
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," November 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And welcome to "Hannity." Did an act of terrorism bring down this Russian plane over the weekend, resulting in the deaths of over 200 people? U.S. and British authorities are saying they are not ready to rule out terrorism as the cause of this crash.

Standing by in London with much more is our own Greg Palkot.

GREG PALKOT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Sean. Yes, the claims and counterclaims are mounting. At the center of it all, did terror bring down that Russian plane this past weekend? U.K. officials here today seem to be doubling down and stepping up their charges, saying, and I quote, "There's a significant possibility that the crash of the plane Saturday in Sinai was caused by a bomb." And it came from the local ISIS affiliate.

The White House this afternoon a little bit more circumspect.  President Obama is quoted as saying, "I think there is a possibility there was a bomb on board." He said also the White House, Washington, is taking it seriously.

At Sharm el-Sheikh airport in Egypt, where the doomed plane left, fallout today from those concerns about terrorism. All British flights in and out of that airport have been suspended. A British military and security team has been flown in. The first rescue flights to get some of the 20,000 Brits in that region out of that area scheduled to start tomorrow. Hand baggage only, by the way, on those flights.

Back in London, Egyptian president Abdul Fatah el-Sisi was here on a preplanned visit. Here today, he said that the investigation was not concluded, and he promises transparency when it is. And in Russia, the first of those 224 victims of the crash was buried, the Kremlin today slamming the U.S. and the U.K. for -- and called the terror claims shocking and premature.

If it is terror, it could be big implications, Sean, for both Russia and the United States. Both of those countries in their own way are waging their own campaign against ISIS. Both would be challenged by a new threat from that group.

HANNITY: And Greg, an ISIS-affiliated group in Sinai province issued an audio statement not -- right after the crash pretty much taking credit for that, correct?

PALKOT: There have been various claims of responsibility from ISIS.  Sometimes, they're disregarded but with this growing evidence in the past couple days and putting those two things together and looking a bit closer at the terror possibility, Sean.

HANNITY: It seemed like the president was hedging his bet -- Well, it's certainly a possibility. Anybody could really say that. But the prime minister of Great Britain, David Cameron, said, We've become concerned that the plane may well have been brought down by an explosive device. So it seems that they are out there a lot further than the U.S. government.

But this is the sixth anniversary of Major Hasan killing people, and the official government position to this day is it wasn't terrorism but workplace violence. So one has to be somewhat suspicious.

PALKOT: Well, it certainly seems that the British are ahead on this.  They claim that they have heard some kind of intercepts, either phone or Internet or maybe even human intelligence. They say they have shared it with the United States. The United States, as you noted, Washington, as you noted, just coming out a little bit.

But even to say what President Obama said today, there's got to be some basis on it. Hopefully, we'll get it all unraveled in the next couple of days.

HANNITY: Yes, apparently, there was some chatter of some kind that governments are paying very close attention to. Greg Palkot, thank you, sir.

Here with reaction and analysis, aerospace journalist and former commercial pilot Kathleen Bangs, retired U.S. Air Force pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Dan Hampton and former FBI agent Manny Gomez.

All right, Kathleen, I have spent a lot of time talking to a lot of pilots over the years. Planes -- we he have generally mastered the art and science of flying. I think it's pretty safe to say that it would be quite unusual for a plane to just disintegrate or a fuselage to disintegrate in the sky. That doesn't happen.

Shouldn't the first thought be, especially when someone claimed credit, that it may very well be terrorism? There seems to be a reluctance to go there right out of the gate.

KATHLEEN BANGS, AEROSPACE JOURNALIST AND FMR. COMMERCIAL PILOT: Well, Sean, I share that reluctance. I think if this accident had happened, say, coming out of Dallas, Texas, the last thing we'd be thinking about is a bomb. The first thing we'd be thinking is a mechanical issue, but because of the location, because it was the Sinai peninsula, we might be jumping the gun.

Now, I say best chance 50/50. It's either an on-board bomb or it was mechanical failure. And the one thing that we do know, we do know that there was an explosion. But remember, an airplane is a pressure vessel, and so up at altitude, which is where this occurred, right when it hit its peak altitude for the beginning of the flight, the 31,000 feet, it's hitting its max pressurization.

If that tail ripped off, which is that is the second thing that we know -- we know the tail separated from the airplane first -- could have easily had what's called an explosive decompression. So that doesn't mean an explosion caused by a bomb. That just means an explosive scenario brought on by the pressurization.

HANNITY: It would be highly unusual...

BANGS: So I think there's a very good...

