
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 12, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and a splinter is her javelin, Dana Perino, "The Five."

The State of the Union is tonight and I don't care.


GUTFELD: You've seen it before -- elected reps with more hair in their ears than on their heads camp out early to get a good seat, testing their aging bladders as they desperately seek selfies, groping for that handshake as POTUS passes through like a callous member of One Direction. They are groupies and girls.

I think the State of the Union should be written on a bar napkin, posted on Facebook and read, "You're screwed." Sure, Obama is gonna talk unity, which is great, but it's a little late people. This whole system is rife with suspicion. He doesn't trust you, you don't trust him. And since this is his last shot at a legacy, make way for Gitmo and guns. And if firearms are what caused San Bernardino, then firecrackers made those men rape those women in Cologne.

But any small action makes us worry about it being something bigger, it's the law of incremental threat. If he says background checks, we hear he's taking away our guns. If you say it's radical Islam, he thinks you hate brown people.

Suspicion is Palmolive, and after eight years, we're all soaking in it. It's too bad, because we could all use a hefty dose of unity right now. But if our values are seen as obstacles to wider notions of change, then suspicion is all we have left.

And so, the president and America were like a married couple in divorce court. We get the house, but he gets everything else.

There's an interesting tweet that came out, Kimberly, maybe you should address this. It's a nice picture of the president getting ready for his last -- there he is. Is that nice? He looks very happy.



GUTFELD: Yeah, he is. He's a very handsome man, let's face it.

GUILFOYLE: So that's what the positive, now for the.


GUILFOYLE: Now for the real. Look, so this is his last chance, right? This is his grand stage that he's going to have, to kind of cement, seal his legacy to address the country, his last at bat as we say in fast-pitch softball.


GUILFOYLE: So this is the way it's going to go. There's going to be a lot about all the great accomplishments, how his basically been the best president, so that the United States of America or the world has ever seen, but he has a lot of things in play right now that have not gone well for him. But don't expect him to even highlight any of those, it's going to be all about the positive attributes of his legacy, where we need to go as a country and his world view that should be adopted enthusiastically, eagerly, like children seeking candies on Halloween.

GUTFELD: Eric, are you at all excited by tonight?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I'm excited that you used the Palmolive reference.



GUTFELD: It's been a while.




BOLLING: It's Madge.

GUILFOYLE: It's pretty amazing.


BOLLING: So I think Kimberly is right. I think you're going to hear nothing new. You'll see -- you'll hear nothing -- there will be no promises of policy coming forward. Because he knows he's not going to get anything through in the next year, that's his last year. You'll hear the accomplishments. So he'll come out of with his unemployment rate, he'll come out with his stock prices have going up, he'll come out his -- home prices have gone up. But I put together a few numbers of my own.


BOLLING: That he's not going, probably to talk about tonight that millions of people have literally quit looking for jobs. It left the workforce, that's the labor participation rate under Obama, has gone down. America's lost manufacturing jobs in the time President Obama has held office -- lost them. Not hasn't created a lot, they -- we actually lost manufacturing, but we gained part-time jobs. Median household income has gone down under President Obama. Personal savings have gone down under President Obama in the household. Student loan debt has literally doubled under this president. So in seven years, in the history of student loan debt, he's doubled it, and the number of people on food stamps has soared 50 percent on the President Obama. So all the good news you hear tonight about statistically.


BOLLING: I have some statistics of the broken middle class promises that he can give us a call if he wants to mention any of those.

GUILFOYLE: You forgot health care.

BOLLING: And health care cost -- prices have gone up, for sure.

GUTFELD: And you know I'm doing The Daily Show later. I'm stealing every single thing Eric just said.


PERINO: Sure, go ahead. We will take it with you.

GUTFELD: Thank you, that's a good -- I wrote it all down, I'm going, this is really good stuff.

BOLLING: Oh yeah.

GUTFELD: Oh man, I'm gonna kill. Dana --

GUILFOYLE: But now they've heard it.

GUTFELD: Yeah, never mind. I'm not really going to do it. Can I play a SOT? This is sound on tape. This is President Obama talking about the divisiveness that has either gotten better or gotten worse. I'm not sure how to phrase it.


MATT LAUER, NBC'S "TODAY" HOST: You will be looking out over a room that arguably as it's divided as it's ever been. Do you see that as a failure of your presidency?

PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA: It's a regret. I could not be prouder of what we've accomplished. And, at sometimes we look at the past through rose-colored glasses. It's been pretty divided in the past. There have been times where people beat each other with canes and we have things like the civil war. So there have been times where it's been pretty rough, but there's no doubt that politics and Washington are so much more divided than the American people are.


GUTFELD: Is he -- he's basically saying is he's gonna seek an upbeat tone?

PERINO: I don't know it sound like it.

GUILFOYLE: No, that's --

PERINO: I hope he has -- you say a B-12 shot before he goes on?


