
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 26, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello everyone, I'm Dana Perino with along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

This hour, Donald Trump will hold a round table with Hispanic leaders in Las Vegas as he tries to keep positioning himself as the candidate with the most to offer to minority communities. And he and Hillary Clinton are not letting up on their racially charged attacks. Both are standing by their bigotry accusations.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: You call last night Hillary Clinton bigot. Previously you called her policies bigoted. You directly called her a bigot... was a bigot. Previously, you called her a bigot.


COOPER: How is she bigot? Bigot is a...

TRUMP: Yeah, because she's selling them down the tubes. Because she's not doing anything for those communities. She talks a good game but she doesn't do anything.

COOPER: So you're suggesting that she has hatred in her...

TRUMP: Her policies are bigoted because she knows they're not going to work.



HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Like he has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. We are facing a divisive candidate whose loose cannon temperament and his complete lack of preparation make him unqualified to be president.


PERINO: Both camps have released dueling attack ads. Clinton spot attempt to tie Trump to the KKK.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The reason a lot of clan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in. Donald Trump would be best for the job.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I ama farmer and white nationalist. Support Donald Trump.


PERINO: Trump's ad shows Clinton defending her husband's controversial crime bill criticized for its impact on minority communities.


CLINTON: They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predator. No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way but first, we have to bring them to heal.

EROL LOUIS, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: You called out President Clinton for using super predator back in the '90s when she supported the crime bill. Why did you call him out?

BERNIE SANDERS, VERMONT SENATOR: Because it was a racist term and everybody knew it was a racist term.


PERINO: All right, so here we are in the campaign. Last night, Peter Hart, a pollster -- he's a Democratic pollster. He pulled together in Wisconsin four committed Clinton voters, four committed Trump voters and four undecided and he would ask them to name a scent or a smell that best describe the 2016 campaign. His answers he got where sulfur, rotten eggs, garbage manure and a skunk's fart. Something you might want to appreciate with the notes there on your intro.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, yeah, that was an interesting description. It is getting -- I think it's getting ugly. It's really -- it's really getting ugly and I'm not sure that this is actually good for the country. We're already ridden with division and it began with the left years ago by creating these pockets of identity. There's no hope for unity when everybody is pushing for division. I don't think Trump's racist. The only color he sees is green.

But I want to make a point. The reason why it's getting ugly is this is the first time there is a Republican candidate who's acting like a Democratic candidate, meaning he's co-opting their attack. It used to be just the left which smeared the right as being bigots. I mean, they would always get there first. They would do it to Romney. They would do it to everybody. He's actually playing their game.

So, now you have somebody from the right who's fighting the same way the left fights and we're hearing about what an outrage is, but still the right is not as dangerous as the left. There are no violent groups. There are activists aren't occupying streets or blocking traffic or spitting on people or encouraging the politics of looting. So, I think there's a little bit of hypocrisy here that now everybody is screaming apocalypse because now the right happens to be as bad as the left.

PERINO: So, how does this set up for the debates? We're going into Labor Day next -- I'm on vacation next week so I'm hardly thinking way ahead to Labor Day, but opinions are starting to harden but then you set up towards the debates and now when they get together, it's kind of awkward. They're like you're a racist, no, you're a racist.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I'm surprised they ratcheted up these attacks...

PERINO: So early?

BOLLING: Yes, a little early. I wouldn't thought that that was going to happen a little bit later in the cycle. Unless both of them have a couple of things -- each one has a thing they don't want to talk about right now on Donald Trump's side. He doesn't want to talk about his immigration, whether he's softening or not because I think he's still working that out. Now, on Hillary side, we have these new 13,000 e-mails that she felt that we don't...

PERINO: And Julian Assange.

BOLLING: And Julian Assange, who may have September or an October surprise. Who knows? And so both of them are using this race bigot, you're a bigot, you're a bigot thing to say, hey, look at what we started with. Almost every show now on all three networks are starting with this bigoted, ratcheting up of the attack on both sides and the ad are playing into it. So, maybe it's just a little bit of strategy helping both of them feel a little better about what's going on.

PERINO: Juan, I want to ask you your general opinion about this and also about the particular attack from Donald Trump in that ad about what she said at the crime bill because there's a little bit of context that could be relayed as to what she said and when said it in that crime bill and how she is kind of hesitant (ph) about it since then.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I mean, you know, I supported the crime bill. I'm a black person, but I think that you needed more police on the streets at that time and what she was talking about was young people being used by the drug cartels to enforce kind of gang sales of drugs in the country...

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: ...and being used because they were being addicted to crack and other kinds of drugs given to them by the drug dealers. So, I think the language today in the current context where we have Black Lives Matter and people concerned about the relationship between police and the black community, it comes across as Bernie Sanders says, "Oh, she was being overly aggressive and hostile towards this small group of black people and black kids on the street who are involved," but I mean, to me, it fits the time period of what you call the context, Dana.

