
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 28, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Kimberly
Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg
Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five".

Hillary Clinton struggled to turn out the youth vote during the primary
season, so she's now turning to a millennial magnet for help. Her former
opponent Bernie Sanders -- now Bernie tried his hardest to rally young
Americans for Hillary in New Hampshire earlier.


BERNIE SANDERS, VERMONT SENATOR: We must invest in our young people and the
future of this country. And at a time when we have massive levels of income
and wealth inequality, it is absurd. It is disgraceful for Donald Trump and
his friends to be talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in tax
breaks for the top 1 percent. This election is enormously important for the
future of our country. It is imperative that we elect Hillary Clinton as
our next president.



GUILFOYLE: The secretary followed then with her own pitch to the youth.


campaign energized so many young people, some of you in this crowd.


CLINTON: And there is no group of Americans who have more at stake in this
election than young Americans. Because so much of what will happen will
affect your lives, your jobs, the kind of country we are, the kind of
future we want to build together.


GUILFOYLE: Clinton's support from millennials evaporated this summer. She's
now only 4 percent ahead of Trump with voters under the age of 35. So,
Bolling, do you think this has anything to do with jobs, the economy, or
them wanting to make sure that they have a future when they graduate?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I'm not sure -- yes, that's important to
millennials as it is, almost every demographic across the board. But I
think this has some a lot more to do with the outsider versus the insider.
She's still seen as that insider, the D.C. elite that people chose -- they
chose Bernie Sanders first on the left. They chose Donald Trump on the
right. They also, when Bernie Sanders no longer an option they went to the
libertarian candidate, they went to Johnson and then the green candidate
Jill Stein, if they are not on the stage I think they immigrate back to the
outsider and that is Trump. He's done a good job with it, but that's
Trump's mandate, to continue that going forward for the next six weeks
until the election to say, "I'm still the outsider candidate. Even if
you're a democrat, you still -- if you're not into D.C. politics the way
it's been done for 230 years, then tried something new, try me." And I
think that he's actually resonate, and a lot people thought Johnson and
Stein were taking away from Donald Trump, but as these battleground states
poll as they, Stein and Johnson's numbers go down, Trump is the one who's
gaining all that momentum.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Are you joking?

BOLLING: Not at all, not at all. Look at the numbers.


WILLIAMS: I mean I look at the numbers, but the numbers are clear. Young
people -- and we're talking millennials so the audience knows, its people
18-35, and they have a strongly negative view of Donald Trump.

BOLLING: And Hillary Clinton.

WILLIAMS: No. Well, they have trouble with it but nowhere near. They are
more supportive, in fact, that Hillary Clinton -- any other age group. So
even with the decline, and we know that they really like Bernie Sanders,
they love Sanders energy and that's what we're really talking about. Can
she energize this base so that they don't go, not only to Johnson or Stein,
the libertarian and the Green Party candidate, but do they vote .


WILLIAMS: . or do they just stay home?

BOLLING: How do you -- what do you -- why is that that as Kimberly pointed
out, why is that race tightening among millenials?

WILLIAMS: I say, it's a matter of -- previously, it was like, you know
what? I think I might vote for third-party candidate. I just think Hillary
Clinton is inevitable, it's not going to make a difference, and I really
don't like her all that much, so I'll go for --

BOLLING: Even they are not bad and they're coming back. They're coming back
to Trump.

WILLIAMS: They are not coming back to Trump.


WILLIAMS: That's not what numbers show.

BOLLING: I'm not going back to her.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, from a communications point of view, this is something
imperative for her to turn out this vote and energize her base. To me, when
I saw this show, like wow. They know what they're doing. They're smart to
be able to like glue her (inaudible) to Bernie Sanders for now, and try and
get out that momentum, turn out the people to vote .


GUILFOYLE: . and speak to this education and, you know, reform of loans and

PERINO: And so last week on foxnews.com, you can find it. I wrote this
piece about how not win the millennial vote. And one of the things we --
that is interesting is Bernie Sanders. To me, a very unlikely celebrity
politician, but the young people they absolutely love him. They will turn
out for him. He actually ends up being a really good warm-up act for her.
So warming up the crowd, and she comes in and he's willing to do it. And
so, you have that unity on the ticket, so that's good for her. But we
didn't talk about the other person that's helping on the millennial vote
for Hillary Clinton. At least she hopes that she will be able to help, and
that's Michelle Obama.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, she was --

PERINO: She was out today. And I think she's probably the most popular
politician in America and there's article that say that she and Barack
Obama feel a very strong vested interest in trying to help Hillary Clinton
and other democrats win, to help try to continue their legacy. Challenge
for Donald Trump will to be say, you guys really want eight more years of
this? I think that it's the question will the youth actually turn out? I
think the problem for both of them is that they just feel uninspired.
Barack Obama inspired them bigly.

GUILFOYLE: Bigly. Dana, on the --


GUILFOYLE: On the bigly point, in terms on what advice would you give to
say to Trump supporters and Trump surrogates to try to garner some of that
energy and momentum and pull them in on the outsider feel?