PERINO: I mean, it's like -- it was a little early this morning, I guess. Can we pull up that picture that we showed at the beginning, the one with the White House tweeted out today about President Obama? We just pulled up one more time, because a picture says a thousand words, in my opinion. This is an official --


PERINO: Thank you. A thousand -- this is, this is the photograph, the image that the White House wanted to present today, and they have a paradox, 23 percent of people are satisfied with the direction of the country. So the president's look there, the smugness like that, "this is my final one and I'm out of here, guys," is in contrast with that 23 percent. Now the White House will say look, jobs are up, gas prices are low, we're out of two wars, like, what's not to like. More people have ObamaCare, it's like everything is great. The problem is that his rhetoric is not matching people's reality. Like what they see, what they feel is their reality and I think to that picture from -- in my opinion, I think that it just sent the wrong message.

GUTFELD: It was a weird picture, Juan. But I think that you, you probably feel pretty upbeat. You were very, very happy when he was elected. Do you think he's accomplished what he set out to do over these seven, nearly eight years?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: No, I think there were some things he was totally blocked on. But I think if you look back over the record, if you look at the state of our economy today, I think the state of our economy is much better. I think we've had consecutive months of job growth. Clearly, the economy hasn't rebounded in the way that it has in the past, and so people are saying, you know, seems to me like I feel it's not going as well as it should be. But the fact is, the economy is slowly gaining ground, and unemployment is almost at non-existent level at this point.

GUTFELD: But if you -- to Eric's point.

WILLIAMS: So when I -- No, Eric's.


WILLIAMS: Eric's point seems to me to be, you know looking to drag the country down. I think that America is --

GUTFELD: No, those were facts.


WILLIAMS: Those are not facts.

GUTFELD: Those are facts.

WILLIAMS: Because there are facts --

BOLLING: Give my sheet back.

WILLIAMS: No, there's --

GUILFOYLE: No, give him his sheet back.


WILLIAMS: Let me give you some facts.

BOLLING: I'll give you the facts, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I'll give you the facts.

BOLLING: Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: Let me tell you the facts.

BOLLING: You give me the fact now. I'll give you another fact.

WILLIAMS: OK, I think 5 percent unemployment is incredible.

BOLLING: right, because millions of people have left the workforce in the labor --


BOLLING: If you add the people have left, that maybe a wrong time.

WILLIAMS: Because people are getting older, retiring.


WILLIAMS: Making different decisions.

BOLLING: You know job growth is there somewhere, right?

WILLIAMS: No. You, but you -- that's the way you think.

BOLLING: Yes. It didn't happen in service.

WILLIAMS: That's fine. It should not --

BOLLING: Bars and restaurants and part-time work.

WILLIAMS: I'm telling you, that is not the reality. Now, the second thing I would say to you is.


WILLIAMS: You look at across the world.


WILLIAMS: So let's get away from my argument with Eric about, if 5 percent versus.


WILLIAMS: To people deciding that they are dropping out of the workforce or not.

BOLLING: No, no. The one that we should report now.

WILLIAMS: Let's move along.

BOLLING: Economy and savings.

WILLIAMS: Let's leave it alone. Hang on.

BOLLING: And went down, both.

WILLIAMS: Let me leave it alone.

BOLLING: That's the most important to middle class.

WILLIAMS: We had a tremendous recession. But let me leave that alone for a second and say.

BOLLING: They're lower.

WILLIAMS: Take the bigger perspective, which President Obama mentions in the interview with Lauer. He said this is the strongest economy in the world.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, because --

WILLIAMS: And that's a fact.

GUTFELD: Because the world is in bad shape.


GUILFOYLE: That's not.

WILLIAMS: So in other words, we're not citizens of the world? Oh yes, we are.

GUTFELD: But we aren't.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see. I see.

GUTFELD: That was the biggest myth of all.

WILLIAMS: And the second thing --

GUTFELD: We are better than the world.

WILLIAMS: OK, but I'm telling -- we still are.


WILLIAMS: That's the point.

GUILFOYLE: But we should compare pour own numbers.

WILLIAMS: And the second thing is --

GUILFOYLE: You're playing by Obama bingo numbers.

GUTFELD: We're the light boat, the world is like Titanic.

WILLIAMS: Fine. So we still are.


WILLIAMS: And still are and this is what he pointed out.

GUTFELD: You know what the iceberg is?

WILLIAMS: There is no existential threat to us. We remain the strongest nation on earth, able to control that. And he said clearly.

GUTFELD: Like being the world's tallest (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: If you step back and look at where we've come from since the recession.


WILLIAMS: We have made tremendous progress. So I think.

GUILFOYLE: Selfish (ph).

WILLIAMS: I think that's the reality. But again, I don't think that most Americans feel that way.

GUILFOYLE: You see what Juan didn't get all that out.

WILLIAMS: Because that's not the media message.

GUILFOYLE: He's going to get a time-out from Valerie Jarrett.

WILLIAMS: Oh, it's not.

GUILFOYLE: Because he has his little four cards all ready to go, ay yai yai.

GUTFELD: Oh yeah. That was -- I commend you for trying to fight facts with emotion. OK.

WILLIAMS: Oh yes. I see. I wonder who does that around here.


GUTFELD: Can we talk about Iran, because this just happened.


GUTFELD: I'm going to read this verbatim because I just heard about it. About a senior defense official tells Fox News that two navy vessels were headed to Kuwait, to Bahrain when they were lost -- we lost contact with them. It appears they went into Iranian territorial waters. The navy sailors are currently being held on Farsi Island, which is a tiny island in the middle of the Persian Gulf, controlled by the Iran's revolutionary guard. None of these vessels were disabled. The U.S. Navy has been informed by Iranian authorities that they would be holding -- that they are holding the sailors, until like their safety and well-being is insured. And I guess, maybe they will be allowed to continue their journey -- big deal, Dana?

