
This is a rush transcript from "MediaBuzz," April 12, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: This is a Fox News alert. I'm Howard Kurtz in Washington and this is "MediaBuzz." Hillary Clinton finally jumping into the presidential race today and Fox News chief white house correspondent he Ed Henry is live in Iowa, Ed, it's a rather unorthodox rollout isn't it?

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CHIEF WHITEHOUSE CORRESPONDENT: No doubt about it Howie, remember after the e-mail trouble started, she gave this speech in Washington where she talked about new beginnings, that she's a new grandma, she wanted a new relationship with the media. But I can tell you in the last couple days; it's been the same old Clinton team as we've tried to define how this rollout will play out, every last detail treated like a state secret. We have been able to get at least a couple key elements of what the campaign will look like after this video pops today on social media. Unlike 2007, where she always had a video on social media and said I'm in and then waited a week before going on the campaign trail, this time we expect her to get to Iowa, other key states to show she's assuming nothing. Second, we've obtained a memo from her campaign manager saying what will dominate her campaign is fighting for the middle class, income inequality, the same message that has animated President Obama who by the way all but endorsed her yesterday at a news conference. And that is tricky business for Clinton because she could end up being too tied to what might be called a third term for an unpopular president, though she doesn't want to run too far from President Obama like Al Gore did to her husband in 2000 that backfired. Republicans meanwhile this morning are treating her like the general election candidate already. They're running ads in key states saying let's stop Hillary. She knows full well from last time that she can't assume anything. She first has to win the no democratic nomination. And in Iowa, third place like last time.

KURTZ: Ed Henry, on the ground in Iowa, thanks very much.

And joining us now, Mary Katherine Ham, Fox News contributor and editor at large at hotair.com, and Susan Ferrechio, chief congressional correspondent for the Washington Examiner and Dana Milbank columnist for the Washington Post.

Mary Katherine, Hillary isn't giving the press what it wants which is a big speech where everybody can stand and do live shots, reporters about where and when she will show up in Iowa. What gives?

MARY KATHERINE HAM, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: They might be able to catch her and ask her some questions, which would not be ideal in the situation for her rollout. I know I'm supposed to act like this is super exciting, but I'm into going to get a video announcement? Might there be Hillary in front of a fight, the suspense is killing me.

KURTZ: This is such a big day; your pulse is not beating anymore quickly?

HAM: No. I'm not interested in the video announcement.

KURTZ: I'm fascinated Susan by the fact she's putting it on twitter. The memo that leaked from the campaign managers says here is the secret strategy, a way of controlling the message?

SUSAN FERRECHIO, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Absolutely. This is Clinton all the way. I'm wondering if there will be some real hard questions pointed her way now that she's an official candidate and not just somebody who we think will be a candidate. Are we gonna be focusing issues about coded sexism, are we gonna be looking at the hard issues about her tenure at the state department, and what her vision is for the country. So far those kinds of questions have been getting to the bottom of the story instead of the top of the story. I'm waiting for that to be the main issue here, her as a real candidate.

KURTZ: Most candidates when they make the big announcement, they to a little bit of a TV tour. We have no indication Hillary Clinton plans to do that at least initially. Is this again part of a media avoidance strategy?

DANA MILBANK, WASHINGTON POST COLUMNIST: Media avoidance from Hillary Clinton, I don't imagine how you can come up with such a notion. This will -- I'm sure being riveting television when she announces here on Fox News particularly if you're anchoring the coverage. But I have to agree that the only thing that would be interesting is if she says I'm not running. Sorry about that. Because what is the news value in her announcement or in any of these announcements? We know that they're running. We know what the campaign will be about. There is no campaign memo about what she's supposed to be doing. She's trying to win an election. Of course she'll be talking about incoming qualities, that's what they're all talking about.

KURTZ: They're setting up themes, for which they're gonna be running you're defining yourself of course she's been on the national, the media appetite for all things Hillary is so overwhelming that I'm wondering whether she'll be covered in part more as a celebrity again particularly since she doesn't have much competition on the democratic side.

HAM: I hope not. I think the e-mail alone is an indication that despite the memos they're sending out about being open and accessible but that's not what she's interested in doing. She can sort of play a keep away game because there's nobody competing with her right now, but she needs to be asked hard questions and that I would be interested in. So let's go for it.

