You have to be sure that she's going to fall in order to take the action. But I just don't think Pelosi fundamentally understands America or Americans. And I don't think the Democratic Party is self-aware enough to realize that she cannot be the face of the party because she doesn't play outside of the state of California. She had a nice run.

You know, she took charge in 2006 after the Iraq war went South and after some Republican scandals. And then she pushed through ObamaCare, the stimulus disasters, misread the will of the American people and then she got bounced out in 2010 when the Tea Party wave took over. But according to the latest polling, nearly half of the country believes the Democratic Party has become too extreme. That's up eight points over the last year. And the whole Democratic message under Pelosi is built on fantasy. Free college. Free health care. Russia.

So, I don't know how many moral victories the Democrats are going to be able to stomach before they realized it's time to actually start winning. You know, President Trump like to say, you know, we are going to win so much, you are going to be sick of winning. Are the Democrats sick of losing yet? We are not really sure. And I think one of the side effects of Trump derangement syndrome is short-term memory loss.

Because the Democrats have forgot about the issue. The Democrats actually are competitive when they talk about Medicare, college tuition, wages, things of that nature but when they go off on identity politics and Russia, Russia, Russia, they lose the resistance -- it fails. It's not a winning message. And I think actual Democrats in the heartland wish the D.C. Democrats are obsessed over them instead of obsessing over Russia.

PERINO: Juan, there is a new poll from the Wall Street Journal NBC that says that on the economy that the majority of Americans think Republicans are on the right track and they're the ones that would do a better job in the economy and enforce the change that's needed. So, the Democrats are having this fight amongst themselves and Michael Moore is saying they don't have a message, they don't have a plan. Is it time for them to make some sort of change?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think that is the real discussion. I mean, obviously, you know, Republicans will delight in the demise of Nancy Pelosi. They beat her up. I mean, you and I were talking on the show a few days or a few nights ago about the idea, you know, what is this demonization of politicians and the nastiness? And you watch the ads that played down in Georgia six, and they were all about Nancy Pelosi and they had Ossoff taking off the mask revealing that he was really Pelosi and this R-left Democrats. I mean --

PERINO: It's not funny.

WILLIAMS: This plays to Republican taste in a big way. That's why President Trump is saying, don't go anywhere near Nancy. We love her.

PERINO: Maybe that's, Kimberly means that -- maybe it's not about her personally but that the Republicans have been able to successfully brand her as the one that you want to fight against. And so, it's actually been successful. And maybe, I mean, I don't think -- I am very impressed with her career.


PERINO: And she's 77 years old. She's been able to do a lot for the Democrats. So, I think there's something to be said for all that she's done. I also don't think she's going anywhere.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And I know Nancy a very long time. And her whole family, you know, back in San Francisco. And she's very hard-working. She's done all of this and made a lot of personal sacrifice in terms of trying to serve the country. I give her credit for that and being a woman in a strong position. Now, that being the case, believe me, but Republicans are not going to delight in her demise. They want to prop wrap. There's by more Republicans supporting her staying in place. And Chuck Schumer staying in place, and crazy Tom Perez, you know, at the DNC, let them stay.

Okay. Those three kings. Like, let them be in their place. Because it's not helping. However, I do think in this case, she's being a little bit scapegoated. The big problem, I will touch on what Jessie said is the Democratic Party. Their insane psychotic rage against the Trump presidency, like they rage against the Trump candidacy, and there is an obsession with that, that now they are a party with no platform.


GUILFOYLE: -- with no bench. And kind of know where to go. At least Nancy Pelosi knows how to raise the money. I'm just telling you. Who else is going to step up to take that place to be the one who can make all the phone calls and get the money? The problem is, they don't know how to spend the money that they got. They are doing it and all the wrong ways. They turned this into a referendum against to President Trump instead of keeping it local in grass roots. And made it this whole like, you know, nationwide thing, you know, in district six instead of just getting right there in the front and back yards of the people they were talking to.

PERINO: Can we get Greg in?

WILLIAMS: Karen Handel never mentioned Trump once.

