
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 9, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: America decided and we have a president-elect. Hello, everyone, I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Donald Trump pulled off the biggest political upset in American history early this morning defying the pundits, the pollsters and the odds. A businessman from New York, who had never run for political office in his life, soundly defeated a Washington insider and will become our 45th president of the United States. Stunned democrats are wondering, what went wrong? How an all, but certain victory for Hillary Clinton turned into a decisive loss? President-elect Trump said he will represent them and all Americans as he made an appeal for the country to unite.


PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: Now it's time for America to bind the wounds of division. Have to get together.

To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say, it is time for us to come together as one united people. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past -- of which there were a few people --


TRUMP: I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. No dream is too big. Know challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.

America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.


GUILFOYLE: Hillary Clinton was gracious to Mr. Trump in her public concession speech this afternoon and he offered these nice words about her as well.


TRUMP: I just received a call from Secretary Clinton.


TRUMP: She congratulated us -- it's about us.


TRUMP: On our victory. And I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.



GUILFOYLE: The president-elect showing humility and graciousness in his acceptance, his speech last night, thanking the country saying it's about us. And a lot of people on both sides, Eric, founded to be a very good speech, that it hit the right tone, that it was encouraging. And we also found out that President Obama had phoned him as well.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yup. Before I jump into that, can I just say, you know, something that was weighing on me all night. You know, I honestly believe, and I think it would have been extraordinary to have a woman in the White House. Now you do hope we do have a woman in the White House in my lifetime. And I honestly think .

GUILFOYLE: I think you will.

BOLLING: . we will have a woman in the White House in my lifetime. But, I think this election was about the establishment candidate versus an outsider. The good news was it was a movement that saw beyond gender, race and religion and elected the one that they wanted. Although, Hillary wasn't" I'm very proud of that man right there, my friend Donald Trump, and I'm proud of that victory speech, but I'm also proud to be American today." So getting to what you asked me about that speech, I thought it was very nice. He came out and said, "Let's make this -- let's unite this country." Some of the things that we talked about what he should do in the event he wins.


BOLLING: And he did. And getting to -- we're going to talk about how he won, what went down with .

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Let's do this.

BOLLING: . who's winning?

GUILFOYLE: Let's just do a little bit on .

BOLLING: Sure, yup.

GUILFOYLE: . reaction to the speech and let's get into some of the, you know .


GUILFOYLE: . background of it, what happened last night. Dana, you have said that you thought something that he said was important there when he talked about reaching out and trying to work with others.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: So because he was the outsider candidate - - and one of the things that he was able to do and I (inaudible) to much in a reason to it is, he took the democrats' base, the white working class voter that had been with the democrats since the new deal, and he put them into the republican column. That is a base widening, big tent achievement that no other republican has been able to do. He was able to do that. Now, he also got 90 percent of the republicans to vote for him. They came home for him in a big way, it was last two weeks. He knows and he knows who they are. He's got probably a list of them that there were many who were like I'm not going to be able to get there. So what I thought he didn't that -- when he said, "I'm reaching out to you, in particular, and I'm asking you to help me be as good a president as I can be." And I thought, wow, that is a like presidential, pitch perfect type of tone, not just talking about all Americans, but in particular talking about people who are his agitators on his right.

GUILFOYLE: And that was some of the advice that you have given on previous shows of what he's --

PERINO: Well, I don't think I was the only one, but --

GUILFOYLE: There you go. Well, it's a good advice and it worked well. Everyone seemed to like it. So if you were going to poll test that -- although, it seems like it was something that worked for everyone --

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I won't test.

GUILFOYLE: No. That's canceled. All right Greg, what were your thoughts on the speech?

GUTFELD: Oh well, first of all, who would have thought that Hillary's first 3:00 a.m. call would be to Trump?



GUTFELD: I ask --

PERINO: (inaudible) from her.

GUTFELD: I know. And I have to point out that she wouldn't show up last night -- I know people get upset when you bring this up that she wouldn't show up to support .


GUTFELD: . her own or comfort her supporters. I mean, she stayed home just like the democrats did.


GUTFELD: And it was to me, I thought that was fitting. And I don't think she needed all that time to prepare. I don't know. That bugged me. I think, you know, in general, Donald Trump -- I call him the first BS president because he called BS on every accepted liberal assumption. What -- I mean, it was stuff that most -- that every previous candidate had to dance around whether it's identity politics -- anti-Americanism, which is seen as a cool thing on campus, anti-law enforcement, climate change hysteria. Remember the time -- it was Jorge Ramos questioning him on the use of anchor babies? And Donald Trump said, "I don't care. I'm still using it." That was like the end of a republican tendency to bow down to pc rhetoric and pc fear. And I think that he -- you talk about bashing the glass ceiling.


GUTFELD: He bashed the pc ceiling.



GUTFELD: And what's amazing is I don't think you can go back after that. I think now you can say things -- sometimes you shouldn't say things, but there are things you can now say that you can question the liberal assumptions that you couldn't question before. And for that, we should all be grateful, including liberals.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And he created essentially a safe questioning zone for you, Greg.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Now you can behave in the weird way that you like with no problem --

GUTFELD: I was always this way.

GUILFOYLE: I know. But now it's OK.

PERINO: Now it's acceptable.

GUTFELD: Still not. He stole my stick.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. All right Juan, so, you know, we're all here late last night and Dana were on late, you know the numbers coming in. This went, you know, for a long time to try to figure out who was going to win, but it was looking like, wow, this is going to go in his direction at a certain point; just some of your thoughts and feelings about this, and about the speech in particular.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I like the part of the speech where he talked about there will no longer be any forgotten men and women. I really thought that was terrific. And he seemed to suggest, he is all about unity and healing. And I need some unity and healing. In fact, I should have asked you guys for a resuscitation (inaudible). Not only was it staying up late, Kimberly.


