
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 23, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld, it's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

We have a Fox News alert. It's 10:00 p.m. in Great Britain where a vote being watched around the world has just ended. Polls have just closed in the referendum to decide whether the UK should leave the European Union, nicknamed Brexit. The outcome could have a ripple effect economically across the globe. Here now some Britain said, here some Britain said they're going to vote -- how they will vote.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The economic consequences of a vote out are huge. So that's why I'm voting to stay.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have MEPs, but I don't really get to see what they actually do, (inaudible) to now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm (inaudible) to remain, because I think we're strongly in need European Union.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're taking in so many refugees, and we haven't gotten not even for our own people. That's another reason why everyone wants to vote leave.


BOLLING: Let's go live now to London where Fox News Foreign Affairs Correspondent Benjamin Hall has the latest. Benjamin, give us a sense, a lot of people said it was very close. Our stock market did very well; indicating that maybe it's a remaining vote? Your thoughts? What are you hearing?

BENJAMIN HALL, FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Well, like it's been so close over the last few weeks. The people decided not to have exit polls, so we haven't got those to give you right now. We hope to get some of those soon. This is the end of such a very messy, complicated long campaign and at stake is the UK's position in the world -- Europe's position in the world, and frankly the future of both. Forty six million people registered to vote, that is close to 70 percent of the population and it will be the highest ever turn-out in UK history, only the third-ever referendum in this country. At the heart of this is whether the UK should cut all ties with the European Union and go it alone, or if they should remain part of the European super state, which makes so many decisions on behalf of the UK. Well, today, David Cameron who has led this campaign to stay inside Europe arrived at the Westminster polling station. He has been accused so far of scare-mongering throughout this campaign.


DAVID CAMERON, PRIME MINISTER OF THE UNITED KINGDOM: This vote, if we leave is irreversible. If you jump out of the airplane, you cannot climb back up through the cockpit hatch.


HALL: Those who want to stay in, say it would be catastrophic to leave. It would cut off the UK from their largest trading partners, and it would leave and lead to a slump in the pound and also the economy. Those who want to leave say that the UK simply can no longer have control over its own laws, even its own destiny. So, look in very close. As of last night, it was 50-50 with 20 percent undecided. The only hint here is that the bookies, the people taking money on it have said 84 percent likely to remain. So we were waiting for some odds here, but that's what we're hearing so far, and then we'll let you know very soon what we're hearing.


BOLLING: Thank you very much, Benjamin. We'll come back to you later for another update in a few minutes. Now, to some breaking news right here at home, a deadlocked Supreme Court blocked President Obama's immigration plan to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation and give them the right to work here legally in the United States, a big blow to the president and he's not happy.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: I think it is heartbreaking for the millions of immigrants who made their lives here. We're going to have to make a decision about whether we are a people who tolerate the hypocrisy of the system where the workers who pick our fruit or make our beds never have the chance to get right with the law. Or whether we're going to give them a chance, just like our forbearers had a chance, to take responsibility and give their kids a better future. Sooner or later immigration reform will get done. Congress is not going to be able to ignore America forever, it's just -- it's not a matter of, if it's a matter of when.


BOLLING: And of course, once again, it's all the republicans' fault.


OBAMA: This is part of the consequence of the republican failure so far, to give a fair hearing to Mr. Merrick Garland, my nominee to the Supreme Court. They are allowing partisan politics to jeopardize something as fundamental as the impartiality and integrity of our justice system, and America should not let it stand.


BOLLING: Or it's the way the process works. I mean, it was a 4-4 tie. It goes down to the circuit -- the fifth circuit. Is that what it was?


BOLLING: Of the law in court.

GUILFOYLE: . and well this is American jurisprudence at work.


GUILFOYLE: This is how the system goes. OK, he (inaudible) of the charges that he exceeded at his authority by do engaging in executive action and this was, of course, to combat the idea by a lot of immigration activists that have not been happy with President Obama, because so far, 2.5 million immigrants have been deported under his watch, some have called him the deporter-in-chief. So this was a strike back at that to say, let's find a way to have a, you know, citizenship, essentially, eventually by allowing these people to be in this country, but it did not go over well. And given the complexities of the court right now, with the passing of Antonin Scalia, this was pretty much, you know, a done deal, but it was going to be a 4-4 split. It is nevertheless the big blow to the president. But I think it's the right thing, what -- no matter who would be in the oval office, to engage in that kind of executive action, circumvent the legislature, that is not what the founding fathers intended. It's the right move.

BOLLING: And Dana, and a lot of people say, you know, this whole political process going on right now, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don't like Donald Trump, so you wouldn't vote for him. Republicans need to think about this, if there's going to be one Supreme Court justice appointed, two or three, you could have very liberal-leaning court, and this is in action, guns and immigration are two of the things that could be decided.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think that a lot of conservatives who would be inclined not to vote for Trump would say, well, we should have thought about that during the primary process, because we figure that this is going to happen in the general election. However, it is very motivating for republicans, but also for democrats, because they understand the stakes of the game just as well. Think about President Obama being so unhappy, he really should have not voted for that poison pill in 2007. He wanted a political issue to run on. He got a political issue to run on. A lot of people -- there's a lot, a school of thought that said he shouldn't have push ObamaCare first, that he would -- he should done as immigration first. In fact, there was a former president who advised him of that; "do your immigration first and then try to do ObamaCare," but that's not the decision that the president made. And what happens is this is not the first time that the president has been rebuffed on executive orders. You could you go to the EEOC, which is the Employee .

