
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine…


The saying goes -- under promise and over deliver.

California seems to have mixed it up -- with the Clean Energy Jobs Act of 2012.

Three years after passage of a ballot measure raising taxes on corporations to fund energy-efficient projects in schools -- the results are not pretty.

The Associated Press calculates-- of the 11,000 jobs per year promised. Only 1,700 have been created in three years.

The financial report card is no better.

Previous estimates said the school district would save up to $27 million a year on energy costs.

Projects proposed by the district so far would save only a million and a half.

But wait there's more.

Not a single project has been completed.

And the accountability board that was created to oversee the project -- has never met.

The state energy commission says the program is still on track -- and more data needs to be collected.

Selfies for All

Selfies are free speech in the live free or die state -- thanks to the US District Court.

In 2014 -- several New Hampshire voters took pictures with their ballots -- and posted them online.

Then were informed they were under investigation for breaking the state law banning ballot selfies.

Last week the judge sided with the voters and the ACLU -- which called the decision -- a victory for free speech.

Quote -- "displaying a photograph of a marked ballot on the internet is a powerful form of political speech."

The New Hampshire secretary of state called the result disappointing -- saying the ban was designed to address voter coercion.

Bear Necessities

Finally -- a Kodak moment in Idaho.

When one large -- hairy -- and uninvited guest showed up at Doug Harder's condo.

Thankfully -- the black bear faced a locked door -- but still gave the very small cat-door a bit of a try.

Offering a great photo opportunity.

This is at least the third time bears have visited the home -- and no injuries have been reported.