
This is a rush transcript from "Your World," September 8, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: All right. Hillary Clinton has apparently apologized for using a private e-mail server in her home while she was secretary of state.

Quoting from that interview: "That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. I take responsibility."

Reaction right now from Ohio Governor GOP presidential John Kasich, who joins me on the phone right now from I think Brookline, New Hampshire.

Governor, good to have you.

What do you make of that? She apologized for doing this.

GOV. JOHN KASICH, R-OHIO, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, it's hard for me to understand why she even had the server in her house, how it got put in there, what they were even thinking.

And I think this is one where she waited and waited and waited and then got to the point where she has to say that she is sorry. And I understand she is going to Ohio tomorrow, going to Columbus, Ohio, is what I understand, trying to -- somebody -- some reporter told me today -- trying to send -- soften us up a little bit, send me a little message, you know? We're going to win Ohio.

CAVUTO: What do you make of that, that she is trying to reboot -- reboot her image and all that?


KASICH: Well, I mean, I think if it's not working, you go and reboot.  Right? I think that's what you do, or else you pack it in and say, you know, it didn't work.

I don't know if I would ever -- I don't know if I have ever tried to reboot my image, Neil. Have you tried to reboot yours? Yes, you have. I know you have.

CAVUTO: All the time. All the time.


CAVUTO: If it's not on the prompter, Governor, I don't know who the heck I am.


CAVUTO: But, you know, Governor, let me ask you. You have seen this dust- up over Kim Davis. She's the Kentucky clerk who was released from jail.


CAVUTO: I had her lawyer on saying that she will return to her job.  Ostensibly, nothing changes.

What do you think of that whole dust-up? I remember you from the presidential debate on FOX last month...


CAVUTO: ... saying, like it or not, it is the law of the land. In fact, you won applause for that and your own comments on having gone to a gay marriage yourself. But what do you make of this, and how it will go, if it gets resolved at all?

KASICH: Well, Neil, my sense is, when you are a government employee or you're an elected official, I think you have got to abide by the ruling of the court.

I don't -- I favor traditional marriage. Ohio actually had in its constitution traditional marriage. But the court overruled it and said no.  And I have been willing to accept it.

The other thing I would say, Neil, about this whole issue is that, you know, we have a lot of young people that have walked away from or are confused or uncertain about personal faith. And one of the things that I know that's so great about it, being a flawed man, is that thank God we have grace.

So, sometimes, I think people, you know, you can have your personal views.  It's how you handle them. And in this case, when young people or people who are looking at what is religion all about, what is faith all about, when they see dust-ups like this, my concern is, they go, they would go the other way and say, look, I don't want anything to do with that.

So I understand her concern. I don't agree with what her decision has been. But I also think we have bigger fish to fry in terms of the whole issue of faith and what it means, because, for me, it means I get forgiven.

It means that I am supposed to live a life bigger than myself. It means that I have to be aware of those who are the downtrodden, and the widowed, the orphaned. So that's kind of how I look at it, Neil.

CAVUTO: So when you see Governor Mike Huckabee there, Ted Cruz there, do you think they should be there?

KASICH: Well, look, I -- you know, I love Huckabee. I mean, you know, he's a good guy. And I just -- just -- I have given you my position, and that's how I feel about it, personally.

CAVUTO: Now, I -- I'm sorry. I wasn't clear, that they're there.


CAVUTO: Do you think they're grandstanding politically?

KASICH: Well, do I think they're grandstanding? No, I don't know that these guys are grandstanders. And they have strong views. And that's fine.

I just don't happen -- you know my position.

CAVUTO: Right.

KASICH: And that's what I'm sticking with, and I don't really need to comment on what other people are doing.

CAVUTO: You know, Governor, I mean, your views have not hurt you with whatever -- the religious right or whatever. You are second in New Hampshire. Nationally, I believe you are surging as well. You always come out on top on, if Republicans didn't get their first choice, who is their number one second choice. You're that guy. That's a good position to be in.

And you have done this without the shouting, ranting or raving that has pretty much defined this campaign. What do you make of that and whether how you go through and pierce that noise and register and resonate with voters?

KASICH: Well, I mean, first of all, Neil, I'm -- you know, I have been a conservative all of my lifetime, all of my political career, and people know that, government as the last resort, not as a first resort.

CAVUTO: But you know what your critics say to that, right Governor, about the Medicaid thing and what you -- you have explained, that it saves money in the long term, but that you're open to bigger government than your colleagues.


KASICH: Well, I don't think that -- look, I think government has a role, I mean, but I actually want to shift a lot of power, money and influence out of Washington. And I have tried to do it all my life.

And let me ask you a question. These people who criticize me, were they the chief architect of the last time we balanced the budget? Did they cut the federal capital gains tax? Did they take a state that was $8 billion in the hole and move it to a $2 billion surplus? Did they strengthen the credit of their state? Have they been able to grow over 300,000 jobs?

I mean, look, have they had massive school choice like I have? Have they given -- created a provision where a CEO could take over a school district and straighten the thing out? You know, it's OK.

CAVUTO: All right.

KASICH: But I have to also tell you that I believe that conservatism is also giving opportunity to people who live in the shadows. I believe that.


KASICH: Get them on their feet.

And, look, we're doing welfare reform. I don't know if you know this. I was involved in federal welfare reform.

CAVUTO: I remember it well. I remember it well.

KASICH: Now I'm involved in another -- now I'm involved in another welfare reform.

CAVUTO: All right.

KASICH: So I'm not so worried about what they say.

And we are doing well. And part of it I think, Neil, is the fact that I have a record and people want to see the plane landed.

CAVUTO: OK. All right.

KASICH: They're frustrated. They don't trust politicians. But I have been able to land planes. And most of the time, the passengers have been happy.

CAVUTO: Governor John Kasich, thank you very much.

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