
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 15, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY, GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News Alert.
Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle. Moments ago, Jeb Bush officially entered the 2016 presidential race.


JEB BUSH, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Our country is on a very bad course, and the question is what are we going to do about it? The question for me.


BUSH: The question for me is what am I going to do about it? And I've decided I'm a candidate for President of the United States of America.


GUILFOYLE: He's promising a campaign of optimism.


BUSH: My message will be an optimistic one because I am certain that we can make the decades just ahead the greatest time ever to be alive in this world. That chance, that hope requires the best that is in us, and I will give it my all. I will campaign as I would serve going everywhere, speaking to everyone, keeping my word, facing the issues without flinching, and staying true to what I believe. I will take nothing and no one for granted. I will run with heart and I will run to win. It begins here and now and I'm asking for your vote. Thank you and god bless you all.


GUILFOYLE: His father was 41. His brother was 43. Will Jeb be 45? Off to an auspicious start today, Dana, with a speech that was generally well received.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: He had. I would say the expectations for him are really, really high and the hurdle that he had to clear was really high. The speech started off a little bit like oh, was he uncomfortable there. And then it took off. I think he definitely cleared and leaped the hurdle for today, was the one he soared over it.

GUILFOYLE: What were some of the things you were listening to? Some highlights.


PERINO: First of all, I was watching the visual. The lead up to the speech, you got the video, you got a lot of different people, the last person that introduced him, the black pastor, he was spot on. It's the crowd riled up, everybody is excited. When Jeb gets up there, it was sort of quiet at first, and then, he got into a rhythm. There was a moment when he gets interrupted by some protesters on immigration and then an off-the- cuff moment turns them and says I'll do what every other president has done and make this a due legislation rather than executive action. So it showed a little bit of willingness to throw a punch against his future primary opponents, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So far so good. Bolling, what do you think?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I think he delivered a very good speech. I'm curious why he decided to delay it for an hour. They said there were some technical difficulties. I'm not sure that was it. I think there was kind of - to give it some build up. I noticed that in a lot of the pre-speech entertainment, there were a lot of Spanish language, there was a Spanish language song and there were a couple of Spanish language videos. You can see where he's going to go.


BOLLING: He's going to go after the Latin-American vote.


GUILFOYLE: What's up with that?

BOLLING: I think it is a smart strategy. I mean, he does have that. Now, conservatives will say part of the problem or drawback of a Jeb Bush presidency would be his path to citizenship for illegals. There is probably one if not the common core, one and two are those -- the two strong pushbacks by conservatives. I think that was a very nice way to roll out his campaign, and I think as Dana points out, every time someone speaks, one of these GOPers speak, they get a bump right afterwards, they will probably get that as well.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Geraldo, your takeaway? Your thoughts and observations and touch on the Latino community.

GERALDO RIVERA, GUEST CO-HOST: I voted for his father one out of two times. I voted for his brother one of two times. And the only reason I could vote for him unlike three quarters of the Republican field is precisely what irritates Eric Bolling about him. It is the fact that he understands that a Republican cannot win the White House in this country by demonizing the Latino community generally -- generally, immigration, Latino specifically, I think it was brilliant of him to remind us that his wife is Mexican born.


BOLLING: Why is that demonizing Latin America?

RIVERA: Because the language used -- and Eric, you know it, has been hateful. And this is a compassionate conservative. His father was a wonderful man before the tea partiers like you hijacked the GOP.


BOLLING: If you watch The Five, you'll know I'm for increasing immigration, but legal immigration. I'm for multiplying the immigration.
Right now, we allow about a million people to immigrate to America. I'm all for allowing four million.


BOLLING: People who have broken the law should get to the back of the line rather than cut the line for all the people who are waiting.

RIVERA: This man understands that the United States has changed, and the Republican Party must change with it or we will be with the dinosaurs -- you know, the big Jurassic World.


GUILFOYLE: Interesting, right? OK.

TOM SHILLUE, GUEST CO-HOST: I think it was interesting. Dana, you said he had high expectations. Why do you think that? Because I think that he had kind of low expectations coming out some of the problems he was having with the press before.


SHILLUE: I always feel like, you know, in general there's a lot of people who are like, oh, Bush, another Bush, come on. Then when they see him speak, he can change minds because I think he is an excellent speaker, and I think he is going to surprise some people like he did me. I must admit, I'm one of the ones when it looked like he was going to run, I was like are you kidding me, another Bush, you know?

PERINO: That's exactly what I mean.