PERINO: Well, I think that's why the Republicans were smart. And he stayed away from her as well.

WILLIAMS: But you don't hear anybody saying, oh, get rid of Trump. Trump's numbers are like, you know, 35-40 percent. Her numbers are about 30, 35 percent. They are both not popular.

PERINO: All right. Let's get Greg in. Because it's not just one person that's a problem.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Nancy Pelosi stays or if she goes. It's the party.


GUTFELD: And Michael Moore is dead right on this. The big difference between Trump and the Democratic Party is Trump, there is promise. I'm going to help you, here is what we are going to do. The Dems, there is no promise or even more, there is no redemption. Meaning that if you actually try to agree with the Democrats, it's too late. Especially if you are white. If you are white, privileged, part of the patriarchy, you are doomed.

So, right now they have splintered the country because they replaced life experience with identity. We talked about identity politics. So, America now is fall for anything. And that means that you can't have the singular identity of being an American.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Because that represents everything that's evil. And so, you replaced that with hundreds of competing tribes. All of these different pronounce and identities. So, the Democratic Party is no longer a singular entity. It's like Sybil. Do you remember Sybil? A collection of combative corralling voices.


Yes. And they are eating themselves live. If you look on the campuses, what's happened at Evergreen, they are actually going after their own. If you take identity politics out of the equation, the Democratic Party, it's like taking meatballs out of a meatball sandwich, there is nothing there. The Democratic Party can no longer say what they're for. They can only say what they are against. And they are against so many things. They aren't just against Trump. They are against people who voted for Trump. They are against gasoline. They are against meat.


GUTFELD: You know, they're against anything. They're against individual liberty. Right? They're against -- I never thought -- you never thought you would see the day, especially one, they are against speech. They are not even -- they are the ones that are trying to silence people on campus. It is not the right, it's the left.

GUILFOYLE: They're against everything except Sharia Law and the abuse of women and children and gays, I mean, that's what they aren't against.

PERINO: Let me go -- we want to turn now to some tape that we just came across of actor Johnny Depp today at the Glastonbury Festival in the U.K.

GUTFELD: Look at them.

PERINO: The "Pirates of the Caribbean" started joking earlier, apparently he was joking about assassinating President Trump.


JOHNNY DEPP, ACTOR: I think he needs help. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?


I want to clarify, I am not an actor.


I lie for a living.


PERINO: All right. Greg, what do you make of that?

GUTFELD: He is a mess. He is an absolute mess. The guy -- this is your prominent mouthpiece. What I'm talking about, it's like, this is a guy who is obviously in lots of trouble. So, I feel kind of sorry for him. He looks like a vintage lampshade from a thrift shop.

GUILFOYLE: It's not that good.

GUTFELD: He is trying to be Keith Richards every time he opens his mouth that obviously he's messed up. And it's kind of sad he thinks the President is messed up when he is talking he can barely focus.

GUILFOYLE: Man in the mirror.

WATTERS: I mean, asked the secret service they are cool with celebrities making assassination jokes or beheading people or putting on assassination plays. The guys that are paid to protect the President, Republican or Democrat, they don't like these jokes. These jokes are funny. We were talking earlier though, you know, the President likes to keep Nancy Pelosi around because she's kind of fires up the Republican base and she makes the Democrats look bad. You know, I'd say keep Johnny Depp around. Because, you know, this is the kind of guy that Hollywood brings into a place like Georgia sixth --


WATTERS: And just ruins it for the candidates on the left. I mean, this can't keep happening over and over and over again.

PERINO: Juan, do you think that the Democrats have a Hollywood problem? Do you think --

WATTERS: Good question.

PERINO: -- that is a real thing.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think some of the people on the far left, especially the Hollywood types. And here, I would agree with Greg, you know, I think sometimes the condescension is just over leaning. It just becomes like, we don't like you, we don't know you, we don't care about the reality of your lives or how you think. And I think you can't. That kind of arrogance is very unappealing. Who wants to, you know, do business with somebody who's not listening? And so, to me, but I will say this. It's wrong to think that Johnny Depp would have been in Georgia six. Ossoff ran as a middle of the road guy and didn't emphasize the Bernie Sanders type thing.