I just want to say on the larger topic, I am really -- I'm just taken aback that most of the media coverage on this seems to be, oh, its tit for tat. He's calling her a bigot and she's calling him a bigot, and we don't know really what's up here. We don't really care, but you know what, when I look at the same polls, everybody has it available to them, it says to me her 25 -- excuse me -- 20 percent of Republican men think Trump is biased against minorities and women.

Twenty-five percent of Republican women, 50 percent of all Americans think this one candidate is biased against minorities and women. Seventy-five percent of non-white Americans think he's biased. That to me is pretty shocking. I've never heard that about any Republican.

GUTENBERG: But if somebody is portrayed as biased over and over again.

WILLIAMS: No, what happens when they actually have Justice Department investigations that finally discriminate in housing? What happens when they say, oh, the first black president, he's illegitimate, he wasn't born here? What happens when they do things like, oh, play footsie with white supremacist like David Duke?

GUTFELD: Playing footsie?

BOLLING: Or Robert Byrd.

WILLIAMS: Robert Byrd, yeah.


WILLIAMS: I'm talking about this campaign.

BOLLING: Playing footsie versus kissing the Robert Byrd -- anyway...

WILLIAMS: What happens when -- what happens when Paul Ryan says, this guy's assessment of Judge Curiel is textbook racism?

BOLLING: Whose policies -- whose policies could be -- whose policies could be interpreted as more bigoted? His or hers?

WILLIAMS: Are you kidding me?

BOLLING: No, I'm not kidding you.

WILLIAMS: Oh, in other words the Justice Department investigating...

BOLLING: I'm talking about the crime bill -- I'm talking about the crime bill that the Clintons both pushed forth and both admitted now actually works against the black community. I'm talking about that.


BOLLING: The crime bill. They both pushed it.

WILLIAMS: I did told you, I think it's good to have the crime bill

BOLLING: If they don't, who's (inaudible) they? Bill and Hillary Clinton both said it was a mistake.


PERINO: Let's ask the prosecutor.

BOLING: And one more thing. You're an education guy, right? Donald Trump's for a more charter schools, school choice.

WILLIAMS: I love it.

BOLLING: She's not.

WILLIAMS: That's why she's backed off and I think...

PERINO: Can I give the floor to Kimberly please?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Thank you so much. PERINO: Because, OK, you're a prosecutor who was dealing with the after effects of the 1996 crime bill. In your opinion, can both things be true? Could it have been a good thing to add more cops but could there also be a look back to say maybe it's putting too many young people in jail for too long or for too many reasons?

GUILFOYLE: Well, it's a responsible thing to do, is to take a look back and see how you can improve. You would always want to improve no matter what kind of system you put in effect. I remember when three strikes law came and they said, wait second, this is a little bit aggressive because they are using a non-violent offense as a third strike to be able to commit people and then you can have a potential life top on something so, that was a problem, 25 to life.

So, you go back and you re-examine it and that's what the judicial process is for and filing appeals, et cetera. Obviously, it's important to take a look at crimes in the communities that affects on so many levels, economic growth and development. It affects school quality. It affects the ability to encourage teachers to come inside their communities to teach and give quality education.

Now, on the immigration piece, yes, it definitely appears that Trump is softening his approach or his stance on immigration. I think this is part of an overall outreach strategy because of some of the things we've discussed at the table, which is the attractiveness to the Hispanic and Latino community that I am a part of, to say they do want safe schools, quality education, school vouchers.

They want to have school choice. They want to have the same things that anyone else would want to have for their children. They have traditional family values. They have strong faith in their houses in terms of going to church and involvement in the community. All of those things should be a grab for a good candidate and it should be a fit for the Republican Party. So, that outreach has to happen.

WILLIAMS: So, what I think is though, you know, it looks that way on the surface that they appealing to the minorities, Kimberly, but I think actually Trump is trying to get the Republican base and people like you and Dana who might say, you know, I have a little concern about voting for a bigot.

To get them to say, you know what, Trump's not a bigot because he's talking to the Latino community or he's talking to the -- he doesn't go there, but he's making an effort. And so, that's the appeal. I think this is all about Trump trying to get the Republican base to line up behind him because right now they're not.

GUIFOYLE: OK, well he's doing a Hispanic leaders round table today during our show so the outreach is pretty consistent.

WILLIAMS: I agree with you on that I'm just saying I think the real target is white people, not Latinos or blacks.

PERINO: So, we'll see what next week brings. Any final thoughts on this?

GUILFOYLE: Ask him a tip (ph) on Greg.

GUTFELD: I think the linkage -- I mean, Hillary has to be careful linking certain groups to certain groups because the Dems have more fringe than a suede vest on their side. They've had a lot of crazy groups -- they have the communists endorsing them. The other thing is, I think the air with Trump was that he is a negotiator and he started too far on one side and now he's got to work his way back as a negotiator to get back to a place where people are comfortable but he started too far too soon and the only person he's actually negotiating with is himself.

That's why he's constantly flip-flopping and that's where he's stuck. If he had not gone too far to that side, it might have been a different story and I think he alienated, you know, a lot of people that might have been interested.

