
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 29, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING,  CO-HOST: Hello, everyone and happy Super Tuesday eve. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Jesse Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this right here is "The Five."

The GOP candidates are spread out across the country today and the last hour push before the biggest day of this primary season, yet. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are fighting hard to stop Donald Trump in his tracks, but the polls indicate, Trump might be unstoppable. A new national survey shows Trump with a gigantic lead, 49 percent with Rubio trailing at 16 percent, and Ted Cruz came in third at 15 percent. As the battle royal nears, the attacks have grown increasingly personal between the front-runner and the guy in the second and third place.


SEN. MARCO RUBIO, R-FLA., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He's always calling me little Marco. And I'll admit, the guy, he's taller than me by 6'2", which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2". Have you seen his hands?


RUBIO: They're like this. And you know what they say about man with hands.


RUBIO: You can't trust them.

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm running against very dishonest people, all right? Little Marco Rubio, a total, total featherweight, he's not a lightweight, he's not cool, he sweats too much and I don't want him negotiating for us.

RUBIO: He doesn't sweat because his pores are clogged from the spray tan that he uses.


RUBIO: Donald is not going to make America great, he's going to make America orange.



BOLLING: This election is being played on an emotional level. Many elections come down to specific policies or party, loyalty, or economic events, but not this one. Trump has tapped into the emotion of a ticked off American electorate, Rubio and Cruz, late to the game, trying to fight Trump with his own tactical assaults. But are they too late? -- KG.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah. I mean, It's literally as it sounding like, you know Beavis and Butthead, back and forth. And I don't know what Marco is doing like, whoa. Pull the rip cord on this. Because number one, calling yourself little Marco is not helping. Like don't repeat the insult. And if you notice, like his hands don't look that big either. So I wouldn't be saying.


GUILFOYLE: . and putting that attention, and by the way, for the record. I don't think that's an accurate indicator.

BOLLING: Oh. Wow, OK. It's point out to --

GUILFOYLE: Helpful information.


BOLLING: Juan, tell us a little bit about --


GUILFOYLE: Look around the table.


GUILFOYLE: Hide your hands.

BOLLING: Now Cruz and Rubio are both going after Donald Trump. I'm surprised to see Marco Rubio using some of the same tactics that Donald Trump has used effectively against him. Some say it's great, they like it. Other say, hey, this is, this is our party here we're dealing with.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Boy, there's so much packed in there, Eric. The first thing to say is, I think from Rubio's perspective. One, he thought that this was beneath him. And he didn't want to go there, right? But then he also thought that the electorate might reject this that the republican electorate wasn't going to accept Trump. And the numbers you sighted at the top today, I think you saw it 49 percent now backing Trump. It was at 46 --

BOLLING: Forty-nine, forty-nine, yeah.

WILLIAMS: That's better than even what he did in Nevada when he got into the mid-40s with the results there. So it looks like he's actually gained momentum. So I think now Rubio and Cruz feel they've got to get in the ring with the champ, fight on his terms, but they look like challengers. And this kind of petty school yard bullying I was saying a moment ago, you know, I just don't -- I think it's very unattractive. Not good for the party.

BOLLING: What do you think, Dana?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think that for a long time, the style that Trump was bringing to the race was exciting a lot of people, and nobody -- or I shouldn't say nobody, but many people didn't criticize him for using a hurling insults because it was refreshing and it was fun to see some be able to like punch. So then when the challengers, and they certainly are challengers, try to use the same tactics and they get their crowds going, and the crowds are laughing and things and I mean, it's not my style. But I don't think that you can criticize them from actually trying it.

BOLLING: Now Jesse, is it working or is it too little too late? I shouldn't say too little because frankly, Rubio -- he's bringing it. He's bringing the same tactics.

JESSE WATTERS, GUEST HOST: You know, some of those --

BOLLING: But it is too late.

WATTERS: Some of those lines are pretty funny. I think it's easy to stop a man, but it's harder to stop a movement. And I think Trump right now is becoming a movement. You've seen him go from 20 to 30 to 40, now to 49 percent. I'm all over the country. I'm in Missouri, Oregon, Arizona, it's like Howard Dean. But people are excited about this guy. And they're very enthusiastic. And you have, quote/unquote "conservatives for years" who said they want someone who's tough on the border, tough on the press, tax cutter grows the party, everything Donald does, checks that box. But I just hope that these people mobilize against Hillary the way they're mobilizing against Donald Trump. And another thing, have you Rubio getting down in the mud and I'm not calling Donald Trump a pig, but there is a saying.

BOLLING: Yes, it is.

WATTERS: . is when you wrestle with a pig, two things happen.

BOLLING: You shouldn't do it.

WATTERS: You get dirty and the pig likes it.


WATTERS: And Trump's been jerking these guys around the whole time. He's jerking them overboard, over on the Muslims, over on the border. Now he's jerking them in the school yard. I don't think it looks that way.

