
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 12, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert, Ferguson on edge and a manhunt under way. Seven months after the firestorm that erupted in the wake of Michael Brown's shooting and just one week after the justice department cleared Officer Darren Wilson of all wrongdoing in that shooting, the city remains tense. Last night, two police officers were shot, one in the face, and the other in the shoulder, while they were standing in front of the police station as demonstrators gathered across the street. Let's set the scene. Protesters were angry from the start and their target was obvious.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (beep) the police.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't say that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (beep) the police.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (beep) the police. CROWD: You can't stop the revolution. You can't stop the revolution. These racist cops have got to go. We got to fight back. We got to fight back.


GUILFOYLE: Those words eventually gave way to violence.



CROWD: (screaming)


CROWD: (screaming)


GUILFOYLE: And a final despicable taunt.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Acknowledgment nine months ago would have kept that from happening.


GUILFOYLE: Attorney General Eric Holder weighed in earlier today, condemning the shooting.


ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: I unequivocally condemn these repugnant attacks. I stand ready to offer the full investigative resources of the United States Department of Justice, the FBI to solve this crime and to hold these perpetrators fully, fully accountable. What happened last night was a pure ambush. This was not someone trying to bring healing to Ferguson. This was -- this was a damn punk, punk.


GUILFOYLE: Last night, might have been the result of just one punk, but it's hard to deny there is a lot of anti-police sentiment swirling in this country right now. Can you imagine the aftermath of all of this? Now it seems it gets even a worse situation, violence on all sides, emotions running high. Where do we go from here?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I -- I will disagree with the anti-cop sentiment swirling around the country. I think it's swirling among a select few of really awful, awful people. The problem is, it's the rest of the country that isn't saying anything. Where is the silent majority of the people that love law enforcement, that respect law enforcement, it's time for them to speak up and march for these people that are now bull's eyes. They are men in blue are now bull's eyes. We watched an entire nation of law enforcement get smeared over Ferguson. They took something local and they made it national. They said it was an epidemic of police shooting blacks. This was wrong. So I'm not gonna indict the White House or the administration. I'm not going to do what they do. But we should indict the salivating, race-crazed media who ginned up this and spread the virus of division that allowed an atmosphere for this to happen. What has progressed in this last decade? We've seen three major things undermined. We've seen the national spirit, i.e., patriotism, which is mocked. We've seen the family unit fall apart, because we are now endorsing all kinds of lifestyles and we don't care whether they are single parents or what. Law enforcement is now seen as a threat. So the triumph of subversion spread from campus to communities whereas right now, what you see is the fruits of subversion. These are not people interested, the guy that shot the cops, he is not interested in reconciliation, Holders right. This is about subversion, about undermining society, undermining civilization. They show up at protests like this for a reason because it's their way in.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, so Ferguson on edge. Did the attorney general hit the right tone?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It sounded like it to me. I do think that when the justice department issued its report and they knew that this was coming, because they were involved, I don't know what sort of help maybe the Ferguson police need then, or if they needed more monitoring or support. I don't know if they asked for it, but it seems like that would have been something they should have offered. I was thinking about these -- the community and how it is a difficult decision to choose law enforcement as your career path. But the people that do that, they do it because they want to help their local community. You usually become a law enforcement officer in the place where you grew up, because that's your home and that's what you want to give back to, and it's very satisfying work and it can be rewarding career. But it's also very dangerous. And I don't know what their recruitment is gonna be like in the future for a place like Ferguson and I'm not exactly sure I'm looking forward to the discussion. In fact, Juan's comment about what breaks the cycle. Because at this point, the community seems, I don't know at this is a point, where they can now step back.


PERINO: Everybody cool -- cooler heads prevail or if it gets worse. I hope not worse.

GUILFOYLE: So Eric, Ferguson didn't happen in a vacuum. What we are seeing also, just even yesterday evening, a police officer gunned down in a Long Island, thankfully will survive. But a gang task force officer who puts his life on the line. This is really symbolic of frustration and tensions in communities across this country. We even saw it here in New York, shepherded in by our own mayor.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: A cop shot a couple of weeks ago in Philadelphia, lost his life. It keeps on happening, even after the attorney general tells us that they found nothing wrong with Darren Wilson's behavior, on the day that Michael Brown was killed. The media loves this stuff. Greg's right, the media eats this up. It is great for ratings. It is great for business, but it also great for business with people who are in the race business, the Al Sharpton's of the world. You listen to Al Sharpton and you don't hear what he should be saying. He should be saying this is ridiculous, enough is enough. We have to stop. Hands up, don't shoot didn't work. It wasn't --

GUILFOYLE: Didn't happen.

