
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 16, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST:  And welcome to "Hannity."  And there are just four days left until the biggest liberal crybaby of them all leaves office, and true to form, he's not going away quietly.  And that is tonight's "Opening Monologue."

So President Obama continues to whine his way out of the Oval Office, and like we've seen over the past eight years, he's blaming everybody but himself for his failed policies. In one of his final interviews as commander-in-chief, President Obama once again tried to blame talk radio and Fox News as being responsible for the rise of partisanship during his presidency. Take a look.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Well, what is true is that the ability of Republican leaders to rile up their base -- helped along by folks like Rush Limbaugh and some commentators on Fox News -- I think created an environment in which Republican voters would punish Republicans from cooperating with me. That hothouse of back-and-forth arguments and really sharp partisanship I think has been harmful to the country.


HANNITY: "President Crybaby," blaming everyone else for the divide in the country -- well, it makes for a good talking point, but it's not the truth.  Now, he can try to claim the mantle of civility just like he attempted to do in his farewell address last week. But the facts say otherwise.

Now, President Obama has been leading the way when it comes to divisive rhetoric. We want to remember a few of these instances, some of the things -- just a few of them -- that he set over the many years. Take a look.


OBAMA, APRIL 6, 2008: It's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren't like them.

OBAMA, SEPT. 18, 2008: I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors.  I want you to talk to them whether they're independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.

OBAMA, OCT. 26, 2010: We've got to have middle-class families up in front.


OBAMA: We can't -- we don't mind the Republicans joining us, they can come for the ride, but they've got to sit in back.


OBAMA, OCT. 17, 2011: And then you got their plan, which is let's have dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.

OBAMA, APRIL 3, 2012: This congressional Republican budget is something different altogether. It is a Trojan horse. Disguised as deficit reduction plans, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled social Darwinism.

OBAMA, NOV. 3, 2016: If you accept the support of Klan sympathizers before you are president, you will accept their support after you're president.


HANNITY: Oh, there's "Mr. Bring Us All Together," "Klan synthesizers."

And there's more. While running for president in '07 and '08, Obama blamed George W. Bush for all of America's problems. And not surprisingly, once President Obama got into office, he did the same thing for eight straight years! He never takes responsibility. Here are just a few examples.


OBAMA, AUG. 3, 2011: We were inheriting so many challenges... we knew this was going to take time because we got this big, messy, tough democracy.

OBAMA, FEB. 1, 2010: The previous administration and previous Congresses created an expensive new drug program, passed massive tax cuts for the wealthy and funded two wars without paying for any of it... if we had taken office during ordinary times, we would have started bringing down these deficits immediately.

OBAMA, MARCH 4, 2009: These are far from the best of times. By any measure, my administration inherited a fiscal disaster.


HANNITY: Blame Bush, blame Bush -- it's still going on. Now, the Bush blame game became so pathetic, I like to try and explain it, well, this way: If President Obama gets stung by a bee, if the dog bites, if the bee stings, if he's feeling sad, he blames George W. Bush. He has a hangover from drinking too much, he blames George W. Bush and Jack Daniels.

Now, the president is very thin-skinned and he's even continually been lashing out at me. Should I take this personally? Watch this.


OBAMA, OCT. 2, 2014: In 2012, Latinos voted in record numbers. The next day, even Sean Hannity changed his mind and decided immigration reform was a good idea.

OBAMA, APRIL 3, 2014: Rudy Giuliani said Putin is what you call a leader. Mike Huckabee and Sean Hannity keep talking about his bare chest, which is kind of weird.


OBAMA, FEB. 9, 2009: With respect Sean Hannity, I didn't know that he had invited me for a beer... His opinion of me does not seem to be very high, but I'm always good for a beer.

OBAMA, AUG. 5, 2008: I'll put Mr. Burgess up against Sean Hannity. He'll tear him up.


HANNITY: Tear me up -- is that a threat of violence? How should I take that?

Now, President Obama will officially be out of power in four days. Four days, this long nightmare ends. And he's leaving behind a huge mess that President-elect Donald Trump is going to be forced to clean up.

But it appears that Donald Trump will be taking a much different approach than Barack Obama. Instead of doing nothing and blaming his predecessor for everything, President-elect Trump looks like he's actually going to try and fix the country's problems, the problems we all face.

Here with reaction, author of the best-selling book "Treason," former speaker of the House, Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich.

