
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 12, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld is back. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five." Hillary Clinton took heat for calling Trump supporters deplorable. And now Bill Clinton is probably not helping things by saying this.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: The other guy's base is what I grew up in. You know, I'm basically your standard redneck.



PERINO: The former president also took aim at the Fox News Channel viewers. He recounted a moment during the primary when the Clinton camp knew they couldn't hold West Virginia.


B. CLINTON: I went down to West Virginia to talk about this, because she said there's no way we can carry it. Now I said, I said, no way. I said you know that at first of all, they only watch Fox News.


PERINO: Now, I think that he meant that as an insult.


PERINO: But he calls himself a redneck basically.

GUTFELD: Yeah -- no. It's actually, if you think about it, it's a compliment because he just said all of Trump's supporters are capable of becoming a two-term president, because he grew up with them. So that, I don't think he meant it as a compliment but it actually could be looked that way. Look, Bill Clinton is lucky. He has what's called the PPP, which is called the Progressive .


GUTFELD: . you know, the Progressive Pig Pass, as long as you are .


GUTFELD: . a progressive leftist .

GUILFOYLE: Lies are covering.

GUTFELD: . you can get away with it. You can get away with anything. That's why you remember that the staunchest defenders of Bill Clinton, during the sex scandals were feminists who target the accusers like his wife had done, and imply to everything was consensual. It's because as long as you are progressive and you're on this political side of a feminist, you can get away with anything. And that means denigrating entire groups of people targeting women because, you know, they, they had sex with your -- your husband. As long as you are for feminism and for empowerment, you can do whatever you want as he has proved.

PERINO: It is kind of irresistible for a lot of people on the left, Eric, for them to denigrate Fox News viewers or Fox News hosts and things, even though they would like to come on the show some time especially when they write books.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hmm. Very good.


BOLLING: So I also think it was a compliment.


BOLLING: I don't think he meant it as a compliment, but I certainly rather would be a redneck than a limousine liberal or redneck than a intolerant liberal or a left-wing nut, that said that's just me, but -- but I -- he is getting pushback because he is lumping all the group as a certain type. He is typecasting the whole group. And as you know, when you do that you can be considered racist, sexist, Islamophobic or whatever. Moving on, months ago I said they should pull Bill Clinton off the campaign trail and they should. He fought with a marine. That was bad for her. He called --



BOLLING: Yeah, he called ObamaCare this crazy system. That was bad for her, and now this .

PERINO: I think he was right.

BOLLING: . is going to be in term. Bad for its time to pull him back or if you know, if you are a GOP republican, keep him just what he is doing.

PERINO: Right. And he is very popular, Kimberly, amongst democrats and actually I think he's kind of one of those characters that because he has like charisma you are drawn to watch him and listen to what he says. I don't necessary think he's a huge drawback for Hillary Clinton, but I'm sure that her campaign, every time he goes out they might just hold their breath to see what the tapes are gonna send back.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. It's like the gas gasp. Feel like, OK, what's going to happen next? But he is popular. I mean he really is. There are people, republicans that like him, too, you know, in certain circles. But when he goes into a crowd, whether it's a small room or a big room, he knows how to work it. He's always been a very good politician and knows how to get it done. He's more popular than she is. That's the thing. So, you know, obviously, they're going to try to use them, because they're down to Al Gore, Climate Gore, you know they've got a few people. They've got Tim Kaine. I don't know how much good he's even really done her to be quite honest. He didn't do a good performance during the debate. But, so you see with something like this, like they're going to put him out there. He is a former president, so he is still a resource. But all of this information that's coming out is just -- there's such a huge spat. They're like, poof! Whoa! It's like cramming the night before thing the exam. They're so much to like, where do you even get started going through the list and the litany? And as for redneck, look, I like guns, I like religion, I like my beer with a lime, so you know. And I like men who work for (inaudible).

PERINO: Like countrymen band players, guitar players?

GUILFOYLE: Yup. We do.

PERINO: We like them. We do. Juan, is it hard for Bill Clinton to be both a former president and a statesman and a partisan trying to help his wife get elected to the presidency?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: No, I think he's a big fan of his wife. I think he was --

PERINO: No, I know. But I mean like in terms of he has -- as a former president, you have -- that comes with some responsibility or I would say some ability to sort of be up above partisan politics, but when he goes out on the campaign trail, he ends up making a statement like this -- would seems to be.

WILLIAMS: And by the way, I think the statement is totally being misinterpreted by all of you.

PERINO: About Fox News viewers?

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. What he said was, he is saying to his audience, I mean you can read the transcript, he says, "Tell them I want them to be a part of America, to feel included, to not feel isolated ."

PERINO: I agree with that, right.

WILLIAMS: ". or pushed to the side." That's what Bill Clinton was saying. And then he comes back and says, quite explicitly, "We need people. We want them to feel that they are part of America." And if they're not being, somehow, you know, shown or demeaned by the conversation that's going on in the Democratic Party. That's what he was saying.

BOLLING: It's like basket of deplorables?