PERINO: I think it's a little bit hard. It's hard for me to say in term of
the millennial vote and, because of how they get information and share
information. It's really different. Apparently, both campaigns, and
especially the Trump campaign has done a really great job, like with
Snapchat, something that like, you know, your baby boomer generation is not
gonna looking at Snapchat, but they figured out ways to target and to talk
to millennials where they are. And I think this will be a little bit of an
experiment to see how it, how the turn out ends up on Election Day.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, Bolling, you love Snapchat and that's --

BOLLING: I think --

GUILFOYLE: Millenials love it, Snapchat.

BOLLING: Just one more thing. Donald Trump has 25 million followers between
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. If you add in the kids it's up to 30.

GUILFOYLE: Snapchat, I guess.

BOLLING: And 30, yes, (inaudible), it was been extend. But 30 million
between -- and that's Hillary Clinton's, Clinton is probably about 30
percent fewer, fewer followers on her side. So he may be winning the social
media war.

PERINO: Or maybe they are following him for other reasons.


WILLIAMS: Entertainment.


GUILFOYLE: Greg, you are always entertaining.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Thank you. Yeah, I talk to a lot of
millennials. I'm actually kind of sick and tired of this obsession with
generation. The fact is, if there's one thing you learned about this
election, is that the two most electrifying phenomenons among millennials
are two senior citizens. So this assumption that only youth appeals to --
youth is b.s. And maybe we should stop worrying about what kids want and
focus on say, ideas or, or, or -- or something that is beyond what, what
the people tell them they must believe. And I think that's amazing. It's
not about age, it's about ideas. We're actually seeing -- and we've been
told that you can only empathize with people who are just like you. You
know, only whites can understand whites. Only blacks can understand blacks
and how dare you try to empathize with anybody else. And you have two
people, when you combine their age it's like 370. And young people are
actually -- going to them, they rejected the younger candidates. I saw an
intriguing trend when we were at Hofstra, all my experiences on college
campuses have been with the typical lefty student protester, going back to
the late '80s. That's all you saw. But on Monday, you saw just as many long
-- non-lefty protesters and activist there. For the longest time, the left
owned the turf of academic dissent. They were the ones that are out there.
And all the other students would just shut up and say, "That's for them,
we'll go study electrical engineering. We'll go major in business
administration. We'll let them own that turf." That's over.


GUTFELD: I think there is young right that is creating their own student
movement, and it explains the reaction in the safe space hysteria.


GUTFELD: The left are realizing it now.

BOLLING: But the right loses that battle for the -- you said, ideals not to
go hundred percent right stick to the ideas, but the right loses that
battle because -- with millenials. The ideas are these; on the left, free
college tuition.


BOLLING: What do they relate to? College tuition, that's right now. On the
right, the selling point is stick with us. Down the road you're going to
get better jobs, you're going to get more money .


BOLLING: . taxes are going to be lower, and that's aspirational down the

GUTFELD: But there is what -- but there's one difference.

BOLLING: So what is that?

GUTFELD: There is one difference. The right, the young right are actually,
have actually had enough with the politically correct climate on campus.

BOLLING: Tough sell, though, right? I mean --

GUTFELD: But I think that, I think they enjoy. They enjoy being able to
say, "Screw you. We don't care about your feelings, your safe spaces and
your microaggression."


GUILFOYLE: And speaking of such, what's Donald Trump been up to since the
debate, Juan? Of course, taking more shots at his opponent. Take a listen.


weapon that Hillary Clinton has, I mean she couldn't even pass her bar exam
in Washington, D.C. She failed it.


TRUMP: The single weapon that she's got is the media. Without the
mainstream media, she wouldn't even be here folks -- that, I can tell you.
We're going to get rid of that crooked woman. She's a crooked woman.


TRUMP: She's a very, very dishonest woman.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So Juan, obviously taking shots at Miss Clinton there,
saying that she is a crooked woman, he didn't use any of that language or
make personal attacks against her during the debate. Your thoughts on this?

WILLIAMS: Well one thing, I think he shouldn't have said woman, because I
think at the moment, given all that's going on with Miss Universe and the
Clinton campaign using that to great advantage a Latina beauty pageant
contestant who says that Trump offended her and complain about her weight.
I guess that she needs to say away from the woman angle and given, again,
the importance of the woman vote especially white suburban republican
leaning women. I just think -- I don't know, he doesn't seem to pick up on
that issue. I just want to come back to something Greg was talking about
for a second, Kimberly,

GUILFOYLE: Talk in now in Iowa, as well. I (inaudible) it's a shock. Go

WILLIAMS: Which is that issues of importance to millennial voters. First of
all, it is so important to understand, millennial voters are now the
biggest single cohort in terms of the electorate. They are bigger than baby
boomers. And for them the issues that really matter are so interesting to
me. They really like ObamaCare. And I know it -- especially Dana, who has
been telling me, "Oh, the ObamaCare stuff," but they like it. They like
this idea of that social safety net. They really like the idea of having
help with their college loans and debt. Social safety net issues are just
so critical to them. They do not like Wall Street. They don't like big
business. They think, you know, that's just not great for them. And so, as
a result, they get turned off by politics because they see politicians as
always defending big business, you know, too big to fail and all the rest.
They don't think that they're -- no one is invested in them. And that's
what Bernie Sanders did so successful.