BOLLING: Didn't happen. It didn't happen that way. Wilson's been exonerated, let's move on. Let's work on race relations, not race divisions in the country. He is not saying that. So, is it too harsh to be say there's two more cops with their blood on Sharpton's hands in addition to the other ones that happened in the aftermath of Al Sharpton's protest that he called for it down here in New York. Now, there was a professor who was involved in that one too, I get that. But he is not -- Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Marc Morial, those are the people who should be out in front and center, saying stop. Calming tone, you don't hear it. You still hear explanation, you still hear yes but, racism exists, blacks are treated poorly in relation to whites in police departments, by police departments around the country. That's not the tone that's going to fix things.

GUILFOYLE: What kind of tone do we need to hear and especially from the black community?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think you need to be very clear here that this is wrong. I think -- I mean, it is not hard to say this is wrong. You do not shoot anybody, but certainly not officers of the law who protect your community and I got to tell you, the minority community, we are more dependent on the police maybe than in affluent, wealthy communities with their alarms and guards and private security. So, anyway, I'm just telling you, that is crazy. But the problem I think that exists is one of building trust. And how do you build trust, especially, with poor black communities where they often see the police as coming in, stereotyping them and all the rest. This, you know Eric says it was wrong what happened and it was proven to be untrue, in terms of the hands up and.

BOLLING: Don't shoot.

WILLIAMS: Don't shoot and all that, and he is right. But the other half of that report was a community that felt that the police department was unfairly targeting them and aggressive in the way that they handle and directed that aggression toward people of color especially, poor people of color. So, that exists, too. I will say this, I hope, you know, because I believe that those reforms necessary to build the trust are being pursued by officials in Missouri. I mean, you saw the police chief had resigned. The -- you know, people in St. Louis, they are thinking about taking over that police department. All of law enforcement is trying to find these folks but you know what seems to me there are good people in St. Louis, of all course, they are working on this issue, then you have these folks come in and they undermine. I think they play.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: To all of our antagonisms and fears and racial hatreds and that's -- I mean, it's just destructive.

BOLLING: The comments too, I mean, yes, the shootings were awful, it was horrible, but the comments before and after the shooting, I mean, they are still -- it's still in there.

GUILFOYLE: Was very destructive, yeah.

BOLLING: It's still -- it's still present there.

GUILFOYLE: Well, how do you think police officers feel when they get up every morning, they kiss their wife, their child goodbye to try to go out there make a good living, not -- you know, don't get paid very much. Cop's lives matter, too. Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter. Law enforcement officials are understandably furious about the shooting. So listen to St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar and Ferguson police rep., Jeff Roorda.


JON BELMAR, ST.LOUIS COUNTRY POLICE CHIEF: This is really an ambush, is what it is. I mean, you know, you can't see it coming, you don't understand it. It is going to happen and you're basically defenseless from the fact that it is happening to you at the time.

JEFF ROORDA, ST. LOUIS POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: I kept hearing yesterday, oh, the protesters finally got what they wanted, Chief Jackson stepped down. They didn't get what they wanted earlier yesterday, when Tom stepped down. They got it late last night when they successfully, finally, successfully shot two police officers.


GUILFOYLE: Is that what it takes? Is it payback, an eye for an eye?

GUTFELD: I have mentioned this couple of times before. We talked about backlash a lot when there's an act of terror done by radical Islamists. We are told, you know, you know, don't go after modern Muslims. You know -- mosques are being threatened. Whenever there is an isolated incident involving law enforcement, you don't hear people saying like, hey, you guys lay off the cops, don't go after cops. No one really seems concerned about the backlash against cops. Instead, they created an environment, where it is almost the opposite. There is a solution for Ferguson and it is to resign. All the cops go. Let the activists police this neighborhood. In a week, they will make Aleppo look like Epcot Center. I mean, it's not -- they actually believe that the cops are negative influence, then the cops have every reason to say, see you later, we are out of here, good luck.

WILLIAMS: Well, you're right. You know what? I mean --

GUILFOYLE: Is that what it will take?

WILLIAMS: Anarchy --

GUTFELD: Yeah, it would be anarchy.

WILLIAMS: It be told on --

GUTFELD: And that's what the anarchists want.

WILLIAMS: But you know what? Guess what? Higher levels of violence and crime, right? You always hear the Conservatives, and this is just the truth. Higher levels of violent crime in the black community, higher levels, robbery, all this. So, what you're saying, you know, it self- evident. Without police, you do not have structure.


WILLIAMS: You don't have protection even to walk to school.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: And little old ladies with the bars over the windows and gates with the doors.

PERINO: Right.


WILLIAMS: They would pay a.


WILLIAMS: Terrible price.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: But that's not to say that a bad cop is to be excused.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: So -- what, will very telling is when they find this guy, or guys, whoever it is, three or four shots fired.


