
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 1, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I'm Dana Perino with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams Eric Bolling, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."

It was a speech unlike any other we've seen from President Trump, his first address to a Joint Session of Congress, winning widespread praise. It was certainly the most presidential we have ever seen Mr. Trump, a speech some are calling more respective than his inaugural. He struck a very optimistic and conciliatory tone last night while delivering his message of unity and strength.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We are one people with one destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God. I am asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the American spirit. I'm asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things for our country. I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment, believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and believe once more in America.


PERINO: He repeated a number of themes from the campaign trail, including his America First agenda.


TRUMP: America must put its own citizens first because only then can we truly make America great again.


TRUMP: We will respect the foreign rights of all nations, and they have to respect our rights as a nation also. Free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the people, and America respects the right of all nations to chart their own path. My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America.


PERINO: All right. So, the speech, Greg, lasting a little over an hour, and I don't think anybody lost interest.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: No, it was a home run. How do you know? If you see the bitter, wistful tweets from Hollywood as it was going on, they sounded like plaintive cries from the bottom of the well. Like poor Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswald, they didn't know what to do. I don't think you heard anything from the Clinton side. Like you didn't hear from Hillary, you didn't hear from her lingering daughter, what's her name? You know, the fact is there was nothing they could put their hands on. And I thin the best metaphor I can come up with is this election season has been like a long-haul flight, where if it would have begin in turbulent weather -- it is very turbulent going up, it was frightening. And as you're climbing, there are all these bumps.

And I thought last night, you finally hit smooth air. Everyone was like, you know what, it might be OK. And I'm talking about the critics, thinking like maybe he's not Hitler, maybe he's actually pretty good. And you start thinking about the Democrats, as they are listening to things from him that they agree with, what are you going to do? Like a polar bear on a shrinking piece of ice in the middle of the ocean, you are going to be the last person on that ice ignoring the things he is saying. And you're going to have to find a backup plan to hate Donald Trump when it turns out that Darth Vader really is your dad. A lot of the stuff he said.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: And he's a good guy.

PERINO: A kid once told me at a climate change event, polar bears can swim, but they can't swim forever.

GUTFELD: Oh, I'm going to cry now.

PERINO: I was thinking about you last night, Eric, a couple of times. I can actually show you my notes. But one of the things was somebody said if the pundits liked it last night, it must mean the people did not because of what they've seen from him as a candidate. But I think it actually maybe worked for both audiences.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Amazingly, so there is a pullout, 70 percent approval rating.


PERINO: Is this a poll we like?


GUILFOYLE: It's valid.


BOLLING: For the first time after a speech and in the morning, the opposite party pundits had to say, you know what, we gave him a chance and I liked it. There were a couple of them from different networks saying he became president last night.


BOLLING: Van Jones at CNN. We had a couple here. Here's the kicker. Now, never-Trumpers don't have an argument, at least for now, unless they don't like what he's actually doing.

PERINO: Why do you have to do it that way? Why can't you look at it the other way, which is maybe now they have somebody they can agree with?


BOLLING: There was the opposition party of the Democrats and then the anti- Trumpers, who didn't like him, and there was the pro-Trump group, which is 40 percent or so. So, now, the never-Trump has gone, I kind of like that. He was really compelling and he was patriotic. And he was talking about the military. And the moment, the two and a half minute standing ovation, they're going to have a hard time pushing back on him now.

So that puts the Democrats in a box. This morning, you saw Pelosi and Schumer coming out very negative on that speech. It almost highlights fact that they are about being obstructionists. They're not about the country, they're not about what's best for America. All they are is anti-Trump. GUILFOYLE: They're obstructionist.

BOLLING: That's it, that's it.

PERINO: That's it. This will be a good conversation for another day. I wanted to mention something that President Obama's former speechwriter tells me, good speech. Now, comes the policy, so onward, it is like 48 hours of the speech, it's not going to last that long, if you are a Democrat that's upset. You will have plenty of things in the next four years you want to complain about.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. But they have to give him credit because that speech I think was phenomenal. It was well delivered. It was both aspirational and inspirational. Whether you're a Democrat, whether you're a Republican, and you love this country and you want to see families doing well and you want to see wholesale policy change in a positive direction, that was more than encouraging. And you saw by the applause that he got from both sides.