KURTZ: The fact that she would be the first woman to sit in the oval office, she talks about being a grandmother, is a lot of coverage gonna revolve around her ground breaking status, will it be suddenly sexist in your view?

FERRECHIO: I think part of the problem of covering her as a candidate is that we're not going to get to the hard questions. It will get last paragraph treatment as I cause call it. This time she will try to define herself as a female candidate who can connect with voters. That will be part of the theme here. And I worry that that will obscure these harder questions about her tenure as a leader and what she did during the crisis when the Benghazi consulate was attacked, what was her role? Will those things just be drowned out? Those are the important questions.

KURTZ: It's a long campaign and I can't imagine that the more substantive questions and what she would do about a whole range of issues from Iran to the domestic economy will always be in the last paragraph.

MILBANK: No, there is some irony in that she's the celebrity candidate and that's what was used against Obama back in 2008. But, no, I think no way is Hillary Clinton getting a free ride. And I think that because whatever ideological preferences and biases there are in the press, there seems to be an unrelenting hostility toward Hillary Clinton regardless of ideology, because she's so hostile to the press and disdainful of the press. And of course there will always be this effort to get her to answer questions and she's going to always be resisting it. We'll have 18 months of this tension.

FERRECHIO: The good news is there is a piece in buzzfeed, entitled the 20 year humanization project of Hillary, so I'm sure everybody will love her.

KURTZ: It's gonna be a process. So we talk about celebrity coverage. And let me put up a couple covers up on the screen. Town and country comes out with this cover story on Bill Clinton and "Elle" magazine you see on the left kind of a gushing piece on Chelsea Clinton talking about her mom being first woman president. Does that sort of thing matter?

HAM: I don't see any "Elle" magazine covers of Rand Paul's wife. Why isn't he on town and country magazine? I just think the general desire in the media to cover the Clinton's favorability is still there even though will is hostility toward the Clintons, but I think overall, they're treated as celebrity status that you're not gonna see with Ted Cruz for example.

KURTZ: Here is one media outlet is not treating her with great warmth. New York Post:  Oh, Hill no! Signaling the former secretary of state will not be getting in, and interesting treatment of the Clintons last night on a certain Saturday night program. Let's roll it.


KATE MCKINNON AS HILLARY CLINTON: I am running because I want to be a voice for women everywhere.

DARRELL HAMMOND AS BILL CLINTON: Did someone say women everywhere?

Hillary, isn't it crazy that phones can take videos now? I mean, if they could have done that in the '90s, I'd be in jail.


KURTZ: The great Darrell Hammond coming back to "SNL" with Kate McKinnon. Does that sort of thing hurt or help or just sort of solidify that these are cultural figures as well as politicians?

MILBANK: It hurts me because I feel like I've lived this campaign already and we have to do this darn thing again. And another bush and I do think Bill Clinton gets pretty good coverage because he's a popular former president and Chelsea is gonna get good coverage because she's not seen as a partisan figure.

KURTZ: You talked about hostility from the Hillary camp tour. I think it might surprise some folks, an off the record meeting from the incoming campaign chairman, maybe a piece offering of sorts?

MILBANK: He's making pasta apparently. So I hope they brought somebody to test the food.

KURTZ: And then Bloomberg ran a story it had to retract saying Nancy Reagan endorsed Hillary. It will be a crazy season.

HAM: What do thing they want to believe? By the way, Kate McKinnon does a great job as Hillary Clinton, and I think that can form a narrative that the media can follow about her and sort of power hungry and a little cold and awkward, she nailed it in a sort of a biting way.

FERRECHIO: The caricature will always be there and she'll always have to dodge that along the way. They're clearly trying a different strategy this time. But Clinton is still a popular figure. And I think that overriding factor will help her, not hurt, even given the "Saturday Night Live" skits. I think it will still be a positive.

KURTZ: If you like Hillary, two for the price of one.

HAM: And you cannot begrudge Chelsea Clinton has someone who had frizzy hair and buck teeth around the same time that she did.

KURTZ: You got a makeover.

HAM: Thank you to my orthodontist.

KURTZ: And I guess another question is how much coverage Marco Rubio will get when the Florida senator announces on Monday given this whole Hillary extravaganza.

Ahead, a very different media narrative for that horrifying police shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina, but when we come back, Rand Paul lectures a Savannah Guthrie on the Today Show and is buried under an avalanche of negative coverage, that's next.