BOLLING: Whoever it is, they think it was one -- wait, who is he? Is he someone from the community? Is he a protester that was shipped in? Is he an anarchist that came from some other group and wants to make a stand, and wants to keep the -- keep the race debate going, the flame going.

GUILFOYLE: Lot of speculations.

BOLLING: It seems very, very telling. If it's someone from the -- I just -- I don't know, it just a gut feeling, it's not someone from the Ferguson community.


BOLLING: Just doesn't seem like they -- they seem, they -- look, they protested. They broke some windows. They lit some stuff on fire. But, to shoot cops?

WILLIAMS: Is wrong.

PERINO: That was one thing I thought.

BOLLING: I know it's wrong, but it doesn't like -- there wasn't at all.

GUILFOYLE: Just like the guy that traveled to New York to shot the cops. Go ahead.

PERINO: The only thing I would quibble with and the attorney general's comments today, is when he said that the perpetrator was a punk. A punk is somebody who does graffiti or something. This individual shot people is a crime.

GUILFOYLE: A cold-blooded murderer. Yeah.

PERINO: Violent crime.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, you are absolutely right.

PERINO: Be treated that way.

GUILFOYEL: That was an unfortunate term used. But let's talk about this, this is important.


GUILFOYLE: National Urban League President, Marc Morial had some interesting commentary on what the shootings meant and he says they showed that change is still needed.


MARC MORIAL, PRES. & CEO NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE: There's a report that I saw that stated that the shots did not come from the protesters.


MORIAL: And only an investigation or inquiries that are tell the truth about what happened. Having said that, it demonstrates that there's still tremendous need, demand for change in Ferguson, that people want further change and that the resignation of the chief and the city manager are just steps toward that type of change that needs to take place.


GUILFOYLE: His comments suggest that this kind of violence and attempted murder is warranted and in fact, necessary as part of the dialogue.

BOLLING: Whatever, 25 minutes of seconds sound bite, Marc Morial found two excuses that he planted for -- the --


BOLLING: Occurrence last night. Number one, that, the shot may not have come from the protesters, really? Because there are eyewitnesses that saw it, there are eyewitnesses on both sides, both cops and non-cops who saw where the shots were fired. They were definitely fired from the protesters' side into where the cops were standing. Number two, he said well, change is needed so, almost like, well, that's why that happened. So, in 25 or 30 seconds two excuses were made. Like I said in my prior comment, Marc Morial, a leader in the black community, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson -- stop making excuses. Start pointing the finger to the thugs and the punks that they are and say enough, cut it out. This is not helping the cause at all.

GUILFOYLE: Well good. If not, guess what, hands up, because they have got blood on their hands. If you are not part of being the solution and if you are promoting a false narrative, it's not only irresponsible, it is deadly. Look what's happened in the police communities.

WILLIAMS: But not a false narrative to say that there are tensions between poor black people in this country and the police. That's a fact.

GUILFOYLE: But it is a false narrative to suggest that something that did not happen, such as.

WILLIAMS: No, no, you're but --

GUILFOYLE: Hands up, don't shoot.

WILLIAMS: No, you're talking specifically.

GUILFOYLE: And the cops are going out specifically to murder African- Americans. That is not true.

WILLIAMS: No, you're talking specifically about the Michael Brown situation. And even in New York, with the Eric Garner situation, the guy was choked, I think grand juries have both spoken very clearly on these issues, but it's not to say there is not this larger issue about tensions between how the poor black community in this country feels about the police.

GUILFOYLE: Right and your comments were specific with respect to establishing a relationship of trust?

WILLIAMS: Yes. And you have to deal, that's why --

GUILFOYLE: They are not helping it. They are undermining the trust. And they are putting minority neighborhoods in grave risk for this kind of behavior. That's the problem.

WILLIAMS: What I'm saying is, you need to understand, you know, I disagree with you. I don't think that Marc Morial was making an excuse. I think he is saying that there is a continuing angst, anger in that black community and that people are looking for change. That's part of the building trust that I'm talking about.

BOLLING: But to mention these two things, that that shot may not have come there, questions have --

WILLIAMS: We don't know where it came from.

BOLLING: Right. To mention that and also to say that the community needs change or the country needs change, just in the -- mentioning the same breath of a shooting two cops shot, certainly, certainly, ties that -- ties those two together, in many people's worlds, including mine.


GUTFELD: Well, the joke is on everybody. On anybody who has a sincere feeling about this, whether you believe that the police -- the police acted wrongly, or you believe in defending the police. We're all being preyed on by infiltrators. Basically, a roving band of minstrels, these radicals that move from protest to protest, they were -- they were there at occupy Wall Street. They show up at everything. And what they do is they see a protest against Ferguson as a conduit for revolution. You heard the phrase revolution, that's what this is about. This is something that is enduring, have started in the 70's -- late 60's and the 70's and it mores and gets more, more radicalize as it festers like a disease.