BOLLING: Equal Employment Opportunity.

PERINO: . commission, thank you, on energy. In fact, just yesterday, he could actually find himself in another position with this, that the fracking rules that the president put forward, that was rebuffed by a certain court judge in -- district judge in Wyoming yesterday. So a lot of things -- times in administration ticket. Two terms; the first term, he spends trying to get through a lot of legislation. And the second term he tried to solidified it by depending it in court. And the president has a pretty bad track record, which is why he is mad to Garland doesn't fit in there.

BOLLING: Is that what it was? He's mad. That anger, that this case on his, on his face, the way he presented it, is it because Merrick Garland isn't the ninth Supreme Court justice? Or is he just playing a little theater here?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I -- you know what it is? It's this tone of casual superiority, like, you know, I'm the adult here, you're the kid. It's the kind of thing you pull off when you get turned down on a prom date. It's like, oh, your loss. That's everything when he talks to the adversary when he lose it's like, it's your loss and you will see when I emerge victorious. And he always casts himself as the thoughtful sage that bears no responsibility to the consequences. When he --

PERINO: Or the constitution.

GUTFELD: Or the constitution.

PERINO: Or the process.


GUTFELD: Or the process. He overstepped it. He overstepped and then leaves -- what if we decided to sit in the White House to protest. Apparently, that's the way to go. He has the responsibility to persuade us on these issues, but it's very hard to take him seriously when for the last eight years, he -- identity has trumped security. We're all for hard workers. I love hard workers. I want all hard workers to come here, but I also want process. And if you think that safety is being compromised in the process, then you become suspicious of the president, because you don't feel that he is addressing those other things.


GUTFELD: Therefore we go, enough, stop and then he goes -- that's so uncool.

BOLLING: Juan, how is the process?


BOLLING: Did it work today?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: No, because obviously you have -- this in fact, the process is that the president should nominate and the Senate should advise on his nominee, but you don't have a vote.


WILLIAMS: They refuse to abide by the process.


PERINO: So the president doesn't have --


PERINO: . in an election year and --

WILLIAMS: I don't care.


WILLIAMS: I don't care if it's an election year or not. That's what the constitution says. He was elected president, and that's the American people elected him twice. But I would say the process didn't work in times of --

BOLLING: But in lieu of the ninth -- in lieu of the ninth judge, did the process work today?

WILLIAMS: Well, it's 4-4, so I guess it's stalled. I mean, obviously the government is not working. I mean .

GUILFOYLE: No, it is.

WILLIAMS: . it's really sad that the government is not working.

BOLLING: All right, so --

GUILFOYLE: I don't get this.

BOLLING: So did the process --

GUILFOYLE: But they just issued a decision, and it's basically --

WILLIAMS: They issued a non-decision.


WILLIAMS: They said, they allowed the lower court ruling to stand.

GUILFOYLE: They made a ruling -- correct, and the fifth circuit ruling is going to stand. That's how the judicial process was. There was no circumvention of justice here. There wasn't anybody not following the rules.


GUILFOYLE: They did what they are supposed to do.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just say, they didn't even really rule on the key issue here, which is, did the president overstepped his authority? What they said basically was, this is procedural thing, it wasn't done properly, and in terms of getting to court, because you have four --

GUTFELD: Well, we -- I have a solution.

WILLIAMS: Four liberals, right?


WILLIAMS: Who said, you know what, this was done properly. It's OK. You had four conservatives who said it's not. So, what you have is --


WILLIAMS: Washington.

GUTFELD: And what do you do?

WILLIAMS: Polarize and paralyze.

GUTFELD: What do you do?


GUTFELD: What you do, you break the tie. You know, you break the tie a direct kick. You get the four, then you get the --


GUTFELD: Yeah, you got the eight --

WILLIAMS: Overtime.

GUTFELD: You get the eight Supreme Court justices .


GUTFELD: . in froth of a net.


GUTFELD: And Obama has to kick the ball past them.

WILLIAMS: There you go.

GUTFELD: How's that?

BOLLING: So, instead --

GUTFELD: I solved it.


WILLIAMS: That's all we have --

BOLLING: Can I ask you --

GUILFOYLE: And if it was a golf ball, he'd be the winner for sure.

BOLLING: If you have a problem with the process .

GUILFOYLE: Let me tell you.


BOLLING: . the way it works, and this is the way it happens.


BOLLING: When you have a tie -- Supreme Court --

WILLIAMS: Well yeah, you should have a --

BOLLING: It goes back to the lower court.


BOLLING: The process, therefore, did or did not work in the affirmative action case today.

WILLIAMS: In the affirmative action case?


WILLIAMS: They had a clear ruling.



BOLLING: So the process --


WILLIAMS: And the majority.

BOLLING: And the process work on one --

WILLIAMS: No, no, but --

BOLLING: When we win --

WILLIAMS: But Eric --

BOLLING: But when we lose .


BOLLING: . the process doesn't work.