HANNITY: But my point, Kathleen...

BANGS: ... chance this has happened.

HANNITY: Listen, none of us know, and I think that's fair to point out. I just -- I don't understand this compulsion to race out there and almost immediately say, Oh, it's not terrorism.

BANGS: Right.

HANNITY: There's a fear, I think, to tell people the truth. But a plane disintegrating like that -- back to my point. We have mastered the art and science of flying airplanes!

BANGS: Well...

HANNITY: They don't disintegrate (INAUDIBLE) The level of redundancy and safety checks are incredible on these...

BANGS: But Sean...


BANGS: But Sean, we have not always mastered the art of maintaining those aircraft. And remember, this is an aircraft that may not have been maintained that well. And we know for sure in its history -- here's another smoking gun -- this airplane had a tail strike that was severe enough to put it out of commission for two months.

History shows us there's many precedents of other airliners, even well maintained airlines...

HANNITY: True. Good point.

BANGS: ... like Japan Airlines, where they have fallen out of the sky from a tail damage situation happening years before the actual accident.

HANNITY: Colonel Hampton, what's your reaction?

LT. COL. DAN HAMPTON, U.S. AIR FORCE (RET.), FMR. FIGHTER PILOT:  Well, I -- Sean, you know, I agree with Kathleen up to a point. She's got an excellent perspective there, in that this is a Russian-maintained airplane. And a rapid decompression at that altitude could cause very easily a catastrophic structural failure.

The terrorism angle, you know, initially, a lot of people were talking about missiles, which is -- which -- which doesn't add up because of the altitude and some other things in the Sinai. There's not any way that could happen. But an internally inserted explosive device is a definite possibility, given the way that this airplane -- they say this airplane broke apart.

And that's a small section, the tail, and then the larger forward section, because the bulk (ph) cargo hold in this model Airbus, cargo hold number 5, is all the way in the back, where this airplane supposedly came apart.

HANNITY: That's a good point.

HAMPTON: And if something was inserted into bulk cargo, it wouldn't have gone through the airport scanners. Who knows what was in there.

HANNITY: Yes. That's a really good point that you're making.

HAMPTON: It's a very definite possibility.

HANNITY: Let's go to the FBI and investigative side of this and forensic side of this. And as a former FBI agent, I would assume by now, because they have all the wreckage, that if there was bomb residue, they probably know right now whether or not something happened.

MANNY GOMEZ, FMR. FBI SPECIAL AGENT: Well, the fact that British intelligence, as well as American intelligence, is saying that there was probably an explosive device on that plane is very indicative that there's empirical evidence that probably there was.

That being said, whether there was a bomb or not, the fact that we're having this conversation, whether ISIS blew up that plane or not...

HANNITY: But an anonymous U.S. intelligence official told the AP that intercepted communication played a role in the conclusion that the Islamic State planted an explosive device. That, to me, tells me something is up here. Now, politics plays in everything, right Manny?

GOMEZ: Agreed.

HANNITY: In other words, I don't think Vladimir Putin, who's recently said he's going after ISIS, would want to admit that ISIS attacked successfully a commercial Russian airliner, nor do I think he wants to hurt the economy because that's a big vacation resort. So I would expect that Vladimir Putin would want to hide it.

Wouldn't you know by now? Wouldn't there be bomb residue?

GOMEZ: Absolutely, there would be. And again, the fact that both the Brits and us are saying...

HANNITY: On the intelligence side.

GOMEZ: ... on the intelligence side that there probably was a bomb, to me, tells there was something.

HANNITY: Your heart goes that there probably was. We don't know for sure.


HANNITY: I'm with you. All right. We'll have more as it develops.  Thank you all for being with us.

And coming up next on this busy news night tonight right here on "Hannity"...


WHOOPI GOLDBERG, "THE VIEW": You have to know the difference between when somebody is coming for you and when somebody is paying you a compliment and when somebody is saying, Here's my observation. You'll be - - you'll be here again.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right. Welcome back to "The View," Carly Fiorina.


HANNITY: Carly Fiorina will square off with the ladies of "The View" tomorrow. The 2016 presidential candidate joins us up next with a preview of what she is expecting.

Plus, Donald Trump is getting ready to host "Saturday night live."  But not everyone is looking forward to it. Wait until you hear what one group is threatening to do to affect that show!

And then later tonight...


QUENTIN TARANTINO, FILM DIRECTOR: Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, who's on FOX all the time, says that I'm putting police in danger by standing up for the rights of unarmed citizens who have been killed by the police.


