
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 11, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Kirsten Powers, Eric Bolling, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."

Marco Rubio fires back against Hillary Clinton after she called his anti- abortion position offensive. We'll have his response to that in a moment. But first, Jeb Bush is going to target Clinton tonight during a speech at the Reagan Library in California. He's expected to highlight her foreign policy failures as Secretary of State, particularly mistakes that led to the rise of ISIS. His campaign released a video to preview to video address.


JEB BUSH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When we pull back, voids are filled. We now see it. We see it with these new threats of barbaric Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, and home-grown terrorism in our own country motivated by ISIS. The United States has a huge role to play in the world. We are the leader of the world.


PERINO: All right. Eric, smart to attack her on foreign policy at this point?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah. Well, I think -- I think that's where they all should be pointing the guns right now. Hillary Clinton and look what she's doing, she's saying I kind of got myself in hot water with this Planned Parenthood thing. She's going to start pointing her guns at Marco Rubio. So it's all kind of shifting right now. Everyone is playing where is my money best spent? I think Jeb's money is best spent going right after Hillary Clinton.


BOLLING: Because here's why. You look at both of them on the screen together, you go hey, this could be it. If my choices are between those two right there on the screen, I like the guy over there on the left.

PERINO: You like it, too, Kimberly?


GUILFOYLE: I like it. I like it. Be strong. Don't even worry and sweat about the other 16 or so people running. Say I'm the guy. I want to be President of the United States. I am presidential and I'm going for her because I'm going to be the last one standing and I'm going to take her down. That's how I would approach it.

PERINO: Gutfeld?


PERINO: Him going after her, especially about the rise of ISIS.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Because here's the interesting thing about Hillary Clinton. Her key experience happens to be her core incompetence.


GUTFELD: She was Secretary of State. She can't run on her record at all. It's the worst record since who let the dogs out.


GUTFELD: She did to foreign policy what her husband did to the blue dress. You think about her accomplishments, Benghazi, for example, the Russian restart button, the rise of ISIS. It's incredible. By the way, we've done this before. Hillary's explanation of Benghazi has to be heard to be believed. This will be her downfall. She somehow believes that a guy went on YouTube, right? Went on YouTube, was there to watch cat videos, and he came across a Mohammed video. Now, mind you, he's a decent guy. He has a good job. He decides to call up all their other friends who have good jobs and say hey, let's go burn down a consulate, and kill a bunch of innocent people. They do that. Then they're done and they go back to their jobs as florists and gardeners. This is a foreign policy expert who blamed the death of Americans on a video. She must pay for that.

BOLLING: And the story there also that after they realized they had nothing to do with that, they still went and put up that big Facebook page in the Middle East saying.

PERINO: Pakistan.

BECKEL: Pakistan, right. Blaming the video, even though they already knew that's not what it was.


GUILFOYLE: And the apology tour. They're like blame it on a blockbuster night. Somebody rented the video. This is the problem. It's appalling. And this is who you want to be the leader of the Free World?


GUILFOYLE: The Liar-in-Chief?

GUTFELD: They're rewarding her with a nomination. That's like electing Ted Nugent to PETA. After what she's done to our world policy.

PERINO: There's probably no Democrat though, Kirsten, who would say that she does not have more experience and is better qualified on foreign policy than anybody else that's entered the race.

KIRSTEN POWERS, GUEST CO-HOST: Yeah, right. I don't think there's anybody who actually could say otherwise. You can say you don't like her foreign policy experience. But you can't say that anybody else has more foreign policy experience. And I do think the Benghazi issue, unfortunately -- you're not going to get a lot of traction with that. I don't think -- I think people have sort of decided where their on Benghazi. Either they want to blame.


PERINO: You don't think that adds into her declining numbers on trustworthiness, and character and judgment?

POWERS: I think her trustworthiness numbers are dropping more bought of the e-mail stuff than the Benghazi stuff. She certainly took a little hit after Benghazi. But on the Bush bringing up Iraq thing, he has to do it, he has to go after her on foreign policy, obviously. But it also raises the question of his brother and Iraq, and also the fact that ISIS actually wasn't there before we invaded Iraq. So he has to be ready.


POWERS: They were there when we left.

PERINO: Yeah. Hillary Clinton says in her book -- Hillary Clinton says she was against the dramatic pull out. She was actually for going after Bashar al-Assad in Syria.


PERINO: And I actually think this is a fairly smart strategy to take her on directly on those vulnerabilities.

POWERS: So, Dana, how do you think Republicans should respond when she says that basically? She's going to come out and say, well, I wasn't president. You know, Barack Obama was president. If I was president, I would have done things differently.


PERINO: I think she can say you had a seat at the table, on the cabinet as the Secretary of State. It's not like you were the governor of Florida.

POWERS: Right.