GUILFOYLE: But this is an evolution in a healthy progression.


GUILFOYLE: It is tying it down and pulling it back.

BOLLING: A quick example of Morial, Juan. You know those racist kids, the O.U., University kids around the bus.


BOLLING: Who use the racist chant?

GUILFOYLE: And say. BOLLING: And then the kid goes I was wrong. But, you know, I was drinking alcohol before. It's the same thing. Morial saying, he had -- copy -- those cops being shot was wrong. But, there may be some other reasons explaining why those --

WILLIAMS: Well, you think it was justification?

BOLLING: I do not. I don't think either one. I don't think that --

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, you think Morial was trying to justify?

BOLLING: No, I'm trying to say, he was making excuses why that may have taken place and there's no -- there's no justification.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana?

PERINO: I'm good.

GUILFOYLE: Your point?

PERINO: OK. Maybe -- I know we got need to go.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Stay with us though, right?

Coming up, did Hillary Clinton break the law by keeping work-related e- mails on a private server? Why her exit from the State Department may hold the answer, when The Five, returns.


PERINO: New questions are being raised about whether Hillary Clinton broke the law, by keeping work-related e-mails on a private server. The former secretary of state claimed to her Tuesday press conference that she obeyed all federal laws in place, because those laws allowed her to police herself. One former justice department attorney is calling that into question. Shannen Coffin says Hillary was required by law to sign a form, certifying she handed over all federal records to the State Department upon leaving. Here's Shannen Coffin on The Kelly File last night.


SHANNEN COFFIN, FORMER JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ATTORNEY: Every employee at the state department has to sign this little piece of paper, when they leave the State Department. And it says, I certify, basically under penalty of perjury, that I have returned all official records that were in my possession while -- while I was an officer in the Department of State. So where is that document, Megyn? And if there isn't -- if she didn't sign that, why not?


PERINO: Yes Greg, why not?

GUTFELD: I don't know. How ironic that Coffin has buried Hillary.


GUTFELD: The ladies --

PERINO: Don't bury the lead (ph)

GUTFELD: Yes. Hillary is suffering from what's called, Clinton privilege. It's like white privilege. You will feel like you're entitled to everything, that you can -- and then you want but she wants. The White House is the pony that she was promised. The pony that she was promised for letting -- this young man, Barack Obama, goes first. Remember, she deserved it but she let him go, this was the deal, and she is ticked off -- she is in a bind, because when she is silent, she looks bad. And when she talks, it is worse, she was about as likable as elective surgery. Every time she speaks, an angel shoots a cherub.

PERINO: Well, speaking of that, let's listen to Robert Gibbs, former White House press secretary. And he is speaking about the strategy of Hillary Clinton and waiting for eight days and how problematic that might have been.

GUTFELD: Problematic?


ROBERT GIBBS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I will say waiting eight days to say what they said yesterday, I think was startling to Democrats. I doubt there was anything that was said yesterday that couldn't have been said last Wednesday or Thursday or Friday and put a little bit of this story to bed a lot earlier. I think they also didn't understand who the stakeholders were in this, and that is the media. The media was vested, rightly I think, in asking serious questions and they had surrogates on TV actually, making it seem as if it was Republicans pushing these questions.


PERINO: Eric, that's been their M.O. (ph), right? So, they want the media basically, to carry their water and that's starting to. So the media is very uninterested in the facts about this forum, like, OF-109 or the actual law that was broken or the guidelines the State Department has had, they are bored with that. It's like the media wants to automatically write, by the end of this weekend, that it doesn't matter if she acted unethically because, 86 percent of Democrats like her very much. And so, there's nothing more to say there.

BOLLING: And Carville and Lanny Davis, they are all out there spinning and saying, wait, look, the right-wing talking heads media are blowing it out of proportion. We're not. It is important. This is -- think about this for a second. '09 to '13, she was secretary of state. Benghazi was in 12, right? So all of the Benghazi e-mails, everything that had to do with Benghazi went through her private server and we don't know what was going on, we'll never know what -- back and forth the correspondence. She is the one who said nothing was classified, right? Her words. Nothing she did on her personal was classified --

PERINO: But it doesn't matter.

BOLLING: But this -- well --

PERINO: You know, it doesn't matter, it's all federal records. It doesn't matter if it's classified or not.

BOLLING: We should have access to it, agreed.


BOLLING: However, how can nothing from Benghazi or she didn't send any Benghazi e-mails, which I find that even more ludicrous. Don't forget, which it mention yesterday, 1 billion, 1 billion e-mails of the State Department in those years and they only thought 71,000 were important enough to keep.

GUILFOYLE: But that's --

BOLLING: 71,000 out of 1 billion.