So a lot of things that we talked about, he did hit in that speech. It was very emotional, including the part with the Navy SEAL, the widow, really incredible in terms of the emotion there. No one can deny that.


PERINO: I thought it was an American moment, which we are going to show after we get Juan's initial take because we were on last night, the panel. After sleeping on it, any different thoughts when you woke up?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: No, I thought he did his job. I am flattered. I am so glad of the fact I was wearing the tie you gave me for Christmas, the Trump tie.

GUTFELD: I gave that to you.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. Did you give that to me?


GUTFELD: I already forgot.


WILLIAMS: It's like a significant other.


WILLIAMS: But I'm just saying to you, I'm so flattered. All of you are interpreting this speech in the terms of the way Democrats reacted. Actually, I think you should be thinking about how Republicans reacted because their Republican reaction is wow, it's OK. We think can play ball. You know, he didn't give you specific spirit, he didn't give you anything you could hold on to, and people had said this was going to be different. But given what happened during the inauguration speech when he was so much bombastic and talking about American carnage, it was like awful. All of a sudden now, now Republicans are like, no, no, no, he did it. He's OK. We can work with him. But as far as Democrats, you guys are wishing up a hill here.

GUILFOYLE: He also told reporters that he actually took it serious, you know, in his speech in terms of making sure because after the first pass, he wanted it to be a bit warmer, more about unity.


GUILFOYLE: And the country. I think he hit the message.

WILLIAMS: Well, at the top, I felt the piece was stitched on as I said to you last night, the thing about the Jewish community and all the attacks on the Jewish community centers and graveyards. But I think it was important that he did it. I don't know if it was Jared's work or whatever but I think it was appropriate and helpful. That might've been the most unifying message, Greg.

GUTFELD: Well, I think I said this to you back in November, Juan. If you don't like Donald Trump in November, just give him some time because he changes. And he's changed his political positions a lot. I mean, it's interesting to see Republicans who call people rhinos, now embracing him because that was a pure, down the middle centrist Republican. He campaigned on red meat, but he's governing on free range chicken, which actually a lot of people happen to like.

PERINO: Everybody loves chicken.


GUTFELD: If you're not an ideologue, if you're not an ideologue, you've got to be OK with this.

WILLIAMS: But guess what, a lot of people in the Republican caucus are ideologues. They don't want to compromise.


WILLIAMS: The question for me is, somebody said today, is it a pivot? We have been looking for the presidential pipit from Donald Trump for a long time or was it a head fake, and really just go back to being Donald Trump?

PERINO: Let's get to the most dramatic moment of the night. It was what Kimberly just mentioned when President Trump saluted fallen Navy SEAL Ryan Owens and his wife Carryn.


TRUMP: The challenges we face as a nation are great, but our people are greater. And none are greater or braver than those who fight for America in uniform. We are blessed to be joined tonight by Carryn Owens, the widow of U.S. Navy special operator, Senior Chief William Ryan Owens. Ryan died as he lived, a warrior and a hero, battling against terrorism and securing our nation. Ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. Thank you.



PERINO: For those of you who saw that, it was a long and sustained ovation, Eric. It wasn't an American moment. I know it's not without its controversy, but I feel like everybody that was standing there was really doing it for her and for the sacrifice of her amazing husband.

BOLLING: Yeah, a two and a half minute ovation, that's what we're talking about. You know, that line, his name, Ryan Owens, his name will be etched into eternity. That was a fantastic line that Donald Trump delivered. Now, in the aftermath, the despicable left is coming out and saying oh, he threw them in there and he threw the part about the general saying there was intelligence gleaned from the raid that unfortunately, we lost Ryan Owens, as a way to hide from blame for losing him. And that is awful. If you listen to, if you watched the speech, you could not keep your tears back. You had to cry along with Carryn Owens while that was going on.

But the left know they wanted to play politics of it. Donald Trump, if you really wanted to be political, he could've said, look, this is an operation that was started prior to me taking office. It was an operation that I condoned on January 28 when there was a full moon and the general said it has to be done under a full moon, so I said go. But he didn't say any of that. He went back and said give this woman her moment. Give Ryan Owens his moment.


