
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 9, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I am Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and a pinky ring is her hula hoop -- Dana Perino, "The Five."

Breaking news, everyone: The White House are lying liars who think you're stupid. In a literary version of ipecac, The New York Times ran a puke-inducing tribute to Obama foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes, who during tongue bath giving by a drooling journo, dropped a bombshell.

Rhodes bragged that the White House deliberately lied about the Iran deal, telling the media that U.S. negotiators were dealing with Iranian moderates when they were dealing with American-hating hardliners, toadies personally chosen by the Ayatollah. More proof that Obama flacks put his legacy before our security. They claim that these adversaries were peaceful moderates to mask the Iran's nuclear plans while allowing for America to shaft allies like Israel. It's crazy stuff. Something tells me if this were a Republican regime, Pulitzers would be won and impeachment would be in high gear. But instead, this caper is cast as a victory.

And so to sell this crappy deal to America, we learned the White House served up so-called "experts" to trick gullible reporters and used pliable plants in the press to air brushed this deed.

Why would Rhodes admit to such things in The New York Times? Because he thought it was awesome. He also assumes the media being sympathetic groupies wouldn't care. And for the most part, he's not wrong, because it wasn't just Obama who wanted the legacy, it's his adoring fans in the media who wanted it too. Like parents watching their son from the stands in Little League, he is their little guy swinging at junk. He is simply the bomb even as Iran gets one.

All right, this article was like 75,000 words. It was horrible. Kimberly.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Did you use your little deli counter? You know like --

GUTFELD: Yeah, I was -- no. I forced myself to read it.


GUTFELD: This must make the -- this deal. It's corrupted. It's corrupted.

GUILFOYLE: I mean --

GUTFELD: It's got to be destroyed.

GUILFOYLE: You would think, because it basically undermines the whole foundation and core of the deal to show that this was like put together like some bizarre, bad episode, poorly rated on west wing.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, what I mean, what is going on here? Is it, like pinch yourself? Is this real life? Is this who is deciding foreign policy and national security? And when you translate that to the coming election, do you want somebody who was like the right arm of the foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, part of this like Hollywood bamboozle?


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Can I (inaudible) a little bit?


BOLLING: The deal. It wouldn't have mattered what the general public thought of the deal at all. They were going forward with that deal.


BOLLING: So the fact that they perpetrated a lie upon the public, they were still gonna go forth --


BOLLING: It wouldn't matter. But --

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It would have been a different lie.

BOLLING: It wouldn't -- they would still have done it just the way, the way he does everything he wants to. President Obama -- goes around Congress, goes around the American people, the public. But it does point out why Fox News is important, because we were asking these questions throughout.

PERINO: Right.


BOLLING: Meanwhile, the White House was feeding this press group of press who just ate it up and like as you said, laughed or whatever you called them, and never asked questions, never pushed back. Democracy can't work unless media push it back on government when especially when they're telling lies and you see lies happening. We, at least tried to push back. The constitution provides for the free press. It's the only job protected in the whole document, it's the only one and it won't matter unless that free press asks the question and pushes back hard, instead of just accepting everything as is.

GUTFELD: Dana, this guy, goes it -- was it his ego? Like, OK. So they perpetrated this hoax, couldn't he just kept it quiet? But he had to brag about it, right?

PERINO: Immediately where my mind goes which is, so who in the White House press office was responsible for shepherding him through? Maybe they didn't have anybody. But usually, you do have a press person with you during interviews. You do that, you know, any big corporation or, and the government, they tend to do that. Ben Rhodes has often said that he's very happy being a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, but the temptation for a little bit of fame in New York Times magazine was bigger than that. And I do wonder, imagine, if this is the equivalent -- imagine if Condi Rice had done an interview with " Vanity Fair" on her way out, cover shot, beautiful pictures and says -- oh, by the way, that WMD thing, the story we made up.


GUILFOYLE: It didn't happen, yeah.

PERINO: Then, I mean imagine -- you can imagine just.


PERINO: . the outcry. It would be.


PERINO: . the opposite of what's happening now.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: Excuse me while I have a drink.

GUTFELD: Yes, there you go.


GUTFELD: Juan --


GUTFELD: I would love to see you defend this article. Did you read it?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I read. I read it great (inaudible). I read it twice. But you know what's interesting to me is clearly, the reporters on both sides who feel that they are being thrown under the bus by Ben Rhodes, because he, the way he describes reporters, a lot of 27- year-olds who have no experience --

GUTFELD: I think I had.

WILLIAMS: Like we had -- I'm sorry, you want to use it?

GUTFELD: Yeah. Come let's look at that quote really quick, and then I'll go to you, Juan.



GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

WILLIAMS: Or maybe not.


GUTFELD: "The average reporter we talk to is 27-years-old and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That's a sea change. They literally know nothing," Juan. "We created an echo chamber that they were saying things that validated what we had given them to say." Juan, that is brutal.

WILLIAMS: Right. So I think there are lots of reporters who say, you know what, and I think Julie Pace this on Fox News Sunday, that the Obama administration thinks they are the smartest kid in the school.