PERINO: The -- well look, the Iranians never miss an opportunity to get in on a PR scene. They know that President Obama has his final State of the Union tonight, and all eyes will be on him. So they will like to do little funny business. But I would say that Obama should say tonight is that, to the Iranians that we expect our soldiers to -- our sailors to be released immediately, and we want our hostages that you're holding in jail, we want them on that same ship, on their way back to American waters.

GUTFELD: Eric, is this something or nothing?

BOLLING: Nothing right now.


BOLLING: But it could become something. The question is, you know this international, where, where -- which is Kuwait waters, which is Saudi waters, which is are Iranian waters. And if a boat -- two boats full of sailors venture into the Iranian waters, you would expect them to get picked up. That was a mistake on our part, but they should return quickly. Hopefully it's not Obama tonight says return our sailors and tomorrow they doing. He says, see, look what I can do. Look at the --

GUILFOYLE: It's all a plan. But you know what.


GUILFOYLE: Anytime Iran is doing this and has U.S., I mean, soldiers, Americans in custody, it is a big deal. So until they're back home safely, we take it seriously. And Iran shouldn't be playing around like this, they should get punished.

WILLIAMS: You know, I think it is a very big deal.

GUILFOYLE: It's very big deal.

WILLIAMS: It's like, you know why, because I think.

GUILFOYLE: They're taking it very seriously.

WILLIAMS: And I'm surprised that my friend here didn't mention it.

BOLLING: Here we go.


WILLIAMS: But I thought -- but the fact is that the Iranians fired that missile last week.


WILLIAMS: That (inaudible) an American ship, right? And the united -- U.S., the Obama administration, was set to impose sanctions, pulled it back from the Congress, right? So i think we're in a dicey situation here because there's pressure on the president coming.


WILLIAMS: Not only from conservatives, but from others who are concerned.


WILLIAMS: Especially in the Middle East, the Saudis and the like, that you are too liberal to -- compliant.

PERINO: Lenient.


PERINO: Lenient.

WILLIAMS: Lenient with the Iranians that you got, you got to be very clear with these guys. And so now, here comes the Iranians holding some Americans. And don't forget, the rationale offered this weekend for why we didn't impose the sanctions, was one, they were thinking about releasing some of the Americans being held in jail. And two, we don't want to screw up the nuclear deal, which is more important.


WILLIAMS: But now with this, I think it puts more pressure on the president to say, you know, you guys, you better stop.

BOLLING: Far greater of a threat was that the ballistic missile test.

WILLIAMS: Well, that was surprised you.


PERINO: I wonder if it hurts.

GUILFOYLE: That's correct, yeah.

PERINO: To be led around by the nose like that.

GUTFELD: I don't know, ask Jasper. All right, we got to take --


GUTFELD: State of the Union coverage begins at 8:55 p.m. eastern with Mr. Brett Baier. He's going to join us ahead to preview it. And at 11 p.m., Megyn Kelly, will have post-address analysis. So keep it here on the Fox News Channel. Up next, Thursday night debate, that has been revealed our thoughts, and much more ahead.


BOLLING: The GOP presidential candidates have only two more chances to make their cases directly to the American people before the first vote in Iowa. The line-ups were announced last night for the debates on the Fox Business Network on Thursday. For the 9 p.m. eastern, it will be Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Christie, Bush and Kasich. And at 6 p.m., the line-up was set -- was set at Paul, Fiorina, Huckabee and Santorum, but it will just be the latter three because Rand Paul says he's going to sit that debate out. So bring it around quickly, on whether this is a good idea or not for Rand Paul.

PERINO: For Rand?


PERINO: Well, I like a person that has the stick to his principles. I don't think this is the best idea if you really want to win an election, that he said he has a first-year campaign. I just think that the process actually works. Right at this point, if your candidacy is not catching fire in those early states, then you get weeded out. And there -- it was interesting to me that he would make this decision. Because at this point in the election cycle in 2012, Rick Santorum was not even hitting double digits yet in Iowa, with three weeks to go, and he went on to win it. So I think it was maybe a little bit of a premature decision, but I think it's good for the other three candidates, they'll get more time.

BOLLING: What about you Greg, it is good or bad choice?

GUTFELD: I think this was his way of getting out, because we know it's time for a few people to hit the road. It's like at a high school party when everybody is pairing up except for a few people, those people have to leave. And so I think he's --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my --


GUILFOYLE: You're the meanest.

GUTFELD: I don't know what I'm talking about.

BOLLING: Well, they can pair up with each other.


GUILFOYLE: Has that ever happened to you?

GUTFELD: Never happened because they've all undesirable.


GUTFELD: It's getting awkward for him.

GUILFOYLE: Which roof have you fallen into?


BOLLING: KG, Rand Paul said it out or -- by the way, what's he got -- he'll probably be on some TV network at that point, right?

GUILFOYLE: I'm sure he's going to try to do his own kind of programming, absolutely. You know, I love to play. But, like it doesn't matter, get in. In fact --the numbers are huge for these debates.