BOLLING: And there are a lot of people felt that moment right there was a moment Donald Trump became PotUS 45 for the people who weren't supporters of his.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I agree with that. I thought it was like terrific television, almost like he produced that moment, he worked towards that moment, but I must say I recall that you and Greg were highly critical when Obama did something similar back in 2014. You said it was a shield from legitimate criticism.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I mean, I have to say I'm always conflicted about this type of exercise. And I hesitate to use the criticism as they are using people as props. And both sides do it. So if the Democrats are going to do it, the Republicans can do it. The difference here is I don't think you could find a more real response than a woman looking up to this guy for her late husband.


PERINO: Final word, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I just think this was such a poignant example, a reminder that freedom does not come without a price and he put his life on the line like so many men and women do to secure our liberty and freedom. I think there is nothing about it that was a prop. It was pure human emotion. He deserved it. President Trump called right away, went to go see them, and really, I think that was one of the first things that happened to him as president of the United States and commander-in-chief, to know you have lives in your hands and it's your personal responsibility to make choices, and choices that occur in a horrible loss of life and casualty.

PERINO: He had a wonderful tribute. Ryan Owens comes from a family of public servants, absolutely amazing and we are grateful.



GUTFELD: I have a piece of advice, though, because the speech was -- Trump's speech was probably the best speech he's ever done, I would say. Don't ruin the moment by bragging about it, like walk away like it was no big deal.


PERINO: Somebody said today people were surprised they thought it was great because it's things he's always said. So they were surprised by it.

GUTFELD: I just think, you know, he shouldn't have to bring it up. Don't say today or tomorrow yeah, everybody loves the speech. I did a great job. Act like it was no big deal.

GUILFOYLE: Hit the half-court shot and walk away.


BOLLING: He did. He tweeted and the only tweet was in capital letters. Thank you.


PERINO: We can do it for him, 48 million people watched.


GUTFELD: It was the largest, and Fox was number one.


PERINO: All right. We're going to move on. Many Democrats did not look happy last night during the president's address. Greg's reaction to their reaction next.


TRUMP: In 2016, the earth shifted beneath our feet. The rebellion started as a quiet protest, but then, the quiet voices became a loud chorus, the chorus became an earthquake.



GUTFELD: I felt sorry for the Democrats watching Trump: so grim, so sad, so constipated. I guess for them it's like watching a band you hate cover a song that you love. After all, Trump saying things they wanted to hear, but damn it's from him. They are like a child who refuses to play with an awesome toy because it's hand-me-down.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Keith Ellison, look at them. They are like mice had a cat party. Terrified to move a muscle, even during the most moving passages, their faces as taught as a double-strung tennis racket. It was as if remaining still was an actual political stance. And for the Democratic Party, it is. Check out the odd response after Trump's speech. It was like a play put on by hostages:


STEVE BESHEAR, FORMER KENTUCKY GOVERNOR: I am Steve Beshear. I was governor of Kentucky from 2007 to 2015. Now, I'm a private citizen. I'm here in Lexington, Kentucky, some 400 miles from Washington, at a diner with some neighbors -- Democrats and Republicans -- where we just watched the president's address. I'm a proud Democrat. But first and foremost, I am a proud Republican, and Democrat, and mostly American.


GUTFELD: Well, that was about and staged as an open casket. The spectators as stiff as a wax museum, resembling a diorama of Trump's America, they pick an old white guy as the lead. No Cory Booker, no Kamala Harris, no what's her name. Talk about pandering. Yet, it felt like a slow day at the DMV. So what were they trying to say to America? That we forgot you? That we embrace identity and division and now, we want you back? Too late. For eight years, you embraced soaring rhetoric, untethered to substance. So Trump went another way. Blunt and direct, he replaced emotive drama with relatable ideas. It was as scary to the Democrats as it was convincing to everyone else. Maybe that explains their frozen fear: the speech works and they knew it.

Juan, I got to go to you first, that was the weirdest rebuttal ever. It was like they reconstructed in a grad student's dream. This is how Trump's America would look. We need some older white people here.


GUTFELD: No Cory Booker.

WILLIAMS: I liked what you said about the diorama. Because that's what it looked like. But I think their idea was -- this would've come from Charles Schumer who is the leader of the Democrats in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi, was that Steve Beshear is governor of Kentucky, and they have put together a pretty popular, successful version of Obamacare in the state. And that's what they were after.