PERINO: Eric, did you want to give a final word?

BOLLING: One, you had a problem with him when he went to Michigan and talked to the African-American community because there weren't African- Americans in the room and Kimberly points out over the last three days, he sat down with African-Americans and Latinos and he did that three days in a row and that's not good enough for you.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. I didn't say it wasn't good.

BOLLING: He was talking to the community in front of him or he's talking to the community on a TV screen -- what's the difference?

WILLIAMS: Eric, I don't think he's gone -- I don't think he's gone to the Latino or black community so far. He had a meeting with some Latino officials here New York.

GUILFOYLE: And also, yes, with Aguirre-Ferre. We had her on last.

BOLLING: Today, yesterday and the days before. GUILFOYLE: So, yeah, that's the RNC Hispanic...

WILLIAMS: Right, but I think he's turned down opportunities to speak to this, which I don't have -- I mean, some people -- I know Jason Ryan, my friend at "The Wall Street Journal" says it's great because a lot of these are democratic front so they just boo him.

But I just think that when you have a situation where Trump is doing all of this, don't be fooled, America. He's not talking to black people. I mean 80 percent of Hispanics are (inaudible) and 90 percent of blacks. It's getting the Republican base to come back to him away from the threat (ph).

BOLLING: In your opinion, Juan.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm doing.

BOLLING: I mean, now the African-American and the Hispanic community, if those polling numbers go up, would you agree that his outreach has done well?

WILLIAMS: I would be amazed, but yes, of course.

PERINO: Well, the other thing that is pretty remarkable, at this point last year, nobody really thought that Hillary Clinton would be able to outperform Barack Obama with the youth vote or with African-Americans but she is outperforming Obama on both. So, there's a lot of ground to make up if you're the Republicans.

Next, Hillary Clinton gives reporters candy instead of answers on the trail and later, every dog has its day and today is National Dog Day. We've got five adorable pups here in our green room to be adopted. We haven't met them yet. We're going to introduce you to them and promise they'll melt your heart. Aren't they cute? How great is? Stay with us. Greg might take one home.


BOLLING: Day 265, that's how long it's been since Hillary Clinton has held a press conference. Reporters tried and failed once again yesterday. They asked the Democratic nominee some questions. The response they got? Let them eat candy. Seriously.


CLINTON: Oh my, gosh! This is really good. Offer it to all the press there. They are so wonderful. So cooperative, so hard working. They all deserve a good chocolate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Secretary Clinton, any comment on -- any comment on your...

CLINTON: You'll love this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Secretary Clinton, any comment on your husband leaving the Clinton Foundation?

CLINTON: Here, everybody. Try one.


BOLLING: Well, Hillary did answer some questions this morning over at her safe haven at MSNBC. She was asked if she thinks she's in the clear with the scandals.


CLINTON: I am sure and I am sure because I have a very strong foundation of understanding about the Foundation. Neither my husband, my daughter, nor I have taken a penny of salary from the Foundation. My work as Secretary of State was not influenced by any outside forces.


BOLLING: And she's also sure her old e-mails aren't going to haunt her, but a judge had just ordered the State Department to release more of the secretary's e-mails by September 13th. E-mails between her and the White House sent the week of Benghazi. Dana, why not answer -- what is she -- she has an opportunity to answer one question.

PERINO: So, her press staff must have a lot stronger stomach than I did because when the press would get irritated that 43 hadn't answered questions in a while, I would cave and I'd figured out a way to get him to answer some questions because one, I felt like my job was 50 percent to represent and defend him and the country but also, you know, 50 percent to give access to the reporters because they have a job to do and it's important.

Now, when she becomes president, maybe this would be different. I think she's just awkward when she's out there, right. And I think she probably thought it was cute because she was saying, "oh, give candy. It would be great." But it comes off as arrogant and rude but her press staff must feel like they can withstand all of the attacks and, you know, with her polling numbers being what they are, maybe that's the case for now.

But I do think that as Chris Stirewalt and I just recorded our podcast for the weekend, he said that these e-mails for her are a mine field of danger and she may not even remember what's in there. And this whole story about her wiping clean with the software, Bit Bleach?

BOLLING: Bit Bleach.

PERINO: I don't even know what that was, but it's an app and they used it. For somebody who said that didn't really understand technology, she sure knew how to find that out.

BOLLING: She is what? Three months away from not doing a press conference for a full year and guess what happens next month, she's got the ultimate of all press conferences, the debate.

GUILFOYLE: yeah, I know what that is like. OK, there we go. We can't hide anymore. So, you know, but I get it, her press strategy is actually working quite well because you know what they're saying? Hold the line. Hold the line. That's what they're doing and they're not allowing the press to come in. The press should be demanding to get some access. They should be demanding to get some questions answered.

I mean, this is, you know, the American presidency at stake here. Let's hear from the candidate but the less said, like silence is golden. She's just waiting for the other side to make a mistake and capitalize on that but the strategy has worked for her.

