
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 16, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling
along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Jesse
Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

So the last few weeks have been particularly brutal in America, assaults,
beatings, shootings, fights in public. Interestingly, many of these have
been caught on tape. We are literally watching, witnessing American culture
disintegrating in front of our eyes. We have four pieces of tape folks,
this can be brutal. So, please, if you don't want the kids to see them, now
is a good time to tell them to look away. First off, we show you this
vicious and relentless attack on the outnumbered girl in a McDonald's in


CROWD: (screaming)


BOLLING: Now something that broke my heart. Indianapolis. Watch as this
teenage girl is savagely beaten. Pay particular attention to the young boy
with her, maybe 5-years-old. After several beatings on his sister, he steps
in only to be pounded by the attacker as well, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (beep) (beep) (beep)


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (beep) (beep) (beep)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's gonna be alright.






BOLLING: We're gonna go around the table, K.G. What --


BOLLING: What is going -- what are we witnessing?

GUILFOYLE: I have to leave because I have to go back to the District
Attorney's Office to prosecute people like that. Because you know what?
This is clearly used that's clearly going wrong. When I worked in the
juvenile justice department, prosecuting juvenile offenders, if you do not
intervene and intervene swiftly in the right way, not only with punishment
as a deterrent, but counseling a complete analysis of that kind of
abhorrent, immoral behavior. You have someone who's gonna grow up to be an
adult recidivist, that is gonna continue to prey on people. I think, it's
so awful, and the people can stand by. Like, I want to say to them, who
raised you? I'd rather get beat up myself trying to protect somebody, to do
the right thing, so I can go to bed at night and wake up in the morning
knowing that I was a person of consequence and of character, than stand by
and see something like this.

BOLLING: Jesse, this -- the victims and the attackers on both of these
videos were 14, 15 and 16-years-old with exception of the little boy.

JESSE WATTERS, GUEST CO-HOST: It is horrific. I mean, that is
why I go to the drive-thru at McDonald's. I don't want to go in, because
they got these girls and they call themselves the savage crew, and the name
fit. I mean, that's what they are. These girls remind me of ISIS. They have
no regard for human life whatsoever, and you know the girl, if you watch
the whole video, does put up a pretty good fight, so you got to respect
that. On the other video, it is even more disturbing when the kid gets hit,
and that is child abuse and --


WATTERS: It looked like black on white. I don't know where on Holder is,
where it could be a hate crime there. And the people that are just standing
around and watching -- where is the honor?



WATTERS: Inside. This was a step in and tries to break up the bloodstream
(ph) I mean, this is -- this is disgusting behavior.

BOLLING: Now Juan, these are young people. These are high school students
attacking and being attacked. Now, we've noticed that our trend around the
country. New York, Chicago, Philly, Los Angeles, San Francisco, where
teachers unions are complaining that it is becoming harder and harder, more
difficult to, to discipline young people. Is this was -- is this a
spillover effect?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: What do you mean?

BOLLING: So if it is harder for the teachers to discipline the kids in the
school, they go out in the street and start beating the heck out of each

WILLIAMS: Oh, no. I think that the kids are gonna fighting, but I think
what we are seeing is more of it there. And -- to me, I notice the racial
components that Jesse touched on. And I wonder if it has a lot to do with
family breakdown, lack, lack of discipline, lack of sense of -- here is how
you behave, here is how you settle disputes.


WILLIAMS: And specific, I think when you talk about low income communities
where there is lots of violence by the adults. One of the things that
troubles me in my community, you know, just walking around in Washington,
D.C., but I grew up in that community where that McDonald's fight took
place in Brooklyn, New York. Is it you see, mothers just cursing at little
kids, using foul language, smack at them and you know, I -- you want to
say, hey, why are you hitting that child? Because what the child learning,
about the way that you resolve anything.

GUILFOYLE: Aggression.

WILLIAMS: Is to use violence, right?


WILLIAMS: So, to me, it is like the parent -- you know, we are pointing at
the kids, but I think the parents are just -- they are the ones that are
setting a bad model.

BOLLING: And sometimes Dana, it's not even parents, its onlookers. They are
standing around and they are not helping, they are not lending a hand to
the victim.

PERINO: Well, the other thing that they are doing is filming it.

BOLLING: On film, right.

PERINO: OK, right? So everyone that has a phone now, I mean, it could be --
I think Juan is right, maybe we are just seeing more of it now, because
everyone has a phone and are able to video tape it and get information --
get us talking about it. Which is -- it's probably good except that I read
on stories about the teachers, and I think this goes back a ways in that
the teachers shouldn't have to be America's disciplinarians. They should be
America's teachers and educators. But, inevitably, they do have to show
some muscle, like sometimes in the courtroom and I'm in the classroom and I
don't mean with any sort of physical violence, but they have to show that
like, this is where, in this classroom you are going to behave.

BOLLING: That's authority.

PERINO: Authority, a better word. But what Juan said is I think this is the
most important thing. The root cause of almost every issue that we talked
about on the show is the family structure, and the breakdown of it, and the
unwillingness of a lot of people in the media or in communities, to talk
about the problems of several generations in a row, single parent

WILLIAMS: Namely (ph).

PERINO: Because, mom and dad at home, the only one. They're busy trying to
put food on the table, make ends meet. They can't do everything, so
something has to give. And they are frustrated and they are angry and
dealing with that -- with their frustration in a way that is unhelpful to
the children's learning. And so there is a vicious cycle, but the only way
to break that is to talk about family structure. And I don't know if I'm
the best messenger for that. President Obama tried. I think that my
brother's keeper was a really good program. He still - hear my tomorrow
about it.