GUILFOYLE: Don't miss an opportunity to reach an audience, to sell yourself, to engage the voters. We've seen people be in the early debate, they jump to the main stage quickly to the (inaudible) next event. We've seen it with Carly, we've seen that with Christie, so there's a lot of interplay. And by the way, it's very crucial time right now with Iowa coming up, quick on the heels. New Hampshire, we've got everything in play now. Make it or break it.

BOLLING: Break it. Should he have said -- should he sit this one out or should he play?

WILLIAMS: So I'm trying to imagine what his strategy is, and I think what his strategy is, is his dad's strategy. Which -- and his dad's strategy were to say, oh, you know this is arbitrary, it's capricious. I raised a lot of money. And my supporters, this is that mainstream media.

GUILFOYLE: So he's the new (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: Terrible, and they're hurting us and they just don't want to listen to me. So, you know what his dad did? His dad used it to raise more money, and just to stir up the base. I remember, remember they had like a readers poll and they were protesting against Sean Hannity. They have that whole deal. I think he's going to do the same thing.

BOLLING: Personally, I would love to have seen him on that debate stage and earn.

GUILFOYLE: He does well in the debates. I'd love to see him on there.

BOLLING: Let's bring it around this.


BOLLING: Can we talk a little bit about what Joe Biden said today? Dana, I want to get to you in a second.


BOLLING: But what timing, today, Joe Biden says that he kind of wishes he was -- he didn't pull out or decide against running.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

BOLLING: And also, that Bernie Sanders is genuine and Hillary Clinton is new at being genuine.


BOLLING: This feels -- feels like Joe is trying to figure out if she doesn't perform in Iowa and New Hampshire.


BOLLING: Is there an opening for him to get in?

WILLIAMS: No, there's not. But I think it's pretty clear, he wants people to pay attention to what he has to say. He's not getting on the Clinton bandwagon, no way, no how.

GUILFOYLE: Oh OK, and then what?

WILLIAMS: What do you mean?

GUILFOYLE: And then what, like friends breaks up. I mean what, I don't know.

WILLIAMS: No. It makes it more valuable. Everybody's got to rush.

GUILFOYLE: I guess. I guess, I guess, but the point is like you know, if you want to be in the game, you want to do it, then, OK, get in. I wish he would have gotten in. To be honest, before, I would have much preferred him than, you know, Hillary, you know --

BOLLING: What if?

GUILFOYLE: At least this is a person of.

BOLLING: What if?

GUILFOYLE: Some character and integrity versus Hillary Clinton.

BOLLING: What if she doesn't perform well, Greg, and she get indicted on top of it.

GUTFELD: Then you got, then you got, you have Sanders/Trump, which could be one of the most interesting things you will ever see.


GUTFELD: We need to -- can I just -- I'll chip back and shut up to the republicans. We need a -- what's called a break shot, which is you know, when you knock all the balls everywhere in billiards, we need that at this debate, because nothing is changing. We keep saying the same thing over and over again, and we need a break shot, we need something that spreads it out somehow.

WILLIAMS: Well, don't you think that right now, on that stage.

GUILFOYLE: I like that break shot.

WILLIAMS: You have the number one spot, Trump, number two spot, Cruz, number three, Rubio, number four, Carson. Carson looks to me to be in a, death spiral right now.


WILLIAMS: Beyond that, I don't see that the other guys are really in this game, so I think you have to had a break shot, and right now it's down to those three, and the question is does Cruz stay up or is Cruz falling away?

BOLLING: And you could take to either side.

PERINO: I'm talking about Biden, because.


PERINO: I've been bothered by what he has been saying -- one, personally for him, because I like him and I don't.


PERINO: Want people to live with regrets. And if you regret that, I think - - actually there's just -- there's no do-over's in politics. Or when you're in government, that's what I learned that from President Bush. That you know, you make a decision, you stick to it, and you move on. And if he's that regretful, and that he's going to be, kind of the Achilles heel of the Clinton campaign, I think that's going to make for a very uncomfortable year for all of them. And just for himself personally, I hope that he decides he made the right decision and move on.


GUILFOYLE: And by the way, not -- what I do think he is the best interest in the party. As much as he loves the Democratic Party, like the -- shouldn't they deserve to have the best candidate go up against the GOP challenger?

BOLLING: Think about one other thing too, that Joe Biden said that President Obama offered to help him with his finances during the loss of his son Beau. That was just -- I mean if you put this, if you're conspiracy theorist, you put this all together. We know that the Obama's and the Clinton's.

GUILFOYLE: Was not --

BOLLING: Don't like each other.

WILLIAMS: Holy smoke.


BOLLING: All right.

WILLIAMS: Holy smoke.

BOLLING: It's not (inaudible).



BOLLING: Beau should make Thursday on the Fox Business Network. It's going to be an exciting night.

Ahead, Hillary Clinton's lead over Sanders in the early states evaporates, now she's scrambling to secure her base, next.


GUILFOYLE: Can you explain that (inaudible)?