WILLIAMS: It was that I was just -- I was depleted, discouraged by this result. Greg makes fun of it. But I think fear is very real in lots of communities about this guy. This guy is a bully, this guy is .

GUTFELD: But Juan .

WILLIAMS: . misogynist .

GUTFELD: . Juan .

WILLIAMS: . this guy is a rapist.

GUTFELD: . this is a mirror.

WILLIAMS: I don't like it.

GUTFELD: But Juan, this is a mirror feeling of how many people felt in 2008. Its people take these elections personally. So when they looked at President Obama winning, they felt like, he is not my guy. The world is going to come to you. I remember in '92, I felt that way when Bill Clinton was elected. And I thought the world was going to end. YOU know what it is; America is like children in a divorce. So for eight years you go to your mother, which is the democrat. And then you get eight years with the republicans, which is your dad. It's this constant.

WILLIAMS: But here is the thing, Greg, you're right -- I like that dynamic; man and woman, but look at what happened last night, the largest gender gap in American history, right? So men, 53 percent to 41 voted for Donald Trump, women 54 to 42 for Hillary Clinton. And then when you dig in, you see white men plus 32 for Donald Trump.


WILLIAMS: Right? White women, by the way, also went for Donald Trump. Do you think there's a racial overcast to this vote?

GUILFOYLE: I know. But I think you are reckless in calling him racist. I mean you don't know him perfectly or his family (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: I don't know, but I just have to read the Twitter.


WILLIAMS: I can see where he said, "Oh, black people are the ones who kill white people."

GUILFOYLE: That's your interpretation, but you don't know what (inaudible). I don't know.

WILLIAMS: So what does he says about Muslims?

GUILFOYLE: I think --

WILLIAMS: What does he say about Hispanics?



GUILFOYLE: I think you got to give him a chance.

WILLIAMS: Oh, Latinos? Latinos are rapists and thieves?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what that, that was -- he miss, he misspoke. He was talking about criminals being sent over. We all regretted it, including me who called him on it.

WILLIAMS: I appreciate that.

GUTFELD: That was the first thing I called him on.

WILLIAMS: No, no. I appreciate that. And you know I appreciate Eric. Boy, Eric has been right on this all along. But I'm just telling you --

GUILFOYLE: We got a lot of people of color and minorities that are supporting him .

WILLIAMS: Well, this is .

GUILFOYLE: . even in Florida, 45 percent of .

WILLIAMS: This is a good point.

GUILFOYLE: . Cuban-Americans came out to support him.

WILLIAMS: Well, what I noticed .


WILLIAMS: Biggest surprise to me.

GUILFOYLE: . if you look at the exit polls, you're going to figure that out.

WILLIAMS: Biggest surprise to me. And I think this comes back to the gender gap thing we were talking about a moment ago. Hispanics, 30 percent support for Trump, exceeded what Mitt Romney did .


WILLIAMS: . with Hispanics. How about Asians, 30 percent support for Trump, exceeded what Romney did. So this comes back to what I was saying to you .

BOLLING: Can I throw one more at you?

WILLIAMS: I think -- well, hang on. I just think this has to do a lot with culture. I think, especially with Cuban-American community, they don't -- they're not comfortable with a woman as a leader.

BOLLING: All right. Let me throw you one more. It doesn't has to do --


GUILFOYLE: Wow. Now you have insulted all the Cuban-Americans.

BOLLING: No gender politics, whatsoever.

PERINO: (inaudible) all our taxes.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

BOLLING: Here is -- and these numbers are staggering and stunning, the disparity between them. The most -- exit polls; the most important issues facing the country, the economy, 52 percent.


BOLLING: In second place, terrorism at 18 percent.

WILLIAMS: Way below.

PERINO: That's right.

BOLLING: Three times the number, the economy over the second most, and then foreign policy 13 and immigration 13. The point is this .

PERINO: That's number of --

BOLLING: . Trump was owning who can -- who is the right person to fix the economy --


BOLLING: Because of his taxes, because of his tax, because of .

GUILFOYLE: That's consistent with the exit polls in the primaries as well.

BOLLING: . of what he believes on trade .

WILLIAMS: You have, you have every right today.

BOLLING: . immigration. And this is isn't --

WILLIAMS: You have every right today to lecture me. So I want you to lecture me. Tell me .

GUILFOYLE: No, but you should inform about the numbers, the exit polls.

WILLIAMS: What is Donald Trump -- what is Donald Trump's plan to help our economy or get my kid a job?

BOLLING: Reduce corporate taxes.


WILLIAMS: Oh get out, come on. He doesn't say.

BOLLING: Juan --

WILLIAMS: He never lays it out.

BOLLING: OK. Can I just do this? I'll just do it. I'm not -- look, I just called it the way I saw it. Here is the one thing. Last night when every said, uh-oh, it looks like Trump is going to win. "New York Times" says he's got a 90-plus .


BOLLING: . chance of winning. The stock market was tanking.


BOLLING: It went down five, six, seven, eight .

GUILFOYLE: Future set.

BOLLING: . hundred lower.


BOLLING: Until this morning.


BOLLING: You know what happened today? People realize that lowering corporate taxes is actually an incentive. Its economic incentive .

GUILFOYLE: Job stimulator.

BOLLING: . to not only create more, but to hire more.


BOLLING: The economy will be better off under Trump's tax plan than Obama's .


BOLLING: . or future Hillary Clinton's tax plan.

GUTFELD: You know I'm also really happy about this, about the climate change treaties and the climate agenda in general. Not that it goes away, because I'm not, I'm not a hoaxster. I -- it needs to be slowed, it needs, needs to be methodical. And Leo DiCaprio can no longer be the secretary of energy. He cannot have influence over the White House. You know, we can stop killing birds with windmills and we can embrace real energy. I mean the McCormick carbon footprint should be on Al Gore's ass as we kick him out to sea.

GUILFOYLE: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


GUILFOYLE: All right.

PERINO: That's not unifying and that's not --

GUTFELD: Oh, I'm not a unifier.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no.

