
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 9, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Tom Shillue. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

We are just 24 hours away from the next GOP presidential debate. And what is sure to be another night. The entire nation will be talking about for days to come that it won't be as a repeat of the spectacle we saw on CNBC the other week, and some of the headlines are already pointing that out. Here's one from Politico, "For debate, Fox Business aims to be the anti- CNBC." From the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, "Fox Business moderators pledge real debate in Milwaukee for GOP candidates. And Reuters, "Fox Business plans for U.S. republican debate: Stick to money issues." So what can we expect? We are so pleased to be joined now by two of the moderators of 9:00 p.m. debate tomorrow. Fox Business Managing Editor Neil Cavuto, also host of Your World, here on FNC. And Maria Bartiromo, host of Mornings with Maria on FBN. We're delighted to have you with us. I don't know if this is a five debut for you both, but we expect -- we have very high expectations Neil.


PERINO: For you there, today. So everybody's very excited. Set the scene for us, how are things going in Milwaukee?

CAVUTO: I think very well, so far. Have you tried any local cuisine?

MARIA BARTIROMO, 'MORNINGS WITH MARIA' HOST: No, but I heard that there's a really good Italian restaurant across the streets.

CAVUTO: Yeah. I'm trying to mix (inaudible) Tabasco with garlic, but I -- as of yet, I have not done that, but give me time, give me time. But they could not be more hospitable, they could not be more friendly, they could not be more welcoming.

PERINO: And what about the candidates? Have you seen any of them?

BARTIROMO: Yeah. I think things going really well. We've been preparing and really sort of getting ready and sharpening our questions. But you know, I think it's the worst kept secret, Neil that we're going to stick to the issues.


CAVUTO: Yeah, I think one of the things you hear from a lot of people is and I don't Maria -- but everyone has an idea. I mean, I ran into someone in the hotel (inaudible) earlier this morning. Here's what you've got to do. Someone who is working just a security here at the front of this building, "Don't forget to get to the bottom of what's going on with ISIS. And, if I had a dime for everyone who had a good idea of a good question, all unsolicited, well, I have a lot of dimes." So everyone is interested in this. They're very much engage to this. I just think it's a sign of the times, it's -- you could argue it's because of the prior debate. I think it's just people really jazzed about, about this whole race, this election and everything else.

BARTIROMO: Yeah, and I also think it's because you're seeing an economy that is moving two steps forward and one step back.

CAVUTO: Right.

BARTIROMO: And people are angry. That's why you see these outsiders in the lead, people want change. They want to know where the jobs are. And when they're gonna start seeing a move in their salary?

PERINO: All right. We're gonna take around the table, Eric Bolling.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So -- hey, guys. It dawned on me that we all did our undergraduate work at CNBC. We're doing our PhD at Fox Business.


BOLLING: So as I'm sitting here, I'm thinking, what are the right questions? You don't want to do the old, you know, is that a clown candidacy of what? So the debt is important. Jobs are important. The economy is important. I'm sure they all, every candidate out there is gonna have a great answer for whatever you ask them about those great questions you were going to ask them. There's one that keeps recurring as they show up on the business network is, the oil price. Isn't that -- you know, I'm familiar with the oil prices, but some people say that low oil prices are fantastic for the economy. Other people say it's bad for the economy because all the jobs in the oil sector, it may drive production away from America, too. Not a bad question for everyone of the candidates to say, is a low oil price good or bad for the economy and why? Your thoughts?


BARTIROMO: Is that a question?


CAVUTO: I didn't have that one. Did you have that one?

BARTIROMO: There's another question.

CAVUTO: The oil one? No, no, but you raise a very good point.


CAVUTO: I mean, the fact of the matter is, it cuts both ways, right? I mean, we're making a big deal about the president rejecting Keystone, but as you know, that of many, that whole pipeline was going nowhere fast with a lot of people who are first behind it because it's now gotten so low in the price of low that is really counter and cost -- not to do it. Another word said, there is somebody saying, how low prices been going. We've learned I think in the markets, I mean, we're right that yeah, we like the lower gas prices, but if they get really low, there's a disproportionate effect on the markets and on the economy.

BARTIROMO: Yeah, I think the question that you're asking me Eric, is do low oil prices dictate an economy? Or do low oil prices tell you what an economy is doing? And I would say, low oil prices tell you what an economy is doing because so far, we've been waiting for consumers to spend all that money that they saved at the gasoline pump and they haven't. Why? Because they have been added -- they have been watching other costs in their lives, like the Affordable Care Act. You may have saved $100 at the gas pump, but you just had to pay another $100 for your health, which for your family. And I would argue that, just because oil prices are lower, does not tell you that an economy is going to get better. In fact, it tells you that China is weakening, the emerging markets are weakening and this is a picture of a weakening global story and its impact on the United States.

CAVUTO: And you know, the irony is here, the oil prices are as low as they are because we're cracking another wave of extracting this stuff from our own lands here. We increase our own supply.

BOLLING: They are listening to your analysis here because you're hitting on all the points that they're going to have to debate tomorrow night. So you're on it. You guys are on it.

BARTIROMO: I don't want to give it away.