WILLIAMS: Why did you say that?

PERINO: What about what?

WILLIAMS: Why aren't you --

PERINO: Well, I don't know if I went into a black community and I said, I
really think you should --

WILLIAMS: Oh no, but look --

PERINO: I think that --

WILLIAMS: No, no. I think that's just before she even in terms of family
breakdown in the black community. You know high rates are out of good luck
(ph) for single parents. But it is not -- that the white communities -- I
thought you were saying that for some other reason.


BOLLING: Let me move on to these, because these were young kids that we
showed you before. Now we go into a little bit older, college age kids
continuing the fame of American culture, disintegrating before our eyes, we
hold two spring break videos. The first one, here is Dak Prescott, a star
quarterback from Mississippi state, and ambush by a group of guys in a
parking lot in Panama City, Florida. By the way, that's one of the most
popular spring break destinations, Panama City, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (beep) (beep)




BOLLING: Now Jesse, we have kids here. You know, I have a son two years
away from -- you know going to college in spring break, and that scares the
living day lights out of me.

WATTERS: Yeah, you don't want to send your kid down there, I have two
girls, there's no way they are going near that. I mean, I've been down
there, it's great, but it is dangerous now, because the cats are out of the
bag. Everybody knows about it. The criminal element is going there.


WATTERS: They are selling these rich white kids drugs, there are guys
flashing guns, show an act retard (ph) on Instagram. But you also, the SEC
football schools down there, the ACC, there's Vendettas, they are trying to
settle. And it's crazy, they have these scooters you can rent and go around
drunk and you know, get together with the crew and haze guys and now with
the -- you know, internet. You have people putting it on TV. You have the
sex traffickers throwing escorts all through the internet on back page.

GUILFOYLE: Of such terrible.

WATTERS: It is a very combustible combination.


BOLLING: But -- and it used to be kids, got drunk, they pass out in their
dorm room -- their hotel room and now, it's become more violent, more
disrespectful. More damaged to property that could --

GUILFOYLE: Who would actually want to let their child go away to one of
these destinations? For sure -- honest to God, when I went on spring break,
it was not like that. I'm telling you, like maybe somebody is like, oh,
having some drinks whatever, that was that. But now, I think you really
have to be worried about your personal safety. You get drugged, you can get
beaten up, you can get a sexual assault committed against you, I think
especially for women, you should definitely not let little girls go.


WILLIAMS: Real quick and say, you know though, I remember when my daughter
especially, wanted to go to spring break, you would have thought I was the
most oppressive.


WILLIAMS: Cool dad in the world.


WILLIAMS: My dad we're going. It's me and this friend and that friend and
we are staying here and what are you trying to do? Why can't I go? Why can
I go? What would you say?

WATTERS: Didn't you ask your daughter if you could go with her?

WILLIAMS: Me? No, no, I was --

PERINO: Did you give in?

WILLIAMS: What? Of course I gave in. I'm --

PERINO: Alright --


BOLLING: Thoughts on this before we move on.

PERINO: Yes -- earlier this weekend I received a few tweets from people,
knowing that I like to have good one -- good news one more things, and one
of them was, actually kind of pertaining to this. And it was about how many
college students actually don't go to the party spring break, but they do a
lot of good works and charitable works. They got two pictures. One is from
Shepherd University in West Virginia, they went on a trip to construct
habitat for humanity homes. And then, University of Georgia, the impact
spring break program, they did a whole bunch of environmental awareness.
They did wetlands trails in the forest and they canoed through the national
parks, which seemed --

GUILFOYLE: Like a month (ph).

PERINO: Much more productive and --

WATTERS: That's what Kimberly --

PERINO: Good way to spend --

WATTERS: I think that's what Kimberly --

PERINO: Spring break.

GUILFOYLE: You know I didn't go away on spring break when I was in college.

WATTERS: Shocker.

GUILFOYLE: I was working three jobs. I did not go anywhere. I did go on a
high school trip to (inaudible) where I --

PERINO: Why did two?


PERINO: (inaudible)

GUILFOYLE: (inaudible) that was a place to go and then I was at legal
guardian of several of the -- of my other classmates, right, because I was
18 years -- anyway, but that was a nice clean fun.

BOLLING: Alright, let's do this one. And then there is this, these two
drunken spring breakers were no match for this cop who had administer --
who had to administer a little justice beach side.





CROWD: (screaming)


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lay off with me, back up. (ph) Lay off with me. (beep)






UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. (beep)



BOLLING: All I have to say is thank God for law enforcement.


BOLLING: I feel bad for these cops having to deal with these disrespectful
little punks which -- we should quit the point -- should be quitting,
pointing our finger at law enforcement and offer them to support their need
and deserve. This guy had to take down two spring breakers at once coming
at him and coming at him and coming at him.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but this is the problem. This isn't like, you know, where
every community -- it's in every community, you should have respect. You
should obey the rule of law, and if you have a dispute, you should settle
it in the proper venue. Don't resist arrest. Show respect for law
enforcement, they have a very tough job to do and that is the message that
we should continue.

WILLIAMS: But let me just say --

GUILFOYLE: From Ferguson to spring break.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say, what you are seeing though is alcohol. Just --
you know the people say, oh, don't do drugs kids, you put -- binge
drinking, especially on spring break? Terrible. Out of control. I think
water chestnut (ph) some now into this. Drinking is just --

GUILFOYLE: Water for all?

