
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 8, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Julie Roginsky, Eric Bolling and she uses an eyelash as a back scratcher, Dana Perino, "The Five."

Today is the funeral for New York police officer Brian Moore who was shot dead last week. On Monday, this Monday, national police week starts to show appreciation for all of our fallen officers. It's needed now more than ever because, unlike cop activists, cop supporters have jobs. And so we must try harder to thank the police because they won't be asking for it. It was just months ago that ghouls demanded dead cops.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do we want?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When do we want them?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do we want?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When do we want them?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do we want?



GUTFELD: Mission accomplished, you dirt bags. What is happening to police is what happened to businesses decades ago, activists smearing entire enterprises with isolated events, car companies, drug companies. You can't think of the oil industry without thinking of oil spills. This tactic is now applied to police.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can't (inaudible) people who after decades and centuries of police terrorism have decided to respond in this way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The police have talked about the fact that they are willing to be tactically very aggressive as the situation stays out of control. If they are picking up things being thrown at them and throwing them back, that implies to me, just as a lay observer, that the police feel -- that the police are a little bit out of control or they may not be using discipline police tactics.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would talk about training. We talked about having officers. I was talking with city councilmen here last week and saying, "Brooke, this people who have to live in the community and there is no emotional or there is a lack of emotional investment." And I love our nation's veterans and that some of them are coming back from war. They don't know their communities and they are ready to do battle.


GUTFELD: Fact, in New York City, people fatally shot by police has dropped 90 percent since the 1970s, even as violent crime went down. But yet, they are the bad guys, and that's a win for the career disrupter. No spotlight on gangs or their black victims. To point that out would be racist. Condemning crime is condemning a lifestyle. Even with Baltimore's police mug shots, both black and white, the dukes of division make it about race. For this is really about subversion. Forget big business now. If you bring down the cops, you bring down society. That's the agitator's goal, who has edge over you. For while you go to work, the agitator has no such commitment. This is all that they do.




GUTFELD: So how do we stop that? Why not give them what they want? I call it the police exemption pass. If you hate cops, then ask for a pass that says, "Under no circumstances will the police ever assist you." It's a do not resuscitate for radicals. Getting them to live by their actual words. I mean, why would you want to be saved by the people that you want dead? The cops have a duty to protect you but do you have the guts to refuse it?

All right. Kimberly, 30,000 police officers gathered to remember Brian Moore today, show force and unity was more than normal. It makes sense, does it?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yes. Because it is symbolic, right? They were there to honor and respect the man that lived, served and died for this city. This is somebody that was widely admired in the police department. His supervisor said if he had all officers and more officers like him, there would be no crime in the city. So this is someone we should really be celebrating as an example of the fine men and women that serve in the uniforms in blue. I find it heartwarming to see how many people showed out -- you know, showed up to give support. And I believe a lot of people in the community are respectful and appreciative of the fine work that the cops do everyday. And it's too bad that a very vocal minority of individuals cast aspersions and call for the death of fine officers like this.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Julie, this is the only time, though, that you ever see such outpouring and it's -- I think it is -- the public shares some responsibility in this that we don't go out of our way to support the police unless something bad happens to them.

JULIE ROGINSKY, CO-HOST: Well, I don't think that's true. I mean I -- look. For example, I got mugged last year and there were two police officers that showed up and I thanked them profusely. I thanked them on the air. I thanked them in person. You know, I am very --listen, I live in the Upper West Side.

GUTFELD: Did they take (ph) the guy?

ROGINSKY: They pulled -- but I will tell you they pulled over -- somebody stole my iPhone, they pulled over like the first like six African-American kids that they saw and started asking which one of them did it. I couldn't identify them and they were, you know.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, I would assume they did that based on a suspect description that you gave about age, height, weight.

ROGINSKY: It was -- I'm not -- I'm not castigating them for doing it.

GUILFOYLE: (Inaudible).

ROGINSKY: No. No. No. I'm not.

GUILFOYLE: It sounds like some kind of bizarre racial profiling situation.

ROGINSKY: No. No. No. I'm saying that I told them what the person did and it was a group of kids did -- who did this and they pulled random kids and its maybe one of them. It wasn't one of them. I couldn't identify them.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I thought that was Brian Kilmeade.

ROGINSKY: It was Brian Kilmeade. Actually now is the time to let people know. It was Brian Kilmeade. Give me my phone back. But that's -- look. I live in the Upper West Side. It is probably one of the more liberal parts in New York City. I don't know anybody who lives in my neighborhood who is not grateful for cops everyday.


ROGINSKY: Every single day. So I -- you can't just -- you know, it's not a liberal versus conservative thing. People who say cops should be killed are crazy and they don't deserve our time to even talk about it. But I will say despite all that, you can't ignore the fact that there are police departments -- don't shake your head, Eric -- there are.

BOLLING: No. It's so typical.

ROGINSKY: It's not typical.

BOLLING: You're doing exactly what everybody does.


ROGINSKY: I'm not. No.

BOLLING: You do it with logic.


BOLLING: If you don't do this thing, we'll, you go it was. Julie, that's amazing but.

ROGINSKY: But wait a second, Eric.

GUTFELD: Where's the but?

ROGINSKY: I'm sorry. There are no bad cop apples?


GUILFOYLE: Well, no, but -- Julie, can you say maybe perhaps individual officers?


GUILFOYLE: I wouldn't say a whole police department categorically.