GUTFELD: I'm not a unifier.

PERINO: Can I speak up on that?

GUILFOYLE: You are a Unabomer. Go ahead.

PERINO: I just want to take on what he was saying about energy. So Coal country came out for Donald Trump in a big way.


PERINO: Early in his campaign, Hillary Clinton on the trail said, she wanted to put the coal miners out of business. And they heard that loud and clear. So when I was talking about that work -- white working class that had been the democratic base, now they are in the republican tent with Donald Trump. And I think he will be able to hold them if he can advance some policies that will help them get some energy flowing again. I don't know if the coal jobs are going to be able come back right away. What I will say is the bureaucracy is lying in wait. And I know this especially to be true at like Department of Energy and the EPA and the State Department, they all work on climate treaties. This is an industry .


PERINO: . for these groups. They may -- they have meetings to plan meetings, to plan meetings and they -- then you could go to a climate conference every week as a part of the government. And the bureaucracy will try so hard to slow everything down. They will just say, oh, I'll wait -- they will wait him out. And every day they will have to deal with things in "The New York Times" and I worked as a White House council on environmental quality. Every day we were dealing with that, because it is so counter to what accepted wisdom is.


PERINO: And I do think that there's just a responsible way to deal with climate change and a more like reasonable, gradual approach .


PERINO: . of what we were trying to promise to the world.

WILLIAMS: Well, you said you don't know if they're going to be able to bring back coal jobs. I don't, I don't see how that happens. I'm curious. That's why I was asking Eric about economic (inaudible).

PERINO: Clean coal?

WILLIAMS: Do you see there's a way to do it?

PERINO: Well, clean coal, I think that technologies are advancing. And I think that America is the place to do innovation because .


PERINO: . if you look what happened in New Delhi, just this week, where they -- it's not about climate change so much there. Its smog and .



PERINO: . and it's the particles that are being burned because of coal. And new clean coal technology, that innovation, that kind of thing happens right here in America .

WILLIAMS: That's cap and trade.

BOLLING: No, no, because there are two ways of going about cap -- cleaning the environment. There's the penalizing way. So if you emit, you are penalized, and you have -- sometimes you have to shut down factories, or the incentivized way. Hey, you know what? You turned your dirty coal into clean coal, and we'll pay you to do that.


WILLIAMS: Well, as far as it is cap and trade.

BOLLING: Far cheaper -- yeah, keep your own money, tax credits.

GUILFOYLE: And -- yeah.

BOLLING: Far cheaper to do that and far more business friendly to do that. But for some reason, the left always like this, if you admit, we're gonna, you know, we're going to smack you with fees and fines. And that's -- it's not gonna work.

PERINO: The bureaucracy is --


PERINO: They will be able to deal with it and they'll have political appointees that are in there to try to advance Donald Trump's agenda. But I'm just telling you that -- remember the 25 percent of government employees said that they would quit if Donald Trump was becoming -- would become president. I actually think that helped Donald Trump.

GUTFELD: Yeah, their end.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, because --

GUTFELD: That's called drinking government.


GUILFOYLE: You don't have to pay too much to drain the swamp. They say it self-drain.

BOLLING: The swamp. Start on draining with swamp -- exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Drain yourself.

GUTFELD: Self-draining.


GUTFELD: You know, but to Juan, there's -- liberals are flipping out over Trump, but you got to ask why. They do share similar beliefs about war. Overwhelming majority of liberals .

GUILFOYLE: That's the standard.

GUTFELD: . are against --

GUILFOYLE: Orders, too.

GUTFELD: Iraq war, gay marriage, Wall Street free trade. These are -- a lot of things on here. You know, conservatives are against.

WILLIAMS: Right. Good point.

GUTFELD: So I mean he is .


GUTFELD: He is a -- you know, he is a centrist.

PERINO: (inaudible). The thing he talked about last --

GUTFELD: There's no different than Obama.

PERINO: . is that -- well, and Hillary Clinton, that would -- they were both said that we need do something with infrastructure.


PERINO: And I'm -- I'm not going to say I don't disagree. I think if we can do something and get people back to work in that way -- great.


WILLIAMS: So what he's --


WILLIAMS: What Dana said earlier about moving so many parts of the upper Midwest into the Republican Party, such an important point, and my feeling about this is when you look, though a lot of that populist energy is the Bernie Sanders crowd, right?


WILLIAMS: But it's now over on the republican side.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe they should find a home.

WILLIAMS: But I just, I just I worry again. I mean, you know, it seems to me the guy who is the chief birther is now the --

GUILFOYLE: You know what, Juan? Do not to take anything away. You know obviously, Hillary Clinton worked hard. It was great to have a woman run and get the nomination. And it really did inspire a lot of women. So congratulations to her and to her supporters. I know they are hurting right now. But let's try to do the bigger thing which is, unite the country. And he does deserve credit. He worked very hard and went against some of the top best and brightest political, you know opponents in the country that ran against him. And he beat them all fair and square. And the people came out to support him.

PERINO: And they came out and then those same people came out to support him as well. I want to say one thing that I had wrong since about May, when he wrapped up the nomination. It would -- on that podcast that I do with Chris Stirewalt. I said I can see a scenario where Donald Trump wins the popular vote, but loses in the Electoral College. The reverse was true.

GUILFOYLE: And -- yeah. And he made --

PERINO: Because he won in the Electoral College, which is why the founding fathers were so smart.



PERINO: So smart.



WILLIAMS: And it's not says a republican after two .

BOLLING: And maybe.

WILLIAMS: . populist victories for republicans in the --

BOLLING: Popular vote.

PERINO: No, but -- I mean that, when you are born in Wyoming .

WILLIAMS: Electoral College not the popular vote.

PERINO: When you're born in Wyoming .


PERINO: . and you understand states' rights from that perspective, then Electoral College is very important.

WILLIAMS: Well, I must say, the one point is going to pick up on about the shift. Suddenly, the Republican Party is not a party about, you know, fighting trade and the like. It's a populist party.