HANNITY: Unhinged! Quentin Tarantino doubles down on his anti-cop remarks and calls out Sheriff David Clarke. Sheriff Clarke will be here to respond in a "Hannity" exclusive. That and much more coming up straight ahead.



HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is getting ready for a showdown tomorrow on "The View" after the show's co-hosts made these extremely distasteful comments about her appearance and then refused to apologize. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She kicked off her thing saying, you know, People tell me that I didn't smile enough during the last debate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She looked demented. I mean, she did not...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her mouth did not downturn one time. She was, like...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) Halloween mask. I love that!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A smiling Fiorina. Can you imagine?

WHOOPI GOLDBERG, "THE VIEW": I do want to point out, Carly, that the last time you were here -- and you'll see B-roll running -- we welcomed you to our table. We helped raise your...


GOLDBERG: ... your profile so you would be included in the sea of men. We were respectful and gave you your due.

So just so we're all clear, you have to know the difference between when somebody is coming for you and when somebody is paying you a compliment and when somebody is saying, Here's my observation.


HANNITY: Joining us now, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina. All right, I'm not disputing Whoopi. I've known her for years.  They did welcome you. They probably helped raise your profile. That doesn't excuse what they said, does it!

CARLY FIORINA, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, no. And look, I'm looking forward to going back. I've been around a long time. I know the difference between an observation and an insult.

But I think what this points out is that the left always demonizes the messenger when they don't like the message. And they didn't like my message. They haven't liked my message about Planned Parenthood and what's really going on. They tried to demonize me over that. They don't like my message that progressive policies actually harm women instead of helping women.

So in general, what the left does is, instead of debating on the merits of the issue, they want to demonize the messenger. So I hope tomorrow on "The View," we can have a really civil conversation about the issues and why we differ.

HANNITY: Yes. You know, as I think about it, you know, in this PC world we live in, you can't say anything about anybody. I can't imagine a conservative making a similar comment, say, about Hillary Clinton or some Democratic woman...

FIORINA: Exactly.

HANNITY: ... and not this blowing up...


FIORINA: Wouldn't happen.

HANNITY: Poor Rick Lazio handed Hillary a piece of paper, and that was the end of the world. But what bothers me -- the only acceptable prejudiced attack line seem to be against black conservatives or female conservatives, and people get away with that. What's your response to that?

FIORINA: Well, I think that's right. I think conservative women or African-American conservatives are held to a different standard because we're not supposed to exist.

And of course, I am Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare, a conservative woman who will take her on on her track record and her policies and her lies. And so you know, they're going to hurl a lot of insults my way.  That's OK.

But I hope tomorrow, actually, we can have a civil conversation because I think that's what's wrong in this nation. We're not willing to talk about our differences. We have real differences in this nation.  Let's talk about them. Let's not demonize the messenger. And you're absolutely right, Sean. The right doesn't do that, but the left does.

HANNITY: You know what? I'm putting my money on you. I've watched you now in these debates. It's going to -- if they take you on, I have every belief you're going to do just fine. Thank you for being with us.

FIORINA: Well, thank you. You lay your money down, Sean. It's must- see TV.

HANNITY: Yes, I got to get to Vegas quick. All right, thank you.

And here now with reaction, Republican strategist Mercedes Schlapp and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer.

I know, Mercedes, she's taking it with great humor, but it's still wrong! It still wouldn't happen to Hillary. That really bothers me.

MERCEDES SCHLAPP, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: You know what really bothers me? You know, I'm the mother of five girls, and goodness, I teach my kids, Don't bully and don't let yourself be bullied. And this -- the group of "The View" right now, they're like the mean girls club, you know?

This is supposed to be, like, a pro-women, let's elevate our women show, and even Whoopi said, We were respectful for Carly, but then again, they criticized her physical appearance which, come on. What are we, in 2015? I mean, it's completely hypocritical on their part. And I know one thing about Carly. She's fearless and she'll take them on.


ARI FLEISCHER, FMR. BUSH WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Yes, the problem is -- and you alluded to it. These things set off a feeding frenzy in the press if a conservative does it to a liberal. If a liberal does it to a conservative, it's dutifully noted. So they can't say we didn't cover -- yes, we covered it. They touch and they go. With us, they stay on it for days, if not weeks, until they get a pound of flesh.

HANNITY: All right, let me ask you both -- we'll move on. It's going to be interesting tomorrow. We'll see what happens. I think Carly holds her own.