GUTFELD: Really? I thought they were mailing it in, Eric. I mean, this is a former governor. He's not even working.


BOLLING: This is an opportunity to show you are the up-and-coming party. I tweeted hey, better luck next time, Dems, with that response. Hey, still, look forward to 2024.


BOLLING: I think they are locking Trump into another second term already. Governor Beshear, 70-year-old white guy.


PERINO: Are we going to complain about 70-year-old white guys?


GUILFOYLE: We love you.

BOLLING: No. These events, as you well know, with people, usually of color, white, black, Hispanic, men, women.

GUILFOYLE: Like this table.


BOLLING: So they decided to stage -- those are all staged with a 72-year- old former governor who went rambling on. He called himself a Republican. No, I'm a Democrat. A little bit distracted. But when you stage it with some people who looked just like him, take a look at the picture. I'm not kidding. These are people, chosen people, behind the shot. As the Democratic Party, is it out of touch or is the bench not that deep?

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, I thought you'd be sympathetic to the idea that they are reaching out to blue-collar white America.


BOLLING: The Democrats saying you know what, we are doing our autopsy right now and we have completely pivoted back to Middle America. Is that what they are going to do now?


WILLIAMS: I don't think they left Middle America, but clearly, they lost the election, and here is some evidence.


BOLLING: The only thing they won as New York and California and Illinois.


WILLIAMS: The popular vote is still Democrat.


GUTFELD: All right. Let's not replay the election on more time. He didn't really talk about actual issues that the Democratic Party -- I don't think he mentioned climate change at all.

PERINO: Well, actually, I wasn't going to defend this response. In fact, I think both parties should end the practice of the response because you're never, ever, ever going to be able to compete with whoever the president is. Just let whoever it is to have their moment and if they call you to do the response, Dana's rule is say no. Always decline it. But I do think they are trying to respond to something.


PERINO: They didn't do identity politics, climate change, social issues. They were talking about economic issues and you do have people who have come to at least respect the Obamacare or the version of it they had in Kentucky. That's for them. They are worried about it being taken away. So I can understand what they were thinking. I don't think it was effective but I get what they were trying to do. Even though they were planted pots behind them, they were real people.


GUTFELD: I felt -- I just felt they were so -- they had to stand there.


GUTFELD: Like the mannequin challenge.


GUILFOYLE: So those are the plurables (ph) according to Hillary Clinton, which those are working men and women, working class people, they were forgotten by America, by the Democratic Party, so I get it. They are trying to reach out. It seems that they are trying to learn something that you can't leave a large portion of the country behind and expect to hold on to the Oval, hold on to Congress. And this is what happened.


GUTFELD: To my favorite part, which is -- this is Liz Warren during the speech.


TRUMP: The help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a counsel with our neighbors in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets, and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams.



GUTFELD: I'm not a great liberator, but I think she just said what did he say?


GUTFELD: She was being polite.

BOLLING: Can I go back to that response? If you're going to do this as a Democrat, do you go to the reddest of red states, Kentucky, which has two Republican senators and trying to it there? I'm not.


WILLIAMS: Eric, the governor, he was elected. He was a popular governor in Kentucky.


GUILFOYLE: If they took Dana's rule, just say no.


WILLIAMS: You don't see too many who are successful but the point here from the Democrats' perspective is the lack of specifics in President Trump's speech. If you go back, Ronald Reagan, when he was doing it, talking about a 10 percent tax cut, he's explaining what it means. Obama was talking clearly about energy, he's talking about healthcare.

PERINO: That's being pretty picky, Juan.

WILLIAMS: This guy has no specifics, Dana?

PERINO: Well, we all know that they're working him the specifics. If he had given too many specifics, people would've been complaining.


GUTFELD: I got to go.

BOLLING: It is 40 days, Juan. If next year, he goes to the same venue, at the State of the Union, and doesn't have specifics, then you've got an argument.

WILLIAMS: I think it's Republicans who have the argument. They would like to know, how do we get on board?


PERINO: . not to have specifics.

GUTFELD: Let's get on board this tweet, huh? I mean, this feed.