KURTZ: Rand Paul's presidential campaign was just hours old when he appeared on the Today Show and got a little annoyed as Savannah Guthrie pressed the senator on whether he was moderating his views for 2016.


SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, 'TODAY SHOW' ANCHOR: You once said Iran was not a threat. Now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel; you now support it at least for the time being. And you once offered to...

SEN. RAND PAUL, R-KY.: Before we...

GUTHRIE: I wonder if you've mellowed out.

PAUL: Why don't you let me explain instead of talking over me ok? Before we go through a litany of things you say I've changed on, why don't you ask me a question, have I changed my opinion? That would be a better way to approach it.

GUTHRIE: Is Iran still not a threat?

PAUL: No, no, no.


KURTZ: That desktop was reminiscent of his recent attempt to quiet CNBC Kelly Evans a technique that I asked him about last month on "MediaBuzz."


PAUL: Hey Kelly.

Yeah, I did learn you're not supposed to shush people. I'm human I get mad sometimes. I try to be as even keeled as I can, but like everybody else, there are interviews that I would have done differently.


KURTZ: Was there anything unfair about Savannah Guthrie pressing Senator Paul on his evolving views on Iran and Israel on defense spending?

HAM: His views have changed and I think what he was expressing was a frustration in how he feels he's portrayed in the media, that he's considered an ought liar candidate because he's more libertarian and he gets it from the right and the left. That's what I heard in his voice. He's also new to politics, he only a few years in elected office. She was asking fair questions. He was not doing a good job dealing with difficult questions.

KURTZ: Somebody sitting at home watching this, who looked like they were going overboard, Savannah Guthrie or Rand Paul?

FERRECHIO: I think strategically this is not the greatest way for him to communicate. When he had that incident with Kelly Evans, I wrote he should have avoided those especially with female anchors. I think he did avoid the pitfalls with Savannah Guthrie. Get to the point.

Snippy is also ok as we seen from President Obama and as we see from Hillary. I don't have a point with guy's theses getting snippy with the media. He will turn the question around like he did with abortion question this week and made them go at Hillary and the DNC some questions about abortion which they really do.

KURTZ: Politicians push back on reporters' questions all the time. It's sort of part of the give and take. So what was different about this?

MILBANK: There is nothing wrong with in a republican primary with the candidate bashing the media. I don't think that is...

KURTZ: You're saying that has a certain appeal.

MILBANK: I think that is only good politics if you watch any of the 5,000 republican debates last time, you would see that was a driving theme there. Something likes that. But what he was doing here, you could see in the way he was doing it, she was asking a fair question. She wasn't requesting about some personal indiscretion. She was asking about policy views that he had changed. Now, I wouldn't go so far as to say is it sexist or not. I think it would be a good idea to beat up on Howard Kurtz or somebody else to demonstrate he can shush you as well.

KURTZ: He admitted he had a problem so I was surprised he didn't have the discipline -- you can push back and then pivot and move on. He spent a minute lecturing her...

HAM: The only thing is answers when you get down to it are fine as politician's answers go and fairly solid and go ahead and do it.

KURTZ: I was getting flooded with Facebook messages with a lot of conservatives say, yeah, stick is it to her. But whether you think she was rude or not, how does it help the senator if the whole first week of his rollout ended up being like this? Because every other interview -- I want you to respond to suggestion that you're not polite to female interviewers, Megyn Kelly took him on as well.

HAM: I don't think being framed as hostile to the media is necessarily a huge problem. I do think you can learn from mistakes and he can go forward and make changes. And he did these other two things which is the abortion question being turned around which the republican electorate is like please, we've been begging for that from a candidate forever. So I think that is an interesting point. And then we had this nonsense with him storming off the set allegedly when he was asked a question in which if you watch the videos, clearly not what happened.

KURTZ: He's being interviewed by the guardian and then he said one more question and then he had to go to CNN, which was a false narrative. What about the idea that because he had this two female anchors and some columnists say he has a problem with female journalists.

FERRECHIO: He needs to be careful. I think he would have done a similar interview if it was a male, but the fact that it was two women in a row, it creates that mean, and it's out there now. Luckily for him he has months and months to rehabilitate that image and sound more calm and cool and collected on the air.

KURTZ: Rand Paul's defense is that I'm equally prickly with male and female.