WILLIAMS: They're not only the coolest kid, they're the smartest kid. And it's arrogant I think on Ben's part when he's running over these kids, because look, there are a lot of unexperienced (ph) -- inexperienced reporters. And the way Twitter works, and I hate to say this, you would you. But you would know, the way Twitter works, you know, people repeat stuff this crazy while in the middle of the night Donald Trump is tweeting stuff. And so reports say oh, this all came from the White House? They just repeat it. Now talk about stupidity, right? But they -- but you can use that. And here is the second point, so Rhodes is so convinced that sending a narrative is now an ingenious way to manage media that, in fact, he ignores the reality of fact and truth. And I think that's where he gets in trouble. I don't think that this is, by the way, new. I think all administrations do this.


WILLIAMS: I think -- I already does said, you know, I remember President Reagan called the MX a peacekeeper, you know, people talk about supply and economics what -- so they can cut taxes for the rich. That's the way people bill narratives. And he, actually, was doing a very important role for the administration, but when you start changing facts, and the key here is, he said, they were negotiating with the moderates.


WILLIAMS: . when, in fact, as James Rosen of Fox has pointed out, they began negotiating with the hardliners much earlier.

PERINO: And it also does make you wonder about, I mean, you know, there's the accusation that the United States was slow to help the Iranian revolution. Remember all those the --

GUTFELD: The green.

PERINO: When it come to twitter -- the Green Revolution.


PERINO: And remember, three secretaries of defense have resigned during this administration. What is the one thing that they've all said that they have in common? Their problem was the interference by the national security team. And I think that they are probably meaning --

GUTFELD: That's my -- I didn't think about looking the Green Revolution, how we let those people just go.

GUILFOYLE: But they put --

GUTFELD: . looking into this.

GUILFOYLE: Right. And now they have mocking it. It's what --


GUILFOYLE: You know, it's like what we always knew, and now it somehow, they like tranq (ph) them in the neck at the "The New York Times" and he actually just like spills it all. He said yeah, true story, yeah, we're making fun of all of you. That's what it seems like. But it's kind of what we suspected, what we knew. But the problem is it's just highlights overall affectless foreign policy, not grounded on solid judgment or people in the theater or troops on the ground actually determining what should happen. I mean, it's just -- it's very like cowboy foreign policy with like no good purpose.

WILLIAMS: I don't think --




WILLIAMS: You guys are going --

GUILFOYLE: Like now like hot talented cowboy.

WILLIAMS: See this where you go way, way too far.

GUTFELD: Naked cowboy.

WILLIAMS: This does not speak --


WILLIAMS: As Eric was saying earlier, this does not speak to the heart of the deal. And the defense, by the way, Rhodes is under such pressure now from everybody, he's responded.

GUTFELD: Oh, that's right. Thank you. You -- you know Juan is amazing. Let's go --


GUTFELD: Go to the respond.


GUTFELD: This is -- I think we have this. "Every press corps that I interacted with vetted that deal as extensively as any other foreign policy initiative of the presidency. A review of the press from that period will find plenty of tough journalism and scrutiny." Look at that, why did he do that, because he's embarrassed.

BOLLING: Can I be skeptical here?

GUTFELD: Yeah, sure.

BOLLING: They are not stupid. Ben Rhodes isn't stupid. Ben Rhodes didn't go rogue. There's a reason for this article. There's a reason for this piece. I'm trying to figure it's because he wants to call the press out, tell them to toughen up a little bit because -- I don't know. Is it for a Trump presidency, preparing for Trump? Or is it preparing for -- them for a Hillary? Either way, I think Obama would be the other side of that one and saying toughen up, go after those guys harder -- and they win. The Obama administration wins. It's either tougher on Trump or Hillary.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I don't know why.

BOLLING: Do you think he failed? Do you think he just, oops, I slipped.


BOLLING: . and then you guys --


WILLIAMS: I don't think he slipped. I think he really feels, like you know --

GUILFOYLE: Cocky or arrogant.

WILLIAMS: I am so smart and I'm just going to show you how this thing works.

GUILFOYLE: Consisted.

WILLIAMS: And the thing is, it's not democrats and it's not just -- everybody now plays the media control game.

BOLLING: Yeah, but now, Juan? Now, this could have happen. This article could have been written. He could have said the exact same thing, November -- I'm sorry, January 23rd after the new president is sworn in.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I agree, they did the piece now and it's not only --


WILLIAMS: By the way, it's not only him. There are other people in the piece saying the same thing about how we get these .

GUTFELD: What about --

WILLIAMS: . lazy reporters.

GUTFELD: What about --

WILLIAMS: . to tell our story.

GUTFELD: What about when Iran captured 10 sailors and they decided to, it's kind of hold off on reporting that, because they didn't want to ruin President Obama's speech.

GUILFOYLE: With that deal.

GUTFELD: That's crazy stuff.

PERINO: He does have a decent point about a concern that people in journalism have had for about 25 years, which is the closing of foreign bureaus.


PERINO: . all around the world. I mean, there's -- there aren't reporters in those capitals. Like we know that when we have breaking news that there is a terrorist attack in a remote region of the world, we used to be able to send your Moscow (ph) correspondent and he could be there in a second. It doesn't happen anymore, so there isn't on -- the on-the-ground intelligence, that's the same problem that we have in our intelligence forces that not having enough human Intel on the ground. Do you need that in journalism as well?