ROGINSKY: We just saw the Justice Department say that the Ferguson Police Department, for example, had things that they did that were racial and that they shouldn't do. Now, you may not agree with their assessment, but that's, you know, if the Justice Department ruled. Even while they ruled that the specific officer in Ferguson didn't have anything to -- did nothing wrong essentially. So you can't go out there and say that all cops are great, all liberals are bad. That's a straw man argument. There are bad people and good people on both sides of the argument. You can't go out there and say, "You know, we can't criticize the police department.

GUILFOYLE: Well, no one is saying that at this point.

ROGINSKY: Well, actually, you are.


GUILFOYLE: I'm actually not saying that. I'm saying there should be specific factual incidents that you evaluate on an individual basis.


GUILFOYLE: . and not say the whole police department. They can launch all the investigation they want. They still have the patient to come back with conclusive and persuasive facts and if there is a problem then it should be addressed.

ROGINSKY: Agreed and I think Ferguson proved that there was a persuasive and compelling argument for the entire police department to do that.

GUTFELD: All right. I want to ask you, Eric, don't you think -- if a radical does not like the police, shouldn't they voluntarily go to the police department and say don't help me.

BOLLING: They don't -- it's not that they don't want the protection, they don't want to point out that police matter. Radicals you say. So this morning, I'm at Dunkin Donuts and I walked in. And you know, Officer Mike from Denver's police (ph) walks in and he's dressed.

GUILFOYLE: Now, that's a stereotype.

BOLLING: Now, wait a minute. No. He's got the black band on his badge and I forgot until I saw that. It's just -- it just killed me. I was like ready to cry right there. Questioning cops and their tactics is emboldening bad guys. Bad guys now for some reason -- if you're a bad guy, you're doing something wrong and you're carrying an illegal gun, they used to run. They don't want to get stopped and frisked. They didn't want to be caught with the gun. Now, they approach the squad car. Now, they approach the unmarked car. And now, Officer Liu, Officer Ramos, and Brian Moore are dead because they are being emboldened. Why are they being emboldened? Because people like Di Blasio, people on the left who say we have to somehow point the finger at cops because there are bad cops. There are vastly -- vast numbers of great cops and very, very few bad cops.

ROGINSKY: Agreed. But you can't close your eyes and say you could never criticize any cops out there.


BOLLING: . and every time we're talking about Officer Moore.


BOLLING: You did it and so did -- so did De Blasio. When he's talking about Officer Moore, the same thing, he talks about.

ROGINSKY: I'm not talking about Officer Moore.

BOLLING: . Officer Moore and then he goes, "But we need to talk about how the NYPD handles people of color in the community."

GUTFELD: Dana, I'm going to roll a little piece of police Chief Bill Bratton at the funeral promoting Brian Moore and then comment on whatever you want.



WILLIAM BRATTON, NYPD COMMISSIONER: It's with great honor and great sadness I posthumously promote Police Officer Brian Moore, shield 469, to detective first grade of New York City Police Department.

Today, let us say farewell to Detective Brian Moore as he begins his journey to a new assignment, a hero of the city, a guardian at the gate of New York City, and now a guardian angel at the gate of heaven.


PERINO: So it sounds to me like a fitting tribute and I think that the NYPD has been -- I've only lived here a few years but it feels to me that the NYPD has this lull of -- it's an example that other police departments, if they want to know how to integrate and how to have more minorities be a part of the police force then integrate with the community, that it's a good one to look at. The Department of Justice announces they're going to look into the Baltimore Police Department. I do think it is warranted at the same time to look at the mayor's actions because she made decisions that put them in a bad position. Why are you grinning at me?

GUTFELD: No. I think that's a good point.


GUTFELD: Yeah. It's good point.

PERINO: You keep looking at me like you're going to laugh.

GUTFELD: No, I'm not laughing. I'm thinking.

GUILFOYLE: He's just happy to see you. That's all.

GUTFELD: Yes. Very happy.

PERINO: And I also thought Loretta Lynch, the new attorney general, struck a really good tone and balance, right? Because remember she -- we run a clip where she was talking to the cops saying you chose a noble profession and you should remember that. And I think -- and she's new on the job. I'm sure she's extremely busy, but I think attending the funeral today would have sent a message. Of course, she can't attend every funeral. I know that. But this one, after she got to Baltimore quickly, I think if she has gotten to this one it would have sent a very positive message.

GUTFELD: Kimberly, I was watching a game show at the gym, CNN, because that's all they have on.


GUTFELD: Carol Costello asked -- had asked one of the experts there, who would want to be a cop? Now this is after spending years smearing them. Mainstream media or establishment cable media has been smearing cops forever and then she's going who -- why on earth would anybody want to be a cop? How stupid is that?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Well, I mean, you know, so were the first statements that preceded it, right? Just have some appreciation, have some intelligence and some range in your brain to be able to evaluate individual departments and individual people. Would you want everyone saying, "Oh, you know, these guys are, whatever." I want them to focus on what you are doing, what you're doing individually instead of always thinking in the lazy collective, all cops, all departments. We're not growing intellectually when we do that. Why don't you talk about what is going right and then make suggestions about what we could do better. There's always room for improvement. But I think it's really inappropriate to sit there and wake up in the morning and say, "You know, what? All cops are bad and act like their lives don't matter." They are going out trying to do good every day. Not everybody's perfect but there's a lot that's going on in community policing across this country and there's people in cities, good mayors, like the one we have, that are trying to come into communities, create a relationship and a dialogue between the police department and individuals, especially in disadvantaged neighborhoods. There are moms and dads who want their kids to be able to go to school. Let's work together and talk about what we are doing and successful models, Dana, templates like New York City Police Department of how we can do it better as a country. That to me seems to me to be a positive healthy approach.