WILLIAMS: Basket of deplorables. By the way, she was right. But I'm just going to say .

PERINO: Well --

WILLIAMS: . I just think on this one --

GUILFOYLE: That's not very nice.

BOLLING: Right about what?

WILLIAMS: She's right that some people who have very harsh attitudes about blacks, about gays, they have deplorable attitudes, OK?

BOLLING: She, she said half of Trump supporters are a basket of deplorables.

WILLIAMS: She apologized for saying half. She did not apologize for saying deplorables, because I think there are some people who have deplorable attitudes on the far right.

BOLLING: Sir, there's deplorables in every organization, in every group.

PERINO: But they said --

WILLIAMS: Well, fine. Then you agree.

GUILFOYLE: Every part.


PERINO: And because --

WILLIAMS: But I'm saying in terms of what Bill Clinton said .


GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

WILLIAMS: . that Dana is talking about .

BOLLING: I would say that half of the people have voted for Trump, it was somewhere -- what they have, 20 million votes? 10 million -- 13?

GUILFOYLE: I would never say that she was right .

PERINO: Thirteen.

GUILFOYLE: . and their people are deplorable and also --

WILLIAMS: There are some deplorable people in this world.

GUILFOYLE: . irredeemable. That's not very (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: But I'm just saying in terms of this segment, what we're talking about with Bill Clinton said was very clearly, "Tell people who are," you know, as he said grew up with him in rural Arkansas, wherever he's from.


WILLIAMS: They are part of America. We need them. We want them to progress. And when he was talking about West Virginia, he pointed out he won West Virginia twice.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: And then he said. That's why I don't believe we can't -- Hillary Clinton goes to (inaudible).

PERINO: No, and that's true. I mean there's a reason why George W. Bush and his election effort and the re-election in 2004 went back to West Virginia .


PERINO: . over and over again because it was on the cusp.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

PERINO: I think now it's reliably a red state for now, but it could change.

GUTFELD: The unspeakable truth here is that Bill Clinton would be a Fox News viewer if he wasn't married to Hillary.

PERINO: He might be a Fox News viewer.

GUTFELD: If you remember, if you remember the mid '90s, I mean when you think about how the country is shifted --

GUILFOYLE: Are you saying that for obvious reasons?

GUTFELD: What? I don't -- I didn't hear you.

GUILFOYLE: Why Bill Clinton would be a Fox viewer?

GUTFELD: Because he's a -- he was reliably center right in the '90s. And I think that there are more -- he has more in common with Fox News than probably CNN or MSNBC. But if I were Hillary, I would send him to Club Med for the rest of the month in a small country, make it clothing optional to save him the time of packing.

PERINO: Well, that would be -- that's a good way to take carry-on luggage .


PERINO: . and not have to pack a bag. There's another controversy that swirling today. I'm going to try to set this up and we're going to talk about it. It's regarding some WikiLeaks e-mails that were released and, in particular, this conversation between two Hillary Clinton staffers about Catholics. And whether this is true or not, I guess, remains a question. But here is, apparently what the e-mails that were released said, basically saying that, Catholics to have a bastardization of the faith. They're totally unaware of Christian democracy, social acceptable politically conservative religion; that they don't know what the hell they are talking about when they talk about Thomistic -- it gets a little bit complicated and detailed. You can read these e-mails. We'll have them for you on our Facebook page. And they have been talked about all day. Now Greg, the Catholics has a voting bloc but you are -- you grew up catholic .


PERINO: . but you do not profess to .


PERINO: . be a part of it anymore. So Jennifer Palmieri, the -- one of the staffers on this says she does not recognize the e-mail, she, in fact, I think that we have her on tape saying that earlier today.


JENNIFER PALMIERI, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS FOR 2016 HILLARY CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN: I'm a catholic. I don't recognize that e-mail that we saw. We're not going to fact-check each of the e-mails that were stolen, hacked by Russian effort and then take my (inaudible) effort and an effort to her campaign.


PERINO: So we have a situation with WikiLeaks continuing to put out a whole bunch of information.


PERINO: WikiLeaks, which is basically finding -- hacking e-mails, releasing them. The campaign saying that they don't know about it and the Catholics saying, "This is actually a deplorable to do to the catholic religion." What do you make of all that?

GUTFELD: All right. Well, it's two different stories, number one. Does anybody really believe this is coming from WikiLeaks? WikiLeaks is the receptacle. That's like a child who thinks money originates from her dad's wallet. It doesn't. It's being sent to WikiLeaks and then WikiLeaks release it. If it's Russia it's something that we, as a country, should be concerned about it. Just because it happens to target a candidate you don't like, isn't enough for me, because when they are done with her, they're going to come after everybody else. And if you work in industries - let's they are fact that the left believes affects the climate, if you work in the oil industry or automotive industry, you could targeted for this. That's the first part of the story. The second part is, in general, religious people are seen as freaks by the media because the media is so detached from them. I have been on both sides. I, you know, Catholic for 12 years and so on. But I can tell the base in the media, generally they see people who are religious as Martians. They don't understand it.