GUILFOYLE: Let's be honest. I don't want to give her any credit about her experience in foreign policy. I want you to impress me that you're actually really good at your job, not incorrect or incompetent or lying about it, and pushing fake talking points to jeopardizes American national security. My point is hey, I'd rather take somebody else that has some brains to put together a good comprehensive plan to keep America safe than someone to put us in a worse position as part of Barack Obama's cabinet. That's like saying hey, I was in dental school, but you flunked out of the class and the first patient you treated, you pulled all their teeth instead of cleaning them. That doesn't make any sense to me. I don't give her credit just for getting that position. Does that make sense?

PERINO: I agree. Let's move on to the next because foreign policy isn't the only place where they are going after Hillary Clinton, back and forth. She's engaging them as well. Here she is talking about Marco Rubio and abortion.


HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When one of their major candidates, a much younger man, the Senator from Florida, says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency.

I think more people should say the same. They should be going after him. What Marco Rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the Republican Party is today as anybody else on that stage. And it is deeply troubling.


PERINO: Marco Rubio wasted no time in responding to that. Let's look at this and we will look at Eric's opinion. I'm sorry, I had to read it.

Clinton supports abortion even at the stage when an unborn child can feel pain. She has defended partial birth abortions as a fundamental right. She supports funding Planned Parenthood. She supports using taxpayer money to pay for abortions overseas. Hillary Clinton holds radical views on abortion that we look forward to exposing in the months to come.

Eric, I know there are two things in the Hillary Clinton statement. One, she made it -- she wanted very much to say Marco Rubio is a much younger man.


BOLLING: That was huge.

PERINO: It is usually a compliment.


PERINO: I don't think she meant it that way.


BOLLING: It is like the old Ronald Reagan's comment saying I won't use your youth.


PERINO: A shot at his inexperience.

BOLLING: But here is what it is, in the same speech, she talked about that. And she reignited the war on women -- the war on women. So in two sound bites, she re-established the identity politics that she needs to get back to in order to get some energy back into her campaign. Right now, Bernie Sanders is tattooing her, 100,000 people in the last three or four rallies. He's crushing her.


PERINO: I think we got some video on that.

BOLLING: The focus is on Bernie. But her thing is let me bring this back to me, what worked on me before. Let's see, war on -- Republicans have a war on women. Here's proof, here's Marco Rubio. By the way, I have the experience and I'm your lady -- for your first lady. I mean, your president.


BOLLING: Whatever.

GUILFOYLE: Whatever. Whatever. It's really going to be Bill.

BOLLING: The first man. First dude.

PERINO: But here's the thing though, Kimberly. In every poll, if you ask Americans, what do you care most about in the upcoming election in 2016? It is number one, the economy, and jobs. And number two, foreign policy.


PERINO: Those are actually two of her weakest points. But when she talks about the war on women, she actually shines.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's where she gets some traction. And she's able to get the cash and get the supporters and mobilize her base to an enthusiastic uproar for her eventual nomination, right? That's where she's got to go. It's sort of her sweet spot where she knows she's really good and she feels comfortable talking about it. It makes sense and makes sense in terms of why they should choose her. The other stuff she doesn't have a great record on. If I'm an adviser, I'm going to say yeah, stick to this, this is what works. Like ride this horse all the way into the barn.

PERINO: You've been talking, Greg, remember we promoted your book the other day, How To Be Right? If you're a Republican right now, how would you be right on this issue? Because it's not going to go away. It will keep coming up.

GUTFELD: You're talking about abortion?

PERINO: Abortion.

GUTFELD: Abortion actually isn't the terrain. Social issues are quick sand for Republicans. It's good to kind of step around it. However, you can go after them on their callousness, about the Planned Parenthood videos. For example, they are conflating the horror with these videos with an attack on Planned Parenthood's abortion services. It's like we are trying to take abortion away because we are naturally repulsed -- and repulsed by these videos. Maybe to point out to Hillary that in those videos, some of those babies were actually girls. Technically, you witnessed the ultimate war on women by seeing those dead bodies. And if you went to China, all of those would be girls. So really, the horror of pro-choice is that pro-choice is a war on women.

PERINO: Could republicans effectively make that argument, Kirsten?

POWERS: Well, I think -- well, first of all, Republicans do want to take away abortion rights, right? So it's sort of to say.


GUTFELD: I think that's a blanket statement. I think we've come to the conclusion that it's here to stay.

POWERS: You think that's the position of the presidential candidates?


POWERS: This is a big shift in the Republican Party. I don't think they would.

GUTFELD: The correlation is to the Second Amendment. You know, you have a lot of liberals that are critical of the Second Amendment, but they all go you're not going to take away people's guns. It's the same argument.

POWERS: OK. Well, this is news to me. This is interesting if that's true. But I also think that Marco Rubio's position -- I don't know how that's going to fly. I think most women are going to be sort of horrified by the idea that he does not allow an exception for rape or incest. I just don't think -- I just don't know how he overcomes that.