WILLIAMS: Excessive.

WATTERS: Oh, you said it.

WILLIAMS: No, from your Watters word authorities.


WILLIAMS: It's excessive and I know -- you know, especially for young
women, because sexual assault is a big part of this threat, Eric.

BOLLING: And up, and rising. The rates star (ph) -- the numbers of rates
star (ph) are going up.

WILLIAMS: But you would be surprised how many kids die on college campuses
from binge drinking today. It's outrageous.

BOLLING: We see one - you see how crowded that beach was? There were
literally thousands of people --

PERINO: And no one is helping the cop.

BOLLING: One cop and no one help.

PERINO: That's want I know, that nobody helped the cop. So like in earlier,
and no one was -- everybody was standing by while somebody filmed the
horrible fight at McDonald's and the one on the street that you showed and
then, and this one, I mean, are there no guys that can tell their friends
knock it off? It's not -- it's kind of -- would be the honorable things
should do.

BOLLING: And it's (inaudible) right?

WATTERS: That's right.

BOLLING: I'll tell your kid, help the guy, I think -- he needs help give
him a hand.

WATTERS: That's true. You know, imagine if those two punk drunk kids were
black? Al Sharpton would be down and with the sandals and pia colada, the


WATTERS: All hell would have broken loose.


WATTERS: What Obama would have been like, you know, those kids, they could
have been my son.

BOLLING: Oh, boy.


GUILFOYLE: Across, across the track suit, like short shorts?

WATTERS: That's right.

BOLLING: We will leave it right there, coming up, two arrests in two big
crime cases. Robert Durst, a Ferguson shooting suspect in custody, the
Details coming up.


GUILFOYLE: Infamous real-estate heir Robert Durst will be returning to
California soon to face the first degree murder charge. He waived
extradition this morning in New Orleans after being arrested this weekend
for the 2000 death of his friend, Susan Berman. Durst has also been
suspected, but never charged in the disappearance of his first wife,
Kathleen in 1982. He was acquitted in 2003 of murdering his neighbor,
Morris Black. After three decades under suspicion, a confession in all the
cases may have been caught on tape by HBO. According to film makers of a
documentary on his bizarre life, Durst was still wearing a microphone when
he went into a hotel bathroom after an interview and was caught saying


ROBERT DURST, REAL ESTATE HEIR: There it is. You're caught. What the hell
did I do? Killed them all, of course.


GUILFOYLE: Nothing that can do you in like a hot mic, right Dana? So you
fascinated by this case now.

PERINO: Oh, yes. I am. Has everything I ever knew about it, I learned


PERINO: I have a question so -- do you think that he wanted to be caught?
Why would he participate in this documentary if he didn't want to have some
sort of fame?

GUILFOYLE: I think the arrogance, the narcissism, the fact that.


GUILFOYLE: He is a sociopath, that he lives (inaudible) access to manuals.


GUILFOYLE: That too he is. So it doesn't surprise me, but he is not as
familiar with, you know how many of us have talked on a hot mic? I mean,
you know he is not familiar with the fact that he can be caught and
recorded. Just like thing it's gonna be --


PERINO: Could he call it entrapment?

GUILFOYLE: No, because they are not working on behalf of law enforcement to
do it. So it's a -- it is a spontaneous statement, this is a statement
against interest of a big hearing to see in court, if that will get in. But
there's gonna be to have -- have to be some other substances, like physical
evidence to be able to get a conviction, but this is a step in the right
direction coupled by the envelopes, the writing where he misspelled Beverly
Hills, and it is like almost meticulously the same mirrored of the two
envelopes. Bolling, what do you got for me?

BOLLING: Come on quick thoughts. So in '82 he kills or his wife goes
missing. In 2000 --

GUILFOYLE: Bolling isn't convinced.


BOLLING: And I appear (ph) of that it takes a cold case and says, I want to
know more.


BOLLING: And his friend who is going to be questioned by the D.A. in New
York is subsequently killed, right? And then in 2003 he killed his neighbor
and dismembers the neighborhoods claims self defense.


BOLLING: Here's the point. When cases go cold case, when they go, when they
get too far away from the actual crime, things get ugly. They get messy.
Litigation, prosecution gets messy, as well, right? The resources that cops
need, it should be there for them now, so they can find these people. This
man should have been put away in '82. He should have been put away in 2000.
He should have been put away in 2003. Now, what we do? 15 years even after


BOLLING: We're -- starting to --

GUILFOYLE: I hear what you are saying.

BOLLING: Putting it away?

GUILFOYLE: I think one, they had every intention and believe me, you know,
desire to put him away and they were trying to do that. But when you have
someone who -- the allegation is as whacking witnesses, you know, how can
you then put the case forward? Now, that is the best thing about cold cases
and testing things we do now, such as with friends like, you can prosecute
something later on.

WILLIAMS: He is 71-years-old. He is on Forbes list. I think he is worth
like $4 billion, Kimberly.


WILLIAMS: So he's got every lawyer in the world willing to work for him.
And he's got the protection and -- you know, I think part of this is that
he's never been properly, the focus of law enforcement, because everybody
knows that you get close to him, the lawyers are going to fight you and he
is going to have a real cocoon around him because of the wealth. But, I
think at the moment given, you know what he said in that HBO document? He
said, the only person that could have written that letter -- you talked
about what the misspelling of Beverly, was the killer. Well, if he is in -
if he is now tied to the note, that is pretty strong.

GUILFOYLE: No. How do you like it smarty pants? OK, just because.