BOLLING: Can I throw before we go to the next topic? Can I just throw this around very quickly? The numbers; Super Tuesday is tomorrow. The numbers, (inaudible) I'll do this with you. Alabama, 50 delegates, Trump up by 23. Georgia, Trump up by 18 -- 76 delegates there. Oklahoma, 43, Trump by 12. Tennessee, 58 delegates, Trump by 18. Here's the point. The RNC between 2012 and now escalated the delegate push-out. In other words, they wanted the front-runner to get a lot more of the delegates. So some of the rules - - the new rules instituted between 2012 and now favor a front-runner.

WILLIAMS: Oh, absolutely.

BOLLING: Is this a law of unintended consequences?

WILLIAMS: It is. It is. And I think that's why you see -- but they favor him on both sides, actually, now. If you get the momentum going, and I think psychologically at this point we're at a pivot. Tomorrow, you said the biggest day, Election Day so far. But you know it's the biggest Election Day period in this season.


WILLIAMS: So you're going to have -- I think it's more to thousands, but 500 plus on --

BOLLING: Five ninety five.

WILLIAMS: On the republican side, right?


WILLIAMS: And you look at the numbers you just sited. And you see that, in fact, you don't -- you know, Rubio needs to start winning. Cruz needs to surpass expectations in the south, where the evangelical community is strongest. And he -- and I don't see how he gets enough delegates at this point to going forward, challenge Donald Trump.

BOLLING: All right. Well, start about this. Today, Trump tried to clear up a racially charged controversy involving unsolicited support from former KKK leader David Duke. He disavowed the endorsement Trump did on Friday, but faced criticism for not repeating his remark again on a Sunday show yesterday. Here's how he explains why he didn't.


TRUMP: I'm sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad ear piece that they gave me. And you could hardly hear what he was saying. But what I heard was various groups. And I don't mind disavowing anybody. And I disavowed David Duke, and I disavowed him the day before at a major news conference. Now I go and I sit down again, I have a lousy ear piece that is provided by them. And frankly, he talked about groups, he also talked about groups. And I have no problem with disavowing groups, but at least like to know who they, who they are.


BOLLING: OK, Jesse, we'll bring it around this way.

WATTERS: I think the ear piece must have been made in China. It was a lousy ear piece, bad earpiece, a few things here, though. Hillary Clinton actively sought out the endorsement of democratic KKK Senator Robert Byrd. Donald Trump didn't seek out any endorsement he disavowed it, that's one. Also, Barack Obama sat in racist Reverend Wright's church pews for 20 years; never even disavowed it. And all of a sudden -- Trump, I don't think he sat in David Duke's pews. Third thing, I remember when the new Black Panther party endorsed Obama in 2008. But I don't remember.


WATTERS: "Meet the Press" saying, do you disavow this? You know, whenever it's a whack job, racist, republican being endorsed or doing the endorsing, the media wants to --

BOLLING: And by the way.

WATTERS: They bury it on the left.

BOLLING: Can I throw this in here? Also, Dana, you weigh in on this. But CNN, they kept going after it. They kept going -- the guy said, look, I disavowed it already. Can we move on?

GUILFOYLE: You know what it is?

BOLLING: Does anyone as it -- did CNN hold anyone else to that event?

GUILFOYLE: You know what, struggling, struggling. This is CNN, trying to be in the top spot. They're not going to get there. They're trying to make something out of nothing. It's like tag us along in the news cycle, so there's more focus on them. It's very transparent. It's very obvious to me what they're doing.


GUILFOYLE: It's not working, either.

PERINO: But one thing I think that, with this momentum or the movement comes an awesome responsibility and an opportunity for somebody like Donald Trump. So he disavowed David Duke before. One of the things that helped eradicate -- not eradicate, but to denounce the KKK was ridicule, and that really came from popular culture. And Donald Trump is in a perfect position now if he chose to further ridicule them and snuff out the hate. And I -- he has an opportunity to do that. He will, no doubt, he asked this again, maybe not here, but other places. And let's not kid ourselves, in the general election, would this be an issue that the democrats are going to push and push on? Yes. They might not be fair to what the point that you just made, but let's not kid ourselves -- that is coming.

BOLLING: Final thoughts on this, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Well, I -- you know, I just -- Senator Byrd was in United States Senate and long ago, stop being involved with the KKK.

WATTERS: He was a wizard, right?


WATTERS: He was the dragon.

BOLLING: No, he was a member.

WATTERS: He was a member.

WILLIAMS: Long ago --

WATTERS: It was some legal aspects.

WILLIAMS: This is back in the 30s, and we're talking about something far for. And you know this idea.


WILLIAMS: . the new Black Panther party -- my god, let me get the new Black Panther party is intimidating, scaring people, setting houses on fire like the KKK.

BOLLING: No, they're intimidating people at the voting booth.


BOLLING: Let's move on. The latest --

WILLIAMS: No, no. I think white people do that. They want to know -- ones like the other, no, Jesse.

BOLLING: All right. Let's move on. The latest poll out of Texas shows Ted Cruz is in the lead there, but will it be enough? Yesterday, he got very defensive when questioned about some of his campaign tactics by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.