PERINO: OK. I do think that initially very high expectations and then in the last three weeks or so, people started thinking, oh, my gosh, what is happening? Remember the whole interview thing? Kelly thinks (ph) what is wrong with him? That's why I think expectations were very high for this speech. If he didn't clear that bar, he wouldn't have been able to get you to say maybe I should be willing to have an open mind on him. And that's the goal. There are a lot of people who would say I would never vote for another Bush, and that's it. What he had to do in a speech like this is solidify not only people who would support him, but people who might be inclined maybe to vote for a Republican, maybe, and to at least have an open mind to listen to something that he has to say.

SHILLUE: Yeah. It wasn't me really. The reason I kind of groaned when I first heard about Jeb was that I just thought the whole country was going to be sick of the Bushes. But you know lately, when you look at polls and things like that, you know, the Bush family is very popular, and even George W. Bush, his approval rating is OK.

GUILFOYLE: His favorability rating has gone up.



BOLLING: But you know, when you at what is likely going to be a very crowded feel. You look at Marco Rubio who brings a lot of the same positive things that, Geraldo, you like about Jeb, as far as the Latino community, looking for increased immigration. He also has you know the Latino background. He's Hispanic as well, more likable probably, more likeability possibly. You have Rand Paul who brings something new, Tom. We have 310 million people in this country, we are going to end up with a Bush and a Clinton.


RIVERA: We're going to talk about the white woman who posed as the black woman later in the program. But I think to take that and turn it around, I think Jeb Bush in some ways is more Latino than Marco Rubio. I think his Spanish is just as good. Marco Rubio is of Cuban descent. Cubans tend to be a splinter -- a small splinter, right wing Republican splinter of the broader democratic Latino community.


RIVERA: Jeb Bush is married to an Mexican-born woman. George P. Bush, the land commissioner of Texas, his son, and namesake there, named George Prescott Bush, is totally fluent. This is a family that really lives in a bilingual world. They're very respectful of it. I think that Jeb Bush is going to -- would beat Marco Rubio head to head in Florida. And that's really what you're talking about.

BOLLING: I am talking about that, but I'm not sure that's the case. I'm not sure that's the case.

RIVERA: The Puerto Ricans will vote for Jeb over Marco.

GUILFOYLE: You know why?


BOLLING: It's a broader vote.

RIVERA: Right.

BOLLING: Perhaps, but there are other things that they're going to have to go at. They're going to have to go after the conservative vote, too. Who would win the conservative vote between the two of them?


RIVERA: Are you talking about the primaries?


PERINO: Look at their records there. There's no question. I mean I think that's the other reason I've -- he has. They are split in Florida, no doubt. People love Marco Rubio, but there are people who remember Jeb Bush has governor who say look at the record. And so on education, immigration, taxes, small business support, support for mothers, of single women with children, on domestic violence, child -- what do you call it? Child support.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and also children with learning difficulties.


PERINO: Those types of things. There are advantages to running as a governor whether you are Walker, Christie.

GUILFOYLE: Very much so.

PERINO: Or Bush or whoever governor who want to get in the race that you don't have a senator, that you have a record to run on and people remember that.

BOLLING: But if you are going to say in Florida -- in Florida, you have Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, one is a governor, one is a senator, but let's go on the record. You have one in favor of common core and one that is very much against it and one in favor of a path to citizenship, some would say amnesty for whatever, 12 to 15 million, and another one who has a more aggressive approach to it, I'm not sure.


GUILFOYLE: Well, those are the choices that people can make, but you know, Jeb Bush addresses this point. Just because his last name is Bush, he shouldn't be discounted. I would be upset if somebody says well, maybe I will sit it out, I'm not going to run for president because of someone in my family. You want to make sure the best candidate goes forward and represents the country. I don't care what your last name is. If you are qualified, you have the passion and the vision for the country then you should be able to pay it forward and serve this country. Jeb addresses this and said it is nobody's turn to be president. Take a listen.


BUSH: Not one of us deserves the job by right of resume, party, seniority, family, or family narrative. It's nobody's turn. It's everybody's test.
And it is wide open, exactly as the contest for president should be.


GUILFOYLE: All right, so they spent some time on that. That was an artful phrase, the way that he puts that on. I think that matters today. So you know his daddy was president and his brother was president. You know, it runs in the family.


GUILFOYLE: I said perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

RIVERA: I am just going to go back to the demographics momentarily. I think Mitt Romney was absolutely right when he was caught muttering that 47 percent of the country would never vote for him no matter what. I think that it's 47 percent on both sides would never cross the line.

PERINO: Great.

RIVERA: The whole election is going to be for that 6 to 10 percent -- you know, probably around 6 percent of the election are the swing voters like me. You have to reach out. You have to appeal. The whole notion that you know he may be -- Marco Rubio may be stronger in a Republican primary, but to be elected as the President of the United States, you've got to reach out to people who are in the middle.