BOLLING: Juan, you're a four-star general of journalism. Shouldn't she be answering some questions?

WILLIAMS: I'm all for candidates answering questions. I'm all for presidents answering questions. All these people need to answer questions. They need to be held accountable as the basis of a Democratic process. I'm just curious, you know, I saw today an analysis Eric had said, in fact, she has done it says here 350 interviews in the first seven months of this year.

Now, about 20 percent of them are done by people who aren't journalists and I think, you know, Dana, she can tell you -- I think the White House does this all the time. They get -- they'll have...

DANA: "Between Two Ferns."

WILLIAMS: Yeah, they'll have "Between Two Ferns," right.

DANA: And they count that.

WILLIAMS: And that's an interview or they'll say let's do an interview with the local anchors, you know, who don't cover you every day and don't know the situation and is thrilled to meet you.

DANA: Now, those are the trickiest interviews.


BOLLING: Again, the difference here is that people get to ask questions that may have a real issue, may know something about the e-mail scandals or the Clinton Foundation.

GUTFELD: Yes, and right now, she could count on being boring because the Republican candidate is interesting and the scandal that she has is hard to find tape about e-mails. It's hard to find tape about servers. But when Donald's talking, you get an endless treasure-trove of tape. I want to get back to the story about the bleach.

She got ratted out by an accessory. If you go to the Bleach Bit website, they actually brag that they've blocked the FBI investigation. They say, we blocked it -- not sure if the word is block, but something like that. They're actually counting on people buying their product based on the fact that they helped Hillary Clinton get away with something. She's got ratted out by an accessory. How is that not a big story? Because, boring.

BLOLLING: All right, we'll leave it right there. Julian Assange is promising a Hillary Clinton document dump that could be a game changer for the election. He says he's doing the job the American media won't do. Does he have a point? We'll debate that next. Also ahead, Facebook Friday. Stay right there and here.



WILLIAMS: Welcome back. WikiLeaks is promising to unveil more documents that could hurt the Democratic Party. Founder Julian Assange says they will be quote, "significant information on Hillary Clinton published on the site before the election." But he's not specifying what that information will be. Now, Assange went on Fox and slammed the American media's coverage of this election last night.


JULIAN ASSANGE, WIIKILEAKS CO-FOUNDER: I would love to believe that no organization, no media organization in the United States would not have published the DNC e-mails, but I don't think that's true, actually. I think MSNBC wouldn't publish them. I think "The New York Times" wouldn't publish most of them. That's sad. It's an incredible politicization in this election of the media and it is a bit concerning.


WILLIAMS: Kimberly, is it fair to say that the media has become more politicized in this cycle?

GUILFOYLE: You mean, than other times before? I don't know. I think they're pretty politicized, you know, to begin with, but you know, you see the mainstream media not covering stories as it is. I think he has some fair points that there are stories that say we'll be cover it, but then other people do not cover.

So, I'm always for broadening that spectrum of story that is covered because let the people decide, give them the information, make up their minds, you know, for themselves. So, I understand how he's trying to shape it to make him sound like the hero of transparency, but it's much more complicated and much more self-serving than he would portend.

WILLIAM: Well, you got to go on if you're going to say that, what, self- serving for him?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I think for him. Of course, yes. Absolutely.


DANA: He loves the publicity.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, he loves it.

DANA: This is the whole thing.

GUTFELD: Do you know what he did? He doesn't traffic in stories. He traffics in conspiracies. He's using the murder of Seth Rich.


GUTFELD: Implying that somehow Seth is one of his contacts but he offers no evidence.

WILLIAMS: Just explain to the viewers that Seth Rich...

GUTFELD: Seth Rich was murdered. He worked at DNC and he was murdered. And he has implied that this guy somehow, some connection to WikiLeaks as a leaker. He's pedaling unsubstantiated stuff and he's backed up on him, but there's a family. There's actually a family of this victim who has to listen to this (inaudible). You got to respect the family. You don't make up conspiracies about somebody who just died without any facts and he's only doing it to promote himself. He's a disgusting guy. Here's October surprise, it's actually Glenn Close in her best role ever.

WILLIAMS: Eric's not happy.

BOLLING: No, I like hearing conspiracy theories. I buy into some of them.


BOLLING: And this guy, Seth Rich was murdered, shot in the back and left with his wallet and his cellphone still intact with nothing stolen.

GUILFOYLE: It is not a robbery.

BOLLING: But we got...

GUTFELD: He's implying. Assange is implying a connection to WikiLeaks or to himself.

BOLLING: Of course he is, but maybe there is one. I mean, he may come out and say something or whatever. All right. Here, let me take a one step further. I won't disagree with Assange on this that I think all these outlets that he was calling out would infect publish whatever was damning. I assume ...


JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hang on. Listen to what I'm just going to say. So, Assange said that MSNBC, "The New York Times", they won't publish anything negative about Hillary.

BOLLING: And now, we know now that "The New York Times" is the one who broke open the e-mails ...

WILLIAMS: The e-mails, yes I agree.