CAVUTO: No, no. I don't want to give it away because I had a questionable plan is, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you like to be? So I could easily veer into that if you want but.

BARTIROMO: Shorts or boxer?

CAVUTO: Exactly.

PERINO: My favorite answer.


CAVUTO: There you go.

PERINO: My favorite answer to that question, K.G., before we got to your question was, Barbara Walters asked 43 in 2000, "Governor Bush, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be." And he said, "I'm not a tree, I'm a Bush."


PERINO: Very good answer.


PERINO: All right, K.G.?

CAVUTO: Well, that's always out there. That's always out there for Jeb if he needs it, but.

PERINO: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: That's a good one. All right, hi, Maria, hi, Neil, its Kimberly. Maria, great interviews this weekend, I really enjoyed the Rubio one, Carly, so we'll gonna see what they can do on the stage, at the debate tomorrow night with you. But I think one of the biggest concerns and criticisms that we've heard, regardless of the platform is about time allocation and making sure that each of the candidates who is able to get to the substance of issues, of the voters can make real decision? Yes, about what they would do with the economy and with taxes and regulation. What is your plan for making sure, especially since the stage is now, like cut down a little bit in terms of the number of candidates who will be up there to make sure everybody gets, sort of their equal time?

BARTIROMO: Well, we're making sure that they are getting their equal time just by looking at the questions and looking at who gets what. Also remember that the Fox changed the guidelines to give candidates 90 seconds.

CAVUTO: That's right.

BARTIROMO: To answer the question, rather than 60 seconds. So you would expect that the candidates feel better that they have the necessary amount of time to actually explain some of these (inaudible) issues.

CAVUTO: And someone has mentioned that -- someone has mentioned that the 60 second response, you add 30 seconds. In other words, a little bit more time to breathe -- let things breathe, to hear what others have to say. Another, I think what Maria and I, we concluded and it's something we believe and we've done this before is that, we're not the story. We're not the debate. The people on the stage of the debate, we want to facilitate the debate, but this is isn't about us. It's asking about clear focused questions, but not the kind of questions that have a snide tone to them. Let the candidates react to the issue at hand. All I know is that some of my most memorable -- remember to the -- at some prior debates has been not so much those who moderated, but the responses they got. We don't remember the guy who asked Ronald Reagan whether he was too old to be president. We do remember Reagan's response that he wouldn't hold his opponent's age and inexperience against him. So someone asked that question that facilitated that answer. That's what we do. We're not the story, they are.

PERINO: That's not always true, though. We know that there are some moderators that you remember very well, like from the 2012 election, which we shall not name that person. Tom Shillue.

TOM SHILLUE, GUEST CO-HOST: Yes. You know guys, I loved the 90 seconds because the longer, the better. The closer we get to Lincoln Douglas debate, you know, they had 90 minutes.


SHILLUE: To respond. It is unbelievable how shortened we've gotten in our attention span. But, I don't like when candidates fight with the moderators, and I assume there's gonna be less of that going on here, but I like when they fight with each other. Are you going to allow them to go at each other?

BARTIROMO: Well, we're certainly going to allow them to have an opportunity to distinguish their plan from the next guy or gal. I mean, that is inherent in the fact that we're giving more time and comparing the different tax plans and economic plans to create jobs. So we will be able to help voters distinguish one plan from the other.

CAVUTO: Yeah, and.

BARTIROMO: And whether that's a fight is.

CAVUTO: I know. And it gives the CNBC its due here. I think that there are sometimes you can ask a tough question, and if some candidates are frazzled enough, anxious enough about declining donors support, declining so -- polls support, they're going to reach out and scratch out. And I think if Mother Teresa were alive and asking questions, she would be subject to the same sort of rip response because they're so angry. So we're prepared for that. But it's not about us and it's not about the questions we ask. Although, I do want to try something noble at this debate, it's just have the moderators fight with themselves.


CAVUTO: Just sort of that. Just to see what people at home do.

PERINO: That will be great. Juan.

CAVUTO: That was a joke by the way.


CAVUTO: Roger (inaudible) has lot to get, that was a joke.


BARTIROMO: No, seriously.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: You know. You know.

BARTIROMO: I think one thing that we learned from these past debates, one thing that's been very clear is that, we need to remember why we do these debates. And it's about the voter.

CAVUTO: That's right.

BARTIROMO: It's about the viewer. Helping the viewer better understand each candidate's plans and better distinguish the differences.

PERINO: All right, Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: Well, I just -- I mean, now last time, when I was watching that CNBC thing, they had someone sing the Star - Spangled Banner out of the box. So, are you guys going to have someone sing or say the pledge, what are you going to do?

CAVUTO: I am. I'm doing it. I have a great voice.

WILLIAMS: You're doing that, I thought so.


CAVUTO: That's the Italian part of me.


CAVUTO: I mean, it's -- but I'm doing an operatic version, but yes.

BARTIROMO: You do opera? That's right.

CAVUTO: Yeah, thank you.

WILLIAMS: Well, that and a little Italian food. But now, I understand you have a bell. You guys are going to use a bell. Is it going to be like clang.

CAVUTO: That's right.

WILLIAMS: Or is it going to be like the door bell. Remember, Fox used the door bell once that set off all the dogs.