WILLIAMS: That's not true. Come on, Eric. They had a majority in one end. And here you had a 4-4 tie because the Senate refuses to act on Garland's nomination. I would say the people who get hurt here are the 4 million people who are in our midst. This is not -- they're not a security threat.

GUTFELD: But you know what Obama was saying? He's saying you know who's really getting hurt? The people who have their beds made and the people who have their food delivered. That -- because that's what he was talking about, he's saying these are people that make your beds. These are the people that delivery your food. He said that this, he -- this is a cyclical thing. We see the fear-mongering, this fascist of anger, but it always happens after you let in millions of people. Then you create the anger and you hope that the anger leads to a solution which is amnesty. That's what, that's what he's referring to.

WILLIAMS: All right, let me just say, though. Remember that when President Bush tried to have immigration reform -- guess what, it was the republican base that blocked that. When you have the Senate in 2014 pass immigration reform, again, it's the House that, and the republican majority in the House that blocked that. So when you say, when you said, Eric, I think, oh, President Obama just blames republicans. Don't you think -- well, in fact, yeah, republicans don't want immigration reform.

BOLLING: But that's the process. Elections have consequences. Do they not?

GUTFELD: Isn't that immigration reform, trying to follow the law?

WILLIAMS: Wait. The Senate passed it.

GUTFELD: You know what I'm saying is, a definition of immigration reform is not, may not be declaring amnesty. It's what I'm saying.

PERINO: What I was going to add, in terms of the tie on this particular case, it does show how political immigration is, because in those other court cases that I mentioned, when the Supreme Court ruled against the administration on executive action and said no, you cannot do this, you overstep that. Those are usually 9-0 decisions, maybe like 8 to 1, (inaudible) they were really very decisive. This being a tie, I think shows how political this issue is. So --

GUILFOYLE: You know what he's saying --


PERINO: . in the next 18 weeks before the general election, you're going to hear a lot more of this.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. She's right.

BOLLING: I know.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I know she's absolutely right, because if you look at the consistency across the court and their ruling, this should have been unanimous decision with the court saying, executive action overstepping the bounds, you know, the -- the, you know, separation of powers. So, there you go.

BOLLING: Remember, elections have consequences; Supreme Court consequences for a long time, lifetime appointments.

Much more to come on "The Five," next, Democrats gun control sit-in finally ended on Capitol Hill today after 25 hours. We'll bring you up to speed on that wild showdown, when we return.


GUTFELD: It was a house of horrors:


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PAUL RYAN: The clerk will report the title of the joint resolution.



JOHN LEWIS, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE FOR GEORGIA: Give us a vote! Let us vote! We came here to do our job! We came here to work!

JOHN LARSON, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE FOR CONNECTICUT: Rise up, Democrats. Rise up, Americans. This cannot stand. We will occupy this floor.



GUTFELD: Barf. Sensing opportunity, Democrats attempted a sit-in to push a gun-control agenda, admitting it's pretty much for show, to raise awareness and of course, funds. The next step in this dramatic slumber party, they'll do each other's hair and prank-call the NRA. After 49 people are killed, this is what we do now; we divide, shout then perform. And on cue, celebrities and media call this action, historic, but you just know if this were Republicans sitting in over say, fighting terror. The media would spasm in outrage and scream, oh my, where's the decorum?

Now compare this occupy opera to post-9/11, we fought the enemy, not ourselves. We hardened soft targets, cockpits, air marshals, airports became fortresses. Why not pursue that plan as well? Terror is like water, it seeks the path of least resistance; block one area, they seek another. Leaders should seek and secure those areas, like say, awards shows.

Yes, as starlets tweet away on gun control, flexing their naive outrage in trite sentences, what's happening behind the curtain? The Hollywood Reporter notes that red carpet security is under heightened scrutiny. Who knows what that means, but I doubt it means less security, fewer armed guards, fewer police, fewer dudes with earpieces and trunk-sized necks. You can bet those events will be hardened even more because we need to protect our stars. So they can continue telling those of us who are less secure and less important, that our lives mean less than theirs.

KG, the irony of ironies --

GUILFOYLE: That was good.

GUTFELD: Thank you very much.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I liked it a lot.

GUTFELD: Right. What are you doing later?


GUILFOYLE: Dream on, baby.

GUTFELD: That's what I'll be doing. Dream it on with my pink poster KG.


GUTFELD: Aye, aye, aye. So --

PERINO: You got .

GUTFELD: How are you feeling?

PERINO: . a little off-track.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I got a little off-track.

GUILFOYLE: Hope you (inaudible).

GUTFELD: I had a rough day.

PERINO: Do you know how this --

GUTFELD: I had a rough day.


PERINO: Do you know how this ends?


PERINO: This whole thing ends tonight .


PERINO: . at the Congressional Baseball Game, the annual Congressional Baseball Game where republicans and democrats come together in unity for an annual fun, traditional event.


PERINO: That's how it ends.

GUILFOYLE: I think they should do a game show like you like "Family Feud," or something.

PERINO: Oh, it will be so good.

GUILFOYLE: Like knock it out, work it out.

PERINO: Yeah, but they really are, are going to the baseball game tonight.

GUTFELD: Yeah, they had --


GUTFELD: And it was already planned that they were going to do that --

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Maybe they'll come back.