GUILFOYLE: We have (inaudible).

PERINO: We do. But she's like -- that she spread very thin.


PERINO: And --

WILLIAMS: So that the response, though, that I was given --

GUTFELD: What about Israel?


GUTFELD: They've got to be livid, because they were the ones -- they were the ones who were saying.


GUTFELD: . this was a lousy deal. Please, please, please listen.


WILLIAMS: But this has nothing to -- that the insight, the insight of this deal is not impacted by the narrative that's being sold by the White House and Ben Rhodes. If there was an actual lie, if there was corruption inside the deal, I could see your point, but this is about how you present information.


WILLIAMS: . and choosing the emphasis. By the way, on Lieutenant Taylor, I think that your point of protecting --

BOLLING: But it's also laughing at the American public too, for buying into all the stuff.



BOLLING: . that they were selling and have no -- the complete media with the exception of right wing media, Fox and couple other outlets saying.

GUILFOYLE: That's true.

BOLLING: . hey, hold on, we are not sure this is a good deal. We are not that --

WILLIAMS: That's correct.

BOLLING: The Iran won't back out on their deal or cheat on the (inaudible) and what not --

WILLIAMS: But that's a different issue, totally.

BOLLING: No, not really, because that kind of (inaudible), it kind of peace everything. How many times have you heard, oh, Fox News, the echo chamber on the right? Well, guess what, it turns out the eco-chamber was on the left and Fox News is just raising the red flag.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's cool. I think that's very important. I believe strongly in reporters challenging the powerful. I love it. That's what I think the whole mission is.

GUILFOYLE: yeah, but not that, you know --

WILLIAMS: Like a priesthood.

GUILFOYLE: But not in, you know, being in duplicity. Not in this. I mean, they treated the American public like, aw, shucks, Charlie Brown.

WILLIAMS: No, I think --

GUILFOYLE: Like that's what it is like. And nobody dictate that.

WILLIAMS: And reporters have challenged him.

GUILFOYLE: Right. OK, but the bottom line is they were essentially, perpetuating a fraud upon the American people and thinking it is funny, and then he was cocky about it. I think he was on purpose did this to straight up narcissism, thinking he's better, brighter, smarter than everybody else. And I can play all of you, and I run around this young reporters like puppet, and they will do like Pavlov's dog whatever we say tell them to think. That's it.

PERINO: The last word is I think that another place where Ben Rhodes might have caused some problems for the White House would be on Capitol Hill, because he was member of the Congress like Senator Corker, who was like, fine, OK. He stuck his neck out, he's like, OK, guys I'm going ahead and do this, and he got ridiculed by the rest of the right. And so I -- but he -- then he was mad, and also, I would not miss "Special Report" tonight if Charles Krauthammer is on the panel, because if anyone had the right to say, I told you so, it's Charles.


BOLLING: I have one, one other possible reason for this.


BOLLING: He got in an argument with his brother.


BOLLING: . over dinner, and they decided to take it out. Look it up.

GUTFELD: Next, Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are set to meet later this week to try and hash out their differences. But a major development today could change this tone of the meeting. What speaker Ryan just said about the convention, when "The Five" returns.


GUILFOYLE: High drama between Donald Trump and Paul Ryan, ahead of their scheduled meeting on Thursday. Today, the speaker of the House said he would step down as chairman of this some of republican convention if the presumptive nominee asked him to. Yesterday, Trump spoke about the speaker's refusal to endorse him along with some of his former opponents.


DONALD TRUMP, 2016 GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I like Paul Ryan. I think he's a very good guy. He called me three weeks ago, and he was so supportive. It was amazing. And I never thought a thing like --

CHUCK TODD, "MEET THE PRESS" HOST: So you're stunned?


TODD: Do you feel blindsided by it?

TRUMP: No, I would say stunned it's a little bit -- it's politics. I never stunned by anything that happens in politics. But I'm not, so I'm not -- yeah, I was blindsided a little bit. Jeb Bush signed a pledge, a binding pledge. Lindsey Graham signed a binding pledge.

TODD: Yeah.

TRUMP: . if they would endorse. It said they would support and endorse. That's what it says. Now they are breaking. That's an honor, you know, it's a question of honor. They are not honorable people when they do that.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, Trump says he could win the general election with or without a united GOP. All right, so Eric, what do you think about this?


TRUMP: Does it have to be unified? I'm very different than anybody who's perhaps ever run for office. I actually don't think so. I think that --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, "THIS WEEK" CO-HOST: Does it have to be unified?

TRUMP: No. I don't think so. I think it would be better if it were unified. I think it would be, there would be something good about it, but I don't think it actually has to be unified in the traditional sense.


TRUMP: I'm going to do what I have to do. I have millions of people that voted for me. Don't forget, this is called the Republican Party; it's not called the Conservative Party. You know, there are conservative parties. This is called the Republican Party. I am a conservative.