Let's look at the latest polls. We have the latest FOX News poll, and very similar to the other polls, Trump 26, Carson 23, first tier. Then you got Cruz and Rubio, second tier. That seems to be playing out all around the country. What's your analysis of it?

FLEISCHER: Well, the outsider lane is growing, isn't it. I mean, there really is a remarkable change in the Republican primary electorate.  They are deeply desirous of somebody who's going to shake things up and change things up. When Jeb said, I'm going to fix it -- bad slogan!


FLEISCHER: He needed to say, I'm going to change it. The Republican base doesn't want a fix, they want a change. That's why Trump, Carson do so well.

HANNITY: Do they go all the way, one of these insurgent outsiders -- do they go all the way or do people at the last minute say, I'm afraid of that?

FLEISCHER: Well, the history of the party is you have a large insurgency. It meets up with the establishment. When they go mano-a-mano, the establishment always wins. Things are changing this year. I suspect history will still prevail. I think Rubio has the strongest chance of being the quote, unquote, "establishment guy" to take on Trump or Carson at the end, but all bets are off. This year is different.

HANNITY: Yes. Mercedes, your thoughts?

SCHLAPP: I do have to say it really might not be determined by a New Hampshire or South Carolina or even Florida. What's going to happen is, you've got to have five or six of those candidates, or even more, drop out to really see how it shakes up because when you look at the numbers, 28, 26 percent for Trump, 24, 25 percent for Carson -- that's really not a lot.  And you're still talking about that close to 70 percent of the Republican voters out there have not decided. Yes, they're leaning towards a candidate, but they're not committed.

HANNITY: All right, guys, good to so you both. Thanks for being with us. Mercedes, thank you.

And coming up -- Donald Trump getting ready to host "SNL" this weekend, but not everybody is happy about it. One group is offering to pay people money to disrupt the live show. We'll tell you about that coming up next.

Plus, later tonight...


QUENTIN TARANTINO, FILM DIRECTOR: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who's on Fox all the time, says that I'm putting police in danger by standing up for the rights of unarmed citizens who have been killed by the police.


HANNITY: Quentin Tarantino refuses to apologize for his anti-cop comments and takes as swipe at our friend, Sheriff David Clarke. The sheriff is here tonight in a "Hannity" exclusive to respond.

We'll also check in with Greg Gutfeld and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, all coming up straight ahead.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is getting ready to host "SNL" live this weekend, and ahead of his appearance, NBC has released some promos, and here's one of them.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Hi. I'm Donald Trump, and I'll be hosting "Saturday Night Live" this week with musical guest CIA (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And to make things extra fun, Donald has promised that for the whole show, he is not going to brag or say he's the best at anything, right, Donald?

TRUMP: That's right, Cecily (ph). I'm going to do the best job anyone's ever done not saying it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Man, you just said it.

TRUMP: What can I say? I'm the absolute best. What can I say?



HANNITY: All right, Trump appears ready to go, but not everybody is happy that he was offered the opportunity to host the show. Now, one liberal political action committee titled Deport Racism -- they're offering $5,000 to anyone who will disrupt Trump during the live broadcast.

Here with reaction is the editor-in-chief of Lifezette.com, Laura Ingraham, and the founder, executive director of Border Angels Enrique Morones is with us.

I thought the promo was funny, Enrique. Is that what you really want to do now, if you don't like what somebody says, we're going to offer money and try and embarrass them on national TV? Do you support that?

ENRIQUE MORONES, BORDER ANGELS: I'm not familiar with that part of it, but I am familiar with the fact that hate words lead to hate actions.  And Donald Trump had been spewing hate.

HANNITY: What is the hate?

MORONES: There have been consequences...

HANNITY: You know, you can say -- besides throwing out words, I listened to his entire comment. And I've been down to the border nearly a dozen times on horseback, on all-terrain vehicle, helicopter. I've been out there in boats about a dozen times. I've seen drug warehouses. I have been there when criminals and gang members were arrested.

What has he said specifically that offends you?

MORONES: Well, there's many things that he has said. As you know, the...

HANNITY: What? What specific words?

MORONES: For example, at one of his rallies, he got these two Boston men fired up that went in, almost killed a homeless man.

HANNITY: He got what?

MORONES: It was a horrific situation.


MORONES: He said words that inspired...

HANNITY: What words?

MORONES: ... two men in Boston...

HANNITY: Tell me! What words? What words!

MORONES: Mexicans are -- let me tell you. Hold on a second.  Mexicans are racists, they're criminals, they're sending their worst...

HANNITY: He didn't say that!

MORONES: That type of rhetoric...