GUILFOYLE: Because they were, they were jealous of Ted Cruz, green eggs and ham.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: You know they're like, they're show-boating and they are like, check me out.


GUILFOYLE: There's really -- it's so attention-seeking. I mean, what did they really accomplish? Why aren't they protesting and upset about the 49 lives .


GUILFOYLE: . lost in Orlando? That could have been prevented. You know, I mean that's the problem I have here because they're just trying to demonize guns, and you know, tear apart the Second Amendment and they're misguided and misfocused, and it's a problem. And by the way, you can get things like that on both sides .


GUILFOYLE: . of the aisle. So this isn't government at its best.

GUTFELD: Eric, do you think it -- it served any purpose? I mean, it is fundraising, right?

BOLLING: I haven't seen republicans do that. In fact, I think that's .


BOLLING: . the first time we saw it.

GUILFOYLE: Not like that.



WILLIAMS: They did it.

GUTFELD: They did it with the --

PERINO: Fracking.

GUTFELD: Fracking.

WILLIAMS: Offshore drill.

GUTFELD: Yeah, offshore drilling?

WILLIAMS: Remember drill, baby, drill.

BOLLING: This look more like, you know, we make fun of those banana republic governments.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: Oh, look what they do in parliament. They're beating the crap, that kind --


BOLLING: That's what we -- the democrats. Congratulations, you brought the House floor to that level. It's all theater.


BOLLING: At the, at -- it's all theater because none of the gun legislation that anything, that anyone has proposed would have any effect on, on frankly, the last two really, really bad terrorist activities here, San Bernardino and the 49 in Orlando. They used the timing of Orlando to create their theater, and then they -- honestly, they looked like the Wall Street, Zuccotti Park.


BOLLING: Let's say Zuccotti Park right there --

GUILFOYLE: Occupy Wall Street.

GUTFELD: All right --

BOLLING: Occupy the rotunda.

GUTFELD: Juan, you saw some great civil rights leaders there. Do you think this is a fair comparison? That by having that visual, that helps this cause, but do you think that's fair to the Civil Rights Movement that this is about gun control? Or --

WILLIAMS: Sure, I mean look at -- I mean, the abortion rights movement has absolutely followed the playbook that was set by the Civil Rights Movement in terms of how you bring attention and build support .


WILLIAMS: . for your cause. No, I think this is, this is American politics and this is tremendously effective. By the way, Eric, in going back to '08, the republicans did exactly this. They did exactly this, and --

GUTFELD: But everybody hated it, because it is form republicans.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Well, everybody hate, but it --


WILLIAMS: But guess what, you are able to rally your base.

BOLLING: Any civil rights, any civil rights --

GUTFELD: Yeah, comparison --

BOLLING: Comparison.


WILLIAMS: Not at the time. No.


GUTFELD: No, I think they compare -- all of us drilling to Martin Luther King.

WILLIAMS: No, but if you have John Lewis, who was beaten until his head .


WILLIAMS: . it was bloody. I mean, in some then you have that opportunity. But I will say this, that you have people -- even now, you were saying what, there's nothing, Susan Collins, the senator from Maine .


WILLIAMS: . is trying to get a compromise that would work in the Senate, because there's something very real. Eric says, oh, will this wouldn't have stopped what happened in San Bernardino. Wouldn't have happened, stopped would happened in Orlando.


WILLIAMS: Guess what, Eric, people are thinking forward. They're trying to prevent future action like --

GUTFELD: What they made --

WILLIAMS: They're saying, don't -- if you can't get on the no-fly list, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun.

GUTFELD: All right --


BOLLING: Which he wasn't.

GUTFELD: Yeah, did true. Paul Ryan, I thought, really kind of summarized everything, roll it.


RYAN: We are not going to allow stunts like this to stop us from carrying out the people's business. They are sending out fundraising solicitations. Like this one -- House democrats on the House floor. Your contribution will go to the DCCC, $15. If this is not a political stunt, then why are they trying to raise money off of this? Off of a tragedy? Our focus needs to be on confronting radical extremism. Terrorism is the issue. Let me say it again, terrorism is the issue.


GUTFELD: I mean how, how offensive is it that this, an act of terror is being used to make money.


GUTFELD: I mean --

WILLIAMS: How offensive is it that these guys all take big money from the NRA, and therefore won't act on a major American problem.

GUTFELD: But you can't connect the NRA to terror.

PERINO: But they are acting.

GUTFELD: They are -- it's not --

GUILFOYLE: And yeah.

PERINO: That they are acting.


PERINO: They're acting, I suppose --


GUTFELD: The NRA is not a dealt cult .


GUTFELD: . that preaches Sharia law .


GUTFELD: . and that says, gays must die. That's something else that President Obama cannot name.

PERINO: And it's a very rare thing when you have the ACLU on the republican on the same side of issue.


PERINO: I mean --

GUTFELD: The left hates this bill


GUTFELD: The left hates this bill because they feel that it profiles.

PERINO: But there is one good purpose, I think, for the democrats who are doing this, and I said unifying things. So --

WILLIAMS: Right --

PERINO: This is a stunt, but its fundraising thing, now they have the pictures and the video. And it's like one of those -- well, we don't have this, but if we did. You know the corporate --

GUTFELD: Yeah --

PERINO: The annual meetings .