PERINO: Kimberly, you listen to Shannen Coffin, if you put your prosecutor hat on, could you make this case?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I think.


GUILFOYLE: It can make the case. All you need is one Good Samaritan to turn over the goods, right? Where is that --

PERINO: That document should be available to the public.

GUILFOYLE: It should be available to the public. We should have access to it. I mean, the fact of the matter is when she came out and spoke on her own behalf, big problem. No lawyer should ever represent themselves. She would have been better off being quiet.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: She did not advance the case for herself. I think it just added to more conjecture and speculation and you wait and see, because people are going to come forward with e-mails that they were on the receiving end that had privileged and, you know, State Department information on and it's going to be bad. There's no justification for her not turning this over or complying with the regulations or signing that document.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: And if she did sign it then she (inaudible).

PERINO: She should have had all the information and answers before she went out, because she --

GUTFELD: But she did.

PERINO: Created more questions.

GUTFELD: She did. But she didn't want to share them.

WILLIAMS: You know I'm --


PERINO: Juan, do you think she acted unethically?

WILLIAMS: Unethically? Yeah.

PERINO: Do you think -- unethically? WILLIAMS: Yeah. Yeah.

PERINO: OK. But why -- but why -- I want to get to this. Susie (ph) (inaudible), I think she acted unethically. That does not it matter to the Democrats? Is it --

WILLIAMS: Of course it matters.

PERINO: It does matter?

WILLIAMS: I tell you, you know how it matters most of all, it sets a precedent. So that if a future Republican was to do such a thing then people would say, you guys didn't raise holy.

PERINO: What about to say it long?

WILLIAMS: Questions about Hillary Clinton. Well, it's fine. Look, politicians do a lot of stuff that is wrong.

PERINO: No. She wasn't just.


PERINO: A politician, she was the secretary of state.

(CROSSTALK) PERINO: A basic government responsibility, she couldn't fulfill. I mean, it was basic.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: If there's important time.


WILLIAMS: Look, I think, I think you have a situation here where she acted entitled. Some people say she is very defensive because she has been beaten up previously by the press.


WILLIAMS: I feel trapped here between the law firm of Gutfeld and Guilfoyle.


WILLIAMS: Because, on the one happened, you say she should have come out earlier. You say, she shouldn't have come out at all. So I'm going back --



PERINO: I say she should have complied with the law and she wouldn't have this problem in the first place.

WILLIAMS: Well, yes.

GUILFOYLE: And that is another idea, right?

WILLIAMS: But the idea that she is -- that -- GUILFOYLE: She placed herself in this predicament, bad judgment.

WILLIAMS: But you think Kimberly is going to bring a prosecutor of case on the basis of this forum? That's ludicrous. And nobody would bring this thing.

PERINO: You know that Kimberly Guilfoyle told me in the green room?

GUILFOYLE: All right.

PERINO: Never lost a case.

WILLIAMS: Well, she wouldn't win this one.


GUTFELD: You know -- PERINO: I want her as my lawyer. Last words?

GUILFOYLE: Don't bet against me, Juan.



GUTFELD: Never hire a secretary who can't use e-mail, doesn't work.


PERINO: The secretary.


PERINO: I agree, very good.

GUILFOYLE: Don't promote --

PERINO: All right, coming up, a new study says while Americans' confidence in government is hitting near-record lows, a majority still trust the military. Greg, will explain why, and later, an update on the manhunt for the gunman on the loose in Ferguson. Please stay with us.


GUTFELD: A recent survey finds that Americans distrust all parts of government, except for one. Only 5 percent have a great deal of confidence in Congress. This rises to only 11 for the president. But it goes to 50 percent for the military. The rest are pinkos who should die. I kid. Barely.

But it's intriguing that such attitudes are the inverse of the media academic complex, which embraces all bureaucracy, except the warrior class. So, why the reverse?

Credit the pernicious spread of campus radicalism, a movement that fuels hate for the military, a symbol of western aggression and imperialism. For the teachers' lounge Marxist, it's always the powerful versus the powerless. And guess who the villain is?

It's the biggest scam in history, the idea that the most humane civilization ever is evil because its ideas won. By that belief, only the world's most vile can be championed. Hence, you have professors and hacks who've embraced the USSR, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Che, Castro, Chavez, as students lionize cop killers and terrorists.

And so as 2016 approaches, you've got to ask yourself, who do you trust? Angry mouthpieces soaked in antipathy for the west or leaders free of bitter retribution, unashamed of our freedoms and the military that guarantees them.

For it's not jingoistic to admit that the one thing protecting America from extinction has been its military. You can't have them -- I mean, without them, you will have nothing. It's a truth so obvious that it's rendered a joke by those it protects the most.