CHRIS WALLACE, HOST, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY": In Iowa, the Cruz campaign sent out tweets saying Ben Carson was suspending his campaign. That was false. The campaign put out flyers, accusing people of voting violations -- that was false. Your then communications director posted a link this week, accusing Rubio of disrespecting the bible. That was false. What does it say about the culture of the campaign you're running?

SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TEXAS, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Chris, every accusation you raised there is incorrect. I appreciate you reading the Donald Trump attack file on that.

WALLACE: Come on, sir.

CRUZ: Let me tell you, our campaign has been --

WALLACE: You personally -- wait a minute.


WALLACE: You personally apologize to Ben Carson on a debate stage.


WALLACE: You fired your communications director. Don't say this is an oppo file on our part, sir.


BOLLING: Yeah, I think Chris Wallace was equally tough on everyone that day.


PERINO: Yeah, Chris Wallace -- it's not an easy interview to do. And So Ted Cruz probably knew that he was going to have to face some of those questions. I think his answer probably wasn't that great. And Chris Wallace had a very good pint, on those two points in particular, public apologies to Carson and then firing of the communications director were both acknowledgements in a there were problems in the campaign that he had to deal with.

WILLIAMS: Did you see the end of that interview, by the way?

BOLLING: I did. I did.

WILLIAMS: At the end of the interview --


WILLIAMS: Chris Wallace says goodbye senator. And he sits there with a stoned face like --


WILLIAMS: You take a leap, Chris. I thought Chris was terrific on it, didn't back down one step.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I like it. I thought he was super fair. Some like, and on point, these are legitimate questions that need to be answered. He has every right to ask those questions. I mean, I think it's, you know, it's incumbent upon him to do so. We didn't ask it. He wouldn't be doing his job. He handled himself well and he didn't allow himself to be bullied. Good on you, Wallace.

BOLLING: What does that tell you about Ted Cruz when he has to say, hey, I don't want to answer that question. This is clearly oppo research from Trump.

WATTERS: I think whether it's Ted Cruz, or Donald Trump, or Marco Rubio, when you're a republican running for president and you're complaining about Fox News, not a good look.

BOLLING: All right.

WATTERS: Whoever you are.

BOLLING: That's people right there. Hillary Clinton seems to be easing up on her attacks on Bernie Sanders, and gearing up for the general election battle, instead. Her latest swipe at the republican front-runner, Donald Trump -- next.


GUILFOYLE: On this eve of Super Tuesday, a new poll shows Hillary Clinton in a very good position to beat out Bernie Sanders for the nomination. It seems she's already looking beyond tomorrow's contest and setting her sights on the general election and republican front-runner, Donald Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Despite what you hear, we don't need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great.


CLINTON: But we do need to make America whole again.


CLINTON: Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers.


CLINTON: We need to show by everything we do, that we really are in this together.


GUILFOYLE: Start with you. Interestingly, if the election were held today, Trump wouldn't beat her. According to a recent Fox poll, Rubio, Kasich and Cruz would, in fact. Dana, welcome back. Hope you're feeling better.

PERINO: Well, thank you. I am much better. Yeah, so she sold it up on Saturday. I thought it was sort of strange that actually she had this decisive win on Saturday; that somebody I really have come to like and I've seen her on air a lot is the congresswoman from Hawaii named Tulsi Gabbard. She's a democrat from Hawaii. And on that day, she says, "I cannot -- I can no longer be a part of the DNC, I'm going to have to resign because I'm going to support Bernie Sanders. That the future is too important." And I thought why are you doing that now on a day when Bernie, basically is out of the running that she is going to be the nominee? And I would say that winning looks good on Hillary Clinton, right? So she had a little bit more pep in her step on Saturday night, knowing that that problem, the Bernie Sanders problem is for the most part now behind her.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, she seems that, you know, relieved and doesn't look quite so stressed. But nevertheless, a long campaign ahead -- Bolling.

BOLLING: Maybe Bill Clinton can now stop telling marines to shut up and getting thrown out of campaign ads.

GUILFOYLE: How about that?

BOLLING: Or -- listen, look. She has it.


BOLLING: It's over, she's got it. They may as well enjoy it. The question - - and you know what's really surprising, and Juan, he can win in this. She did better with African-Americans than Barack Obama did.

WILLIAMS: Absolutely.

BOLLING: . in South Carolina.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: Better than Barack Obama do that. That is just amazing. If that -- you have to feel for Bernie Sanders. He still has to go through the motions now to go in these events, and knowing that she probably got this thing locked up fairly quickly.

WILLIAMS: But don't forget that, you mean congressional black caucus; a lot of the black establishment had been behind Hillary Clinton in '08, until Obama came in. And it was clear that the black voters around the country were rallying to this young, idealistic young guy at that point, and these people had the change. But I think it is incredible to start to look back - -

BOLLING: I'll be back and vote.

WILLIAMS: Yes, she got 90 -- 80 plus percent of the vote -- unbelievable.


WILLIAMS: And I will say this that it -- what's striking to me is going into tomorrow. The only place that Bernie sanders lead is his home state of Vermont and Massachusetts, which is not far from Vermont. The rest of the country, Bernie Sanders is hoping that he'll do something in the upper Midwest. He's looking at like, Minnesota. He's looking a little bit like Colorado. He's thinking about Oklahoma, maybe, you know where he is --

BOLLING: These aren't states with a lot of delegate accounts.