You know, when he gave his farewell address the other night, I went on air, I gave his economic record. If I talk about foreign policy, I can talk about Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, North Africa, China, Putin, Russia, reset. I can't think of a single area of the world that's gotten better! And on the economy, I can't think of or do I know of any measure I can cite that shows things have gotten better.

Why does he have this compulsion to blame?

NEWT GINGRICH, R-FMR. HOUSE SPEAKER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think that probably in his childhood, his favorite movie was "Fantasia."


GINGRICH: And his whole life is a fantasy. You know, I -- I mean, he lives in a -- he has to -- for him to behave the way he does, he has to be a combination of bitterly hostile to traditional America and living in a fantasy world.

And every time you turn around recently, he's been doing something destructive on the way out. I'm just glad it's only four more days because, literally, I just got a report about some things he's going to try to do that would change the rules for how we deal with electromagnetic pulses in a way which actually makes it harder to defend America.

I mean (INAUDIBLE) where are these guys -- why is their bias so much against traditional values and so much against defending America? And yet that's a fact. And so from his standpoint, maybe it's been a great eight years because, you know, he got to be president. He got to go on vacation.  He had a big house.

Now, maybe people were suffering and maybe we were losing in the Middle East, but it didn't bother him very much. I mean, you know, if you have John Kerry reporting to you...

HANNITY: That's bad.

GINGRICH: ... you have no idea -- but think about it. He has no idea what's going on the real world because Kerry is supposed to be explaining it to him.



GINGRICH: And Kerry doesn't know anything about...


HANNITY: He doesn't know what's going on in the world, either. It's pretty dangerous. Thank God only four more days to go.

You know, I've studied this man now for more than eight years. For a solid nine years, we have vetted him and vetted him. It is pretty amazing that there was never a Sister Souljah moment. There was never the era of big government is over, the end of welfare as we know it. There was never one moment that I can think about where he broke with his radical ideology, indoctrination. Can you think of any? And what does that say if somebody's that rigid?

GINGRICH: No. No. He has consistently been everything he learned at Columbia undergraduate school from left-wing anti-American professors. He has lived out that kind of a life in a way that you were the only person -- and I confess at times I thought you went too far, and I was totally wrong.  You were the only person in the summer of 2008 who broke the code, who knew what he was doing.

But let me just for once one second take you on a detour.


GINGRICH: Imagine our mood right -- imagine our mood...


GINGRICH: ... and the mood of all of our listeners if Hillary Clinton was being sworn in Friday.

HANNITY: I think our viewership...


GINGRICH: ... gap bigger...

HANNITY: Listen, in 2012 when Romney lost, everyone was so depressed, they just went away. They just left me for, like, six months on my own. I'm doing the show, talking to myself every night.

But there is a psychology here. Let's look at, for -- he -- he sucks up to the Castro brothers. He gives the Iranians, the number one state sponsor of terror, $1.5 billion, pays a ransom, allows them to continue to spin their centrifuges. And then he betrays Israel with this latest U.N. resolution, ends "wet foot, dry foot" for Cuban refugees. It's like he's on the wrong side of everything! What does that tell you?

GINGRICH: Yes. Well, look, here's a test question for everybody who studies this. If Barack Obama had set out to deliberately undermine and weaken America, what has he missed? I mean, what else would he have done?  It is unimaginable how much damage he has done. And you're exactly right, the whole effort with the Iranians -- who, by the way, now that we have paid basically ransom for one set of hostages, they've actually locked up more Americans.


GINGRICH: You know, we're not getting any positive response. The whole deal with Israel, which is horrible, and which, potentially, unless it's reversed by Trump, will set a stage for disaster in the Middle East -- you know, all these things -- it's as though Barack and his team, President Obama and his team, set out to do everything they could to undermine America's position in the world as their going away present.

HANNITY: Well, let me ask this question because I think you're raising some really good points here. And here's a reality and I want you to tell me if you agree with it. Because he didn't respect the Constitution, separation of powers, coequal branches of government, rule by executive fiat, Donald Trump is going to spend the first few hours of his presidency, or at least that first week, eliminating, I would argue, 75 percent of Obama's agenda.

Then you repeal ObamaCare and you replace ObamaCare. That's another 10 percent. And the only thing we're stuck with is him doubling the debt or accumulating more debt than every president before him combined and the horrible judicial appointments.

Tell me if I'm wrong. It's going to be like -- and I think's going to have a very hard time dealing with -- it'll be like he was never there! Fair?