HANNITY: That's not what he said! You're making it up!


MORONES: He did say that. No, no, no.


HANNITY: You're purposefully taking it out of context!

MORONES: Hold on a second.

LAURA INGRAHAM, LIFEZETTE.COM: Sean, let me get in here.

MORONES: There's Fox, and then there's facts. And you want to hear the facts, or you want to...


HANNITY: And you're giving me fiction!

MORONES: ... give your Fox rhetoric? We've...


HANNITY: I'm asking you specific words, and you just keep giving me ad hominem attacks! Now, Laura...

MORONES: No, I'm giving you specific words that he said.

HANNITY: Excuse me! We have guests on the program.

Laura, to me, you know, I've listened to what Donald Trump said.  Crime also is a big part of having an open border. You can't say that anymore, apparently?

INGRAHAM: All right, well, let's -- let's -- let's remind everyone Enrique's committed and passionate and I respect that. But Enrique is against pretty much all border enforcement.

HANNITY: That's true.

INGRAHAM: Enrique was against Operation Gatekeeper, which is the San Diego very effective fencing and wall from San Diego, moves (ph) on, you know, a couple of -- like, seven or eight miles, very effective. He doesn't like that.


INGRAHAM: The idea that the United States can have a border is offensive to Enrique. I understand that.

MORONES: Not true.

INGRAHAM: He doesn't like borders. But the country needs borders.

MORONES: Not true.

INGRAHAM: That's offensive to him. If it -- I mean, that's why you facilitate the crossings. You make sure that everyone has their provisions when they cross, making it more dangerous, frankly, because people feel like they're going to be cared for when they come across the border. So that's a fact.

Enrique's angry because Trump's really popular. I get that. But the country is fed up. And Sean, like you, because I've listened to your radio show almost every day -- Latinos calling into my show who are legally in the United States -- they are not uniformly against people who are for border enforcement.

We have people from Colombia, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador calling in, saying, This is hurting our livelihood. This is hurting our neighborhood. We want this to stop. And they're supporting outsider candidates, Ted Cruz, Carson and Trump.

So Enrique I get a passion, but you know, look, there's not a really border enforcement...

HANNITY: All right, I have a question...

INGRAHAM: ... initiative that you favor.

HANNITY: Enrique, I have a question for you. Is the Mexican government racist? Because if you went to that country illegally -- let's say you're coming from El Salvador or Nicaragua -- and you enter Mexico, do you know what happens to those people when they're caught in Mexico?  They're either put in jail or immediately deported. Is Mexico as a government racist, sir?



MORONES: The racism comes from individuals, and the fact is, there are criminals, but they're not necessarily undocumented people. Those are criminals that happen to be undocumented, has no -- nothing to do with their immigration status. They have...


HANNITY: ... building a fence, Enrique? Do you have a problem with America building a fence to secure its border?

MORONES: That fence, that wall...

INGRAHAM: The answer is yes, he does.


HANNITY: I asked you a question! Do you have a problem with building a fence?

MORONES: Yes. Absolutely. Yes, it's killed 11,000 people.

INGRAHAM: Thank you. Thank you.

MORONES: Killed 11,000 people!


INGRAHAM: I rest my case.

HANNITY: ... illegally. Laura's right.

MORONES: We want them to be able to get in line, like your forefathers and foremothers did. Right now, there's no line for them.


INGRAHAM: Enrique! Enrique! Sean!


HANNITY: Laura, go ahead. Last word.

INGRAHAM: Enrique! Enrique! You basically think this is stolen land, and I get it. That's the big narrative from the La Raza crowd.  We're living on stolen land. It all needs to become one country, and any type of border is an offense to the Mexican people. That is the story...

MORONES: Not true.

INGRAHAM: ... that's being told these young people...

MORONES: Not true.

INGRAHAM: ... who are giving the finger to the camera. That's a great way to raise your kids, by the way. And most Americans, Latino, black, white -- they want laws that work for the average American...

HANNITY: All right, let me run this ad that...

INGRAHAM: ... not laws that make everybody's life better in other countries!

HANNITY: Let me ask you, Enrique -- I want to play this -- this PAC that uses children and exploits them, using all sorts of curse words, et cetera, about Donald Trump. I want to ask you if you support this. Let's roll tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump screaming, Get out of my country!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Republicans use offensive words.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So here's a few of our own.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're Latino kids born in the USA!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yo, Trump, you may be high in the polls...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you're all going to have to come through me.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You see the Constitution makes me a citizen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you hate that because I'm brown!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you say you're a patriot?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you want to tear the Bill of Rights down!