PERINO: . and stuff like they have, like the team-building exercise, that - - people do that for a reason because it helps unite the team and they're going to need that going forward after the primary that they had.

GUTFELD: You know they tried to do that with "The Five," but every time they do the team building, it just makes things worse .


GUTFELD: Like putting us on a bus.


BOLLING: Well, you mean (inaudible) did that.

GUTFELD: Yeah --


GUTFELD: Close your eyes, Eric, I'm going to catch you and I ran to the --


GUTFELD: I ran to the bar.

GUILFOYLE: You do it, anywhere.

GUTFELD: Anywhere --

GUILFOYLE: Bathroom .

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: . snack tray, yeah.


GUTFELD: All right. Ahead, former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld -- remember him?


GUTFELD: Reveals on a Fox News who he's going to vote for in November. Stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Some good news for Donald Trump. Earlier this week, we told you the presumptive GOP nominee only had a little over a million dollars in his campaign war chest. He now has a lot more, $11 million since Tuesday. The RNC says it's all fundraising committee raised about $5 million and Trump's son reports another $6 million was raised at a fundraising event. Meanwhile, another big name is throwing his support behind the candidate, a prominent member of the Bush administration, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, "ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN" HOST: Have you decided who you are going to support for president?

DONALD RUMSFELD, FORMER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Yes. I could not vote for Mrs. Clinton.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Are you endorsing Trump or supporting him? Voting for him?

RUMSFELD: I don't know that there's any difference.

VAN SUSTEREN: So this is an endorsement?

RUMSFELD: NO. I don't -- no one asked me for my endorsement, but, but I'm clearly going to vote for him. I mean, there's -- I just can't imagine not.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so prominent member of the Bush administration -- and to another one. Dana, what do you think of this?

PERINO: Well -- that Dick Cheney had already announced that he was going to support and vote for Donald Trump, so Donald -- you know Cheney and Rumsfeld are very close so, that's good for Donald Trump. And he's had a really good week, right? So he had a bad Monday. Well, but getting better, right? So he announces a campaign change, gets rid of Lewandowski, puts in Manafort. The next day he had a big fundraising day, $11 million, which is good. I mean, if he does that every day between now and the Election Day, he'd have about $220 million to her $1 billion, but it's better than what he had before. He has a great speech, by all accounts, OK?


PERINO: So now you also have the president, on the defense, when it comes to immigration; one of Trump's best issues. You have Hillary in trouble with her server, because now there's more information about the server was in trouble, the IT Department try to fix it. Nobody could get in touch with it. And her former staffer pleads the fifth 125 times. Yet the Democrats assault on the Second Amendment, another strong point for him.

And so, if he really wants to show a pivot and capitalize on what started as a bad week and is ending as a pretty good week for him, please, cancel the trip to Scotland. Show that you are willing to be flexible. Turn on a dime, come back and say, I'm going to be here to press his advantage, because he's going to leave and then all of that is going to go away and evaporate.

GUILFOYLE: Right. So you think like you want him just like capitalizes on the momentum, do a big push, have him here.

Eric, how do you see that, because the trip for Scotland has been planned? He's gone before when he's had, you know, work responsibilities to do?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, you know, like I've said, I hate when he's on prompter, on the teleprompter reading the speech. And he did that speech. And I think the speech was a necessary reboot, reset and I think he did.

I also think when he ad-libs he gets the base fired up. He gets people fired up organically, I like that. But I think the donors, the money. The money people don't want to hear that.

They don't want to hear Donald Trump with, you know, just crooking Hillary. They want to hear the policy stuff. They want to hear where he is on trade, on immigration, on guns. They want to hear that.

And I think when he reads the prompter and he did that 40-minute speech, or whatever, 38-minute speech, he makes the people, the big donors Adelson's, the -- maybe the Koch's who knows, they're reek (ph).

It's their families that are big donors, maybe a little bit more comfortable to write a check that they wouldn't beat when he doesn't, when he's the Mexican judge stuff. Put that aside for now, maybe stay on that. I hate him on prompter.

But I think for the money, and he's going to need the money. He has to start raising money and I think he will. But I think that's going to make them a little bit -- more at ease to sign the check.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. OK. So, Greg, what do you think?

GUTFELD: Well, by the way, Lewandowski just got a job at CNN. I guess he had a lot of pull there. Or maybe it was up for grabs.

PERINO: Well, that was the campaign. He doesn't have to pay for it.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's true. I want to complain about the convention, because somebody brought this up earlier. 1.3 million people showed up for the Cavalier parade in Cleveland and there are no problems.

So, if there's going to be any unrest at the RNC, it will likely be imported and should not be blamed on Cleveland itself. I thought that was an interesting point that somebody sent me in the mail and I want to bring that up.

Again, Trump has such a very high negatives, so we don't want to get Dick Morris over this. We don't want to get blinded by belief. But, he's got one thing going for him and that's Hillary who is still as popular as gout.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, crooked Hillary. So, Juan, for all (ph) times and purposes the feedback that's been coming back even from people that were lukewarm about Trump were like, "Wow, this was a really good speech." They like the specifics. They like the fact that he could hit Hillary hard on all fans, because there are a lot of materials to work with and he did cover it all.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Yeah, I mean, the critics that, you know, there's a lot there that was not true.