GINGRICH: Look, there's a -- there was a very funny interview where somebody talked about, ask (ph) him (ph), and he said his advice to President-elect Trump was to do more things through legislation because it's harder to turn around. And I think it's kind of like he finally figured out the joke, which is all this easy stuff he did with executive orders is easily turned around with executive orders.

And you're right. I describe him as the incredible shrinking man, just like watching air come out of a balloon. Between now and Easter, his legacy will shrink until it's about the size of a golf ball.

HANNITY: Do you agree with me? He's not going to handle this very well because I really believe in his heart, the reason he never broke from his leftist indoctrination -- this is Frank Marshall Davis, Alinsky disciple, ACORN, the Reverend Right of the church of GD America, Ayers and Dohrn -- he's never shown any capacity to grow.

Don't most presidents -- you're the historian -- grow in that office?  Don't they mature? Don't they reevaluate how they think and come to conclusions?

GINGRICH: Well, but to grow, you have to learn new things. And I think he has basically a closed loop system. He arrived with a set of very radical left-wing beliefs. He interpreted all the information he got through those left-wing beliefs. He surrounded himself only with people who had only left-wing beliefs. And -- and so by the time he left, there was no reason for him to have grown.

I mean, I think his national security team probably thinks they've been very, very clever. They've weakened America in Cuba. They've weakened America in Venezuela. They've weakened America in the entire Middle East.  They've weakened America in dealing with Russia. They actually probably think this is a success because their left-wing view is that a strong America is dangerous to the world.

HANNITY: All right, we got to...

GINGRICH: A weak America by definition isn't dangerous.

HANNITY: I bet, like when Reagan came into office, the world will see America very differently very quickly. I hope I'm right.

We'll have more with Newt Gingrich right after this break.

And also coming up tonight...


PRIEBUS: I think that they, including the president, should step up and get his people in line and tell them to grow up and accept the fact that they lost the election.


HANNITY: Go, Reince Priebus. He's calling on the president to finally tell Democrats accept the election results!

And also tonight...


DAVID WEBB, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: He promised a better deal economically for blacks. Are you going to give him a chance?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, no, no. Absolutely not.

WEBB: Why not? Wouldn't you want a better economic deal if he keeps his word?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He will not keep his word because he's schizophrenic!


HANNITY: Our own David Webb traveling to the nation's capital this past weekend to speak with people attending the Reverend Al Sharpton's march in D.C. He's here later tonight, along with Deroy Murdock (ph).

That and so much more, Michelle Malkin included, on this busy news night.



HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." So Democratic congressman John Lewis during an interview on "Meet the Press" questioned the legitimacy of Donald Trump's presidency. And as you can imagine, it did not go over with key Trump supporters.

Now, this is how incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus responded yesterday. Take a look.


PRIEBUS: The point is, is that we've got congressmen on the Democratic side of the aisle that are questioning the legitimacy of President-elect Trump, who won in an electoral landslide. That's the issue. That's where the outrage should be, not old news but the fact that we are preparing for the transfer of power, and we've we been working with President Obama hand in glove, and I think that they, including the president, should step up and get his people in line and tell them to grow up and accept the fact that they lost the election!


HANNITY: And we continue with former speaker of the House, Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich. I agree -- look, I've known John Lewis, and today is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, birthday. And we celebrate this holiday. I have a lot of respect for John Lewis. You know my years broadcasting in Georgia. I met him and Joe Lowry and Maynard Jackson and Andy Young. Josea Williams I was very close friends with.

They are brave people. They fought back, firehoses shot at them. John Lewis got hit in the head with a brick. I admire people of courage.

But he has now done this twice. He did it with George W. Bush in 2001, and now he's delegitimizing Trump. I think what he's doing here is destructive. Your thoughts.

GINGRICH: Well, I think it's very sad. John Lewis is a genuine American hero. The beating he took at Selma bridge was historic, and his courage was part of what led to the end of segregation.

But now he has a president who in Charlotte in October, Donald Trump as a candidate said he wanted to create a new deal for African-Americans. Back in September at a black church in Detroit, he talked eloquently about the importance of rethinking what had trapped people.

In John Lewis's own area, there's far too much poverty. There is a rising crime rate, which even The Atlanta Journal has had to begin to report about. There's a whole problem of the school system, where there was a huge scandal of cheating on tests and where many, many poor children are not getting the education they need.