PERINO: Well, she was once the uncontested democratic frontrunner, but now, Hillary Clinton is in Jeopardy of losing the first election contest next month, if the votes mirror the polls. Sanders, has now jumped ahead of Clinton in Iowa by five points in the new Quinnipiac survey out today. And in New Hampshire, Sanders is now has a double digitally on Clinton in a Monmouth survey, 53 to 39. Her vanishing lead could be why she's moving left to secure the base. Here she is at a diversity forum yesterday. Talking how -- talking about how she's benefitted from being white.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'll tell you when I first realized that I was privileged, both, because I was white and because I was economically stable.

When I was about 11-years-old, our church asked if some of us would volunteer to babysit for the children of migrant workers on Saturdays, because the families had to go into the fields.

I'm watching these kids and their families, they have to work so hard, and the place they live is not very nice.

I didn't call it a particular name, but it was a different life.


PERINO: All right, Juan, why don't we go to you first, because there was some criticism of Hillary Clinton from the left, saying that they didn't think she that well, but how could she have answered that better?

WILLIAMS: I agree with you. I don't understand. And this was the same thing that happened with Black Lives Matter when they corralled her after some advance, and they wanted her to say that she was, you know, she had been privileged by white privilege and the like. And she said you know, I can stand up here and say anything about white privilege, but I could shout it out at Yankee stadium. But it doesn't matter, unless we have specific concrete ideas. So again, I think for the black -- the brown and black forum, which is what this was on Fusion, the idea was Hillary Clinton is able to speak to minorities. But look, I think she's very much in touch. I don't know what they want out of these people.

PERINO: Is there anything that she could have said that would have satisfied that question?

GUTFELD: She could have saved a lot of time if she said an example of white privilege is Bill Cosby versus Bill Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that would have been an interesting winning.

GUTFELD: That would save a lot of time.

WILLIAMS: Just explain what you said to me.

PERINO: Well, can we move on to the next one?

GUTFELD: Well, both are being accused of similar crimes, but one seems to be getting away with it.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I get your point.

BOLLING: The white one?

GUTFELD: Yes, the white one.

BOLLING: The white one?


GUTFELD: If you would like us to explain that, I could have it written down for you (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, just use the stereotypes.

GUILFOYLE: Four coffees, please.

WILLIAMS: I'm a little slower, you know what I mean.



GUTFELD: I'll have it interpreted.

PERINO: All right. And Hillary has also taken a page out of Bernie sanders book, ramping it up her talks on income equality, vowing she will do everything she can to make the rich pay.



CLINTON: Those super wealthy and big corporations are using every trick in the book to game the system, to avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes, and that's just not right. So today, i am proposing, adding what I'm calling a new fair share surcharge on multi-millionaires and closing loopholes to make it harder to game the system. I'm proposing every idea I can. Finally, to make those at the top actually pay their fair share.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God, worst.

PERINO: I've been dying to ask you about that, Eric.

BOLLING: The fair share surcharge -- let's talk about Hillary. First of all, fair share, we know what. That's the best to class warfare struggle that President Obama started and she wants to perpetuate. And it's what Bernie Sanders talks about.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Taxing people at the higher end of the income spectrum more, even though they pay for most of the things, in general, all across. That is all BS, though. She is not moving left. She's jumping and flying left, 4 percent additional charge on corporations.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: We're trying to drop the corporate tax rate. Everyone else in the world thinks we're -- first of all, we're already the highest. Everyone else thinks that, by lowering the corporate income tax rates, we'll create jobs. We'll bring the manufacturing jobs that we talked about in the "A" block back to America. Raising that will just drive jobs away. This is an insane idea. I wonder how all of her Wall Street buddies think with that, too? Remember, she gets a lot of money.

PERINO: I think they'll hold their nose and vote for her anyway.

Can I go to the next one? Kimberly, I want to ask you about this.


PERINO: She's had some troubling words about police in America at a diversity forum that was yesterday.


CLINTON: We have all kinds of threats in our country. And I wouldn't discount any of them. I think that when you have police violence that terrorizes communities, that doesn't show the respect that you're supposed to have from protecting people in your authority, that can feel also terrorizing.


PERINO: So she's watering down the verb of terrorizing by suggesting that it's police that are doing the terrorizing.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, it's awful. I don't think she's watering it down. I think she means what she says. It's horrific. Anybody who's proud and wearing the uniform. The men and women serving in blue every day, protecting communities across this country. Should be horrified.

What is wrong with you, Hillary Clinton, that you would even suggest this and say that law enforcement is terrorizing -- terrorizing -- communities?  Like she's putting them on the level of ISIS.

BOLLING: Police violence.

GUILFOYLE: This is so far out of play. She's acting like there is a concerted effort by law enforcement in this country to go into communities to pick, choose, target, terrorize. That couldn't be any further from the truth.

GUTFELD: There was no data. It's like if you're going to talk about this, at least bring up the data and say, OK, this is what's happening in communities -- by the way, communities, minority communities that welcome the police presence there, like New York City, which is policed by minorities.

But you have to talk about how many people are shot versus the greater number of people who are shot. How many blacks are involved in crime versus that. The question that this brings a left-winger to was the one they can't handle. If they enforce gun laws, that means there will be more blacks in jail. And they don't want to put more blacks in jail. So the solution is they've got to...

WILLIAMS: They want to put more whites that own guns. And let me just say...

GUTFELD: No, wait, wait. Let me finish. The answering -- the overwhelming majority of gun violence is turf warfare over gangs. If you want to solve that you're going to have to legalize drugs, and no one will do that.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's a different issue.

