
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 24, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

We begin tonight with new developments on the plane crash in the Alps of France. A Germanwings passenger jet with 150 people aboard, went down today on its way to Germany from Spain with no distress call from the pilots during the eight minute descent. It's not believed there are any survivors. Let's get the latest from Fox's Greg Palkot in London, Greg?

GREG PALKOT, SENIOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Again, the latest, where we are getting from French officials is they have recovered the black box recorder from the crash site. They will be examining it shortly they say and might even have some results tomorrow, examining the telemetry. There's a lot to look at. Brief look at the timeline shows the plane left Barcelona airport, just after 10 o'clock in the morning local time at 5 in the morning, Eastern Time. They got up to cruising altitude of 38,000 feet and then after about a minute, started an eight minute long descent, a bit controlled but still descending very fast. Contact was lost at 6,000 feet and there was no, as you noted, distress call. It crashed into the side of mountain in the southeastern area of France and the foot hills of the Alps. On board, 67 Germans, 45 Spaniards, one Belgian, not sure yet about the other nationalities, it is not believed as of now that any Americans were on board. And as for what is the cause behind this crash? That's not known either. U.S. officials are ruling out terrorism. But President Obama late today, as well as other world leaders promised a lot of support for the people that are looking at the cause of the crash and recovering what is left of the 150 people we believe all have died, back to you, Dana.

PERINO: Alright, thanks, Greg. We'll have more on the crash in southern France ahead, but now, on to the rise of ISIS and Iran in the Middle East and the consequences of America leaving Iraq and Yemen too soon as both nations spiral into chaos. Here's Charles Krauthammer on Iraq.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST AND FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: What happened in the end of 2011, Barack Obama decided to liquidate our presence and as a result, internally, the country fell apart and as a result, the Iranians have nature apoise (ph) of vacuum so as politics, the Iranians have come in. ISIS being is being slow to stop to stymie in Iraq. Well, that is not by us. That is by Iran. Iranian troops, Iranian commanders, that's the Obama policy.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: And NBC's Richard Engel on Yemen.


RICHARD ENGEL, NBC NEWS CHIEF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT: I've never seen Yemen like it is right now. Shiite rebel groups known as the Houthis, who are allegedly backed by Iran, if you ask other people in the region they all say it is a direct Iranian proxy, fighting it out for control of this country and the tip of the Arabian peninsula. While this is going on, the country is in chaos, you have ISIS making a run for it.


PERINO: But perhaps, the Pentagon under new Defense Secretary Ash Carter finally has the attention of the White House. Here's President Obama earlier, announcing U.S. plans to maintain current troop levels in Afghanistan through the end of the year.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: President Ghani has requested some flexibility on a draw down on our timelines. I consulted with General Campbell in Afghanistan, my national security team and I've decided that we will maintain our posture of 9800 troops through the end of this year.


PERINO: OK, so Kimberly, that is a change. President Obama had planned to have all those troops gone or have draw down faster. Does this look on one the hand that the president has some flexibility, that they scored one for common sense but, he still is saying that there's a timeline for withdrawal which was the problem in the first place, so how big of a deal is this?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah. Well, the problem is he's at least conceding somewhat that this was a bad idea what he did. We don't want the same thing now to happen in Afghanistan. But nevertheless, he's making an even graver mistake by imposing this timeline, that's exactly what got us into trouble to begin with. Then what? You have to go back on your word? Or you fulfill it? You go through with the timeline that doesn't make sense. You can't put a timeline down in an active theater. You have to respond to change, to the elements, to who is coming in, to who is seizing power, to who is trying to move in and take advantage of a situation like we see Iran doing. That's what someone with real war time experience and intelligence does.

PERINO: Juan, do you think that the Democrats will back President Obama on this? Because there is a strain on the left-wing that just wants out completely, but do you think that bought us some support? That he had some support already today, people like Congressman Thornberry saying that this was a good development.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think it's more than a strain. I think it's a kind of mainstream democratic thought. In fact, you know I think most Americans, Republicans and Democrats want out. So it's not a matter of the president lacking good sense here. I think that, in fact, he has political sense of what the American people want, being more weary and I think also, I would say this to Kimberly, you know, there's always going to be changes in theater when it comes to Afghanistan. My gosh, there's so much going on there. So unless you want the United States to have a permanent presence, I think you have to say there's an end point, we're not gonna stay there forever, it's not our country, and we have issues here at home that need our attention.

GUILFOYLE: But that's -- those two points don't contradict one another. Why does he have to put a timeline on if he doesn't know for sure what's gonna happen, unless he has this kind of --

WILLIAMS: He never --

GUILFOYLE: War time psychic times (ph) network.

WILLIAMS: We are never --

GUILFOYLE: That he can tile (ph) into.

WILLIAMS: Well, we are never gonna know exactly what's going to happen in Afghanistan. It is been a site of war and conflict and tribal dispute for centuries.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. PERINO: But Eric, we do know about what happened in Iraq and in now in Yemen, and it is remarkable that just six or seven months ago, President Obama said that Yemen is the model that we should all be trying to follow and now Iran actually has inserted its influence to the point that they are controlling the government.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Iran is controlling what's going on in Iraq, Yemen it is almost devout into a civil war. President Obama, Al-Qaeda is on the run, ISIS is a JV team and Yemen is the model for success them at least, who writes this stuff? What are they thinking? Can I just comment a little bit on President Ghani?