And so I'm disappointed in John Lewis, and I'm frankly disappointed in Reverend Sharpton. They have a moment here...

HANNITY: With all due respect...


HANNITY: I mean, I really don't. I don't have any expectation...

GINGRICH: Of course.

HANNITY: ... that he's going to become reasonable tomorrow. It's not happening.

GINGRICH: But the people he's betraying are the very African-Americans who need a new deal. The people that John Lewis...

HANNITY: That's a good point.

GINGRICH: ... is walking off (ph) from are the very people who need a new deal. And I'm -- I've known Al for a long time. There actually was a period where we worked on school choice together and talked about the need to get better quality education in the inner city together.

HANNITY: Look, Mr. Speaker, if these jobs...

GINGRICH: And I'm disappointed...

HANNITY: ... are saved -- if these jobs are saved in Michigan, Milwaukee, Cleveland, and choice in education fixes inner city schools...


HANNITY: I think the fear is, is that, all of a sudden, there might be a shift in demographics and Donald Trump will bring to the Republican Party the black community that has not been helped by Democrats. That's a possibility and probably a fear of theirs.

GINGRICH: Well, maybe a fear, but here -- this is where people like John Lewis, who really was an American -- he didn't march in Selma as a Democrat. He marched as an American, asking us to uphold American values and the American Constitution.

And as an American, I would appeal to John Lewis to look seriously -- I mean, I think it's fair for people to be skeptical of a Republican candidate who says he wants to have a new deal for African-Americans. But the way to respond is to say, you know, If you're serious, President-elect Trump, here are five or ten things you could do. Pick three or four of them, and let's work together to actually help people who are poor, people of color, the 4,000 people who were shot in Chicago last year -- I think surely there has to be some sense in the black leadership in this country...

HANNITY: Thirty-four this weekend.

GINGRICH: ... that all of these years of devotion to the Democrats has failed.

HANNITY: All right, last question...

GINGRICH: It hasn't improved their community.

HANNITY: I am worried about Republicans. I don't like $1 trillion in infrastructure spending that nobody has shown me how to pay for. I don't like the Republicans raising the debt ceiling $9.7 trillion over the next 10 years. And I am worried, based on what Chuck Schumer said, that he's going to filibuster and stop any appointment to the Supreme Court by Donald Trump, that Republicans won't have the spine to do what Harry Reid did.  Your thoughts.

GINGRICH: Well, I think the two greatest words that we have to worry about are "reasonable" and "later." The establishment's going to try to say to Trump over and over again, and to his team, You have to be reasonable.  That means cave in. And then they're going to say, Well, let's do it later. Let's not be too precipitous.

I think the key is to set firm lines to push forward. I'm actually doing a speech at Heritage tomorrow morning at 11:00 outlining how I think Trump's policies to everybody's shock could actually get us to a balanced budget by the end of his second term. I do think there are ways to rethink all of this.

But I do think you're right to say we ought to stand firm on our values and we ought to insist -- and I think Mitch McConnell is a smart enough tactician he's going to find a way up to pen Schumer in, and with all the Democrats who are up for reelection in '18, I think they may find it a lot harder to sustain filibusters against Supreme Court nominees than Schumer thinks. That will be very unpopular in the country.

HANNITY: All right, Mr. Speaker. Always great to see you. I'm going to see you this week. I'm going to be down in your neck of the woods, heading to...


HANNITY: I'm going to Sin City on Wednesday night. We'll see you there.  Well, that's what I call it. He's shaking his head.

All right, coming up next tonight here on "Hannity"...




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, fact-check that.


HANNITY: All right, this weekend, our buddy, David Webb -- he went down to D.C. He spoke with people attending the Reverend Al Sharpton's march.  We're going to play the tape, get your reaction. David Webb, Deroy Murdock coming up.

And later, Hollywood snowflakes continue to boycott Donald Trump's inauguration. Michelle Malkin has some words for them and more straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So over the weekend, the Reverend Al Sharpton held a march on our nation's capital entitled, "We shall not be moved." It's not surprising, but it really is outrageous that the reverend is calling for disunity before President-elect Donald Trump even takes office. Watch this.


REV. AL SHARPTON, NATIONAL ACTION NETWORK: We come not to appeal to Donald Trump because he's made it clear what his policies are and what his nominations are. We come to say to the Democrats in the Senate and in the House, and into the moderate Republicans, to get some backbone. Get some backbone! We didn't send you down here to be weak-kneed!