PERINO: The interesting thing as I look back on some of the numbers and so, Catholics as a group have not voted for a republican as a majority since 1984 and the Trump campaign did jump on this today, I think trying to say, look, this is -- this how they talk about you behind closed doors. Do you think they can turn that around with the Catholics?

BOLLING: Yeah. So -- first of all I'm gonna say I'm a Christian, I'm catholic and I'm highly offended by the comments, highly offended by practicing every day. I think what they -- the theory was and I think what they were going for was to divide and concur. Let's divide Catholics from evangelicals or divide Catholics as a subset of Christians who are bastardizing Christianity. That's highly offensive and I think this is gonna blow up in their face. I think if you're on defense, if you're undecided and you're Catholic --even if you are Christian and not Catholic, you have to take offense to this. Here is why. When -- if President Clinton, Hillary Clinton is going to stack the Supreme Court and the federal judicial system, will your religious freedoms come under attack? A lot of Catholics and a lot of Christians believe that under Clinton they -- that may become an issue at the supreme court level. I would say this is a negative for Hillary Clinton, big time.

GUILFOYLE: I saw Father Jonathan Morris speak on Fox about this and he was very, you know, passionate and eloquent talking about the importance of freedom of religion and what we see happening throughout the world, and you see genocide against Christians. And this is a time that the United States should be leading and protecting faith and religious freedoms with everything that we have in our constitution. So these e-mails, I think are very damaging. I do not believe her when she says she did not send them. I think it's convenient for them to say and blame it on the Russians because that ties Trump into Putin. It's clever. But I don't, I don't believe it when I hear her say it and I saw her saying it -- I don't know. It just seems very convenient. The WikiLeaks went through and edited how many, 20,000 something plus e-mails, maybe even more. It's a bit much to swallow. So, I just -- yeah, as a catholic, too I mean, you know. But this is not really a surprise to me when --

GUTFELD: You don't think the Russians are involved?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know if it's Russians or the Chinese or --

GUTFELD: Doesn't that bother you?

BOLLING: That did not --

GUILFOYLE: You know, the North Korean --

BOLLING: That did not have to know.

GUILFOYLE: Of course it does.

BOLLING: I think that said is --

GUILFOYLE: Of course it does.

GUTFELD: It bothers me that it is another --


PERINO: Let's get Juan --

GUILFOYLE: It bothers me if it is somebody here doing it.


WILLIAMS: Well, let me just tell you, this is such a bizarre conversation because she didn't write the e-mail. The e-mail comes to her from a guy who is interested in the relationship of Catholics and politics .



WILLIAMS: . and especially big donors and the like. And, and he is saying this, Jennifer Palmieri didn't say it. Nobody in the Clinton campaign says it. Then she responds and says something about, "Well, maybe these folks who are becoming Roman Catholic don't want to become evangelicals because their rich friends wouldn't understand it." That's all what was said. So all this stuff about I'm deeply offended and all this gonna explode .

BOLLING: Yeah, highly offended. How is it if somebody says something racist to me Juan?

WILLIAMS: There is zero. Zip. This is --

BOLLING: I say number one .

WILLIAMS: This is not racist.

BOLLING: . that's racist, I walked of it -- walk out of conversation.

WILLIAMS: This is not anti-catholic.

BOLLING: I don't continue the conversation with the racist.

WILLIAMS: You, you are missing the point here Eric. This is not anti- catholic.

BOLLING: Really?

WILLIAMS: This is simply saying -- and we have these freedoms in our country, if you have a difference of perspective or theology .

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: . you can express it and you can say, hey, somebody is playing a social status game in terms of saying they are, they are comfortable becoming a catholic as opposed to becoming an evangelicals. It's almost saying, why they doing that, because if they are truly really having this kind of conversion, why don't they become an evangelical? So I don't get -- I mean you guys, it looks to me like you are trying to find something, something, to give something to Trump or some reason to find .

GUILFOYLE: No, but he has a right to be able to --

WILLIAMS: . grievance with Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: He has a right to be able to say if he finds that offensive --

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just saying. But she --

GUILFOYLE: . relation, just like I do.

WILLIAMS: But let --

GUILFOYLE: Just like --

WILLIAMS: But let just be clear.

GUILFOYLE: Just like you had (inaudible)

BOLLING: If someone walks in --

WILLIAMS: He said Jennifer Palmieri did not write it.

BOLLING: If I'm having a conversation, a cup of coffee with someone on the corner who happens to be .


BOLLING: . throwing out racial epithets left and right.


BOLLING: You see him -- and I stand there and continue this conversation, you walk by .

WILLIAMS: That is so different.

BOLLING: . don't you say, "Bolling, what is wrong with you? Why would you walk away .

WILLIAMS: This is so different.

BOLLING: . from that guy?

WILLIAMS: There were no epitaphs.

BOLLING: No, she --

WILLIAMS: The man was expressing .

BOLLING: No -- really? Because I feel --


BOLLING: Because I feel -- I feel being called bastardizing Christianity. It's a Catholic.