BOLLING: So I listened to President Obama speaking with you -- and Kimberly. It's great that they are gonna leave 9800 troops there until they are sure and I agree with you also Dana, that timeline shouldn't be even there. Let them come out when the time is right. But I waited just to listen to President Ghani, I would never do this before and I'm so glad I did, because I have an idea. You know like, you go back to Karzai days, you go back to this anti-America guy, a guy who all he wanted to do is ingratiate himself, steal American money, it was all about Karzai. Ghani is different. I like this guy. This guy said -- never forget this line. He thanked the American people, he thanked the American military and he thanked the American taxpayer. Now, I don't know who in the world would ever think to do that, but that was a great thing. And as a taxpayer is like, thank you for at least acknowledging that we put up the -- we put the bill for this for the last 12 or whatever years it has been.

GUILFOYLE: He sounded like a free market kind of guy.

BOLLING: He sounded -- and by the way, his first lady?


BOLLING: Also fantastic.

PERINO: Yeah. That --

BOLLING: I really like this guy.

PERINO: President and Mrs. Ghani have certainly been well received, and one other thing, Greg, that you see a difference between how president Obama treats someone he personally likes, versus someone that he doesn't like, so we all know that he doesn't like Netanyahu.


PERINO: But he seems to like Ghani. He didn't like Maliki, and then maybe - -

GUTFELD: It's not about liking Ghani, it's that it's not attached to Bush. Obama built an entire foreign policy on Bush derangement syndrome. Everything he did was to convey, I'm not him, and if that meant losing a war that had been won, because it was won by Bush, that's what he would do. Obama is the new boyfriend who really hates the first husband and will do everything he can to get the kids against dad, because he's new.


GUTFELD: That's what he did. The other thing too is --

GUILFOYLE: That happens.

GUTFELD: It makes -- well, you -- I was going say you're the expert, but I won't.



GUTFELD: If only the Democrats could apply their foreign policy philosophy to their domestic ideas. If there's no timeline to welfare spending, there's no timeline to government, any kind of government spending foreign policy, I will admit, ease to the Republicans the way domestic or welfare spending is to the Democrats. We think we can do something for the suffering and evil around the world, because we believe over the long that it will make us safer. The Democrats think that if you just retreat behind these large oceans that we have, we can concentrate on the flaws and the evils that are within our own country. The only problem is, only one of these addresses a long term issue, which is evil abroad. What -- you have to -- you have to go after the things that are out there.

GUILFOYLE: Right. But --

GUTFELD: Sooner or later, they come here.

GUILFOYLE: But Ocean privilege.

GUTFELD: Those --

GUILFOYLE: Has blinders on.

GUTFELD: Exactly. That's why the timeline, terrorists don't have timelines. Iran doesn't have timelines. When you're dealing with apocalypse, a timeline is a joke.


BOLLING: Can I follow up on that a little bit?


BOLLING: That's a great analogy. So, president says we're done what we need to do in Iraq, we're done what we need to do in Afghanistan, so let's bring some troops back. If you apply the same logic as you point to -- I don't know -- food Stamps?


BOLLING: 46 million people on food stamps, things are supposed to be getting better.

PERINO: And growing.

BOLLING: And growing -- where's the timeline on that?


BOLLING: Where is the -- we've accomplished what we needed to do with -- redistribute wealth to people who need food stamps and welfare payments. If you did the same theory, we would be spending less on entitlements.

WILLIAMS: I think you guys have never been on food stamps. Because I'll tell you what, there's.

GUTFELD: Do I have to get on food stamps to understand that?



GUTFELD: I would do it.

WILLIAMS: But to understand that, there are timelines for people and you have to have qualifications and you have -- and children obviously, we as a compassionate people do not say to children that you're off food stamps that adults.

GUTFELD: What about unemployment?

WILLIAMS: Unemployment benefits have timelines, in fact.

GUTFELD: But we know that.

WILLIAMS: We had huge argument about long term.


WILLIAMS: Extension of unemployment benefits.


GUTFELD: And the longer they go the higher the unemployment.

PERINO: And it went down on --

BOLLING: Why it is on food stamps? Why --


WILLIAMS: You know what this conversation --


PERINO: How do we do --


PERINO: How you guys just hijack my segment?


BOLLING: No, but it's a great analogy.

WILLIAMS: I mean, look --

BOLLING: It makes sense. But why is that they never turn down?

WILLIAMS: It makes sense. Oh, come on.

BOLLING: No, it's President Obama says, we won the war in the Middle East --


WILLIAMS: That's where you're right. The president is wrong if he is saying we've won. Obviously, what's going on in Yemen and what's going on --

GUILFOYLE: That's gonna what --

WILLIAMS: But that's --

GUILFOYLE: This is all false narrative to appease his -- you know, constituents. Because he wants to be the guy, he's got the timeline, he's gonna leave American troops on the ground, he's indefinitely that he doesn't his reputation and his image with his people, tarnish.

WILLIAMS: You think --

GUILFOYLE: Do the right thing, he's the commander-in-chief.

PERINO: But his --

GUILFOYLE: Be broader.

PERINO: Like he's figuring out a policy that will fit his timeline.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That's what it is.

PERINO: President's timeline, because he's thinking of the speeches he'll be giving January 1st to January 20th.


PERINO: 2016, on his way out the door.

