
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Geraldo Rivera Eric Bolling and Tom Shillue. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Many American voters have said they don't trust Hillary Clinton anymore. So what would she say to them?


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Oh, that really hurts my feelings, I have to tell you. I believe by the end of this campaign people will know that I will fight for them and they can count on me.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC TODAY SHOW CO-ANCHOR: It's surprising to hear you say that because you've been in politics for 20 years, so it's not like people don't know you. I mean, can you just get real about it?


GUTHRIE: Are you having a problem connecting?

CLINTON: Well, I don't know. I mean, you can ask me that and obviously, it's not the nicest question to hear because I feel like I have a long record of working on the issues that I believe are important to people. And I'm going to continue to do that.


PERINO: And she's apologized for using a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state, but she's also blaming republicans for her scandal. So which is it? Is she sorry or is the GOP just out to get her?


CLINTON: I mean I'm sorry that I made a choice that has resulted in this kind of, you know, situation. But it's also, as we all know, very clearly, the way that the republicans are trying to bring my -- they admit, poll numbers down. This committee was set up, as they have admitted for the purpose of making a partisan political issue out of the death of four Americans. If I was president and there were republicans or democrats who were thinking about that, I would have done everything to shut it down.


PERINO: All right, Eric Bolling.


PERINO: Now I'm going to start with you because she blitzes the weekend. We didn't even get a chance to talk about Saturday Night Live.


PERINO: Yes. I'm not gonna even try the sports reference. I was going to, but I.

BOLLING: All out blitz, linebackers, corners?

PERINO: Bring them all. Corners, linebackers.

BOLLING: There you go, Dana. See, see.

PERINO: I'm trying.

BOLLING: I know exactly where you're going with that.

PERINO: I'm in training with the sports.

BOLLING: Do you know who else brought the blitz? NBC brought the blitz.


BOLLING: It was a Hillary weekend. They got -- we have Hillary on Saturday Night Live and then this, in our town hall, pancakes and politics. Hillary, how do you flip -- how do you flip your pancakes, or what's your favorite celebrity on healthy drinks? I mean, come on, that was an infomercial for Hillary Clinton. So clearly, NBC is trying to get her back in the game. And for the record, if I were her, I wouldn't be doing those. She just doesn't come off as likeable.

PERINO: But this isn't where they are. I want to ask you Tom because -- so it was a big deal to be on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live, that's a great booking for her. And, you know it is fun and that was with her team that they wanted her to do, look more likeable, more approachable, so she does that. It's actually pretty decent for her, right, because there's a lot of attention. It could have carried on into Monday, but instead they do the town hall where the headline is, now we have angry Hillary Clinton.

TOM SHILLUE, GUEST CO-HOST: Yeah, they can't let it sit. I mean, that's the whole thing with comedy, you got to let it stew a little bit. And she was great on Saturday Night Live, even though she wasn't great because she let the other people shine. Kate McKinnon does a great Hillary and that was a really funny sketch. She should have let this week go and we could have been playing that sketch, but now we're watching her. It was pancakes and petulant, that things hurt yelling about Benghazi half the time. So yeah, I don't that pancake breakfast went well because it was her getting angry and reminding us about Benghazi when we did -- we weren't even talking about it, we're talking about Saturday Night Live.


PERINO: She wants to talk about it, right?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but you know what I -- he -- I think he's right, but she should just let it breathe, you know.

PERINO: I agree.

GUILFOYLE: She hit the mark with the SNL thing, just let that kind of like marinate a little bit, give it some space, but she didn't do that. So this whole blitz and or blitz create does it have over her campaign? Like more warfare for this.

PERINO: I was going to say ball court press, but then ask Eric beforehand, like that's basketball, so what's the football equivalent.

BOLLING: I think he nailed it.

PERINO: And I said blitz.

BOLLING: I think he nailed it.

GUILFOYLE: Football.

PERINO: I think I knew about that. Geraldo, let me put up this poll here. This is one of the things I think that Hillary Clinton was reacting to this morning. It's not just the fact that she's got republican candidates on her tail, that she's also got Bernie Sanders. This is the new NBC Wall Street Journal poll, showing Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire, still 10 points or nine points up above Hillary Clinton. And then when you go to that same poll and you match her up against republicans, she's also down against Bush and Trump and Fiorina. And then if you look at the other one here, let see, in New Hampshire -- that was Iowa, excuse me -- New Hampshire. It's almost kind of the same numbers. So she's in -- I think the kind of the fight of her life, so it maybe you do have to do a town hall like that for an hour with NBC News, to try and get your name out there.

GERALDO RIVERA, CO- HOST: I think contrary to most that she had a pretty good week going back to Kevin McCarthy, but she reminds me most of a lyric from John Denver, more than anything else, I'm sorry for myself -- it goes that way, so.

PERINO: So you have heard on "The Five." The first.

RIVERA: Let me go back to why I think she had a good week. I think the Kevin McCarthy telling the truth, accidentally undermined the Benghazi hearings in a way that will -- I think be regarded by historians as a turning point, finally. The man who will be the speaker of the house in all likelihood admitted that the Benghazi hearing was bogus and it was political and it was designed.

BOLLING: Or that could just be hit the penguin.


PERINO: He doesn't speak for me.

BOLLING: You're calling it the truth and admit it.

RIVERA: Well, I.

BOLLING: That's your perspective, Geraldo.


RIVERA: It may be his personal opinion, Eric, that's absolutely true.

GUILFOYLE: But you can't. But you are offering it for the truth of the matter asserted and I said no way.

RIVERA: He is the man.

GUILFOYLE: As for Gowdy, he doesn't think that it's political.

RIVERA: The man designated, as far as we know, unless there's.