GUILFOYLE: Well, that's the point. They asked you to register in your Republican Party, Conservative Party -- but OK. But it does seem like he was, you know, heard of a little surprised, taken aback that Paul Ryan who never went after and prior to this, but they came out and made that statement on the heels of, you know, him being declared the presumptive nominee.

BOLLING: Yeah, I was surprised too. It was Friday, that Ryan made that statement, Juan pointed out there was a big deal. We -- I agree that it was a big deal that Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House could actually say I'm not ready to support the republican presumptive nominee - massive. I understand why he did that, he has a group that he's -- he kind of represents and it's certainly not the Trump group. But on the other hand, I think he should step down as the chairman of the convention if Donald Trump asks him to. I actually think he should do it anyway, if he's not going to support the nominee, then what he's doing there? He's gonna run that show. I e-mailed a couple of --


BOLLING: I e-mailed Mr. Priebus, he e-mailed me back and he said that if Ryan is replaced, it will be replaced by a group has voted on by the delegates, so, then, maybe that's a more accurate person, a better person to represent the republicans. After all, we want, we want -- they want to beat Hillary Clinton, don't they? And that's the point. Promise, if Ryan is not gonna say I'm not ready to back him, he's highlighting a fractured divide in the GOP, and that's not way to beat Hillary.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, in his position, you know in his position. So Dana, what do you think about this? Did you ever expect that would occur and what do you think, ultimately, you know the impact would be?

PERINO: I thought it was bold. And I think in the long -- looking back, I think, people will say it's pretty wise, like, At least for the speaker of the House. There has been a hostile disruption of the Republican Party. And for better or worse, what happens after disruption and a destruction is the rebuilding. And what Paul Ryan was saying is that, I`m not, I'm not there yet. He left the door open. They are going to have a meeting on Thursday. I don't think they are going to have like some big announcement afterwards and say, OK, now we are all on team Trump and we are of all -- full steam ahead, but that door is open. I mean, you have to -- you build up a party over time. And Trump is right, he may be able to win without the traditional GOP, but there is a significant chunk of people, conservatives, lifelong republicans who said, I just don't think I can do it. But they are also saying what Paul Ryan is saying which is, I can't support Hillary, either. So I actually think Trump should thank Paul Ryan for two reasons. One --


PERINO: Paul Ryan needs to preserve the House. And when he -- what you are looking at when Charlie Cook does his little lean-republican, anti- republican in terms of the determination for down ballot, all but one of Senate seat that they were watching is now -- less than it with was favorable for republicans before. I can't remember just like sort of strong republican, now it is likely or likely to toss up. That's happening all across on the House side, too and that majority is usually assured. So Paul Ryan has a job to do. And Trump, the reason I think he should thank him on this particular point is that, if he becomes president, he's going to really need a strong House majority, at least to preserve it. And right now all the indications are saying that Paul Ryan -- I need to take a pause. It's not the end. It might - he might not ever get there, but here's another thing that Trump should be thankful for. If Ryan does decide to endorse him, you know that it will be sincere and from the heart. And it won't just be because he's an opportunist.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because he's a genuine (inaudible) person. So what do you make of it, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, let's remember, Paul Ryan has been a conservative and a republican, a hell of a lot longer than Donald Trump. So I don't blame him from -- and by the way, this is the way life is in general. You always have to play hard to get. I mean, if you don't just go home with anybody. And I think that he had to be really thoughtful about this. And by the way, if we had somebody on this show, let's say we have somebody, let say "The Five" became the six, right? When they decided it will be at 6 o'clock and they have somebody come on. And they start saying things that we are like, what the hell? He goes like he makes fun of war heroes, he mocks the disabled. He talks about JFK's assassinations and linking it to people. We would all be going like this guy is crazy. And then, because, because we don't want to be linked to it. That's what's going on right now. People don't want to be linked to crazy stuff. The fact is, we have higher standards for this show than have for our candidate.

GUILFOYLE: Wait, we do?

GUTFELD: Yeah, well --


GUTFELD: Aside from me.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, exactly.

GUTFELD: I said --


GUTFELD: But the thing is, you can't -- like if somebody says outrageous things and then says, I -- you should back me.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah.

GUTFELD: It should be no. You have to convince me .

BOLLING: Can I just point out that .

GUTFELD: . that sounds crazy.

BOLLING: . he is going to break a record for the most votes.


BOLLING: . ever gained by a GOP nominee in the history of primaries.

GUTFELD: It's true.

BOLLING: Primary votes.

GUTFELD: That's why he may not -- that what I'm saying. I'm with you.


GUTFELD: If it bothers me -- I don't care if it doesn't bother you, and also, if he doesn't need me, good for him, if he wins without me, good for him.


WILLIAMS: But let me say --

GUTFELD: I'm not an advocate.

WILLIAMS: OK. So that's where Dana's point really comes to play. He needs a unified Republican Party for this reason, he wants to win. You can't have republicans --


BOLLING: Are you sure about the next thing out of your mouth? You can't have a divided Republican Party and still beat Hillary.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so.

BOLLING: I think --

WILLIAMS: I'm gonna tell you something.

BOLLING: This could be --

WILLIAMS: All right, all right. I know, I know -- I think that Donald Trump is already .