GUILFOYLE: Just like the authorization to military force.

PERINO: Can I just bring up one other absurdity of the week? The Ayatollah in Iran calls for death to America and the White House responds, Eric. That this was just Iranians talking to Iranians, that it was merely for a domestic political audience, not for you.

BOLLING: Right, right. It baffles me that -- that you -- that they -- obviously they know, they know the radical, they know they are liberally crazy but their negotiator. There are three quarters of the way or whatever, 80 percent into a negotiation that they think that they will gonna get a deal and look good doing. They don't want to blow it by calling out the Supreme Leader Ayatollah, with just days left before this deal is supposed to be signed. But you need to. They need to see what he is all about. Death to America, that should be the -- the point that we go, you know what? We're out of here.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: We're done and bring John Kerry.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: And everyone else back and say, we'll try this again another time.

WILLIAMS: How about --

BOLLING: After we put sanctions back --

WILLIAMS: How about the real threat is Iranians getting nuclear weapons and we want to stop that and if Israel would stop spying on us and trying to undermine --


PERINO: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: No. But that's a good point.

PERINO: I'm asking the producers for another minute on that, in particular.

GUTFELD: But this is an interesting point. Because you have a contrast where you have an administration that is basically saying, don't worry about Iran saying death to America.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: But worrying about Netanyahu being too harsh on Election Day or about fact that they are spying. Every day -- It seems like every day for Obama is opposite day.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God -- totally.

GUTFELD: In which you chuckle with your enemies and you, and you alienate your adversaries. He should wear his pants backwards like --

GUILFOYLE: But it's so true. You know who does that? Children.


GUILFOYLE: My kid does it. It goes opposite day, every -- I love the dentist, it's opposite day. You know, it's so immature.

BOLLING: Juan, Juan, and by the way --

PERINO: This is so -- but how did the Israelis find out --

GUILFOYLE: Like immature foreign policy.

PERINO: How did the -- how did the United States find out that the Israelis had been spying on the -- on the talks.

WILLIAMS: According to the newspapers, the Israelis were using some of the --

PERINO: No, no, no. How did -- how did America found out that Israeli -- Israel.

WILLIAMS: I was telling you. That they were going to --

PERINO: No, because United States was spying on Israel.


PERINO: That's what happens out there in the world. And I think.


PERINO: The real grievance is, that the -- the Obama administration seems to be mad through an anonymous sources in the newspaper, that Israel got information that they shared then with members of our Congress --

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying to you.

PERINO: So, Obama is mad that Israel was spying on talks about Iran's, Israel's and America's future. And they were told people in America that our own president won't tell the Congress. That's why he's mad.

WILLIAMS: Otherwise, these talks are influx. They are in motion, Dana.

GUILFOYLE: We need flowchart.

WILLIAMS: So, in other words, if I'm having a private conversation with you about something and anybody else can listen and say, and then try to disrupt and undermine our conversation.

PERINO: I know, but --

WILLIAMS: I think that is --

BOLLING: Can I -- can I jump in?

WILLIAMS: That is totally an effort, especially when combined with John Boehner inviting Netanyahu over. You talk about disrespect for an American president.

BOLLING: Do you -- do you realize Juan, that the very future of the Israeli state hangs in the balance with John Kerry and the Iranians on whether they get a bomb or not.

WILLIAMS: And you understand.

BOLLING: How is this -- how is this --

WILLIAMS: That stopping Iran.

BOLLING: I would be surprised.

WILLIAMS: From getting nuclear weapons is --

BOLLING: I was shocked that they weren't spying and if we were in the same --

PERINO: We were spying. We know they were spying, because we were spying on them.


GUILFOYLE: Somebody --


GUTFELD: Kimberly, I love your pajamas.

WILLIAMS: That wasn't the point.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

WILLIAMS: That wasn't the point. The point was using this information.

GUILFOYLE: You really on spy on me.

WILLIAMS: In a domestic argument against the president by feeding it to Republicans. That's what the argument is about.

PERINO: It wasn't just the Republicans. We have now about 535 members of Congress saying, we want an -- and we have a discussion.

WILLIAMS: We'll see how it goes.

PERINO: Well, thankfully France is on our side.


GUTFELD: Yeah, charming though.

PERINO: There's that, right?

GUILFOYLE: They've got great cheese.

PERINO: I spy with my little eye -- a tease.


PERINO: The 2016 race is next. Ted Cruz responses some critics following his big announcement. Plus, what does Rand Paul think about Cruz beating him to the punch. And is Chris Christie reaching towards an announcement himself. What's going on, stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Ted Cruz announced his bid for the presidency yesterday and raised half a million bucks, according to his campaign. It's not surprisingly, some of the media pounced.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The first major candidate announcing he's running for president. Promising no abortion, no gay marriage, no gun control, no IRS.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's an uncompromising Conservative.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cruz is already known as an uncompromising Conservative and today, he cemented that reputation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this 1964, when the Republican Party decided it would go with its most extreme candidate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he's scary, I think he's dangerous, I think he is slimey. I think he brings no fresh new ideas.


GUILFOYLE: Oh. That was kind of mean to say slimey. Well, this didn't surprise the senator.


SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TEXAS: That the media historically paints two caricatures of Republicans, where either stupid or evil. And the media is telling Reagan was stupid, George W. Bush was stupid, Dan Quayle was stupid, Nixon was evil, Dick Cheney was evil, so they, they do everything they can to paint me as a wild eyed lunatic with dynamite strapped around on my chest.



