
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine…

Liberal Arts

Graduation season is in full swing and one survey finds -- unsurprisingly so --  that liberals outnumber conservative as commencement speakers.
What is surprising -- the headline in the Washington Post--

'Why conservatives give better commencement speeches than liberals'

The article draws from Zev Chafets' collection of commencement speeches -- 'Remembering Who We Are' --
The writer tells students not to protest conservative speakers -- but embrace them.
The reasons are simple -- Conservatives speak to grads as individuals -- give shorter speeches with better stories -- and offer more actionable advice.

Conservatives are also less likely to suck up to new graduates.
Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia -- was one such example of bluntness in 2010 --

"To thine own self be true -- depending upon who you think you are."


You-- the taxpayer-- might have paid for some European vacations you didn’t go on.
The National Science Foundation is taking heat from Congress for asking for more grant money and a larger budget.
As some lawmakers are questioning money already spent.

For example  -  a $275,000 study of tourism near the Arctic Circle.
The NSF-- sent folks to Norway to check it out.
The head of the House Science Committee-- says a similar study could have been done in Alaska -- quote --

'Americans are tired of writing a blank check to the NSF to pay for foreign vacations.'

The House is scheduled to vote next week on the budget increase request from the foundation.

Good Samaritans

Finally -- an outpouring of kindness.
81-year-old Clarence Blackmon returned home after months in the hospital -- to an empty refrigerator.
Hungry and desperate-- he called 911.


Blackmon: Whatever you can do to help, I can't do anything, I can't go anywhere, I can't get out of my damn chair.

The 911 operator -- with the help of police officers -- delivered groceries to the starving veteran.
The good deed went viral -- and people stepped up.
He has so much food now -- he is sharing it with a local food bank.


Blackmon: It was like a little miracle ringing in my ear, I thought Jesus you have answered all those those prayers.


Blackmon will soon have a home nurse-- to check on him twice a week