ROGINSKY: I don't think anybody is disagreeing with you except with the people that are going out there saying let's kill that cop. You can't use those people as an example of -- you can't use those people as your example of people who.



GUTFELD: How about a less.


GUTFELD: How about a less intense example would be Mayor De Blasio remarking that his kid -- he had to lecture his kid a talk about New York cops. That is a very, very deep jab at the police.


GUTFELD: He's telling his son, you can't trust the cops.

PERINO: Not only that, but he's telling the public that he told his son.

GUTFELD: He told the story.

PERINO: He used his son as a prop to make a progressive point.

ROGINSKY: We have five white people sitting around here having no idea what he thinks about his African-American kid going out there.

GUILFOYLE: Who is white?

ROGINSKY: OK. Sorry. I don't think you fit the profile of what his son looks like.

PERINO: white.

GUILFOYLE: So what? I'm Puerto Rican woman.

ROGINSKY: All right. Well, I don't think you're pulled over like.


GUILFOYLE: I get pulled over quite often.


ROGINSKY: Not for those reasons, my friend.

GUTFELD: He made this story public as a way to somehow get some press and then when those four cops were killed, had he to run and hide and he was an embarrassment.


GUTFELD: So he made it the story. Not these five white people.

ROGINSKY: I tell you this. I'm not a big fan of Bill de Blasio but I'm not going to judge him for what he told his kids to feel.


GUTFELD: I am. I'm going to judge the hell out of him because he made it public.

PERINO: So am I. He can tell his son.

BOLLING: Do you think it's appropriate for him to bring up the racial aspect of what is going on in kind of a eulogy that he was giving.

GUTFELD: I don't think it's true. I think he made it up.

ROGINSKY: Oh I don't -- I think it's true.

BOLLING: But it's appropriate to do that, literally talking about Brian Moore and then say.

ROGINSKY: I don't think it was Brian Moore. It was the previous one.

BOLLING: No. No. It was Brian Moore. It was two days ago.

ROGINSKY: Today? He said that with his kid today?

BOLLING: Two days ago.


BOLLING: Not at the funeral. On an event, right? Is it appropriate?

ROGINSKY: Again, I'm going to say this. Is it appropriate? I'm going to say to you that it's not for me to tell him what to tell his black kid about how he feels when he goes out there. Eric, it's not.


BOLLING: I'm simply saying if you're going to talk about a fallen 25-year- old cop.

ROGINSKY: Is it appropriate at that time? No.

BOLLING: And by the way, the NYPD really needs to learn.

ROGINSKY: No. But I will tell you this, I have no issues. Nobody crosses the street when I walk down the street, maybe they do it in (inaudible).

BOLLING: So you're deflecting.

ROGINSKY: I am not deflecting, Eric. I'm saying that a while person.

BOLLING: He was wrong to do it.

ROGINSKY: I told you was wrong to do it at that time. But what he's not wrong about is the fact that as a white person, nobody crosses the street when they see me at 2:00 a.m. If you're a black guy walking down the street, people cross the street.

GUTFELD: They cross the street when they see me but it's usually because of what I'm wearing.

ROGINSKY: And that's the problem.


ROGINSKY: And if you're African-American, I don't blame people who have good -- who are African-America who feel like they are being -- there's discrimination against them.

GUTFELD: Nobody is saying that. Anyway, Dana, last to you, this next week, May 13th is police week -- National Police Week. There is some (inaudible) in D.C. and they're asking residents to go to the precincts for a vigil. You can go to policeweek.org. Do we -- is it sad that we need a week? Shouldn't it be all the time?

PERINO: Well, there's a week for everything. Of all the weeks, this is a pretty good one. And I think stopping by or saying hello or at least when you cross a crop in the street -- I'm always -- I'm glad when I see cops. And maybe it's just my personal experience, right? When I walk through Columbus Circle and the bike gangs are having a little fight about.



PERINO: . if there are cops there, I'm always a little bit more at ease. Maybe that is my personal experience.

GUILFOYLE: Cops in this (ph) are very, very friendly. They always say, "Hi. We love The Five."

GUTFELD: Yes. And the majority is the minority on the force.


GUTFELD: So we got to move. So what does Tom Brady think of the report that implies he's a cheater? His answer, next. And later, we're going to answer your questions. It's Facebook Friday. So post them on our page, Facebook.com/thefivefnc.


BOLLING: Well, last night, Patriots' quarterback, Tom Brady, addressed the report that implicated him in the cheating scramble known as DeflateGate, right, during an event at Salem State University.


JIM GRAY, CNN SPORTSCASTER: What is your reaction, Tom, to the Ted Wells' Report?



TOM BRADY, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOT QUARTERBACK: Yeah, I can't usually say those things. But it -- I don't have really any reaction, Jim, or a comment on it. Yesterday and it's only been 30 hours, so I haven't had much time to digest it fully but when I do, I'll let you know how I feel about it.

GRAY: When do you plan to address this publicly?

BRADY: Hopefully soon. Hopefully soon. There's still a process that's going forth right now and, you know, I'm involved in that process. So whenever it happens, it happens.


BOLLING: The investigation determined two patriots' employees probably let air out of the footballs at AFC Championship game making them easier to throw and to catch and Brady was probably aware and didn't sound very deflated about the allegations though.