PERINO: We'll keep talking about it. I want to get to one more thing before we go. And Kimberly, can you talk about this? Hillary Clinton has said she's told a judge in a deposition or sworn statement under penalty of perjury that she has turned over all of her work-related e-mails. What do you think of that? Do you think that is true? Is it acceptable that her staff went through and decided what was work-related or not?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, she's obviously under the advice of counsel, so confident to make that statement.

PERINO: Good point.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So obviously he's gone through it and her staff has gone through it. She feels pretty safe saying that. Whether it's true or not, I don't know. But I'll tell you what. She's going out on a limb there. That better be accurate. But nevertheless, they've never shied away from making loose statements that have little to do with the truth. So I wouldn't be surprised by anything here. But she's definitely looking at some serious legal problems. And I don't know. I'd be very worried if I were her.

PERINO: There are three federal investigations under way, Eric, right now, of the Democratic candidate. But given the summer that we've had, you wouldn't even actually know it.

BECKEL: So if she's being honest and said there's no classified information, turn over the servers, everything let us decide, not just the ones that have been selectively edited and we'll use those and redact it or what not. Because I have a hunch that they picked 10 out and found 4 of them at least classified at this point.

GUILFOYLE: That was a sampling. That's it.


BOLLING: Literally tens of thousands more. If you take all of the state department e-mails, I think there's like billions of e-mails during her time. Let us have all of them. Let's figure out what was classified or not. I read something today. I can't remember where I read it, so don't hang this on me. But Huma Abedin.

PERINO: Uh-huh.

BOLLING: She was using her personal e-mail for some official business.

POWERS: I don't doubt it.


GUTFELD: She also was deleting her husband's pictures.

BOLLING: Fair enough. Let's see those, too, right?


PERINO: She also had -- I don't know, the gall to figure out a way to be a government employee and have a private consulting gig while at the same time of doing government business.

POWERS: So inappropriate.


PERINO: Why is that not getting more -- isn't that an outrage?

POWERS: Yeah. It has gotten some coverage. Actually, the New York Times even did cover it. I'm sorry. The New York Times covered the fact that they guess that she owes back pay for vacation time, that she basically has said she's never taken a vacation.


POWERS: She's never had a sick day, which I guess is possible. She works a lot. But yeah, I think the issue of you're being paid as a government employee to work full time. You've worked in the White House. You know.


POWERS: So how could you be getting a full-time salary and then doing another job? Like when does that happen?


GUTFELD: Couldn't Hillary go to the big house before the White House?

GUILFOYLE: There are some signs saying that.

POWERS: A big White House.




POWERS: Pant suits.

PERINO: All right. Ahead, more turmoil in Ferguson as protesters mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown. One sheriff thinks "phony movement" is behind the renewed rioting in order to impact the 2016 presidential election. His theory next.


BECKEL: A fourth night of protests in Ferguson ended with nearly two dozen arrests. But thankfully, no looting or violence. Sheriff David Clark of Milwaukee had an interesting take on the renewed unrest when I spoke to him on "The O'Reilly Factor" last night.


DAVID CLARKE, MILWAUKEE COUNTY SHERIFF: This is nothing more than a return to the scene of the big lie, the Hands Up Don't Shoot, this whole black lives matter movement. This is nothing more than an attempt to try to energize and mobilize the black vote through the 2016 election. There's no better way for them to inflame it than to bring race and police together in the same narrative because it's an explosive issue.


BOLLING: Well, he called the movement phony and says it's going to keep going across the country.


CLARKE: You know, I've renamed this movement after Baltimore coming to a city near you. This is a slap in the face to people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. They ought to go back and study Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I don't remember gunfire and rioting breaking out at a protest rally or protest movement that he held.


BOLLING: I mean, K.G., he makes so much sense.

GUILFOYLE: Doesn't he?


BECKEL: Why don't more black leaders listen to Sheriff Clarke?

GUILFOYLE: Right. Be a uniter, not a divider. You can tell this man is patriotic, who serves his country well by being in law enforcement. He is a leader for both communities because he's representing the people well and law enforcements. He understands communities, he understands policing, all of it. And he doesn't want to see lives lost -- any lives lost.

BECKEL: Greg, we have another anniversary coming up. We have the New York anniversary then we have Baltimore anniversary. You think we're going to see black lives matter at all these?