WILLIAMS: . at a disadvantage, according to polls, the electoral map. He has got to have a unified strong, republican front backing him. You run for president in this country, you better have some structure behind you. You better have some surrogate and strong voice.

BOLLING: Juan, Mitt Romney got --

WILLIAMS: Let me finish. Let me finish this --

BOLLING: Destroyed.


BOLLING: Got destroyed.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but you can (inaudible) it.

BOLLING: Just read it.

WILLIAMS: I didn't say you can't lose. I just say, it's very hard to win. Republicans are not the majority of the voters. So they need to be strong and unified behind whoever the nominee is. That's, but you know, with over the weekend, listen to this Eric. I mean you are shaking your head at, but listen. Oh, let's hike the minimum wage? Let's hike taxes? I thought that it would any -- he's like, no, you can't do that before, now he's changing again. How are republicans to feel confident in that nominee?

BOLLING: Yeah. He said that he meant hiking taxes from the lower level of his plan. It was he said on taxes. The minimum wage, I've heard him say that before. I heard Bill -- I though heard other conservatives say we need a wage. No one tends to really knows what that wage is. I'm against it.


BOLLING: But he's for it.

WILLIAMS: All I'm saying is this is a flip.

BOLLING: But my point is this.

WILLIAMS: . this is a flop. ] BOLLING: But the -- that primaries brought out .

WILLIAMS: I'm a conservative. Oh, what does my candidate stand for?


GUILFOYLE: Or a general election (inaudible).

BOLLING: Sixty four percent more republican votes than just 50,000 --

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you --


WILLIAMS: If you are putting your money on that one, it's a shaky bet. And that's why you see the donors, the big money guys are now pulling away from the convention.

BOLLING: Just the side of their big Rubio supporters.


WILLIAMS: Let me tell you something --


WILLIAMS: Paul Ryan (inaudible) is you better e-mail him back and ask how he's going to make up that money.

GUILFOYLE: He had some money.

BOLLING: And he is --

GUILFOYLE: Saying that you have --

BOLLING: A few numbers.




PERINO: Well, just along those lines, in terms of like, do you think a Paul Ryan himself is a House speaker? One, a reluctant House speaker he didn't seek the job. His colleagues are like, hey, can you please go along? He became the speaker. One of the things he did to -- and remember the granny being pushed off the cliff, this was an ad that was done by leftist against Paul Ryan, because he is for entitlement reform. And he didn't stick his neck out on Medicare and social security reform in order to preserve those programs without any thought behind it. And I don't think he's willing to just walk away from it when the entire house, republican majority was built on that. Doesn't mean that there are not a lot of republicans that will come along and support Trump in the end, whether they're opportunist or because they believe it, but there's a significant chunk that cannot get there yet. And I think that Paul Ryan did them a service.

GUILFOYLE: All right and let's see. You know what? He could be running in 2020. It's just like Marco Rubio and the rest of them too. It's kind of very interesting times we live in.

GUTFELD: Is it really, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and a reminder.

GUTFELD: What is like?

GUILFOYLE: . to our sponsors that Dana Perino (inaudible).


GUILFOYLE: All right, next. Is this true, Facebook has its own political agenda? It's all about allegations by former employees who say they were forced to ignore certain story that were trending. Those details when "The Five" returns. Stay with us.


BOLLING: Last month, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took shots at Donald Trump and bragged about his company's mission to give all people a voice.


MARK ZUCKERBERG, FACEBOOK FOUNDER: I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as others. I think the work that we're all doing is so important, because we can actually give more people a voice. Instead of building walls, we can help people build bridges and instead of dividing people, we can help bring people together.


BOLLING: But, we're learning Facebook is doing just the opposite: suppressing some voices on its sites, conservative ones. According to Gizmodo, several former curators for Facebook's trending news section say they were instructed to ignore stories on Republicans like Rand Paul or Mitt Romney or to blacklist conservative media outlets, like The Drudge Report, even though they were trending among its site's users.

We reached out to Facebook for a statement. Here's what they provided us. Quote, "We take allegations of bias very seriously. Facebook is a platform for people and perspectives from across the political spectrum. There are rigorous guidelines in place for the review team to ensure consistency and neutrality. These guidelines do not permit the suppression of political perspectives."

Problem is, K.G...


BOLLING: ... we have a couple whistleblowers who say the exact opposite, they were, in fact, instructed to suppress conservatives on their trending site. And others, they bump up non-conservative ideas that push down the conservative ones.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no. Lying Facebook. I mean, right? Just go on the site. Do you see Drudge? It's going to creep across the table to you, Greg. Do you see Facebook putting up these kind of...? No. It's for a reason. Again, it's what people suspect. And then somebody finally told the truth. So it wasn't just like conservative media hysteria about being censored. It's actually really happening.

And of all places, like Facebook, why wouldn't you want it there so that you can actually have a variety of viewpoints, opinions and ideas? Because you have an agenda.

GUTFELD: No. The reason why they don't want it there is because it always wins. Wherever restrictions are removed, conservative thought takes over.

If you think about -- if you think about talk radio in 1987, when all of a sudden those restrictions were gone, Rush Limbaugh took over.