GUTFELD: Up ahead, President Trump talks tough on immigration last night, but he's also signaling openness to softening his position on illegals already here. That's next on The Five.


BOLLING: Last night the president delivered a pointed and powerful defense of his actions to crack down on illegal immigration, conveying the urgency of getting the dangerous illegals out.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We are removing gang members, drug dealers and criminals that threaten our communities and prey on our very innocent citizens.

Any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this one question. What would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income or loved ones because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders?

Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States.


BOLLING: And he reiterated his vow to seal up our southern border.


TRUMP: We will stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth, and we will expand treatment for those who have become so badly addicted.

We want all Americans to succeed, but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders.

For that reason, we will begin the construction of great, great wall along our southern border.


BOLLING: All right, K.G. I noticed that the...

GUILFOYLE: I got excited when he says, "Rule of law." Yes.

BOLLING: Not one Democrat got excited .

GUILFOYLE: They weren't excited.

BOLLING: A, rule of law and B, southern border wall.

GUILFOYLE: And also, we have an obligation -- we talk about this all the time -- to protect our borders. Right? And he's also very fond of saying you're not a country if you not have your borders.

People think having a border is a bad thing, that it's mean-spirited. It's not. We have locks on our doors. We have gated communities. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Make the rules clear so that there is a clear path. If people want to come here and be part of the country, fantastic. We are a nation founded on immigrants. I love that. I come from that, as well.

But do it the right way and then protect our borders in terms of our national security; and uphold the laws so they are not applied arbitrarily or capriciously. That's all I'm saying.

BOLLING: Why would Democrats have a problem with the rule of law?

WILLIAMS: The rule of law? I'll tell you what...

BOLLING: That's what he's saying.

WILLIAMS: No, that is -- this whole thing is so distorted. I mean, there's studies that show, like, 98 percent of illegal immigrants have no criminal record. Nothing, zero. But this conversation is all about people who are murderers, and there are illegal immigrants killing people. Stop and think to yourself, why is this going on?

He says drugs are pouring in. We are at the lowest level. I think there was one exception in terms of drugs pouring in. We're at the lowest level according to Customs and Border Patrol that we have been in years for cocaine and marijuana crossing the southern border.

BOLLING: Yes, but they're changing to opioids.

WILLIAMS: People -- but that's homegrown. That's not -- that's not coming across the southern border.

BOLLING: Stuff is coming in. Dana, your thought. Were you waiting -- were you hoping to hear some sort of clarity on, you know, that leak, that innuendo out of the White House they were going to adjust their policy?

PERINO: Yes, and I didn't get a chance to read it. But there's some story on Mediaite about that, as a diversionary tactic on immigration so that they could get some good coverage beginning of the speech, which I don't think they need, because they got it anyway.

The other reason I thought of you last night is when he talked about increasing legal immigration, which is something you were talking about. But he went a step further. It hasn't gotten much attention. And it was about merit-based immigration, which is what Sweden tried to implement two years ago, because they realized they had been way too generous. And this would mean that, if you're going to have a family member come over, if you want to emigrate, you either have to prove that you can be self-sufficient, you can take care of yourself. Or you have a family member who can cover your expenses so that you are not automatically put on welfare rolls here in America. I thought that was interesting and didn't get enough attention. He added that line about...

GUILFOYLE: Did you like it?

PERINO: Well, yes, I do. I think it actually makes a lot of sense, and I don't know why it got skipped over. But maybe, I guess, they'll have more -- talk about it.

But he did not mention the idea that was floated at the lunch by him, which was, "Maybe I'll bring up this idea that I think it's time to have a compromise" -- not comprehensive, a compromise -- "immigration bill that would allow some sort of path to legality for people who are here illegally." Maybe he's inching towards that. I hope it wasn't a head fake.

Or if it is, we should know, because that will help you figure out if you're going to be able to get these other pieces of immigration done through the Congress.

BOLLING: Your thoughts, was that section of his speech totally partisan?

GUTFELD: No, it was totally relatable. Deporting criminals, enforcing law. Again, this is not soaring rhetoric that we had for eight years. It's just blunt sense. I think that's why it's refreshing. And it's also a reward to his enthusiastic base, who took him to this dance. You know, if he didn't hit this note, that would be like dishing the bride at the wedding to hook up with her twin brother.