BOLLING: ... and the Benghazi testimony. So, I would say that if they have their hands on it, they will do it. Now, the question, the journalistic integrity question is if Assange leak something that would have a material effect, would you or should you play it?

WILLIAMS: Well, correct. Well, here, listen to Assange. Here we have him again from last night on Megyn Kelly.


JULIAN ASSANGE, WIKILEAKS FOUNDER: The problem with the Trump campaign is it actually had trust to publish much -- a more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth every second day. And that's a, I mean, a very strange reality for most of the media to be in.


WILLIAMS: Well, by the way, that was "Fox & Friends," not Megyn Kelly and that's not ...

GUTFELD: And what's that thing behind?

WILLIAMS: You don't know what's behind in there. Like, you know ...

PERINO: There's a leaky twirl.

WILLIAMS: ... something is dripping.

PERINO: Get it?


PERINO: Drip, drip, drip ...


KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, FOX NEWS HOST: You get a two part special over tonight with Assange than he was on "Fox & Friends" as Brian told us.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's a good to collect. We need to ask, Dana. So is he now like, you know, Fox, why is Fox giving him so much attention?

PERINO: Well, I don't know. I invoke him. I don't know. I do want to say something about Seth Rich, who was the DNC staffer, who by all accounts, was a wonderful young man who had a family that loved him. If you read any of the stories about him, he had a lot of friends. He lived in a pretty tough neighborhood because that's what he could afford in Washington, D.C. And we've been there. I mean, I have lived in myself ...

WILLIAMS: I think lives there.

PERINO: ... and I think the suggestion is not that Assange wants to help find his killer. It's that Assange wants attention. So he's offering $20,000 which he knows he'll never have to pay out to anybody. And in the meantime, that suggests that Seth Rich might have done something traitorous to his party and to his country. Like that, to me, is really disgusting.

WILLIAMS: He also says, Eric, that he has some stuff on Donald Trump. Do you think -- what do you think about that?

BOLLING: I don't know. May I -- I can't think close. So the timing on this is very interesting, right? He's had it for a while. He says he's going to release it next month.

WILLIAMS: Like the stuff on Hillary?

BOLLING: Well, and Hillary. But now, you tell he has stuff on Trump too ...

WILLIAMS: That's what ...


PERINO: That's what he said.

BOLLING: ... Hillary first and then Trump, I just don't know. I think what we need to do is book Julian Assange after he releases what he has.

WILLIAMS: You always get him on the Fox.

BOLLING: After, not before.

WILLIAMS: All right. I don't know ...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, yes, please come on. Well, you can come on, but not that little weird drippy thing in the background.


GUTFELD: Now and then we arrest him. We lure him on the debate show.


PERINO: Why would we arrest him?

WILLIAMS: Coming up shortly on "The Five", some of the cutest canines -- what happened there, Dana?

PERINO: Nothing, nothing.

WILLIAMS: Did I step on you?

PERINO: Why he should be arrested? He's wanted for by the Swedish authorities for allegations of rape.

WILLIAMS: All right. The cutest canines you've ever seen, they're here in the green room. They're going to come out soon to join us. But "Facebook Friday" is up next, so please stick around.


GUTFELD: Yes, "Facebook Friday". Well, you post your questions on our page and we answer them now. I'll start with you, Kimberly. It's a ramp. From Mark B., "If you were on a deserted island and found a genie in a bottle that gave you two wishes. What would you wish for?" Two wishes.

GUILFOYLE: How well do you know me?

GUTFELD: Pretty well.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Pick one.

GUTFELD: Lots of salami.


GUTFELD: And a daily massage.



GUILFOYLE: I could live on that.

GUTFELD: There you go. That's easy. All right. Juan, I'm going to get your wishes.


GUTFELD: Not that enough.


WILLIAMS: I don't know. Lots of good ones. I mean, you know, it's one of these things where you would like to be, you know, surrounded around people you love, right? So you want to be with good people and people that you generally think are looking out for you, right?



GUILFOYLE: Fine, who's going to massage you then?

WILLIEAM: Yeah, really.

GUILFOYLE: I need somebody on the island.

WILLIAMS: To massage you?


WILLIAMS: Wait, wait.

GUILFOYLE: I should have picked that as a second thing.

WILLIAMS: But he said you can't have anybody.

GUILFOYLE: He said salami and a daily massage. But if no one else is on the island, I'll choose that as a wish. I might -- is it an uninhabited island?

GUTFELD: Yes, it's a deserted.


GUTFELD: Not a desert, but a deserted.


WILLIAMS: But you know ...

GUILFOYLE: I'm like lost.

WILLIAM: ... I'm like thinking Kimberly gave me a whole time to think. Would you like to like have the power of all seeing knowledge?

GUTFELD: True. I would alone.


GUILFOYLE: On a desert island?

WILLIAM: No, no.


GUILFOYLE: Did you see what happened to Tom Hanks?

WILLIAMS: Not alone.

GUTFELD: You don't Netflix?

BOLLING: Just one wish.