BOLLING: Well, if it is -- isn't the republican -- this isn't your father's Republican Party anymore.

WILLIAMS: It sure isn't that.

BOLLING: Here's the guy --

GUILFOYLE: Because it's evolution .

BOLLING: We've elected a guy --

GUILFOYLE: . over time into what it has become.

BOLLING: Think about this for one second.

GUILFOYLE: In a bigger tent.

BOLLING: We have elected a guy who is as likely to fight with Paul Ryan as he is with Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell, as he is to fight with Chuck Schumer. He is an issue guy and if you sign on to the issues that he represents, you voted. And if when -- and if the only issue is .


BOLLING: . change, drain the swamp, anti-establishment, then there -- there you have him.

GUTFELD: But the other, the other side to it is he's a deal maker which makes him a pragmatist, so he could make deals with Pelosi. He could make deals -- his mind, perhaps might be changed if he gets a better deal. One of the, one of the interesting things that happened after the election, that tells you everything about this change. A Yale professor made his midterm optional for students who were distraught about a Trump win. It doesn't that just say it all?


GUTFELD: Yeah. It's incredible. So the segment of the population who required round the clock coddling, are now faced with another segment telling you, we've had enough. That's the -- I think that's a big change.


BOLLING: What do they call them? They are called snow something?

PERINO: Snowflakes.

GUTFELD: Snowflakes. Yeah.

PERINO: Right?

BOLLING: A version of that, yeah; these students who are so distraught that they had to take off class. University of Michigan .


BOLLING: . all across the country.


GUTFELD: They would never do that --


GUTFELD: A democrat.

GUILFOYLE: Really quick; quick, quick, quick.

GUTFELD: If Obama, you would get a holiday .


GUTFELD: . to celebrate.


PERINO: I just wanted to mention something on deal making that, I think has been a problem for republicans in the last, maybe 12 years. And that is that coming to the table to have a discussion and a compromise has often been seen as even a traitorous act, even getting to the table.


PERINO: And a lot of that has been driven by some in the media. Donald Trump is going to come to the table with --

GUTFELD: The Trump table.

PERINO: As a president-elect and as a president, he'll take -- here's the thing. And he is not afraid to make a deal. And I think at this point then republicans will be able to say, all right, you can give a little to get a little. And that will be much different than it has been in the last .


PERINO: . 8 to 12 years.

GUILFOYLE: And I like Paul Ryan being gracious (inaudible) because a lot of republicans got in or keeping their jobs, because they all -- he said, (inaudible), Trump helped them (inaudible). Much more to come on this post- election day edition of "The Five," an emotional Hillary Clinton addressed her supporters earlier and asked the divided nation to unite around our new president-elect. Hear that when "The Five" returns. Stay with us.


BOLLING: Last night, president-elect Trump congratulated Hillary Clinton on a hard fought campaign. She then called him to congratulate him on his win, but didn't concede publicly until around 11:30 this morning. The secretary is very gracious. She addressed an audience full of emotional supporters and got a little emotional herself at times while encouraging the nation to unite around her opponent.


HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for. And I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share. Our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America, and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary. Let us not lose heart; for there are more seasons to come.


BOLLING: So, that was a beautiful speech today, Juan. I mean, I listened to that and was thinking, where was that Hillary Clinton?

WILLIAMS: Where is she is emotional.

BOLLING: Oh, she was heartfelt. She assumed. Yes.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah, I got you.

GUILFOYLE: Relatable.

BOLLING: It was, it was unbelievable.


BOLLING: She didn't exemplify any of that stuff on the campaign trail.

WILLIAMS: You know, OK, I -- you guys didn't see it. I see a little bit more but I, you know, I've dealt with her. But I wrote a piece (inaudible) on this topic for foxnews.com saying, I hope that her legacy is not one of the kind of disappointment. I feel today the bitterness that some of her supporters feel, but instead more in line with what she talked about, you know standing up for American values, including a peaceful transition to power -- of power and a respect for our new president, even as people who see themselves as more (inaudible) to progressive fight for values that talk about tolerance, inclusion, things that make America truly exceptional. So, I mean, I thought she did a wonderful job. And by the way, I thought Trump did a nice job last night in his, in his speech.


PERINO: That's right.

WILLIAMS: And President Obama, also this afternoon.

GUILFOYLE: That's coming up.

BOLLING: We'll get, we will get to that in a second. KG, can I --


BOLLING: So we have a friend who said it went from a wedding to a funeral at the Clinton campaign headquarters last night.


BOLLING: Do you think she should have come out and at least said, thank you to those people last night?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because I have so many friends that were really, ardently passionate and excited about her candidacy and about her presidency and you saw the looks on the faces of her supporters just waiting. You know -- I think if Trump did that, there would be a whole bunch of criticism.


GUILFOYLE: If she was the president and Trump didn't come out and left all those people there, I think the class act thing to do is to just try and pull it together, as tough as it was, and go out there and say a little something, and if you wanted to have expanded remarks today to do so. People put everything on the line. Can I tell you, she had a huge ground operation, people canvassing all over the place, like micro-targeting where they should be going, knocking on all those doors. They devoted themselves and their lives. And you could see the raw palpable emotion from those people. You know, give them a little something. Give them a little something.

BOLLING: OK. Why do you think we -- did you see the different Hillary Clinton today?

GUTFELD: I guess --


GUTFELD: You know, I thought it was fine but I didn't -- I didn't understand the wait. I mean she's not Guns n' Roses. You don't send out John Podesta as your opening act the night before. I would be --


GUTFELD: I thought that should have been done at the right time.

GUILFOYLE: (inaudible), yeah.

GUILFOYLE: All those people were waiting for her and, -- you know, it just makes me think, what was going on? Was she not capable? Was she so devastated?

WILLIAMS: But wait. But you know, we didn't hear at Fox even announce it. We were -- everybody was delayed.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but she could have gone later.