WILLIAMS: No. That's where our eyes are going, at the -- so the states he's looking at where he has some potential, maybe 300 delegates.


WILLIAMS: She's got a lock on about 500 plus.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Jesse would comment on that.

WATTERS: Yeah. He's a momentum candidate and his momentum is officially dead. Black people are not feeling the burn. You're going to see that all over the country now. I think what he's going to do, he's going to spend a lot of money, he's staying in the race, Hillary is going to have to spend money, the kind of shell them up a little bit. And then he's going to try to squeeze out a plumb speaking spot at the DNC. People are going to clap for him more than they're gonna clap for Hillary. Maybe he wiggles his way on to the ticket. That ticket could term people out, who knows? I just don't think she has the stomach to put him on the ticket.


WATTERS: . because she doesn't like to be upstaged.


GUILFOYLE: They wouldn't do that.


GUILFOYLE: They don't like to share the spotlight.

All right, how about a little bit more? Yeah?

Final batch of Hillary Clinton's e-mails will be released likely within an hour -- can't wait. Bret Baier -- you'll love him right, got the chance to question Attorney General Loretta Lynch about the investigation for the first time. This is huge because this is an exclusive interview and it airs tonight.


BRET BAIER, HOST, "SPECIAL REPORT": Shouldn't American voters know Hillary Clinton's legal status as they get prepared to head to the polls?

LORETTA LYNCH, ATTORNEY GENERAL: What they should know and what I hope they do know is that any case that the Department of Justice looks at is going to be handled efficiently, fairly, thoroughly without any kind of artificial deadline on it. Because what's most important is to follow the facts, follow the law and come to an independent conclusion as to what may or may not have happened.

BAIER: Would you ever have a private server?


GUILFOYLE: Whoa. What a cliffhanger that was. What a tease, his way to tease us, Bret. Make sure to tune in for the rest of that important interview that is 6:00 p.m. tonight, eastern -- Special Report.

All right, everybody, what do you think? This is pretty impressive, because she sat down with him. I want to see this --

BOLLING: But why?

GUILFOYLE: Why did she do it?

BOLLING: Why? You're the litigator there, you're the legal eagle. Why would the attorney general sit down the day -- a couple hours before 3800 e-mails of Hillary Clinton are going to get released? Is she trying to change the narrative in front of it? To let people --

GUILFOYLE: Trying to get ahead of the story.

BOLLING: Is that what is this all about?

GUILFOYLE: And guessing, get out in front of it. And the best place to do that is the network that has the most viewers, you know, and that's Fox. Come here, talk to someone like Bret Baier and try to show that -- oh, in fact, justice is on top of this, we're investigating. We're taking it seriously. Because depending on what's released it can be quite damaging. And this, hopefully, likely is going to go forward with a grand jury.

WATTERS: Well, I don't think there's anything juicy left, she's probably deleted all that good stuff. Lynch isn't going to prosecute. I think she'll be indicted, but they're not going to bring charges because Obama cares more about his legacy than the law. If a republican is elected and then the AG comes in, he's starts bringing charges against Hillary. She's going to play the gender card so hard. She might start wearing skirts. You are not going to see a gender card played like this --

GUILFOYLE: But this is --


GUILFOYLE: But this is why she has to win the presidency.

WATTERS: That's right. There is only --

GUILFOYLE: Or she gonna go --if she doesn't win, she's going to be --

WATTERS: It's jail or the White House.


WATTERS: Jail or the White House.



WATTERS: She's going to play it hard, Bolling. I know you don't want to see that in a skirt but --

GUILFOYLE: He almost had --

WATTERS: It is going to happen.

GUILFOYLE: He almost had to be resuscitated, please.


GUILFOYLE: All right? Juan, what do you think?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think it's -- make this (inaudible). I think it's more than 5500 pages of her e-mails have been released. This is the final batch, right, that's coming out, right?

BOLLING: Thirty-eight hundred.


BOLLING: . Juan.

WILLIAMS: And out of that, we got about 1800 where people say now, oh, we think it might have been classified or not. But still, to my mind, zip. I even read today in the Wall Street Journal editorial page, they were saying, you know, the only thing that can stop Hillary, given what we just talked about in terms of her mounting lead in the race is that she would be indicted or something like that. And even the journal said, not likely.

WATTERS: Yeah, the journal's always right, Juan.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Way to nail those Valerie Jarrett talking points.

WILLIAMS: Oh my, gosh.

GUILFOYLE: All right, stay tuned --

WILLIAMS: There's Chris Wallace.


GUILFOYLE: Where is Chris? We love Chris Wallace. Stay tuned because you are in for a special treat ahead. That's right. Bill Hemmer is going to join us next at his touch screen to help get up to speed on what we should expect tomorrow on Super Tuesday. Don't go away.


PERINO: We are less than 24 hours away now from the biggest delegate bonanza of the 2016 primary season, a day that could prove decisive for both parties. And joining us now for a special Super Tuesday primer is America's Newsroom host, Bill Hemmer.