When the Internet became a thing, what was the biggest site? Drudge Report. Cable news, CNN for a little while, then all of a sudden, boom! FOX News comes in, becomes No. 1. Wherever restrictions are pulled, conservative thought takes over, because it's thought.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That was almost like a monologue topic. It will be good.


BOLLING: Juan, one of the other interesting pieces of the story that the whistleblowers told us was that Black Lives Matter wasn't trending. Right? So they figure out where the volume is coming in. and Facebook felt bad about that and felt guilty about it, and they forced these curators to push the Black Lives Matter up to the top of trending, and it created an atmosphere. Wow, that's trending; that's important. And it was a self- fulfilling prophesy, after they cheated it.

WILLIAMS: Again, I don't know what the reality because that would obviously be corruption. If that's the fact, you get pushed. You have an agenda, and you're pushing your agenda. Now, I must say, every news organization has an agenda. I don't think there's any question about that.

BOLLING: Ha! You think Facebook -- you're saying Facebook has an agenda?

WILLIAMS: Of course. I think every -- I think, in fact, the people...

GUTFELD: That's not a news organization.


GUTFELD: It's a social network for lonely people like me.

WILLIAMS: It's not a news organization. But it is a news organization. You know how many people get their news from Facebook? It's incredible. I think it's the No. 1 place that people get news now. That's a shock.

BOLLING: The No. 1 site was FOX News last year. No. 1 brand on Facebook, 2015. Facebook, should we stop going to Facebook for our news because of this?

PERINO: Well, no, I don't think so. And I also -- I'm a little skeptical about this. I do think that there could be some, like, rogue person here that's like, do this, do that. But I also think that one of the solutions to this is one of Greg's favorite topics, and that's robots or algorithms. Basically, if you don't have humans actually participating, just turn it over to technology and let that do its job. That would work.

The other thing, Facebook...

GUTFELD: Robots are conservative. They are!

PERINO: ... and other...

WILLIAMS: I always thought so.


BOLLING: The programs are corrupt.

PERINO: The other thing I wanted to mention is that Facebook and other corporations, but certainly Facebook, has been pressured by the left to pull out of the Republican convention in Cleveland. I think it was just last week that they were going to be boycotted. There's all these angry accusations saying that, if you go to the Republican convention, there's going to be, you know, a backlash against you from the left.

And Facebook said, "No, we are going to the convention." They participated in one of the -- I think the debates that we had in South Carolina...

WILLIAMS: They sure did.

PERINO: One of the FOX sponsors. And so I -- I also would say this. Social media has been a great equalizer for conservatives. Ask Ben Carson. He was able to actually fund an entire campaign asking for small donations based on Facebook. So it might not be the place where you want to get your news, but it's not going away. And I think that maybe if they use more of their algorithms, this problem would go away.

WILLIAMS: Well, part of the problem, I think, is from their perspective, one, that the leakers here were not Facebook employees. They were consultants.

And the second thing is that if people bombard the site and decide, "I want to raise the profile of some specific issue," they can do it. So they're trying to counter influence coming from any one political perspective.

GUILFOYLE: Like floating up Black Lives Matter?

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it there?

GUTFELD: Also, I want to also add that Zuckerberg wants to be loved. He makes so much money, he feels so insecure. He wants some liberal love, I think.

GUILFOYLE: I like that psychology.

BOLLING: All right. Next, wounded warriors back in action, facing off for the second annual Invictus Games. Our salute to them when "The Five" returns.


PERINO: The 2016 Invictus Games underway in Orlando, Florida. The competitors aren't ordinary athletes. They are extraordinary ones. More than 500 wounded warriors, heroes from 14 countries are competing in 11 paralympic sports. The games were founded last year by Britain's Prince Harry. Kimberly is going to like this. He's a veteran himself.


PRINCE HARRY, UNITED KINGDOM: Over the next four days, you will see things that in years past just wouldn't have been possible. You will see people who, by rights, should have died in the battlefield. But instead, they are going for gold on the track or in the pool. Mark my words: you will be inspired. You will be moved. And I promise, you will be entertained.


PERINO: This year's honorary chair is former president, George W. Bush. He hopes the competition will help heal some of the invisible injuries of war.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We are dealing with two disabilities, one you can see and one you can't see. I'm deeply concerned about the ones you can't see, PBI or PTS.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Former commander in chief, what do you see your role as?

BUSH: I see my role as making sure our vets know that I'll never forget them. Even though I'm not in office, I care for them as much now as I did when I was in office. And that I intend to use whatever capabilities I have to get them the help they need.


PERINO: Truly inspiring.



PERINO: ... I talked to the president's spokesperson today who said that the president said it was so cool to see the teams banding together. Because although it's a competition, they were all there, like working towards the same goal. And that this really is the effort to try to deal with their sports and recovery. And then there's these invisible wounds of war that are -- like the post-traumatic stress that people are trying to deal with.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And he has always emphasized, the president has -- 43, his concern for the wounds you cannot see, for the mental stress. When you think about the task that we have given our warriors, you know, just in the past, even 20 years, with multiple deployments, especially the heavy task that's been felt by Special Ops and Special Forces going back out.