CAVUTO: I think that's like the first debate, right?


CAVUTO: What they used in the first debate.

BARTIROMO: It's a very soft bell.


CAVUTO: What do you think this is, Juan, the gong show? I mean.


WILLIAMS: Well, that's why I want -- that's I why I want to know because.

PERINO: Yes, that's exactly what he thinks.

WILLIAMS: I'm going to watch tomorrow.

CAVUTO: Right.

WILLIAMS: But here's -- here's the thing that really caught my attention over the weekend was all the debate about winnowing or culling the field. So you're going to have eight people on the stage, right? No Christie.

CAVUTO: Right.

WILLIAMS: No Huckabee. What's been the response from the candidates as you're talking to them? Do they say great or do they say, "Hmp. We don't think you should have done that Fox News."

BARTIROMO: Well, Christie's in the 7 o'clock debate.

CAVUTO: Right.

BARTIROMO: And Chris Christie has been saying, "Look, I'll debate wherever you want me to debate."

CAVUTO: That's right.

BARTIROMO: And you know, based on the guidelines, he is now in the 7 o'clock debate. So he will have his due.

CAVUTO: And you could argue in that debate. I mean, with fewer people and more time to get your point across, that he's a very skilled debater and he could quite (inaudible) points of the momentum he's getting in New Hampshire, and the fact that, that one video where he was talking about republicans and how they should look at those with addictions, that's gone viral. So I think I -- it's way too early to say anyone is help or hurt by positioning in a debate. This isn't the be all and end all, although, this particular debate is the be all and end all.


CAVUTO: Having said that.

BARTIROMO: Game changer.

CAVUTO: Having said that.

BARTIROMO: Game changer.

CAVUTO: I think it's very important to let the candidates take an opportunity here and see how far they can run with it. You know enough rope as they say to run with or hang themselves. And I think we've learned from the Carly Fiorina's, given that opening venue, you can capitalize on that. And we've learned from those who are very, very popular that venue can also hurt you. So it really depends on how each and every one of them takes advantage of that. It's just not up to us to sort of pigeonhole where they are or make any snide comments. Let people who are watching at home snidely conclude how they stand.


CAVUTO: That's not for us to do.

WILLIAMS: Well, we trust in Maria and we trust in you Neil, good luck.

PERINO: Yes, thank you both for joining us.

CAVUTO: You notice how we said, he trust you first.

WILLIAMS: Oh gosh.

CAVUTO: He said it. "I trust Maria." Oh, yeah.


GUILFOYLE: Ladies first.

BARTIROMO: Ladies first.

CAVUTO: "And by the way, Neil."



CAVUTO: Duly noted Juan, duly noted.

WILLIAMS: Neil, what will I have to do show my love brother, please?

CAVUTO: OK, all right.

PERINO: You have to let me tease.


PERINO: All right. Thank you both we really appreciate it. We're looking forward to tomorrow night. Following each of the debates, you can head over to foxnews.com for two on-line specials with analysis from some of your favorite FBN and Fox News personalities. That's at 8:00 p.m. and 11: 00 p.m. Eastern Time, more to come on the GOP race ahead, including the intense media scrutiny of two of the candidates, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio. Is the coverage fair or are they being targeted? That's next.


PERINO: You're getting (ph).

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, like it. Ben Carson has made his way to the top of a very crowded field of republican candidates. And the mainstream media, well, they've certainly taken notice, but he is not taking the attacks lightly and his firing back against the media for what he's calling quote, "A political hit job."


BEN CARSON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Why do people put this stuff out there to make the accusation, to try to make somebody seem dishonest? And then when it is disproven, well, let's talk about something else. So, oh, you said this when you were in kindergarten. Give me a break.

Show me somebody, even from your business, the media with 100 percent accurate in everything that they say that happened 40 or 50 years ago. Please show me that person because I will sit at their knee and I will learn from them.


GUILFOYLE: Well, you can't call Ben Carson low energy anymore because he's a little bit fired up. And he's been making money off of this by saying this is the media, Eric, that's attacking him, doing this hit job on him. How do you see it?

BOLLING: Well, OK. So the thing that's really attractive about Ben Carson and Donald Trump is that they're not seen as the typical politician. No one trusts politicians. They believe that the non-politicians are the ones who are going to tell the truth. All these swirls, Ben Carson needs to clear this up. He needs to get to the bottom of it. This is exactly what happened. This is how it got misinterpreted or I just got screwed up and beat -- and eat it, so that we can get back to trusting Ben Carson. Because right now, there's a question out there, clean it up Ben and it will go away.

GUILFOYLE: And he was.


GUILFOYLE: At the top of the chart for trustworthiness.

BOLLING: Yeah, he's in the trustworthiness, but let's also highlights the fact that Senator Barack Obama had a lot more issues that were more than questionable. Well someone -- (inaudible) review called them -- they didn't call them lies, but they -- made it seem like they were lies going into that presidential campaign that President Obama's uncle helped liberate Auschwitz, but the Soviet Union did that. That Senator Obama claimed that the civil rights movement in Selma was the inspiration behind his conception, except he was 3-years-old when Selma happened, that young Barack Obama had a college girlfriend who was white, which became a composite girlfriend who was African-American. So the media never really vetted or leaned on Senator Barack Obama the way they're leaning on Ben Carson for things that he could and should clear up right away.

