
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine…

Conditioned Response

Hillary Clinton didn't even have to think about it -- before criticizing Republicans -- for not having any women in the presidential campaign.

Just one obvious problem with that line of reasoning, however.


HILLARY CLINTON: This is not complicated, folks. Those guys on the other side - and by the way they are all guys, the last time I checked. No, no, there's one woman. Sorry, there's one woman, I forgot.


It is worth noting Clinton is the only female candidate on the Democratic side.

Twitter reacted --quote--

"One.The same number of women running on the Democrat side."

"Dems' presidential field also all guys -- by the way and one woman. P.S.  all white."

And --

"Isn't it remarkable? All that sexism blather and the Dems have the same number of female POTUS candidates."

Flag Flap

City officials in Reno, Nevada are falling all over themselves today --over the removal of the American flag flying over City Hall -- in favor of an LGBT flag.

It was raised in celebration of Gay Pride Weekend.

The flags were supposed to fly together Sunday.

Reno mayor Hillary Schieve posted on social media -- quote--

"I did not order that the American flag be taken down. I have asked that the flag be put back immediately!"

The American flag was back up -- by late evening.

Selfie Indulgence

And finally-- a dangerous and expensive selfie.

A San Diego man tried to take a self-portrait  -- with a rattlesnake --  but the snake had other ideas.


Todd Fassler: My tongue was sticking out of my mouth, my eyes droped to the side.


Doctors depleted the supply of anti-venom from two different hospitals treating Todd Fassler.

KGTV reports all he has to show for the encounter -- is a $150,000 hospital bill.