
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," August 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: One of the 2016 presidential candidates kicking off that 5:00 p.m. Eastern debate is former HP CEO Carly Fiorina. She is here to go ON THE RECORD.

Nice to see you, Carly.

FIORINA: Great to be with you, Greta. Thanks for having me.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK, Carly, what's your overall strategy tomorrow? When you walk off that stage, what do you want to have accomplished?

FIORINA: I want people to know who I am because only 40 percent of Republicans have heard my name. I have the lowest name ID of anyone in the field. I want people to understand that I can win this job and do this job. And I want people to understand something of what I will do when I'm in the job.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, you say people don't know you, like only 40 percent know you. It seems to me that there is a lot of gender identification in the Democratic Party. I think a lot of women are cheerleading Secretary Clinton to run for the White House because it's fun to have a White House for so many women.

Are you getting that GOP woman sort of "girl power" stuff?

FIORINA: Well, of the women who know me yes they are very excited. But as I say, because I'm not a professional politician, I really started my campaign in the early part of May from a standing start. And, honestly, if you look at the polls, only 40 percent of Republican voters know who I am. So I have a lot of introductions still to go. And I think tomorrow will be a great opportunity to begin that with people who don't know I'm running.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, you, like Donald Trump, come from a business background. You aren't professional politicians. You both have said that. Donald Trump as you've been quoting saying has tapped into anger.

Do you want to tap into anger and how does that facilitate the race?

FIORINA: Well, look. I think people are frustrated and angry about a professional, political class that has failed them. Let's be honest. We are talking about border security in this election cycle as we always do. How long have we been talking about that? 25 years. How long we known the border was insecure? At least 25 years. How long has the border not been secure? 25 years. How long has the V.A. been a stain on our honor? How long have we been talking as conservatives about shrinking the size of the power of the government? And yet it gets bigger and more powerful every single year. Yes, worse under Obama.

But the truth is government has been getting bigger for almost 50 years. The political class has failed people. It is why, I believe, people are encouraging of my candidacy because I understand the economy, the world, how it works, who is in it, bureaucracies, how to hold them accountable and cut them down to size and technology, which is a great tool but it's also a weapon that's being used against us.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know about the Donald Trump. You are both business people. So I'm actually pitting you against Donald Trump, but you know business and economy better than Donald Trump?

FIORINA: I have had a very different set of experiences than Donald Trump. I started out as a secretary. I went on eventually to lead the largest technology company in the world. So it's a very different experience set of working my way up, of building businesses in the technology sphere.

As well, I have, as I mentioned to you, I know more world leaders on the stage today than anyone running with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton. Only I didn't do photo ops. I wrestled with bureaucracies. I know what they are. I know how we need to hold them accountable. I know, for example, how important zero-based budgeting is and I understand technology. And I actually think in the 21st century that matters a lot.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, you mentioned bureaucracy. That you know bureaucracy. Here in Washington is the bureaucracy. But we also have enormous divide. I mean, it's like the Hatfields and the McCoys. And so nothing gets done.

Do you see yourself as -- I mean, any sort of unique ability or something? Not to agree with your political opponent, but somehow get people on the same page to have a common goal. Can you do that?

FIORINA: Yes. And you know how? By tapping the power of citizens. Citizens, whether they are Democrats, Independents, or Republicans know something is really wrong.

So let me give you an example, zero-based budgeting. It's a fancy term for knowing where every single dollar is being spent so that we can justify some dollars and get rid of other dollars.

You know what I would do? I would go into the oval office and ask the American citizens to take out their smart phones and I'd ask them a very simple question. Do you think it's important that we know where your money is being spent, press one for yes and two for know. They will vote. They will press one for yes. And what does that do? It uses the power of citizenry to put pressure on the professional political class to act. We know politicians respond to pressure.

VAN SUSTEREN: Carly, thank you very much. And after tomorrow night, more than 40 percent will know you and I hope you will join us again ON THE RECORD. Thank you, Carly.

FIORINA: Always a pleasure. Thank you, Greta.