BOLLING: All wishes.

GUTFELD: Yeah, there you go.

WILLIAMS: That was good.

GUILFOYLE: That was very good.

GUTFELD: Get another bottle.

GUILFOYLE: I don't want rescued.

GUTFELD: That's true. I would do that. I would like -- I would wish for Barbara Eden.

GUILFOYLE: Who do you want to be rescued by? I would pick firemen.

GUTFELD: Well, they're very good at it.

GUILFOYLE: They've done it a few times.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I'm sure they have.

WILLIAMS: How old is Barbara Eden?

GUTFELD: She still looks great.

WILLIAMS: A younger Barbara Eden.

GUTFELD: I don't know who the younger Barbara Eden is, just the equivalent.

OK. Julian L. I'll go this way. This is too easy. "What is the weirdest thing that a fan has ever sent to you or said to you?" Dana.

PERINO: Well, I got a lot of great Jasper art. I got needle point.

GUTFELD: Jasper art.

PERINO: Yup. Needle point, I've got pencil sketch just yesterday from a woman named Joanne Barre (ph). I believe at Joanne Barre from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She was a senior citizen who says she's in 24/7 pain and learned to pencil sketch to take her mind off of it. So I get great things like that.

GUTFELD: I like when they make stuff. Don't you? What about you?

PERINO: Homemade gift.

BOLLING: I get a lot of flag stuff.


BOLLING: Wear the flag pin a lot and I'll get -- remember, we got those beautiful blankets that someone ...


PERINO: Yes, that smokes.


BOLLING: ... they crocheted them with a smoker who just like ...



BOLLING: But there're a lot of various flags stuffs that's really cool.


GUTFELD: Yeah. I know, Juan, you got a lot of gifts usually in a paper bag that's set on fire.

WILLIAMS: No, I get a lot of conservative books.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Trying to burn you?

WILLIAMS: Exactly. They'd say, "Hey, you should read this, this will make -- this will finally convince you you're on the wrong side."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, that's pretty cool. PERINO: Has that ever worked? Any topic, has that ever worked?

WILLIAMS: Well, I learned a lot, actually. You know, I mean, even as we sit here, I learned a lot from you guys. I really do.

GUILFOYLE: I've got a lot of good gifts.


GUILFOYLE: Like, my favorite are that salted caramels that you got me.

PERINO: That's good.

GUILFOYLE: And I got ...

PERINO: I bring that chocolate.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, delicious. I've got couple two engagement rings, La Perla lingerie.

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, somebody sent you an engagement ring?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, it was real. And then it wasn't gigantic but it was real. And shoes, and then last week when I said, Dana, remember, I got a guy that works with his hand and I got the stuff from the farmer.

PERINO: Oh, my gosh.

GUILFOYLE: She got a bag of meat.

PERINO: No, no it was a ...

GUILFOYLE: Gigantic brisket.

PERINO: Was it a brisket? And it was in a bag and then it was dripping blood and she's walking.

GUILFOYLE: And what did I do? I took it. And I go checked it because I had a stuff to go first, go for charity event and they put it in the (inaudible) check, like, "Is this a bag?" A bloody bag.

GUTFELD: You've just done some horrible crime.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. But I didn't cook it yet. I need someone to cook it.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. Did you -- What if (inaudible) receiving a ring?

GUTFELD: What's the thing I got? Well, it was -- I got a unicorn jumpsuit.


GUTFELD: That was fantastic.

WILLIAMS: You show it on the show.

GUTFELD: You know, it's hard to get off in a hurry to the bathroom though. But I don't have it anymore.


GUTFELD: All right.


GUILFOYLE: That was weird.

GUTFELD: Yeah, you got to drop it. OK. Summer's coming to an end. Eric, what is it you still look forward to this summer that you haven't done yet? This is Maryellen's.

BOLLING: I will take a vacation. Take a day off.


BOLLING: Actually I did ...


BOLLING: ... took a couple of days off to drop Eric Chase off to college, but I would like a full week. Just to get -- just to relax and ...

GUILFOYLE: It ain't going to happen.

BOLLING: Maybe not.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's not going to happen. It's over already.

GUTFELD: Kimberly, what are you going to do at the end of this summer, before the summer ends, anything?

GUILFOYLE: You know, I'm in for Greta tonight or next Friday, yeah.

GUTFELD: In for Greta. All right. Dana?

PERINO: I am -- I like to take my vacation the last week of August into Labor Day. So that's what I'm looking forward to.


WILLIAMS: I am going down to the Eastern Shore for Labor Day. So, test (ph) that the bay is great. I love the ocean most of all, but I haven't been out to the bay in a long time.

GUTFELD: Do you know I do absolutely nothing? Like there's no change in seasons. Like it doesn't matter what season it is. I do the same exact thing. I do this sick, you know this. I go home, and I write, read, and drink wine. Well, I do not change.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? That makes you more stable. So, I appreciate the certainty of your ...