BOLLING: They are missing an economics lesson, though, Juan, because you
can't pay for ObamaCare and free college tuition without business, without
business generating jobs and income and tax revenue.

GUILFOYLE: But Dana, how do you sell that then, you know?

PERINO: Well, I'll ---

GUILFOYLE: How do you message it to that group if you're that conservative?

PERINO: Well, and that's why I was thinking along the same lines and how
difficult it is then to keep on ideas and only talking about ideas rather
than own personalities because the basics of economics are not filtering
through on that level. And so, you -- that is tough, especially if you also
add the culture issue, like pop culture, not on the conservative side for
the most part. But I do think there is something that's interesting
politically and that is that in the debates and in this election, this is
the first presidential election we have had in several goes about, around
it where the issue of gay marriage is not on the table. There was not a
debate question about it. There was not -- there is no discussion about it.


PERINO: And for millennials, gay marriage is like -- they are for that.
They are for fairness, nondiscrimination and it doesn't matter your sexual
orientation. So, in some ways you can focus back on ideas once you take
some of those social issues off the table and to talk about economics
really important, but a harder sell for conservatives who want smaller
government if the largest generation, 90 million, about 90 million strong
wants a lot more of it and thinks Wall Street isn't going to be able to
help them.

GUILFOYLE: And the choice did not come up as well.

PERINO: Abortion.


GUTFELD: What I know was, there was nothing on gay rights, there was
nothing on abortion, there was almost nothing, I believe, on religion.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: So this is a key club .

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: . that is missing from the left wing golf bag. They can't, they
can't -- it's not going to work anymore. So what they have replaced it
with, I think is, they expanded the accusation of bigotry and identity
politics to make up for this, because they think that they see that as a
way of cornering republicans either on the race card which they always
used. But now they are using, they're using it more often. And --

PERINO: Income in equality.

GUTFELD: Yeah, income in equality is the other new club that they put in


GUTFELD: The other, the other thing that's interesting as I was watching
how Trump's advisors in order to talk to him are actually using the press.
They realize that they can't get to him, so they go to the "New York
Times," they leak information. It's like taking an advertising out in a
newspaper to get your girlfriend back because she's not talking to you.

BOLLING: Does it work?

GUTFELD: I've tried it.



WILLIAMS: The social justice --


WILLIAMS: The social justice part, the racism, they're -- that generation
is very much into social justice on the gay issue, equality.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: We got to go, (inaudible).

GUTFELD: I got to get all you guys, we got a party --


GUILFOYLE: The FBI back on the defense on Hillary Clinton's e-mail
investigation. New stunning details on what the agency found on the
computers of top aides who were granted immunity. Next.



JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: You can call us wrong, but don't call us
weasels. We are not weasels, we are honest people and we did this in that
way, whether you disagree or agree with the result, this was done the way
you would want it to be done.


PERINO: Heated moments on Capitol Hill today as Hillary Clinton's e-mail
scandal was front and center. Once again, the FBI director is still
adamantly defending his bureau's decision to clear the democratic nominee
of criminal wrongdoing. James Comey gave new testimony earlier on immunity
deals that were granted to some of the secretaries top aides including her
former chief of Staff Cheryl Mills.


Mills' immunity?

COMEY: The decision made by the Department of Justice. I don't know for
sure what the negotiations involved. I believe her lawyer asked for active
production immunity with respect to the production of her laptop. But
again, the FBI wasn't part of those conversations.

SENSENBRENNER: Doesn't it concern you as an investigator that your chiefs
in the justice department decided to become an immunity producing machine?

COMEY: I don't think of it that way. It doesn't strike me. There was a lot
of immunity issue in this case. My overall reaction is this looks like
ordinary investigative process to me.


PERINO: He also revealed what was found on Mills laptop along with another
aide; granted immunity.


COMEY: I think there were some e-mails still on the computer that were
recovered, that were classified as I remember a collection.

SENSENBRENNER: Isn't that a crime?

COMEY: No. It's certainly something. Without knowing more, you can't
conclude if it was a crime; you have to know what are the circumstances,
what was the intention around that.


PERINO: . Gowdy. I want you to take a look at this on Trey. He was a former
prosecutor .


PERINO: . and so he was the chairman and he was talking to the FBI director
earlier and said this.


concerns me, director, is when you have five immunity agreements and no
prosecution, when you are allowing witnesses who happen to be lawyers, who
happen to be targets to sit in on an interview. That is not the FBI that I
used to work with.

COMEY: I hope someday when this political craziness is over you will look
back again on this, because this is the FBI you know and love. This was
done by pros in the right way. That's the part I have no patience for.