WATTERS: This reminds me of the White O.J., everybody knows he did it and
he is walking around looking like an idiot. I mean, look at the guys
criminal profile. At one point he gets popped for taking a leak in a CBS.
Then he gets popped for stealing a sandwich while he was on the lamb (ph).


WATTERS: And he is cross dressing.

BOLLING: In $5 million.


BOLLING: Is he stealing sandwich --

WATTERS: Yeah. He was stealing a sandwich, right. And the guy is worth
billions of dollars and suddenly like that. That is what -- this is what
the point is and Juan is right. Money talks in law. I mean, this guy, if he
was a broke joke, he would be someone's girlfriend in the prison.

BOLLING: Oh my, God.

GUILFOYLE: He would like the very hipster, kind of --


PERINO: I need the urban dictionary though.

GUILFOYLE: So let's segue --

PERINO: To follow along.

BOLLING: Are you sure?

PERINO: I know that.

GUILFOYLE: Let's segue into another development along. We were talking
about very -- you know, heavily on this show. Ferguson, Juan, with the
arrest of Jeffrey Williams. What do you make about this and do you think it
will settle down some of the unrest in Ferguson?

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't think it settles much. In fact, the ready has
become divisive. Do you think that this guy was shooting at the cops? Or do
you think he was like a broken down busted criminal sitting in the car with
his buddies with a gun and the gun goes -- and shoots the gun off twice?
That is shooting at somebody else. Which is believable? The protesters,
they oh, he wasn't one of us. But people say, yeah, he was sometimes in the
protest. We don't know but, clearly, both sides want to -- you know, fix
their own narrative here.

WATTERS: I think we do know, Juan. And listen, if you want to take a shot
at an enemy, you don't do it outside of a police station where your targets
gathered, OK?

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, no.


WILLIAMS: According to the police, the shot had to go through the
protesters. That's crazy.

WATTERS: Yeah, OK. So, he is doing a drive by in front of a police station.
He doesn't want to take out cops? That doesn't make it --

GUILFOYLE: No, but guess what? Somebody who is willing to fire a weapon at
people is willing to take a life or lives regardless if it is going to hit
an innocent by stander and shoot through a crowd to get through cops. I
mean, that is -- for them, that's like called Wednesday. You know?

BOLLING: So, I don't think it matters.


BOLLING: I think he's gonna get prosecuted the either way.

WILLIAMS: I hope so.

BOLLING: The other tempt to shoot the cops or not, because he will still go
to jail.

GUILFOYLE: But he is transfer to --

BOLLING: But -- but, this afternoon, I just couldn't believe it and watch
this on MCNBC. There was a Bishop Derrick Robinson who claims this shooter
Jeffrey Williams was set up by the cops. He said he was beat up, he was
coerced and then he --

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait. That has to do what?

BOLLING: Set up to --

GUILFOYLE: Take the fall.

BOLLING: Take the fall for this shooting. This is on TV, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Just don't -- don't hit it.

BOLLING: Don't make a face at me like I'm making this stuff up.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. Wait. I mean --


WILLIAMS: I mean, Eric --

BOLLING: My point is --

WILLIAMS: I mean this people --

BOLLING: My point is a bishop --

WILLIAMS: Will make up non sense?

BOLLING: A bishop is making up.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Nonsense, it reported. You show obviously making up nonsense just
to continue the race debate. Continue the division over -- Ferguson. This
town will never heal.

WILLIAMS: Well, I just, I just don't understand in fact, why they are even
protesting Ferguson at the moment. It seems to me, that if there is any
protest, it should be against numskulls like this guy, who are damaging any
effort at healing and trying to get things straight between the police and
the black community.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Dana. So, here is what we have to do, take the word of a
criminal, someone who has a weapon and shooting into a crowd regardless,
they go into no, no, no, my bad. I wanted to kill someone else was not
shooting at the police.

PERINO: And then they will get your toys.


WILLIAMS: Correct.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, that's, that's the point. So we have to take his word.

PERINO: If there is evidence of a dispute with somebody else I think that
that, those individuals or someone will know information about whatever
sort of dispute he use to supposedly had with somebody else, doesn't sound
to me like his story is going to hold up.

GUILFOYLE: No, and it is very convenient, because there are stiffer
penalties when you are trying to murder.


GUILFOYLE: A police officer. Hello, people?

WILLIAMS: I will say one quick thing which is apparently, according to
police, everybody got involved in finding this guy.

GUILFOYLE: Great point.



BOLLING: And he still --

GUILFOYLE: Community involvement.

BOLLING: He is still gonna get the stiffer penalties whether he intended

WILLIAMS: Yeah, exactly. Yes you did.



GUILFOYLE: Because of transferred intent. But He is trying to say, oh,
listen, I was trying to -- like trying to mitigate for --

PERINO: Yeah, I wanted to murder someone else is not --


PERINO: The best defense.

GUILFOYLE: Charming --


GUILFOYLE: And he is not charming either, is it? It's just isn't.


GUILFOYLE: But this is -- next on The Five, Ed Henry caught up with Hillary
Clinton today on the streets of New York City. He asked a very important
question regarding her e-mail scandal. Did she answer it? Ed is gonna be
with us.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God, (inaudible) Ed.

How are you?



PERINO: Last week, Hillary Clinton gave this excuse as to why she used a
private e-mail account during her time as secretary of state.


convenience to use my personal e-mail account, which was allowed by the
State Department, because I thought it would be easier to carry just one
device for my work and for my personal e-mails, instead of two.