GUILFOYLE: Well, Podesta came out .

GUTFELD: She could have -- he came out.

GUILFOYLE: . and went backstage and told his supporters, "We're going to fight this."

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I know.

GUILFOYLE: And then Hillary --


GUTFELD: None of her famous friends were there. There was no Barbara Streisand or Miley Cyrus -- she was just alone.

BOLLING: So Dana, how do you think they handled it last night? Answer.

PERINO: I do wish that the democrats had come out and conceded last night, even though it was 4 o'clock in the morning. I think that that would have been good. This is now the third time in a row that the democrats have not conceded to the republican on night that they won. In 2000, Gore pulled his back, understandably because they had the recount in Florida. But In 2004, John Kerry also held out. And so every member being at the Reagan building in the Washington D.C., we finally gathered there around 1:30 a.m., 2 o'clock in the morning. We're so excited to see the president of the United States. And Secretary Don Evans comes to the stage and says, "Sorry, everybody, but we're going to -- everything is fine. But we're not going to be able to do this tonight. So go home. Get a couple of night sleep." With couple of hours of sleep and then came back at 10 o'clock in the morning. So, President Bush never got to celebrate on his night. I thought it was right that Trump waited for her concession call and then went there. I do think it's amazing that the Obama coalition absolutely deserted Hillary Clinton. She underperformed her margins on almost every category, in particular in Iowa. And I heard today that the Trump campaign was actually surprised about that because in their modeling, they thought she was going to hit those targets in Iowa, and when they realized that she had not, they knew that they were on their way.

BOLLING: You know what blew me away? Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania, of all the states had moved .


BOLLING: . so far in her camp late and then --

PERINO: Well again, that's the Obama coalition deserting her.


BOLLING: Can we do this very quickly, do quickly around on this. President Obama, will host his successor at the White House tomorrow. He addressed the nation after Mr. Trump's win this afternoon.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: We are now all rooting for a success in uniting and leading the country. I also had a chance last night to speak with Secretary Clinton. I am proud of her. A lot of Americans look up to her. Her candidacy and nomination was historic. We all want what's best for this country. That's what I heard in Mr. Trump's remarks last night. That's what I heard when I spoke to him, directly. And I was heartened by that. I'm confident that this incredible journey that we are on as Americans will go on. And I'm looking forward to doing everything that I can to make sure that the next president is successful in that.


BOLLING: Why did he suddenly hear that we all want the country to do well and go forward last night but for the last year and a half, he...

GUTFELD: I know. It's like, all of a sudden, now we all -- now we're all one happy family.

I will say though, that was the best speech he's given in a long time. He reminded people that politics are a part of life. They aren't life.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: And I think that was important to hear.

But again, you know, all this worry now about polarization is because, finally, the right showed up. It used to be when the left were jerks to everybody, no one ever talked about polarization.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Thoughts?

PERINO: Well, I do think that President Obama inherited a terrific transition, considered the most professional in history.

GUILFOYLE: From President Bush.

PERINO: Donald Trump also got calls this morning from both former presidents Bush. And they had great calls. I've talked to 43's office.

And I think that, yes, like the campaigns are hard-fought, but then there is this period where you let somebody accept the moment, honor the moment, and let them get settled in. There will be -- the Democrats don't have any clear successor. They are in the minority in the Senate and the House.

GUTFELD: Mark Cuban.

PERINO: And they are going to have such a -- they are going to fight. But they're going to be back on their heels.

BOLLING: Juan, I can -- I would love to see the transition. The Obamas moving out, the Trumps moving in.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: Wow. What a contrast.

WILLIAMS: "The Beverly Hillbillies." This is unbelievable to me.


WILLIAMS: This is unbelievable. I mean, but we'll see.

You know, the thing is -- you guys say...

GUILFOYLE: Show a little respect today.

WILLIAMS: ... "Oh, there's no reason to be upset. No reason to be upset."

GUILFOYLE: I mean, really.

WILLIAMS: You know, again, I just -- I'm stuck for the day. So you've got to give me this moment.

PERINO: All right.

WILLIAMS: But I mean, you know, when I looked at the polls, it says, you know, Clinton is preferred 23 percent more when the question is asked, "I want someone who cares about people like me"; when it comes to judgment, plus 40 percent; when it comes to experience, 82 percent say she's much more.

GUILFOYLE: But guess what, Juan? You lost.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying.

GUILFOYLE: She lost.

WILLIAMS: So how...

GUILFOYLE: Now try to unite.

WILLIAMS: How do you talk to Ronan and say, "Hey, Ronan, this is the guy that's our president"?

GUILFOYLE: And he says, "Mom, do you think we can go to the White House and go on the airplane?"

GUTFELD: You know Donald Trump. Right?

GUILFOYLE: But kids are like that. But no, he was very interested in the process. He was watching it.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it right there.

GUILFOYLE: He asked to go on Obama's plane, too. But...

BOLLING: All right. Clinton celebrity supporters did everything they could to try and get her elected. Many vowed even to leave the country if she lost. Will they follow through with those promises? Greg has more on that. And could help ease -- he could help ease their pain.


GUTFELD: Pop stars are crying. Comedians clutch their Xanax. Trump has won.

Cher says she's moving to another planet, as if she wasn't already living on one. Sarah Silverman mourns, making her even less funny than before -- if that's indeed possible. It's the end of the world as we know it, so why do I feel fine? Because this hysteria validates last night.

The stars did everything they could to get Hillary elected. And now they're freaking out because their entitled arrogance flopped.

"SNL's" Taran Killam tweeted "rural = stupid" about Trump's victory. To Think, that's probably his best material.

Lady Gaga looked sad in a Rolls Royce Phantom, which is hard to do...

GUILFOYLE: That is tough.

GUTFELD: ... after protesting at Trump Tower. Such a woman of the people.