PERINO: Interesting thing about that exchange is that they are friendly,
they know each other and they have a lot of respect for each other, but
very different opinions on the matter. What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: Look, that was a lot of passion coming from Comey, and he was
trying to defend, you know, the right to found the agents that were
assigned to case and the reports of FBI agents are those that were on the
investigation had to sign nondisclosure agreements. So then you're worrying
about your pension, worrying about, you know, your future and the career
that you committed to and invested in. So I think that's interesting. And
then I understand also, as a former prosecutor, why Trey Gowdy is upset,
because when you hear that lit any of facts and information and then just
kind of a preposterous conclusion that doesn't seem to make sense. And then
you start to peel away at it and you say, OK, wait a second, why were all
these people just granted immunity? Like why are they all granted immunity?

PERINO: And then getting a chance to sit in .

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.

PERINO: . that Cheryl Mills acting as a lawyer when Hillary Clinton was --

GUILFOYLE: Complete conflict of interest, totally inappropriate. So there's
no way in good conscience, you know, even a good man like James Comey can
defend that. That was not done properly. Why was that woman, Cheryl Mills
on the screen, granted all of this in addition to the people that you see
on the screen? It's like a pyramid of corruption, immunity as --

PERINO: You smell a rat, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, if she wasn't running for president --

PERINO: That's his shoes.


GUILFOYLE: The smell.

GUTFELD: Oh, anyway. Its interesting things, I learned that they were
trying to buy BlackBerry's from e-Bay. Her assistant was trying to buy new
BlackBerry's from e-Bay. It's like buying underwear on the streets.


GUTFELD: You have no idea where it's been. People will try to paint this as
a political witch hunt, but it really is on the treat. People will winter
this as a political witch-hunt, but it really is about national security.
If a president can't handle classified info in this era of technology,
that's very scary. I mean it's like electing Hillary is like dropping Wilma
Flintstone into the Jetsons. She is the wrong person for the right era. The
fact is, if she wasn't running for the president, she would be running from
the law, she'll be on the lamb and her husband Bill would be on whatever
happens to be around at the time.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

PERINO: I'm not gonna play this sound bite, because of our play time --

GUILFOYLE: How charming.

PERINO: But Eric, I want to ask you. So Judge Napolitano was on earlier,
and one of the things he said was, "How could the FBI director be proud of
an investigation that didn't use any of the tools available to the FBI?"

BOLLING: And he said he was proud of it, that Comey said he was proud of
it. Look, I trust, I actually James Comey. I think he --


BOLLING: He offered immunity because he was trying to get to a goal. He's
trying get to some information. My problem isn't with any of them. My
problem was once he got the information that we all know he got, talk about
buying BlackBerry's on e-Bay, talk about having 13 devices, Hillary Clinton
had 13 devices after saying she had one or two, whatever, smashing the
devices, but this one right here, where they admit to using BleachBit. At
least when you get this information, you say, "You know what? There is more
here, and we may be done." But rather than saying, "I don't recommend an
indictment, further investigation." He should have said, "No, I think this
needs to continue, we need continue to research and find out why someone
would go to such lengths to make sure that no one finds those 32,000 e-

GUILFOYLE: And you grant immunity if you didn't commit crime?

BOLLING: But you think, it was used the immunity to get to another person,
to get to another person. I don't know that.

GUILFOYLE: There's nobody is left.


BOLLING: She's left.


BOLLING: She was left.

PERINO: Juan, when you .

GUILFOYLE: That one didn't work.

PERINO: . put in your -- when you're a "Washington Post" reporter, putting
that hat back on, would you follow up on this story? Like do you think
there's something there?

WILLIAMS: Oh, sure. Everybody thought there was something there. That's why
the "New York Times" got involved with this story from the start.

PERINO: Yeah, but I mean now.

WILLIAMS: Now, it's done. This, I mean the thing is, FBI guys, you say you
like Jim Comey, because for a while there was criticism of Comey, criticism
in the agent. The fact is they have concluded, there's nothing there, and
the reason that they gave immunity to Cheryl Mills and the others was
because they were engaged in an active effort to try to find out if
anything was wrong, anything illegal done at the very top and they found
zero. In fact he said, the problem will be, if an FBI agent did something
like that, he might be in trouble internally, but he still wouldn't be
prosecuted. And with regard to what Eric was talking about, the BleachBit
stuff -- again, Comey said, this was simply to keep her e-mail address
private. It was not about any criminal or obscuring information or
classified information. And, you know, they don't police who attends these
meetings, this -- who can be a lawyer for someone in an open discussion
with an FBI agent. So Mills walked in. This problem I have, the big problem
is, you guys keep making this the equal of anything that's been done by
Trump or worse anything done by Trump. In fact, it's exactly the opposite.
Trump is the one who is under active investigation for the illegalities
done by his foundation. Trump is the one who is going on about his taxes --
not paying taxes.

PERINO: Well, because those issues are not regarding national security and
classified information --

WILLIAMS: And neither is this.

PERINO: . employee.

WILLIAMS: This is federal.

BOLLING: Of course it is.

WILLIAMS: This is federal.