GUILFOYLE: All right, so do you like the little fact sheet, a little synopsis. What they're saying, what the truth is, and like you know. What do you say about your friend?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know.

GUILFOYLE: Have you talked to him?

WILLIAMS: No, not on this topic.


WILLIAMS: But I do think.


WILLIAMS: That, you know, the key to his story is a poor black kid who's become a world renowned surgeon, and I don't think there's anybody who disputes that story. So that's pretty incredible. Now, is it the case that he has embellished, exaggerated, hyped and of course, a lot of this is for his biography. And he is a, you know, the take off on what, you know, Eric was saying. He's a candidate whose candidacy is based on his biography as having exceeded all exploration -- expectations inspired by god, himself. I mean, he speaks about God openly. His books are all in the evangelical bookstores. And I think, so that crowded is a little bit of an issue, but as you were saying at the top, K.G., this has sparked so much fund-raising for him, in part because the republican base is just so angry with the media. I don't think they're hearing so much the charges against Ben Carson as they are saying, "Well, we know the media can't be trusted."


PERINO: I think there might be a little bit of that. So Ben Carson was dealt a hand that he should have expected. It looked like they didn't expect it. But I think that the hand that he was dealt, he played very well. And it's not just about the fund-raising, but for him to be able to say, wait a second here. This is 40 or 50 years ago, and you're talking about a story and you talked to nine people, et cetera. Politico had to walk back its story. And I think that is -- I think that he played the hand that he was dealt very well. And I don't think that he really has that much more to clear up. I think his bigger challenges do have to do with the policy front.


PERINO: And in the debate tomorrow night, I'll think that you'll see Ben Carson who is energized. Who've been apparently, you know, prepping all weekend and I think that is the bigger thing. It's interesting about the media on this particular issue. Three weeks ago, Hillary Clinton testified in front of the nation, in front of Congress, but on live television and it was proven that she had lied about the video. And the media, it was -- this is.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that.

PERINO: It is absolutely in black and white that she lied about that. The media says, "But her demeanor was so good and she never lost her temper therefore, she wins and they move on."


PERINO: They're talking about an actual telling of a lie while secretary of state.


PERINO: Compared to somebody who is talking about something that happened in his childhood, 40, 50 years ago. The comparisons are startling. And that's why I think that the media actually does take it on the chin from republican voters on this one.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Tom. You got some quick from me on this and then we gonna go to Marco.

SHILLUE: Yeah. I don't -- I think that it's not about the facts, the way they approach Ben Carson, I mean, they will attack Donald Trump, but it's the condescension, and I think that's what bothers people.


SHILLUE: He's such a brilliant guy and they act like he's, you know, he's crazy. And they -- it's -- that's what makes me, you know, jump to his defense.

BOLLING: Can I just jump in? He's forced into a corner where he has to defend that he tried to hit his mother with a hammer.


BOLLING: Because if he didn't, it's a lie. That he's painted himself in that bad (ph) corner.

SHILLUE: No. He didn't do it. I'm telling you, that.

BOLLING: Am I wrong...

SHILLUE: I think you're wrong.

BOLLING: He has to prove.


BOLLING: The world that he try to hit his mom with a hammer.



PERINO: I don't think he does that.

SHILLUE: That's what's silly about it. The reason -- the fact that he has to prove it shows you the silliness of the argument.

PERINO: Right.

SHILLUE: And Andrew on BuzzFeed -- today, I saw him post something from 1997. His mother admitted that she remembers that story.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: So listen, he's gonna -- I think he'll have a great debate tomorrow night, this may wrap up. But now, to another candidate under the liberal media is microscope Marco Rubio, the senator is fighting back against allegations. He improperly used a Republican Party credit card for personal expenses when he was a state lawmaker in Florida.


MARCO RUBIO, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: From my time as the leader of the Republican Party House campaigns, we've released those and it showed that what we've always said, and that is the overwhelming majority of the expenses on that card that was secured under my personal credit or for political uses. And anytime there was a personal expense, I paid for it. The Party never did. This is (inaudible) back in 2010 with Charlie Crist tried to raise it. But I think it's more of an effort, particularly from the left and some in the media to distract from the central issue of this campaign, which are the finances of the American people.


GUILFOYLE: And you can watch that interview and it's entirely tonight on Sean Hannity at 10:00 p.m. eastern, Marco Rubio answering the tough questions in advance of the debate tomorrow night. Can I tell you that I read through all of those credit card bills, like every single of the lines and I was like, wow, this guy? Chili's, $11. Like he -- there's no living large there. The important thing I took away from it, I'd trade that, you know, credit card bill for (inaudible) Bolling.

BOLLING: No, no, look. I don't know and I haven't read through. My understanding to some $1,800 charges, $180,000, though. I think he also needs.

GUILFOYLE: Over a long period of time.

BOLLING: It doesn't matter. You know.