And though Republicans snared the presidency, kept the House and Senate, at least the Democrats still have Katy Perry. She just threatened revolution. She's Che in a thong.

So you can criticize Trump for lots of things -- I did. But you've got to love him for the enemies he made, because they're our enemies, too. I said it before: You may not like Trump, but you know Hillary's fans hate you. And boy, did they make that clear.

But last night the unpopular kids told the cool kids: up yours. For once, Republicans won a culture war. And it was against smug celebs who felt that you were inferior. But I guess now the feeling is mutual. To us you're just overpaid preachers.

So thank you, Mr. Trump, for making Lena Dunham move to Canada. She'll be the least popular Canadian export since acid rain.

I'm not even sure. I think she might exceed acid rain.

All right, Eric, any celebrity taking up your offer? You offered to buy one-way ticket...

BOLLING: One-way tickets, first class.

PERINO: First class.

GUTFELD: First class, which is nice.

BOLLING: And I think I even said to the country of your choice.


BOLLING: Offer still stands. I'm not expecting to get any.

WILLIAMS: Do I get to come back?

BOLLING: No. You pay your own way back. Why? Are you thinking about it?

PERINO: One way.

WILLIAMS: I don't know, but I'm not a celebrity. But what an offer. First class.

BOLLING: First class.

So the deplorables actually came through and outweighed the celebrities.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: For once in America's history, the deplorable right, of which I'm part -- apparently part of...

GUTFELD: This is new. This is new.

BOLLING: ... that's -- it's good news.

GUTFELD: No, it's new. This is -- it's -- I think -- it must be hard, Kimberly...


GUTFELD: ... to be a pop singer and realize that America doesn't care what you think.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, that's the thing. And they really tried to be very preachy, that their ideas, their beliefs, their ideology, their candidate is better than yours and your thoughts. And if you supported Donald Trump, then you must be ignorant or racist or stupid or all of the above.

BOLLING: Deplorable.

GUILFOYLE: Which is -- yes, deplorable.

PERINO: Irredeemable.

GUILFOYLE: ... which is -- irredeemable.

GUTFELD: I am irredeemable.

GUILFOYLE: I think more than that, and I think Obamacare and, yes, of course, the e-mails and lack of, you know, concern for national security really hurt her. That coming through with Obamacare at the end, I mean, my gosh, that -- those are real issues, Juan. I don't think it's, oh, because people are racist or don't -- you know, they support Trump. That is not the case. And I think you really have to, like, think before you say things like that, anybody out there that is reckless, and try to take the example from President Obama, was very eloquent about unifying the country. He was a class act and called President-elect Trump last night. Give the man a chance.

WILLIAMS: I'm willing to give him a chance.

GUILFOYLE: You love this country, give him a chance.

WILLIAMS: I'm just not going to ignore what I saw with my own eyes during campaign. I think that's why people are fearful, you know, and people are uptight.

But I agree with you, you've got to give him a chance. And we should certainly have to respect the presidency. I just -- you know, when you guys say, oh, it's so funny and all that, I just think it's not just...

GUTFELD: No one...

WILLIAMS: That politics isn't life. I think politics is power and exercise of power.

GUTFELD: People spent a year and a half with me, especially, being hypercritical. So we didn't let anything slide around here.

Who knew that Trump is more in touch with the working man than Bruce Springsteen? Like, Springsteen has made his life as the voice of the working man.

PERINO: Well, he...

GUTFELD: And it's actually Trump.

PERINO: But this is an interesting thing to tease out. And maybe you can do this in a monologue coming up.

GUTFELD: I shall.

PERINO: Give you an assignment.

GUTFELD: Oh, great.

PERINO: Because Donald Trump was a celebrity himself. A celebrity of the new kind of entertainment, and that was...

GUTFELD: Reality.

PERINO: ... you know, reality entertainment. And people liked the guy who was going to stick it to them, right, in those reality shows.

Hollywood was utterly ineffective with the flyover states.


PERINO: But interestingly, I do wonder if culture might be changing a little bit in terms of supply and demand with these new television programs that you can see on all sorts of different channels. And it's like let 1,000 flowers bloom. Like "Justified."


PERINO: The show that we really like. That was about the deplorables...


PERINO: ... and the irredeemables. And the irredeemables strike back. But here is where Hollywood...

GUTFELD: That was like that biker show that I never watched.

PERINO: Oh, yes. The gangs of -- what's the one?

BOLLING: Anarchy?

GUTFELD: "Sons of Anarchy."

PERINO: "Sons of Anarchy." Exactly.

So that I would -- I think that that might be something to tease out there.

The last thing I would say is Hollywood was effective with one group.


PERINO: And that is 18- to 25-year-olds. In their first vote, 80 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds rejected Donald Trump. So he's got some work that he can do there. I think he's not going to get all of them back. But there's some young people that might be feeling like what Juan is feeling. And I think over the next six weeks, he can try to alleviate some of that.

GUTFELD: It would be helpful...

GUILFOYLE: And when he runs for a second term, when people actually see how...

PERINO: Right. That's what I'm saying, that he can change some things.

GUTFELD: You're already thinking about the second term, eh?

GUILFOYLE: Supreme Court, baby. Let's go.

GUTFELD: Yes. I don't know.

PERINO: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she's never going to -- never going to leave. She's going to live.

GUTFELD: It's easy for -- it's easy for stars to rag on people that they've never met. And these are people that buy their products.

GUILFOYLE: Right. And guess what? Did you ever hear Trump say bad things about Hillary supporters? He said, "Hey, come on in. Build the tent. We want you to come. Come with us. I want to bring you in." He didn't call them irredeemable or deplorable or anything like that.


GUILFOYLE: People have said things -- it's true. He asked for their support.

WILLIAMS: He didn't call Latinos rapists and thieves?

GUILFOYLE: He called criminals that have come -- I know, because I dealt with it as a prosecutor. People that come back and forth that have committed felonies.

BOLLING: He did not generalize that Latinos were rapists.