BOLLING: Sure, that's the Republican dilemma. You have one candidate that would be stronger in the primary and the other would match up better -- think about this for one second. Jeb Bush at one point -- now is this could be a $4 billion election, right, $2 billion on each side?

GUILFOYLE: You like to talk about money.


BOLLING: Right. So Jeb Bush has had some very nice things to say about Hillary Clinton in the past. I think he awarded an award to Hillary Clinton in the past as well. How do you come up against an opponent and go negative on someone who in the past you've been on record as respect quite a bit?

GUILFOYLE: He just did it.


RIVERA: But he didn't do it in a mocking or cruel way and the facts matter rather than attitude and cutting -- you know, oh, she looked like this or that.


RIVERA: I think that he can win with issues.

SHILLUE: But can the republicans this time around not do what they did to Romney? They bloodied him up so bad. He was down before he even started running against Obama because the Republicans attacked him from the right. They better not do that again this time.

BOLLING: Well, they will. And that is what the process has become.

RIVERA: It's a horrible process.

BOLLING: The more -- the more finance, the more centrist candidate usually ends up going to the general election. In the meantime, the conservatives beat them senseless because they don't want more of that.


RIVERA: This may be a short-lived headline.

PERINO: There is something to be said though about the Florida scene for the Republicans. It is a little bit technical on the political side, but give me a second. The point about the demographics is well taken in terms of the number of Latino votes that you need to try to attract to your presidency. In Florida, let's just say one of them, Bush or Rubio, gets on the ticket in some capacity or other. That is so important because Hillary Clinton does not have any vice presidential ring or candidate in Ohio or Florida. There's no one that the Democrat have on that bench that actually helps you in either of those states. The Republicans have three or four people in each state that can answer.


BOLLING: -- more centrist as your presidential candidate, why not try a new face, a new likable guy like Marco Rubio?


GUILFOYLE: I don't know you really don't like Jeb Bush. Oh, my God, Eric, you're grasping at straws.

BOLLING: But think about this for a second. You need Florida, you need Ohio, and maybe one other state, right? You have an establishment-type of centrist in John Kasich waiting in the wings as a vice president. You've covered all of the bases.


RIVERA: This election will be decided by the Puerto Ricans.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, go Puerto Ricans. OK. That was exciting.

Coming up, did Hillary Clinton's campaign shut out a reporter from her event today because it didn't like his coverage of the candidate? Stay tuned.


PERINO: OK. What's the one thing that Hillary Clinton could do to really irritate the press? Ignoring them is one thing. Making them less relevant is another, but shutting out someone from even covering her event, that's the straw that broke the reporter's back. Daily Mail Reporter David Martosko was assigned to do print coverage at Hillary Clinton's event today at New Hampshire, but the campaign shut him out and denied him access.
Could it be because of this? Over the weekend, he tweeted, it is truly astonishing how many journalists at the Hillary Clinton speech today reported exactly and only what the campaign wanted them to. The Clinton camp says they cut him out because his London paper isn't a member of the regular White House print pool. Hillary's aides have been justifying the treatment of the press following her campaign relaunch. Listen.


JOEL BENENSON, HILLARY CLINTON ADVISER: When she's out talking to voters, not a single voter, when they ask her questions -- they ask her questions about their lives, not one says when are you going to start talking to reporters?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This campaign is not about Hillary. It's not about the media. It's about everyday Americans.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're going to do our campaign the way we believe we got to win this -- win this in these four early states.




PERINO: For a while, I've been thinking it was a pretty smart strategy that she doesn't have to talk to the press. She thinks that I will just go around the traditional press, but you do have to have this thing called a print pool. And they are making up the rules as they go along. I think what happened is they saw what happened on Saturday with his tweet. They don't like it, and instead of getting in front of it on the morning of him trying to get into the press fan, to go to the event, that's when they pull him and I think that was a huge mistake.

GUILFOYLE: A huge mistake and it just showed that they have very, very thin, almost invisible skin, right? I mean, come on.

PERINO: Translucent.

GUILFOYLE: You're a translucent. You're running for President of the United States. Don't shy away from it. Answer the questions, encourage everyone to be there. Why don't you try to change some minds? Why don't you try and like move the ball and change some ideas that they have about you and invite them there? I'm going to welcome your questions. Let's have a dialogue about this.

PERINO: I'm surprised, Eric, at the lack of sophistication in the communications and operations of the Clinton campaign. They've been at this since 1990 -- 1990 probably, right? So they have people all around them. A simple thing to do -- if they really want to say the print poolers are not going to be from foreign organizations, well, then they should have done that beforehand.


GUILFOYLE: They only want foreign money.