BRADY: I've dealt with a lot of things in the past. I've dealt with these three months ago before the Super Bowl. I dealt with a lot of adversity over the course of my career, my life, and I'm very fortunate so many people that love me and support me.



GRAY: Thank you. Life so much is about the ups and downs and certainly I accept my role and responsibility as a public figure.


BOLLING: And he says the controversy definitely won't take away from his team's Super Bowl victory.


GRAY: Has this, however, detracted from your joy of winning the Super Bowl?

BRADY: Absolutely not.

GRAY: Why not?

BRADY: Because we earned and achieved everything that we got this year as a team and I'm very proud of that and our fans should be, too.

GRAY: Is the Super Bowl tainted?

BRADY: What do you guys think? Either do I.


BOLLING: I'm going to do a Beckel (ph) on these -- these ladies here. During that sound bite, they all lost whatever love they had for Tom Brady. Bring it around spider with Kate (ph).

GUILFOYLE: Well, first of all, I'm not feeling the weird sea serve (ph) by movie film thing, and it's got like kind of a bump thing in the back and to find.


BOLLING: So, with his hair that's bothering you?

GUILFOYLE: I didn't like the hair. I didn't like the attitude. I didn't like the glib in it. I think he should have a little more composure, act a little more personal. I didn't like him putting down his education like -- he used to just reading X's and O's. I mean, come on.

BOLLING: Well, maybe that's all he's used to reading (ph).

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

BOLLING: We have to.


GUILFOYLE: Fall from grace.


BOLLING: Unless you get a fan on State (ph) of Michigan.


BOLLING: He does (inaudible).

ROGINSKY: First of all.

BOLLING: You love them, yes (ph)?

ROGINSKY: I loved him yesterday and then I saw this. I have evolved as I did yesterday on other things. Eww, Tom Brady. There's a word that I can't use on TV to describe you right now. But ooh, it starts with a "D" and ends with a "G."


I don't like him. I don't like this and I will say this.

GUILFOYLE: I think that's two words.

ROGINSKY: Yeah. It is two words.

GUTFELD (?): There's the item (ph).

ROGINSKY: It's like he.

PERINO: I have no idea what you're talking about.

ROGINSKY: I'll explain later. But -- but, you know, I have -- and by the way he went after Ted Wells' report, the guy that authored the report. I know Ted Well. Dude, don't laugh at Ted Wells. The guy has like a sterling reputation. If you want to go after something, go after your won behavior and your horrible attitude. The attitude is the worst thing I've seen.

BOLLING: Brady -- Brady wasn't well-coached in this one or?

PERINO: Well, he's surrounded by sicker (ph) fans.


PERINO: It's like going to -- to like a studio audience where they have the laugh track.

BOLLING: The hong, hong (ph).

PERINO: The laugh line.

ROGINSKY: Did you write that down?

PERINO: This wil be your.

GUTFELD: I was going to say, that was -- he had a crowd more that laughed at Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show."

ROGINSKY (?): Yes.

GUTFELD: It's like everything -- he could have said, "I eat puppies."

ROGINSKY (?): Well, like yeah, go. Who cares!


GUTFELD: "I ate puppies." Yes.

BOLLING: All right. Can I play the sound bite? You have to listen to this only, only, you've got to hear Tom Brady speak...

ROGINSKY (?): I'm honored.

BOLLING: . in the third person. Listen.


BRADY: I think as a human you care what people think. I certainly care what the people that are close to me think and what they care about. I think also as a public figure you learn that there's not -- everyone is not going to like you, either. So good, bad, indifferent, there's a lot of people that don't like Tom Brady. And I'm OK with that.


BOLLING: You're OK with that third person reference?

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's what happens when your head gets inflated.


GUTFELD: It wil deflate. You know what, we all do -- we all do little things in our lives to get an edge. Some anchors will have some work done on their face. Some will have a lot. This is what I used to look like before.

BOLLING: Tom Brady?

GUTFELD: You guys are great.


Well done. Another Friday for you screwed up.

BOLLING: You're -- you're.

PERINO: But you looked really good then.


PERINO: I mean that wasn't so bad.

BOLLING: Wasn't so bad.

GUTFELD: Bad at all.

BOLLING: Good to say (ph).

PERINO: The only thing that Tom Brady hasn't deflated is his ego. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. And, you know, he -- and if they had actual facts to back it up, they don't just have a communications problem, really have a fact pattern problem. If you -- I'm just reading the plain text of what they see. I mean, I know, we say there's no smoking gun but it's pretty obvious.

ROGINSKY: And you're so right. He does it at Salem, Mass. Salem, Mass is like -- Patriots central. Come on.


BOLLING: Find your way there. Come one, guys. KG?


GUTFELD: Well, it doesn't matter because look the optics. They came out bad for him. Like this was not a good time for him to kind of -- I think be in that environment and make any kind of statement that everybody has been running over and over today.

GUTFELD: It's like the opposite of a witch trial.


GUTFELD: Very nice in Salem.

BOLLING: One quick thought in -- one quick thank you in baseball, the umpires hold baseballs. In basketball, the referees hold the basketball. In hockey, they hold the pack (ph). Why in football does each team get to bring their own. It's the stupidest rule.


BOLLING: Fix it, NFL. Don't blame, Brady. Fix your own problem. Sorry.

PERINO: Well they -- why not blame Brady. If you're breaking the rules and they're lying. I mean, doesn't.


BOLLING: Doesn't so -- the dumbest rule in all.


PERINO: OK, does that tell you -- that's what is interesting now because you -- you feel the same way about steroids like you think it's a dumb rule, but it is a rule so you have to follow it and so.