GUTFELD: This is -- I mean, this is the new radicalism right now. Hinder, confront, subvert, and use the excuse of anniversary to inflict pain on these towns. And the real fear you see in liberal commentators who refuse to confront this intimidation. They're absolutely terrified of upsetting these people. You look at the abuse of Bernie Sanders. Isn't it amazing? I'm not a fan of Bernie Sanders. But when I look at him, I feel so bad for the guy. He's up there, he's surrounded by people that are in his face that get so close they look like they're going to punch him. He just sits there and he takes it. They are affording him (ph) an exemption from civil discourse out of fear being called a bigot. The only solution to me is like move all law-abiding citizens out of Ferguson. If you're anarchists and you want disruption, you take it over. Let's see how it goes without justice, without any kind of civil -- any kind of civil obedience.



BECKEL: When they show up, they disrupt everything. The businesses shut down.


BECKEL: People hide in their homes.

PERINO: The thing about Bernie Sanders, too, I can't imagine that anybody in the crowd actually believes that Bernie Sanders is a racist, right?


PERINO: Right there, you know that there is something going on in terms of just getting more attention. I think that in one way to deal with this is to -- wishful thinking it not going to make it go away. I just wonder about a possible push for over-engagement. Like say, we'll meet you anytime anywhere. You choose five people. We'll meet you here. Let's talk it through. And see if there can be some way to develop leadership within the movement. Otherwise, we're going to be at an impass (ph) every couple weeks.


GUTFELD: We're over-inflating the numbers here.

POWERS: What's the problem here? This was a peaceful protest.


POWERS: This was a peaceful protest in Ferguson. I don't understand what is wrong.


POWERS: Even the idea that somehow you know Cornel West was there one of the people who was arrested.


BECKEL: Greg's point is something else. Listen, Greg is pointing something out. There was a shooting. Someone opened fire on cops. People were arrested.


POWERS: You can't blame the protesters for that. The protesters were peaceful. A lot of them were arrested, and they were peaceful during being arrested.


BOLLING: These people are showing up because of the protesters.


BOLLING: Can I ask you this? Let me ask you this. Let's do it this way. Blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat, right? Bernie Sanders is gaining momentum on the Democratic side. What was the point of disrupting a Bernie Sanders rally?

POWERS: The point of it was to raise awareness for issues that a lot of African-Americans are concerned about. In particular.


POWERS: He hasn't really been talking about criminal justice issues.


GUTFELD: So be rude? Be arrogant? Be borderline violent? You know, Democrats talk about anti-bullying campaigns and how important it is to raise awareness on bullying. Unless you disagree with me then we can bully the hell out of you.

BOLLING: He's bullying on awareness.

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly. They're raising awareness on their own bullying. By the way, the other idea that I'm so sick of, the idea of raising awareness excuses any or all behavior.


GUTFELD: You could be a jerk.

POWERS: How would you like them -- I mean, if they feel that people are not addressing the issues, what are they supposed to be doing?


GUTFELD: Sheriff Clarke brought up a bunch of examples.

POWERS: If you even have them feeling the Democratic Party is ignoring them which is what they're feeling, you at some point have to do something that is a little over the top.


GUILFOYLE: They're not being ignored. This is on the forefront everywhere.


GUILFOYLE: Like let Ferguson heal. My God, it's like savagery. It's barbaric. And it's not doing their cause any good. And you are biting the hand that feeds you. Duh! Bernie Sanders is playing for your team, people.

POWERS: It's peaceful demonstrations. How is that barbaric? I don't even understand what you're talking about.


GUILFOYLE: Shootings. It's not helpful.

POWERS: . By a criminal. They're not responsible for that.

GUILFOYLE: There's a right way to do this.


BOLLING: It's an aberration.


GUILFOYLE: Let me say one more thing. Gandhi wouldn't like it.

POWERS: You guys are saying now the democrats are focusing on this issue because of this movement. If it wasn't for this movement, they wouldn't be talking about it.


BOLLING: We don't want to put anyone on the spot, but under your assessment it's going to be peaceful in New York, and it's going to be peaceful in Baltimore on the anniversaries.

GUTFELD: Blocking freeways is peaceful?


GUTFELD: Enticing cars to hit people?


POWERS: You guys are condemning peaceful protests.


POWERS: But there were plenty of people there who are being peaceful and were arrested for peaceful protesting. And look, blocking traffic is not a violent act. It's not something I endorse. But it's not a violent act.


POWERS: Can we just say 28,000 people did not show up to see Bernie Sanders at an event because they think he's a racist.


POWERS: They went because they like his message. And I think that it's actually -- it will work against not only Bernie Sanders, but their movement if they continue to disrupt somebody who is putting themselves out there on the line, gathering -- I mean, gathering of 28,000 people in the middle of August to Bernie Sanders's event in Seattle and he's called a racist?


GUTFELD: It makes me like Bernie Sanders. I did a mean monologue on him. And now I want to hug him because I feel so bad for him.

GUILFOYLE: See how that turns?

BOLLING: Allison is going like this. Wrap it up, Bolling. Let's go.

Next, new developments in the Planned Parenthood scandal, some scientists are defending the trafficking of baby body parts by the group, their reasoning, and our reaction coming up.