WILLIAMS: It wasn't bastardizing.

BOLLING: Highly, highly offensive.

WILLIAMS: He never said that.


GUTFELD: Did you know that there is a key difference that someone has to make clear at the end of the segment.

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead, Greg.

GUTFELD: OK. Religion is a set of ideas.


GUTFELD: OK? Religion -- any religion whether it's Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, you name it. It's a set of ideas. It's not race.

WILLIAMS: Thank God.

PERINO: And it is --


PERINO: It is - so he -- nobody on her campaign actually wrote the bastardization (inaudible) --


PERINO: That was someone from outside. So we can --



WILLIAMS: Thank you.

BOLLING: I'm not suggesting she wrote it.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: I'm suggesting that was the comment that was made and Palmieri, whoever it was. The campaign continued an e-mail conversation with someone who was saying highly offensive things to a group that I'm, that I'm part of.

PERINO: All right. Coming up, did WikiLeaks reveal a major case of mainstream bias? New e-mails suggest journalists are coordinating with Clinton's campaign. We will have details next.


BOLLING: New allegations of mainstream media corruption and collusion after thousands of e-mails are leaked from WikiLeaks about Hillary. First, Bill O'Reilly exposes the media is in the tank for Clinton. Watch.


BILL O'REILLY, "O'REILLY FACTOR" HOST: I think everyone can agree, except for the media organizations that now have ordered their employees to destroy Trump, there's at least three of them. And I can't say who they are right now, because I don't have it nailed down, but I am a hundred percent convinced. And these media organizations have actually bit put out, if you support Trump, I'm going to -- your career is done here. All right. And that's how intense it is. News organizations have sent -- not officially, but through the, you know, corporate grapevine that we don't want anybody supporting Trump. And you know, if you study it, you can see which ones they are.


BOLLING: Well, if there's any question about media bias towards Hillary, we have a few examples from WikiLeaks. Former CNN employee now interim DNC head Donna Brazile sent an e-mail to Clinton's Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri, raising concerns about a question slated for CNN's town hall the following day, says quote, "From time to time, I get the questions in advance. Here is one that worries me about HRC." Now Brazile denies that allegation. In other e-mail, Podesta debate moderator John Harwood of CNBC wrote, quote, "I imagine that Obama feels some sad indication at this demonstration of his, of his year's long point about the opposition party veering off the rails. I certainly am feeling that way with the respect to how I questioned Trump at our debate." KG, I want to start with the Donna Brazile. From time to time, you get some information, news organizations says, "Hey, we have this information but it's embargoed until 6 o'clock. It's embargoed until 8 o'clock. It's embargoed to at this event happens. And as a personality, as a journalist, what opinion-maker, we hold the information. It's on us to do it. I have a real problem with Donna Brazile sending the question that ended up being asked by the moderator -- Ronald Martin, the very next day at the town hall, almost word for word, she sent it along to the Clinton campaign.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Well, that is the allegation Donna Brazile has to be fair as released the statement saying that she, in fact, did not do that, would not do that --.I mean I know her a little bit. Dana knows her better, but obviously any suggestion like this, whether it's Donna Brazile or someone else, you know, trying to help or give a leg up to a campaign by feeding information would be inappropriate, would not be the right thing to do ethically speaking as a journalist. So it's one of the things that's flagged in some of this, whether you see it's collusion between DOJ or between other media personalities or entities that sort of basically feeds into the Trump narrative of what he has been trying to say about the crooked media, the mainstream media. That is three against one. We saw that in kind of in the debate.

BOLLING: Dana had just called POLITICO writes you this exact story, talking about -- and she shows the two e-mails. One from Roland Martin and the one from the Donna Brazile forwarded to the Clinton Campaign and they are word for word with the same .


BOLLING: . capitalization, almost the same punctuation.

PERINO: So, I don't know and -- what happened here specifically. I have not spoken to Donna, but she and I are very good friends. I would add this. So Donna Brazile, it's not unknown to people that she -- before she was took over as chairman, she was both the vice chairman of the DNC, while at the same time a CNN contributor, while at the same time a Georgetown professor, while at the same a public speaker and she also has her own company.

GUILFOYLE: Many hats.

PERINO: She has a lot of different hats that she wears, OK? It's not like she was running the 4:00 p.m. newscast at CNN. CNN is very comfortable having specific spokes people for particular candidates on their network talking specifically about those campaigns. And I am sure, because we have seen it on CNN before with these particular people. They talk directly to the campaign, especially Donald Trump. We see that with Corey Lewandowski. And I don't know if that means that anybody actually gives Corey Lewandowski information (inaudible). I actually kind of don't care. But I do think that we hold political journalists and opinion makers to a different standard than journalists. I think we do that here, we do that newspapers all across America. That happens. So I agree this probably -- this does not look good. I don't know in the big scheme of things if we should be that shocked, because if these two things are going to be combined and that's going to be allowed, you could expect this could probably happen. It's one of the reasons I don't do any republican events.