WILLIAMS: Yes, but that means absolutely demonizing people unfairly.

GUILFOYLE: Wait. That was...

WILLIAMS: Red meat for the base. Throw the red meat!

GUTFELD: Juan didn't even listen to that last part. He didn't even listen.

WILLIAMS: Then you said...

GUILFOYLE: The groom goes with the brother. Leave the bride for the man at the wedding.

WILLIAMS: Yes, but his point was his base expected this red meat.

PERINO: Nobody expects the other thing.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I haven't -- yes.

BOLLING: Remember, DMVs, embassies, if you illegal, you can go in there. You're not going to get arrested. You get your path to legalization without being arrested. Not citizenship but legalization.

Anyway, all right. It was a relief to hear Mr. Trump confront our greatest enemy directly by name last night, radical Islamic terrorism. Three words you couldn't get his predecessor to utter in eight years. President Trump, however, his tough talk on terror coming up.



GUILFOYLE: That is not a Kimberly choice.

President Trump used a lot of strong words in his address last night, particularly when he explained he plans to keep America safe. Some of the toughest talk we've heard yet from a U.S. president on terror.


TRUMP: We are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical Islamic terrorism.

We have seen the attacks in France, in Belgium, in Germany and all over the world. We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America. We cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists.

That is why my administration has been working on improved vetting procedures. And we will shortly take new steps to keep our nation safe and to keep those out who will do us harm.


GUILFOYLE: All right, Eric, so tough talk on terror. This is definitely red meat for his followers, of course, people who are very serious about national security.

BOLLING: Wasn't it amazing? Wasn't it -- didn't you feel good? I was watching with my wife, Adrienne. She honestly was saying, "Finally. Thank God he's talking tough on terror." I mean, for eight years, we had -- we haven't had those words. We've heard, oh, a reference to ISIS.

But look, there he is. That's what we've been saying. Give the guy a chance. The guy wants to be tough on -- he wants to be pro-law- enforcement, tough on terror, and create jobs. And you saw it and I think -- again, I found it a very, very uniting speech last night.

GUILFOYLE: I think so, too. What -- did you like this part of it, Juan?


GUILFOYLE: I just ever remain, like, the glass half full. And I was hoping. But OK.

WILLIAMS: No, but here's -- I mean, so what I read in the paper today was that his national security advisor, H.R. McMaster, told him, "Don't do it. It doesn't help us to defeat radical Islamic terrorists. If we want to go get the bad guys, we need allies and we're going to have to rely on people. We don't want to have to start a war between every Muslim in the world and the United States."

GUTFELD: You're conflating -- you're conflating radicalism with every Muslim. That's bigoted, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, it's not. They're conflating...

GUTFELD: You just said you don't want to piss off all the Muslims.

WILLIAMS: By the way, I agree, so I'm not trying to say -- but I don't think that I'm talking about all of them. I'm talking about people, especially the bad guys, the terrorists, who will say that "These folks are coming after all Muslims."

GUTFELD: Well, let them say what they want.

BOLLING: Juan, "Now that he said 'radical Islamic terror,' we're really mad now. Now we want to kill them even more."

GUTFELD: We're going to -- we're going to cut your head off twice.

GUILFOYLE: Now we're going to formalize this. Now you -- oh, sorry, they're already there.

WILLIAMS: You guys belittled the idea of Muslim allies.

GUTFELD: Look -- no, no. If you -- if you have -- a doctor who tells you it's just a lump when you have cancer is not a good doctor. The first step is you have to diagnose what the problem is, even if it's bad news. You have to know what it is.

The problem is, if ISIS will go away but the doctrine still stays. It's not about the dudes. It's about the doctrine. And we have to come up with a long-term solution about dealing with something that appeals to losers in this world. That's a success. Success is broadcast locally. So the people that don't have success seek out things like ISIS as their way of -- they can't get -- they can't get material acquisitions so they'd rather destroy you. That is the bigger challenge for us. We have to figure out what that is. But at least we're now identifying what it is.

WILLIAMS: You were right. I just thought you -- that was an insightful comment, but that has nothing to do with radical Islamic -- I mean, what that has to do with is a lot of young men who don't have jobs and who think that a lot of these autocrats in the Muslim worlds don't care.