PERINO: But did one of her cheap defenders just reveal the real reason?
Here is James Carville.


JAMES CARVILLE, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You wonder why the public is not
following this. Because they know what it is, it was something that she
did, it was legal. I suspect she didn't want Louie Gohmert right went
through her e-mails, which seems to me, that they are kind of reasonable
position for someone who takes. It amounts to nothing but a bunch of people
flapping their jaws about nothing.


PERINO: Carville suggests she did it to avoid congressional oversight and
scrutiny and Fox's Ed Henry, caught up with Clinton earlier today in
Manhattan and she -- he is actually here, on set with us. This is almost

HENRY: Oh --

PERINO: We are glad to have you here.

HENRY: You had me a couple of times.

PERINO: Ok, so --


PERINO: This story --

HENRY: She didn't want to take a question (inaudible) yeah.

PERINO: Has more holes than a Swiss cheese.


PERINO: Greg is not here so you have to bear with me --

HENRY: Greg, hold on to something.

PERINO: With them, better than that. What happened today, when you try to
ask her?

HENRY: Well, we have a quick tape. But basically, she was going to this
speech, she was being inducted into the Irish-American hall of fame. I
asked her about the document. Are they are making Kelly first reported last
week about -- look, if you sign this document saying, I'm certifying that
you are accounting for all of your records before you leave, it's perjury.
If you don't actually secure those records and take tens of thousands of e-
mails with you. Here's what she said.


HENRY: Hello, Madame Secretary. Did you sign the declaration? Did you
sign that statement?


PERINO: You look so sad.


WATERS: You've got to get right in the door.

HENRY: Spoken like a true "Watters' World." I'm trying to show some
respect. Former secretary of state, Secret Service people. When you are
chasing college kids down on the beach in Daytona they...

WATTERS: I'll let it slide.

HENRY: ... you want to...

WATTERS: I'll let it slide. I don't want to see it happen again.

GUILFOYLE: If only you popped your collar I'm sure she would have stopped.

HENRY: This has become the Jesse Waters segment.

PERINO: OK, let me ask you something. This story, they would have liked
to have had her come out and answer a couple of questions and had it go
away. But even this morning, her spokesperson, Nick Merrill, had to put
out a statement revising the revised statement. OK, it's like the fourth
iteration, which raises more questions than it answers.

HENRY: She's now saying, look, contrary to talking points, a fact sheet
that the Clinton camp put out after her news conference where they seem to
suggest that they have not read every single e-mail before deleting them
and said that they searched through them. They searched for words like
Benghazi. What they found, they kept those. Then they deleted the rest in
that section.

Now, they say, "Actually, we read every e-mail." That's raising questions.

Friday, Jen Psaki of the State Department said it was only this past
February, that the State Department started automatically archiving e-
mails. That's coming from the administration.

Why is that significant? Our remember, past Tuesday Secretary Clinton
three or four times, in that news conference, said, "Even though I was
using a personal account," you have State Department aides that she was e-
mailing, and she said -- she didn't say maybe. She said that was being
automatically archived.

Now again, in fairness to her maybe she was briefed wrong. Maybe her aides
told her the wrong thing. She went out there before the American people to
explain this last Tuesday. And I see you smirking. I've seen that smirk

GUILFOYLE: The look.

HENRY: The look. I apologize. I apologize.

GUILFOYLE: It has its own Twitter handle. Watch out.

PERINO: You don't want to get that one.

Everybody says she could actually prosecute this case.


No. My point is you have to have responsibility, right? The chief
secretary. I get the whole deal, one device thing. But if you're going to
be also running for president, which she well knew that she was probably
going to run, why wouldn't you go out of your way to be transparent, to
earn the nomination, to earn the presidency by showing that you have
nothing to hide, that this isn't the old Clinton playbook, that in fact,
you are following the rules.

HENRY: James Carville is right about one thing. He may have sort of
accidently revealed the truth that she wanted this all her own e-mail,
because she didn't want Republicans like Louis Gohmert -- how do you
pronounce it? I can't...

WATTERS: Gohmert.

HENRY: Gohmert. But basically said he didn't want -- she didn't want
Republicans rifling through the e-mail. That is an honest statement. When
you're secretary of state, you're being paid by taxpayers. You can't just
say, "I don't want congressional oversight." And again, that's...

PERINO: If you don't want Republicans rifling through your e-mail, then
don't e-mail. OK? You have staff, right? It's just as easy to say, "You
know what? Can you e-mail this for me?" You don't have to do it.

BOLLING: Another piece of information we found out today. General
Petraeus is now advising the president on ISIS. So let's get this
straight: General Petraeus is advising the president on ISIS, and he's also
had to admit guilt on some of his e-mail issues. Right?

Hillary Clinton revealing clearly is guilty of at least protocol, if not
law breaking protocol, if not breaking the law.

GUILFOYLE: That's called work furlough program, where they prosecute you.
You get a lesser sentence and you advise.

BOLLING: Are we seeing hypocrisy here?

HENRY: There is a distinction that you made which is that Petraeus was
being investigated by the Justice Department. And clearly, to have a plea
deal, he felt like they could potentially prosecute crimes. And if it is
Clinton, yes, there are allegations. Again, did she sign that form or not?
Was it perjury? We haven't gotten an answer. We've got to get that

BOLLING: The Justice Department -- I've been saying this right along. If
you really want to know what went on has to be...


BOLLING: Good luck with that.

WATTERS: They let the Black Panthers skate with a billy club in front of
the poll. Nothing about Hillary hiding e-mails.