GUILFOYLE: But it's not just the liberal media criticizing Cruz, it's coming from the right too.


KRAUTHAMMER: His real problem I think is this. It's gonna be -- I mean, senators are going to have a hard time, first term senators. We already tried a first term senator. Cruz talks about you have to walk the walk rather than just talk the talk. You have to does something. But, that's not his record in the Senate.

REP. PETER KING, R-N.Y.: To me, he is just a guy with a big mouth and no results.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you support him if he were the GOP nominee?

KING: I just hope that they never come. I will jump of that bridge when we come to it.


GUILFOYLE: Sound like, my goodness this is a little dramatic, right? I know, nights follow up, we'll see. Alright. So, some of the critics were even at this own table, right? Because I mean, I was at the building at 4 a.m. and people kept saying to me, wow, The Five is a little bit rough, little tough, little aggressive about Cruz and said they were kind of surprised by that. What do you think?

GUTFELD: Well, I -- did you see Ted Cruz's campaign commercial last night? It pre-empted Hannity.


GUTFELD: He was in the - he was in the FNC building. Cruz was in the FNC building meeting people. He tried to shut down Fox and Friends and repeal The Five. I thought that was really wrong. If they guest you here, I think would people get upset. Is everybody picks a horse in a race, and like if Eric and I were going to Belmont or wherever. If I didn't like his horse and he didn't like my horse, we're still friends.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: But it's like in politics, if you choose -- if you have a horse and somebody else has a horse and you don't think their horse is gonna win, they get really upset. They are like, you don't like my horse. How dare you not like my horse, you know what? I used to like you, now I don't like you anymore.


GUTFELD: That is Twitter in a nutshell.

GUILFOYLE: And then you unfriend them or block them.

GUTFELD: Yeah. The point is, what -- you got the Republicans. Conservatives have to be careful about this game. Playing who is more conservative versus who is more winnable. And you have to be, you have to be sober about this and principles are important, of course they are. But being able to win is every bit as important and you got to win and what guarantees a loss is not holding your candidate to the fire. You got to -- you got to battle test that guy. You got to be hard on him. You got to be hard on him from the outset. You got to tell him -- people don't want to tell Ted Cruz what his flaws are. They should.


BOLLING: Can I follow that up?

GUILFOYLE: Not on this table, yes.


BOLLING: So last night -- this is complete I called, the last night I probably went too far. We were talking about Ted Cruz. I shouldn't have done that. Look, there's 12 months to go in this race. We all want the same thing. We all want the most conservative candidate that can win to be the nominee. That said --

PERINO: But what did you say that went too far?

BOLLING: No, I said maybe he didn't have enough experience.

PERINO: That's actually that's not --


PERINO: That is gonna be an attack that he gets from everybody.

GUTFELD: It's supposed to --

BOLLING: But that doesn't mean, and it was well pointed out throughout the day last night that, it doesn't mean he's not the right guy. Yeah, he doesn't have the right -- as much --

WILLIAMS: Much experience had.

BOLLING: Not necessary.

WILLIAMS: What are you talking about?

BOLLING: Not necessary.

WILLIAMS: Wall Street Journal, National Review, American conservative --

BOLLING: Charles Krauthammer.

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you.

BOLLING: I don't necessarily --

WILLIAMS: Why do you feel --

GUILFOYLE: Wait a second. Is this opposite day again?


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

BOLLING: Here's what I think I did. I think I went there and said, no, he doesn't have enough experience. Drew a line and Dana pointed out well, if a first term senator like Cruz doesn't have enough does Rand Paul or just Marco Rubio, and that's unfair. It's 12 months.

GUILFOYLE: How's a number of improvement (ph).

BOLLING: There's a lot of talking to be done.


BOLLING: There's a lot of hearing to be done, and it's too early to eliminate -- in my opinion.


BOLLING: To eliminate or to get behind.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but guess what? I want people get in there running. This isn't easy. Get out there, debate.


GUILFOYLE: Put out --

PERINO: You had --

GUILFOYLE: Put in the --

PERINO: And contrary to that montage that we had. I actually think that he had a pretty good first day.


PERINO: He had --

GUTFELD: It wasn't his first day, Dana. Let's be honest and how he's been running?

PERINO: OK. Well, his first official day.




PERINO: And he picked a weekend when nobody was expecting it. It was a surprise. We got that on his side. He was able to dominate the media, he's actually most people are saying, like if you read commentary magazine you know, don't count him out. I actually think that he had a pretty good day, and here's the thing.


PERINO: The media is not going to be kind to him no matter what.


PERINO: So they have to get over it.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah and you know --


PERINO: If they are sensitive about it they have to figure out a way to be smarter and to be more persuasive.


PERINO: And find another way to go around the media, to try to get the support that they think.


PERINO: That they can get.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, I don't think he could have gone better for him. He's put it out there, he said this is what I stand for, these are the principles. I'm for this is what you can count on, because this is what I'm going to do.

PERINO: Besides, it's not the media who said, for example, Chip Reid, when he had in his report last night for CBS. He didn't call Cruz a whacko bird. Senator John McCain calls him a whacko bird. They are quoting other people and it's no --

GUILFOYLE: And said he didn't take that back (inaudible) of favorably about on Sunday.