PERINO: The only thing that changes is like you wear a jacket and a hat.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly, nothing's changes. One more, OK, this is good. Best advice you received from your parents. I'll start with you, Juan, from Barbara.

WILLIAMS: What's the best advice you received from your parents. Well, I think I remember my dad telling me that fear can -- fear is like fire because he use to say to the boxes, I mean, you could run from fear like you run fire or you can use it to get involved and go do something with that kind of fear.

GUTFELD: All right. Real quick, Dana.

PERINO: I can't think of something.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: I don't remember getting like advice.

GUTFELD: I think it's just -- I think it's what you can think is best.


PERINO: I think that the best thing that my parents did was they made sure that we went to church every Sunday. I went to Sunday school. I got a really good education about Christianity and I rely on my faith since then. So I think it wasn't necessarily advice, but it was something great that they did for me.


BOLLING: My dad was the most honest human being in the planet. He could not take a penny more that was due to him. If someone gave him the wrong change, he would give it back. And my mom, her last words, we talked about this before, her last words, never quit. And so it's great advice.

GUILFOYLE: God bless them. I think that one of the best advice that I got, and I got a lot of great advice, was, you know, don't change your heart no matter how badly other people may behave, and be injurious to others, you don't change who you are based on their behaviors. Pray for them.

GUTFELD: My mother told me to be a little dumber. She says, it's ...

PERINO: It's like overwhelming?

GUTFELD: It's better to be dumb.

BOLLING: Why? Did you take her advice?



GUILFOYLE: Does that work on Twitter?

GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Ahead, it's a dog day of summer. Yes, five furry friends join us next.

WILLIAM: Unbelievable (ph).


GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, we are huge dog lovers here on "The Five". And since it is National Dog Day, we wanted to do our part to remind Americans that there are so many animals waiting to be adopted at shelters nationwide.

We have five adorable ones here and they are from the Humane Society here in New York City.

I've got FranØois, a maltipoo, he's five months old. Juan ..


GUILFOYLE: Juan has Nico, a cairn terrier. Oh my goodness. Eric got a wild one, Angelina, a beagle, who was perfect up until a second ago. We're not sure what's happening here. And Dana and Greg have the two little babies as you see which is so cute because they're so cute. Two Chihuahuas, Bambi and Zen. And you have?

PERINO: I have Zen. This is Zen. A little baby boy.


GUTFELD: I have Bambi. It was I believe is a girl at 16 weeks. Very well behaved.

GUILFOYLE: I guess that you're just the best that I have seen you.

GUTFELD: I might add great ears ...

GUILFOYLE: You're sort of a comfort dogs, I think.

GUTFELD: It was a great face (ph).

PERINO: I would make you ...


GUTFELD: We look alike, actually.


PERINO: That dog would fit your lifestyle.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I think I would make this dog nervous.

GUILFOYLE: No, but you -- right, you both shake, which is cute.

GUTFELD: We both shake for different reasons.

GUILFOYLE: OK. That's perfect. Now, if you want to adopt one of these adorable beautiful dogs that could really put a big smile on your face and warm your heart, please visit thehumanesocietynewyork.org. All right. How does it feel? I feel better already.

PERINO: I love having dogs around, because I have a dog, named Jasper. I think it's wonderful to celebrate National Dog Day if I had a house at the yard, I would definitely get and rescue another dog. And obviously, Jasper is not rescued but I would like to adopt dogs. Didn't you say you wanted a farm with a dog?


BOLLING: I would love dogs.

PERINO: Oh, Angelina.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my goodness.

PERINO: She's like, I am not -- she's camera shy.


GUTFELD: I think if anybody wants a dog, they should come for Bambi. Look how calm Bambi is, very calm.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, you seemed like better already.

GUTFELD: Oh, what? Holding a little dog?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, because and you got together so well. It's just ...

GUTFELD: I always went well with Bambi.

GUILFOYLE: It's perfect a vibe for you. And I got to say, FranØois is absolutely lovely, seems very happy right here. You can't see him. He's in my lap. You see?

WILLIAMS: It's hard to imagine if these dogs don't have a home, because they're really nice ...


GUTFELD: Your dog is great.

WILLIAMS: Yes, he's very calm.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, very good. That's a nice shot. Thank you.

All right. A question for all of you out there. What do you think about dining with dogs? Now, should these guys be allowed at restaurants? Should Greg be allowed to go crush Pinot Noir and write his next book with Bambi?

Now, most people would probably say no. But this spring, New York City's health department gave the OK for dogs to dine al fresco at restaurants. Dana? All right. So it good to see you ...

PERINO: Well, yeah, the thing is that some people in New York have not received the memo and they make it difficult. So, for example, you know, if you have outdoor seating in New York, there's often a barrier to show the boundary of the restaurant. And they'll say that the dog can be there, but they have to be on the outside of the barrier. And we just say like with Jasper that's not going to happen. But I would go to more restaurants and eat outside if Jasper were allowed to be with me.

GUILFOYLE: There are places, right?


GUILFOYLE: Just like in New York ...