RIVERA: Jason Chavitz will not -- I don't think he will be. I think Kevin McCarthy will be the speaker of the house, and he is the person who said this effort has been designed and tailored and has the effect of being a personal attack on her and notching down her numbers successfully. As far as Bernie Sanders is concerned, I have to admit that he is doing far better, Dana, than I ever anticipated.


RIVERA: Those crowds are gigantic and vibrant.

PERINO: Do you see that crowd that does again? Amazing.

RIVERA: And they remind me a lot of the Rand Paul kids from 20 years ago. But I think that -- I still believe that she's the -- she will be the nominee.

GUILFOYLE: But what about Biden?


RIVERA: And I do not think that Joe Biden will run.

BOLLING: One of the reasons I disagree -- yeah, she had a good SNL skit. However, the numbers are horrible. In New Hampshire, she's losing to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire.

RIVERA: But we haven't seen the impact of this last week.

BOLLING: That is not that. That is a big story.

RIVERA: This is the best week she's had in a month. And I think you can't.

PERINO: Well in that -- but I think that's the -- one of thing I think she's really in trouble is because -- then she spent a ton of -- she's raised a lot of money, but she's spent a ton of money. Bernie Sanders has raised a lot of money and is sitting on it, and he can still draw crowds like this. Let's take a look at what she said this morning about Bernie Sanders.


CLINTON: I really believe this is great for the Democratic Party and for this election because we want to turn out as many people as possible. The difference between us, on the democratic side and the republicans is a huge gulf. And if you care about your income, your family's income then, you've got to look at the democrats.


PERINO: Eric, about 72 percent of the latest Pew poll said the country is going in the wrong direction. About 60 percent country thinks that especially, that's true on the economy. The number one issue for voters all across the country is the economy. I don't think that message sells when Bernie Sanders is.


PERINO: Basically saying the opposite of what Hillary has her whole career, up until recently about Wall Street.

BOLLING: Yeah, I don't know if she wants to be touting what she just said right there. She should be distancing herself. She should be showing how she's not like Bernie Sanders if she thinks she's gonna have any sort of a chance to win, New Hampshire -- Iowa and New Hampshire, she's losing to both to Bernie Sanders, if she takes a loss on both of those. Yeah, I know Super Tuesday, she's got a lot -- she's got a big wall built and that.

PERINO: He does.

BOLLING: It could do very well for her. But boy, coming out of those two -- losing both of those would be very, very tough. The point you made earlier, Bernie Sanders, 20,000, he packed the stadium, 20,000 people inside, 5,000 outside. She would be loving to get -- she would love to be able to get those kinds of crowds and she's not -- I'm not sure.

RIVERA: She, in fairness, concentrating on small venues, maybe because she knows she can't pack a crowd and.


BOLLING: If she took with 20,000, how many would show up? If she took the stadium for 20,000.

RIVERA: I have no idea, but I really.

GUILFOYLE: They wouldn't take that risk.

RIVERA: All of the.

BOLLING: Right, right.

RIVERA: All the surveys you've seen are all pre-Kevin McCarthy, pre- Saturday Night Live, pre pancake breakfast, and it could be that the NBC rolled over for the former first lady, secretary of state.

PERINO: But I thought.

RIVERA: But the impact is the same.


PERINO: Do you think that NBC would do an hour long pancake breakfast and maybe they have one scheduled with Bernie Sanders?

RIVERA: They do that with Donald Trump, for sure.

GUILFOYLE: That they wouldn't do with it Bernie Sanders, but again.

PERINO: They might.

GUILFOYLE: Do you think they didn't expect this kind of thing. I mean, no one was thinking that Bernie Sanders will be beating her the way he is like handedly in New Hampshire and Iowa. That is a big problem for this coronation that they were expecting. OK. Then you've also got the Biden factor, so no matter what anyone wants to say, like Clinton is in trouble, real trouble.

SHILLUE: Don't be.

GUILFOYLE: This wasn't supposed to turn out like this.

BOLLING: I just want to point out also Politico is reporting that Biden, they believe Biden.


BOLLING: Is leaning towards a yes.

PERINO: Yeah. I that he is -- what do you think about Biden get anything, you like it?

SHILLUE: I mean, I think he.

PERINO: Is that for comedy?

SHILLUE: Yeah, well -- Obviously, but I think he would be crazy not to. I mean, Hillary Clinton's numbers are terrible. They're terrible against -- we're talking about Jeb Bush getting 50 to her 42? Of course, she's in trouble, and he should get in. But, about this New Hampshire and Iowa thing, aren't we always hearing about New Hampshire and Iowa, oh, they're such, you know, there a big deals, but they always -- you know, I can remember Bob Dole beating George H.W. Bush. Am I right? Pat Buchanan.

RIVERA: Rick Santorum.

SHILLUE: Winning in New Hampshire. They see -- and then they go in Super Tuesday and they bury them. It happens all the time, am I wrong about this?

PERINO: I know it's a system that we have. So go to the election with this.


PERINO: The system that you have, not necessarily the system you want. For now, Iowa and New Hampshire are the first. South Carolina -- bless them with all the rain. They will be third and that's where -- but Eric was saying is that the democrats have a way of being able to protect the nominee that they want.


RIVERA: Don't republicans have that same.

PERINO: We do not have it and we should.

RIVERA: Isn't South Carolina where, you know the McCain dreams are always done?

PERINO: Yeah, that's where we fight fair and square.


PERINO: Hillary Clinton, on your right to bear arms, she unveiled her gun control agenda today, plus some of her GOP opponents on the dangers of gun- free zones, ahead.


GUILFOYLE: The massacre in Umpqua Community College in Oregon last week has reignited the debate over gun control in America. The 2016 presidential candidates are voicing where they stand on the issue. Hillary Clinton is calling for extensive background checks for gun owners, among other regulations.