HAM: And he is. His father used to lecture reporters in of the same fashion. I don't think he cared if it was a man or woman. They are not portrayed fairly by the media and he did say this morning that his supporters come up and say good for you.

KURTZ: He may be right, but he was actually getting pretty good press for his announcement speech before this became sort of the defining moment of his week long rollout.

MILBANK: It certainly derailed whatever message he was thinking about in the first place, but this is the point where you want to make sure they spell your name right and get some attention. Because all of these guys are starving for attention and it is gonna be bit of a circus on the republican side so just to have some mention out there and if he should somehow survive republican primary, then he'll have a woman problem in the general election against Hillary.

KURTZ: All right. We have to go, Dana Milbank, Susan Ferrechio and Mary Katherine Ham, great to see you, ahead, Muriel Hemingway on sexual harassment in Hollywood and she's got lots of first hand experience. But first, Columbia University's damning indict of the "Rolling Stone" article. Why the magazine still doesn't get it.


KURTZ: The Columbia journalism school report on Rolling Stone's allegations of a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia fraternity ran more than 12,000 words, but the key words are these, a story journalistic failure that was avoidable. Steve Coll the school's dean and a former Washington Post managing editor put it this way.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Flat out, whose fault was this?

STEVE COLL, COLUMBIA JOURNALISM SCHOOL: Well, it was the collective fault of the reporter, the editor, the editor's supervisor and the fact checking department.


KURTZ: Two friends of the accusers were quoted by the woman named Jackie told Megyn Kelly that what the magazine published about them and a piece that is now retracted was untrue.


MEGYN KELLY, 'THE KELLY FILE' HOST: You're described in the Rolling Stone article as concerned that her reputation would be shot for the next four years; discussion reported that you had while she stood there mute in her bloody dress. Made you sound pretty callus.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, absolutely. And that's just not true and I think if Sabrina had reached out to us, to anybody, she would have found out that's not true.


KURTZ: Joining us now for the ZBlock is David Zurawik, television and media critic for the Baltimore Sun. Let's start with Rolling Stone's reaction to the report, particularly owner Yan Winter saying the magazine was just taken in by an expert fabulist.

DAVID ZURAWIK, BALTIMORE SUN MEDIA CRITIC: That's one of the most distressing parts of this to me is winter really blaming Jackie. Saying she was a fabulist, she was an expert story teller and she took...

KURTZ: All which may be true.

ZURAWIK: It is, but that's no excuse for your journalistic malfeasance. And if you read through the report, Howie, it's consistent. First they say that they were too nice. The reason that we made this mistake is we were too differential to good people. That was the other thing. And then they say, well, I wish that my editor had pushed me harder to contact these people and they start pointing fingers.

KURTZ: You're talking about the reporter.

ZURAWIK: Yeah. And it's unbelievable to me Howie that they cannot accept this and this is what the media -- the public really dislikes about the media. This is as bad as it gets. They can't accept any blame for it, they keep making excuses.

KURTZ: One of the stunning details in the Columbia report, Jackie never told "Rolling Stone" the real name of Drew, the supposed date who brought her to supposed frat party and then Jackie stopped cooperating. And the magazine published the story anyway.

ZURAWIK: It's unbelievable that it didn't stop at the point where they couldn't talk to any of the people in here. It's astonishing any editor would let help get for that point. I did a profile a long time ago and they not only wanted my quotes, they wanted my tapes. If you're listening, I want my tapes back from those interviews. But I'm serious; nobody would head this go on. This is astonishing in its arrogance.

KURTZ: Nobody is punished. And again "Rolling Stone" didn't contact the three friends who it was pretty easy to find them. But the Columbia report I thought was masterful at details everything that went wrong with this train wreck except the question of why. And I'm wondering whether you think that the magazine wanted this story to be true and that Sabrina Herdly, the reporter wanted perhaps a more spectacular tale, so it had to be not just one rape, but seven men and bloodied and all that. Did the magazine sort of suspend this belief here?

ZURAWIK: This is what the story is. And Columbia walked up to it and used the term confirmation bias and says that "seems to be what happened here." It is crystal clear. And you don't have to use social science terms. An image, a picture this our head and then the reporter went out to find evidence that would future the picture in her head of White southern male privilege going on down there and this magazine right up the editorial chain wanted to believe it. Even the call to the University asking for the example that they did says what the intent was.