GUILFOYLE: ... on Broadway and ...


GUILFOYLE: Isn't there like a bark's caf, that's sound like it, right?

PERINO: Yes, that's by your apartment. Kidding.

GUILFOYLE: Not really.

PERINO: Kidding. My old apartment.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, the old one.

GUTFELD: The one you never go near. The one that we ...


PERINO: Would it bother you if there were dogs outside eating at the restaurant where you went? Would you be annoyed if there were dogs in the patio where you were eating?

GUTFELD: If they're in my way, yes, it would be a problem.

WILLIAMS: I was worried bout this. Because I thought, if they were in the restaurant, there might be like some hygiene issue. But then I read in newspaper, it's not at inside.

PERINO: Yes, it's just all right.

WILLIAMS: And so the cooks and the papers who are you've said is just like having humans in there (ph).

PERINO: Well, unless you order a side of bacon for the dog.


PERINO: So, in fact, so you can earn more money.

GUTFELD: I hear Bambi is a vegetarian.

GUILFOYLE: Look at how cute FranØois. FranØois just wants to kiss, which is no surprise.

WILLIAM: Your dog is so cute.

PERINO: Pretty be (ph).

GUILFOYLE: Pretty be (ph)

GUTFELD: She said she has no allergies.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Adopt these ones. I think everyone at home is really excited. Think about this. It's a really good stress relief. It will help you live longer to be with your family. Dogs are very ...


PERINO: He even knows he was born on May 10th.

GUILFOYLE: Look at that. Oh my goodness. What a good boy.

PERINIO: Well, this has been a wonderful experience and we want to thank the U.S. Humane Society.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Here's their T-shirt. Look at what they gave me.

GUILFOYLE: Shoutout for the New York for the incredible work that they do. God bless them and fill your lives ...

PERINO: Thank you for what you guys do.

GUILFOYLE: ... and your home with the rescue dog.

WILLIAMS: Adopt a dog.

GUILFOYLE: One more thing is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing". Greg, do you need more time?

GUTFELD: Yeah. No, no, I'm good. Tonight, tonight -- I'm sorry, tomorrow, "Greg Gutfeld Show" at 10:00. We got Tyrus, Gillian Turner, very smart, Walter Kirn, the great writer who wrote "Up in the Air" and bunch of other best sellers. So, please tune in. It will be quite entertaining.

Something also entertaining, you know, when you're on T.V., like I am all the time, stuff happens behind you that you never know what's going to happen. And in this case, at a county fair, a young man is being interviewed and he doesn't realize that, I think, that might be another one of his friends over there, he's getting wedged between two cows and he can't get out. And I mean, it's actually dangerous, and nobody knows it's going on until this woman comes over and says, "Oh, dear, let's pull you out of here." And he is rescued. And he is -- look at his face when he leaves, he's nice, he's a winner.

PERINO: The kid is like Carl Cameron doing the live shots when the people are doing stuff behind him and he's so oblivious. Right, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much. So, a 98-year-old World War II veteran and Pearl Harbor survivor Ernest Thompson of Gardena, California, used to love reliving the memories of his navy days by visiting his local battleship, the USS Iowa. Well, due to health reasons, he was unable to continue doing visits. They found out earlier this month, a group of navy officers went to his house and sang to him a surprise tribute of "Anchors Aweigh" on his doorstep. Take a listen.




GUILFOYLE: And over four million views online and he said he called it one of the best days of his life. It's going to be fantastic. And please join me tonight at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. I'll have Donald Trump in the "A-Block" when I am in for Greta tonight.

PERINO: All right. That was very sweet. I got teary sweat (ph). Juan?

WILLIAMS: Last night, 13-year-old Victor Juarez pitched for Mexico against South Korea in the Little League World Series. Now, amazingly, the pitch he threw, that you're going to see right here, was clocked at 75 miles an hour, but it was a little outside the plate there. The young hurler is pitched through, past the catcher, into the camera, and shattered the glass. The Mexican team lost and got bumped out. The Little League Final is Sunday in the 11 to 13 group. By the way ESPN says this guy at 13 can throw a ball at 100 miles an hour.

PERINO: National dog day, Erin Landers, who is a little sweet thing who works for me, she made this little video of Jasper for your viewing pleasure.




PERINO: My Mike wasn't up, but I had great things to say. But Eric is next. He is last.

BOLLING: I really don't have a lot, either.

After Kimberly's talking for Greta, make sure you keep it on Fox because I'll be sitting in for Bill O'Reilly, and I don't know, maybe we'll call Donald Trump and see if he wants to call in.


BOLLING: I'm kidding. I'm just kidding. We have a really big show, though, so -- and we're going to be live and everything. So, it's going to be fun.

PERINO: So, now they tell me to take my time after telling me to be quick, quick, quick during this whole segment. I'll be up next week, so set your DVRs and never miss an episode of "The Five" this week, next week, the rest of the year.

GUILFOYLE: Have a great time

PERINO: That's it for us. Have a great weekend everyone. "Special Report" is next.

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