PERINO: It is no secret that Senator Cruz and he kind have worn this as a badge of honor.


PERINO: That he doesn't worry about making a lot of friends in Washington.


GUILFOYLE: You know.

WILLIAMS: You know what's interesting to me, just sitting here as a Democrat is, all of you guys are always saying oh, that Barack Obama, you know, no experience. Really didn't -- you know, why we elect that guy. No gut -- no experience as a real governing.

PERINO: It's true.

WILLIAMS: Leader in America. So then you come with Ted Cruz, you say, oh no, we shouldn't pay attention to that. Close your eyes everybody. Don't pay attention because he says bad --

BOLLING: No, no, I did.

WILLIAMS: No, that media said.


GUILFOYLE: Then you flip flopped.


BOLLING: I completely agree. I admit it, I flip flopped -- but you know what? For good reason, because we -- I think we have to keep an open mind and we don't know.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

BOLLING: Not true who you will gonna love, who you gonna hate.

GUILFOYLE: Sometimes you get infected. You get bitten by Twitter avalanche.


GUTFELD: To Juan's point.

GUILFOYLE: You got to do run (ph)

GUTFELD: Alright. But first, President Obama, the reason why he -- the dems chose him, they could smell a winner. And that is this is about.


GUTFELD: You've got be -- when you look --

GUILFOYLE: Just like that new car smell.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly it new -- and you cannot forget Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Engel.


GUTFELD: Richard Murdoch, these were people that -- where the party chose ideology over winnability. Three senators lost because of that. And that had a huge effect. Perhaps, on Obamacare but those three were there --


WILLIAMS: Oh, he got (inaudible) some, so --

GUTFELD: Things would be different.

WILLIAMS: Alright.

GUILFOYLE: Can I bring in Rand here. So (inaudible) follow Senator Rand Paul is expected to be making his own announcement, so we expect April 7th. So what did he think about his competition, big moment yesterday?


MEGYN KELLY, THE KELLY FILE SHOW HOST: What did you make of Ted Cruz's remarks today?

RAND PAUL, KENTUCKY SENATOR: We know the interesting thing is, I didn't find much I disagreed with. I guess what makes us different is probably our approach as to how we would make the party bigger. Just spent the last couple of years trying to go in places Republicans haven't gone. And maybe not just throwing out red meat, but actually throwing out some intellectually enticing the people who had been listening to our message before.


GUILFOYLE: Favorite line of his whole interview was not just read meat but tempting, intellectually enticing it.

BOLLING: And also, to his credit, Rand Paul has spent the better part of the last two years, traveling in countries, went to Detroit, he went to Ferguson, he went to even some very liberal universities.

GUILFOYLE: That's great with minority community.

BOLLING: Yeah, he said in (inaudible) and he's also.

GUILFOYLE: No about --

BOLLING: And he also prophecies (ph) in a lot of these places.

WILLIAMS: He went --

GUILFOYLE: You watched him?

WILLIAMS: He went to Howard University.


WILLIAMS: And gave a speech. Let me just say, the key for -- when you stop and think about what Ted Cruz says, you know it his reason for running is that there weren't enough white social Conservatives who turned out last time and if he can get those folks to the polls, and he wants to advance from just pure social Conservatives to Evangelicals, he can win.

PERINO: He can't count.

WILLIAMS: This is a fraud (inaudible))

PERINO: I mean, that is not, it is not true. If you look at any of the demographic information, that's not true.


WILLIAMS: I agree with you.

PERINO: I know.

WILLIAMS: I'm just saying.

PERINO: I know. You and I have an agreement.


GUILFOYLE: The other guy we didn't get to, but how can you leave Malcolm (ph). Chris Christie, he said he hasn't made a decision yet, but he's gonna bring something to us perhaps by early spring late summer. Or late summer - - late spring, early summer, something like that.

GUTFELD: Do you know what changed about Chris Christie?


GUTFELD: Weight. Why? Because he wanted to win, he wanted to win, and get this. Somebody had to break it to them. Somebody in his campaign staff had to go to him and say, look dude, you got lose some weight because you're just too big and he listened to it and he lost weight.


GUTFELD: And this is important because, sometimes somebody has to come to you and tell you the facts about whether you're going win or lose and whether -- and sometimes.


GUTFELD: It hurts feelings. This is the point. It hurts feelings.


GUTFELD: And the only way you're going win is if somebody hurts your feelings and tells you, look, you got to learn to be a better speaker. Ted Cruz needs to learn to be a better speaker, in my opinion.

BOLLING: And if somebody just told Chris Christie don't do the high five on the boardwalk with Obama (ph).


BOLLING: It means so much --

GUILFOYLE: I didn't know this is the weight thing --

WILLIAMS: You know, let me get --

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: On one thing?


WILLIAMS: So tomorrow, you know, on fundraising, I'm going to let you go.



WILLIAMS: I was told to let her go.

PERINO: Now I'm curious.


PERINO: Can you tell us in the commercial break.

WILLIAMS: I will tell you.

GUTFELD: Sure. Go on.

GUILFOYLE: We'll do --


GUILFOYLE: Were gonna do The Five after five.

GUTFELD: Go after Juan.


BOLLING: Just do that.

GUILFOYLE: 2016 contenders next. Hillary says it's time to get laughs about her private e-mail scandal. It's a serious matter. Should she be joking about it? Coming up, on "The Five."