GUILFOYLE: It's not about the ISIS job fair. People say that. It's so frustrating.

GUTFELD: Job fair.

GUILFOYLE: It's not. It's not like these are the best dudes and if only they had a job at Hot Dog on a Stick, they'd be happy. It's not like that at all. Ad don't blame it on the clouds, either.

GUTFELD: I could see the ISIS job fair. The line for blowing up people would be really long.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Yes, caliphate line.

OK, go ahead, Dana.

PERINO: The only thing I think I'll add is that every president, when they speak, is speaking to multiple audiences all at once. So the first audience would be the American public. The second would be his own military. OK, so that message is saying radical Islamic terrorism, what does it say to them?

Something to our allies and to the enemy. The enemy is listening. And I think that because" radical Islamic terrorism" is a word. It's like rubbing the cat the wrong way. Everybody gets they're cackles up. I will say, you won't say this, because a team sport thing. Having said it once in front of a joint session of Congress, if General McMaster is successful, maybe the president doesn't actually need to say it again. What really matters is that the Pentagon presented to the president a plan to defeat ISIS, and we'll see what they say.

I understand that they probably have to go, but I hadn't spoken yet.

GUILFOYLE: And there is a voice speaking in her ear, telling her to tease. What did I do?

GUTFELD: They're in my ear.

GUILFOYLE: They gave me the stand down order.

GUTFELD: Can I make another point, though? No, I actually want to. I want to, because religion, the benefit to civilization was it counters your violent impulses. If you're mad that somebody else has something, religion teaches you that there's a better life somewhere else and not to be jealous.

But ISIS actually reverses it and says, "Join us. We kill the people who have things."

BOLLING: And I'll throw one more thing in there.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: Any indication that not saying it -- I'll take that. Any indication that for eight years of not saying it has made us any safer at all in the world or...

WILLIAMS: Yes, that's an easy one -- that's an easy one because our allies.

BOLLING: San Bernardino, Oklahoma, they still want to kill us.

WILLIAMS: Who helped us fight and win in Iraq, right? Who helped us win in Afghanistan? Come on. A lot of these Muslim countries.

BOLLING: Are they backing out because he said...

GUILFOYLE: No, they're not because they still have a vested interest. They have skin in the game and blood in the game. Because ISIS and all these guys, the radical jihadists want to get them, too.

GUTFELD: And another thing...

GUILFOYLE: I should have been in Benghazi, because I don't listen to the stand-down order.

Last night the president gave an update on his campaign pledge to drain the swamp. It got one of the biggest reactions of the night from Democrats in the room. The Democrat in this room will tell us what he thinks next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. Most Democrats attending last night's joint session speech by President Trump sat quietly in their chairs, withholding applause. But some did erupt in laughter on a couple of occasions. This was one of them.


TRUMP: We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by proposing a five-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials and a lifetime ban... Thank you. Thank you. And a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.


WILLIAMS: So Dana, this is a moment when the Democrats are like "What is going on?" Because he promised a ban during the campaign on administration officials, congressional officials becoming lobbyists. It turns out it only applies to people who are lobbying their own agency. Doesn't apply to Congress. What drain the swamp?

PERINO: There's always some loopholes. Although I did think it was funny that the visual was the president talking about draining the swamp in Washington. We've just came off a populist-type election where people are sick to death of Washington; and the Democrats can't even clap for that. I was laughing at that.

WILLIAMS: Eric, so we've got a cabinet of billionaires.

BOLLING: So I'm writing the book, this book, "The Swamp," and I'm dealing with all the various ways of crime, corruption, cronyism going on that we've seen and how Trump could drain it.

One of the chapters that I'm researching right now is on lobbying. Dana sent me an amazing piece on a lobbyist who ended up committing suicide. Long story. But the point is, Jack Abramov was a lobbyist who went to jail for lobbying. He got caught dipping into the till for his own. And he said this ban is amazing because no one else is doing it. The only way you get a lobbying ban is by getting Congress to do it. And Congress obviously doesn't want to do it on either side of the aisle, because a lot of their fundraising, a lot of their lifestyle comes from lobbying. So he said this is monumental.