BOLLING: I still have a problem with it. I still have a problem with almost the exact wording being forwarded to the Clinton campaign in a day prior before the town hall. Am I wrong? I actually think Donna Brazile should step down at as a DNC chair.


BOLLING: I think it's completely unethical. She -- when you are told to embargo stuff, you, you embargo it or --

WILLIAMS: Well first of all .


WILLIAMS: . she says she didn't do it, but secondly .


WILLIAMS: No, I read it. I read it.


WILLIAMS: But what I'm saying is she says she didn't do it. But the key here is -- I think what Dana said which is, CNN hires Corey Lewandowski from the Trump campaign. They are paying him while the Trump campaign is still paying him. Then you see that Donna is known. Donna -- it's not as if Donna, unlike Lewandowski doesn't say, "Oh, I'm not vice chair of the DNC. She was, very clear, who she was and what she was doing. But the second point is this. If she then gets a note or something from, I think it was from Roland Martin about a question or is .

BOLLING: That's the same question.

WILLIAMS: . she there engage in discussion --

BOLLING: That's the exact --

WILLIAMS: I heard it.


WILLIAMS: If I could finish, I will. I -- that Roland Martin is talking to Donna Brazile about a question. And Donna says to these people, "I have concerns about this question." Is that in her mind forwarding? She said she didn't do it. But in my mind that would be a violation .

BOLLING: It was forwarded.

WILLIAMS: . to some kind of the journalist to extend.

BOLLING: It was forwarded to the campaign. Roland Martin was the questioner on the CNN town hall the next day.


BOLLING: He didn't work for CNN. My problem is with the, with the personalities, not the network.

GUTFELD: Well, I mean --

WILLIAMS: CNN, by the way, said that they didn't do it.


BOLLING: They didn't.


BOLLING: It's like; it's like getting polling results that are embargoed until 6 o'clock.


BOLLING: We don't talk about it. We wait until 6 o'clock.

GUILFOYLE: We would be electrocuted if we take threat (inaudible).

GUTFELD: That they are -- I mean the real big question is why does this bias occur? Because the same type of person, generally, who enters a media career is the same person who has liberal leanings. There are studied that show that. The conclusion is, if you want to change this, it is time for conservatives to infiltrate. I mean we need more conservatives and more libertarians in this vocation. It's been a liberal playground forever. And it needs a total renovation. I, I avoid the WikiLeaks stuff. You know why? Because I think it's an -- it's immoral to go through people's e-mails. You don't have to look at WikiLeaks to find liberal bias. You all have to do is go, go to TMZ reported, which actually it's fairly accurate that NBC planned to use the Trump audio to influence the debate and the election. OK, that is kind of a big deal. They dropped it at a certain point. That's not WikiLeaks. You don't have to go to WikiLeaks to find this stuff. The media -- now if that, if there was damaging audio of Hillary, would that, would a network have dropped it? Probably not. The media targets --


GUTFELD: The media targeting a liberal would be like a parent booing their own child at little league.

BOLLING: There you go. We got to leave it right there. Up next, continuing our decision .



BOLLING: Hillary being held accountable. Clinton's camp may have been colluding with the Justice Department on her e-mail investigation. New details when we return.


GUILFOYLE: Stunning developments in the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation. Newly-released documents from WikiLeaks show a Clinton campaign insider appeared to have discussions with sources inside the Justice Department about ongoing open records lawsuits regarding Hillary's e-mails.

In an e-mail from May of 2015, Clinton's campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon, said, quote, "DOJ folks informed me there is a status hearing in this case this morning, so we could have a window into the judge's thinking about this proposed production schedule as quickly as today."

Trump hammered Hillary about the scandal on the trail this afternoon. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Department of Justice fed information -- think of this -- to the Clinton campaign about the e-mail investigation. So that the campaign could be prepared to cover up her crimes.

This corruption and collusion is just one more reason why I will ask my attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor.

We have to investigate the investigation.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So Dana, is this something that works and resonates, based on the information we're getting?

PERINO: Well, for his crowd, for Donald Trump's rallies, they will love it. They will eat it up. I have to say, though, having worked in a situation where you have investigations of public officials and you're dealing with the Justice Department, that I don't know who Brian Fallon spoke to, but DOJ folks -- one of the things that we had to do with the U.S. attorney scandal, for example, which was really a bologna scandal. I wish I was press secretary again and could go back and do that one over. There was a designated person, a lawyer, who was designated for both parties to talk to, which acted as sort of the neutral party. That to me makes total sense and is proper and is fine.

The thing that is funny to me about this is that one of the things -- one of the e-mails says that her communication team -- and maybe not just communications -- believed that the e-mail story that had just broken would be over in a weekend. They thought it was going to be no big deal. And it has actually been the biggest deal of the campaign. Even Bernie Sanders couldn't stop it from being a big deal.

GUILFOYLE: No, for sure. It mattered to his supporters, and we still see in the polling that...

PERINO: Definitely.

GUILFOYLE: ... when you asked people in the exit polling during the primaries...