GUTFELD: That's the issue. That's the same issue, Juan.

WILLIAMS: But if are you black in America, and you feel like a suspect when the cops show up, as opposed to a citizen...


WILLIAMS: ... that's a problem.

GUTFELD: That is, but that's not what they're talking about.

WILLIAMS: Yes, she is.

GUTFELD: She's talking about police officers terrorizing communities that they're supposed to protect.

GUILFOYLE: That's it, yes.

BOLLING: Basically, she was pandering to that group of people.

WILLIAMS: You know, I...

GUILFOYLE: You know what? That shows you how desperate she is. And her - - the insiders in that campaign say she's definitely afraid of the repeat of the 2008 primaries, where she had to take a knee to Barack Obama. But it looks like it's on the horizon again.

PERINO: All right. That was a great block. Next, will Hillary Clinton playing heads up with Ellen make her more likable?


TONY GOLDWYN, ACTOR: Patty-cake, patty-cake.

The electric guitar?




PERINO: For the job on president -- job of president on Fallon, the talk show appearances that you don't want to miss, next.

GUILFOYLE: I mean...


GUILFOYLE: The two frontrunners of the presidential race hit the talk show circuit yesterday. Now wait until you see what Ellen got Hillary Clinton to do this time.

But first, Donald Trump made it back to "The Tonight Show," and Jimmy Fallon gave him a job interview.


FALLON: You want to tell me a little bit about yourself?

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I'm an extraordinarily handsome person. I have a beautiful head of hair.

FALLON: I noticed, I noticed. Yes.

Are you willing to relocate?

TRUMP: I love the White House.

FALLON: No, Donald this is a high-profile position. Is media attention something that you would be comfortable with?

TRUMP: Not at all. I'd be very, very uncomfortable with it.


GUILFOYLE: Yes. He shies away from it. He shies away from it.

But you see, like, hosts like Jimmy Fallon, they like him, because he comes on. He says yes to interviews. People like that. Like, "OK, come on my show. Come on Jimmy Fallon. Come on and do this." Do you like it?

WILLIAMS: I did. I actually saw that, and the best one was he said why do you want this job? And it was like a perfect sentiment, he said, to make America great again. And the audience went nuts.

The audience, by the way, was pretty antagonistic to him and then the subsequent guests made fun of him. So I think, you know, hats off to Donald Trump, because he went -- that was not friendly territory for him.

BOLLING: Yes. He goes into -- into the enemy territory, which is interesting. We would love -- how much would you love to have Hillary Clinton come on this network and ask her some questions?

GUILFOYLE: Well, we've asked.

BOLLING: Yes, no one realizes. Look, a lot of the Republicans do, too.  They'll go on MSNBC, and they'll, you know, take fire from their hosts, sometimes cheap shots, but they'll go back. You just don't see that. You don't -- I can't figure out why. Show some intestinal fortitude and show up.

GUILFOYLE: They go on all of them. They go on CNN, NBC. They go on -- no, no, no, no, no. I'm saying the GOP, they go, they're like, "Hey, we'll show up." What do you think, Dana?

PERINO: I liked it. But the best interview question for any interview is, what is your biggest weakness, right? Like, what do you need to work on?  That would have been a great question. It's probably nothing. I would say, though, for the next...

WILLIAMS: What would he say to that?


WILLIAMS: Well, I didn't stay up. I was asleep. I would say that the next three weeks, Iowa, New Hampshire, Iowa/New Hampshire, Iowa/New Hampshire. Full stop. I mean, it doesn't matter if you have the biggest approve rating across the country with everybody, if you don't win in those two early states.

GUILFOYLE: D.P., biggest weakness? Straight from the master control, and they never lie. That he never forgets.

PERINO: Oh, I'm sure.

GUILFOYLE: But you don't, either. I don't either.

PERINO: I don't.

GUILFOYLE: We don't forget. We don't forget, man.

All right. Greg, real quick and then I've got the Ne-Ne for you, the Whip/Ne-Ne.

BOLLING: You can do that.

GUILFOYLE: All right, fine. Let's do it. This fall Ellen DeGeneres got Hillary Clinton to do the Whip/Ne-Ne. Yesterday, she got her to do some jumping jacks. Check out the presidential hopeful playing a game of Heads Up with a current president, of sorts, "Scandal's" President Fitzgerald Grant. I like him.


GOLDWYN: Are you acting yet?


GOLDWYN: Jumping jacks.


Aerobics. Aerobics...


GOLDWYN: The dentist.

CLINTON: Yes, yes.

GOLDWYN: Patty-cake, patty-cake. Got that.

The electric guitar?


You are good!


GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, you know, you've got to give kudos, Greg. At least she went on there and did some...

GUTFELD: I don't have to give kudos to anybody.

To compare these two, it's always going to be harder for Republicans, because it's not a home game; it's an away game. And when you're a Democrat or a liberal, it's your home-team audience. So you feel more comfortable. And that is why -- it's like, I would say that maybe Democrats when they come here, they probably feel maybe that it's an away game.