BOLLING: OK. Let Juan speak.

WILLIAMS: Let's get back to the news if you don't mind. I read today in
The Hill that ABC is saying that, in fact, Speaker Boehner is thinking
there should be a special committee to investigate Hillary Clinton's e-

Well, I'm thinking to myself, "Well, wait a minute. Last week it was Trey
Gowdy and the Benghazi committee. And then you had on the Sunday show..."

HENRY: Jason Chaffetz, as well, wants to investigate. Another

WILLIAMS: Right. So it seems to me -- and yesterday on "FOX News Sunday"
you had a congressman saying -- it was a Democrat saying, "You know what?
At this point the Benghazi committee has become the Clinton investigation
committee," that all Republicans are doing is they're just desperate to get

HENRY: And maybe you're leading to the point -- one question for me is, if
you have so many Republicans investigating you at some point, is Hillary
Clinton just going to endorse these investigations.

PERINO: Right.

HENRY: And say, "You know what? Spend the next 18 months on that, and I'm
going to go out and campaign."

PERINO: Because she doesn't -- the Democrats don't care.

HENRY: If she has nothing to hide.

PERINO: Let me ask you something, Ed. The form that -- OF-109 that Megyn
Kelly talked about last week, there -- that is one piece of paper. It
either exists or it doesn't at the State Department. You've covered a lot
of White Houses and State Departments and...

HENRY: Sure.

PERINO: How hard is it to tell somebody if that document exists?

HENRY: Here again -- here's a fair point, you're right. I think in
fairness Hillary Clinton we shouldn't just get out there and say, "This is
an e-mail scandal. We don't know what's in the email."

PERINO: Correct.

HENRY: We don't know what happened. We should get facts first. Right?
We all agree on that.

PERINO: I'm for that.

HENRY: But Hillary Clinton has been her own worst enemy in some respects
and hasn't given us the facts. Some things she said last Tuesday haven't
turned out to be true. And secondly, to your point, Jen Psaki has now been
asked three times, did she sign the document that Megyn Kelly first
reported on last Wednesday, I believe it is? Three times Jen Psaki has
said, "I don't know." I mean, at some point she's got to get an answer.

PERINO: The point -- this is what I would do if I were Jen Psaki. I would
say, "I am not going to brief the press. I'm going to stand here. I'm
going to lie down here in this hallway, the middle of the hallway, until
somebody gives me an answer."

HENRY: Did you ever do that?

PERINO: I didn't have to, because people knew that I was serious. Like I
would threaten. I would, like, pour -- before I'd gone out to the
briefing, pour gasoline on my head and threatened to light a match if
someone didn't tell me what I needed.

WILLIAMS: Don't do that.

PERINO: I wouldn't go out there.

WILLIAMS: Let me say, this is all such weak tea.

WATTERS: Really, Juan?

PERINO: Why? Juan, you used to be...


WILLIAMS: You know what? You know why?

WATTERS: ... disappear in the middle of that...


WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

GUILFOYLE: Hold on. Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: What are you talking about? I'm just saying, look, nobody is
going to prosecute this.

PERINO: No, but why can't we -- I'm not asking for a prosecution. All I
want to know is, does the form exist or not?

WILLIAMS: What does -- what difference does it make?

You know why? You know why I say that?

HENRY: That's awesome.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. I mean, Jeb Bush signed a document that said you
should immediately turn over everything.

PERINO: Is Jeb Bush under federal law?

WILLIAMS: No. He was a governor of Florida.

PERINO: OK. Was he -- was he...

WILLIAMS: He was the governor of Florida. He had information there,
according to the reports, that had to do with troop movements and
everything else. And yet, these guys are, like, focused. I think it's to
the point where Republicans have one view of this, and the world has

PERINO: How...


PERINO: ... released more emails than all of the administration officials


PERINO: He isn't under federal obligation to preserve them or to keep
them. She actually was.

GUILFOYLE: She had an obligation to do so, so she has now stolen four
years of public records that should have been part of the national
archives. That's why it matters.

HENRY: If you guys don't toss to break I'm going to.

PERINO: I'm going to, because he's, like, nervous.

HENRY: I've got to get somewhere else. I've got to go. They're waiting
for me.

GUILFOYLE: He's got to go to a news show, "Special Report."

WILLIAMS: There you go. Really.

PERINO: All right. Coming up -- then we'll leave -- it's eve of an
election that could have a great impact on the future of the Middle East.
Will Israeli voters keep Bibi Netanyahu in power? We'll discuss next.


WATTERS: Israelis are just hours away from voting in an election that will
decide whether longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stays in power.
More on that in a moment.

But first, the world is growing more and more dangerous for Jews, with a
new wave of anti-Semitism spreading across the globe, Europe especially.
Actor Michael Douglas has a new op-ed in The New York Times, where he talks
about his son being a victim there last summer.

And here's a sample of what Jews have been experiencing in Europe.



GRAPHIC: Are you all right? Are you Jewish?

I'm joking. The dog will not eat you.




WATTERS: Atlantic Magazine asked this question on its cover this week:
"Is it time for the Jews to leave Europe?"

All right. So Dana, we're on the eve of this big election in Israel. Now
we have allegations that President Obama's White House is now interfering
in our ally's election. It's kind of ironic, because in Iran, when the
students hit the streets, the president didn't want to lift a finger;
didn't want to interfere. What's going on here with this election? It's
pretty big, right?

PERINO: Well, I think it's certainly big for both reasons. One,
domestically in Israel, they have economic concerns and domestic policy
concerns, just like we do in any major election here. Usually, it does not
hinge on foreign policy.