CLINTON: We have got to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. Domestic abusers, people with serious mental health problems. There's got to be a better.


CLINTON: Tracking and recordkeeping. I want to work with all of you. I want to work with sensible gun safety advocates, as well as gun owners.


GUILFOYLE: And here are some of her GOP opponents.


CARLY FIORINA, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This campus was a gun-free zone. Before we start calling for more laws, I think we ought to consider why we don't enforce the laws we have.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Wouldn't they have been better off if somebody in the room, anybody. You know, anybody had a gun to at least help them out? But it was a terrible thing, and these gun-free zones are a disaster because everybody is just a sitting duck.

MIKE HUCKABEE, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We can say we're going to have more gun-free zones, but that ends up being the worst thing because it just gives the shooter real confidence that he walks into that environment and he's the only one armed.


GUILFOYLE: All right, so this is kind of, you know, to be expected when something like this happens, a senseless, violent tragedy, this is where we go, down this road every time. Dana, what they said? You know, of course, the GOP people saying, "Listen, what about the gun-free zones?"

PERINO: Right. So I think what's.

GUILFOYLE: Like target.

PERINO: The most unsatisfying from a policy standpoint is that I'm actually something who would be persuaded. I'm persuadable. If some sort -- if they could tell me on the democrats, if Hillary could say, here's three pieces of legislation and we could put in place and if enforced, would prevent a tragedy like this, I actually might be able to raise my hand and say, I'm for that. Thing is, that they actually never followed up with something like that. One of the things that continually, they go back to is the gun shows. And some -- the loophole at gun shows, but none of the recent tragedies of the last five years, have -- none of those have been gun show related. So I don't see the connection there.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but they have to.

PERINO: And I would be.


PERINO: If they could show me some sort of connection.

GUILFOYLE: Sure, wouldn't anybody who is willing listen to reason or to some kind of proposal or legislation that you could actually conclusively prove or would have prevented or stop these crimes from occurring, Eric? But where is the legislation they've put on the books so far?

BOLLING: They want.

GUILFOYLE: For a vote.

BOLLING: They want a gun registry. Ultimately, that's what they want. They said they want.

RIVERA: What's wrong with the gun owners?

BOLLING: They want to close the loophole, the gun show loophole. And what the gun show loophole is exactly this. Everyone is required, if you're a gun seller, that's your business. You have to have a background check if you sell a gun to someone, you have to, whether it's on line or a gun show. A very small percentage of gun sold, very tiny, tiny percentage are sold by private individuals to someone else, and in 30 states out of 50, you do not need an extended background check. Think about the -- and so they want to close that loophole so that every single gun ever sold to anyone requires a background check, extended background check.


BOLLING: Let me finish this one -- no, it's not good idea. Here's what happens with.

RIVERA: Universal background checks.

BOLLING: Here's what happens with universal background checks, Geraldo. Poor people, minorities in high-crime urban areas will have to make a choice between buying this gun to protect my family or feeding my family, because sometimes it can be upwards of -- in New York, it's $80.

RIVERA: What is that have to do in.

BOLLING: In Maryland, it's $200 just for the background check. People can't afford to protect their own families. Instead, they decide not to buy the gun. So if you really worried about poor people in urban areas.

RIVERA: That's what you are caring about poor people has not.

BOLLING: Did not -- did not require the extended background check, because I'll tell you what. The bad guys, the gangbangers aren't buying their guns from a licensed dealer.

RIVERA: This is a gun sick nation, 330 million weapons in this country. This kid had 13.

BOLLING: All legal.

RIVERA: Weapons.

BOLLING: All legal.

RIVERA: Right, right.

BOLLING: All legal.

RIVERA: Exactly my point. How does he legally get his hands on 13 weapons?

BOLLING: What do you suggest, Geraldo? We limit the amount of gun people can buy.

RIVERA: I'm suggesting.

BOLLING: Or if you look.

RIVERA: I'm suggesting that there's.


RIVERA: So the universal background check says, OK, where.

BOLLING: What did they do?

RIVERA: Can you buy a gun last week, and the week before that, and the week before that also.

BOLLING: And if says.

RIVERA: What do you do with these 13 guns?

BOLLING: And you're allowed to do that with your universal background check.


RIVERA: You need universal background checks.

SHILLUE: That's the thing though.

RIVERA: It's just like (inaudible).

GUILFOYLE: But that wouldn't prevent it.


GUILFOYLE: There is the.

RIBERA: It would prevent and allowed with it.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no. The Second Amendment does not come with a little clause underneath that says.

RIVERA: The Second Amendment.

GUILFOYLE: You have a limit of the number of weapons that you can have. That's the problem. Do you see what I'm saying? That is a Second Amendment.

RIVERA: You're OK with 330 million weapons.

GUILFOYLE: I didn't say that.

RIVERA: And the only industrialization on earth that has.

BOLLING: What is your solution?

RIVERA: Universal background checks.

BOLLING: They don't help. Dana point out.


RIVERA: Then why do you oppose it? Why do you oppose it? What's the downside of a universal background check?

BOLLING: The downside is for poor people who can't afford it.


GUILFOYLE: Geraldo, it takes one gun to commit the act. It doesn't matter if he had 13 or not. The bottom line is if you follow the procedure, you obtain it legally, that is your right under the constitution to do so.

RIVERA: There is one armed guard in every educational institution.

GUILFOYLE: Right, talk about that.

RIVERA: If one armed guard in every educational institutions, you don't need students.

GUILFOYLE: And you know what?

RIVERA: And others carry guns.

GUILFOYLE: And this guy filled himself when he knew the guns were coming to get him and the cops are on the way, right?