BOLLING: The only problem is that we are probably the only ones talking about it. The media is going to ignore it. A lot of cable networks are going to ignore it. We are going to bring it up. Can I just talk about her speech a little bit? I watched the speech. I didn't think she was particularly likable when she delivered it.

GUILFOYLE: But you don't like her?

BOLLING: Look, yes.


BOLLING: I would also rather see Joe Biden running on the Democrat side because I think it would be a more interesting situation. And again, another Bush, another Clinton, I would just rather see some new blood.
Here, however, were you surprised at how far left she went with this?


BOLLING: I mean, she went full throttle (ph) income inequality. She went straight at the -- at the far left base when she doesn't really need to do that, does she? What was the purpose of that? If she really wants to get that middle of the road independent vote, she's going -- she's skewing left.


BOLLING: I think she is trying to block out Elizabeth Warren.

PERINO: I think you're exactly right. Let's listen to this sound byte from her because it encapsulates what you are describing.


HILLARY CLINTON, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: These republicans trip over themselves promising lower taxes for the wealthy and fewer rules for the biggest corporations.

They shame and blame women rather than respect our right to make our own reproductive health decisions.

They want to put immigrants who work hard and pay taxes at risk of deportation, and they turn their backs on gay people who love each other.

I may not be the youngest candidate in this race, but I will be the youngest woman president in the history of the United States.


PERINO: Geraldo, before we got to that last line, which I thought was a great line for the speech, all of the applause lines, the ones that got reaction from the crowd were the ones that are the most divisive in American politics today. Is that what we are going to see in 16 months?

RIVERA: Yes. And just very briefly on the DailyMail.com, nobody carries about how hard it is for reporters to get the story or if reporters are cut out. They care what the reporter gets. They don't care about what the reporter does not get. So I don't think that issue goes anywhere. In terms of Hillary reaching out and putting herself in historic terms, I think that's very, very potent. I see the energy that my wife and her family and relatives on the east side of Cleveland, Shaker Heights, where that motivated Jewish-Democratic -- they were in play last time, they sided with the Democrats. That's what she's doing. She's energizing that base.
I can see us going home, two macho guys going home and our wives saying you know, it's time for a woman. It's time for a woman. I think she's playing it brilliantly.


PERINO: No, I don't think so. Tom, you're a writer of sorts or so you claim.

SHILLUE: I claim.

GUILFOYLE: Slightly macho.

PERINO: What do you think of her speech?

SHILLUE: I think the reason she's doing this populist thing isn't because she's worried about a flank from the left like Elizabeth Warren. She's -- she's trying to get the left wing voters excited.
They're not excited about her. They never were. And they're never going to be. That's going to be her danger, that they're going to stay home. I think that's why she's doing that. As far as the press goes, I don't want to insult your former profession, but -- I mean, I think this press thing is overrated. I think you can go around the press.

PERINO: You know what? I realize as I was saying -- you know what? It probably is just a small group of people who this matters to, but it is very symbolic.

SHILLUE: Why? Do you learn anything from that daily dance from the reporters?


PERINO: Yeah, I do.

SHILLUE: You do?


RIVERA: She turned her back on me. I'm telling you that's what she does.
She doesn't like you. She goes like this. You know, I'm over here.
Please talk to me. Please talk to me. She really knows how to do it.


PERINO: Four years ago.

GUILFOYLE: Eric, you shouldn't support her if she's mean to you.


PERINO: Four years ago, the White House -- the Obama White House tried to shut out Fox News from pool coverage as well because they didn't want Fox to be a part of it and the pool got together and defended Fox, which was the right thing to do. Because if you don't do that as reporters, you see an inch to the government after the campaign, you're never going to get it back.


SHILLUE: Let's be honest. What if Fox was cut out of it? Would they be out of information. They will get their information, right? Do they need to be in a little pool?


PERINO: Yes, I think so.


PERINO: That pool is important.


PERINO: I mean, you can live Russia or England -- I'm sorry. Russia.


BOLLING: North Korea.

PERINO: I'm having way too much fun. I have got to apparently go to a commercial break. Don't go away please. The Fastest Seven is up next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for the Fastest Seven Minutes on television.
Three striking stories, seven swift minutes, one sagacious host. First up, Comedian Bill Maher is the latest funny man to complaint -- complain about political correctness crushing his industry. Here, fellow comic Jeff Ross nails the problem and then Bill Maher exposes the obvious. The true humorist in America are the liberals.


JEFF ROSS, COMEDIAN: Why do comedians have to water down? Comedy is medicine. It's the best medicine, laughter. You don't want it (UNINTELLIGIBLE). You want it potent. We have a responsibility to shine a light on the darkest aspects of society.