I mean, the fact-checkers went crazy. But, I thought it was an effective speech and I really liked that line about, you know, "Are you with Hillary? Well, I'm with America." I thought that's a memorable line by Trump.

The money thing is what Dana said, I mean, even if he was to raise millions every day now, he's still be behind her billions. So, you know, in terms of the comparison plus the early advertising, especially in swing states there's an absence there. There's an absence also obstructer in terms of the staff.

The bigger story I think is the one that ran in the "Wall Street Journal" today that said, "GOP business leaders are backing Clinton."


WILLIAMS: I mean this is amazing to me. So, we talked about Rumsfeld. But look, Brent Scowcroft, big guy? He's all with Hillary. Jim Cicconi, AT&T, used to be as Reagan, with Bush.

I'm voting for -- he said it's time to put country ahead of party. And therefore, he can't back Trump. He wants someone with judgment, temperament, experience.

GUILFOYLE: Right, yes.

BOLLING: Trump has out spent massively. He had a bad two weeks and guess what? He's still tied in Ohio and basically tied in Pennsylvania.

GUILFOYLE: And he also retired the $15 million loan to himself that he had said that, you know, he wasn't going to answer that fact.

But, before we go, a lot of people are wondering who Donald Trump's going to pick to be his vice president. Jimmy Fallon came up with an interesting theory last night. Take a look.


JIMMY FALLON, COMEDIAN (as Donald Trump): 14 years ago, I created a clone of myself. Allow me to introduce your next vice president, little Donald.

JACK AIELLO, IMPRESSIONIST (as Little Donald Trump): Thank me, thank me.

FALLON: We also have the same brain.

AIELLO: We think exactly alike. In fact, we even finished each other's .

FALLON: Walls. Let's try and call Hillary. You, you pretend to be Bernie Sanders.

AIELLO: Hello Secretary Clinton, this is Senator Bernie Sanders. Is your refrigerator running? Well, so am I. And I'm never, ever dropping out.


GUILFOYLE: I love it. That was talented, 14 year old Jack Aiello from Chicago, who delivered his eighth grade graduation's week as Trump and other presidential candidates. So, he's nailed down what, Bernie. He's nailed down, Hillary. He's pretty good.

GUTFELD: He's got a talent. He's got a future.


GUILFOYLE: All right that's it. Well, that's all we've time for. All right, next, we're awaiting the results of a landmark vote in Britain on whether the U.K. should leave or remain in the European Union. The count is under way.

We'll go back live to London. Won't you join us? What the outcome could mean for you at home. That's next.


WILLIAMS: A Fox News Alert, the polls are now closing Great Britain and we are waiting the results of a historic referendum known as Brexit for Britain's potential exit from the European Union. The U.K. is deciding whether to stay in the union or break away.

Joining us now, again, from London, is Foreign Affairs Correspondent Benjamin Hall. Mr. Hall, I know that it's against the law in Britain to report anything that could impact the voting, but are we getting some indication of what the results might be?

BENJAMIN HALL, FOX NEWS FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, we're just getting a little bit coming out. That's right. As soon as the polls close, everyone can rush to reports on it.

What we're hearing this first polls suggest the remaining camp. Stay in Europe has a slight victory, 52 points to 48. The currency has risen and the markets feel confident immediately on the back of that.

So indications now, the U.K. will be staying in Europe. But its close, it's on a knife edge.


PERINO: Well, given that, it is on a knife edge. I was curious if you think the Cameron government has a plan going forward because in the aftermath of a decision to remain with the European Union, obviously there's a lot of concern across the U.K. and problems with dealing with Brussels and the U.K. feeling like its being stifled. So, do you know if they had any plan to try to get things back on track for the country?

HALL: Yeah, well a lot of people asking why he brought this referendum in the first place that has torn the country apart, its torn Europe apart.

And yes, the first thing has to be to unify, unite Europe as well as the country. Does he have a plan? I think he probably just wanted to get over this hurdle before he went any further, but he will be addressing issues with Europe. He will want some kind of change them.

Europe themselves have said, "Yes, we acknowledge that we are at fault too many laws, too much bureaucracy." So, do expect some changes, but of course, a lot of sighs of relief from the Cameron government at the moment.

WILLIAMS: Ben, our local economic expert, Mr. Eric Bolling has a question.

BOLLING: Hi, Ben. So, a lot of people may be watching wondering what this is all about. Why did the Brits say we need to pull out of here?

Some would say it's a lot of economics to do with it, in other words, we put a lot into the European Union. We don't get as much out there for we would pull our self out. Kind of like if Texas were to pull out of the United States, they put -- add more to the economy than they take out of it.

Talk to us about the immigration side of it. Now, I think that's the one that probably a lot of people here are watching, what is the group, the faction that says leave the European Union? What's their problem with the immigration policy of Great Britain?

HALL: These are the two main camps. The ones who want to stay in Europe said, "Look, the economy will falter, recession if you leave." But those who wanted to leave said, "Look, the immigration problem is our major problem."

At the moment, any person from the 28 countries in Europe can come to England. They can work, they can get benefits, and that's having a huge drain on the benefits system on the social reforms here.