RIVERA: So if it had an officer across the outside, it would have been.

GUILFOYLE: So if there were cop -- well, so then this we agree with it.

SHILLUE: Yeah, that's what I think a lot, you know, and you have people on the right who want more armed guards, OK? And you have people on the left who want confiscation. They keep -- the president points to Australia, as a model, but that was a gun confiscation in Australia. Everyone had to give up their guns, but then they say, "Oh, we're just looking for sensible background checks," but they really not. I think the left does want to -- they want us -- they want take guns away. Am I wrong about that, Geraldo?

RIVERA: The NRA is running the republican half of the Congress of the United States.

SHILLUE: But, are you.

PERINO: And Bernie Sanders?

RIVERA: I want to know who takes money from the NRA. And I think it should be published every time if you have.

BOLLING: Why are democrats?

PERINO: What do you think about.

BOLLING: Why are democrats?

RIVERA: Democrats also.


RIVERA: I want everyone who takes money from the NRA to have been not - their name published.

BOLLING: Aren't you a NRA member?


SHILLUE: But most of them are.


SHILLUE: They take money from NRA because I agree with them. They're not ashamed. They're not hiding their NRA money. And the thing is, it's the impatience that this cultures like -- President Obama and Hillary Clinton, they have this kind of impatience out there.

RIVERA: How can you say they're impatient?

GUILFOYLE: We know that they want to do away with the Second Amendment.


RIVERA: Charleston is like ancient history.

SHILLUE: Nine or three months?

RIVERA: None of the things there is proposing.

SHILLUE: Three months, nine people, a dozen nine people.

RIVERA: It depends.

SHILLUE: How many more nine people? None of the things that they're proposing would prevent these shootings. So they act like they're appalled, that people are oppose to these things, but these measures wouldn't have helped any of these in any defense.

RIVERA: Give me universal background checks where people with domestic violence don't -- they aren't able to buy a gun, people who are (inaudible) not able to buy a gun.

SHILLUE: I'm with you on all of these.

RIVERA: People who are ready.

SHILLUE: I think I'm with you all of these.

RIVERA: Taking certain psycho tropic drugs.


RIVERA: Not allowed to.

PERINO: But everything that you just came up with would not have prevented anyone of the recent shooting that we've had to talk about.


RIVERA: I don't know the mental health of this shooter in Oregon.

BOLLING: But it had this part of the.

RIVERA: Because I have insisted on imposing self-discipline. I don't want to know about the punk who killed notoriety.

PERINO: Right.

RIVERA: But I bet your bottom dollar that this guy was psychiatric care at someplace along the line.

PERINO: No, we know that.


PERINO: We know that.

GUILFOYLE: No, well he had, you know (inaudible) or something. All right, enough of (inaudible) Monday.

New developments on the crisis in Syria next, and stay tuned because later, we've got a five food alert -- that's right, I have a stash of chow, no one was able to get in New York City until this weekend. I can smell it, sitting in the green room, and can't wait to bring it around. Stick around.


RIVERA: Welcome back to The Five. Russia carried out new air strikes in Syria over the weekend, violating neighboring Turkey's air space in the process, all of which elicited to the strong response from NATO. Turkey is, you know, a member of NATO. The alliance today, calling on Russia to stop its bombing campaign, saying that its actions are not contributing to the security or stability of the region, but isn't Russia acting because the United States is not? According to former national security adviser Steven Hadley, it is time for America to step up.


STEPHEN HADLEY, FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: The first step is United States had to be engaged. And if you worried about Russia establishing a sphere of influence and Iranian to Germany, the way to stop that is for the United States to start leading. To say that it would be better for a man who has killed over 250,000 people, displaced half of his country, ruined his economy that it would be better for him to stay in power, I mean, it's a kind of lesson to the world. If you kill enough of your own people, the world will let you stay in power. That's a terrible lesson. It's not America.


RIVERA: I think, Eric, that he's right, the first part is right. Russia is acting because we created a vacuum by not acting. The second part, though, about throwing Assad out, what about what Donald Trump said about the dictators like Assad are better for world peace than so-called democracy?

BOLLING: So I agree with you the vacuum that we left available, Russia filled that void. Obviously, they were going to do it. I just -- I find it -- I've heard now this twice that we should declaring Syria, no-fly zone, which means Russia, get your planes out of there or we're gonna shot (inaudible). I find that very terrible. Very foolish, very scary, as you know my opinion for the last two or three years has been, let them figure out from themselves, push them out of Iraq back into Syria, and we should not, should not pick a side in Syria because frankly, I don't think we know who -- they're all bad. There's no good side. If you take out a side, what are you going to do, open the door for ISIS or the free Syrian army? Who are they? I'm not even sure. And then you gonna pick a fight with Russia, knock down one of their planes and you've picked a bigger fight than you're looking for.

GUILFOYLE: But we were already in this fight. This is the problem. I mean because right -- what happen is at certain point, there is going to be some kind of, you know, interfacing between, are the Americans or the Turkish, they have every right. If Russia crosses over into their space and as a member of NATO, to then invoke Article 5 and then say, OK, we're in this, that means all of you are. This is a big problem. It reminds me back, it was like Top Gun.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: Get a close -- U.S. (inaudible) to getting a close look at the Russian (inaudible). Do you see what I'm saying? It's like.

BOLLING: Yeah, but Turkey is not going to shoot down a Russian fighter.

RIVERA: Nor are we.

GUILFOYLE: They don't.

RIVERA: Nor are we.

BOLLING: You're right.

RIVERA: Nor are we.

GUILFOYLE: Their F-16 just intercepted, there were reports are, two of the Russian (inaudible).

RIVERA: But if you (inaudible) it means that it goes up, the pilots are looking at each other like Tom Cruise, but the other guy.