PERINO: The e-mails.

GUILFOYLE: ... it matters. The e-mails definitely resonated with people. So -- which gave rise to the whole Crooked Hillary Clinton type of moniker.

All right, Bolling, so what do you make of this? Collusion?

BOLLING: I don't know. I mean, I don't know enough about it. I honestly can't. I'm trying to figure out what actually is the accusation.

I do think that staying on the e-mails is important, and I think the FBI made a mistake in suggesting they were done with the case. I would like to see them continue investigating. Because I think, as you keep pulling at the string on the sweater, eventually it unravels. And I think there's more there.

Again, there's a reason 33,000 e-mails were Bleach Bitted to oblivion. They can never be brought back again. There's a reason, because they wanted to make sure those were never seen.

Now, there's enough stuff in there -- you realize somewhere in between what they got rid of, stuff that's innocuous, and some of the stuff that we're talking about that they didn't get rid of, they couldn't get rid of and we still find highly concerning, that means the stuff that they got rid of had to be even more concerning. Because there's a lot of stuff that's inane that they left in. So whatever these 33,000 is -- I mean, we're speculating on it. But in about 27 days, you elect a president. Do you want someone that would go to that extent to hide some of the information. There's got to be...

GUILFOYLE: Despite a subpoena in place. Yes, despite the subpoena in place. That's problematic.

All right, Greg, so how do you see this? Do you think this is something that works?

GUTFELD: Well, again, I'm going to go back to what I always say: I don't like commenting on purloined e-mails, because it's going to happen to FOX News, as well. Just get used to it. This will happen. Julian Assange has no partisan love for us. So it's not like, you know -- once he's done doing this, he'll do something else.

Having said that, you can talk about the e-mail situation without WikiLeaks. Because the fact is, it's the same argument that we've always had is that you can't trust someone with national security when you can't even trust them with classified information on their e-mail.

BOLLING: The difference here, though, Greg, is those e-mails are supposed to be held in case they were ever subpoenaed. That's the difference between...

GUILFOYLE: That's what I was saying.

BOLLING: That's the difference between them breaking into the State Department server or e-mails and a private person's e-mails.


BOLLING: We're not talking about her, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" We're talking about what did she do as official business?


GUILFOYLE: Again, WikiLeaks didn't break in.

GUTFELD: The idea that -- I just -- I don't know. I just find it interesting that, if it were another team sport -- if it were -- if it was one of the -- if it was a politician that we liked, we would be screaming outrage.

GUILFOYLE: OK. All right. Juan, so do you think this is something that her campaign should be worried about, because obviously, Trump is making hay out of it on the campaign trail?

WILLIAMS: He makes hay with his folks who are looking for any reason to demonize Hillary Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: How about this?

WILLIAMS: But the fact is that this was -- Brian Fallon, by the way, used to be the spokesman at Justice. So he's communicating with people he knows about what is going to be a public hearing.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: And it was public knowledge of a public hearing. So it's not exactly any secret. But Trump and anybody else that's trying to drum up some drama can do it. But this is really thin gruel for a candidate that, it seems to me, has bigger problems with his own party.

GUILFOYLE: Me, instead, I prefer Irish oatmeal. It's delicious.

All right. When we return, the gloves are coming off. With only one week to go before the final presidential debate, Trump and Clinton are slamming each other harder than ever. The latest battle from the trail next.


WILLIAMS: We're just one week away from the election's must-see event, the final presidential debate. It will be moderated by our very own Chris Wallace, fair and balanced. That's next Wednesday night right here on the FOX News Channel.

Ahead of the big showdown, the rivals are not scaling back on their attacks on each other. Watch this.


TRUMP: The WikiLeaks e-mails show that Hillary Clinton's staff even has to give her secret notes on when she needs to smile. Smile, Hillary, smile. Smile. Smile. Do you believe it? Smile. Let Hillary Clinton stand up here for an hour and talk the way I talk and let's see how long she lasts.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: His campaign -- his campaign said today that they are going to use a, quote, "scorched-earth strategy" for the remaining four weeks of this race. Now, that just shows how desperate they are. That's all they have left.

You do have to feel a little sorry for them. They've had a really bad couple of weeks.


WILLIAMS: Greg, this anticipation for this debate comes at a moment when it looks like Donald Trump is falling behind in the polls in all the swing states. So is there any reason why you think Donald Trump would say, "I don't care. I don't want to bother with this debate"?

GUTFELD: He knows this is important. This is -- means everything to him right now. I think his -- he has to strike the -- kind of the same tone he had last week, which was -- was it a week ago? I can't remember.


GUTFELD: I can't...

BOLLING: Three days ago.

GUTFELD: Years. But -- but I think that, you know, he's got to be -- he can't be restrained, but he can't be aggressive. He has to get in the middle.

And he's got to stress one thing when they come after him: words versus deeds. That seems to be the most effective way of dealing with the attacks on him, to say, "These are words. Here are her deeds." And if he just sticks to that, that's great.

I think it's awesome that only FOX News has the debate. I think that's incredible.