GUTFELD: Hillary spoke to a caboodle of reporters last night and here's what came from her mouth.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: My relationship with the press has been at times, shall we say, complicated. But I am all about new beginnings. A new grandchild. Another new hairstyle. A new e-mail account. Why not a new relationship with the press? So here goes. No more secrecy. No more zone of privacy. After all, what good did that do me?


GUTFELD: I guess at this point you have to laugh. It's been rough for her. She's like a thief caught red-handed, joking with to cops that the handcuffs don't match her pantsuit. It's funny, but she's still guilty.

Did she learn anything? Well, afterward she took no questions from the reporters, so yes, she learned something. But what real question is has this hurt her? That's up to the media who know the game: Play tough for a bit before you settle into your pre-ordained position, which is to keep Republicans from winning. Besides, you don't win awards off Hill's emails. They've got to belong to Scott Walker.

So once the Republican herd thins, the mainstream media will set phasers to destroy, and we'll be back to the typical -- typical canards about the right: They hate the poor. They're secretly racist. They despise women and the planet. They probably eat puppies and not the organic kind.

So how can you win when the media that vets he candidates despises them? Well, you've got to figure out what scares them. And what scares them is what looks like them and sounds like them. It's not a litmus test but a just-win test. A candidate that not only appeals to the partisan but the general population, someone who doesn't just ignite but unites, which is why at this point it's not enough to be right, people. You need to be persuasively right. Demanding that someone agrees with you is the surest way to make sure that that never happens.

A charm offensive without the charm is just offensive.

K.G., you were moaning over there.

GUILFOYLE: Those were sounds of pleasure.

PERINO: In agreement.

GUTFELD: In agreement.

GUILFOYLE: I'm so sorry for the confusion. Mm, like mm.

GUTFELD: Like, that's a tasty olive.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. It's a good little morsel, isn't it?

The problem is you're in love with Ted Cruz, right? You're not in love with the way he delivers his message.

GUTFELD: I don't -- his -- it is -- he has -- his problem is reverse Obama. Obama sounds good with an empty message. Cruz has a message, but his voice grates on me. It's a personal thing.

GUILFOYLE: I'm sorry. You just stole that from Dana during the break.

GUTFELD: I know. Thank you, Dana. I footnote Dana on that one.

GUILFOYLE: It's cool; kind of community property between you two.

The thing is, Hillary is not a great speaker either.

GUTFELD: Have you noticed that?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And it doesn't matter if she hires the best speech writers, or guys who write jokes, or women to write jokes. She has a deadpan delivery. She doesn't seem to connect. She's just like...

GUTFELD: A dead pantsuit.

GUILFOYLE: ... a little bit out of step. So how's that going to work for her long-term, especially if she's going to go up against a dynamic speaker, someone like a Marco Rubio?

GUTFELD: Nicely put.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. Yesterday was interesting, because she did two things. One, she talked about women, and so I think it's -- clearly, it's all about the women.

And the second thing was she talked about income inequality and the division within cities, even though things are going well in the economy; that you see more and more of this divide in American society. So I guess that's what she's going to be talking about.

GUTFELD: So like, they'll -- it's going to be about the women, Eric?

BOLLING: They'll play that game. But you watch Hillary, listen to her. She's so unlikable. She's so untrustworthy.

PERINO: To you.

GUILFOYLE: That's what I'm saying.

BOLLING: To us, to me.

PERINO: Right, to you, but Democrats like her.

BOLLING: That's all they have. Is that all...

GUILFOYLE: That's why.

BOLLING: That's your candidate? There's Rand on the right. There's Ted on the right.

GUILFOYLE: There's Jeb Bush. Those are charming people. Good speakers.

BOLLING: There's Marco. There's Jeb. There's Scott Walker. Chris Christie. Goes on and on, where you can have -- you can find someone you like, get behind it.

This, the Democrats have one choice and one choice only, someone who, that's it.

WILLIAMS: Eighty-six percent. Eighty-six percent.

BOLLING: I know but oh, my goodness, this is what we're up to?


PERINO: Well, the Democrats can barely stay next (ph) to an e-mail story. I think you're exactly right, that the media was, like, "Oh, my gosh, she did something totally illegal." Then though, "Oh, my gosh, we're going to hurt her chances, so we'd better pull back."


PERINO: What she did was absolutely wrong, and it was probably illegal. Just from my own experience...

GUILFOYLE: They don't care.

PERINO: ... of having worked and being responsible for federal records.

But the joke, was she trying to make jokes last night? The joke's on us. Right? Because we -- I might find her delivery unattractive to me, but 86 percent of Democrats do. They turn out to vote in presidential election years. It's like the World's [SIC] Cup. Right? They show up, and they are -- everyone's going to be there.

GUILFOYLE: Because they're box checkers. They just want to check that box.

PERINO: They will walk in lock step with her.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right.

PERINO: And the pantsuit.

GUTFELD: And the pantsuit.

Ahead on "The Five" an update on that deadly plane crash today in France. Shep Smith joins us next.


BOLLING: This is a FOX News alert. Breaking new developments on that plane crash in France. One hundred fifty people were aboard when the jet went down in the Alps this morning. All are presumed dead.

Shep Smith has been following the story all day. He joins us from the news desk.

Shep, one of the things that really struck me is that the plane's altitude as it was falling dramatically -- again, maybe controlled -- it was still traveling at 500 miles an hour. So basically, that plane got buried into the Alps at almost full speed.