GUILFOYLE: Right. This is my point. So how -- can you see? I mean, this is proximity at all not alarming to you?

RIVERA: Isn't the larger point, Dana, that here, you have Putin, the Russian president. Isn't he still being more decisive than our president? Now our president is reacting, now we are announcing a new offensive in the north. Why did it take Putin and Russia's involvement in Syria for us to say, we're going on the move against ISIS, finally.

PERINO: It's interesting because like the things I said last week is that Putin might actually finally push President Obama into doing the right thing.

RIVERA: And look like he has.

PERINO: But it's very late. Remember, the reason that this actually we want to be involved in the first place was that Bashar Assad was using chemical weapons against his own people. Do we, as a country, still believe in the chemical weapons treaty, or not? And also.

RIVERA: Remember how they got the chemical weapons out. They got the chemical weapons out. Putin got the chemical weapons out.

PERINO: But not all of them are out because they're still using them against the people, which is why you have a refugee crisis. One of the things to do -- you solve this by solving it at its source. You can't solve it at the source if you just let them leave them to it because all the people that would have fought are gone because there was no support for them. So I don't know what the administration does next. I do think that it's a very dangerous game that Russia will not play. They will do not want to invoke a NATO response.

GUILFOYLE: No, they don't.

PERINO: But it's also a real test to NATO and the world because, will NATO actually stand up? That might -- that actually might be -

GUILFOYLE: That's the question.

PERINO: -- the unraveling of NATO.

RIVERA: I hate to say it, Tom, but I still think that Russia has the winning hand. Yes, they're getting bogged down, but as of right now, Putin looks a lot more decisive than our president.

SHILLUE: Absolutely. And I think that he would love it. Putin would love to call a bluff, because he thinks it's a bluff. So yes, I don't think that we should declare any no-fly zones, because you know what would happen there.


SHILLUE: Putin -- he would...

GUILFOYLE: Who are you going to put your money behind in a game of chicken, Putin or Obama? Please.

SHILLUE: Exactly.

RIVERA: But anyway, if they -- if Russia -- like Trump says, if Russia is bombing ISIS or any of the...

PERINO: But they're not.

RIVERA: ... or al Qaeda or al Nusra, I'll take any of those.

PERINO: But we know that they were bombing the Free Syrian Army.

GUILFOYLE: Who we trained. All our money.

RIVERA: I think the Free Syrian Army is a total misnomer. There's nothing free about the Free Syrian Army.

BOLLING: They also hit some ISIS targets after they got pushback for hitting the Syrians.

PERINO: Right. After being -- after being shown to be doing what they were actually meaning to do, which is to prop up Assad.

RIVERA: I'd rather prop up Assad than ISIS.

PERINO: Then prop -- then you're propping up Iran.

RIVERA: I'd rather prop up Iran, Assad and -- than ISIS.

BOLLING: Don't prop any of them up and let them all fall.

RIVERA: Well, that is also likely to happen. Let Russia take it, and we'll get out.

Now to the deadly strikes, talking about airstrikes. Afghanistan over the weekend, terrible, terrible. You heard the story. Killed 22 patients and medical staff at a clinic operated by a wonderful charity called Doctors Without Borders. I've seen them in operation; they're terrific.

It happened in Kunduz, a northern Afghan city whose liberation from the Taliban I covered. I was actually there my first week working for FOX News 14 years ago.

GUILFOYLE: Do you have video.

RIVERA: The White House today calling the incident a profound tragedy. It demands a full investigation. There will be three investigations, actually: one by the Pentagon, another by NATO, a third in coordination with Afghan security officials.

You know, my buddy, Dana, General John F. Campbell, our commander in Afghanistan, was so pained. He was in Germany when this thing happened. He hurried back to Afghanistan.

The bottom line is these accidents happen. We have to be transparent about it, but I don't see any way out of Afghanistan. I think that if we take our people out completely, it will be another Syria.

PERINO: Well, you see that today, actually, just as we were going to air, the administration is announcing a plan to actually keep more of our forces there, because I think this is what will happen.

But I also think that no one should jump to conclusions about what happened here, and that especially means presidential candidates. We know last week the Taliban overran the city of Kunduz. We also don't know if they were in the hospital area...

GUILFOYLE: Firing something (ph), yes.

PERINO: ... what sort of information they were sending in.

RIVERA: I'm sure they were.

PERINO: And there was -- obviously, it's a huge tragedy, but we should also be aware that it is a war zone, and this was not at all intentional by the United States military.

GUILFOYLE: Obviously, yes.

RIVERA: Does it show the futility of being there?

GUILFOYLE: No, I don't think that it does. I think that we need to have committed resources that are strategic, that have great intel on the ground so that tragedies like this are, you know, prevented. You can't just operate, you know, from above without having intel on the ground in the theater. Right?

So this, obviously, is a terrible, terrible tragedy, but again, we need to learn all the facts and circumstances surrounding it. I mean, we're dealing with the Taliban here. God knows if they were operating from right inside or in close proximity to that hospital in order to draw fire. Wouldn't put it past them.

RIVERA: I wouldn't either. It wouldn't surprise me, but the tragedy of friendly fire has dogged the campaign in Afghanistan for lo these many years.

Don't move. "The Fastest Seven" is up next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television." Three alluring stories, seven alert minutes, one agile host.

First up, finally, "Homeland" is back and with a vengeance. Season five kicked off last night and really brought it.

Now the thing that's really amazing about "Homeland" -- I love it for this -- is the way producers literally use today's headlines throughout their scripts. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Assad is still in power. ISIL is still growing. Are we really getting anywhere in Syria?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just said yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You said a program should be renewed. I'm asking, is our strategy working?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What strategy? Tell me what the strategy is, I'll tell you if it's working.