WATTERS: Jane Fonda and Chelsea Handler and Alyssa Milano --

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. What you get is people coming in and drawing attention to Ossoff but not these far left positions that you guys delight in.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no. It's all over the mainstream media. And you see the celebrities going off, every day going cycle. Foaming at the mouth with the mainstream media. This vitriol, the rage, plus the millions of dollars from California was enough to take everybody off and really motivate Republican base to come out and support Karen. And that's why she won.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say, you know, remember right now in polls, Democrats are up plus seven to plus 10 in terms of a generic Congressional ballot.

PERINO: For 2018. That's true.

WILLIAMS: Yes. For 2018. So, that means something is going on that guess what, people don't like what the Republicans are doing. We are going to talk about something specifically in the next segment.

PERINO: All right. President Trump is blasting the Democrats for trying to block his efforts to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Details ahead.


WATTERS: Senate Republicans released their planned today that once and for all, repeal and replace ObamaCare. President Trump says he willing to negotiate over the details but Democrats won't even come to the table.


TRUMP: ObamaCare is a disaster. It's dead. Totally dead and we are putting in a plan today that is going to be negotiated. We would love to have some Democrats support but they are obstructionists. We won't get one, no matter how good it is. But we will hopefully get something done and it will be something with heart. And very meaningful.


WATTERS: President Obama for his part blasted the Republican plan, posting a lengthy statement on Facebook that said in part, quote, "This bill will do you harm." And no matter what changes the Republicans make it, they cannot change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation.

So, Greg, I am not saying this is perfect bill by any stretch of the imagination but, you know, when Democrats criticized this, it kind of reminds me of the football coach that goes 0 and 16, gets fired and then starts chirping from these bleachers about the game plan of the next coach. He has no credibility.

GUTFELD: The brilliance of President Obama, no matter how bad ObamaCare is, it was going to be impossible to remove.


GUTFELD: Like I said before it's like gum in your hair once it's there. But the thing that struck me was the Democrat response especially after the Scalise shooting, when we were talking about, you know, bad language and violent imagery. And you have Liz Warren saying, calling this blood money. Paying for tax cuts with American lives and you wonder why these things happen, Liz.

Huh? You should maybe watch yourself saying those things. After what happened. And then what's interesting, they are having these die-ins because Republicans kill people. That's what we do. Isn't that the inflammatory language we were talking about? You are staging a die in. And by the way, how are they able to plan that die-in so immediately after reading the 142 page report which was released today? So, everybody there read the report. They already knew it and they just instantaneously show up for a die-in.

GUILFOYLE: Anybody who does has a die-in also --


PERINO: Now, there was a die-in this morning at Central Park when I was walking Jasper. The bill hadn't even been released.

GUTFELD: I think that was at Central Park.

GUILFOYLE: That was a wine in.


WATTERS: That was a wine in. I think I'm going to be there tomorrow. Kimberly, there is a few conservative senators that have now come out and said, you know, what, I don't like this thing. And do you think that's going to be a problem?

GUILFOYLE: Well, it's not great. Right? Because it's enough to create a problem for it not to get through. Obviously the President would like to see unanimous support. I mean, right? That would be a good idea.


GUILFOYLE: And then say, listen, we understand. We hear your objections. And this is how we plan to address them going forward. Well, let's put this in and face it out. At least that was the argument that they were making before. There they are. These -- on the four.


GUILFOYLE: And so, they made some comments before that this wasn't able to get through.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: That they had problems with it. And then they tried to address some of those problems. You are not going to please everybody but a margin this type, they cannot afford to lose anybody.

PERINO: I think that it could be a strategy.

WATTERS: Which would be what?

PERINO: I think it's that Senator McConnell knew that the right guy, the conservatives, whatever they're calling themselves, that they were going to be against it. And so in the next week or so, as they try to offer amendments, basically what you have to do is you have keep this bill -- enough for House Republicans to vote on it and conference.