But that's why, when you look at -- the new thing about Trump is that he's the first Republican politician with an immune -- an immune bubble of entertainment. That he can actually say what he wants and people go, "Oh, he's kidding." It's an historical first for Republicans. For somebody to be able to go on and say something and people go, "Oh, it's OK."

GUILFOYLE: It's so true. It is true.

I've got to hit this, because we know what tonight is, right? Special coverage of tonight's State of the Union address begins in just a few hours. "Special Report" anchor Bret Baier joins us with a preview. That's next.

Hey, Bret.



WILLIAMS: Tonight is President Obama's final State of the Union address, and chief political anchor Bret Baier is kicking off the special coverage at 8:55 p.m. Eastern tonight.

Bret joins us now.

Bret, I know had you a breakfast meeting with Speaker Paul Ryan, who invited, of course, President Obama to give the State of the Union. That's the tradition. And I was so interested. He said Obama is a political ideologue, even as he said there are chances to do business potentially on some trade, on criminal justice reform. Well, he says, "This man is an ideologue." What did you take from that?

BAIER: Well, first -- hi, everybody -- I think it was interesting.  Usually, we go to these breakfasts when Speaker Boehner did them there was a combination of background and off the record. Speaker Ryan said this is all on the record. So all the anchors, correspondents, Sunday anchors asked him a bunch of questions; and one of them was what's your relationship with President Obama.

He said, "Personally, we have a fine relationship. But we are" -- and he doesn't consider him an enemy. He considers him a political adversary.  And he says he's a dogmatic ideologue. And they are diametrically opposed when it comes to politics.

He thinks that this speech is going to be filled with straw men. He thinks that there are going to be glossy renditions of the past seven years and not a lot of specifics about how to get anything across the finish line.

WILLIAMS: Well, somebody who knows something about politics, Dana Perino, has a question.

PERINO: I remember getting ready for that final State of the Union in 2008. And it was like, OK, it's the beginning of all of the lasts that are to come in this year.

I wanted to ask you about not just the speech but the stories surrounding the speech. Because in a way, it's like the proxy State of the Union is who you invite. So President Obama going to be represented by one, an empty chair for gun violence, some Syrian refugees. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, is bringing somebody from coal country in Kentucky.  And Speaker Boehn -- Ryan -- Boehner/Ryan sorry. Speaker Ryan bringing Little Sisters of the Poor, representing the Obamacare challenge and government interference when it comes to religious tolerance.

So I wondered if you got any viewpoints on that this morning.

BAIER: Well, yes. The speaker is making a case about religious liberty and, obviously, that court case, Little Sisters of the Poor, and the support that the House has given to that angle about ObamaCare and the mandate.

But you're right: these invites are all about a political message, and everybody has a side who they invite.

The president is choosing this empty chair to signify all of those killed by gun violence on 2015. He says that's significant. His -- the administration is saying that he separated out last week's gun measure push to -- to isolate that and give it more prominence, to take it away from the big-picture speech that he's going to be giving tonight.

WILLIAMS: Hey, Bret, you know, I thought it -- he was taking a shot at Trump by having the Little Sisters of the Poor in. Because, you know, he agrees with the Little Sisters that there should be no religious test for who gets admitted. But here's a question from Kimberly.


BAIER: You're talking about Ryan?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he's talking about Ryan. So today, the late-breaking details about what happened with Iran, what do you expect the president to say, his commentary on that? And isn't it perhaps a great opportunity for him to call for the remaining U.S. hostages to be released?

BAIER: Well, you would think, but I don't think you're going to get that, if I had to guess. I think he's going to defend Iran policy.

The administration is in a tough spot, because you have this action, where these ten U.S. sailors apparently are drift-off. They have problems. They drift off. They get arrested, according to the Iranians.

And after some negotiation, we're told that the Iranians are going to release them promptly. But we don't know what exactly that means. If you're the Washington Post reporter in Tehran, "promptly" is not a good word to use.


BAIER: But I think there's another element to this. And that is seven Democrats this week have, including the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman- Schultz, have said that there need to be sanctions on Iran for ballistic missile tests. And that's aside from the Iran deal.

So how he talks about this tonight, Kimberly, will be really interesting, not only for Republicans, obviously, who are opposed to it. But also for Democrats who have a problem with it.

BOLLING: Eric, you have a question?

BOLLING: I have an observation and a question. The observation is, Bret, four years ago, remember, Clint Eastwood used an empty chair to signify President Obama's presidency.

WILLIAMS: How'd that go?

BOLLING: They made fun of him. The Obama administration made fun of Clint Eastwood for doing it.

And now here we are -- here we are four years later, and they're using the same shtick.


BOLLING: The question -- there's a big debate on whether the Supreme Court justices will show up tonight. Specifically, the conservative Supreme Court justices. Over/under on that five, so I take the four liberals and maybe one, plus one, we've got five. What do you say?

BAIER: Yes, I think word is that three, at least, conservative-leaning justices have said they're not going. So I know Alito after that one State of the Union, where he was seen saying, "That's not true," has pretty much vowed off of going to the State of the Union addresses.

And some of them have talked openly, Eric, about how they think they have become political pep rallies and that it doesn't feel right for a Supreme Court justice to be there. If any speech might feel that way, it might be this one. Because we're told it's not going to be a traditional State of the Union address and where a vision or laying down markers for the future, perhaps for his own party.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me tell you, just as Gutfeld sometimes thinks he just wants to get up and walk out and not come to the table because I'm here.