WILLIAMS: I think he said this about Mexicans and -- you know what? Here is the bigger point.

BOLLING: Mexico is sending us rapists.

WILLIAMS: I don't...

GUTFELD: It always comes back to this.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that anybody can defend this. I think it's indefensible.

And -- but I just think that, to get to the larger point, the culture -- there's a culture war. It's become more political. Because I think the people who supported Trump have a separate culture from the people on the coast, who still supported Hillary, which is why she won the popular...

GUILFOYLE: And you've had Sean Hannity...

GUTFELD: But they all listen to the same music.

GUILFOYLE: ... talking about this for years, too.

GUTFELD: They listen to the same music, and the artists mock those people. They don't mock the cool kids. They mock...

PERINO: They don't listen to country.

GUTFELD: Well, yes, that's true. You might have something there.

All right. Final thoughts next.

GUILFOYLE: Sing us out.

GUTFELD (singing): Laaaa!


PERINO: Speaking of country music. Some final thoughts on the way forward in our final moments tonight. That's all I have as the lead-in. You guys have a chat. You.

GUTFELD: Me? Gosh, gee. Here's a tip. If you ever want a job referral, don't ask President Obama. The two votes he promoted...

PERINO: Recommendation.

GUTFELD: ... against Brexit and for Hillary, had the opposite effects. So don't ever put him as a reference at the bottom of your resume.

I had a funny story. I was out in front of a bar last night, talking to a doorman, who was pro Trump, crazy for Trump. And I'm going, "Hey, I don't want to get your hopes up. It looks like Hillary's ahead."

Then these two British...

GUILFOYLE: And he was African-American?

GUTFELD: No. He was Jamaican.


GUTFELD: How dare you?

Anyway -- anyway, so these two British tourists are walking by. They're like, "Hey, do you have any of the latest results?"

And I go, "Looks like Hillary is ahead."

And they go, "Thank God, thank God, thank God, thank God." And they were kind of doing this ostentatious display, assuming that we two New Yorkers would just sit there and go, "Right on," and we just stared at them. And they looked very awkward, and then they walked away.

GUILFOYLE: My goodness.

PERINO: Eric, final thoughts.

BOLLING: Final thought is a couple of quick ones. Last night, as the New York Times -- for some reason The New York Times had a live percentage...

GUTFELD: Isn't that amazing?


BOLLING: ... of who is going to win.


BOLLING: They started the night at 80 percent Hillary Clinton, she's going to win. As ticked down, and the other one started to tick up, people just lit up Twitter, went crazy. And that was the go-to. The New York Times was really ahead of the curve.

Very quickly, Vladimir Putin...



BOLLING: Vladimir Putin sent, what...

GUTFELD: A telegram.

BOLLING: ... a telegram to Donald Trump saying, "Hey, maybe we can get our -- you know, our countries back together a little bit again."


BOLLING: But Angela Merkel, very interesting if you follow world politics and you follow the economy, global economy...


BOLLING: ... for her to say, "Hey, I think we can work with Donald Trump," that's a very, very positive sign. You want that European community part of ours.

GUILFOYLE: There was a lot of consensus like that, I thought, in terms of world leaders willing to work, and Netanyahu was also very gracious.

PERINO: And he's been invited by Donald Trump to come to Washington.

GUILFOYLE: And great. Why not? Let's talk to people; let's get things done. I think this is really wonderful. I think for the people out there sitting at home that feel like someone heard their voice, the families, the working men and women out there that really want to see a change, that want the corruption in D.C., business as usual, to end. So their tax dollars are put in the right place, that they feel optimistic about the future for jobs, for the economy, for national security and our place in the world. And especially also for the veterans, that they will be taken care of and their medical and health needs, as well.

I feel optimistic for the country. And I hope everybody does try to come together. I'm encouraged by what I heard from President Obama and Hillary Clinton. And again congratulations to her and to her supporters.

WILLIAMS: Are we -- are we going to build a wall?

GUILFOYLE: Just around you.

GUTFELD: Together. Together, we're...

PERINO: Juan, your final thoughts?

WILLIAMS: I just don't know if we're going to build a wall. I don't know what's going to happen. Are we going to end all the trade deals?

GUILFOYLE: Are we going to have border security? Yes.

BOLLING: Hopefully.

WILLIAMS: We're going to end all the trade deals?

BOLLING: Hopefully. We'll bring jobs back to America. That's what he said, and that's actually how it works.

GUTFELD: He already tore down the blue wall.


GUTFELD: He tore down the blue wall.

WILLIAMS: He sure did. But I'm saying I think -- you know, the trade deals, just go tell the Chinese what you want. How about pull out of NATO? Are we going to do that?

GUTFELD: I agree with you, Juan, on these points.

WILLIAMS: I'm saying...

BOLLING: NAFTA. NAFTA. Not pull out of NATO. Pull out of NAFTA.

GUILFOYLE: And border security is a good thing. It protects families. A lot of people risk their lives coming across and children that are damaged.

WILLIAMS: But I think, Kimberly, because we have those trade deals, in fact, not only do we enrich America, create new opportunities but dynamic economy, we create jobs. And somehow people don't get that.

BOLLING: We don't create jobs with trade deals.

WILLIAMS: Yes, we do.

BOLLING: We ship jobs overseas where it's cheaper to do business.

WILLIAMS: No, no. We have...

BOLLING: Of course we do.

WILLIAMS: We have a good -- we have a good deal on trade.

BOLLING: Juan, we could destroy all those countries if we competed on a fair playing table, even playing field. We would destroy them. But the deal is, we'll pull back. We'll give you some of these jobs, but for that, we want our prices down. I mean, that's really what it is.

GUTFELD: But Eric -- but we're not supposed to destroy them. Aren't we supposed to...

BOLLING: No, we're supposed to -- in business, you want to be No. 1.

WILLIAMS: We are No. 1.

GUTFELD; But it's not a zero -- it's not a zero sum thing. You want to have a back and forth. That's what I learned as an economics professor in the early '80s.