See, that right there is the problem, because they -- they have a strategy.


BOLLING: All right. By the way, Peter Quinn, that character right there, is the best character on TV, bar none.

PERINO: And he is really...

BOLLING: Don't spoil it.


PERINO: ... really cute.


PERINO: I love Peter Quinn.

RIVERA: Claire Danes looks pretty good.

BOLLING: So Dana, right -- the headlines, look at that. No strategy, Syria. At one point he goes, "We should level Raqqah."

PERINO: Yes, HBO is trolling the White House. Fabulous.

BOLLING: Love it. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I like him.

BOLLING: Wait, what -- HBO, yes. HBO, it's Showtime.

PERINO: Showtime, sorry. Showtime, sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he's a great actor.

SHILLUE: He and Saul. Saul might be my favorite character on TV.

PERINO: Saul is a great actor.

SHILLUE: Amazing. Amazing.

BOLLING: You know, he was in, like, one of the Muppets.

PERINO: Not as cute.

SHILLUE: "Princess Bride," the greatest.

PERINO: But he's not as cute.

BOLLING: Geraldo, what about TV stealing the headlines?

RIVERA: I love it. I mean, "Law & Order" does it...


RIVERA: ... you know, in terms of law enforcement. I love it. It makes it relevant; it makes it real. And I think that, in some cases, people get more information from a program like that than they do from the news.

PERINO: Yikes.

BOLLING: Do you like "Homeland"?

GUILFOYLE: I like "Homeland," and I like when they rip stuff from the headlines like "Law & Order." They did my dog mauling case. That's all the jurors knew about it.

BOLLING: Right, right.

GUILFOYLE: They all raised their hands.

BOLLING: Let's do this one. "SNL," Season 41, premiered Saturday night, and given the election cycle, they went heavy politics. Trump earned the coveted cold open, and Hillary Clinton actually showed her funny side, so to speak.


TARAN KILLAM, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": I'd get in there, taxes go down, everybody gets a job, salaries go way up, we build a wall, it's huge. Over in China, they're going to say, "Now, that's a wall!"

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm just an ordinary citizen who believes the Keystone Pipeline will destroy our environment.

KATE MCKINNON, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": I agree with you there. It did take me a long time to decide that, but I am against it.

This has been so nice. You are really easy to talk to, Val.

CLINTON: Well, thanks. You know, that's the first time I've ever heard that.

MCKINNON: Val, Val. I wish you could be president.

CLINTON: Me, too!


BOLLING: Pretty funny, Tom.

SHILLUE: Yes, pretty good. You didn't think his Trump was great? I thought he was pretty good.

PERINO: Trump is funnier than that guy.

SHILLUE: I know, Trump in great. And I've got a guy, Johnny Di Domenico in Vegas who does Trump on "Red Eye" all the time. He's excellent.

But I mean, Trump is, like, it's easy and hard. Like, he's easy to do an OK, but to really get him down is hard.

PERINO: I agree.

BOLLING: And what about the two -- the dueling Hillarys?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I mean, it was kind of creepy for me.

PERINO: It wasn't that funny.

GUILFOYLE: It just wasn't that funny. I mean, I'd rather watch Trump on there being Trump, playing himself, than watch Hillary. I don't know; it was weird.

RIVERA: I think that when you remember back to what Tina Fey did to Sarah Palin's candidacy, she destroyed Sarah Palin as a public figure, I believe. It was that devastating.

And I think Kate McKinnon has the ability -- or has the ability to destroy Hillary Clinton's candidacy also. That's why this was so important. If she can neutralize Kate McKinnon. With the teeth and the crazy eyes...

BOLLING: You're saying Hillary neutralized Kate McKinnon?

I think Kate McKinnon went easy on Hillary Clinton.

PERINO: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

GUILFOYLE: She's trying to help her.


RIVERA: I agree, but...

BOLLING: Are you kidding me, Geraldo? They could have written that script to absolutely destroy Hillary.

RIVERA: Kate McKinnon singlehandedly can destroy Hillary Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: But she's not going to.

SHILLUE: And I don't think Sarah Palin got destroyed by "Saturday Night Live."

BOLLING: You don't think?

SHILLUE: No. People who liked her liked her, and people who didn't, didn't.

RIVERA: I think it really exacerbated it.

GUILFOYLE: Net neutral.

BOLLING: Let's do this one now. Finally, a Texas man was accused of being unintelligent because of his accent. His response is awesome. Get ready for some good old-fashioned southern charm. Roll it, Nina.


CHAD PRATHER, POSTED VIRAL VIDEO: We refer to women in our lives as "dear darling" and "sweetheart," not as a term that's derogatory or offensive but as a term of endearment, and most of them tend to like it.

We teach our children to say "ma'am" and "sir" to their elders and to do so the rest of their lives.

Believe it or not, no matter what the media wants to tell you, we get along, by and large, with people who are not just like us, whether it's difference in the color of their skin or the country they come from, or yes, even those of you up north.

Y'all come on down. Hey, love you all, really do. And here's another term we use down south, and we're not ashamed of it. God bless.


BOLLING: There you go, Dana. Your thoughts?

PERINO: I love it. He was on "FOX & Friends" yesterday morning, and I thought it was refreshing, because it is true that a lot of people think that, if you have a southern accent that, for some reason, you aren't smart. They're actually some of the smartest people and the nicest people you'll meet.

BOLLING: Now Geraldo, that guy would give you a run for your money in the charm department.

RIVERA: Oh, I thought you meant in terms of accents.

I was just at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Midland Odessa. I've heard a lot of that, and I just find Texans to be very charming. I do. They are -- they have a different historical basis than I do. They have -- you know, the things they like may be a little different, but it's a wonderful, wonderful, independent, unique place on earth.