BILL MAHER, HOST, "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER": Liberals are definitely more PC. I used to fight with this audience all the time, because we used to get the audience strictly from liberal sources.

ROSS: Right.

MAHER: Then we got the audience, like, from everywhere. And I've had a much better time the last couple of years.


BOLLING: So what do you say, Tommy? Your thoughts on the comedians?

SHILLUE: I disagree. It's now -- it's not -- comedy is not dead. It's only beginning now. This is going to be -- it's going to open up a whole new era for comedy. Because everyone is perpetually offended, and that is the perfect time for comedians. The entire world is all Margaret Dumont now. You know Margaret Dumont? You know who I'm talking about?


SHILLUE: Remember that woman, the stuffy woman, in every Marx Brother's movie, and every time he would say...?

RIVERA: Yes. Exactly.

SHILLUE: "I can't believe it." And...

GUILFOYLE: Geraldo, here you go. You've got an audience of one.

RIVERA: I only went from the...

SHILLUE: Well (UNINTELLIGIBLE). You know what I mean? That's what -- that's the whole world now. They're all -- they're all haughty Margaret Dumonts.

PERINO: I'm Mrs. Marx (ph).

SHILLUE: Yes. And that's a perfect time for comedy.

BOLLING: Dana, what about Bill Maher admitting that he needed to diversify his audience?

PERINO: I believe it. I believe it. Because liberals don't think anything is funny. Like, if you made fun of global warming, they'll sit there, like outraged. How could you make fun of global warming?

GUILFOYLE: Totally. Yes, it's like...

SHILLUE: Or racially.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. Good for him. Maybe he realizes the conservatives have an excellent sense of humor.

RIVERA: I don't know about that.

PERINO: Yes. They can laugh at themselves.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That's the thing.

RIVERA: And Bill Maher may be a little disingenuous. You watch his show.
You know -- you know, "The downtrodden need help."


"We've got to, you know, increase taxes on the rich."


I think that it's very predictable.

GUILFOYLE: "Wall Street is bad."


BOLLING: All right. Let's move on to this one. CNN coming under fire from law enforcement for comments made by one of their anchors just hours after a gunman rolled up on a Dallas Police station in an armored vehicle and opened fire. Fredricka Wilson -- Whitfield said this.


FREDRICKA WILSON, CNN ANCHOR: It was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters; and now you have this scene, this standoff.


BOLLING: Well, those comments created a firestorm on social media. Then the next day Whitfield responded to the growing outrage with this comment going to commercial break.


WHITFIELD: Yesterday during a segment on the Dallas Police Department attack, I used the words "courageous and brave" when discussing the gunman.
I misspoke and in no way believe the gunman was courageous nor brave.


BOLLING: Many, including the men and women of the Dallas Police Association, weren't buying it, forcing her to issue yet another apology.


WHITFIELD: I misspoke terribly. I misused those words terribly, and I sincerely apologize for making this statement. And I understand now how offensive it was. And I want to reiterate that, in no way do I believe the gunman was courageous or brave. I sincerely apologize.


BOLLING: OK, Geraldo.

RIVERA: Dumb. It was a dumb mistake. I mean, misspoke. It was way more than a misspoke. You know what? It feeds into the whole narrative that the police are the enemy. Particularly now, you know, I did the Puerto Rican parade. I'll talk about it later. I made a point of high-fiving every cop, kissing every female cop. I know it's sexist; just my way.
Because police are embattled. The relationship with the community never worked.



SHILLUE: But she said courageous.

GUILFOYLE: I did the same thing. I kissed a guy...


BOLLING: CNN, Chris Cuomo, "You know how they are," talking about the cops. Rick Boland had that situation with the military. Marc Lamont Hill, referring to Baltimore saying, after decades and centuries of police, quote, "terrorism." There's a pattern developing on CNN.

GUILFOYLE: Not here. Not here. I mean, that's the thing. I mean, people
-- I think they should be responsible, the individual anchors, for what they have to say. Leave it at that. I don't think it's, like, systemic within certain news organizations. Look, I think we're class acts. We report the news, and we're not calling it against the cops.

BASH: I do think that when you do live TV and you're in an interview and you can't think of the word -- like in the "A" block, I couldn't think of the phrase "child support payments" to save my life -- there's -- that's misspeaking. This actually was an error in judgment. And I think she would have been better off, rather than saying she misspoke -- because misspeaking is like remember when President Obama said, "I just visited 57 states, four more to go." That's misspeaking.

BOLLING: I remember when...

SHILLUE: That's what I thought it was.

BOLLING: ... when we made a mistake, we made a joke, and it turned out to become a...

PERINO: Don't repeat it.

BOLLING: But Dana, we crafted an apology, telling people it was...