WILLIAMS: Is that right.

GUTFELD: I learned...


GUILFOYLE: At -- at University Nowhere?

BOLLING: ... you put the most profit into the coffer.

GUTFELD: But it's not -- is it really, when you're dealing with trade, just about winning? It's about establishing a relationship.

PERINO: Well, there are geopolitical advantages to having allies in the trade world, but I also think that free markets -- we want those people.

GUTFELD: You can have both.

PERINO: Those countries that are growing, we want them to buy our products, so that's another reason.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, we do.

WILLIAMS: That's a...

PERINO: So that's another reason.

My final thought is something a little different. And that is America is woefully unprepared for what is coming. And that will be...

GUTFELD: Killer robots.

PERINO: Well, it's cyber security issues. And we are vulnerable as citizens and our government and our businesses. We've got to do a lot better on that. And I don't know exactly how to do it, because I'm not smart enough on any cyber security issue. Though I changed my password.

GUTFELD: Good for you. "JasperIsHot111."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: It used to be "JasperIsHot112.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, Greg, your robot friends...


GUILFOYLE: ... they predicted this and called this for Trump. Maybe let the robots do the polling.

BOLLING: So did that professor.

PERINO: That professor. And also, I have a makeup artist here telling me that her -- not her psychic, a psychic she knows.

GUTFELD: Please.

PERINO: I don't know if it's her psychic -- said that Donald Trump was going to win. That's what she told me Saturday.

GUTFELD: Maybe the psychic could, like, do some other things that save people's lives.


GUTFELD: Well, predict things like earthquakes or plane crashes.

GUILFOYLE: We have a psychic here at FOX. He predicted it, too. His name is Bolling.

PERINO: All right. "One More Thing" is next.


WILLIAMS: It's time now for "One More Thing." And.


PERINO: "Juan More Thing."

WILLIAMS: All right. Here we go. So with all the big presidential news last night, it's easy to overlook some very interesting results down ballot. California, Massachusetts, Nevada and Maine all voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana, Greg.

GUTFELD: Why me?

WILLIAMS: That means 29 states now permit medical use of marijuana, and eight permit recreational use, as does Washington, D.C.

California and Oklahoma both voted to protect the death penalty. Voters in Nebraska opted to restore the use of the death penalty.

Finally, four states -- Arizona, Maine, Colorado, Washington state -- voted to raise the minimum wage to at least $12 an hour.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Juan, you're supposed to call on the next person.


PERINO: OK, so during a contentious campaign, it was nice to see the best ad of the campaign season.


PERINO: This is Pedigree. It released a new ad just a week ago -- a month ago -- with footage of the election. So one had -- the same woman took a lost dog wearing a Trump T-shirt to a Hillary campaign and then a Hillary T-shirt to a Trump campaign. And the same thing happened. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you happen to see this dog out in the parking lot or anything? I'm trying to find its owner. She's really, really sweet.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was running with a leash. So he's obviously someone's.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I love that. Apparently, when it comes to dogs, there's no political party.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Things like this give us hope, that we can all find common ground in some places.


PERINO: And I write that very same thing in "Let me Tell You About Jasper." I said that dogs are the great equalizer. So I hope that's true coming up, because I'm here one more day this week, and then I'll go to Colorado, Wyoming. I'm going to Cheyenne. And I'm going to California, Reagan and Nixon libraries. So hope that I'll see some folks out there.

GUILFOYLE: Why don't you have a book signing in a dog park and invite the Hillary supporters and the Trump supporters, and everyone can come and bring their dogs?

WILLIAMS: There you go.

PERINO: A unity event. I love it, K.G.


WILLIAMS: Woof, woof. Greg.

GUTFELD: Time for...


GUTFELD: I hate these people!



GUTFELD: All right.


GUTFELD: I'm not a unifier. I looked on Twitter and what was trending. Here was what was trending: "Still with her, "CalExit." That's the movement that California wants to leave the United States, because Trump won. "NotMyPresident," because Trump. "ImpeachDonaldTrump" already trending.

I'm willing to bet that none of these people actually voted. That the extent of their effort and concern is a hash tag.

PERINO: On Twitter.

GUTFELD: And that's the problem, is that you feel like you're doing something when you're not doing a thing.


BOLLING: All right. So very quickly, get through this very, very fast. Trump -- let's take it down what happened. He ran the campaign like a business. He cut costs. Look at this number, $4.57 per vote. That's about half of what Hillary Clinton ended up spending.

He capitalized on the media. He got $3 billion of free media. He developed social media, so he made Twitter and Facebook a better polling mechanism than paying for pollsters. Cost him nothing.

And of course, you have to have a very close-knit, loyal group surrounding you. Kellyanne Conway really brought that campaign home. Hope Hicks was there from day one, communication director from day one. Did a fantastic job. Steve Bannon, Dave Bossie, also great people. The family: Melania, the kids. And this one right here. Keep your eye on that guy, Jared Kushner. Did a great job. So that's how he ran his -- his campaign.

GUILFOYLE: And Katrina Pierson.

BOLLING: And the -- and the surrogates.

WILLIAMS: And Kimberly, you're up.

GUILFOYLE: OK, thank you so much.

And again, you know how much I love the military and the veterans, the people that serve. This is a very sweet story. A World War II veteran in Kansas is finally receiving the medals that he richly deserved for defending our country. He's 95-year-old Harold Curry, and he found out that he was owed them after his family reviewed his recently discovered discharge papers. He missed that he was owed the medals back in 1945. I guess when he was done with the Army, he kind of didn't read them and go through. They read them, saw. And then they presented him, his friends and family, as you can see here, gathered in his living room to watch him receive his medals after more than 70 years.

PERINO: Awesome.

GUILFOYLE: God bless you, and thank you for your service.

WILLIAMS: Terrific, Kimberly. Set your DVRS so you never miss an episode of "The Five."

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