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my home!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can't take my rights away!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you don't like our Constitution and what it stands for...



HANNITY: A simple question. Is that exploitation of children?

MORONES: It's horrific. I don't support that at all. That's horrible. It shouldn't be done on either side, and that's what Trump's doing. He's stirring up that hate...


HANNITY: You keep taking it out of context. I'm not going to let you get away with that because that's not what Mr. Trump said.

MORONES: No, it's not out of context.

HANNITY: That is not what he said...

INGRAHAM: Why are so many Latinos for Trump?


MORONES: (INAUDIBLE) is dead because of a hate crime.

HANNITY: All right, Laura, last word.

MORONES: Because of a hate crime. Hate words lead to hate actions.

INGRAHAM: Again, there's no monolith. All white people don't think alike. All Hispanics don't think alike. All black people don't think alike.

MORONES: Obvious.

INGRAHAM: That's what Enrique wants people to think. There are a lot of Latinos who are supporting outsider candidates.

HANNITY: Thank you both for being with us.

Coming up next right here on "Hannity."


QUENTIN TARANTINO, DIRECTOR: They want to demonize me. They want to slander me and imply that I'm saying things that I didn't say. And then -- and for what reason? Well, the reason is because they want me so shut up.


HANNITY: No. Quentin Tarantino off the rails, not apologizing for anti-cop rhetoric. Instead he is lashing out at his critics, including our friend, Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke. He joins us next to respond as well as Greg Gutfeld.

Plus, tonight, the people of Iran proudly burning the American flag and chanting once again "Death to America." So how does GOP 2016 hopeful Senator Rand Paul plan to deal with this rogue nation if he is elected? He will join us coming up.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Leftwing Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino has been embroiled in a firestorm of controversy for recently making antipolice remarks at a rally in New York City. Now he's actually doubling down on those idiotic comments. Watch this.


TARANTINO: I was under the impression I was an American and that I had First Amendment rights and there was no problem with me going to an anti-police brutality protest and speaking my mind. They want to demonize me. They want to slander me, imply that I'm saying things that I didn't say, and then -- and for what reason? Well, the reason is because they want me to shut up.


HANNITY: No, keep speaking because the more you speak the dumber you show yourself to be. Tarantino also went on to explain that this issue was stemming from, quote, "white supremacy." Really? Watch this.


TARANTINO: The organization that put it on was -- it's called Rise Up October. And they got in touch with me because I had made statements in some interviews, you know, along the way that has suggested that I'm on their side when it comes to this issue of, you know, ultimately what I feel is a problem of white supremacy in this country.


HANNITY: And that's not all. Later in the interview Tarantino even took a shot at our friend Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke. Watch this.


TARANTINO: They are slandering me. I'm not a cop hater. Patrick Lynch, that's the way they attack me is calling me a cop hater. That's the way that Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, who is on FOX all the time, says that I'm putting police in danger by standing up for the rights of unarmed citizens who have been killed by the police.

But at the same time, they say that about anybody who acknowledges that there is a problem in law enforcement in this country right now is considered by law enforcement part of the problem, whether that be me, whether that be Bill de Blasio, whether that be President Barack Obama, who in the case of both Patrick Lynch and David Clarke have accused all three of us of this action.


HANNITY: Here to respond Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.  Sheriff, he seems a bit unhinged to me watching that interview. But that doesn't excuse what he did and what he said. He said those comments, made those comments about, quote, "murderers," talking about cops at anti-cop rally a weekend after a cop was shot and killed in New York. That was the context in which it was stated. Your response?

SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY: Sure. And you notice that he had to look down and read from the script that somebody prepared for him.  He didn't know who David Clarke was. I have never talked about Quentin Tarantino on FOX News.

But that's neither here nor there. This guy really stepped in it.  And, you know, it's not unusual for this thing to happen. Here is the phenomenon. You have these Hollywood elites. He is one-percenter, a limousine liberal, who feel as little guilty about his lot in life. And so every once in a while what these elites do is go down and appear at these demonstrations and they try to get their legitimacy that they are down with the struggle. They go down there and they get too far out ahead of their skis, and they say something stupid.

Look, Quentin Tarantino's father, his dad said that his son was wrong and should apologize. My advice to Quentin Tarantino, honor thy father.  Apologize, get yourself out of this. I will tell you what, I will make you a deal, Quentin. You take the proceeds, the profits from your next movie, donate them to the Concerns of Police Survivor or the National Law Enforcement Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., and maybe NYPD for survivors of people who have been killed in the line of duty, and I will help call off the dogs on this proposed boycott.