GUTFELD: That's not true, Juan.

BOLLING: He likes robes.

WILLIAMS: He likes robes. That's true, he does like robes.

GUTFELD: Shorty robes.

GUILFOYLE: Shorty robes.

GUTFELD: Bret, congratulations on your continued success. And you're welcome.

BAIER: Best lead-in ever.


GUILFOYLE: Great lead-in.

GUTFELD: ... obsessed with the people that get there early to shake hands.  How early do they get there to stake out that place, and how do they handle their hygiene needs?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Do they Purell?

BAIER: I think they have Purell. I'm pretty sure. Sheila Jackson Lee always there on the aisle. Elliott Abrams, always there. And they post up. It's hours before to get that seat along the aisle. So you're seen interacting with the president as he comes in. He's probably going to take a long stroll, I would bet, in and out since this is his last time. And he talked about that today on "The Today Show," about listening to Mr. Speaker and what that means every time he comes down the aisle.

WILLIAMS: All right. Well, catch Bret on "Special Report" at 6 p.m. Eastern right after this show. And then at 8:55 p.m. for the State of the Union.

"One More Thing" up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." Let's start with Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think it's time we should think about State of the Union. Don't you?


WILLIAMS: So guess what? Here's a little history. George Washington, when he delivered the first one, it was just a written note that he sent up to Capitol Hill.

PERINO: Great idea.

WILLIAMS: And that's the way it was done until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson did it personally.

But then President Coolidge broadcast it on radio in 1923. President Truman took it to TV in '47, and LBJ took it to primetime in 1967. George W. Bush put an Internet webcast on the scene in '02.

And I've got to tell you, the only State of the Union that I remember: President George W. Bush talking about the Axis of Evil. Other than that, I'm with Gregory. I think what is going on? Where is my TV show?

GUILFOYLE: You go 43, yes.

GUTFELD: All right, Eric.

BOLLING: All right. So yesterday I had the good fortune to watch 13 -- the premiere of -- a sneak peak of "13 Hours." Dana was there. Kimberly was there. Adrienne was there. Fantastic movie. It's an amazing movie.  Here's a little piece of it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need immediate assistance. We are overrun.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have a U.S. ambassador at risk. We've got to send us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're not even supposed to be here. You will wait.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: None of you have to go. We are the only help they have.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If they do not get here soon...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're all going to die.


BOLLING: All right. So the point being that, if you watch the movie, you get a sense of what they were going through for 13 hours. So this nonsense that Hillary Clinton testifying on the Hill for 11 hours, you know, in a closed setting while these people are defending themselves in America for 13, with waves and waves of terrorists coming at them, you really get a sense.

So all you liberal people out there or even you journalists who have a tendency to say, you know when you say Benghazi, use jazz hands, see the movie first and get back to me after you see it.

GUILFOYLE: And see it before you vote for the next president of the United States if you care about truth and American lives.

WILLIAMS: Oh, gee, is this propaganda?

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: This is the truth. See it and then get back to me.

WILLIAMS: I'll come back. I'll come back.

GUTFELD: OK. I'm going to be on "The Daily Show," 11 p.m. Eastern with Trevor Noah. I don't know. It should be a lot of fun. If it's not, we'll never speak of it again. But I think it might actually be a good time. He seems like a lovely fellow.

All right, where am I? Dana.

PERINO: OK. Have you ever had a vibrating cell phone in your pocket?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

PERINO: OK. Look, here's the thing. There was a new study, and it was done, that nine in ten people feel phantom phone vibration. OK? So this is when, like, you put your phone in your pocket.


PERINO: And it actually becomes a part of your body, and then you start feeling like it's vibrating all the time. But it's not.

GUILFOYLE: She's totally in access again (ph).

BOLLING: Is there a segment in there? Not saying it's corny.

PERINO: Phone vibrating in your pocket?

GUILFOYLE: Vibrating joke. Never mind.

WILLIAMS: Stop picking on Dana.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the good news is, if all of us don't have a job any more after the antics on this show, maybe we can Powerball it, baby. Because yes, I broke down and bought a ticket. I'm very excited about this.  Because as you recall, on New Year's Eve, Bolling, Susan Miller said I was going to come into some big money.

Now, perhaps she was mistaken about towards the second half of the year, and she meant now.


GUILFOYLE: So you never know. Let's see what happens, but as you know...

BOLLING: Are you sharing it with me if you win?

GUILFOYLE: ... $1.5 billion. This is going to be K.G.'s naughty or nice list. So if you've been very, very good.

PERINO: I'm good.

GUILFOYLE: Those of you who have been very good, you know who you are.  Queso makers are very good.

PERINO: Especially me.


GUTFELD: Well, that was interesting.

BOLLING: Tell Trevor we said hello.

GUTFELD: I will. I will.

GUILFOYLE: Lump sum, 930 million.

GUTFELD: He loves "The Five," I hear.

All right, set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That is it for us. "Special Report" with Bret Baier -- you remember him, the guy with the hairline that's like right here? -- he's up next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: It's a compliment. I wish I had it.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, please.

BOLLING: He loves robes.

GUTFELD: Yes, he loves robes.

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