Some of the people who are on some of these teams have gone out 13 different times in a row on a mission. What happens to the body, to the mind, to the psyche, to the family is so profound, you know, in addition to the physical manifestation of -- of the injury. This is really important. I'm glad to see it getting the attention that it deserves with the president there. And then also Prince Harry, who's always been involved...

PERINO: Michelle Obama was there, too.

Eric, this is the only international adaptive sporting event for injured, active duty or retired veterans. So a great -- somebody saw a great opportunity.

BOLLING: Yes. It's amazing. Listen, God bless these men and women who are participating there. God bless everyone who's putting the event on, as well. And I don't know. Are they raising money? Can they -- is there an area to raise, to help, you know, support some of these people? I have no idea.

PERINO: I'm not sure about the -- where the money goes. I know that they're certainly at the Bush Center and many other places. They have a specific effort for post-traumatic stress. But this effort, overall, Greg, is one you have people from all over the world coming together. They might actually have been in a battle against each other at some point.

GUTFELD: That's amazing. The other amazing thing about this is that they're not the heroes. Think about the innovators of battlefield medicine. That if it wasn't for the last maybe 20 or 30 years, a lot of these people would not have survived these -- these injuries on a battlefield if it wasn't for the advancements.

They also serve as a reminder of how infantile the safe space movement is. While, you know, there are 19-year-olds on campuses demanding a safe space from words, these men and woman are going to unsafe places to defend the right for these wusses to talk about safe places.

So whenever you -- the people, they should go to the campuses so safe spacers can see.

BOLLING: They'd probably protest, though.

GUTFELD: Yes, they'd probably -- they would.

PERINO: It made me think, Juan, that nothing I do will ever be that hard.


PERINO: I was just thinking that watching this today made me think that nothing I will do this week will be anywhere near as hard as what these people are going to do.

WILLIAMS: I mean, you've got to admire them, even as athletes. You think of people who are taking part in the most aggressive, competitive situation. But imagine doing that with the kind of disability that affects people who gave lost a limb and also, as you were pointing out, people who suffer post-traumatic stress. These are really people who are extraordinary and going to extraordinary lengths.

To me, sitting here, what it reminds me of is the cost of war and the cost that, you know, we put young people in harm's way. And the question is, some of them don't come back. But those who do come back deserve our love, our support, our affection.

PERINO: And their ability to participate in sports like they would have before.

OK. She's back. Thirty years after her debut, the church lady returns to "SNL," this time to chime in on the presidential race. I'm supposed to say, isn't that special?


WILLIAMS: "SNL" has been having a field day with this year's wild presidential race. Viewers got a special surprise this Saturday night, a sermon from the Church Lady. Dana Carvey reprising his iconic role. Watch this.


DANA CARVEY, COMEDIAN: My first guest is someone I've talked about quite a bit here on "Church Chat," but we've never actually met face-to-face. Please welcome Satan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can actually just call me Ted Cruz.

CARVEY: Does Johnny ever take a gander at the holy scripture?

DARRELL HAMMOND, ANNOUNCER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": Honestly, I love all the books in the Bible. I do. They're all terrific. Corinthians, Part Deux. Book of Revelations. Two Genesis, Two Furious. Which says, and I quote, "Love thy neighbor as thyself, and like a good neighbor, State Farm is there."

CARVEY: Well, isn't that special?


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: So this wasn't the first time that, in fact, he interviewed the fake Donald Trump. He did that back in 1990, when Trump was involved in a sex scandal with Marla Marples [SIC]. So this is like...

GUTFELD: Marla Maples.

PERINO: Marla Maples.

WILLIAMS: So this is, like -- Maples, Marples, whatever. But you know, Miss Marple, whatever. But anyway, so Trump is back, but now, he's the Republican nominee. What did you think?

Nobody had any thoughts? Nobody?

PERINO: It was funny.

GUTFELD: It was funny. I thought it was funny. I love Dana Carvey. I love him as Garth, and I love -- he hasn't aged.

BOLLING: He's amazing -- he does a George Bush, too.

PERINO: He does, 41.

GUTFELD: He's an incredibly gifted impressionist.

PERINO: I don't know if he does a 43, but his 41 is spectacular. Also, the great thing about this is now that younger viewers are getting exposed to the Church Lady. It's going to help at the workplace, if you're at the water cooler, Generation X talking to millennials. Now everybody knows who the Church Lady is.

GUTFELD: That's an interesting and bizarre point.

By the way, he's my second favorite Dana.




GUTFELD: Happy birthday.

GUILFOYLE: Somebody put little hearts around him. Too cute for words.

WILLIAMS: Let me ask. I'm going to ask you, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Lay it on me, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Is our pal, Ted Cruz, forever now known as Lucifer in the flesh?

GUILFOYLE: No. I don't think so. I mean, look, he can go on and reinvent himself. It was unfortunate it was the last thing sort of said right before he got out. I mean, right?

WILLIAMS: I know, I know. I just think, boy, that's tough.

GUILFOYLE: But there are shows that are very popular on TV and there's good movies.

WILLIAMS: Between Lyin' Ted and this, poor guy.

"One More Thing" up next.

GUTFELD: A bad boy.