GUILFOYLE (?): Yes, the team.

PERINO: . there's not -- and so that rule doesn't exist.

BOLLING: Absolutely. You break the rule and you deserve to be punished.


GUTFELD: But there's a good point here to what you're saying is that, you know, you can wear different sizes of things based on your body. You might have bigger hands, so you get a bigger glove or you might use a different bat because you're a bigger guy. So, why can't you have a different ball based on the size of your hand.


GUILFOYLE: Like in bowling?

GUTFELD: Yeah. It could -- it should be like bowling.




BOLLING: She's right.


ROGINSKY (?): I mean.

PERINO: It could be like the whole rack.

BOLLING: OK. Oh, you guys around here (ph). We've got to leave it right there. Next up on "The Five," Facebook Friday is back. We answer your questions in a couple of minutes, and later, my fullest (ph) week. Stick around.


GUILFOYLE: I love it. Should you be able to become a firefighter if you can't pass the fitness test? The FDNY just let one woman pass even though she reportedly flunked it.

Thirty-three-year-old Rebecca Wax was among three females at Tuesday's graduation ceremony. Now "The New York Post" said she was the only one out of the class of 305 who didn't pass a grueling obstacle course test. But she was still able to graduate due to standards lowered by Mayor De Blasio. He's just winning, isn't he? By his administration.

You said you have a quick thought on this.

BOLLING: Just a very quick thought. The house is burning. What do you want? Do you someone who's a quota recipient or someone who's capable? Doesn't matter, black, white, male, female. None of that matters. Are you capable?

Apparently -- I feel bad for her if she's not. I don't want that person on the other side of the burning wall. Think of this.

GUILFOYLE: Well, she's not going to carry you out.

BOLLING: It's life and death, right? If you're life and death, needing a doctor, do you want the one that got in to med school because they needed the quota or the one who got in because they were capable? You want the capable one, not the quote.

GUILFOYLE: Well, every time I've been rescued by the fire department, that's -- it's like a Billy Baldwin type.

GUTFELD: That's not what you call rescuing, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: No, I got rescued. My toaster caught on fire, and the alarms went off and they all came running up the stairs. And then they said, "Clearly, you shouldn't be cooking. Come to the firehouse." So I did and we had dinner. It was fantastic.

So yes, it wasn't like that. It ruins the "Backdraft" thing.

GUTFELD: Yes. They came to your house because you're so hot, they had to put you out.

Let's make a deal. Let's have quotas in professions where lives aren't at stake. TV host quotas, I'm OK. P.R. specialists, go for it. Club deejay, knock yourself out. But firemen, police officers, doctors, pilots, competence matters more than anything, and that should matter.

I think this was done because of lawsuits. They're scared of being sued over discrimination. But the fire department is like an Olympic team. It depends on athletic prowess and strength. Those are vital. They both have standards. If she can be a fireman, then why can't I be a basketball player or a ballerina? I can't, because I'm terrible.

ROGINSKY: You know, you're so right. Because if The Whole point of this is because they're afraid of lawsuits...


ROGINSKY: ... go try to recruit more women. What's the issue? Why do you have to recruit this one? I mean, this woman's not the woman. So obviously just make an effort. If you're worried about not having enough women on the force, try to find women who actually are capable of doing the job, as opposed to some token...

GUTFELD: I know a lot of women who are capable.

PERINO: Or they need to be honest and change the test and have two different tests. I know, that wouldn't be right but they should be honest about it rather than passing somebody on.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, I applaud their efforts to go and try out.

PERINO: But also, Kimberly, in that case, and I don't know enough about this. And I brought this up late, and I apologize. But the Supreme Court ruled in that case in New Haven about the firefighters, and it was about -- it was called Ricci v. DeStefano. And it was about employment practices and quotas. And the Supreme Court ruled that it was wrong.

So I just wonder if there's something that De Blasio administration missed when it comes to the Supreme Court already ruling on it.

GUILFOYLE: This is in keeping kind of with his own political ideology. He's going to want to be the one who can say, "We're going to put her in instead."

So you know, let's see. Let's see then. What if there's a lawsuit that comes from this? If she goes and she's unable to renders proper assistance or carry somebody. Or the time I got locked in the bathroom, and they had to put the ladder up and I had to be carried out the window...


GUTFELD: ... carry.

PERINO: Are you inventing these situations?

GUILFOYLE: These are real stories.

BOLLING: You had to be carried out the window when you got locked in the bathroom?

GUILFOYLE: When I was little.

ROGINSKY: Are you looking for excuses for hot firefighters to show up at your house.

GUILFOYLE: One hundred percent.


GUTFELD: Buy the calendar.

GUILFOYLE: If you missed the memo, I got it.

And they have good benefits and pensions.

Don't go away. "Facebook Friday" is up next.


PERINO: I like that song.

OK. Back now by popular demand, it's "Facebook Friday." You posted lots of questions, so we're going to get started with K.G. Are you ready?


PERINO: From Theresa: "If it were your job to prosecute the six officers in Baltimore, how would you do it differently, and what would the charges be?"

GUILFOYLE: Thank you for the question. I would actual do a fair and impartial and thorough investigation by getting all the witness statements in, compiling all the forensics before I just did a rush to judgment and did the justice system a disservice by overcharging a case, under- delivering and probably resulting in another Rodney King situation.

PERINO: There you have it.



PERINO: This is from Matthew E.: "What is the best concert you have seen?"