But what he needs to do is realize when he is going down for his own game. Like I said, he wants to feel like he is down with the struggle. He has no idea what people who he showed up with down there are living like.  He has no -- he shares no black experiences. The fact is that this guy is used to red carpets and champagne toasts. That's his lifestyle. That's what he is guilty about because he doesn't want these groups to turn on him.

HANNITY: You know, I think you make great comments. You know what I would like to do, sheriff. How about I invite Quentin Tarantino -- I don't think he would have the courage to show up here, but to come on with you, and maybe you could explain to him and educate him, because he seems pretty ignorant about what life is like out on the streets for cops every day. I think that might be a good experience for him. Maybe he can talk to some the families of the lost hero cops in the line of duty out there protecting and serving before he uses a broad brush and talks about calling this the murderers murderers.

He is not talking about most cops, and he didn't make the distinction.  And nobody is trying to stop his First Amendment rights, but he has a First Amendment right and I have one, too, and I don't want to go see his movies anymore. I'm not interested.

CLARKE: Sean, as you know, this isn't even a First Amendment issue.  He doesn't even know what he is talking about. No government entity is telling Quentin Tarantino to knock it off.

But I will say this. He should show up in the first week of May and second week of May during police memorial week in Washington D.C., visit the mall with the wall that has the name of 20,500 law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty.

Sean, I reached out to MSNBC for a counterpoint of view to his rambling and his babbling yesterday. And they declined. They said they are not big fans of mine. I guess they don't share FOX News fair and balanced philosophy.

HANNITY: I'm inviting Quentin here. Sheriff, that's sad to hear.  I'll join you in your effort. I would love to see him have a discussion with you about life on the street for the average man and women that is out there putting their lives on the line for us. Sheriff, you are a friend of this program. Thank you for being with us.

CLARKE: Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY: Here with more reaction, author of the brand new book "How to be Right, The Art of Being Persuasively Correct," he is the co-host of "THE FIVE," our friend Greg Gutfeld is here. How are you?

GREG GUTFELD, AUTHOR, "HOW TO BE RIGHT": I'm great. He's awesome.  Every time I listen to Sheriff Clarke I go, why isn't he running for a major office?

HANNITY: I have talked to him about it.

GUTFELD: Because, plugging my book in the same sentence, is about being persuasively correct. And he just states things so clearly, and he nailed Quentin Tarantino for his hypocrisy.

HANNITY: Isn't it amazing. I watched Tarantino in this interview, like it he seemed like he was nuts.

GUTFELD: You know what happened was he caught him because he went too far. He went too far. And Sheriff Clarke is correct. What he was trying to do, he was trying to improve his bona fides with a certain group of activists because they were upset about his past movie. So all he was trying to do was get back in with the group. So this was a purely call calculated move on his part.

HANNITY: He has misunderstanding of the First Amendment. Nobody says you can't say this, Quentin. Say it --

GUTFELD: Exactly. That is the last thing you do when you know you don't have an argument. What, I have a right to say. Yes. And we have a right to tell it you are a bozo.

HANNITY: OK, I like that.


HANNITY: It's funny because this really does dovetail into your book.  And I read it and I was impressed by it because I don't think so conservatives are often persuasive enough in their arguments. In other words, they don't explain how limited government, greater -- less government spending, greater freedom represents a better life for them in the end. So in the context of that, so how do conservatives, how would you advise them to get their message out in a way that is more persuasive?

GUTFELD: I think the most important thing is to be fund and do it with humor and wit and not be shrill.

HANNITY: Not everybody is funny.

GUTFELD: You don't have to be funny. You just have to be real and honest. To your point, right now we have a socialist running for president, Bernie Sanders. How does an ideological, destructive doctrine still have weight? Because they sell it as compassionate. And we don't see conservatism that well.

HANNITY: You're right. Here's a trickier question, because every election cycle is the same arguments. Republicans are racist. Republicans are sexist. They want to throw granny over the pit. Republicans want to poison the air and water and they want your children to die.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

HANNITY: So how do they counter that?

GUTFELD: You use their own tactics. You out compassion them. If they say they are for gun control, you say actually I'm against a gun stealing. Every time you limit guns to law abiding adults you are preventing women from owning guns to protect themselves. That makes you a sexist.

HANNITY: Turn it on them.

GUTFELD: You turn it on them.

HANNITY: And call them the sexist. And call them the racist.