PERINO: So, I think this is a little bit of like, okay, I'm glad that they are actually doing this so then they can try to keep it in a conservative direction so that I can pass the House.

WATTERS: Okay. Interesting concept. Juan, anything is better than ObamaCare?

WILLIAMS: No, I don't think so. And this is obviously not better. I love the fact that they call it better health care. I'm thinking. Okay. So, are more people insured? No no, no, no. How about this? The premiums go down? No. What about the American Hospital Association? Let's get above the politics. Let's go to the people who provide health care, what did they say? This is going to drive up premiums and cause for working people who come to the hospital. But what about the elderly, Jesse? The people in nursing homes. The people who we all have sympathy for.

GUTFELD: They are all going to let them die according to the liberals. You want to say it, Juan.


GUTFELD: I know you want to say it, Juan. Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: I want to say tick them up because I know if I say die or push grandma off the cliff -- if you are putting a cap on Medicaid and people are in nursing homes -- that's how the nursing home gets paid, you are pushing people. So, the fact --

GUTFELD: Almost there.

GUILFOYLE: You forgot children dying of cancer.


WILLIAMS: It's too much, we don't have so much time. The fact that you have a bill, the house eight percent support across the nation? Bill, that's the basis for the Senate bill and the Senate bill really doesn't improve it. Remember, the President said, the House bill was mean. This is really not --

GUTFELD: But Juan, but Juan, the polls -- can I just say this?


GUTFELD: The polls are measuring what people don't like it, what the media is saying about.


GUTFELD: Because they're getting their information from you.

WILLIAMS: People are not stupid. And let me just say --

WATTERS: Is that how you guys past ObamaCare because --

WILLIAMS: The real opposition here, Susan Collins, Shelley Moore Capito --

WATTERS: Juan, we can refute all your things point by point but instead we will going to talk to Ainsley Earhardt who spoke to President Trump about health care. Roll the tape.


AINSLEY EARHARDT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: You have the House and the Senate but you have these senators that are now on board.

TRUMP: Well, there are also four good guys and four friends of mine. And I think that they will probably get there. We will have to see. You know, health care is a very difficult situation. If you look, the Clintons tried to get it and after years and years, they couldn't do it. ObamaCare was murder for them to get. And now it has failed. It's virtually out of business. ObamaCare is a disaster. And we are trying to do something in a very short period of time.


WATTERS: Okay. So, the President is basically this has got to go through, you know, you could see a huge momentum shift for the President, you know, off the heels of this Comey stuff and this Mueller investigation. You know, health care passes, tax reform gets teed up. The economy starts jamming up again. This could be a turning point. What do you think?

PERINO: Well, yes, in theory. And I think actually, you could actually get there but the next two weeks, they are not going to be smooth.

WATTERS: And it's going to be ugly.

PERINO: Absolutely. Because at least, one thing about Nancy Pelosi and Reid before Chuck Schumer, they could actually keep their people rigorously --

WATTERS: They ruled with an iron fist.

PERINO: They did. They said, we are all voting together. We're voting a block. Republicans are much more for individualism. Right? They're like, everybody can have their own opinion and is just a little bit more messy but I think by the end of it, if they get it for the President to sign, it will be better legislation. It won't be what everybody wants but it will hopefully increase competition which will help decrease cost.

WILLIAMS: After seven years. Seven years. Repeal. We're going to repeal it. No repeal. It's what Greg said.

GUILFOYLE: President Obama illegally transferred fronds from the Treasury Department in order to pay for ObamaCare. It was not even self-sustaining. That's why it's --

WILLIAMS: It's been self-sustaining. It's been sabotaged by Republicans.

WATTERS: And if you don't like it so much, maybe you can reach across the aisle and maybe get --

WILLIAMS: I agree with that point.

GUTFELD: You know what ObamaCare is? It's like, one of the -- it's a huge awful tattoo that you got in your 20s. On your back. And it's like really hard to remove. And it is going to take a long time to remove it.

WILLIAMS: They are talking about Medicaid, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes, I understand.