BOLLING: No, no. It really doesn't matter. If it's chargeable to your own private credit card or if it's chargeable to the GOP Party of Florida, it's got to be in the right column. If it's not in the right column, you explain it. Now, I understand he paid off all the questionable charges that weren't supposed in the (inaudible) column, and they went it back into.


BOLLING: Which is good news and let's move on from there, but at least acknowledge that they're there. Let's -- honestly, I -- this is.


BOLLING: Well -- am I wrong? Am I wrong?

PERINO: Yeah, you're wrong.

BOLLING: In saying that we need to be -- we transparent. We want Obama, we want Hillary.

PERINO: No, it is. This is all about trying to.

BOLLING: When she want it to?

PERINO: Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post fact checker did a thing today, and so this was even merit of Pinocchio. When you're dealing with finances like that, if you can use your credit card or your charge card for your company to do personal expenses and you've got to pay, you've got pay them, but this is I think undermine. When you're using the mainstream media attacks against Marco Rubio to attack Marco Rubio, it didn't work for Jeb Bush, doesn't work for anybody else. There's -- I think there is nothing to see here and it's egregious. I also think that it probably helps Marco Rubio out in the country for people who are like, yeah. Like, not all of us were born with all sorts of money to be able to work with, to work with as.

BOLLING: Will Jeb go after this tomorrow night?

PERINO: I have no idea.

BOLLING: He should.


GUILFOYLE: He didn't start.

PERINO: I was -- the person that brought this up was not Jeb Bush.


PERINO: It was Donald Trump.

GUILFOYLE: And Karl Rove was on earlier today. So he went through all of it. And it's like, it's like a happy burger (ph).

PERINO: And when Charlie Crist.



PERINO: Got embarrassed by it in 2012 or 2010, then you should probably not use it again because it is old news. You can move on. There are other things you could go after him on.


PERINO: This is not one of them.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. This dog doesn't hunt, Tom.

SHILLUE: Jeb should not go after it, because if he did, Rubio will come back and say, you know, "I'm not a Bush. I can't afford to pay my credit cards."


SHILLUE: Because we (inaudible) and their people. We all have trouble paying that credit card at the end of the month.

PERINO: But he did say it's not his credit card. That's the point.

SHILLUE: I know.

PERINO: He does what they wanted. They wanted you to get into your brain that he couldn't deal with his finances, but he actually did.

SHILLUE: But he said he can. I can either, so I love the guy.


PERINO: You have to read the article, that (inaudible) from National Review, he actually explains it very well.

GUILFOYLE: All right, well.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, let me just say.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Juan, go.

WILLIAMS: The questions on the table, it doesn't help him. And that you know, it's not something you want out there.

PERINO: That's what they want.

WILLIAMS: And I think that's why Trump.

PERINO: Exactly what they want.

WILLIAMS: That's what Trump wanted. I think it's out there and guess what, tomorrow it's supposed to be a debate about the economy. I can imagine that they're going to ask, if you can't handle your personal finances, what makes you think you can handle America?

GUILFOYLE: Well, that was a little seed that's planted and you've done that quite nicely enough.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I did it?

PERINO: They fertilize and pour water on it, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Me and Trump.

GUILFOYLE: Water the plants, baby. Water the plants. You can't play your credit cards. Get a boyfriend (inaudible).


GUILFOYLE: Big meeting at the White House today between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. Stay tuned.


BOLLING: Well, they've had a tense year squaring off over the Iranian nuclear deal, but today President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a step forward to mend the rift with a meeting at the White House.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The security of Israel is one of my top foreign policy priorities. And that has expressed itself not only in words but in deeds. We have closer military and intelligence cooperation than any two administrations in history.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL: I don't think that anyone should doubt Israel's determination to defend itself against terror and destruction, but neither should anyone doubt Israel's willingness to make peace with any of its neighbors that genuinely want to achieve peace with them.


BOLLING: One of the issues discussed at their meeting was the fight against ISIS, a fight our president doesn't even have a strategy for. Even some of his Democratic allies are saying that.


SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D), NEW YORK: I don't think it's a strategy that will work long term. I think ISIL is a grave threat to the region. It's causing extraordinary instability. I think what we could be doing more of is dealing with humanitarian crisis. I wish we were focused on how we can create relief for millions of families that are streaming out of Syria.

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D), CALIFORNIA: I have said before and I really believe it: we will fight them now or we will fight them later. It's only a question of time. This is a huge worldwide problem, and we've got to play a major role.


BOLLING: Dana, we've got three minutes to solve the Middle East.

PERINO: I know.


PERINO: OK. All right. Go.

Sixty million people worldwide are displaced right now. This is the highest number of people displaced by war and persecution since World War II. America, I believe, is a force for good in the world, if it decides to be that. And I think that the -- ISIS, what is happening there is alarming.

You read Jackson Diehl today in The Washington Post, a great column about how we are enabling dictators to do things. Even after we give them the olive branch, they turn around, like in Iran, Cuba and Burma, and they actually don't do anything on the democracy side of things that would help improve the world.

But the ISIS piece is the most alarming. I think that the 50 Special Forces that are out there now, it might be a recon mission for a larger effort.

But I would say this: the United States is at war. It's not a war of our choosing. But the president has to understand that he has to hand over, in one year, a situation that should be calmer than it was today. And that means we've got to get moving.