So are you surprised by these findings, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: You know, I'm really not. I mean, when you look at the specific examples that have really brewed distrust with the American people for government and almost, in fact, disdain, why should we trust them? We have secretaries of state that are, like, hiding e-mails in a pocket in some server somewhere, that refuse to comply with the rules, with the laws, because they are above it. They are better than it; they are impenetrable, like you said, the Clinton privilege. They feel that they can get away with everything and anything. And right now the polls are rewarding that kind of malfeasance.

So, no, and we have a president who, with his mighty pen, would change anything and everything that he'd like to about America, about our laws, about our rules, that will agree and get into treaties and use semantic gymnastics to justify the things that he does with other countries or to show total disregard for Congress, the rule of law or the separation of powers. So, no, I think it's quite in keeping.

GUTFELD: All right. Well, we'll be right back.

Juan -- Juan, is the military more loved because you can actually see what they do?

WILLIAMS: Yes. But I'll tell you what was shocking to me about this, is that people said the No. 1 problem in the country is government.


WILLIAMS: The government's the big problem. And I think that has to do with people saying, "Well, they don't solve any problems. They all -- all they do is finger point and game blame and, you know, tar each other."

I think people -- it's interesting to me, Republicans have less confidence in Congress than even the Democrats, but both sides, it's in single digits. But I mean, it's just...

BOLLING: So you don't think it's anything to do with half the population paying for the 100 percent of the population's expenses and then half that does -- that does pay, pays almost 50 percent of what they earn? That may have a little bit to do with it. The -- may I?


BOLLING: The three areas that people trusted the least were Congress, the media and the financial institutions. I get the financial institutions. They, you know, they were bailed out. They got billions, trillions of dollars. I understand Congress for the reasons we just pointed out. But what did the media do? I mean, the media really, they're supposed to just present the facts, right? You may present...

GUILFOYLE: No. Mainstream media doesn't.

BOLLING: Well, right. But are you not surprised that the media's sole...

GUTFELD: I'm not surprised at all.

PERINO: Consistently.

GUTFELD: Ninety-nine percent of FOX News, that's our point of view. That's why FOX News is successful. It's because we say the media sucks.

Last word.


PERINO: Except for us.

GUTFELD: That's my point. That's my point. Most trusted name in news, people, because the rest of them are terrible.

PERINO: I can give you one specific example that happened today, why people are frustrated with Congress.

There's a human trafficking bill, anti-human trafficking bill going through the Congress. It passed unanimously in the committee. It goes -- it has 13 Democratic co-sponsors in the Senate. It goes to the floor today and because of the Hyde Amendment, which has been voted on, but in fact, it's even included in Obamacare, Harry Reid blocked passage of that bill, so the human trafficking bill is not moving forward, because Democrats are jerks on this issue.

GUILFOYLE: Whoa. Dana, way to get aggressive.

PERINO: I just had to try to match Kimberly there.

GUTFELD: There you go. All right.

GUILFOYLE: Get your Shazam on.

GUTFELD: I don't even know what that means, but it sounds good.

PERINO: We do.

GUTFELD: Oh, wow. Sounds like a Cinemax plot.

And on "The Five," a live update from Ferguson with the latest, but first, VH-1 wants to take you for a ride on the walk of shame. Sounds like fun, up next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...



GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Six Minutes on Television" today, cable or otherwise. Three consuming stories, seven curt minutes, one convivial host.

First up, more proof American culture is in decline or why the heck didn't I think of that? I'd make millions.

"Walk of Shame Shuttle" could be called "Morning After Mayhem." It's the new VH-1 show that interviews young people the morning after a big night out. Here's a clip.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This season on "Walk of Shame Shuttle"...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How are you doing?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We've all done it the dreaded walk of shame. In college, I made a living out of picking up my friends after their drunken nights.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Walk of Shame Shuttle, Kelly Ann speaking.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, literally, I did. And that's how the Walk of Shame Shuttle was born.


BOLLING: OK, Juan. What you think of the Walk of Shame Shuttle?

WILLIAMS: You know, I think so many of these shows are all about, you know, looking down at other people, condescending them.  But this -- you know, it's just debasing. It's "Atlanta Housewives." It's "Jersey Shore." Now you've got young people, you know, supposedly....

BOLLING: You don't like "Jersey Shore"?


BOLLING: What you got against "Jersey Shore"?

GUILFOYLE: Gym tan laundry over here.

BOLLING: K.G., "Walk of" -- is this degrading?

GUILFOYLE: Well, look, who wants to really be on that show? I mean, honestly. I you're not winning if you're on that show. You're not a closer. You're leaving. In fact, you're probably never going to see the guy again.

BOLLING: Well, you might see a closer by the fact that...

GUILFOYLE: No. You're not winning on a one-night stand.