WATTERS: They are actually saving and strengthening Medicaid, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Include tattoo removal on that.

WATTERS: All right. And you guys can see Ainsley's full interview with President Trump tomorrow morning on "Fox & FRIENDS."

President Trump says he doesn't want a poor person to run the economy. Is that a good idea? We will going to discuss it, up next.


GUILFOYLE: There you go. A fired up President Trump addressed supporters at a rally in Iowa last night, touting his administration's accomplishments in front of a jubilant crowd of thousands. But listen to this provocative comment from Mr. Trump while lauding the business accomplishments of his top economic advisors.


TRUMP: So somebody said, why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy?


TRUMP: I said -- no, it's true. And Wilbur is a very rich person in charge of commerce. I said because that's the kind of thinking we want. I mean, you know, really, because they are representing the country. They don't want the money. They love all people, rich or poor. But in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person. Does that make sense? Does that make sense?


TRUMP: If you insist, I will do it. But I like it better this way, right?


GUILFOYLE: OK, how many people know what he meant by that, raise your hand?


GUILFOYLE: I'm seeing four hands so far. Juan Williams is confused.


WILLIAMS: I'm confused. I'm curious. What do you think he meant by that?


GUILFOYLE: Wilbur Ross has been very successful. He is brilliant. He is in charge of commerce. You have Steven Mnuchin who is in charge of the treasury department. You have Gary Cohen advising on the economy as well. So these are people who have been very successful, because they've been able to figure out the economic puzzle and the way to succeed in the country. And so, when President Trump ran for office, he said I wanted to get the best and brightest out there available to help me...

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, wait a second.


WILLIAMS: Can I interrupt?


WILLIAMS: He didn't say that. He said the richest.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no.

WILLIAMS: He didn't say these are people who are experts.


GUILFOYLE: I said when he ran for office, this is what he promised.


WILLIAMS: Oh, that's not what he said last night. He just said the richest.


GUILFOYLE: So he is saying it makes sense to have someone who...



WILLIAMS: If he said that, if he said what you said, I might buy into it.

GUILFOYLE: Would you vote for me, Juan?


WILLIAMS: You know I would. I can't help myself. I'm a big fan.

GUTFELD: He basically said, I don't want a clumsy person to be my surgeon. I don't want to have a person with low upper body strength helping me move a couch.


GUTFELD: There are types of people, there is a class of person where you work hard, but you're in the industry where you will never get rich, that's not what he's saying. He is talking about the people that we know in our lives who are poor, no matter what they do with their money. No matter how much money they make, they are just not good with their finances. So we are saying somebody who is great with their finances, in charge of our finances. You want a great accountant who is good with money.


GUTFELD: It's amazing how pathetic the critics are. They know what he meant, but they don't care.


GUILFOYLE: Johnny Depp is a very good actor, but he is very bad with finances. He really is.


WILLIAMS: The rich are better than you and me. And the rich are going to be looking out for themselves, not looking out for the working man in America.

GUTFELD: You should kill them, Juan.


WATTERS: Juan, you are rich.


GUILFOYLE: Juan, you are the richest man at this table.



WATTERS: Juan is wearing a white linen pants right now.


WATTERS: White linen pants.


WILLIAMS: You guys, I'm standing up here, I'm giving testimonials.

WATTERS: You are the Wilbur Ross of The Five.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.


WATTERS: Listen, if Trump gives a speech for 90 minutes and this is the gap that the media is latching onto, I would take that any day.

WILLIAMS: Oh, poor defense, Jesse.


PERINO: So a couple weeks ago, Secretary of HUD -- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson.

WATTERS: Who is worth millions of dollars, by the way.


PERINO: He said poverty is a state of mind. And he was ridiculed for it. And then, you look at Jason Riley who wrote this really great op-ed.

GUILFOYLE: Brilliant.

PERINO: In the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, in which listen to Ben Carson explain what he meant by that. He grew up poor. Now, he's trying to help poor people. I think that's what the president was saying. It reminded me of your book, Unspeakable Truths.


GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: Well, it's a good book.

WATTERS: A great book.


PERINO: What President Trump said is an unspeakable truth.

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly.

PERINO: Usually, politicians don't say things like that.

GUILFOYLE: A hundred percent. That is why Ben Carson is in charge trying to elevate and lift people out of poverty, and get housing, and jobs. And that is what you want, right? You want the best and brightest to work for the government because the top jobs, you have no personal lives, you don't make any more (inaudible), you get ridiculed, you get investigations after you. So, there you go, Juan.


WILLIAMS: Goldman Sachs for everything. Just let them take over.

GUTFELD: We are draining the swamp.

WILLIAMS: Oh, is that it?

GUTFELD: The swamp is Goldman Sachs.

GUILFOYLE: All of us here at The Five aspire us to be as successful as Juan. Williams.


GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much. Right?

WILLIAMS: I hope so.

GUILFOYLE: Up next, Otto Warmbier, the American student who died after being released from North Korea was laid to rest today. Greg's monologue on the pariah nation is up next.


GUTFELD: All right. As everyone tries to figure out what to do with North Korea, National Review reveals a key fact: The world buys slaves from the place. Up to 100,000 North Koreans are sent abroad as essentially slave labor to build, among other things, the stadiums for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. When the workers return, nearly all their money is taken by the government, which I doubt is spent on eldercare or prenatal nutrition. Obviously, we must pressure banks from handling North Korea's money here and elsewhere and we can do that by punishing everyone involved. We also need countries to stop using these laborers. And we also need to lean on FIFA, which after translation stands for International Federation of Association Football and by football, we mean soccer. It's the soccer organization that benefits from this gross export. North Korea exports bodies, extracts their value and tosses them aside.

Now, I know no one is going to cancel the World Cup, especially if the world doesn't exist in 2022. North Korea got its nukes after all, and they got nukes because people pay them to build stadiums. The money paid goes straight to those maniacs who don't use it to feed their citizens, but to build missiles.

So what if you started writing to FIFA now, demand that the games not be played on a field created by tormented souls? It may not amount to anything, but it sure beats watching soccer.

Actually, I like playing soccer, played it for eight years, but I don't like watching it. Not enough stuff is going on for me, but I do like playing it. By the way, I just want to point out that this morning, it was Otto's funeral in Wyoming in Ohio, it was open to the public but closed for the press. Meanwhile, North Korea is still massing weapons, Jesse, at a testing site. Do you think Donald Trump is planning something?

WATTERS: Well, I think from that twit that he just twitted out, I think it was yesterday, where he said, you know what, China tried, too bad it didn't work. I think what that does is that it shows that Trump is the unpredictable one. Because the last thing that China wants is some sort of destabilizing strike on the north to create downward migration pressure on their borders. They don't want that at all. So I think that is going to motivate the Chinese to do something. Mattis and Tillerson are over there meeting with their counterparts. The South Korean president is gong to meet with Trump next week. I think, you know, there are some things you can do, still import tariffs that we can do. China has to crackdown on some cyber situations, on money laundering. We were in the green room, Dana and I, we're looking at something on television. China still has a dog meat festival.


PERINO: I want the president to tweet about it.

WATTERS: If the president tweeted about that, I mean, how embarrassing would that be for the Chinese to bring that much attention to that? That's another way to create.

GUTFELD: They aren't embarrassed by it because -- it would be like India going, look at America eating cows.

WATTERS: I think it would be a little bit embarrassing.


WILLIAMS: I thought that you made a really great point. I want to stop this.


WILLIAMS: When you go after their assets, right now, we go after the assets of the Cubans, we go after the assets of the Iranians, we go after everybody's assets, but I don't think we are in specific going after -- even Russians. We don't go after the assets of the rich, the people who are benefiting at the upper level of North Korean life.

GUTFELD: Right, definitely. Yeah.

PERINO: I think that we should -- President Trump should do some outside of the box thinking because the containment policy isn't working. But what if he led a worldwide sanction against countries that take these North Korean workers?