HANNITY: So why are Al Sharpton and these anti-Trump protesters so unhappy with the president-elect? Well, we sent David Webb to the march this weekend to speak with some of them. Take a look at this.


WEBB: Do think Trump deserves a chance to prove what he can do?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. He shouldn't even be in office, you know? He's illegitimate.

WEBB: Well, he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Great. He don't need to be inaugurated. They should get rid of him right now, far as I'm concerned.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I don't particularly want to give him a chance.

WEBB: Why not?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he's already shown us who he is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody keeps talking about, Let's give them a chance, let's give him a chance. Well, he didn't give President Obama a chance.

WEBB: He talked on the campaign trail about a new deal for blacks, economic opportunity. That's a big way you can get ahead in life. What do you think about it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And when has he told the truth?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, fact-check that.

WEBB: Why are you out here protesting?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I'm protesting along with everybody else because of the injustice that I feel we will be encountering once the president-elect gets into office.

WEBB: He promised a better deal economically for blacks. Are you going to give him a chance?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, no, no. Absolutely not.

WEBB: Why not? Wouldn't you want a better economic deal if he keeps his word?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He will not keep his word because he's schizophrenic.


HANNITY: And joining us now, Fox News contributors David Webb, Deroy Murdock. David, how many people were there?

WEBB: Sean, maybe there were 2,000 people. It was a small march. Al Sharpton just doesn't draw like he used to. And it barely filled the green between the press riser and the stage.


HANNITY: That's a pretty bad picture you're painting. Did you sense that anybody you ran into, anybody there, at least open to the idea of maybe choice in education is good for the black community? Bringing jobs and corporations back to Michigan and Cleveland and Milwaukee and Philly, anybody listening to what is happening or watching what's happening?

WEBB: Yes, I did find a few people that said they were saying he was willing to give them a chance, especially on the new deal, their looking at their economy, their jobs, but the majority of people are buying what Al Sharpton is selling, what Representative John Lewis is selling -- illegitimacy. He's a liar. He hasn't been inaugurated. They don't even want to give him chance, but yet they are willing to give a failed policy another round if you will.

HANNITY: Ford, Carrier, Fiat, Chrysler, Apple, the guy from China that wants to create a million jobs, all these people now because of the new economic environment, lower taxation, less regulation, saying OK, we want to create jobs, jobs are going to Michigan, they're going to Ohio, they're going to Tennessee. Why would anyone be against that or be against school choice considering the black community has been disproportionately negatively impacted by bad schools?

DEROY MURDOCK, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Today is MLK Day. And Donald Trump spent about an hour meeting with Martin Luther King III, the son Martin Luther King Jr. They spoke about how to bring down poverty among the black community. This is a very good thing. So we hear from the left that he is a hateful man and this is a white supremacist and all that sort of thing, and he spent about an hour today meeting with the son of Martin Luther King Jr. about how to make life better for black people. Let's give this man may be 48 hours, 72 hours, maybe Monday if things don't turn out they can complain. They has not even spent two minutes in the Oval Office.

HANNITY: You've already got these companies pledging to stay.

Here's a question we've got to ask. How does this man, the reverend Al Sharpton, go to the White House with Obama, everybody kisses the ring that's running on the Democratic side of the president, how does this man get away with all of this?


REV. AL SHARPTON: You ain't nothing, you are a punk. Then come and do something.

We're going to buy some Colonel Sanders chicken.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was in the cave when we built empire. We built pyramids before Donald Trump knew architecture.


HANNITY: David, how does this guy get to the White House and get Hillary to kiss his ring and nobody talks about it but me? How did that happen?

WEBB: It happens, Sean, is because what Al Sharpton has done over time is he has aligned himself with the far left policies. The National Action Network is nothing more than then a megaphone for Barack Obama, for Hillary Clinton, the more left of the Democrat party.

But then what has he actually delivered? How many times have we gone into his margins and talked to the people who are there, and yet they keep accepting the failure that comes out of the Democrat policies? One in six people in John Lewis' district live in poverty according to the census bureau, but yet they are talking about the illegitimacy of Trump's presidency. They've done this before. John Lewis did it to George Bush, said he wouldn't go to his inauguration. And Sharpton carries that message. And the real victims are the young people I talked to, because they actually buy into it. They are in college they don't see any difference into what he's feeding them.