GUILFOYLE: That would match as a nice little Match.com video, wouldn't it?

BOLLING: I can honestly say, I don't know what a Match.com video is.

GUILFOYLE: Whatever. The point is, he's charming and nice and looks like a nice guy.

SHILLUE: Oh, come on, he's got proposals. He's got plenty of them now.

It's great. The thing is, it's one of the last groups that you can make fun of, is southerners, American southerners. Everyone is so sensitive, you can't make fun of any ethnicity, but you can still make fun of the South. And people are sick of it. That's why they love this guy.

PERINO: Do you know who else you can make fun of with impunity? Conservative women. As we just said earlier.

SHILLUE: Good one. You're right.

PERINO: The last group you're allowed to be is a conservative women.

BOLLING: I would make the case for conservative men, as well.

RIVERA: Are you a conservative woman?

PERINO: Yes, of course.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

SHILLUE: Where have you been, Geraldo?

PERINO: He's been reading my Twitter account.

RIVERA: You seem flexible.

Is that a bad word?

PERINO: Smart and persuadable.

RIVERA: I didn't mean persuadable.

BOLLING: Let's get out of here. Are the happiest years of your life ahead or behind you? Ahead of or behind you, I should say. Find out next on "The Five."


SHILLUE: None of us are getting any younger, even though we look like we are. But there's good news if you're under 25 or in your mid-60s. According to a new survey, people are at their happiest in their early 20s. They peak around 24. Then it goes downhill. But if you wait a few decades, you'll be happy again, sometime around 65.


SHILLUE: Geraldo.

RIVERA: Let me take the happy side first.

PERINO: Then what happens.

RIVERA: I'm from the generation that you didn't trust anyone over 30, so in my 20s, and the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, I was in the middle of everything, and it was...

GUILFOYLE: And he has it on video.

RIVERA: ... an exciting time. That threw me into the media.

In terms of over 65, being happy again, I don't know, you start -- it's not that you think about death. You think about all, you know, your children, how you're going to take care of everybody forever. I'm not so sure about that.

SHILLUE: But it's bittersweet. They say they're happier; they're more content. And at 80, Geraldo, 80.

RIVERA: Well, if you don't have to go to work.

SHILLUE: Eighty. You have something to look forward to.

RIVERA: On the way down. You have one foot in the grave. Then I'm two feet in the grave by then.

SHILLUE: Dana, this is reported happiness. Do you think just people in their 20s are liars?

PERINO: Maybe they're just -- maybe they're just unaware. I was thinking back. I actually -- I spent my 20s in a state of constant worry. And actually, one of the things I write about in my book was that I had that quarter-life crisis at 25 where I felt like everything was going wrong, and I really worried so much. I think that I actually am probably happiest now.

SHILLUE: There you go.

PERINO: Because I'm here with all of you.


GUILFOYLE: And because mama is getting paid. That's what it is! Yes.

PERINO: The "New York Times" isn't calling me at 4 a.m. to complain about something.

SHILLUE: Well, what do you think, K.G.?


SHILLUE: Were you happiest in your 20s?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, from where I'm sitting, happiness is right now.

SHILLUE: There it is. So...

GUILFOYLE: No, not my 20s. I was like Dana. We were, like, too anal and too...

PERINO: Freaking out.

GUILFOYLE: ... freaking out and too...

PERINO: What are we going to do?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes, yes. Uh-unh. Happier now.

SHILLUE: That's why I'm bringing it up. This poll...

GUILFOYLE: No one was doing the free love and dope but you, Geraldo.

PERINO: No. We were the "just say no" generation.


SHILLUE: I think the problem is you're asking people...

RIVERA: That's sad. No wonder you're happy.

SHILLUE: You're asking if you're happy, but what you should be doing is asking people in middle age, were you happy in your 20s? And even if they thought you were, you look back and you think, "No, I was a jerk."

BOLLING: I think you're overanalyzing this. Look, isn't there a specific time in your life that's happier than others? If that has to be the case, I would say only my four years of college did I peak, because there was not a lot of responsibility, not a lot of things to do except but just go...

PERINO: Bills were paid.

RIVERA: I was starving, though.

BOLLING: ... do your homework, play some ball.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling, you're very happy. You're happy right now, in fact.

BOLLING: The point is, once you leave college, it's like they throw you out into the real world. And you go, "Whoa."

GUILFOYLE: He has some biorhythms. Doesn't do a lot of shows.

PERINO: Tucker Carlson -- Tucker Carlson would say that his advice to young people is just jump into adulthood and that's the way to be happy. Like, don't just be frivolous in your 20s, just jump in.

SHILLUE: Absolutely. And everyone's delaying. They're delaying having children. You know, my wife and I, we sit down. We say, what did we do? What did we do before we had kids? How many dinners can you eat?

GUILFOYLE: You're consistent in that message. You feel that people, they should find somebody, get married, have kids, don't always be putting it off.


BOLLING: There is a book by a Harvard professor called -- the name of the book is "Happier," and I think it's Howell, maybe, is his name? It's a fantastic read. It just teaches you how to be happy, just how to enjoy your life.

GUILFOYLE: Did you read it?

RIVERA: And I went to my 50th reunion, and all they talked about was they hurt.

PERINO: I will say this.

SHILLUE: The biggest problem is...

PERINO: ... Bible school. Sunday school.

GUILFOYLE: I want to get to my happy right now. I want my "One More Thing."

PERINO: Can we do her "One More Thing"?

SHILLUE: OK. We're going to get to happy. "One More Thing" is up next.


BOLLING: The happy place.

GUILFOYLE: The happy place!