KURTZ: And a lot of people were damaged. A decade ago, I revealed that Jason Blair was a serial fabricator in the New York Times and then a few months later I wrote about Jack Kelly who made up stories around the world. Both editors of those newspapers lost their jobs. Not the case here. But in a way, this was worse because the editors at those papers, they were deceived. In this case the reporter believed it was true and all the editors signed off on this piece of garbage. Stick around, David. Up next, a South Carolina police officer who was taped shooting an unarmed black man in the back. Are some pundits pushing the racial argument too hard, and later, Mariel Hemingway on rebuff Woody Allen back when she was a teenager?


KURTZ: South Carolina's Charleston "Post and Courier" initially reported the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man named Walter Scott as a traffic stop gone wrong but the coverage changed dramatically when the paper and New York Times obtained a cell phone video showing Officer Michael Slager shooting Scott in the back eight times as he ran away. You know this is graphic.

Slager has been charged with murder and the media framing has been far different than what happened in Ferguson, Missouri.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have watched the video. And I was sickened by what I saw.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a victim running away from the police shot in the back. This is what some people Ferguson was, but it turned out...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How the city should be commended for swift action and there a lot of leaders stepping up in the face of this tragedy.


KURTZ: Joining us from New York to analyze the coverage, David Webb who hosts a SiriusXM radio show and is a Fox News contributor, and David Zurawik still with us here in Washington. David Webb, how has the tone of the country as the South Carolina story has played out, how has it differed from Ferguson?

DAVID WEBB, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The tone has evolved from Ferguson for one. We had clarity in South Carolina. We didn't have clarity in Ferguson. We had the lie told by Dorian Johnson, we had no video, and we had contradictory witnesses. What has happened, however, is that over at MSNBC and some of the other more left-leaning areas, they tried to portray this as a black/white issue rather than the fact that we have a cop who shot a man running away in his back and killed him and that is something we need to deal with from an honest reporting point of view. And by the way something else that is not being talked about in the media and I know some will react to this another way, which is the discussion needs to be how you deal with the police because unfortunately and while he didn't deserve to be shot should never have been shot by this police officer, he bolted from the car leaving a passenger. And that needs to be part of the media narrative. How you deal with the police.

KURTZ: Right. Z, do you agree that since there is no definitive evidence that it wouldn't have played out differently if the guy running away was white, and are some liberal pundits going too far saying there are a lot of bad cops rather than just dealing with the one case in South Carolina.

ZURAWIK: Howie, I think the one thing that is overwhelming is this video. We've reached a point, and I know I did, it would sit on my desk with the sound off and just kept playing over and over. And it came to me that I think this in the Eric Garner video where they look like executions almost too some people. If you're a fair minded white viewer, you go my god, this stuff is going on, and it's like the evening news reports in the '60s from CBS and NBC with the fire hoses and the dogs. I think these videos are so powerful, that they blow almost everything out of the discussion then it does come back to race of course.

KURTZ: And of course these videos are shot by bystanders, in this case it was a barber who was on his way to his work. I think he's a hero in this. Let's show of an interview that he did the other day.


FEIDIN SANTANA, CAPTURED SC SHOOTING VIDEO: I won't deny that I knew the magnitude of this and I tried to -- I even thought about erasing the video.


SANTANA: I felt that with this information might be like in danger.


KURTZ: David Webb, obviously for him to keep filming as a man is being shot to death takes a lot of guts. And of course if he hadn't been there and there had been no video and the officer had said we just got into a struggle over the Taser gun, whole story would be covered differently.

WEBB: Yes it would, and kudos to him. He's filming someone being killed. That alone is something that has to weigh on his mind. But then the fact that he's concerned about blowback from it that adds to it. And I think what we have here is a case of a clear video, we have clear evidence, and police reacted very quickly. The media however needs to be more honest. Questions can be asked. By all appearances this cop was someone who did something completely horrible and I don't know if we can say definitively based on color.

ZURAWIK: David's absolutely right. Digital technology has stolen this from us. We don't make the pictures anymore. But our responsibility then becomes to have a responsible discussion. Not to have video logs on either side take this and try to lead us to their political point of view with it, I really agree.

KURTZ: And in this case I've been struck, by how commentators on the right and the left obviously because of the horrifying video, there has been a more civil discussion I would say certainly than happened after Trayvon Martin and then after Michael Brown was killed in Missouri.