BOLLING: If your mind settles, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Not my mind. I don't doubt Jim Comey.

BOLLING: Well, it's a maybe is -- OK.

PERINO: That's a good point.

BOLLING: Yeah, a very good point. They don't trust Comey anymore.

PERINO: All right, Director Comey also --



PERINO: This is -- we don't have any more of this -- oh, Director Comey, as
I, I was like no, I don't want to do the Judge Napolitano talk, because we
don't have time. So now, I can waste of more time, but Director Comey also
talked about America's terror fight and he's warning of a threat like we've
never seen before after we win the war against ISIS, and Greg has all those
details when we return.

GUTFELD: Not really, but --


GUTFELD: FBI Director James Comey said the U.S. should expect a wave of terrorists, once we get ISIS out of Iraq and Syria.


FBI DIRECTOR JAMES COMEY: The challenge will be through the fingers of that crush are going to come hundreds of very, very dangerous people. They will not all die on the battlefield, in Syria and Iraq. There will be a terrorist diaspora sometime in the next two to five years like we've never seen before. We must prepare ourselves and our allies, especially in Western Europe, to confront that threat.


Diaspora -- I think I caught that at Chipotle.

So, what's he talking about? Skittles.

Remember the meme? Would you eat a bag of Skittles if you knew some were deadly?

It described how one might look at refugees in the age of ISIS.

Today, it's easier for bad people to infiltrate good places and kill good people by blending in with good people fleeing bad places. So we have to sift through the skittles, to make sure the good get in, not the bad.

Wait, did I just say humans are Skittles? No, I used a simile to describe the risk. Which upsets the media. The media, who likely majored in humanities in college, where they OD'd on metaphors and similes, writing bad poetry in coffee shops.

To the left, similes are like guns: They're evil, unless they have them. Note: That's also a simile. They're not really guns.

But Comey's other warning: The killers aren't abroad but now within. With homegrown evil, the Skittle thing doesn't work. What simile does? Our immune system.

We spend time and money strengthening our body's own defenses against threats within and without. Left or right, we all harden this soft target with exercise, nutrition, preventive checkups.

Why do we embrace this with our health, but not with our nation? It's a good question, one we must answer. Before our country catches something terminal.

BOLLING: Are you saying refugees are like smoking?

GUTFELD: Yes. No, I'm saying that you -- we have to look at our borders
and look at our military and look at our national security as an immune

BOLLING: Your simile is the immune system, the body, right?

GUTFELD: Skittles are out of the bag, Eric.

BOLLING: But there's something in it...


BOLLING: ... that could risk the whole system.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's why I vape. Vaping is good.

BOLLING: Is like the visa program.

GUTFELD: Vaping is like the visa program. There you go.

PERINO: But the Skittle bag comes with one inside already.

GUTFELD: Right. There you go. So...

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's a wrap.

GUTFELD: Well, I guess we fixed that one.

GUILFOYLE: It's a tease. We're no longer...

GUTFELD: I'll see you guys later. I'm going to go go across the lanes to
have a beer.

WILLIAMS: If you want me to argue with you...

GUTFELD: Yes, sure.

GUILFOYLE: Of course.

WILLIAMS: I'm a humanities major. You know, philosophy major. And I used
to hang out at coffee -- I didn't have much time for coffee. But I like
coffee. Now anyway. But my point to you is you're picking up on this. Is
it Donald Jr. who used the Skittles analogy?

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes.

WILLIAMS: And even -- is it Mars who makes Skittles?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

WILLIAMS: I think it's Mars.

GUILFOYLE: I think so.

WILLIAMS: Even the Mars people said, "You know what? Skittles are not
human beings."

GUTFELD: That settles it. Mars has settled the argument.

No, they didn't want -- they didn't want bad press.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. They said it had nothing -- in fact, they said that
explicitly. Nothing to bad press. This is contrary to our values as

So let me just say to my values to you. You know what? If it was a matter
of a couple bad Skittles, I wouldn't eat any. Right? I wouldn't eat the

PERINO: That's the point.

WILLIAMS: But my point to you is...

BOLLING: Isn't that the exact point?

GUILFOYLE: The ISIS threat. That's the picture behind us, people.

WILLIAMS: My point to you is that, with human beings, you have a whole
different set of standards, because you realize that our country's history
is very proud about welcoming refugees...

GUTFELD: Yes. I understand.

WILLIAMS: ... fleeing oppression and terror.

GUTFELD: I know.

WILLIAMS: So go ahead. You're smirking at me. Tell me.

GUTFELD: I was thinking if I said you were a sinking ship, would the
Titanic write a note and complain?


GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, so here's the headline of the good news. Please,
enough of the Skittles. Honestly, I prefer the fruity Mentos.

So Comey is saying yes, it's good news. The caliphate will be crushed.
OK. However, there will be this terrorist diaspora that will remain in its
wake, as you have an insurgent movement of different terrorist factions
that will try to come together. And what will they do? They're going to
flee the burning building, i.e., Raqqah, et cetera, et cetera, where ISIS
and the caliphate...