And so, if Bibi Netanyahu loses, I think that is a signal to them that they
want change in that regard, in that type of governance and that type of

The one thing that is clear is, no matter who wins this election in Israel,
the foreign policy is not going to change in regard to Iran. So I am fine
with whatever they decide to do in Israel. I think that the foreign policy
piece is the most important one, and that is not going to change.

WATTERS: Eric, as you saw from the video, Jews are under attack in Europe.
There's a spike in anti-Semitic attacks. Do you think this country's
leadership has emboldened this anti-Semitism, when you have the president
of the United States saying that the attacks in Paris were just random,
when you have President Obama negotiating with Iran, who wants to wipe
Israel off the face of the earth? Do you think that encourages anti-

BOLLING: If I thought the Europeans listened to us, I would say yes.
Unfortunately, I don't think they have anything to do with us.

However, if there is that growing anti-Semitism within Europe, throughout
Europe, I say great, come on over here. We would love to have every single
Jew that wants to leave Europe come right here. Very hard-working,
motivated, successful, innovative people. Love to have them here, and they
should realize that.

If Bibi loses, by the way, he says -- and he did; he warned some of his
supporters this is going to be close. If he does lose, he says it's
because he didn't pay enough attention to rising prices in Israel. So...

GUILFOYLE: About the economy, huh?

BOLLING: It's a note to our GOP here. Don't get sidetracked by all of
these other issues that are important. You know, the race stuff, the
foreign policy. In my opinion, I think -- again, I don't want to cause any
fights or arguments, but I think you stay on economy; you stay on fixing
the economy; you stay on letting people keep more of their own money and
let them innovate; lower taxes, smaller government; and that is the recipe
for a 2016 success.

WILLIAMS: Really? I didn't know you were working for Obama and the
Democrats now. Better economy, things getting better. People keep -- oh,
let's talk about the middle class. Sounds like a Democrat.

PERINO: What about the third part there? Keeping more of your own money.

WILLIAMS: Democrats -- are you kidding? You seen Wall Street lately? I'm
keeping more of my money.

WATTERS: OK. Specifically, let's get back to your one point, because...

GUILFOYLE: Juan, you're a 1 percenter.

WATTERS: ... a lot of these attacks on Jews come from Muslims. There's a
big Muslim problem in Europe. And you combine that with the...

WILLIAMS: No that -- you -- but there's no problem -- no.

WATTERS: ... neo-Nazi factor, what's it about?

WILLIAMS: You are going way over the line here.

WATTERS: No, it's true. They've combined forces.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say, in terms of the election, that you have now
polls showing, in fact, that Isaac Herzog is leading Netanyahu. And
Netanyahu says if he's re-elected, no Palestinian state. He's doubling
down. He's a hardliner.

And I think a lot of people, contrary to what you're saying, Obama
intervening, he came over here and put the United States in their election.
He's the guy that was meddling.

WATTERS: Wait a second, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: First of all, President Obama when he was a senator, he voted to
defund the Iraq war in the middle of the Iraq war. Secondly...

WILLIAMS: So what about -- was that.

WATTERS: Everything the president has done as commander in chief has been
to circumvent Congress.

All of a sudden, he's upset...

WILLIAMS: What are you talking about?

WATTERS: ... someone wrote a letter?

GUILFOYLE: You almost took out Dana.

WATTERS: The president has been writing secret letters to the ayatollah.

WILLIAMS: He's the president.

WATTERS: I know he is.

WILLIAMS: I thought you might have missed something.

WATTERS: Real quick. I'm sorry.

GUILFOYLE: It's time for the tease. Look, let's see what happens
tomorrow. I think he doubled down on that, because clearly, his internal
polling shows that taking a hard line is going to hopefully deliver the
vote for him, is what he's thinking. But I think, yes, he should have
focused on the economy. Eve of the election. Let's see what happens.

WATTERS: All right. Ahead, tips to survive your next meeting at the
office and what not to do if you're one of those annoying people causing
your co-workers grief, next.



WILLIAMS: If you work in an office, there's a good chance you spend a lot
of time in meetings. U.S. News and World Report has a list of some of the
biggest offenders at meetings across America. Are you one of these people?

The phone checker.

PERINO: Hate it.

WILLIAMS: The late comer. How about the eater?


WILLIAMS: Or the rambler?

PERINO: Hate it.

WILLIAMS: And then there's the kiss up.

PERINO: Annoying.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: I feel strongly about this segment.

WILLIAMS: I see that.

PERINO: I have very strong feelings about the behavior of a meeting. I
agree with all of these.

I would add two more.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: One is the guy at the end or gal who says, "Just one more thing
before we go." And then it ends up being like four one more things.
Everybody around the room is like, "I've got one more thing," and "I've got
one more thing." It makes the meeting last a lot longer.

The other one is the doodler. OK?

GUILFOYLE: Uh-oh. Bolling.

PERINO: And it just so happened -- I actually didn't do this just because
of Eric, but Eric made this little guy -- can you guys see it? -- during
the Ed Henry segment.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WATTERS: Is that Ed Henry?

GUILFOYLE: Who is that?

PERINO: I don't know who it is.

GUILFOYLE: Is that Ed Henry with a goatee?

PERINO: I don't know who it is. Has bloodshot eyes, though.

WATTERS: We should auction that off. Sign that thing. Donate it to

GUILFOYLE: That guys is Spring Break Menace.

BOLLING: Can I add one, also?