BOLLING: K.G., you have senators Feinstein and...

GUILFOYLE: Gillibrand.

BOLLING: ... Kirsten Gillibrand pushing back against President Obama. Trouble in paradise?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, you know, I'll tell you why, because these are two very reasonable, thoughtful women that think before they speak. Both of them are on the same page about this.

And right, Senator Feinstein, we're going to fight them now and we are going to fight them later. This is something that is going to take some time and effort and focus and specific strategy.

We have seen the results when the U.S. does not act in a way that it should. And now this is the current situation, where ISIS is now, you know, blowing up planes.

BOLLING: Juan, is ISIS the JV team still?

WILLIAMS: Apparently not, if they're blowing up planes. I don't think JV teams do that.

I think you've got a situation where now, though, having blown up this Egyptian plane, you've got the Russians with a different view coming to the table. You know, they've got these talks that we disagreed about, because Obama has invited the Iranians to join in these talks.

But I think at this point, what you're trying to do is simply stabilize that situation, help with the migrant issue, because that's affecting all of Europe. So Europe has a stake in the game.

But the question is, can you expect the president, who came to office opposing war and saying, "We've been in war too long" to be the president that starts the next war? And I don't see that that's going to happen. That's why you're going to get people like Hillary Clinton.

BOLLING: He might have evolved on war.

WILLIAMS: No, I think he's evolved. But I think Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is much more hawkish on this issue.

BOLLING: More equipped to handle this than...

WILLIAMS: I don't know about equipped.

BOLLING: Juan Williams says Hillary Clinton is more equipped to handle...

WILLIAMS: I didn't.

GUILFOYLE: No, he didn't say that. Bolling.

WILLIAMS: There you go again.


SHILLUE: Gillibrand and Feinstein sound like Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld all of a sudden.


SHILLUE: Wouldn't you think you'd be hearing about the rift in the Democratic Party? But you know, I haven't heard anything like that.

Bibi and Obama didn't look like they were in the same room.

PERINO: That was strictly business.

SHILLUE: Really. I mean, Bibi, could he be more passive aggressive? I wish he did that 44 seconds of silence like he did at the U.N. That would have been effective, just stared down Obama.

BOLLING: I've got to go. I gots [SIC] to go.

Coming up, a big development today on the race controversy at the University of Missouri. The president of the school forced out. The latest developments that pushed him to resign. You're going to hear from him next.


WILLIAMS: Major developments today out of the University of Missouri. The president resigning after pressure from both students and faculty. Some black student groups had been protesting Tim Wolfe for months over his alleged mishandling of some racial incidents on the campus.

Then, this weekend, the football team at the college declared it will not play until Wolfe is removed. And today he announced he would step down.


TIM WOLFE, OUTGOING PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI: The frustration and anger that I see is clear, real, and I don't doubt it for a second.

It is my belief we stopped listening to each other. Change comes from listening, learning, caring, and conversation. Unfortunately, this has not happened, and that is why I stand before you today. And I take full responsibility for this frustration.


WILLIAMS: Following Wolfe's resignation the school's athletic director and the head football coach addressed the media.


MACK RHOADES, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI: This is not a sports issue. This is a societal issue. And it's certainly not unique to this great institution. By no means do we believe that this is an ideal way to invoke change or answer all of our problems.

Our hope is that this will be a learning opportunity for all of us.

GARY PINKEL, FOOTBALL COACH, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI: Obviously, we've got some problems. And the great -- the good news is we're going to fix them, and Mizzou is going to be a lot better place because of it.


WILLIAMS: And now we've just learned that the chancellor of Missouri is going to resign at the end of the year. So we're seeing something of a house cleaning over this issue.

K.G., so you had the football coach, the athletic director, the student government...


WILLIAMS: ... and the chair of the Missouri House Higher Education Committee all saying that Wolfe should go. Was he forced out? Is he being made into the scapegoat?

GUILFOYLE: Well, clearly, he was, you know, forced out. So they want to make some change. And here's what happened. They were going to be fined if they didn't play in the football game, right, this weekend. And so the players actually stood up, a number of them that were key and integral to the team, and said, "We're not playing."

And the coach said, "We back them up." And that's what happened. They sent out some tweets, et cetera, that they stand in solidarity as a team and with their players. Next thing you know, the council was meeting. Next thing you know, the statement was issued. And now just breaking, the chancellor will be out, as well. Let's see if this solves the problem.

I mean, I don't know. I think you should try to work through your problems and have the discussion like they were talking about and try to effectuate change in that way.

WILLIAMS: Well, Dana, when you look at this situation, you can't ignore that Ferguson is in Missouri. And you have a situation where there are not that many black students at the school. But you have a lot of people saying, "We're listening.?

So is it fair to say, OK, we're being sensitive, or is this a matter of sort of P.C. behavior, to allow the students to force out the president? He didn't do anything wrong specifically.

PERINO: Well, I guess -- I was -- I think part of this is that you need to be there and get a feel on the ground. And I don't have that. so I'm reading the material, and I'm finding out, OK, so these are the grievances that they're bringing up.

It's unclear to me exactly what the president could have done about it. Although maybe he shouldn't have run into the protester with his car or bumped him, whatever that happened in that situation.