BOLLING: All right. OK.

GUTFELD: I thought this was about terrible Asian cooking.


GUTFELD: I actually think...

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

GUTFELD: Anyway, Michelle Collins is on this show, who's a great comedian and she's a "Red Eye" regular, so I think it's going to be a fun show. And you know, it's just people getting in a car talking. The best part about "walk of shame" is you're walking home and people are jogging and you're going, yes, good luck.


PERINO: Just don't have a lot of experience in this.

GUILFOYLE: No kidding.

GUTFELD: You walk your dog of shame.

PERINO: With pride.

BOLLING: I will tell you, in college, that was very, very interesting in the morning. Going to baseball practice, you see the walks of shame.

GUTFELD: Why is it called shame? I don't understand.

WILLIAMS: Because you're in high heels.

BOLLING: All right. We've got to roll.

WILLIAMS: At 7 a.m.

GUTFELD: I live in high heels.

BOLLING: Yesterday, Kimberly told you about the $7.3 million penalty Pharrell and Robin Thicke have to turn over to Robin Gaye's estate. Here's a comparison of Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams' mega hit, "Blurred Lines," and Marvin Gaye 1977 hit "Got to Give It Up."


BOLLING: All right, K.G., now the lawyer for Pharrell Williams says he's going to appeal that judgment.

GUILFOYLE: To the end of time.

BOLLING: You called that yesterday.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I mean, you've got to appeal it. It's a really, in fact, challenging precedent for a musician going forward. There's a lot of, you know, back and forth about whether or not it's similar. It's going to be an important decision for the court to make. Let's see what happens.

BOLLING: Over-litigating? That doesn't sound that close, does it?

PERINO: Oh, yes. Over-litigating, you know, that's an epidemic in America. I'm curious how it's going to turn out. Because I can kind of hear a little bit of similarity, but I don't know where the line is.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, "Blurred Lines"?

BOLLING: Oh. Nice. Nice.

PERINO: Get it?

GUTFELD: There was no -- there was no melody. This is a first, because there's no melody or harmony lifted. You can't copyright a cowbell or a falsetto.

If you can -- if you can sue somebody for sounding like somebody else, then all of us are screwed. "McLaughlin Group" can sue "The Capitol Gang"; "The Capitol Gang" can sue "The Five"; "The Five" can sue "Outnumbered." All we do is copy each other.

WILLIAMS: But why didn't they pay, because I think sampling, like in rap, happens all the time.

BOLLING: Right. they pay for it.

WILLIAMS: So they didn't pay. That's the problem.

GUTFELD: No, but they sound alike and...

GUILFOYLE: No. This is different, because there's no...

BOLLING: Because they claim -- because they claim they didn't. They claim they didn't lift it. Anyway, we've got to move on.

WILLIAMS: That's ridiculous.

BOLLING: Finally, Tony Bennett announced -- just announced he will sing at Lady Gaga's upcoming wedding to actor Taylor Kinney. That got us thinking if we Fivers could have anyone sing at our wedding, who would we pick? Dana.

PERINO: I know. Well, yes. Kimberly, can you answer for me?

GUILFOYLE: Dirks Bentley.

PERINO: Dirks Bentley. I actually got to meet him. And I would have him play at my wedding. He's a great singer.



GUILFOYLE: Why don't you renew your vows and do it?

BOLLING: They want us to go quickly on this one. K.G., who would sing at your wedding?

GUILFOYLE: Love Journey. Steve Perry.



BOLLING: Wow. Very cool. I like that one. How but, Juanito?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, so when my daughter got married, Regan (ph), she had us dance to Stevie Wonder. We danced to "Isn't She Lovely?" And I just thought that was great. So I would have Stevie Wonder.

Now actually, when I did get married, that was back in the disco days, so it was Bee Gees, and "Taste of Honey," that kind of thing.

BOLLING: So discoing. Platform shoes?

WILLIAMS: That's how I met my wife, in a disco.

BOLLING: Did you have platform shoes on?


BOLLING: All right. What about you, Greg?

GUTFELD: I would not have a singer. I have a theory that marriages -- or weddings that happen in very dramatic fashion end miserably.

I always wonder what happens to photo albums. Like we have these big photo albums from weddings. Where do they go? Does a truck pick them up along the way? Like they go and they take them and they send them to third-world countries: "Here, have these photo albums?"

I picked Neil Hamburger. The world's greatest comedian. He would be my -- he would be the guy that would officiate.

BOLLING: The opening act?

GUTFELD: Yes. And closing.

BOLLING: And mine would be Adele, 'cause my wife loves Adele. And she would really enjoy that.

GUILFOYLE: That was a good one.


BOLLING: That would be for her.

All right. Ahead on "The Five," one of the most creative ways to fry bacon. It's a must-see video for all you bacon lovers out there. Coming up.