GUTFELD: Happy birthday to Quis [SIC] -- Quis [SIC].

PERINO: Chris Wallace.

GUTFELD: Quis [SIC] Wallace. Chris Wallace, who's 69 today.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Good for him.

WILLIAMS: Happy birthday.

GUTFELD: And Hillary is in leather.

WILLIAMS: Yes. So Dana...

PERINO: He took all my points.


WILLIAMS: He took all your points, huh?

PERINO: I have just one other thing I could add.


PERINO: Which is that Chris Wallace, as you know from doing "FOX News Sunday" -- you do it more often than anybody here -- he is the kind of person that you -- when he asks a question, you want to get the answer right. And he knows his stuff very well. And there are some specifics I think that Donald Trump could take advantage of.

For example, this question of the new tax review study of her plan is that it would cost 700,000 jobs. I mean, there are specifics that he did very well in the second debate when he was talking about Obamacare when he drilled in on those. I thought that was some of the most effective. So that if he can have some of those in mind going into this debate, he'll probably do better.

WILLIAMS: So Eric, one of the critiques that comes from the left is, "Oh, he's just going to have the scorched-earth approach again. Why put that on TV?" What do you think?

BOLLING: Well, he's taking a page from her playbook. She's the one who invented scorched earth. The Clintons. Well, Bill and she has.

So look, Greg's right. This is it. This is his final -- final act on Broadway. He's got to bring it or forget it. And don't forget: after that, you know, we're only a couple of weeks away. A few, whatever, two weeks away from the election.

He also has to make sure -- he has to thread that needle, where it's not over the top, because he's got the brand to protect in the event he doesn't win the election. He's got to make sure he can go strong enough where you go "I want to vote for that guy" but not so strong where you go "I don't like that guy after, if he's not the president."

WILLIAMS: Boy, that's an interesting point. And Kimberly, you know, I think as "USA Today" said, unprecedented, historic number of Republicans moving away. He has to speak to the base, as well.

GUILFOYLE: He does. Yes, he has to -- I have 20 seconds, now five. Yes, so yes, he has to speak to the base. He's got to make sure, though, to bring some new people in. I think he wants to try to win this election badly. And I think he's going to go at her hard on Monday, because it worked well for him last time.

WILLIAMS; All right. Up next, "The View's" Joy Behar lands in hot water over her controversial remarks about Bill Clinton's accusers. So is she sorry? Details when "The Five" returns.


GUTFELD: On Sunday, Trump invited women from Bill Clinton's old scandals to attend the presidential debate. The next day the ladies of "The View" got into a heated exchange about why Hillary didn't address her husband's sexual assault accusers during the event. The ironically named Joy Behar now under fire for her remarks. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To your point, which was if a woman sleeps with your husband, you're not going to necessarily embrace them. I wonder why she didn't have -- that's why when he brought up this -- these allegations, I wonder if she missed the opportunity to address it in a way that the public would understand, that that's just not how you behave.


JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST, ABC'S "THE VIEW": "I would like to apologize to those tramps that have slept with my husband." Maybe she could have said that.


GUTFELD: After being criticized for calling the accusers "tramps," Behar, saying she was kidding, which would have made sense if what she said was actually funny.

Dana, from a communications perspective, should she be disciplined like Billy Bush was?

PERINO: You mean fired?

GUTFELD: Well, I don't know. Was he fired or was he...

PERINO: I don't know. I don't know what the status is over there.

GUILFOYLE: Suspended indefinitely.

PERINO: Suspended indefinitely. Sounds like a pretty...

GUTFELD: Calling victims of sexual...

PERINO: She apologized.

GUTFELD: ... tramps is not very nice.

PERINO: She apologized, and I think that's probably fine.


BOLLING: It's almost like saying the rape victim got raped because of the short dress.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

BOLLING: Blame the rapist, no, blame the victim. Look, she's a comedian. She can say these types of things. You have that umbrella that allows to you do that.

GUILFOYLE: What would happen if he said it? The little funny one over here, what if he said it?

PERINO: Not allowed.

GUTFELD: Who are you talking about?


GUTFELD: And if you work for a company, they have a right to fire you for whatever reason. It's not freedom of speech.

PERINO: If you say "boo" the wrong way.

GUTFELD: Yes. Right, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Right. But I mean, so what do you think? I mean, do you think that it would be a double standard if a guy said it or if a girl -- I don't know.

GUTFELD: If it were, Juan, if it were a -- let's say a Republican target who was targeting women, Joy wouldn't call the victims tramps, correct?

WILLIAMS: If it was a Republican...

GUTFELD: If it wasn't Bill Clinton, if it was somebody else...

BOLLING: Donald Trump.

GUTFELD: ... she wouldn't call the victims tramps?

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

GUTFELD: Probably a fair argument.

WILLIAMS: You know, I thought -- I thought it was that she was saying that a woman, from a woman's perspective...


WILLIAMS: ... somebody who's messing around with your husband, that that woman is going to be pretty angry at that set of women. I guess that's what she meant.