WILLIAMS: Yes, go right ahead.

BOLLING: And it depends on the meeting. So I get it if you're in a
meeting where you're trying to brainstorm and get ideas. But the meetings
where you're getting chewed out -- and we've been to a couple of those --
when the boss says, "Any questions?" and they don't mean any questions. It
just means "Any questions?" And then someone goes yes.

GUILFOYLE: That's Bob.

PERINO: And you have to -- and the answer to that should be no.

BOLLING: Exactly.

WATTERS: I think these are all power moves. You know, I think when you
show up to a meeting, and you start eating, that asserts your dominance. I
think when you're checking your e-mail, that says...

PERINO: Is that why -- is that why you brought your little plate in here?
You do that here.

WATTERS: Just asserting my dominance. No, it's like you're checking your
e-mail, you're multitasking, you know. If you're droning on and on, you're
just dominating the conversation.

WILLIAMS: Like now.

GUILFOYLE: You -- he does. He brings a little plate to the start of each
show and has all his little snackies perfectly aligned. And he's just,
like, eating, like yes.

WATTERS: I'm hungry.

WILLIAMS: I just think meetings are a waste of time. I think you should -
- if you want to make a decision, make a decision. Let's discuss it
briefly, but basically people just yap. They just talk too much.

GUILFOYLE: You know what I don't like? Meetings about meetings.

PERINO: I hate that.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.

PERINO: How annoying is that?

WILLIAMS: But I just think people like to hear themselves talk.

"One More Thing." You're going to hear us talk. We're up next.

GUILFOYLE: You have three?


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing." Dana has something really cool to
show us.

PERINO: OK. So I've got a wonderful painting. I think you can see it
here. This is of Jasper, and it was done by Bill Wright, who took up
painting later in life. He's 75 years old. He and his wife, Lynn, like to
watch "The Five." They live up in Connecticut, and I thought this was
quite special. And I really loved it. So thank you, Bill, and I will hang
it proudly.

BOLLING: Very cool. Very cool. K.G., you're up.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, so congratulations, because love is in the air, and new
beginnings, aren't they wonderful? Bristol Palin says that she is engaged
to Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer.

BOLLING: Love this "One More Thing."

GUILFOYLE: Do you love it?

BOLLING: I almost pitched this "One More Thing," too.

GUILFOYLE: You heart it?


GUILFOYLE: She is very excited about this. And anyway, so he -- this is
Kentucky native Dakota Meyer, is credited of saving lives of 36 Marines,
Army soldiers and Afghan soldiers while providing cover for them to find
their way out of a fire fight with the Taliban. True American hero. And
I'm happy for her and her family.


PERINO: I am, too. That's an amazing man.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, that's like pulling it down. I love it.

BOLLING: Great logical matchup, right, when you think of things that work
and don't work. That one just seems to make a lot of sense.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And Sarah Palin posted a link to her daughter's blog
post. So this is real, people.

BOLLING: OK, Juan. You're up.

WILLIAMS: So it was birthday weekend at the Williams household for my
first-born child, Antonio. But guess what? There was a 2-year-old diva at
the party. Little Wesley Harrell (ph) showed up. And she decided she had
to blow out the candles, eat the icing, eat the cake.


WILLIAMS: And then sugar shock, just basically. Look at the icing all in
her mouth. You've got -- she looked like she had cud, she had so much
stuff in her cheeks.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. So cute.

WILLIAMS: She was having a party of her own.

PERINO: How was the sugar high after that?

WILLIAMS: The sugar high and then the sugar shock. That's what I'm
saying, Dana.

BOLLING: She is adorable, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: I mean beyond.

BOLLING: Jesse, you're up.

GUILFOYLE: Is she a Republican?

WATTERS: I don't know.

I'm from Philadelphia...

BOLLING: I don't know.

WATTERS: ... unfortunately.

BOLLING: What does that mean?

WATTERS: And word out today -- there's word out today Tim Tebow tried out
for the Philadelphia Eagles. I just wanted -- I just wanted to say thank
God. We need the luck. And I just want to warn Tebow, you know, he's
going to hear some very colorful language from these Philly fans. So cover
those virgin ears.

PERINO: Wait. Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?

WATTERS: Tim Tebow on the Birds? Anything can happen. I have no idea.

BOLLING: Did you guys...

WATTERS: Never won a Super Bowl in my lifetime. So I need all the luck we
can get.

BOLLING: You guys lose your starting quarterback?

WATTERS: We have Bradford. We have Sanchez. Now we're going to have

WILLIAMS: You just traded. A great trade. They did a great trade with
St. Louis.

But I'm so interested. Virgin ears. I didn't know his ears were virgin,
too. I had no idea.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you know, it's a little bit rough. Eagle fans, they know
how to throw down. So let's see.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Santa Claus knows about them.

BOLLING: All right. Can I get to this one very quickly? So for a long
time, about four years or five years, a press secretary of the United
States has followed me on Twitter, @presssec -- P-R-E-S-S-S-E-C -- and for
some reason last week Josh Earnest unfollowed me. And I can't figure --
Josh, brother, will you...

PERINO: I don't blame him.

BOLLING: Actually -- actually, can I be honest with you, Dana? I don't
blame him, either.

PERINO: I don't blame him.

WATTERS: Wake up America? Get out of here.

BOLLING: I'll make a deal with you, Josh. Don't follow me. Just do a
hash tag #WakeUpAmerica once. Got to go.

GUILFOYLE: That's because Jay Carney was following you.

BOLLING: Everybody.

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