ROGINSKY: This is Spinal Tap the reunion concert in 1992 in, I believe it was actually...

PERINO: Wow. You didn't have to think about that.

ROGINSKY: Are you kidding me? It stays melded in my mind. Actually that and -- can I choose two? It was that and it was the Page-Plant reunion in the Boston Garden in 1994.

GUTFELD: I love The Who.

ROGINSKY: The Who was great.

PERINO: Obviously you have not been to a Dierks Bentley concert.

ROGINSKY: I have never been. I don't even know who that is, but yes.

GUILFOYLE: I'm just saying, I don't feel bad about the firemen. Come on.

PERINO: I haven't...

GUTFELD: You're like Tourette's Syndrome. You have Tourette's Syndrome with country music.

PERINO: That's true. Eric, from Marilyn: "What keeps you awake at night?"

BOLLING: Honest or no?

GUILFOYLE: I know what it is.

BOLLING: You do?


BOLLING: Is it at this table?

GUILFOYLE: What fill-ins you didn't get asked for (ph)?

BOLLING: No, what keeps me awake at night -- what used to keep me awake was, when I was in the trading arena, any given night you can blow everything; your whole career could be gone when you wake up in the morning. So that used to keep me awake.

GUILFOYLE: But what about now?

BOLLING: I sleep pretty well now. I sleep very well now. So I watch FOX until around 11 p.m., and then I'm up at 5:30.

PERINO: All right. "Greg, is your wife as patient of a soul as I would imagine she'd have to be?" This is from Mike R.

GUTFELD: No, she's horrible. Kidding. She doesn't watch. No, she's -- of course she's very incredibly patient.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

PERINO: Can I answer for you?

GUTFELD: Yes. Why don't you?

PERINO: She has more patience than anyone on the planet.

GUTFELD: Yes, there's no question.

PERINO: Followed by you.

GUTFELD: That's why I married her. Because she's like -- Russians have this soul in which they believe that they are -- that life is about suffering, like this is how the world is. So...


GUTFELD: So when I do something stupid she goes, "Aw, this is how it is for the rest of my life. I am stuck with you." And then everything is fine.

ROGINSKY: It's true. Russians do have a soul. We have no expectations whatsoever, and that's why we marry people like you.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: But you know what? You know what I like? You make her laugh. And that's, I think, a good thing.

GUTFELD: Well, it offsets the pain that I cause her.

PERINO: That's true.

All right. Question to me from Judy P.: "How long did it take you to write your book? I loved it."

I'm on the publisher's deadline, which is they wanted it to come out around this time for Mother's Day and graduation. She also said -- let me read. She said, "I loved it." Thank you. Thank you for the question.



PERINO: Andri K. asks, "How on earth do you stay so positive? You love life. Care to share your secret?"

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Because I love to be the opposite of Greg Gutfeld. I sit across from him and he's scowling and has, like, stomach issues and complaining. And I'm just like, "You know what?"

GUTFELD: You have stomach issues, too.

GUILFOYLE: Not like you. Let me tell you.

GUTFELD: You put the "I" in IBS.

GUILFOYLE: No, I don't have IBS. Pepcid AC. If I'm chasing chicken wings and things like that. But other than that, I'm good to go.

Yes, because you know what? Life is good. We're all sitting around here, we're doing "Facebook Friday." We have great jobs in life. I'm enthusiastic. I had a puppy on my chest today. I mean, what else do you want in life?

PERINO: I was on "The View" this morning and "FOX and Friends."

All right. To Julie from Stephen C. He says, "Love the story of your arrival. Looking back, what is the best thing about living in America compared to your old country?"

ROGINSKY: Well, nobody tried to kill me, for once. That's nice. Except at this table. Except at this table, except Bolling once in a while. You know, look, I can't -- there's no comparison. I came from a totalitarian, horrible regime.

BOLLING: And you're so happy.

ROGINSKY: And so I'm sitting next to Eric Bolling once in a while. And I'm so happy, this country is amazing. It is the best country on earth. I've said it before. And thank you for putting up that embarrassing picture of me once again.

GUILFOYLE: It's so cute.

ROGINSKY: Thank you. I had a babushka on my head. Thank you.

PERINO: All right, Eric. This is from Lynn R.: "In what city or state would you like to retire?"

BOLLING: Wow, good question. Most likely Florida. I'm just a huge fan of south Florida or Texas. I've got to tell you, I also would love to spend a long time in Texas.

PERINO: All right.

BOLLING: No state income taxes, very red. Very Republican, very ...

GUILFOYLE: You would love it.

PERINO: Love it.

GUILFOYLE: You don't eat meat.

BOLLING: Do I have to eat meat to live in Texas?

PERINO: Well, they have sushi there now. They have sushi.

All right. Greg...

GUTFELD: "Sushi" is what they call pig.


GUTFELD: In Texas.

PERINO: OK. Greg, from Kimberly: "Do you find yourself constantly having to explain your sarcasm?"


PERINO: Hey, that's what I'm saying. To Greg from Kimberly, person in my ear, "Do you find yourself having to explain your sarcasm? Me, too, takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it?"

GUTFELD: Yes. It's a very depressing but...

PERINO: Like, you hate to have to explain your jokes, right?

GUTFELD: Yes. That's why it's like Twitter is terrible. You write a joke on Twitter, and people below will explain the joke for you. "Oh, yes. Blah, blah" -- don't do that. Just stop.

By the way, I have to -- can I answer. My wife is like that when she came to America. The -- just the night and day from Russia to the United States and enjoy -- and they enjoy freedom and capitalism and this life more than Americans do. More than Americans do.