PERINO: Dana did.

BOLLING: But that wasn't "Oh, I misspoke."


BOLLING: "Let's go to break."

PERINO: That was an error in judgment, and sometimes that happens on live TV. I think she would have been better off if she had said that she had bad judgment.

SHILLUE: I think it's hard. I've said three dumb things already on this program. I think it's hard to talk on TV. And I don't think she meant it at all. She said "courageous and brave, if not stupid." She was trying to say...

PERINO: Maybe she meant "brazen."

SHILLUE: I mean, yes, she should have said that. But like I said...

RIVERA: Brave, courageous and bald, she would have been like...

SHILLUE: I mean, it's -- she wasn't incorrect, right? It was -- they were bad, courageous guys [SIC]. She wasn't -- she wasn't saying they were great guys. So I'm going to give her a break.

BOLLING: All right. Check this out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going to have to jump.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you ready? One, two -- come on!



BOLLING: Over the weekend, "Jurassic World" blew the cover off the box office record book, taking in an estimated -- get this -- $524.1 million dino dollars worldwide, sharing the 2011 Harry Potter movie's record. In the U.S., the Spielberg movie took in 208.8 million, highest domestic total ever.


RIVERA: Can I just make a quick anecdote, story?

GUILFOYLE: Beating "The Avengers" in 2012.

BOLLING: On a gorgeous, gorgeous Sunday afternoon yesterday, 4 p.m., I said, "Adrienne, let's go see the movie." We drive 30 minutes. I'm trying to Fandango the whole way there. I can't get through to Fandango. I get there. The movie theater is packed. We wait 40 minutes in line. We are the next person to buy tickets to that movie for IMAX in 3-D. Sold out right in front of us.

PERINO: Wasn't your day.

GUILFOYLE: I'm disappointed in you. The Eric I know, the free-market capitalist, would have paid off the first person.

PERINO: Yes, no kidding.

BOLLING: I swear to God walked down, trying to buy one.

GUILFOYLE: There's my boy. I knew it.

PERINO: But that's also another example of how much would you have paid to watch it at home on the first day. You would have paid $100 more?

BOLLING: No, no. I'm the guy that likes to go in the theater.

RIVERA: If there was a Netflix.

BOLLING: I like the...

SHILLUE: I can't believe it. The theater is horrible. All those people around you? I won't go. I will not go to the theater.

RIVERA: It serves you right for not being outdoors. It was a beautiful day.

BOLLING: That's true. I figured, being a beautiful day, I'd be able to get into this movie. By the way...

GUILFOYLE: Got to love it.

PERINO: You should be doing volunteer work.

BOLLING: That movie probably is going to break records. I think.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

BOLLING: They're yelling at me.

GUILFOYLE: I was in the hot tub, controlled water. I love it. No dinosaurs or sharks.

PERINO: I was at the park.

BOLLING: That's a tease. All right. Coming up, a (UNINTELLIGIBLE) leader. Major development today on that NAACP leader accused of lying about her race. Geraldo has that next.


RIVERA: She promised that she would address these accusations about her racial identity, outrageous accusations about her racial identity. Today she thought she was going to talk about it. Today, at a meeting of the NAACP, the president of the group's chapter in Spokane, Washington, resigned instead.

In a Facebook post, Rachel Dolezal wrote, "Dialogue has unexpectedly shifted internationally to my personal identity in the context of defining race and ethnicity. In the eye of this current storm, I step aside from the presidency." Meaning "I lied about being a black person."

Now, the resignation comes after Dolezal's estranged parents told the world their daughter is white, not black, as she has claimed for years. They're hoping now that she will get help.


RUTHANNE DOLEZAL, MOTHER OF RACHEL: She may have felt that she had some advantage in her activism by being portrayed as a black woman.

I think Rachel has tried to damage her biological family; and those kind of claims, as false as they are, seem to serve her purposes in her mind.

And we hope that Rachel will get the help that she needs to deal with her identity issues. Of course, we love her, and we hope that she will come to a place where she knows and believes and speaks the truth.


RIVERA: You know, it's one thing -- back in the '60s, people used to -- like, they called it a Jew fro. Sometimes people would frizz it us. Or others who would wear dreads and try in other ways to style themselves as hip-hop people, even though they are not black.

But to be the NAACP chapter president in blackface, Tom is kind of funny.
But what I find is black people seem a lot less outraged about it than white people. Why do you think?

SHILLUE: Well, I mean, I don't know if they want to get into that discussion, but I think I want to lay off this woman. I mean, she's been -
- she was attacked from the white and then the left. They cut her loose.
And they were making fun of her, as well. The thing is...

PERINO: Where?