PERINO: Live from America's election headquarters. Keeping it warm up there for tomorrow night?

HEMMER: I'm trying. It's a big empty room. We miss you --


PERINO: Give us a big picture about tomorrow. How big is this day?

HEMMER: It's complicated. I think the easiest way to understand it Dana, is that you'll have 13, 14 states, right? That will cast the ballot. But 11 will allocate delegates, and that's what really matters in this. The big three, the big prize down here in Texas, they'll be at 155. Number two to that would be Georgia. Georgia checks in at 76. And just north of Georgia, Tennessee and the volunteers say with checks in at 58. Now none of these, Dana, are winner take all. Not in coming on couple of weeks. It's all based on proportion of the vote. So you can make your case, you know, for whatever candidate you're supporting or following. You can either have a really goodnight or a very poor night tomorrow night, but Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, the three most important.

PERINO: All right, Eric Bolling, you love the numbers.

BOLLING: Yeah, I do. Hemmer, you know, for a while now, I said -- I'm really trying to figure out a path for either Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz, because it looks to me like Donald Trump has a locked down based on double- digit leads in the states you talk about Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, everyone except Texas. And Texas goes proportional. So if everyone comes in near each other, there's no advantage. Show me --

HEMMER: That's a great point.

BOLLING: Show me a path that's not Donald Trump.

HEMMER: I don't know if I can do that right now, because he's ahead in 10 of the 11 states. But let's just take this for example. And Eric, this is just might be real, OK? This not based on fact. You've 500 -- let me change that color here, guys. Hang on. It's OK. Come on, work with me. Beautiful. So you've got 595 delegates up for grabs under republican side tomorrow night.

Let's say the polls are right, 10 of 11 have Trump in the lead, right? I would say this, of that 595, if I gave Donald Trump 250 of those delegates, and based on the polling, that might be a very low number. So I give Cruz and Rubio, because they've been trading votes. Maybe a hundred and fifty for Rubio, hundred fifty for Cruz, and now you see -- and again, I think this is conservative for Trump. I think this is probably on the high side for both Cruz and Rubio at the moment, if the polling is right. But you see the difference where Trump is up a hundred delegates. Even under that scenario, Eric, you see how the calendar works against you if you're in second or third place, and you see how much more difficult it is to catch up to Donald Trump.

And I'll give you one more example here, because we're all talking about Super Tuesday tomorrow, which again, is no winner-take-all. In two weeks from tomorrow, March 15, this is winner-take-all. That's Ohio, 66 delegates. Does John Kasich have a chance? Can Rubio win in Ohio? What about Florida? That's the same day, winner-take-all, 99 delegates. Can Marco Rubio win his home state? Also that day you've got Illinois and Missouri.

BOLLING: He's down by -- he's down by 19 in his own state.

HEMMER: I get it, but you asked me to find a scenario, and that's what I'm trying to do here. If Rubio finishes -- if he gets shut out tomorrow, he's going to have to win his home state of Florida. He's going to have to find a way to win Ohio. And that's -- that's what they're up against right now.

PERINO: A question from K.G.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Hemmer, drop some knowledge on me about Georgia peach. What's going on with the state of Georgia? How's the race looking?

HEMMER: I was looking into this earlier today. And we talked about this on "America's Newsroom." Let me just refresh your memory from South Carolina a couple weeks ago.

Donald Trump is in purple. He won the state with 33 percent of the vote.  But look where Rubio and Cruz are. They're both at 22 percent of the vote.  Identical.

So what's going to happen over here in Georgia? Just this weekend we had a poll from The Wall Street Journal and NBC News, and look what they found.  In the state of Georgia, Trump is at 30 percent, and Rubio and Cruz are tied identical at 23, 23 each. And you know what each campaign would argue. They need to find a way to get Donald Trump one on one, in order to find a way to break through. And that's what they're up against in those two campaigns.

PERINO: All right. Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: Bill, that's a perfect lead-in to what I was going to ask about, which is people dropping out. I don't know if you heard this, but Dr. Carson says that someone's trying to offer him money to get out of the race. And I'm thinking to myself, hmm, just looking at the numbers you displayed, Carson, Kasich, they look like afterthoughts at this point.

HEMMER: Well, I mean, Dr. Carson just wrote a piece today as to why he's staying in the race, and you can read that online, too, at FOXNews.com.

Juan, I would contribute this to the argument right now. We don't really have precedent for this election. And if you -- OK, you want to go back in time, we'll look at some results here in Texas. And we were looking at this earlier today.

You know, the calendar in 2012 was so different. Texas came so much later than it does this year. And in 2012 Romney won it easy with almost 70 percent of the vote.

Go back four years prior, to 2008. Now you try to see where Cruz could effectively win Texas, right? And where would he do that? Well, here's McCain and Huckabee in 2008. McCain's in green; Huckabee is in blue. And look where Huckabee won. Up here around Oklahoma, North Texas, eastern side.

You know, he calls Houston his home, Harris County. I would expect in a lot of ways, perhaps Huckabee [SIC] takes this portion of the state. Is that enough to win Texas? We'll have to see tomorrow night.