MURDOCK: I think deep down what Sharpton left, what they fear is not that Trump will fail but that he will succeed. The economy will grow, the people will go back to work at, prosperity will boom and black folks will go back to work in much higher numbers and they'll say, you know what, this guy made things better.

HANNITY: Is there a shot to change the demographics in this country?        MURDOCK: Oh, sure. Look, as it is, Trump won eight percent of the black folk. Not a big number, but two percent higher than Romney had.  Romney outperformed McCain. And if things go well and Trump succeeds rather than eight percent he might get 15, 20, 25 percent of the black vote. If that happens Democrats will be wiped out.

HANNITY: I think it all is going to be predicated on schools being improved and jobs, and with energy independence, lower tax rates, repatriated money, illuminating Obamacare, there's a lot of opportunity for a lot of people.

MURDOCK: Overall, the environment will prove the --

WEBB: I would ask that Americans remembered the Cleveland speech that Donald Trump gave and would have said in Cleveland to the American communities and underserved communities. It tells you that if he succeeds as Deroy said, that the liberal progressive Democrats will lose.

HANNITY: All right, guys, thank you. Happy New Year. It's only four more days until the long national nightmare ends.

We will come back with Michelle Malkin takes on Hollywood snowflakes who are boycotting Trump's inauguration. Later tonight, President-elect Trump is not mincing words. He's calling German Chancellor Angela Merkel's immigration and refugee program a catastrophe and a mistake. Is he right?  Dr. Sebastian Gorka joins us later tonight.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So over the weekend singer Jennifer Holliday backed off of performing in this week's inauguration, joining a long list of liberal Hollywood snowflakes who are boycotting this week's festivities. Still, one artist slated to perform in D.C. refuses to succumb of the social pressure of liberal Hollywood elites, and that man is none other than country music legend, I've always like his music, my friend Toby Keith. He told "Entertainment Weekly," quote, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military. I performed at events for the previous president, Bush and Obama, and at over 200 shows in Iraq and Afghanistan for the USO."

Here with reaction, the host of "Michelle Malkin Investigates," a great new hit series that's at CRTV.com, she is also my little sister which is an inside joke. How are you? Good to see you, sis.



HANNITY: You've got to get Toby Keith props. And everybody is obsessed, while who is performing, who is this. I don't know who the performers are, I don't care. It's really not about anybody but the president-elect who is going to be president, only one of 45 people to get that honor in the history of our country. What do you make of all the bitterness here?

MALKIN: Well, it is historic, and I think what has changed from all of the another audit the mike inaugurations that I've lived through my adult lifetime with the exception of Reagan, of course, is that you have a man who is going to D.C. and represents the people. And this is really going to be the people's celebration. It is not about what level of celebrity that they can get.

But I will tell you this, Sean, that the unhingedness, and by the way, there was a name of a book I wrote back in 2006, "Unhinged, Exposing Liberals Gone Wild," and they've only gotten worse in the ensuing years, is that what it exposes is just how intolerant these people are. It was Meryl Streep who just said a week ago that Hollywood and the press were the most vilified people on the planet. Try being a Hollywood celebrity who announces that they are going to perform at the inaugural celebration.  Really, the conservative and Hollywood, you are under fire. It is no coincidence, I think, Sean, that the only people in the entertainment industry that are allowed to be conservative, out of the closet, are country music stars like Toby Keith.

HANNITY: What do you make of the agitators that want to disrupt in a major way, and we've heard all sort of different stories in the last 24 hours that it seems pretty real and a severe threat to people's safety. And I guess it's going to be what it's going to be but it sounds scary. And they just seem to be incapable accepting what the results are.

MALKIN: Yet. I will tell you this. The Trump administration represents a return to law and order. And this poses an existential threat to the rule of the mob. That's a social justice agitators who've had their way for the last eight years, the anarchists, the collectivists, the anti-capitalists, the Occupy Wall Street crowd, every last subsidized George Soros outfit community organizing group in America, many of them of course taxpayer subsidized.

And we've seen these outbreaks of violence, this deliberate disorder on the part of many of these groups, and it dates back years and years and years.  It is not just America. It is a global movement.

HANNITY: Go ahead.

MALKIN: I'm just saying, I am praying out there for law enforcement because this is going to be a task like we've never seen before. We've seen the WTO riots in Seattle. We've seen the G20 riots, we've seen the black block types agitate at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. But they are out for blood. And it is no joke. Both our law enforcement officials and of course, everyone in the Trump administration themselves has to take extra precautions. And where are all of those people who are condemning the climate of hate and violence? Silent as usual.