SHILLUE: They didn't want to be any part of this woman at all. They're saying, "Oh, she's sad. She's terrible." Whatever.

But the thing is, our whole culture fetishizes race. I understand why this woman does this. I mean, this is our culture. In the movies, black people are always understanding, kind people. And the white evil businessman. I mean, in history, kids in college, they learn that the white person is evil, and the peaceable Indians, oh, they sat around the teepee. It's ridiculous. I wouldn't want to -- I mean, I'd go black if I could. You know...

RIVERA: With this situation. Send this man to the makeup room.

Is this, though, Dana, more like someone -- you remember the allegations against Senator Warren?

GUILFOYLE: So much wrong with this segment.

RIVERA: You know, posing as a Native American to get into whatever...?

PERINO: And one of the reasons Elizabeth Warren did that was to get a leg up on competition.

RIVERA: Right.

PERINO: So again, if I were in one of those minority groups, I might be offended that somebody was actually taking my place or trying to subvert me.

I am concerned, though, about airing family disputes in a national debate like this, because I -- what I heard from that mother is there's a lot of pain there. And I -- I wish that this wouldn't have had to become public, and they could have dealt with it a different way. But I do think it's appropriate that she step down from the NAACP.

RIVERA: Me, too. But Eric, what do you think about the parents outing her? I think that what Dana has suggested is pretty amazing and outrageous. I mean, they outed, they wrecked her life.

BOLLING: Well, and they, you know -- so they asked the parents. Her parents wanted to clarify the record.

Look, at one point, I think that Rachel Dolezal posted the picture of the father of these African Americans.

RIVERA: I think she actually brought a black guy to the church as her brother, if I'm not mistaken.

BOLLING: Anyway, here's why it does matter. Melissa Harris Perry on MSNBC says it doesn't matter. The NAACP says it doesn't matter. Here's why it does matter.

There are grants and loans specifically earmarked toward -- for minorities and for women. You want to start a small business, and you're a woman, you're female, you can get a loan that a white male cannot get. If you're a minority, you can get a loan that a white male cannot get.

So if there are people going around saying, "You know, I feel black today.
I want to start a business, and I'm going to take a federal loan." You're taking money away from people who are legitimately...

SHILLUE: That's not the bad part. The bad part is those loans. They shouldn't have them.

PERINO: You're so -- I love you. You're pure. You are so pure.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

RIVERA: What about that? What about that truth in lending?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, look, I have a very strict line. I mean, people, if you're going to try and apply -- you can apply for a position, you know, be honest, be truthful. Don't try to take it from someone else. Maybe somebody else could have got that position representing, you know, the NAACP that was African-American, could have that job and represent them.

I understand that she has some sympathies, that she may have great passion to serve that group. And she could and she should, but please be honest and transparent about it, because she subverts the process. So that it's...

RIVERA: How long did it get her to get their hair that way?

A fun day at the beach turns into a horrific one for two teenagers who are attacked by sharks 15 minutes apart. Is it safe to go back in the water?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have somebody shark -- a shark attack.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, we're on Oak Island.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's a girl whose hand has been bitten off by a shark towards the 14th Street beach access at 16th Street Southeast. We need an ambulance right away.


SHILLUE: Beaches in North Carolina are still open today following two scary shark attacks yesterday on Oak Island. Two kids were bitten two miles apart, both in waist-deep water. A 12-year-old girl and a 15-year- old boy. The girl lost part of an arm. The boy lost an entire arm.
Thankfully, both are stable and in good condition today. It's not known whether the same shark attacked both victims.

I think -- I think it was the same shark, don't you, Geraldo?

RIVERA: All I know that is 90 minutes passed between the two bites. How they kept that beach open -- if I were representing as an attorney of the guy -- the kid who was bitten second, I would say why didn't these authorities close this damn beach? You have -- sharks are known to hang around once they've tasted blood there. That shark, I think, is the same shark on the hunt. I think there's absolute negligence.

SHILLUE: He's already thinking how to sue. Is that -- that's the lawyer in him?

RIVERA: Yes, exactly.

BOLLING: A note again. Waist-deep water. A lot of people are saying you see your kids that are out there in the surf. They say, "Come on in." And you're worried about something like this. But the reality is that a lot of shark bites -- I'm not sure the percentage -- but a lot of them happen in
waist- or knee-deep water.

SHILLUE: Twenty yards offshore, I think.

But it says -- I mean, in the story, there were only 72 around the world, shark attacks, in 2014. That they're very rare. I mean, should we...

GUILFOYLE: Then why do we keep hearing about them?

SHILLUE: I don't know. I mean, obviously, people like to hear -- I always want to read about this. When I saw shark attack, I went -- that was the first story I wanted to read. It's a terrible story, obviously. The kids are alive, and they're well, as well as you can be after a shark attack, but you know...