SHEPARD SMITH, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Yes. The descent -- the speed of the descent was faster than normal. You wouldn't come down as quickly, and you certainly wouldn't go that speed once up got closer to the ground. The question is what happened up there when this jet hit cruising altitude? A minute later is when this death descent began. And to this moment, Eric, they don't know why.

WILLIAMS: you know, Shep, I don't understand that there was no distress signal. So, I don't get that. If it's taking all that time to come down, and they're at full speed, as Eric was saying, why wouldn't they have said something? Why wouldn't they have explained?

SMITH: Well, that's a very good question. If they could, they probably would have. Of course, you're supposed to navigate and -- aviate and navigate and then communicate. So you've got to aviate and navigate before you communicate. But eight minutes is a long time.

There's -- speculation is running wild, but so many former pilots will say, "Hey, if you could contact you would contact." Maybe there was some sort of depressurization. Nobody really knows.

PERINO: Were there any reports of this plane having any mechanical problems up -- before now?

SMITH: There were some problems yesterday, Dana. It was grounded for a few hours for some mechanical issues, but from all the reports that we're getting, that had to do with the -- you know, the nose landing gear. There's a little door that opens so that landing gear can come down. There was some mechanical problem with that. They got them fixed. And other than that, it had a pretty good check-up the day before. No signs of any problems as far as we knew.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and I think it last flew on Sunday.


GUTFELD: Hey, Shep, why did they think there was a mayday call and then there wasn't?

SMITH: Because the ground controllers had actually sent out "Emergency, emergency," though in another language. And when the translation came in, in the hustle and bustle of the moment, they thought that it had come from the plane. They were wrong. It came from the ground.

And in addition, normally, if you're having an emergency, you turn your squawk over to 7700. That's an international distress signal so that all other jets would know they're having problems. They didn't do that either. No signals of any kind.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that is also very suspicious, too, in terms whether or not they had control of the airline.

OK. So also there was an owner of an French alpine camping ground that says they heard a series of loud noises coming from the air. They thought it was some kind of, like, fighter jet, but it turns out it was this airplane in question. What can you tell us about that?

SMITH: Yes. They said fighter jets are around there a lot. They say it didn't sound exactly like it. Then, upon impact, another person said they -- they thought maybe there was an earthquake, because they'd had a couple of small earthquakes recently. Of course, now we know exactly what it was.

Ten police officers going to stay at this site overnight as darkness is obviously falling there. And they'll pick it up first thing in the morning. Absolutely no chance of survivors.

BOLLING: Well, we're going to leave it right there. Shep, thank you for some very capable reporting all day long. Thank you, Shep.

All right. "The Five" returns in just a minute.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do one. Do one! To you, baby.

WILL FERRELL, COMEDIAN/ACTORS: Once it hits your lips, it's so good.


WILLIAMS: He's played a fraternity brother on camera and been one in real life. But in light of the recent racism incident involving a fraternity in Oklahoma, comedian Will Ferrell is advocating an end to the Greek system at all schools.

Ferrell says, quote, "That is a real argument for getting rid of the system altogether. In my opinion, even having been through a fraternity, because when you break it down, it really is about creating cliques and clubs and being exclusionary."

What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: I was not part of a Greek system. I did not pledge a sorority.

WILLIAMS: But no, I was -- OK. But what do you think about what Will Ferrell said?

GUILFOYLE: I see his point. But maybe some people feel they want to reach out. It's a way to make friends or socialize and properly, you know, get involved with campus life. I don't think it's all bad. I think there's good components and aspects to the Greek system.

And there's people who are not suitable and not good people to begin with; and so they're going to act up.

WILLIAMS: Well, yes, I think that's true. And also I think but it encourages, if it's kind of like, you know, a boy's club, I mean, it does encourage some excessive behavior.

BOLLING: Encourages it? No, I would disagree. I'll push back on that. I think the people involved either encourage it or discourage it. And hopefully in the fraternity system, it's discouraged. I did come up from the Greek system. I think it was great. I learned a lot of things from it.

GUILFOYLE: I could have called that.

BOLLING: But -- no, but there are a lot of positives. We did a lot of things in the community. We did a lot of social work in the area. It wasn't just about...

GUILFOYLE: Beer bongs.

BOLLING: Yes, there were drinking parties. There were beer bongs but it wasn't just about that. We did a lot of nice things for the community.

GUILFOYLE: Best butt contest.

BOLLING: Hopefully -- but to say, for Will Ferrell to say because there was an issue with one guy in one fraternity in Oklahoma, that...

WILLIAMS: No, Eric, Eric. Eric, Eric, come on. That's ridiculous. I was listening to you, but that broke down. Because, I mean, we just had an incident at the university -- what is it, Penn State, where they were -- the fraternity was doing something with naked girls who were unconscious. I mean, this stuff keeps popping up.

BOLLING: Yes, but that happens outside the fraternity system, as well. So should we just eliminate them?

PERINO: I think that would be happening on campus regardless. So that's a separate problem.

And I think Will Ferrell is entitled to his opinion. But I don't think indicting the entire Greek system is a good idea. I think it's a bit of an overreaction.

And I do know a lot of charities [SIC] do some good work. And when he complains that it's a way for there to be cliques and people to get together and it's exclusionary? Like, that's life. And that's one of the reasons that there are fraternities and sororities, because you want to belong to groups and network, and build a group of people that you will know for the rest of your life.