But this does seem a little extreme.

But I would ask you, Juan, and maybe you can enlighten us, too, about are these violations or perceived violations so egregious that the football team is that powerful that they actually forced out administrators?

WILLIAMS: You know, I was actually going to say that to Eric. But I mean, I think the answer to your question, Dana, is that this is about money and a high-level Division I football, and it carries a lot of weight. So those students have some power.

BASH: Yes.

WILLIAMS: Whether you agree or disagree with the students, they have power. And people with power will exercise it. What do you think?

BOLLING: I think it all came down to the football team.


BOLLING: The scary thing is what happens when the next campus has a student group that says, "Listen, this is -- we've been wronged. Hey, football team, will you do the same? African-Americans on the football team, will you do the same thing?" You're going to have more presidents needing to step down.

This is a four and five football team. If I were that athletic director and coach, I'd say, "Fine. Good-bye. We'll find 25 or 30 new ball players to sit in. We may lose the rest of the season..."

GUILFOYLE: Someone that can actually score.

BOLLING: "I don't think anyone on this team -- Hey, I'll take the basketball team. You want to come play football? Let's go see how it works out."

What you're doing is you're taking a P.C. culture already on campus. You're exploiting it. Everyone's walking around like P.C. zombies now.

I have a 17-year-old going to college next year. I cannot imagine him stuck in the middle of this B.S. I pray to God...

WILLIAMS: Let me just say, I don't think this -- where they are scrawling a swastika on campus.

BOLLING: OK, Juan. What was the president supposed to do? A student put a swastika...

WILLIAMS: By his own admission...

BOLLING: It's wrong, but what is he supposed to do?

WILLIAMS: By his own admission, he should have been talking with those young people a lot earlier, not driving away from them.

But Tom...

SHILLUE: His own admission is ridiculous. His speech was a bunch of pablum, as was the speech from the coaches. They called it a great institution. It is not a great institution. It is ridiculous, as are all college campuses today. They are ridiculous institutions. And inmates are definitely running the asylum.


SHILLUE: And I hope this signals the end of this nonsense. And I'm hoping for a revolution in education. It's ridiculous. They are ridiculous places. It's like "The Wizard of Oz."

GUILFOYLE: This is a very dangerous precedent that's being established here. Because it's sort of the rule of the angry P.C. mob. And a few people can get together -- yes, the players -- with some influence on a losing football team, unfortunately, and say, "Listen, we want this guy out." So they've done this. See if this cleans up the problem.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just say, you know what? There's another view here, which is oh, the establishment, OK, anytime they said it's OK and some guy stands up.

BOLLING: Can we just point out, Dana makes a very good point. Correct us if we're wrong, and I'll eat it if we're wrong. But the grievances I heard were a swastika that you pointed out and a racial epithet throw during a speech -- during a speech. OK. All wrong. Both wrong, but if there were substantially more into this.

WILLIAMS: There's more, but again, those are highlights. But that's not the entire atmosphere, that the young people were unhappy. It's not -- it's not crazy people.

All right. We've got to go. Next on "The Five," Donald Trump's big night on "SNL." Did the appearance help or hurt his campaign? You're going to really love it, because we're going to play the highlights straight ahead.



DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (singing): You call me on your cell phone.


SHILLUE: If Donald Trump doesn't end up winning the GOP nomination, he could have a huge music career in the music industry. OK, that was the Donald spoofing Drake's "Hot Line Bling," helping "Saturday Night Live" get its highest ratings since 2012. In case you missed it, here are the highlights.


LARRY DAVID, COMEDIAN: Trump's a racist!

TRUMP: What are you doing, Larry?

DAVID: I heard if I yelled that, they'd give me $5,000.

TRUMP: Enrique.

BECK BENNETT, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": I brought you the check for the wall.

TRUMP: Oh, this is wonderful. This is far too much money.

BENNETT: No, I insist. Consider it an apology for doubting you.

TRUMP: I hate to break it to you guys, but I'm not going to be in the next sketch. Since I can't do it and be it in, I'll do the next best thing. I'll live tweet it.

KATE MCKINNON, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": Let me tell you about the special. First up, we have the My Husband is Stupid Spaghetti.

GRAPHIC: Trump - Not funny.

MCKINNON: We also have I Can't Stand My Husband Cavatali.


SHILLUE: So those were the...

PERINO: I'm dying over here.

SHILLUE: Those were the highlights.

Dana, I thought -- it wasn't as bad as some said, and it wasn't as good as some said. I thought he had a good opening. I thought the Drake video was excellent.

GUILFOYLE: Hilarious. Some of the other sketches might have fallen a little flat, but that happens on every episode of this live show, right?

PERINO: Right. And I think that it didn't hurt him at all to be on the show, and it maybe helped him a little bit. But I thought it was really bold to actually do -- agree to do the whole hour. Because you could agree to do, like, one skit and really nail it, but doing the whole hour on "Saturday Night Live" is tough.

SHILLUE: Well, that's what he said today with Chuck Todd. He said that Hillary only got to do one sketch.

PERINO: Right.

SHILLUE: He did the whole thing, which is a much higher honor, right?