RIVERA: Don't you remember "Jaws," the movie. Amity Island, and they kept it hushed up. The first shark attack, then they keep it hushed up. Keep the trade coming, keep the business coming.

I'm really outraged by that. I think that -- what if it was my 10-year- old, God forbid?


RIVERA: And someone down -- a half a mile down the beach just lost -- shouldn't I know about it? Shouldn't they have...


RIVERA: They've got a red flag. Put the red flag out.

GUILFOYLE: They have to be more vigilant.

SHILLUE: Is it because of tourism? Is it the old -- is it like the movie "Jaws"? Do you think they don't want to close the beaches because they're going to lose money? Is that it?


PERINO: I'm terrified. I don't go in the water.

GUILFOYLE: No, that's why you stay by the pool...


GUILFOYLE: ... where you can order drinks and get the Evian Mist, and then you go into the hot tub. And that's -- I'm not kidding.

SHILLUE: They're rare. We don't have to be afraid of the water.

GUILFOYLE: No, even outside the Four Seasons in Maui. The Tiger sharks swarming everywhere.

BOLLING: Such a one-off center (ph).

SHILLUE: "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Hi. Thanks for joining us again. It is time for "One More Thing." Eric, what do you have going on?

BOLLING: OK. So the NBA finals are going on. The Golden State Warriors taking on the Cleveland Cavaliers. And last night, if you didn't watch it, one of the best games ever. They're breaking records with ratings.

Steve Kerr coaches the Golden State Warriors. Steve Kerr was a point guard at the University of Arizona, went on to play -- earn five championship rings there with the Bulls. But there's something you might have not -- not have known about Steve Kerr. Watch.


BOLLING: Something few people know about Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr may shock you. On January 18, 1984, the night before a big game against rival ASU, his father was assassinated by Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Dr. Malcolm Kerr was president of the American University in Beirut and considered one of the brightest academics in the Middle East.
He built his life around bridging the divide between Christians, Muslims and Jews, but now, he was dead.



BOLLING: There's a lot more. If you go to our Facebook page, the whole video is up there on that situation. That's Facebook.com/TheFiveFNC.
Check out the whole video. Let me know.

GUILFOYLE: All right. I have the cutest "One More Thing" ever. Maybe some of you have seen this. This is very sweet, and it shows the general, like, acts of kindness that troopers and police officers do across this country every day.

So this is a Washington state trooper, Dave Hintz. This is dash cam video.
And it's of this little old lady. She's 80 years old. She had gone out to do a little outing. She got confused, went the wrong direction. And he started, because he thought it was like a pursuit. Right? So he followed her in the car, trying to help her, to escort her...


GUILFOYLE: ... to be able to get home. So it took about an hour, but he got her safely back. And is this not one of the most adorable things that you have seen?

PERINO: That is so sweet.

GUILFOYLE: I know. I love it.

OK. Tom.

SHILLUE: Like that map. She doesn't have a GPS on that thing?

GUILFOYLE: She needed Waze app.

SHILLUE: All right. Doreen Lucky likes older men. Do you think 12 years is a big age difference? Apparently, she doesn't. She is 91 years old.
She just got married to George Kirby, 103. They're the oldest newlyweds.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

PERINO: It's so neat.

GUILFOYLE: I am going to break that record.

SHILLUE: They're the oldest newlyweds out there, anyway.

GUILFOYLE: Watch out. I'm coming for you.

That's very sweet.

SHILLUE: I'd say. It's nice. Never too late to start.

PERINO: Sure. You like being married.


RIVERA: Yesterday was the National Puerto Rican Day Parade. I feel like I'm related to the -- all the Puerto Rican people in the nation and in a way I am. My dad was one of 17 children. His four surviving siblings are all in town. Craig and I just went to a mini-reunion. But it was a beautiful vibration, filled with pride. All these people. It's the largest parade in New York, almost 2 million people. Usually without incident. Like yesterday, totally without incident. They clean up after, you know, after ourselves. It's a great party, and we had a great party.

GUILFOYLE: So you've redeemed the Puerto Ricans, because sometimes we get a bad rap.

PERINO: A lot of people in the park yesterday.

GUILFOYLE: I know. The two best parade, the Irish on St. Patrick's Day, right? And the Puerto Rican Day Parade -- Dana.

PERINO: All right. Quickly, Gretchen Carlson, our friend and colleague here at FOX News Channel has a new book out tomorrow. It's called "Getting Real," and she did a piece on it today at 2 p.m., and she's got a lot of information on her Facebook page. You can learn a lot more about her and all the things she's done.

GUILFOYLE: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is next.

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