But again, the history is not on our side. It's difficult to tell that story. And based on the allocation, that makes it even more difficult, because the states and the rules are complicated, and they vary state to state.

PERINO: All right, Jesse, close us out. Best question yet?

WATTERS: I can't...

PERINO: No pressure.

WATTERS: I can't deliver that.

So Cruz and Rubio, the whole game plan is survive until winner-take-all.  You've mapped out a scenario, they have the best-case scenario for Bolling.

Best-case scenario for Donald Trump. Let's say he takes Texas and racks up huge margins of victory in these proportional states. Is he just going to suck up all the air out of these other two guys, where they're just limping into the second Super Tuesday, and it's not even a game anymore?

HEMMER: My guess, Jesse, is this: If Ted Cruz can't win his home state, he's going to have a tough decision to make tomorrow night. So we'll wait on that.

I believe Rubio, no matter what happens tomorrow night, has the money to stay in past March 8, which is Michigan, which Kasich has talked a lot about. And clearly, as I mentioned on the 15th of March, when you get down to Florida.

By the way, moments ago, Donald Trump suggested that tomorrow night at 9 p.m. Eastern Time he will hold a press conference from Florida. This is not a speech; it's a press conference. That word came out a short time ago.

Talk about, Jesse, dominating the news cycle. Who's done it better so far?  No one better than Trump.

PERINO: All right. Thanks, Bill.

HEMMER: You bet.

PERINO: Last night, America got a brief break from the presidential election, but there was plenty of politics to go around at the Oscars. The highlights of that next.


WATTERS: If you saw the Oscars last night, you might have noticed it was one of the most politically-charged awards shows to date, featuring race speeches, environmental action calls and sexual assault pledges.

Let's start with Chris Rock's opening monologue, entirely dedicated to the diversity controversy surrounding the ceremony.


CHRIS ROCK, COMEDIAN, OSCARS HOST: I'm here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as the white People's Choice Awards.

Jada said she's not coming, protesting. I'm like, "Is she still on a TV show?"

This year, in the in memoriam package, it's just going to be black people that were shot by the cops on their way to the movies.

Is Hollywood is racist? You're damn right, Hollywood's racist. But it's not the racist that you've grown accustomed to. Hollywood is sorority racist. It's like, "We like you, Rhonda, but you're not a Kappa."


WATTERS: So Juan, why won't all your Democrat Hollywood friends give any black people awards? What's up with that?

WILLIAMS: Is that the -- that's the problem?

WATTERS: Yes, you got so racist over there in Hollywood.

WILLIAMS: I thought, by the way, Chris Rock was just terrific last night, because I think this was such an explosive topic, potentially. And there was all this pressure that he should get out, the funniest lines having to do with -- you know, "Gee, Will Smith, well, he had a great performance.  But what's really ridiculous is he got paid $20 million to do 'Wild Wild West'."

I mean, so many good lines, and I thought it was proportionate. In other words, he said very clearly to a lot of these black stars, "Oh, gee, this has been going on for many more years. But guess what? There was a time in America when people were being lynched and segregation and all the rest." I thought it was a real flag-flying moment to say, "Look how far we've come and how petty some of this complaining looks like."

WATTERS: It's a little petty when all these Malibu people are complaining about not getting trophies. I mean, it was lowest rated in seven years.  You think all this race stuff had a lot to do with it?

PERINO: It was because of me. No, I was -- I was sick, so I didn't get to see it.

WATTERS: Oh, you missed it?

PERINO: I really brought their numbers down.

WATTERS: Way to be informed for the segment.

Bolling, what about you?

BOLLING: I thought Chris Rock was funny. I know everyone's going to be upset that there was a lot of race injected into it. But, look, it was the elephant in the room. He had to do it.

I thought the funniest part, though, was when they did the packages about introducing the movies, and he, Whoopi Goldberg and Tracy Morgan...


BOLLING: ... played different parts in the movies. I thought it was -- I thought they did a nice job with it.

WATTERS: What about you, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: I think so, too. I think Chris Rock is pretty funny. And that was a tough job to do last night. I thought he did it well. I liked the suit. I thought it was well-tailored.

WATTERS: Nice clean, white suit.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. He looked good. He looked good.

I liked everything about it, except that Sylvester Stallone was robbed.

WATTERS: He was robbed. Typical Philly situation.

Next up, Leo DiCaprio had been nominated for an Academy Award six times over the last 22 years. Last night he finally broke his losing streak and used the opportunity to deliver a save-the-earth speech.


LEONARDO DICAPRIO, BEST ACTOR WINNER: We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters and the big corporations but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world; for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who will be most affected by this; for our children's children; and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed.

I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted. Thank you so very much.


WATTERS: So the guy finally gets an Academy Award, and he's talking about the weather. What's going on here?

BOLLING: Well, that's the exact same speech he delivered at the Golden Globes when he won the Golden Globe. So he did -- yes, he planned it. He predicted it.

By the way, there were three or four people who talk about climate change last night. There's the costume designer for "Mad Max." She said something. I don't -- she was -- she went there, and then another producer did, as well. So it was the common theme. There's so many things that are going on in the world, like ISIS is trying to kill us.