And the people here said, "Look, we cannot have immigration without a top limit and that's really affecting people here. People are losing their jobs because of it and of course the terrorism threat, you know. Who are we letting into our countries and how do we close it off?

So, immigration was the major point of the people who wanted to leave Europe. They said, "Give us back our sovereignty. Give us the right to control our borders and decide who we let into this country." Because at the moment, that is decided by the people in Brussels who are unelected, and they have to say over lot of the European laws and the English laws.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, that's right. That's a big point because they feel like they don't have as much sovereignty or control over who was able to come in and who was able to exit.

So, you've covered that piece nicely, but what about the proponents that we're strongly advising that it's important for the U.K. to remain in the union?

HALL: Well, those you've said remain they said, look, first of all, if England leaves, if the U.K. leave, that leaves the disintegration of the whole European plan and many people called it an experiment.

They said, "Look, we've tried to get 28 countries together under one identity, one economy, one society. That doesn't work when you've got so many different people."

But they said, "It's essential for security that we have to be one block in the developing world. And as we go forward, each little country won't have any power, so we need to be singular."

But, I spoke to Ambassador Bolton just yesterday and he said actually, trying to come together like that into so many -- into one big group has back-fired. It means too many people in the pot, too many things taken away from being able to deal with America for example.

So, people say unity all-important in this changing word, but also that's detrimental. So, you know, mixed, mixed views there.

WILLIAMS: Well, Ben, Greg says he really don't have a question, but he has a thought. So .

GUTFELD: No, I was just saying the reason why England wants to pull out is they don't want to be pregnant with terror.

PERINO: Oh my gosh.

GUTFELD: So, look, I want to make a comment -- I want to compare the way America looks at issues in England and the way England looks at issues in America.

This is the first time we've talked about Brexit, right? But whenever something happens in America, it gets Piers Morgan. It's like Brit -- Brit is always, whether it's the "Guardian" or it's the British media in general who will always comment in its superior fashion about how America screwed up.

We have never said anything about Brexit until now.

PERINO: The President did.


PERINO: The President did.

GUTFELD: Well, of course he did. But, I mean, what does that mean, Benjamin? I just -- we never -- we don't, we mind our own business is what I'm saying.

HALL: Yeah. Well, we get Piers Morgan, too, by the way. But, this became an issue only over the last few months. And I never seen as that is becoming growing, growing issue.

And the only reason is they think that the leave side had a chance, which is why it became an issue. And the U.S. obviously very involved once it started to appear that might happen. But, if it does appear now if remain may win this one. But, who knows, we have until 7:00 a.m. before we find out.


WILLIAMS: Ben, I got to give you credit man. You danced with Greg like nobody -- some people just get thrown off by Gregory, but you actually answered the -- that was awesome, Benjamin. Thank you so much. Thank you for tolerating all of us.

Another verdict was reached today in a trial this one the third officer charged in the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. You'll going to hear about it, next.


PERINO: Another Baltimore police officer was acquitted today in the death of Freddie Gray. Gray died while in custody in April 2015 after suffering a spinal cord injury in a police van.

The officer driving the vehicle, Caesar Goodson Jr. was found not guilty of all charges he has faced, including the most serious count, second-degree depraved-heart murder.

The judge rejected the prosecution's claim that Goodson gave Gray a rough ride intentionally putting him at risk. That makes him the third officer tried without a conviction. Three others are awaiting trial and one is awaiting a retrial.

Kimberly, I'll go to you first because when the district attorney filed these lawsuits, I remember you said, "This will never pass."


PERINO: It will never -- they'll never be convicted because of the way that she did it. And I just wonder about the police officers and what they've gone through.

GUILFOYLE: Horrible.

PERINO: For what it -- it's kind of a rush to judgment political decision.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. These cases should not have been filed to begin with and you know anybody who has been a prosecutor, you know, tried a case, either on the prosecution side or on defense knew that. This was definitely based on a political movement and that is supposed to be the last thing that justice seeks.

You're supposed to be seeking out the facts, the truth, the evidence, evaluating it. She didn't even wait for that. She doesn't deserve to have the job that she has. It was such a miscarriage of justice. It's horrible what she did to these families, to these officers.

You know, in order to have a depraved-heart murder, I mean basically you have to -- it's the equivalent of like throwing a loaded gun in a hallway when it's complete, you know, and it goes off and there's tons of people pack that is likely that somebody is going to die or have great bodily injury from it.

So you have to say that they intentionally did the specific act that they knew would result in great bodily injury or death. That they acted in a conscious disregard of the known risks and with disregard for human life and it just doesn't meet that standard not even for filling the judge that has presided over these cases is outstanding and we've been talking about that on Greta show.

PERINO: So let me ask you Juan, do you think the residents Baltimore will accept these outcomes?

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean you have divided community obviously right now. It's a strong racial divide mostly white community. I think never was backing Marilyn Mosby, the Baltimore State Attorney that K.G. is talking about.

But, what you have in the black community I think is that disappointment to some extent and you have a feeling like, "Well, did Marilyn Mosby bring this effectively?" And if so, you know, how do you hold police accountable when they do something wrong?

And so there's all of this kind of questions. I think right now there's concern about making sure we think everybody feels that they're being heard, everything remains quiet. That's where it is at the moment.