GUILFOYLE: Like "The Five."

WILLIAMS: Well, that's possible.

PERINO: Yes, I'm sure we'll be, you know, together forever.

WILLIAMS: I think -- I think Dana is right about building a group, because it can give you some sense of comfort.


WILLIAMS: And connection and network at college. But Greg, I do also think that, you know, if you're not one of the in crowd you're in big trouble.

GUTFELD: You know where the in-crowd is? Hollywood. The most excessive lurid behavior you will find on the planet is in Hollywood, is on casting couches. I was once roofied in the Viper Room.

GUILFOYLE: No you weren't.

GUTFELD: Yes, I was. I woke up in a hotel room, not sure what I was doing at the time.

So if Will Ferrell is against clubs...

GUILFOYLE: Do you need therapy? Yes.

GUTFELD: ... for being exclusionary, do you think he doesn't mind the first-class lounge at most airports? Does he hang out with in the regular area with all the regular people, or does he use the Virgin light Lounge, like all the other actors do?

WILLIAMS: What is going on in that lounge? Are they having racist statements and attacking women? No.

GUTFELD: When he goes to clubs, does he go to the roped-off areas, or does he hang out with everybody else? Does he use private rooms at restaurants? Or does he sit with everybody in Olive Garden? He's a flaming hypocrite is what he is. And he's smearing a group of people over an isolated act where there's more excessive behavior in his industry by far.

PERINO: Here, here.

GUTFELD: Thank you. We'll be right back.

WILLIAMS: I give up. I think I lost. Anyway, "One More Thing" coming at you.

GUILFOYLE: I like the Delta Lounge.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing," and Eric's first.

BOLLING: OK. So over the weekend, Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote a piece for the Wall Street Journal on the rise of radical Islam. It's fantastic; it's a great piece. I wanted -- I was hoping we could do something on, maybe by the end of the week we could here.

I happened to be over at Del Frisco's, my favorite place, last night, and who do I run into but Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Had a chat about her piece. Fantastic piece. What an impressive woman she is, in person, as well as all her writings. But she has a book out, if you can pull the book cover up. It's worth...

GUILFOYLE: "Heretic."

BOLLING: "Heretic," right. "Why Radical Islam Needs a Reformation Now." What a great opportunity to read that. She's -- I think she's going be on "Hannity" tonight, as well, if I'm not mistaken.

GUILFOYLE: She was on with Megyn yesterday. We were supposed to have her today.

BOLLING: Great stuff.

PERINO: She's great.

All right. Kimmy.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks so much.

PERINO: Oh, yes, sure.

GUILFOYLE: Great to be here.

GUTFELD: Totally.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Actress Angelina Jolie once again making brave strides on behalf of women being a role model for women's health and knowing your risks, identifying them, and moving fearlessly and courageously towards a decision.

She wants to be here for her children. She took tests earlier in life and found out she was BRCA-1 positive, so she had a double mastectomy. She did further testing that showed that she had a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer and had some early markers for ovarian cancer. She decided to have them removed, and now she's doing hormone replacement therapy.

And, you know, she said regardless of the hormone replacement, she says, "I'm in menopause." She won't be able to have more children, but she says she feels at ease with whatever will come, "Not because I'm strong; because this is part of life and it is nothing to be feared." It's a great lesson for women out there.

PERINO: All right. Greg, you are next.


GUTFELD: Greg's Secret to Happiness. Now with Velcro.


GUTFELD: You know, one of the best things you can do to de-stress -- a lot of celebrities do this, Dana. A lot of celebrities. They go to day spas, and they make you feel a lot better.

We have some tape of Danny DeVito at a water spa right here, relaxing.




GUTFELD: This is over in Rancho Cucamonga, California. And for only $400 an hour, a giant woman can hold you in your hand and run warm water.

And that's vodka. Vodka-flavored milk.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's Lemon Cello. Remember?

GUTFELD: It's Lemon Cello.

GUILFOYLE: Now he's going on "The View."

GUTFELD: Dana, you're next.

PERINO: Thank you. Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: That looks fun.

Could a kiss from your dog be good for your health?



PERINO: No, it could be. Right? Because there is a new study showing that probiotics exist in your dog's gut, and so if it licks you...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.


GUTFELD: You'll do anything.

PERINO: The thing -- look, there's a Vizsla. They are going to have volunteers that can, you know, participate in this study. And so I took it upon myself. I filled out an application for you, Greg.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: And you are expected in Arizona in two weeks.

GUTFELD: I can find my own dogs to kiss. I don't need to pay -- I don't need to pay for it.

WILLIAMS: All right. Very quickly, I want you guys to look at this...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: ... amazing accident or incident from Sunday. The pope had said, "You know what, I can't go out and get a pizza anymore." So he's in Naples and this guy, the owner of Pizzeria Don Ernesto, Enzo Cacialli, actually crossed the line, defied all the security, and gave the pope a pizza; and the pope took it. The pope took the pizza.

PERINO: That's a good book. "If You Gave a Pope a Pizza."

GUTFELD: Did it have everything?

WILLIAMS: Like that.


GUTFELD: Never mind.

GUILFOYLE: I bet you that pizza was really good.

PERINO: This was a great show.

GUTFELD: It was.

PERINO: OK. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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