ROGINSKY: I've always said that. We don't think -- Americans are always down on our country.

GUILFOYLE: You have a mentality, too, like that.


GUILFOYLE: Very positive. Because you know, appreciate what you have.

ROGINSKY: One thousand percent I appreciate what I have. I never take it for granted. That's true.

PERINO: All right. I've got a last one here. To Dana from Rebecca P.: "It was great to see Jasper on 'FOX & Friends' this morning. Does Jasper have a tummy ache after all those cookies? Brian was crazy with them."

He -- Brian was quite an indulgent uncle. Did you see him? He was like feeding him.

GUILFOYLE: He wouldn't stop feeding the cookies. And then he riled up all the puppies by feeding them, and then they started, like, attacking each other. Thank God...

PERINO: And it was when my husband, Peter, joined us today for "Cooking with Friends" and Kimberly was there. It was fun. There were all sorts of puppies.

GUTFELD: You know, interesting fact about Brian Kilmeade. His hair is made from puppy hair.

PERINO: Oh, my gosh. That explains a lot.

GUILFOYLE: Poor Brian.

PERINO: OK. Next, we're going to answer another question. Do the five of us like to be alone? Which one of us is the most antisocial off camera?


PERINO: You'll have to stay tuned.

I don't think so.

GUILFOYLE: I think it's Greg.


ROGINSKY: Here's a question for "The Five" table: are any of us loners? There's an interesting new column in "The Atlantic" that highlights the advantages of doing things alone.

Researchers say a lot of people avoid going out by themselves because they think they'll appear antisocial or be judged, but in reality, they'll end up having more fun than they expected.

I am Exhibit A of this, because I unfortunately, due to the fact that I have a child and I have a crazy work schedule, I'm never, ever, ever alone. And so last Saturday, I had two hours by myself. And I sat at a bar and had a burger, and it was the best two hours I think I've had.

GUILFOYLE: Where did you go?

ROGINSKY: Five Napkin on 84th Street.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, cool.

ROGINSKY: And a...

GUILFOYLE: Strong choice.

ROGINSKY: Thank you very much. It was a great burger, and it was the middle of the afternoon. And I had -- like, I can't even tell you how happy I was to be alone and hanging out at the bar. And the bartender was great, and we had a great conversation. So I highly recommend people doing that once in a while.

GUILFOYLE: Was there a love connection?

ROGINSKY: He was very gay so there was no love connection.


ROGINSKY: But he did listen to all of my problems like a good gay guy would.

GUILFOYLE: Bartender would do. Excellent.

ROGINSKY: Greg, you appear to be...

BOLLING: Follow that.

ROGINSKY: Follow that, my friend. Speaking of.

GUILFOYLE: He had a similar experience.

GUTFELD: Yes. I was tending bar at the Five Napkin...

No. These articles are so stupid. You know, they're like these...

ROGINSKY: Way to screw my whole, like, segment up. Thanks.

GUTFELD: No, no, no, no, no. But it's like, "Ten reasons why being alone is awesome." It's only an -- it's only awesome if it's your choice. The fact is, if you are alone because nobody wants to be with you, that's kind of depressing. And I read some of the tips. They said, you know, you should pamper yourself, take yourself on a date. How pathetic is that?

PERINO: Oh, gross.

GUTFELD: You make me sick, Mike Clement (ph).


GUTFELD: And by the way, if being alone is so great, why do you need to tell people?


GUTFELD: I mean, just speak with yourself. By the way, you know, when you -- loneliness is the curse of the elderly.

ROGINSKY: Oh, my God.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, please.

GUTFELD: No, I'm serious. Being alone, if you -- choosing to be alone is called solitude. But being lonely is a bad thing, and it's a curse of the elderly. And the solution I have is an Intranet for the elderly. Kind of like the Internet. It keeps them connected. I think that would be a nice solution.

ROGINSKY: Thank you. I'm going to go put a gun in my mouth and blow my brains out. So happy Friday, everybody -- Dana.

PERINO: Well, I think you're right. I'm going to agree with you. If you choose -- sometimes I choose to have alone time, and I like that. I took anti-social to mean more like -- I don't like to go to big events.

GUTFELD: Yes, I hate that.

PERINO: And parties like the -- all the galas and things that you have around here. I don't like those things. I like small group events. But I guess that's not really solitude.

PERINO: Eric, you party like you've just been paroled?

BOLLING: I love being around people.


BOLLING: I love living in the city and being around a bunch of people.


BOLLING: And go out and have cocktails afterwards. I can also do it alone. I could also go to the bar alone and have a drink or two or a burger or whatever. I'm fine with that. But given a choice, I'd much rather be around big groups and people.

ROGINSKY: And Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: I enjoy both. You know, I love people. I love to have great conversation and spend time with fun people. And then I like to be alone. There are some things that are fantastic that you can do.

GUTFELD: So you're on the fence?


GUTFELD: You're on the fence.

ROGINSKY: That sounds like a Miss America answer, but it's a little dirty.

GUILFOYLE: Then you picked up what I was...

ROGINSKY: I did. I did not miss it whatsoever.

GUTFELD: This is the worst segment ever.

ROGINSKY: Thank you.

GUTFELD: I've got to say, this is the worst topic we've ever done.

ROGINSKY: Thank you.

BOLLING: Don't we do this, like, every day about this time?

ROGINSKY: All right. Well, this...

GUTFELD: This one -- this one was really bad.