PERINO: Right.

SHILLUE: Bolling.

BOLLING: So look, I've -- watching "Saturday Night Live" for 41 years, I absolutely adore the show. I don't think that show is any different than any other show.

People who hadn't seen it in years go, "What was that? It wasn't that funny." It's kind of like that all the time. It's not your first level of humor. It's your second and third layer of humor that's funny.

Like, that wasn't about Donald Trump dancing. It was kind of funny. It was about taking a shot of Drake. On his video, he can't dance, and everyone is talking about Drake.

The funniest line of the whole night was when the Mexican president came to Donald Trump and said, "Here's $20 billion for the wall."

Thank you. And Trump says, "No, that's way too much."

And the Mexican president, "No, no, keep it, really. Keep the balance."

I thought they all did well. I think "SNL" did well. The numbers were great, and I think Trump didn't hurt himself.

SHILLUE: And wasn't that, K.G., the perfect sketch? Because Donald Trump fans loved it, because it was kind of the -- the fantasy of a Trump presidency. But the people who can't stand Trump, they thought it was a sketch making fun of the impossible nature of Trump's promise.

GUILFOYLE: You can't please those people, can you? No.

I thought it was funny. You have to be -- you know, kind of not take yourself too seriously. Be of good humor. Be a good sport, to get out there, work with the team. I thought it was good. I don't think there was any downside.

I thought the opening was funny. I love the cell phone, the Drake piece. I was dying. I was, like, singing it in my head all day.

So you know what? He said he was going to deliver high ratings, and he did. I think if they just let him go unplugged, even without lines, he would have been even, you know, funnier than what they wrote to be honest with you. Right?

WILLIAMS: And you know what? You know what the bottom line is? He got a lot of attention for this. "Saturday Night Live" got the ratings.

Great week for Trump coming into tomorrow's debate, with all the troubles for Carson and Rubio, and the exposure on "Saturday Night Live." I think we may be experiencing a Trump resurgence.


SHILLUE: There we go.

GUILFOYLE: Trump surge. Now we need a troop surge.

SHILLUE: Yes. "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK, so the -- ISIS is on the march. Ninety-four million Americans not working, but President Obama had time for this.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This has been my backyard for the last seven years. It also happens to be a national park. There are lot of critters out here too. There's a fox somewhere on the grounds, because I've seen it. It wondered around the Oval Office.


BOLLING: All right. So he joined Facebook today, President Obama: Facebook.com/POTUS. He's got about 300,000 likes. Right now I have more than you. President Obama, if I get you two million...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: ... likes by the end of the week, will you like my Facebook page back?

GUILFOYLE: Bolling, are you just, like, competing with POTUS right now?

BOLLING: I'm winning.

PERINO: Juan, you're next.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, you know, weekends are time for weddings, and an Australian photographer went on an epic rant on Facebook, condemning people who bring all their personal phones and iPads...

PERINO: Great.

WILLIAMS: ... and decide to take pictures at the wedding. And as you can see in that picture, there's the groom in the back, trying to lean in the side so he can see his bride walk down the aisle.

So the photographer says this screws up the professional shots and gets in the way of people really honoring the groom and the bride...

GUILFOYLE: Why do people do that?

WILLIAMS: ... by saying, "We love you and we're here. We're really paying attention to you, not our iPhones."

PERINO: Check your phones at the door.

WILLIAMS: Check it out. Go, Dana.

PERINO: That's kind of a good idea.

All right. I have something fun today. I got to meet up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is a great place in Western Michigan, with Jenny and Carrie Justice. Jenny and I worked together at the White House. I didn't know that they had 2-year-old twins, gorgeous redheads. They watch "The Five."


PERINO: Hello, everyone. Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: And they do this every day. She sent me four videos to show me. The twins are Tim and Kerry Jr. They're 2 years old, gorgeous twins. And I was so glad to get to meet your mom and dad.

BOLLING: That's cute.

GUILFOYLE: Don't they have the "W" doll?

PERINO: No, that's a different friend.

GUILFOYLE: Different. You've got good friends.

OK. So I've got a really great thing about law enforcement. OK, in blue. So salute to police officer Sergeant John Cain from the Savannah Metro Police Department, because look at how incredible this is.

An injured runner in the marathon, the Rock 'N' Roll Marathon of Savannah badly injured, paramedics following him. Cut his face, his legs. The officer helped him the last 200 yards to the finish line so that he could get through this, which was incredible.

And Sergeant John Cain is a 27-year veteran with the department.

Isn't that amazing?

PERINO: Savannah is a great place.

GUILFOYLE: And he said, "You know what? I'm no different from anybody else. This is what officers do every day: put their lives on the line and help out people."


SHILLUE: OK. Great tradition in the Shillue family. We love raking the leaves into a pile and jumping in them. I did it with my daughters yesterday. Take a look. See, we...

PERINO: You turn chores into fun?

SHILLUE: Yes, yes. We don't have a rake, but we have a whole apartment building of leaves to deal with. So I get them in there. And see, they've got the GoPro on the head so I got a double angle. And we filmed the whole thing. It's fantastic.

PERINO: Ah, the leaves. Very fun.

All right. That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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