GUTFELD: Amid uproar over those Planned Parenthood videos, scientists say fetal tissue is essential, pointing to its use in vaccines. It's like paying it forward: The dead enhance those lucky enough to make it out alive. Sorry, when the argument for using fetal tissue begins with "it's essential," that destroys abortion's defense. You already admit that what was killed has value or could not be wasted. Unless you view unborn as recyclable. In the old days, adults existed to enhance a baby's survival. Now, adults use babies for their own survival. It's reverse.

Abortion is here to stay. But pro-choice doesn't mean the choice to sever. If you justify dismemberment by saying it offers women comfort in knowing the fetus isn't wasted, well, you're back to point one, aren't you? If dismemberment of the dead is a right, shall I dig up my uncle and use his skull as a paperweight? Listening to apologists refer to baby harvesting as fetal research reveals how evil operates under the cloud of euphemism. And couldn't everything be excused under the pro-choice banner?

And couldn't everything be excused under the pro-choice banner? Suicide, self-mutilation, bulimia? It's all choice.

Finally, the media screams that the videos were edited. But they were available in full. But you can also judge someone by their choice of outrage. When you're more upset about the splicing of film than the splicing of babies, you're what's medically called a ghoul.

But that's your choice. How lucky you're alive to have it.

So Dana, we were talking about this. I think that, when you look at this, you see this kind of reversal, where it's the left now that are anti- science and the right that are pro-science. Because the science is on their side.

BASH: On this issue. One of the favorite things of liberals to say about conservatives or people who would say, "Can we -- before we rush headlong into a global warming pact, can we actually -- actually look at the science?" You're immediately called a know-nothing, a flat-earther, a science denier.

And when it comes to this issue, the science has changed and developed. Dr. Krauthammer talks about this a lot. We know that babies are able to survive much earlier in gestation than they were because of science. There is science to prove that. And so I do think that they're vulnerable.

And I would point people to Bill McGurn of the Wall Street Journal. He's a columnist there; he runs on Tuesdays. And last week's column was about this very issue, and I thought he hit the nail on the head.

GUTFELD: Eric, I think the most telling fact was that pro-choicers have a hard time arguing with the video so they deflect to abortion in general.

BOLLING: Pro-choicers, in fact, anyone who's liberal, who doesn't want to say they're against abortion, you don't have to be against abortion to be against what's going on in Planned Parenthood.

Again, it's -- when you start adding the profit motive to what they're doing, you've not only made it even more ridiculous; you also have made it illegal. If you focus on -- if Republicans just focus on that piece of it, they can get what they want. They want a defunding of Planned Parenthood so that the American taxpayer can say, "I'm not funding all that body severing that's going on."

PERINO: Butchering.

BOLLING: And you're not affecting the Roe v. Wade. It's a law. It's there. We got it. We understand that.

Don't get hooked into this argument that, if you -- if you're fighting Planned Parenthood, you're also fighting abortion. You're not. You're fighting what their motives are to do what they're doing. And their motives are a profit motive. You've got to -- you have to eliminate that.

Because how many of those women who had abortions, had they known, had they been told about what they were going to do, would still have had an abortion? I'm guessing the number is not 100 percent.

GUTFELD: Kirsten, you should be writing more on this.

POWERS: Good idea. Yes. I mean, I think that the science thing is an important thing. I have said for a long time, I'm actually pro-life, not because of the Bible or Christianity or anything like that. It has nothing to do with it. It was a view that I came to fully just through getting more scientific information. And I think it's an applicable human rights issue.

And that's really where this debate has to be happening. Because it's not -- people who don't believe in God are not going to be persuaded by, you know, "God says."

GUTFELD: That's true. I do not use -- I do not rely on the Bible when discussing this.

POWERS: Right. Yes.

GUTFELD: It's got to be science.

POWER: Yes. And I think there's a very, very persuasive argument. And look, if you look at the polls, most Americans after the first trimester do not support abortions. It's about 27 percent of Americans. And I guarantee you most of these people haven't seen these videos.


POWERS: And I think the number would be about 10 percent if they had seen these videos.

GUTFELD: The media is doing their job by making sure that they don't see those videos unless they watch FOX News, because you're not seeing it. Can I play this...

GUILFOYLE: Then they're an accomplice to butchering of babies. And that's what this is. And there should be ethical standards and moral standards. And we should care as a country. And people should be informed and not turn a blind eye to it.

Check out the videos. Get the science and then information and then make an honest evaluation as to whether or not that changes your mind and changes your heart.

And everybody who comes to me oh, saying, "Oh, what do we -- oh, Marco Rubio," I say, "Listen, whoever is president of the United States is not going to have an impact on Roe v. Wade. That's the law. But wouldn't you want to understand the science behind this? Don't you think it's OK to do third-term abortions of babies that can survive outside the womb on their own?