ZURAWIK: I think its part the clarity of the video, but also the excesses of Ferguson on both sides. Hopefully we all learned a little bit about that, about taking it beyond where we can go with the facts. I hope that's what we're seeing here.

KURTZ: David Webb, I got about half a minute, do you agree that the way everybody kind of spun out of control, you think the media learned something here?

WEBB: Yeah, I hope they did. I hope the evolution of covering stories honestly and to David's point, again, he's right the media needs to evolve to the point of covering the story, telling the story based on available facts and nothing else, for those that want to push a narrative on either side, they are completely wrong, the community also very responsible in their response. That speaks to the community versus a community that was hijacked by both insiders and outsiders in Ferguson.

KURTZ: Maybe some modest progress here. My thanks to both David's, Webb and Zurawik. I appreciate you joining us this Sunday.

Ahead, the media's challenge in covering Hillary Clinton as she jumps into the presidential race today, after the break, my sit-down with Mariel Hemingway on mental illness, addiction and her strange dealings with Woody Allen.


KURTZ: Mariel Hemingway made news around the world when her book revealed what happened to her with Woody Allen when she was 18 years old. Plus, Robert Deniro hit on her during a meeting in a potential movie project and director Bob Fossi once chased her around the couch. But there is much more to the book, it's called out came the sun, overcoming the legacy of mental illness, addiction and suicide in my family. I sat down with her in New York.


KURTZ: Mariel Hemingway, welcome.


KURTZ: You've written some very raw material about your alcoholic parents, about all the Hollywood men who hit on you, the way your marriage fell apart. Isn't it hard to go public with all this stuff?

HEMINGWAY: Yes. In a room by yourself when you're writing the story, you're like, oh, this happened, this happened. But then when it comes time to actually reveal it, it is challenging in the sense that it's like, oh, my gosh. But the funny thing about it is, and I say this to people, it's like we fear our stories sometimes. Sometimes where we come from is not as balanced or wonderful or the Jones' happy life.

KURTZ: Celebrities have images to protect and you're stripping that away and not all is all that pleasant.

HEMINGWAY: But I think everybody comes from something. They have a story. They have a fear. They have this; they have something that they need to like not talk about.

KURTZ: Fascinating insights in to Hollywood. So whether Robert Deniro, Bob Fossi, in one case chasing you around a hotel room, is it really that much of a casting couch culture?

HEMINGWAY: That was in the '80s and I suspect it's probably very similar. I think there is the nature of Hollywood. I don't know that any business is without it's, you know -- politics has its weird tales of things that go on.

KURTZ: That's an understatement.

HEMINGWAY: So I think its part of the world. It's about relationships; it's about people, about not being clear about your needs and desires, and for me...

KURTZ: Sounds like they were clear about their desires.

HEMINGWAY: And that's why I tell the story. It's not a book about gossip, not about Bob Fossi. He was an incredible man. It's about me finding my voice.

KURTZ: I have to ask the Woody Allen question. You co-starred with him in Manhattan which became an iconic film and he flew out to your parent's house in Idaho, you were 18 years old what happened?

HEMINGWAY: First of all remember, I just played a movie where I played his girlfriend. He was very good to me. I really admired him. He took me through Manhattan. And I grew up in a time where I felt -- my other book is called invisible girl. I felt like an invisible person in my family and he made me feel seen. So I wanted to show him my Idaho, and he wanted to show me Paris. And in my naive mind, even though I was 18 years old, I'd never had a boyfriend and I went there hoping my parents would go they're not going with you. Sadly, my parents didn't do that. And I realized it was up to me and I would have to be the one that says I can't go to Paris because I can't. And I didn't. I was really a naive girl. You have to remember the girl I played in Manhattan wasn't the girl I was. And Woody was respectful of that he didn't do anything.

KURTZ: A tremendous reaction to that story. A lot of people angry with Woody Allen, but you don't seem angry.

HEMINGWAY: I'm not angry at him at all. I don't know the facts or details of his life since then. I've not been a part of his life.

KURTZ: You've spoken out in recent years on mental health issues. Of course your legendary grandfather committed suicide as did your sister, Margo. How is it that you're not crazy? Or are you?