PERINO: All right, Eric, I'm sorry (ph) we have to be quick.

BOLLING: We got to go, just very quickly. Kimberly called it from day one overcharging.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Absolutely overcharging and now she's disappointed to the African-American community because she led them down the path thinking this was outrageous and that there would be justice and back to this service too, because now they're confused and frustrated and .

GUTFELD: And disappointed.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Over promised and under delivered and definitely .

PERINO: Do you think the cops got a bad rap based out of this?

GUTFELD: I think so. You know, you could -- there's good news. You can't get justice even if you are prejudged by the media and by the prosecutor.


GUTFELD: This guy got -- he got the right -- he got the justice and the second part is do the looters even care? Are they even following the story? No, they've move none.

GUILFOYLE: But guess what, this wasn't juries, too.


GUILFOYLE: This was judge, so I think it was better to take the hype out of it and the emotion, you know, if you can put it to a jury sometimes in cases like this you'll never know how it's going to turn out.

PERINO: All right, one more thing is up next.


BOLLING: All right, back for one more thing I'm going to kick it off. Yesterday I was out because I had a very, very proud moment. Take a look here he is, Eric Chase getting his diploma -- its official, high school right there.

Next picture, you know when they throw the caps up in the air. There it's .

PERINO: They're still allowed to do that.

BOLLING: They're still allowed to do that

WILLIAMS: It hurts (ph), so many hurts.

BOLLING: No one gets hurt in that. The next one, here's family dinner afterwards from left to right there is Uncle Marcus (ph), there's Gabby (ph), his girlfriend, Eric, Grandpa, Adrian (ph), Adrian's brother Eric and the other Eric. Three Eric on that one pictures and there's the man right there. Congratulations Eric Chase.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations to Eric Chase.

PERINO: And congratulations to you. That's a big moment for a Dad, right?

BOLLING: It takes a village.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: That's all right. A very quick, 8:00 tonight check it out "O'Reilly Factor". I'll be hosting.

GUILFOYLE: I'm also on it.

BOLLING: And Dana is amazing honest.

GUILFOYLE: She's just your favorite number one guest I've decided.

BOLLING: And you are next.

GUILFOYLE: I am up next. So this is something we were waiting, the information to use and I think it's so important, so many families are struck by cancer and this is an example of how valiant and courageous parents are.

This is a picture of a little boy who was stricken with brain cancer and he had a tattoo and he was very afraid, you know, that Gabriel Marshall for a rare malignant brain tumor that he thought he looked liked a monster.

He told his Dad, Josh and his dad is like, "No, you don't buddy," and got a tattoo done, shaved his head exactly to resemble the scar of his son. So it's pretty amazing when you see that the love and the devotion, the dedication and it actually won a prize for nabbing that first place in Best Bald Dad Contest?


PERINO: I vote for him.

GUILFOYLE: So they also have a sense humor. Anyway, very sweet and nice family, God bless on that.

GUTFELD: Good man, good man.


GUTFELD: Another good man.

GUILFOYLE: And so good recovery for Gabriel.

GUTFELD: Something interesting. Greg's secret to happiness with more unicorns. All right, what do you do when you take something really awesome like Cheetos and then you have mate it with something even more awesome, which is macaroni and cheese, you get this.

You get the new Burger King Mac 'n Cheese, which is basically a deep-fried stick of macaroni dusted in Cheeto covering sauce and spices so it's like, it's like Donald Trump. It's orange and delicious.


GUILFOYLE: Are you speaking from personal knowledge? Yeah, you just find a .

GUTFELD: It's orange, it's irresistible.

GUILFOYLE: You're just going to try to rip up give me like food for (ph).

PERINO: I know. Megan McArdle, she's a columnist. She said she loves those.

GUTFELD: Oh, yeah?


GUTFELD: It must be nice.

WILLIAMS: All right, well Dana, you're up.

PERINO: OK, so you got to check out our website called flowingdata.com. There's lots of information you can find on there.

This is the most poisoned name in U.S. history, OK. The biostatistics Ph.D. candidate is Hilary Parker. She said let me look at all the names, you know, throughout U.S. history and guess what, her own name her name is Hilary Parker, her own name was on the list.

So she's taking like, "Why is my name on the list?" Well, it turns out the name with Hilary was very popular for a while and then boom. What happens? Straight down when Bill Clinton was elected President. And so the name died a quick death. That's what she says.

BOLLING: As opposed to Barack which became a very popular name when he was elected president.

PERINO: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: Lying, (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: Well, Gregory, it looks like there you're afraid of robots.

GUTFELD: Oh no the dogs.

WILLIAMS: Not too far-fetched. A Russian robot has escaped its creator, not once, but twice and once got away from the lab and got into traffic. Then its battery ran out. It just sat in the street for 40 minutes.

You know, some people think it was a P.R. stunt because the robot's creator is going to be in a tech conference this fall. But, they say no stunt, they say they're trying -- they're going to dismantle the robot because it was escaped twice and they don't feel comfortable.


GUILFOYLE: It shows too much personality.

BOLLING: Yeah, see .


BOLLING: Why they will never take over on at least 5,000.

WILLIAMS: That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A split decision that handed President Obama a major defeat on immigration. This is "Special Report."

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