HANNITY: Michelle, good to see you as always. Congratulations on your new investigative series on CRTV, thank you.

And coming up tonight in an interview, president-elect Trump says German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a, quote, "catastrophic mistake" by taking in all the refugees. Up next we'll get reaction from Dr. Sebastian Gorka, and of course much more, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." President-elect Donald Trump recently sat down for a joint interview with two major European newspapers where he slammed German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her open-door policy on refugees. Trump told the papers, quote, "I think she made one very catastrophic mistake, and that was taking all of these illegals, you know, taking all of the people from wherever they come from, and nobody even knows where they come from. So I think she made a catastrophic mistake, a very bad mistake."

Chancellor Merkel is reportedly waiting until Trump takes office to respond. But after a wave of deadly terror attacks in Europe, doesn't the president-elect have a good point? Joining us now, the author of the bestselling book "Defeating Jihad, The Winnable War," Fox News counterterrorism strategist Dr. Sebastian Gorka.

I think it is pretty transparent, we see the magnitude of how bad these decisions are, but on a broader sense, the Islamization of Europe to me is even worse because of the cultural divide. There really are no-go zones, for example. Right?

DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA, AUTHOR, "DEFEATING JIHAD": Look, Sean, there are two issues here. Number one is the exploitation of the refugees by the Jihadists. That's just a fact. We know that people with asylum seeking states were part of the plots to attack Brussels.

The second issue is the one mentioned. Yes, these areas where you have high concentrations of Muslim immigrants that aren't actually integrated into that given society. And the smoking gun in all of that is you remember the mastermind of the Paris attacks? He escapes the scene of the crime, and everybody thinks, well, of course he's gone to Syria or he is hiding in Iraq. What we find out four months later? He is in Brussels.  He's been given succor. He's being hidden by people in those radical communities for four months in the heart of Europe. That tells you everything you need to know about the failed immigration policies.

HANNITY: I keep speaking about what I call this cultural divide. If you come from a country where women can't drive, you tell them how to dress, they can't go to work or school without a husband's permission, gays and lesbians are killed, and women are treated horribly, marital rape is not a crime in some of these countries. If you come from a country like that, it's kind of hard to bridge the divide because it's the antithesis of what in our case, a democratic republic or a democracy is all about, in our case, our constitution. Correct?

GORKA: It is. It's the unwritten social contract. My parents were immigrants in the United Kingdom. America is full of immigrants. I grew up in an immigrant community. And what's the deal you make? You say I'm going to come here, I'm going to profit from the safety from the economic growth of this country. But the only way I can do that is if I buy into the cultural values of that nation, whether it is Germany, whether it's the U.K. or America. And the equality of the sexes, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, these are things that are not negotiable. You can't say in this part of Bradford, you can't wear a miniskirt because we'll chase you out because it's un-Islamic. That is not part of the social contract.

HANNITY: And inevitably I think when Donald Trump starts extreme vetting refugees, we are going to see and hear one charge after another, this is racist, this is Islamaphobic, correct? This is going to be a big battle.

GORKA: The left has not given up. I think what we are seeing now with your ridiculous Russia dossier and everything else is that the leftwing media and especially the radicals, the people that have taken the Democrat party hostage, they don't understand what happened on November 8th. On November 8th the American voter decided we want common sense and we want safety. And everything that Donald Trump is going to do as president is going to be about safety, security, and economic growth. But they won't give up their narrative. Of course the people who support the new administration will be labeled haters, you included, me included, but we know we were doing what is absolutely good for the republic.

HANNITY: If it puts one American at risk, it's not worth it. And that's when we've got to consider first and foremost. Dr. Gorka, good to see you.  We will see you later in the week in D.C. Appreciate you being with us.

When we come back, we need your help, a very important "Question of the Day," and that is straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Time for our "Question of the Day." Do you think President Obama will ever stop blaming Republicans for his failures, the dog bites, the bee strings, he's feeling sad? Don't blame the dog, don't blame the bee, don't blame feelings sad on anything else.  It's like drinking too much. You drink too much vodka, Jack Daniels, Budweiser, you wake up the next morning with a headache, it's George Bush's fault in Obama's world.

Just go to Facebook.com/SeanHannity, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what you think. That's all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. We will see you back here tomorrow night.

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