PERINO: Like punish them because there are no real labor protections and other countries either. There are terrible conditions. It is dirt cheap labor. They live terrible lives. If you can get other countries to not hire them or not accept these North Korean workers, that might actually at least help.



GUTFELD: Kimberly, I know FIFA is not involved in hiring these people, they are behind the World Cup. But to let them know that they are playing, you can go to fifa.com.

GUILFOYLE: Boy, you ruined their night.


GUILFOYLE: But yes, China does have a long history in shielding North Korea, more extreme sanctions. But they are really quite afraid of any kind of regime collapse. And they are worried about a refugee fallout if the regime collapses. Because then, what are they going to do, you know, with all the people coming across the borders and the problems? Much like what we have been kind of seeing, right, in Syria, what's happening there with refugees, and people displaced, when you have this tumultuous activity and different factions fighting. There is a tremendous amount of fallout. And it happens in these bordering countries, they shoulder the burden you know physically and financially, economically. That type of thing. I think sanctions are hugely important, it is part of the overall scheme to try to put pressure on North Korea. I don't think the United States or the world can stand by and allow this for a second longer, that strategy has failed.

GUTFELD: All right. President Trump says he has an idea for how to reduce Mexico's bill for the border wall. More after this quick break.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. President Trump still has a grand plan to build that wall at the Mexican border. And it just got a whole lot more interesting.


TRUMP: We are thinking of something that's unique. We are talking about the southern border. Lots of sun. It lots of heat. We are thinking about building the wall as a solar wall. So it creates energy. And it pays for itself. And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money. And that's good, right? Is that good?


WILLIAMS: Wow, so what do you think? What are you thinking, do you agree? A solar wall.

GUTFELD: You know, what would be hilarious if the wall is better for the environment than the Paris accords. Because the answer is already yes, because the Paris accords did zero for the earth, Juan. The wall at least generates some alternative energy.


GUTFELD: I like creative thinking, make it the world's longest strip mall, the longest handball court. Make it a drive-in movie theater where everybody can park their cars and they can show movies on the wall. Do all of these things.

WILLIAMS: Dana, you know, so I was looking at the numbers today and it is still, 60 percent of Americans think don't build this wall.

PERINO: Yeah, of all the things he keeps talking about, that consistently has about 60 percent of people saying we don't really need that. But I think he is recognizing the fact there are some other issues of immigration he will have to deal with. Last week, he signed the order allowing dreamers to stay, but their parents could be deported. It continues to be messy. There's also now a whole thing with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus talking about some immigrants that served in the military, but then after they get back, they get deported. They tried to reach out to the president on that. So the window for comprehensive immigration reform is closing pretty quickly. And specially after the summer, they move on to tax reform. I think they probably won't solve any of these problems for a while.

WILLIAMS: So, Jesse, is this like Donald Trump, environmentalist, oh, yeah, alternative energy, really great stuff?


WATTERS: Yeah, I mean, he's triangulating. He's playing chess and you guys are playing checkers.

WILLIAMS: No doubt about it.

WATTERS: He's saying, you know, everybody is calling me a polluter for pulling out of the Paris accords. I'm slapping some solar panels on the wall. Take that, liberals. And it's working.


WATTERS: You could put pot dispensaries on the wall. You could put student loans on the wall.


WATTERS: There is no way democrats are ever coming across, Juan, and support the wall.

WILLIAMS: Immediately, your mind went to pot.



GUILFOYLE: I could try. The thing is I like the idea, what can they say? We want to tear down the wall, some of the lawsuits in California.


GUILFOYLE: They were going to sue on environmental grounds, right?

WATTERS: Yes. The salamanders.

GUILFOYLE: So then you will say, well, actually, there might be some solar panels on there, maybe we should add some windows on top.


GUILFOYLE: You know, whatever else it takes. If that would get people on board, I am all for it. I'm just saying, you better have a backed up energy source for your hot tubs, because solar panels don't cut it alone.


GUILFOYLE: Personal experience.


WILLIAMS: Here we go.

PERINO: Even a Carrier wall.