BOLLING: Babies that move have to have a nervous system.


BOLLING: And if they have a nervous system, they likely feel -- they have pain. They feel pain. So to say that that's not the case is denying the science. Flat-earthers.

GUTFELD: Exactly. All right.

Let's move on, shall we?

Should the government force companies to give new moms and dads more time off, or should that decision be left to the companies when "The Five" returns.

GUILFOYLE: Carly has some thoughts.



GUILFOYLE: That was nice, wasn't it?


GUILFOYLE: Democrats like -- no one asked you -- like Hillary Clinton think it's outrageous America doesn't guarantee paid family leave. So she wants to change federal law to force companies to revise their policies.

Some businesses like Netflix, Microsoft and Adobe have recently extended time periods for paid leave for new-parent employees. Carly Fiorina applauds the move but thinks the government shouldn't be in the business of mandating believe.


CARLY FIORINA (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When I was the chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, we also offered paid maternity leave and paternity leave. The government -- for the government to tell others how to do things, when the government hasn't gotten its basic house in order, is not only ineffective; it's hypocritical.

It's pretty clear that the private sector, like Netflix, like the example that you just gave, is doing the right thing, because they know it helps them attract the right talent.


GUILFOYLE: Every time I listen to her speak, I think this is someone who knows what she thinks about the issues, doesn't need to be coached or prepped on it, can prepare herself very well to be able to respond to any situation at a moment's notice. I'm liking that.

All right, Dana.

PERINO: I think she -- yes, you're right. She's thought these issues through, because she's been in a position of power...


PERINO: ... where she had employees who wanted this. And I think she was at a company that was able to provide that, right? So Hewlett-Packard is a gigantic company. They are able to do paternity leave and maternity leave, and they probably had a very good policy, and their employees were happy. That gives them a competitive edge.

And I do think, however, that a lot of women -- remember, it's 53 percent of the vote. A lot of women look at this and say -- and maybe some guys, too -- like, "We want to have a family. But we live paycheck to paycheck. If we're living paycheck to paycheck, we need a little bit more help than what the Family Medical Leave Act provides," which is you're not going to use your job if you take three months maternity leave, but you aren't going to be guaranteed payment.

I agree with her that the government shouldn't mandate it. However, I think the government could do incentives. And as long as we're going to have a tax code filled with all sorts of different ways to incentivize businesses to do certain things, like well, health care is a good example. I think that this is something where we could just show a little bit of innovation on the federal level and encourage companies to do it through a financial way.

GUILFOYLE: Federal government to do something better.

POWERS: She's actually -- the other thing is she's actually not right that the private sector is just responding to this. Because according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 11 percent of companies actually offer this kind of leave. So it's not something that's available to everybody. It's available to very high-skilled workers.

PERINO: Right.

POWER: People who make over $50,000. Three-quarters of them have this kind of paid leave. Under 50,000, three quarters of them don't have it.

So I think that, you know, to be pro-family, you should be supporting families. It's very hard to -- you know, you look so horrified.

GUILFOYLE: That isn't my horrified face. I will show you that. You haven't seen my horrified face for a while. No. That was my...

PERINO: Like, point face. I know your point face.

GUILFOYLE: That was like, wow, I'm really thinking about what you're saying, and I'm contemplating it and playing it out in my head, all different angles.

POWERS: Right.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

I like so far what you were saying.


GUILFOYLE: You can finish it up, and I'll let you know the rest.

POWERS: So I think to be pro-family you should be supporting this. And maybe you're right, it could be incentives. But I don't know. If only 11 percent are offering it, without a mandate I don't know why people are going to offer this.

BOLLING: Because they have to.

GUILFOYLE: That was my question.

BOLLING: Because they have to do it, because the marketplace is demanding. This is a classic free-market debate right here. Do it by federal mandate or do it because the market, the free market is demanding you do it.

POWERS: We're in the free market right now. Only 11 percent are doing it.

BOLLING: And what they want to do -- right. Exactly. So as more companies do it, other companies will have to compete by offering it. Otherwise, good workers will go to the companies that are...

POWERS: But what about people -- what about the non...

BOLLING: Let me finish. Minimum wage is a great example of this. Right? So everyone is, like, they wanted a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour for all employees. Everyone pushes back.

And so Walmart says, "You know what? It's not federally mandated. We're going to do it anyway, because that's what it's going to take to keep our workers."


BOLLING: And that's the free market working. If you don't do it that way, Kirsten, you'll mandate it to companies that can't afford to do it. They'll have to offer it, and drive those companies into the ground and they'll be out of business.


PERINO: And you know what they do? What they do, Eric, is they hire less women, and they promote less women.

BOLLING: Or that, which is just as bad.

PERINO: You see that in Europe. It's not without negative consequences if not done smartly.