GUTFELD: All right, Kimberly. You lead off "One More Thing."

GUILFOYLE: I do, because today is a very special day, because it's happy birthday, baby, Dana Perino.

PERINO: Oh, my. Is that kale?

GUILFOYLE: Twenty-one again. Listen, this is a full-on party. Perfect. Thanks, John. Love you so much.

PERINO: On your debut.

GUTFELD: What's the chips for?

GUILFOYLE: We got a discount after Cinco de Mayo. So we got chips, salsa, and some tasty guac, plus the...


PERINO: I made a wish, but they were telling me in my ear to blow it out, because apparently, we're going to have, like, sprinklers come down, and it would ruin our hair.

GUILFOYLE: Was it -- was it for no more Tuesday midnight shows?

PERINO: Yes. No. 1.

WILLIAMS: I like it. It's a rose.

PERINO: See, I was thinking -- thank you all for this. I was thinking this is the fifth birthday that I've spent with you guys.



PERINO: We're on our fifth year, and we're going to have our anniversary July 11. So...

GUTFELD: That's going to be a huge party.

PERINO: Get ready for that. They call it deep seas (ph).

GUTFELD: We're having it in Madison Square Garden, and all the viewers are invited. Did you guys know this?

GUILFOYLE: We'll have a deejay. We'll have a deejay.

GUTFELD: We'll have -- Van Halen is going to play.

BOLLING: Paul White (ph) is going to be there, too.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. And Axl Rose is going to be in for David Lee Roth, after he's done with AC/DC.

GUILFOYLE: Someone is going to write you, thinking that's true.

PERINO: Well, thank you so much.

BOLLING: Jim Morrison may come out of retirement.

GUTFELD: They're digging him up.

GUILFOYLE: And also, Peter is here, your fabulous husband. Peter, thank you for being part of our birthday soiree. You should have brought at least Flat Jasper.

WILLIAMS: There we go.

GUTFELD: Flat Jasper. Flasper.

GUILFOYLE: Happy birthday, Dana.

PERINO: Thank you so much. We went to Quebec City for the weekend. I was scoping out Canada.

GUTFELD: Wait, is this...

PERINO: For anybody who's interested.

GUTFELD: ... is this your "One More Thing"?

PERINO: Yes, I was going to do my "One More Thing." Should I not?

GUTFELD: Yes, go.

PERINO: OK. That's Bob Vander Meer, and he took us around the old city.

GUTFELD: Bob, that's where he is!

PERINO: And he -- he's from western Michigan. We got along great. And I would just highly recommend a quick trip up there. It's only an hour's flight. It took longer to get back through customs at JFK than it did to go there and back.

GUTFELD: What's Quebec's motto?

PERINO: Worth doing.

GUTFELD: It's worth doing.

PERINO: Worth doing. Yes. I loved it. We had a great time, so thank you.

GUTFELD: Excellent.

PERINO: And now I shall eat.

GUILFOYLE: I think you have to eat some, because it's...


WILLIAMS: Well, I had a great weekend. Let me just tell you, the most fun. May wedding bells ringing in my family three times this month. And on Saturday in Massachusetts, it was Chris and Aubrey, my nephew, married. Here comes the bride with her dad. Then they are christened. Aubrey's standing there. In fact, her brother was the officiant.

And then, that's me with my sister, who came from Geneva. I haven't seen her in five years. And my brother. And I'm standing on a chair so I can be taller than Tony and Raffi, my sons.

And there, look, Morgan, Raffi's girlfriend, caught the bouquet, and then Raffi caught the garter. So there they are.

PERINO: Uh-oh. Next wedding.

WILLIAMS: And there the grandkids. They couldn't take this wedding stuff, so they had to get on a computer. You know that thing. And there I am at breakfast at Friendly's with the grandkids, which is, let me tell you, Gregory, you couldn't tolerate it. It's an experience that -- with 3-year- olds.

GUTFELD: Those are all the pictures?


GUTFELD: I thought maybe you might have some more.

WILLIAMS: I do, I do. But you know, I thought you would mock me.

PERINO: He's a proud family man.

BOLLING: I'll go very quickly. So Saturday night, Toronto at Miami, NBC playoffs. This happened during the singing of the Canadian national anthem. Take a look.

So what happened there is Dwayne Wade, star player from Miami, was taking shots, warm-up shots. He was trying to make his last shot. He's very superstitious, trying to make that last shot before he lined up for the national anthem. But they got well into the national anthem before he made that lineup.


BOLLING: So he's taking a lot of heat for that. Game four tonight. I guarantee he's on that line before the singing.

GUTFELD: All right. Real quick...



GUTFELD: Greg's Therapy Session


PERINO: Oh, great.

GUTFELD: So we're going to close out this show with something that's going to make you feel very calm. Just watch this. Take a look. Just take it full. If this doesn't make you happy, you're dead.




GUILFOYLE: What are they doing? They're just chasing each other?

GUTFELD: This is my -- this is therapy. If you just stare at this long enough, you'll feel good.

BOLLING: It's Dobbs and Hemmer having a weird Saturday night.

GUTFELD: That's only on Saturday night. All right. "Special Report" up next.

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