HEMINGWAY: Umm. I don't think I'm crazy, but it took me a lot of years to realize that I wasn't. And I think that a lot of my years were trying to make sure that I didn't go crazy. So I was much regimented about food, regimented about exercise, learning how to -- I was always trying to find a way to find balance in my life.

KURTZ: The Hemingway name and legacy cast a shadow over you?

HEMINGWAY: Look, being a Hemingway is one of the greatest honors in the world. I am the granddaughter of one of greatest writers in the world. How could that not be exquisite to be a part of? But it's also a very umbrella that is pretty large that sends a very large -- casts a large shadow. And so I think it's very important as human beings to understand where we come from. Because then it helps you to negotiate your own problems, your own life choices. Oh, I get why I made those choices because look where I came from, all these suicides, all this mental illness, all this addiction. And yet there is always this creativity, too. It's about understanding your heritage. I think that's very important for us.

KURTZ: You're very candid in this book about your movie career and how it's gone through ups and downs. Cliche question, but does it become harder for actresses after a certain age?

HEMINGWAY: Yes, absolutely. Here is the good news, because of people like Robin Wright Penn and the house of cards and wonderful projects that enable -- that give opportunities to just tell stories, those stories contain people of all ages. And that is what is beautiful about kind of television these days. Television seems to be the ways where the places where women can explore their creativity no matter what age they are. But movies still seem slanted towards young people. And that's always been the case. It's funny to look back now and think of myself as an 18-year-old in a movie. I can imagine an actress looking back and thinking -- like why is an 18-year- old girl playing somebody's girlfriend.

KURTZ: Maybe we'll look for you on Netflix. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us.


KURTZ: And you can see the full interview on our home page our or Facebook page. Coming up, everyone knows Hillary Clinton doesn't much like the press, but can the press be fair to the overwhelming democratic favorite as she jumps in to the race today?


KURTZ: There is no question Hillary Clinton has mistrusted the media since her days as first lady, but it's a challenge for the press as well. We need to be as tough on Hillary as any of the republican candidates and plenty of people looking at the easy ride that Barack Obama got in 2008 don't think we will be. We need to thoroughly vet the former secretary of state even though she's been on the national stage for a quarter of a century, even though she probably wont face serious competition from the democratic nomination, even though her gender obviously makes her a trailblazer, at the same time we need to be fair to Hillary Clinton despite the scars that journalists have accumulated during long ago scandals of the paths to hostility with the Clinton and the people around her. And we need to treat her the same way as any male candidate and not as a celebrity and not allow any bias to seep in. There will be clashes, but make no mistake, the Hillary campaign is a very big test for the journalism business.

Still to come, he won't be facing the nation much longer, CBS' Bob Schieffer stepping down after half a century.


KURTZ: Bob Schieffer has done just about everything at CBS over the last half century, covered Vietnam, and Watergate, hosting the morning show, anchoring the evening news after a scandal forced out Dan Rather, and of course hosted face the nation. He returned to Texas Christian University to make this announcement.


BOB SCHIEFFER, FACE THE NATION MODERATOR: Because that was where it all started for me, I wanted this to be the place and I wanted you all to be the first to know that this summer I'm going to retire.


KURTZ: Schieffer's signature style but when pressing candidates and office holders he could be blunt.


SCHIEFFER: Do you like politicians, is that the best you can do? This seems to be a disaster. How can so many reputable, respected professionals keep pressing on with this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's your characterization, not mine.

SCHIEFFER: Senator, if you didn't threaten to shut down the government, who did?


KURTZ: I was at a huge Washington bash for face the nation a few months ago and both Joe Biden and John McCain took the stage to praise Schieffer. In a business just filled with towering egos, almost no one has a bad word to say about this gentleman. Now finally calling it quits at 68, Schieffer announcing on face the nation today, CBS political director John Dickerson will be his successor as the host of face the nation. He also has been running -- Dickerson is a long time "Time Magazine" correspondent -- we see him up there on the screen. There's a history there, his mother, Nancy Dickerson was an almost legendary CBS news correspondent. A lot of people thought Nora O'Donnell might have gotten the job but it may be she's too valuable in the mornings.

That's it for this edition of "MediaBuzz." We hope you'll like our Facebook page where we post a lot of original content. Follow me on Twitter. And you can also set your DVR in case you're not home when "MediaBuzz" comes on, get a chance to see it a little bit later. We're back here next Sunday morning, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern with the latest buzz.

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