POWERS: But the problem is -- the problem is -- it's not. But the point is, we have a free market right now. And they're not doing it. And the point is, you're right. For highly-skilled workers they will do that.

BOLLING: Well, you're talking about $50,000. Not exactly highly-skilled workers. Almost average income.

POWERS: What about people who aren't as skilled? Do they not have -- should they -- what about their children? Should they not have time to bond with their children?

GUTFELD: No. They should be kept separate. If you are poor, we will take your children from you because we're Republicans. By the way, am I homophobic to be against mandating?


GUTFELD: I don't know.

PERINO: No. You're good.

GUTFELD: My belief is you could be strongly for something, strongly for something, but be against government mandating. And I hate it when that gets conflated.

Just because -- like maybe I want a ferret daycare center at work, because I have a ferret. But you know what? I'm not going to force you to have it, either.

GUILFOYLE: I don't want to pay for...


POWERS: You need an analogy that works. That's not -- that...

GUTFELD: I'm for the free meat market.

POWERS: Yes. I don't think the ferret thing works.

GUILFOYLE: Look at Kirsten still taking what you said seriously. Like a true professional.

GUTFELD: Why can't you have pro-choice leave, too?

BOLLING: ... can mandate it.

GUTFELD: Why can't you have pro-choice leave, too?

POWERS: What's that mean?

GUTFELD: That means, you know -- why is having a child more important?

POWERS: Than what?

GUTFELD: Than not having a child.

POWERS: Because look. Seriously.


PERINO: If I don't have a child I don't get three months paid leave?

GUTFELD: Exactly. This is bigoted against the pro-choice.

PERINO: Take a sabbatical. You can give single people without kids.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So that was interesting and bizarre. And that was at least entertaining. What do you think at home?

Next, does the 2016 Democratic debate schedule unfairly favor the frontrunner Hillary Clinton? We know the answer to that, right? Yes. Ahead we're going tell you what two of her opponents say. And us.


POWERS: There were two dozen Democratic debates during the 2008 presidential race, but this time around only six are planned. Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley wishes there were more and is criticizing his party over it.


MARTIN O'MALLEY, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My message to the party is this. We're making a big mistake as Democrats if we try to limit debate and have an un-democratic process.

There were 24 million people who tuned in to the Republican debate. And there were very few ideas that would serve our nation moving forward that were offered in that debate. Shame on us as a party if the DNC tries to limit debate and prevents us from being able to put forward a clear path for our people that will make the economy work for all of us again.


POWERS: His opponent, Bernie Sanders, also voiced disappointment about the debate schedule. Both are trailing way behind frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

So Dana, I'm interested to know, if you were in charge of the Democratic Party right now, and you know, this was the field, would you be doing the same thing the Democratic Party is doing?


POWERS: Or do you think it's better to have more debates?

PERINO: Take it from -- in my experience at the Republican Party, having had a very tense face-off within the tent about the policies we're going to support, what kind of party do we stand for, having all of this frustration building under a lid is not a good idea.

I would say do not suppress the way for your party to evolve and to figure out who they are. If you're having an identity crisis within, under the bubble, it's going to burst at some point, and it won't be pretty.

So I agree with Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders. I think they should have more debates. And also for her, they are protecting her too much.

Look, American people are saying that they don't trust Hillary Clinton in majorities. But even her campaign doesn't seem to trust their candidate. They don't think that she can handle it.

So I think that they are wrong. Look at what she did on the war on women stuff with Marco Rubio, as effective for her. I don't like it, but it's effective for her. I would say no risk, no reward.

POWERS: Isn't there an argument, though, Kimberly, that you could say you'll have a stronger candidate coming out of the primary, because she won't have had to take all these positions that she's forced into by Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley? I mean, just for the record, I support more debates. I just want to be clear about that.


POWERS: But I'm trying to making...

GUILFOYLE: I want to make a case (ph).

POWERS: ... other -- you know, I'm trying to think about it from another perspective. Is there a reasonable argument to be made?

GUILFOYLE: Right. No. I think they -- I think just actually want Hillary to get the nomination. They don't want her to be out there with more sound bites and more quotes and getting, like, chipped away at. They feel like, you know, better off, like, keeping her under wraps instead of, like, feeding her to Bernie and Martin O'Malley.

I don't think it's very democratic of the Democratic Party. I agree with them, Martin O'Malley.

POWERS: O'Malley.

GUILFOYLE: Because it's not fair. I mean, why are they suppressing thought and discussion and ideas?


BOLLING: Because they want to win.

POWERS: Well, here's another issue, which I've been a little curious about.

GUILFOYLE: Better be careful.

POWERS: They're not doing any debates with FOX News. But when we just had our debate, Hillary Clinton has actually come out and praised Megyn Kelly. All the Democrats have been talking about what a great debate it is. So what's their excuse now...