GUILFOYLE: How about that?

BOLLING: Maybe we focus on something else other than the weather.

GUILFOYLE: He really believes this.

BOLLING: He does believe it. He does.

GUILFOYLE: He's super into it.

BOLLING: That's been -- that's been his cause.

GUILFOYLE: I'm glad he won. He should have won in years past. I think he's a very good actor. I liked him in "Blood Diamond," too.

WATTERS: Juan, what did you think? He looked nice. Right? Nice looking guy. I know you pay attention to what these guys wear.

WILLIAMS: Not me, but I thought he gave a very good speech. I thought he had every right to speak out about something that concerned him.

So, like, when Joe Biden spoke, and then the Lady Gaga singing, I thought, too, bringing attention to sexual assault. So it affects the culture.

You know, you could argue, "Oh, it's the weather." I don't think it's about weather. I think it's about climate change and the strength of the whole planet.

But in the terms of the sexual assault, I think lots of young people pay attention to these cultural icons, the Hollywood stars, and the idea that they're speaking about sexual assault, to me, very good.

WATTERS: It would have probably been more powerful if Bill Clinton had delivered the message on sexual assault instead of Biden. Maybe would have stuck a little harder.

WILLIAMS: Did Donald Trump give you that line?

WATTERS: I thought of that all by myself.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, Biden looked fantastic. He looked healthy. He looked well, strong, and he seemed presidential. He got an incredibly strong amount of response and applause there.

WATTERS: He probably was thinking he probably should have run.


WATTERS: He may still run, if Hillary doesn't get it (ph).

GUILFOYLE: There you go.

WATTERS: All right. Next, an interesting proposition for all of you single ladies out there: Would you put a ring on it? Today is a day many women do. We'll explain that when "The Five" returns.



AMY ADAMS, ACTRESS: I proposed to my boyfriend on the 29th, Leap Day.  It's an old Irish tradition. I'm going to buy a dress and find a ring and book the restaurant. So between us girls, I think you can see why I really need to be there today.


WILLIAMS: That was a clip from the movie "Leap Year," and today is Leap Day. February 29 comes around only once every four years. It's a day when some women actually pop the question to their man instead of waiting for him to propose to her, to them, a tradition that dates back to the Fifth Century in Ireland.

So Dana, my experience with this is that women choose anyway. I've got three weddings in my -- three weddings in my family this year. My son, Antonio, is getting married. And I think by the time the young man asks, they know that the girls are in for it.

But anyway, today, the girl could literally pop the question.

PERINO: Right. So it's rare that a girl or a woman would ask a man to marry him. And I think it's rare for a reason. I think that you want the commitment to be joint or the decision to be joint.

And I agree with you: I think that a lot of marriage proposals come after a lot of thinking and a lot of decision making and a lot of discussion between the couple before they actually decide to go forward.

WILLIAMS: Now Kimberly, you have some Irish background.

BOLLING: Are you going to do it? Are you going to pop the question, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Honey, I'm trying to avoid proposals, not like, rack up a few more. Come on now!



Oh, no. Juan's concerned.

WILLIAMS: So you have some Irish background?




WILLIAMS: So would you think that this was appropriate? Would you actually do it? and do you think it would be a good idea? Dana says, "Nmm."

GUILFOYLE: I think it depends on the couple, right? I mean, I'm sure there's guys that would love to be proposed to. Maybe they don't have to buy a ring or something like that, or you know, make it a very modern thing. It's up to you. It's an individual decision.

I mean, I guess, you know, I probably wouldn't even have a problem with it if I wanted to marry somebody. You know? I guess I could ask them.

WILLIAMS: But in the modern world, it's like people don't get married so much anymore. Maybe the girl has to force the guy. Get off your duff; do it.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Again, it depends on what they're looking for. Are they looking to have a family together? Do they want to live together? Do they want to get married? There's a lot of stuff going on these days, Juan, as you well know.

WILLIAMS: Well, Eric, can you believe this: 200,000 Americans have their birthday today? Once every four years.

BOLLING: Being married for 19 years, can I just talk about the...

WILLIAMS: Oh, sure.

BOLLING: ... why we even have a Leap Year? You understand that it takes a year to go around the sun, but not exactly a year: 365 days and a quarter.  And then the next year it's another quarter. It becomes a half of a year [SIC]. By the fourth year you have to add the year [SIC] into the calendar. And according to Neil deGrasse Tyson, that's why we have a Leap Year.

WILLIAMS: Well, so...

BOLLING: That's all I want to talk about.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Cliff Clavin.

WILLIAMS: If it was your birthday, how old would you be?

BOLLING: My birthday's on Wednesday. I'll be 53.

WILLIAMS: Well, happy -- no, no, you'd be a quarter of that age.

BOLLING: Oh, yes, or that.

WILLIAMS: Look at that. Look at that.

GUILFOYLE: Leap Pisces.

WILLIAMS: Oh, because you only have a birthday...

WILLIAMS: Every four years. Correct.

OK. So Jesse, the thing -- the thing I love is you can call someone whose birthday is today a leaper or a leapling. What's your -- what's your preference?