GUTFELD: Or to Europe.

GUILFOYLE: ... is the center. And they're going to come here, and they're
going to come to Europe. And they're going to hit the west.

Part two of BadNews.com is that they're already here. And that you've seen
even the effectiveness of one individual acting in the name, whether you
call it inspired or directed. Nevertheless, the outcome is the same. That
they are creating acts of violence and jihad here on our soil. And
Skittles can't save you.

GUTFELD: Dana, yes, it really is about softening hard targets. Now if
somebody is here -- compare St. Cloud, where a man had a gun, with San
Bernardino, where there was no gun. And you can see that the answer is
softening hard targets [SIC] where it's possible.

PERINO: It's not just -- that's not the only answer, though.

GUILFOYLE: No, hardening.

PERINO: Hardening soft targets.

GUTFELD: Hardening soft targets.


GUTFELD: Sorry. It's all those Viagra commercials.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

PERINO: If it goes more than four hours, you have a problem.


PERINO: I think it's part of an overall problem. I'll tell you, camera.
Overall problem. Yes. What you're saying is true about the targets.


PERINO: But what we're -- it's not just the people that's the problem that
we have to fight. It's the ideology. Because the people will keep coming.

And so that's where on Monday night's debate, we did not have a
conversation at all from the two candidates who are going to have to help
us to continue fighting the war on the ideology. It's not just the people.

And I would commend to people there's an article on a great website called
War on the Rocks, and it's called "The Coming Jihad in Russia." And it's
about the soft underbelly of terrorism that basically is filtering up
through the ranks in Russia. So it's not just America that has this
problem; it's civilization that has the problem.

GUTFELD: You always give the viewers reading material with every single

PERINO: Well, I also...

GUILFOYLE: Lisa Simpson.


BOLLING: I'm done. I'm good.

GUTFELD: You're good?

BOLLING: Good to go.

PERINO: We need more resources and more imagination to win.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Deadly force.


PERINO: We could keep going.

GUTFELD: We could. Let's do it. Or let's take a break.


GUTFELD: Howard Dean is trying to make himself relevant again. Did he
cross the line -- line, get it because of cocaine -- with this accusation
about Donald Trump? That's next.

GUILFOYLE: Your jokes...


BOLLING: Howard Dean is off the rails again. Another pun.

GUTFELD: There you go.

BOLLING: The former presidential candidate and former Vermont governor,
liberal loon Howard Dean had this to say about Donald Trump's debate
performance, keying on the sniffling that the pic was picking up.

Howard Dean tweeted this, quote, "Notice Trump sniffling all the time.
Coke user?" Question mark.

Dean then doubled down, telling MSNBC this.


HOWARD DEAN, FORMER DNC CHAIR: You can't make a diagnosis over the
television. I would never do that. But he had some interesting -- that is
actually a signature of people who use cocaine. I'm not suggesting that
Trump does, but I'm suggesting we think about it.


BOLLING: May I just say, Dr. Dean, that's mighty rich, taking a shot at a
candidate for sniffling sound. Who can forget that sound you were known

GUILFOYLE: Here it comes.

BOLLING: Listen.


DEAN: And then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White
House. Yah!


BOLLING: A little pot calling the kettle black, may I ask.


GUILFOYLE: Or on the rail.

BOLLING: Dr. Dean dropping a coke reference.

GUILFOYLE: You know, that was ill-advised. That's not helping him; it's
not helping Hillary. She's not going to want him to say that. it's just -
- you know, there's no evidence or proof of that. Now he's going to have a
target on him for the rest of his life. He's going to regret that

You know, there's -- you shouldn't say something like that, because that's
quite disparaging to say that somebody has a drug problem or was, like,
doing cocaine before the debate. Donald Trump doesn't even drink. So that
was a little bit bizarro.

BOLLING: Juan, should Dean walk that back?

WILLIAMS: That's up to Dean. But I must say, I'm interested -- you know
what he did? He said that the press should ask him. So he's trying to
keep this story alive, because here we are talking about it. So we're
giving it attention.

I mean, it's just -- it's unbelievable. But I -- because I don't think
it's fair politics. But that's the way politics is played these days.
This gets into the culture. People pay attention to it. And you know...

BOLLING: So you're pushing back on Dean's...

WILLIAMS: I don't like it.

BOLLING: Dana, your thoughts?

PERINO: I don't like it, and I didn't like it when people were suggesting
that Hillary Clinton had Parkinson's and that she had -- needed some sort
of assistance to get up the stairs because the thing that was a flashlight
was something else. And all of it is preposterous. She shouldn't have
lied about her pneumonia, but now that is all set aside.

I think that Hillary Clinton actually has an opportunity to push back
against Howard Dean and show a little grace towards Donald Trump. That
would probably not be a bad thing to do.

BOLLING: He's one of her biggest supporters, too. He's out there, right,
as a surrogate?

GUILFOYLE: Surrogate.

BOLLING: Greg, your thoughts?