WILLIAMS: Well, see, from what I've read, Kimberly, it's less than what Obama or George W. Bush had in terms of limitations on people who are in government becoming lobbyists.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, let's see what he actually does about it. He's made a promise, and we'll see what happens.

WILLIAMS: What about the tax cuts, Greg? Tax cuts for the big and wealthy.

GUTFELD: I'm all for that. By the way, I would like to be a lobbyist for lobbies.

PERINO: They have one.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: There's an association of lobbyists. Too late.

GUTFELD: OK. I was -- I was just going to point out, to stress the importance of lobbies in your home. It's OK.

WILLIAMS: You're joking. I get it. That's good.

"One More Thing" up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." Kimberly kicks us off.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and I have a great "One More Thing" that Dana and I shared in common. One of our friends, Bonner "Blue" Bolton, exciting news. The cast of season 24 of "Dancing with the Stars" was announced earlier today. And one of the stars is a very familiar face from this show. He's our good friend and professional bull rider and model Bonner Bolton. Take a look at him there, and that's when Dana and I did the interview. So that was pretty exciting.

So unfortunately, from the past, he was injured. He was sidelined from the sport of bull riding. And after a bad fall, he had an injury, the same one that Christopher Reeves had, and he was temporarily paralyzed. He was able to learn to walk again and basically rebuilt himself into a great career of modeling and acting. And now he's going to try to take it dancing.

And I was able to speak to him earlier today and see if he can do this and inspire people coming back from injury that, you know, you can make it happen.

PERINO: It was so fun and great. I wish him the best. I actually might watch this season.

GUTFELD: The two women are very excited about this.

PERINO: Look how short I am, too.

OK, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Not just two.

WILLIAMS: A very sweet moment last night. President Trump had as a guest, Justice Scalia's widow, Maureen Scalia. Scalia died February 13 last year. And when Trump called out to Mrs. Scalia, her husband's former colleagues broke their traditional stoic pose and applauded her. It's the first time I've ever seen the justices, who usually remain seated and silent during these addresses, show a lot of love. Scalia's son Christopher tweeted that he thought the whole thing was, quote, "beautiful." I agree.

PERINO: She is really lovely. She's like somebody you'd want as your friend and neighbor and mom and grandma and anything else.

GUTFELD: Keep going.

PERINO: You're next.

GUTFELD: All right. Five years ago today, Andrew Breitbart passed away. Here's a reminder of how far ahead of his time he was.


ANDREW BREITBART, FOUNDER, BREITBART NEWS: What I -- what I love about the global warming crowd is it's that group of people out there that cannot acknowledge that Islamic extremism is the real big threat of our time. And so instead of confronting that huge massive thing where we could all die in 10 or 15 years, and they have no answers for it.


GUTFELD: That was on "Red Eye" ten years ago. So that's how far ahead he was. And I want people to be remembered when they hear the web site Breitbart that it's not just a web site. It's actually a hell of a man. He was a legend.

GUILFOYLE: And a good friend to you.

BOLLING: I still have the last tweet I DM'd him: "Andrew, please tell me it's not true." I'm having some stuff -- I kept that. All those e-mails - - tweets.

OK, very quickly, last night FOX News scored No. 1, overall ratings. We had 10.8 million viewers for the president's speech addressed to the joint session, beating all cable but also beating broadcast networks. NBC, CBS, and ABC were two, three and four. That's a tribute to Bret, Martha, Dana, Juan, Tucker, and the others who were on camera but also some of the directors, as well. Scott, our director here, directed that show, and Mike was the technical director.

PERINO: All right.

BOLLING: So congratulations to everyone.

PERINO: And did you say Chris Wallace?

BOLLING: I didn't realize. I'm sorry.

PERINO: Charles Krauthammer, Chris Stirewalt. Who else was there? Marie Hart (ph).

BOLLING: Marie Hart (ph).

PERINO: I'm missing one person.

WILLIAMS: Laura Ingraham.

PERINO: Laura Ingraham, she was there.

I'm going to save my "One More Thing" for tomorrow, because it's that special. It is about the president revoking the Obama-era waters of the United States rule.

GUTFELD: Yes, I can't wait!

PERINO: ... about that.

GUTFELD: I'm not sleeping!

PERINO: Deep seas, people. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That is it for us. "Special Report" is next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

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