WATTERS: Juan, that's a really hard question. I don't know, Juan.

I don't really understand Leap Years. It's over my head.


WATTERS: I couldn't understand it, when Bolling described it.

I think they should do weddings on the Leap Day, because then the guys wouldn't get in trouble for forgetting their anniversary.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

WATTERS: And they wouldn't have to get presents. Even the girl wouldn't remember.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. Do you forget your anniversary? Is that what you're saying?

WATTERS: You don't forget yours, Juan?

WILLIAMS: No, I don't.

WATTERS: Well, you're a better man than I am.

WILLIAMS: But I will say this about today. You can get free food at Pizza Hut, Hard Rock Cafe, Olive Garden, if your birthday is today, because it's only once -- it's a special promotion.

WATTERS: Are they checking I.D.s, too?

BOLLING: Eric doesn't look like he likes this.

BOLLING: It's amazing. This is one of our best topics ever.

WILLIAMS: All right. He doesn't like this topic.

You know, Kimberly's been asking me to change the name of what comes next to "Juan More Thing," so that's up next.

GUILFOYLE: For your individual segment.


BOLLING: All righty. Time for "One More Thing." And Kimberly's first.

GUILFOYLE: I have a really special "One More Thing" today, because as many of you saw today on FOX News Channel, Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward Byers Jr. is the first living active duty member of the Navy to receive the Medal of Honor in four decades. He was honored there, as you see, by President Obama. He said during the ceremony that Byers is the consummate quiet professional who would rather be elsewhere, perhaps holding his breath under dark, frigid water.

This is someone who's been on multiple tours. They even lost a Navy SEAL during this operation. And after the lead man was killed going through the door, Senior Chief Special Operator Byers continued forward and eliminating several of the terrorists that were inside and securing the rescue of the doctor, Dr. Dilep Joseph, who was abducted along with his driver and an Afghan interpreter.

Three days after he was taken, they got him back. So fantastic job. We salute you and we thank you. And all the fearless soldiers that give their lives every day.

BOLLING: Very good, congratulations there.

All right. Dana, you're up.

PERINO: All right. So Nancy Jo Sales has a new book out. I have it here.  It's called "American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers." It's getting a lot of attention, I think deservedly so, having taken a look at it.

It's talking about the new way that young girls, teenaged girls, especially the younger ones, are growing up at a time when their sexuality is becoming basically, like, online currency to attract boys. This is a book that, if you have daughters, you're going to want to read it, because you're going to want to try to help them. And you also just need to understand how pervasive this situation is and how disturbing and how most parents have no idea what's going on. Because kids try to figure out how to have, like, a secret life that their parents don't know about. And but this one is actually showing to be very dangerous. So I recommend the book.

BOLLING: Very good. Very good. It's a good one.

Juan, you're up.

WILLIAMS: By the way, as -- as a granddad of granddaughters, it's very concerning. That's -- I want to read that book.

My friend Clarence Thomas is normally a reclusive Supreme Court justice.  But over the last few days, people have seen and heard a lot from him. For example, he's been tracked down by TMZ over the opening on the Supreme Court.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Any chance President Obama might nominate Judge Ito?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He has a chance?

THOMAS: I'm just a civil servant.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lance -- Lance Ito or -- Lance...


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: And today, Justice Thomas broke an almost ten-year silence when he was asking questions from the bench during oral argument at the Supreme Court, a case involving guns and whether someone who had been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence charge should lose their constitutional rights. A voice from Clarence Thomas.

BOLLING: All righty. Very quickly, one of our co -- congrats to one of our colleagues and co-hosts, Andrea Tantaros. Check it out, the new book.  Just -- I guess you can preorder it right now. It goes on sale everywhere April 26, but you can go to Amazon right now, preorder her new book.  Congratulations, Andrea.

All right, Jesse. You're up.

WATTERS: I'm just looking at that book cover for a second. Wow. OK.  "Watters' World..."

BOLLING: You should buy one.

WATTERS: I will, I will. "Watters' World" tonight on "The Factor." Take a look.


BILL O'REILLY, HOST, "THE O'REILLY FACTOR": O'Reilly here. We'll have a Super Tuesday preview. Also, Waters on the Mexican border.

WATTERS: Hey, Mexico! You're going to have to pay for this wall.

O'REILLY: Next "Factor."


WATTERS: There you go. Tonight on "The Factor."

PERINO: I'm going to watch that.

BOLLING: Wait, I'm supposed to read the title. "Tied Up in Knots: How Getting What We Wanted Made Women Miserable." That's Andrea's book. So I'll leave it right there.

By the way, Jesse, couldn't you just have walked right around that thing?

WATTERS: I did it for effect. It's TV.

WILLIAMS: I'm surprised they didn't shoot you. You're trying to get over the wall?

WATTERS: Who? The Mexican border patrol?

WILLIAMS: I know, but somebody. What are you doing climbing up the wall?

WATTERS: Yes. That wall is there for me to stay out of Mexico.

BOLLING: We've got to go. That's it for us. We'll see you back here tomorrow, Super Tuesday. "Special Report" is up now.

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