GUTFELD: Exactly. And they hate the environment because they like windmills which kill 1.5 million birds a year.

HANNITY: They kill birds and also block the Kennedy's view of their compound.

GUTFELD: That is true. And bald eagles, yes, which is an attack on the hairless.

HANNITY: The book is called "How to be Right, The Art of Being Persuasively Correct." Good to see you.

GUTFELD: Great to see.

HANNITY: "The Five" we never miss.

GUTFELD: He always punches me.

HANNITY: What do you mean I always punch you?

GUTFELD: In the hallways you always punch me.

HANNITY: No. I put you in a headlock.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's true. I don't mind it.


HANNITY: I do ninja. I just kind of mess around with you. You punch me on the air every once in a while.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

HANNITY: All right, coming up, Iranians took to the streets of Tehran burning American flags, chanting "Death to America," all to commemorate the anniversary of the U.S. embassy takeover, and Obama is giving them $150 billion. We will check in with 2016 Republican presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul. He is up next as we continue.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." The rogue regime in Tehran is showing its true colors. Yesterday marked the 36th anniversary of Iran's seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, and Iranians celebrated by burning American flags in the streets. "The Wall Street Journal" is reporting that Iran's Revolutionary Guard has been hacking White House e-mail and social media accounts now for weeks.

Here with reaction, 2016 Republican presidential candidate, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Senator, it is so frustrating to me that we're going to give this regime, a number one state sponsor of terror, a path to a bomb, $150 billion, spinning centrifuges, missile defense with Putin, ICBM capability, build up their conventional arms, and we get nothing. Can you tell the American people, is there anything we can do to stop this?

SEN. RAND PAUL, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is exactly why I opposed the Iranian agreement. The first thought that comes to mind is I'm not sure which is less secure, Hillary Clinton's e-mail server or the White House e-mail server. But that really is a disappointment that we can't even protect the White House secrets. A teenager tapped into James Clapper, the intelligence director's e-mail. We've got to do a little bit better job at protecting secrets. But the Iran agreement was a disaster. And we have to remain vigilant. What really annoys me is now Iran is Iraq's biggest ally, and Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Russia are all allied together despite the fact that we spent $1 trillion over there.

HANNITY: Let me focus you here. I don't know what part of -- the Iranian parliament this week voted they're not going to stop chanting "Death to America." They burned our flag this week. What part of the Iranian mullah's hating us does Obama not understand? And saying to us now that there is nothing we can do, we have to accept this? We have to accept this?

PAUL: You know what, didn't you hear what the ayatollah told the president the other day? He said when we chant "Death to America" we really are just criticizing you. We're not meaning death to America. So unfortunately what I hear is "Death to America." I hear people who really do want to grind us into the ground and destroy us. And so I think it's a big mistake that we made this agreement. I never would have done it. I said all along we should see whether or not there is any sort of semblance of compliance. They should at least quit saying "Death to America," wouldn't you think, at the beginning?

HANNITY: One little itty-bitty prerequisite, we'll just stop chanting "Death to America."

Let me ask you this. To me there are simple mathematical formulas in life. A-squared and B-squared equals C-squared, one and one equals two, radical Iranian mullahs that chant "Death to America," burn our flag, plus weapons of mass destruction, equals a modern day holocaust. I hope that is not a mathematical certainty, but I believe that this will go down in history potentially as one of the biggest, most catastrophic mistakes made by any leader of any country.

PAUL: You know, we continue to have the same sort of problems confronting us in the Middle East with people making deals with the enemy.  I think radical Islam, the jihadists are our enemy, but I still hear people in our government on both sides of the aisle saying we need to be allied with Al Qaeda now, or we need to be allied with al Nusra against ISIS.

HANNITY: Who is saying that?

PAUL: That is what got us into this problem to begin with.

HANNITY: Senator, thank you. It's really scary. I appreciate your joining us.

PAUL: Thanks, Sean.

HANNITY: Coming up next, we need your help. Tonight's "Question of the Day" is straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Time for our "Question of the Day." So what do you think happened to the Russian plane that went down in the Sinai? We want to know what you think. Just go to Facebook.com/SeanHannity, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what you think.

Before we go, quick programming note. Be sure to tune in tomorrow night, right here, this time, 10:00 eastern for a special edition of "Fox News Reporting, Destiny and Power, The Private Diaries of George Herbert Walker Bush." It's anchored by our friend Brit Hume. That's tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern. Hope you'll watch that.

That's all the time we have left this evening. As always thank you for being with us. And we hope you have a great night.

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