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." We've been waiting for this moment all afternoon, because Kimberly has the best one. Go for it.

GUILFOYLE: And because my milkshake is better than yours. You know it! Yes, this is Chick-fil-A's delicious vanilla milkshake. And feast your eyes and your mouth on this. Everybody was waiting for this. Lines out the door. So delicious. People that said Chick-fil-A wouldn't make it in New York, it's here, baby. And it's happening. And look at this table. Everybody loves it.

PERINO: And there was a lot -- there was a 30-minute wait today to even get in to join the line.

BOLLING: And the CEO, Cathy, is very spiritual. He said, you know, "We're not going to open on Sundays. I don't care." And he stuck to his -- stuck to his...

RIVERA: Is that why they don't serve wine?

GUILFOYLE: Look at this. It's so delicious.

PERINO: McDonald's doesn't serve wine.

GUILFOYLE: Tom, how delicious is that?

SHILLUE: I love Chick-fil-A.

GUILFOYLE: Their chicken is amazing.

PERINO: It's the best.

GUILFOYLE: Their waffle fries are killing it. Look at this little cow, "Eat mor chikn. Save a cow." Go to Chick-fil-A.

PERINO: OK. That was -- Kimberly always has the best "One More Thing."

GUILFOYLE: I've been waiting.

PERINO: I have a pretty good one, though. I want you to take a look at this documentary. It's called "Shout Gladi Gladi." It's narrated by Meryl Streep and it celebrates these extraordinary efforts by women to help African women and girls. And my friend is Anne Gloag. She's a philanthropist, and this was filmed in Malawi and Sierra Leone. She is highlighted in this. Take a look.


MERYL STREEP, ACTRESS (voice-over): In Africa, one in 39 women will die during childbirth. One in seven women will suffer serious complications. A dedicated group of humanity is determined to change that.

ANNE GLOAG, PHILANTHROPIST: The reason it's such an enormous problem in Africa is really down to a lack of good maternal healthcare.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let's empower these women.


PERINO: This documentary is very professionally done. It's wonderful. It's on iTunes so you can check it out. Check it out with your daughters.

And I have news. I'm going to be going to Africa the second week of December with the One campaign. My husband is going to go. So you'll hear more about that trip in the coming days.


PERINO: All right, Eric. You're next.

GUILFOYLE: Chicken is so moist.

BOLLING: By the way, I Snapchatted Kimberly's milkshake in the break. OK. And I'll snap that video in a minute.

OK, 18th anniversary. My lovely wife Adrienne and I met and got married 18 years ago yesterday.

RIVERA: Patience.

BOLLING: That's our original wedding photo. What do you mean, Geraldo, she must have patience? Anyway, that was it. That was in Nimas (ph). We eloped, for the record. And that was us a few days ago. And then let's not forget this. This came along at some point. That's our son.

PERINO: And he's 18?

BOLLING: Don't do the math. But he's fantastic, and we just spend...

PERINO: We love him.

RIVERA: Handsome young man.

PERINO: Great family.

All right, Tom.

SHILLUE: Oh, OK. I got in trouble with Dana on "Red Eye" the other night. There was a story. Animal rights activists were comparing eating cows to eating dogs, and to make fun of them, we made up this menu. And we put it on. I didn't think anybody would see it. I put Jasper Stew in there, just kind of a tribute to Jasper, and someone screenshotted it and sent it to Dana. And...

PERINO: Do you know who that was? That was the best fan of "The Five," FiveFanPhotoshop. He's watched "Red Eye." He's watched it from the beginning.

SHILLUE: Well, he wants me to get in trouble with you, obviously.

PERINO: Yes, now you're in trouble.

SHILLUE: That stew was -- it was more of a tribute to Jasper.

RIVERA: Oh, Jasper Stew.

SHILLUE: It's not that I want to make stew out of Jasper.

RIVERA: It sounds like it.

SHILLUE: And I got Jasper a little chew toy.

PERINO: That's so nice! I'm going to take that and the little cow to him tonight.

GUILFOYLE: No, the cow is for Ronan. Uh-unh. Uh-unh.

PERINO: Sorry. Sorry, Ronan. Sorry, Ronan.

OK, Geraldo, you've got all the time in the world. Go for it.

RIVERA: You know, the story of "Peter Pan." We know about how Peter Pan goes to London and he recruits the children back to Neverland. But how did Peter Pan get to be Peter Pan?

They did a backstory movie starring Hugh Jackman. Actually, it's a kid named Levi Miller who plays Peter Pan. It's a story about how Peter got to be Pan. And it's a wonderful family story. You don't have to have any of the videos. It's a terrific -- we went to the red carpet opening. Erica, Sol and Sol's girlfriend Annabelle and I.

GUILFOYLE: How was that?

RIVERA: That's the movie.

GUILFOYLE: I got advised to that.

RIVERA: It's a -- they're 10 years old. It's a wonderful movie. It's in 3-D.

BOLLING: You know the story of Peter Pan is the boy who never grew up, right?

RIVERA: Right. And this is...

GUILFOYLE: Close to home.

RIVERA: You want to go with your children. And it was written by Jason Fuchs. He's the son of Lily Fuchs, who's a friend of my wife.

SHILLUE: This is the one with the good looking Captain Hook, right?

RIVERA: Well, it's Hugh Jackman. Oh, no, that's the -- Hugh Jackman is Blackbeard, kind of a precursor.

SHILLUE: Yes, it's a hot Captain Hook.

RIVERA: Captain Hook still has both hands, although they...

PERINO: Captain Hook really did need an upgrade.

RIVERA: But what's his name? His name is Garrett Hedlund.

PERINO: That's it -- DVRs. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next. And thanks to K.G. for the Chick-fil-A.


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