WILLIAMS: A Carrier wall?

PERINO: We will talk about it tomorrow.

WILLIAMS: OK. One More Thing is up next.


PERINO: Time now for One More Thing. OK, I've been trying to do this One More Thing since Monday. But we kept having breaking news. Look at this sweet reunion. It was between the IED detection dog, and his name is Kash, and his former marine corps handler, David Herrera. They haven't seen each other in many years and David have heard the dog was blind. And look, the dog remembered him after six years. They worked together in Afghanistan. I thought that was very sweet.

I also want to do belated by one day, happy 13th birthday to my good friend (Macy English) down in Savannah, Georgia.


GUILFOYLE: Happy Birthday, (Macy).


PERINO: All right, KG, you're next.

GUILFOYLE: OK, thank you so much. So I have a remarkable video going around right now. I'm showing here retired U.S. Special Forces operative who saved a little Iraqi girl from an Islamic State gunfire in Western Mosul, Iraq. It is a volunteer service organization that works with Iraqi forces in Mosul and provides aid to civilians that have been targeted by ISIS. The girl was taken to safety, the clinic where his wife works. And it's part of their work running the organization. And he really wanted to send the message and not focus on himself. God bless him. But to say that our hearts go out to the people of Iraq and Syria, suffering under ISIS. And this is why we care and this is why we fight.


WATTERS: Great video.


GUILFOYLE: God bless him and his wife for the work they do.

WILLIAMS: So here is a story that will score with you, Ryan Holtan-Murphy just got married to Marie Packer. So what's the big deal, you say? Well, here it is. He is giving up his last name and taking her last name because it turns out he's a Green Bay Packers fan. Yes, the couple met at a karaoke bar in Madison, Wisconsin, where upon hearing her last name, Ryan asked for three forms of I.D. Apparently, that was enough to seal the deal, congratulations to the Packer family.

WATTERS: His last name is Green?

WILLIAMS: No, his last name was Holtan-Murphy. Now, he is a Packer.

GUILFOYLE: Holtan-Packer.

PERINO: All right, Juan.


PERINO: Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: If you go to Foxnews.com, I have an article, I got an article in the opinion pages, I have a Podcast, a Podcast thing with Tom Shillue. You can check that out, if you want. Now, let's get to the real business at hand. Greg's man bun news.

All right. Mattel introduced a new Ken doll and it has a man bun. Why don't you just kill him?


GUTFELD: Why don't you just kill Ken? Why would you humiliate him? Oh, you could have given him a cool scar or a tattoo. Why don't you give Barbie a rat tail?


GUTFELD: You are disgusting, Mattel. I've been fighting for years to get this trend to stop. And I am almost there. I almost got it done. But you know what you do? You start feeding it to the kids. You are indoctrinating the children in this sick practice. What is wrong with you, Mattel? Go to hell, Mattel.

GUILFOYLE: Is that a gray man bun?


PERINO: Somebody asked, is Greg going to do the can-Barbie man bun in One More Thing?

GUTFELD: Oh, I'm doing it as a segment on the show on Saturday because I feel strongly about man buns.

PERINO: How do you feel about man buns, Jesse?

WATTERS: I am anti-man bun.



WATTERS: So I am sure the audience is sick of Dana's silly dog videos.


GUILFOYLE: You're so mean.

WATTERS: Well, I have a good dog video that I want to show you. Let's see this. This is action-packed. It's not just a lame dog video. This is an escape dog running through the streets of Mexico City.

PERINO: That's not good.


WATTERS: A cyclist chases this thing down. It takes like ours to get this poor pooch to safety. Finally, the cyclist with a little Go Pro rescues at this poor pop.


WATTERS: Yes, gets the dog, brings it to safety. The dog it's OK. That's what I call a riveting dog video, not some boring put you to sleep video.



PERINO: We get in the middle of the lake and I say, Peter, can you see Jasper? No, he's running up and down the road. Terrible, irresponsible parent, don't do it. Set your DVRs, don't ever miss an episode of "The Five." "Hannity" is up next.

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