GUILFOYLE: This is, like -- this is so negative and I think it's nice. And you say...


ROGINSKY: They're yelling in my ear. We've got to go and end this -- what you think is a horrible segment. "One More Thing" is up next.

BOLLING: They're like, "Bail." (ph)


GUTFELD: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: And I would like to take this special opportunity to say, "Happy birthday, baby," to Dana Perino.

PERINO: Thank you.


GUILFOYLE: Tomorrow is her birthday.

GUTFELD: Look at that.

PERINO: How sweet is that?

GUTFELD: This is the best cake ever.

PERINO: Oh, thank you.


GUTFELD: That's pretty amazing.

GUILFOYLE: And I'd like to you go to Amazon.com and buy her book for an extra birthday present.

GUTFELD: Your hands in the frosting.

GUILFOYLE: All right. I'll lick it.

PERINO: Get that on tape. Come on. Hurry up.

GUILFOYLE: To make her happy for her birthday. So happy birthday.

PERINO: Thank you so much. You know something? I have never held a job as long as this one. This is the fourth birthday that I have celebrated with you at this table. And it's the same table.

GUTFELD: Yes. She started here in her late 40s. that looks pretty good.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not going to cut into your body. I'll just cut into the "Happy."

PERINO: OK, great.

GUTFELD: I want her knee.

PERINO: Cut into my "Happy." Get into the "No. 1 New York Times bestseller" part and give that to Greg.


GUTFELD: All right. So I'm next. You know, I couldn't let this pass without getting you a special gift either, and so I thought this is something that would look great for your living room or wherever you spend most of your time. (HOLDS UP A FRAMED PRINT OF HIS OWN HEAD SHOT)

PERINO: Maybe the bedroom.

GUTFELD: Yes, the bedroom. That would be right next to your bedside. Just like this.

PERINO: I love that. Let's put it here.

GUILFOYLE: You're always giving framed photos.

BOLLING: Next to the other one.

PERINO: It's really light.

ROGINSKY: You didn't love her enough to autograph it? Why don't you autograph it.

GUTFELD: You know, if I autographed it, then I would have to charge her. And I don't want to do that.

PERINO: Why did Eric just get the baby piece?

GUILFOYLE: My cake assistant is not helping.

ROGINSKY: Very lax (ph).

GUTFELD: All right, who's next? Dana, right?

PERINO: I get to go? Can I just show this sound bite. There's going to be a special that runs tomorrow at 5 p.m. and Sunday at 10 p.m.

GUILFOYLE: This is good.

PERINO: And it's hosted by Elisabeth Hasselbeck of "FOX & Friends." This is an extra special deal for my book, which I'm really grateful for. And here's a sound bite for it.


PERINO: I didn't plan to work at the White House. I didn't plan to be on "The Five." And I certainly didn't plan to get on an airplane that day and fall in love and change my life completely.

Choosing to be loved is not going to limit your career.

The joy of being loved actually has helped my career immensely.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, it's so good.

PERINO: That's going to run this weekend, 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 p.m. Sunday. And Elisabeth Hasselbeck did an excellent job with it, and so did all the people that put it together, like Megan Albano (ph) and Megan (ph) -- I forget her name.

GUILFOYLE: So two opportunities to be able to watch it.

PERINO: Two Megans.

GUTFELD: To Meg Albano (ph).

PERINO: And Brian Tilly (ph). Anyway, thank you to everybody. And I will pass the baton.

GUILFOYLE: Eat a piece of your cake.

BOLLING: Congratulations.

PERINO: I don't have a fork.

BOLLING: And happy birthday.

ROGINSKY: Here your go.

GUTFELD: Eric, your turn.

BOLLING: Oh, great. It's Friday so it's time for...



GRAPHIC: Fool of the Week


ROGINSKY: ... eating.

BOLLING: OK. We're passing cake back and forth.

OK. So the A.P. tweeted this about Pamela Geller. Check this out. Literally tweeted this. "Pamela Geller at A.P. headquarters, where she said she had no regrets over Texas cartoon contest that left two dead."

Well, there's an outrage that ensued. They had to back off that tweet, walk that one back.

But Pamela Geller will weigh in tonight on "Hannity." I'll be hosting that. She's going to weigh in on that, the Associated Press, and whether the FBI -- she's going to let us know whether the FBI, who had three hours' notice of the terror attack coming from Arizona, whether they told her or not. So check that one out tonight on "Hannity," 10 p.m.

GUTFELD: All right, Julie.

ROGINSKY: I'm sorry. I'm eating.

GUILFOYLE: She's eating cake.

ROGINSKY: I ate the whole cake.

GUILFOYLE: She beat me.

ROGINSKY: OK. So this is the 70th anniversary of VE-Day, and I wanted to just first of all thank all the veterans who -- the greatest generation, for liberating Europe and putting an end to World War II. Japan surrendered a few months later.

But I wanted to say there were a bunch of commemorations. You see that. That's from May 8, 1945. PERINO: This was cool.

ROGINSKY: An amazing flyover...


ROGINSKY: ... in Washington, D.C., today, World War II planes in formation, flying World War II formation. Amazing. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry joined French President Hollande in Paris, commemorating the Arc de Triomphe, which is just incredible. And a London commemoration, too.

I just want to say, there are 50 million veterans who served in World War II. There are only about 800,000 left today. Thank you for everything that you've done on our behalf and the greatest generation. And we'll never see another one like it.

GUILFOYLE: That was really amazing. You redeemed yourself.

ROGINSKY: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Set your DVRs. That's it for us.

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