GUTFELD: Clearly, he's on angel dust. Anybody who shouts like that, it's
an obvious symptom of a clear PCP addiction. Probably a long-term one; I'd
say going over decades.


GUILFOYLE: You're going to have your own medical show.

GUTFELD: Nothing matters anymore. You can say whatever you want. The bar
has not been lowered or heightened. The bar no longer exists. When you
can say a POW is not a war hero, you can say that. When you make fun of a
woman's face, you can say that.

Don't ask for an apology. Too late for apologies. You lost it.


BOLLING: Remember Greg is the one that did a wonderful segment of showing
all the snorting and sniffling, so I guess Greg is...

GUTFELD: Reminded me of old times.

BOLLING: Having some fun with him. Next...

GUILFOYLE: See the long-term effect?

BOLLING: Let's see the Dean scream one more time, just for fun.


DEAN: And then we're going back to Washington, D.C.., to take back the
White House! Yah!


GUILFOYLE: I'm afraid that's contagious.

BOLLING: All right. Let's leave it right there. Juan is next. He's very
excited to tell you about a new endorsement for Hillary Clinton making some
news today. Stick around. We'll have lots of time to talk about it.


WILLIAMS: What an election. All kinds of wild things going on.

Another newspaper has endorsed Hillary Clinton. The reason why this one's
especially noteworthy is because it's a paper that's never backed a
Democrat before in its 126-year history.

The conservative Arizona Republic has chosen to back Clinton over Trump
because quote, "The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative, and he's
not qualified. The challenges the United States faces domestically and
internationally demand a steady hand, a cool head, and the ability to think
carefully before acting. Hillary Clinton understands this. Donald Trump
does not."

So I know this upsets you, Eric. What do you think?

BOLLING: Steady hand, cool head, Hillary Clinton.

WILLIAMS: That's what they say.

BOLLING: Good luck with that. And by the way, when the Supreme Court is
left and when the federal courts are left, we'll go back to the Arizona
newspaper and say, "How do you like your choice now?"

WILLIAMS: OK, but also you have, Dana, The Dallas Morning News, The
Cincinnati Inquirer, other conservative papers -- I mean, these people
didn't endorse Kennedy, FDR. They're endorsing.

PERINO: It's not an anomaly. It's not necessarily a trend. I don't think
it's determinative of the outcome. I do think that Republicans will keep
Arizona in the red column, although it's getting closer. And I think that,
in 2020 and 2024, with continued demographic changes, that that could be
different in the future.

When The New York Times endorses Hillary Clinton, it's not news. They do
it every day. It's not a big deal. But this would be -- this is being
newsworthy because it is so unusual in a 126-year history. I was thinking,
it would be -- would have been fun to have been a fly on the wall for the
argument amongst the ed. board before this decision was made. Because I
don't know if it was unanimous. I imagine that it probably was not.

WILLIAMS: Well, in fact, Kimberly, some of these papers said that they
have lost subscribers. And newspapers, as you know, are a declining
industry in terms of finances.

GUILFOYLE: So perhaps...

WILLIAMS: You know, they write editorials, they say, based on principle,
and principle can have a cost. And they're willing to pay the cost. How
would you respond?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I take issue with them saying that she is somebody that
can be relied on. I don't find it, based just even on the e-mail scandal,
that she's someone that's trustworthy. I think she's someone who thinks
she's above the law, that has been able to avoid, you know, prosecution and
being brought to justice for her crimes. I mean, look at the Clinton
Foundation, look at the e-mail scandal, look at Benghazi.

So no, I -- fine. Don't do an endorsement then. And nor is she a
conservative. That's what I say to the Arizona Republic.

WILLIAMS: Greg, so there are some other papers that we should talk about.
Manchester Union-Leader, Winston-Salem Journal, Richmond Times-Dispatch,
they didn't endorse Clinton. They endorsed Gary Johnson, a Libertarian.

GUTFELD: What are these papers you speak of?

WILLIAMS: You never heard of them.

GUTFELD: No paper. Paper? It's a thing? Yes, it's a thing.

I -- I question whether anybody really cares. The upside about -- but it
does reveal an interesting truth. Trump brought something good to this
election: the death of ideology. But it also brought something bad, which
is there doesn't seem to be any governing principle rooted in any
conservatism. I have yet to hear him articulate a conservative vision.

However, I know that we've also no longer -- are piled on with all the
typical cliches that have been -- that have made Republican conservatism
hard for a lot of people to stomach.

WILLIAMS: Well, what are you -- are you saying that, with death of


WILLIAMS: ... you mean that these papers say they're conservative.


WILLIAMS: Historically, they have been conservative.


WILLIAMS: And you're saying, despite the fact that they're conservative
and Republican, they're willing to veer off; and that's the death of

GUTFELD: Well, no, I mean, they're actually sticking to their guns. And
that should be admired. However, they probably shouldn't have endorsed


GUTFELD: Because she's not -- she's not a conservative.


GUILFOYLE: Thank you. My point.

BOLLING: This is what the bifurcation on the right is all about right
there. If you don't like Donald Trump and you feel that you can't pull the
lever for Donald Trump, that's fine.