GUTFELD: But not all of them were voluntary.

GUILFOYLE: These were -- yes, these were alleged sexual assaults, like rapes where there was physical injury that was alleged.

GUTFELD: I think there was one -- there was one alleged. But even that has never gone to court. Nothing has ever been proven.

But I think this was about -- this was on an emotional level, is the way I took it. It's like it's an emotional conversation about women who are messing around with your husband. I didn't think -- I didn't think it was in good taste, if that's the question.

GUTFELD: If you look back at, in the late '90s, the staunch -- I said this before. The staunchest defenders to Bill Clinton were feminists. I mean, because he had the pig pass. As long as you're a progressive, you can get away with this.

PERINO: That's where they came up with Move On.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's right. MoveOn.org.

WILLIAMS: Yes, indeed.

GUTFELD: That worked. All right. On that note...

PERINO: Twenty years later, we're still talking about it.


"One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." I'll kick it off. Remember this song?


ROD STEWART, SINGER (singing): Oh, Maggie, I could not drive any more. You made a first-class fool out of me, but I'm as blind as a fool can be.


PERINO: I won't play the whole song. I won't play the whole song. I kind of feel bad. I feel like I'm sort of stealing Kimberly's Royal News, because the 71-year-old music legend Rod Stewart was knighted by Prince William in the grand old country of England.

GUTFELD: You know that song is about Maggie Thatcher. Right?


PERINO: No, it's not. It is about a relationship with an older woman, though.

GUTFELD: There you go.

PERINO: Did you know that? I mean, wow. He thanked Queen Elizabeth II. And if you see the pictures of his children, it's amazing. They look exactly like him. His wife was Peggy Lancaster. She was there with him. And it was quite a lovely event.

All right. So...

GUTFELD: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: It's the cousin of "Kimberly's Royal News."

PERINO: I don't have a nexio (ph), but nexio (ph) is you.

GUTFELD: Don't use TV jargon.


PERINO: We're teaching people.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Let's see if we can pull it together now, shall we? "Kimberly's Food Court." All right. Way to hit it. That reminds me of going to Vegas for the debate. So check us out, too. And yes, happy birthday, Chris Wallace. If you were here, I'd give you a taco.

All right. So Yum brand, how appropriate the name. CEO Greg Creed -- also a cool name -- who ran Taco Bell for eight years was interviewed this morning. He dropped an amazing stat that we all are very interested in. Dana fed this to me. You like that? Pun intended. He claims about half of the U.S. population eats Taco Bell every month.

PERINO: That's amazing.

GUILFOYLE: I think it's fantastic. And that the average person goes there every 11 days. Well, it's also very affordable. And they've been working on very healthy ingredients.

So I have some here to celebrate. Chicken for Juan. Chicken for Dana. Bolling is going out to dinner with his wife. Greg is starving himself, manorexic. I am not, so I'm having a beef taco. These are delicious. Last time I checked, how much are these? It's like 99 cents.

PERINO: I have to tell you, they have improved on the ingredients.

All right. Greg, you're next while we eat.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's delicious.

GUTFELD: It's going to be a line at the port-a-potty.

All right.


GUTFELD: "Greg's Halloween Tips."


GUTFELD: All right. It had to happen. You know, whenever there's, like, a sudden celebrity, there's always a costume that comes up. In this case, remember Ken Bone? He was the real star of last week's debate. Now he has his own Halloween custom. It is officially called sexy undecided voter. It looks to me like some -- a server's uniform at a themed restaurant. You've got the red sweater and I guess -- and a mustache.

Whoever came up with this was just dialing it in that morning, because this costs over 100 bucks.

PERINO: Come on. You can get a sweater for less than that.

GUILFOYLE: It's a yoga outfit with a mustache.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: Eric is next.

BOLLING: Very, very quickly. Because tonight, one of my favorite new shows, "Designated Survivor," is on. So I want to go through what the designated survivor actually is. The presidential line of succession is the president, then the V.P., and then the speaker of House is third, and if he happens to be incapacitated like the rest, then it goes down to the president of the Senate, pro tempore, which is the highest ranking senator.

And if all of these people are present and everyone else is present, there's always someone left aside, someone put in a secure...

PERINO: Location.

BOLLING: ... location away from the venue, such as the state of the union, the inauguration or joint -- joint House and Senate together with the president. So when that happens -- in any event, watch "designated Survivor." I think you're really going to like the show.

PERINO: OK. Juan Williams, you're next.

GUILFOYLE: It has Kiefer Sutherland. We love him.

BOLLING: It's amazing. It's great.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, as you might have guessed by now, I love space and all of its vast mystery. A big announcement for folks like me from President Obama this week.

He wrote an article in which he says the government has agreed that, in the next two years, private companies will have astronauts based at the space station. That's the first step...


WILLIAMS: ... in a private-public partnership to get Americans to Mars by the 2030s. He says he remembers having sat on his grandfather's shoulders to watch people come back from earlier missions. Now he wants his grandchildren...

PERINO: Bye, everybody.

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