BOLLING: Their excuse...

POWERS: ... for not having a debate with FOX, if we do such a great debate?

BOLLING: Because as Kimberly pointed out, they're protecting their candidate. They're protecting their frontrunner.

The problem is, and we would all like to see more debates. But they're smart. They're not fools.

POWERS: You think that is good?

BOLLING: The more time she spends being asked a question and forced into an answer, that's not pre-prepared or on tape, there are going to be more opportunities for her to falter. I think they're brilliant to do that on the Democrats' side. However, what I'd love to see, we'd all love to see Joe Biden get in. And then that would be...

PERINO: That would be fun.

BOLLING: ... awesome. Awesome.

POWERS: That would be a debate. OK, "One More Thing" is up next.

GUTFELD: Thank you.


PERINO: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I have a very good one. So a wounded warrior had two former presidents, 41 and 43, and a former first lady on hand when he proposed to his girlfriend. Keep in mind, he has two prosthetic legs. He was helped back up to his -- to a standing position after he proposed. Take a look at this. It's a beautiful moment.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alison (ph), will you marry me?




GUILFOYLE: OK. And that was Army Specialist Tyler Jeffries who proposed. And Bush 41 posted a photo of the unforgettable moment on Twitter, wishing the couple a lifetime of joy together. Very special moment.

BOLLING: Very nice.

PERINO: Very sweet.

Greg, you love sweet.

GUTFELD: Yes. After that I would say drop the mike. But I won't. Because banned phrase, drop the mike. You know it's time to drop the mike when Hillary...

GUILFOYLE: That didn't make, actually, a lot of sense.

BOLLING: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Did you just decide that on this show?

GUTFELD: No, no. I did it when I heard Dana this afternoon say it. You said it at 2 p.m.

PERINO: I had a good point, though. It was a well-referenced use of the phrase.

GUTFELD: You are not in NWA. You're not in Public Enemy. You're on "The Five".

GUILFOYLE: She has a rapper video, remember?

GUTFELD: Yes. And we will not forget that.

GUILFOYLE: What was that M.C. Who? Tiny G or whatever?


GUTFELD: Anyway, that's enough for me.

PERINO: Tiny J.P. I think is what it was called. A long time ago. Back in the day.


GUTFELD: Back in the day. I ban that, too.

PERINO: I'm just going to keep going.

BOLLING: Bottom line.

PERINO: At the end of the day...


PERINO: All right. America, you know, is losing its competitive edge in almost every category. But did you know it's losing its edge in the world of hip-hop?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: This is actually happening. The world competition in San Diego was held last week. Americans didn't do very well. Look at the South Korean team. Take a look.




PERINO: You know, I actually love that. So the South Korean team, they rehearsed from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. twice a week, because they were hungry for it. And the American coach said, "Americans are a little spoiled. A lot of international dancers are focused and hungry. We could learn from them."

GUTFELD: You know how they do that?

PERINO: Next year it is us.


PERINO: How do they do it?

GUTFELD: The floor is heated like a hot plate.

BOLLING: You know what that style of dance is?


BOLLING: Gangnam style. I'm kidding.

PERINO: Don't get that song in my head.

Kirsten, you're next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

POWERS: You know who I really don't like, Greg?


POWERS: The Kardashians.


POWERS: And there's somebody else who feels the same way. Let's watch.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm having a good Friday, so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians today. You are on your own, Amy. I can't do it. I've had enough Kardashians. I can't take any more Kardashian stories on this show.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's exactly what Kylie Jenner did. She got a little gray, beautiful fluffy rabbit and named it Bruce.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't care! This family, I'm sick of this family.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, shoot.

POWERS: I salute you.

GUTFELD: That's a great story. She named her rabbit after her dad, who's now Caitlyn. That's kind of a weird story. Like the rabbit is Bruce!


GUTFELD: Doesn't that -- doesn't that blow your mind?


PERINO: Not even a little?

POWERS: All right.

Eric, you're the last one.

BOLLING: I'm last? OK. America do me a favor. Go to your DVR. Set it for 8 p.m. tonight, "The O'Reilly Factor."

GUILFOYLE: All week.

BOLLING: All week. Or just keep your TV on, because we're going to talk about Trump's new polling in Iowa and New Hampshire. We're going to talk about illegal immigration, Ferguson and Iran. And K.G.'s going to be on. And if you do this, I promise to tweet a picture of K.G. eating the salad during the break of this show today. I promise you.

PERINO: What if I already did that?

BOLLING: Do that.

GUILFOYLE: She already did it!

BOLLING: Then I'll send a different picture.

PERINO: Because I kind of already did that. That's true. In the commercial break you always want to know what happens? Well, today Kimberly ate a salad. You can go to our Twitter account and you can see that, because it's fascinating.

Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of this show. It's 5 p.m. That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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