But then when you go ahead, as a conservative or Republican or whatever on
the right, and decide you're going to take it one step further and not only
not vote for either one of them but go ahead and vote for Hillary Clinton?
I mean, that is the death of the right, right there. That defines death of
the right.

WILLIAMS: Don't you think that Trump is the one that has exploded and
imploded the Republican Party and the conservative movement?

BOLLING: Sure. Maybe it is, yes. Maybe the right, it's time they said,
"Let's try something new."

WILLIAMS: All right. We're going to try something new, "One More Thing"
up next.

GUTFELD: That's old.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." Greg, delight us.

GUTFELD: I will. Let's go to this thingy.


GUTFELD: Greg's Robot News.


GUTFELD: All right. This is more proof that it's only a matter of time
before the robots enslave all of us.

Take a look at Pepper in Japan. It's a robot. It's trying to learn how to
land a ball in a cup. It fails after ten times. It fails after, like, 50
times, 80 times. But then, when it gets to the 100th time, it actually
does land the ball in the cup. And then, from then on, it never fails


GUTFELD: And that is because it is recursive learning. It is a metaphor
for the coming superintelligence. Once artificial intelligence surpasses
human intelligence, we are going to be hens and chickens in their
farmhouse. They will just raise us for brain meat. It's over.


BOLLING: We'll be those little balls in that cup.

GUTFELD: Yes, we'll be the little balls in the cup. The little balls.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Another terrifying moment from Greg.

OK, Eric.

BOLLING: So check it out.

GUILFOYLE: What say you?

BOLLING: The race has literally tightened up almost to a lock dead even.

GUTFELD: That looks like a gun, Eric.

BOLLING: Do you know how long this took me to make, by the way, Greg?

GUILFOYLE: I'm feeling a microaggression.

BOLLING: It took me an hour. So I think it's going to come down to...

PERINO: Why did it take an hour?

BOLLING: ... Donald Trump has to have Florida. If he doesn't have
Florida, it's game over. Florida breaks down this way. The Panhandle,
northern part of Florida, is Republican. It's going to fall -- it's going
to break Republican.

South Florida will break Democrat, mostly because of the Miami area. It's
so heavily Democrat.

The I-4 Corridor here -- Tampa, Orlando, Daytona -- is that purple area,
and the demographics about that are this. Sixty-nine percent of the state
is non-Hispanic whites but in that I-4 corridor, Hispanics are moving into
there at an amazing rate right now, the highest, fastest growth area.

But also, The Villages effect, right in the middle of the I-4 Corridor.
The Villages in 2013...

PERINO: We love them.

GUILFOYLE: Love The Villages

BOLLING: In 2014, the fastest growing city in America, and that is
predominantly educated whites, and they will fall for Trump. This is --
this is it, right here.

GUTFELD: Not literally fall.

BOLLING: 2016 is going to come down to this swatch of land in America. I
believe it's going to be right there, won or lost right there.

PERINO: And his campaign event in Melbourne, Florida, yesterday was
amazing. The rally was huge.

BOLLING: That's where Melbourne is. Just south of Daytona, just right at
Daytona Beach.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, what do you have for us?

PERINO: Well, do you remember last Saturday when we had our show and we
ran out of time but I wanted to tell you more about this? That was the
tease from last Saturday, and now we have it.

So I was telling you about this Purdue professor of ent...

GUTFELD: Entomology?

GUILFOYLE: Entomology.

PERINO: Entomology. OK?

GUTFELD: Insects?

PERINO: His name is -- insects. His name is Larry Murdock. And what --
the reason I love this story is that this is American ingenuity at one of
America's great universities. Former Governor Mitch Daniels is president
of Purdue University now.

And they came up with this idea of how to create these particular bags that
help prevent pests from getting inside so that these farmers in sub-Saharan
Africa can get their product to market in order to sell it, so that they
can feed their families and grow their communities. Most of these people
earn less than $2 per day, but with this kind of technology and initiative,
they're going to do better.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. That was one of my favorite classes at UC Davis.

PERINO: Entomology.

GUILFOYLE: Entomology 111. The study of insects and human affairs. And I
did a paper on delusionary parasitosis.




WILLIAMS: We all love proposals at baseball games, right? Well, one
proposal last night at the Yankees game looked like a slow motion disaster.
Andrew Fox pulled out a box to propose to his girlfriend, and the ring fell
out, and he couldn't find it. Nobody could find it. Everybody was looking
as -- distress, in total distress and broadcast on both the Jumbotron and
TV. But luckily, they found the ring. Look at this.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait a second, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!


GUILFOYLE: Poor guy was pretty nervous.

Anyway, Rick Perry was such a team player. He was unfortunately eliminated
from "Dancing with the Stars." And he said he was able to talk about
"those veterans' issues that really brought me to the show to begin with,"
and it's one of the reasons he decided to do it, to showcase veterans in
America and their service.

All right, everybody. That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

OK, Greg, get your head out of my face.

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