WILLIAMS: This is a FOX News alert. Mike Tobin is standing by in Ferguson with a late-breaking update on the situation there -- Mike.

MIKE TOBIN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: And Juan, it's all about the manhunt now, that according to the chief of the St. Louis County Police, saying that is the No. 1 priority.

That is why we saw the search of a home about four blocks from here. Neighbors say police took three adults out of that house. One -- or all of them in cuffs, one female, two adult men.

We also know that there was a juvenile in that home, and he is going to the care of his mother. Now, police are only confirming that they have gathered some people for questioning. They are not saying that they've arrested anyone at this point.

Now in front of the St. Louis City Police here today, we're seeing them put in concrete jersey barriers in anticipation of demonstrations. We also know that the city police are losing control of the situation, just like they did during the state of emergency. The state police and the county police will take over operations. They'll take over security in anticipation of more demonstrations tonight -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Mike, thanks so much.

You know, Dana this is, to me, the idea that there are going to be more demonstrations, what's going on here? You think people would be remorseful?

PERINO: Yes, you would think that. But I do think that there is a -- that probably people from outside of the community, that they're, as Greg said, the professional protesters that go from place to place to create more problems and a lot of expense. You think of how many businesses were destroyed during the rioting before, in the fall; and those businesses probably are not coming back to that community.

WILLIAMS: Eric, you know, we were talking earlier about where this came from you, but it seems like they're searching a house.

BOLLING: Right. And I find it interesting they brought a family out in handcuffs, but they didn't arrest anyone yet? Well, whatever. Make a long story short.

So this reminds me of the first time Ferguson, remember, waiting for the sun to go down. We weren't sure if there was going to be rioting, looting, businesses being burned. And sure enough, there were.

Again, that was on the heels of Michael Brown being killed, when they thought "hands up, don't shoot" was happening; it never did. This is two cops being shot. Why would there be more protesting?

GUTFELD: Well, maybe -- hopefully, maybe it might be a surprisingly positive protest, where there are people out supporting the police. Maybe thousands from the communities all over will get out the word, because a lot of these people work for a living. That's why they don't protest. And they got off their jobs, and they're coming down to support the police. That would be awesome.

WILLIAMS: You know what? I can just see it now, Gregory.


WILLIAMS: Al Sharpton...

PERINO: Gregory.

WILLIAMS: ... leading this protest...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: ... in support of good policing in America.


WILLIAMS: Do you think this is...

BOLLING: You should be his P.R. guy.

WILLIAMS: I'm feverish, brother. I'm feverish.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. That's called "Blurred Lines."

WILLIAMS: That's what it is?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. 'Cause that's not happening.

But I like the idea of coming out to support the police department and try to move forward in a way to heal communities, so that business can prosper, and a sense of understanding, and respect for the laws and for law enforcement officers.

WILLIAMS: You know, you're exactly right. I was with Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia earlier this week. The police officer was shot in Philly. You know, 99 percent of the community came out in support. That's what should be happening in Ferguson.

"One More Thing," up next.



GUILFOYLE: Bacon and guns. Like a dream come true for me.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nothing wrong with that.

Oh, yes.



GUILFOYLE: I mean, where has he been all my life? Can you imagine how delicious? You can shoot your own bacon and then you can cook it up, fry it on your M-16.

BOLLING: You know who can else do that?

GUILFOYLE: That's just an -- what?

BOLLING: Rob O'Neill can do that.


BOLLING: No. He has an M-16, and he could cook...

GUILFOYLE: Totally happening on "One More Thing."

BOLLING: I'm just pointing it out. What's up, Rob?

GUILFOYLE: What's up, Rob? Dana.

PERINO: OK, so I like little funny videos.

BOLLING: You do.

PERINO: And there's a new source for little funny videos, and you can find it at the "New York Post" digital network. It's called Internet Action Force, IAF.TV. Take a look at -- this is like a little funny video about politics.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Representative Trey Gowdy discussed the alleged gap in Hillary Clinton's e-mails while wearing what appears to be either a Brooks Brothers suit or a Brooks Brothers suit. Do you think Trey can get away with wearing white after Labor Day?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, that is tres gaudy.


PERINO: Lots of funny ones like this. John DeVore, who is a friend of ours. You might have seen him on "Red Eye" before. He used to work for Conan O'Brien. He's back here in New York and heading this up, so it's a great place to find little funny things to enjoy. And pass along to people.

GUILFOYLE: What do you have for us, Greg, anything?

GUTFELD: You're a funny little thing.

GUILFOYLE: So are you.


GUTFELD: Greg's Secrets to Happiness, now with 65 percent more unicorn.


GUTFELD: Hey, you know, if you're at a social event, it's important to stay off the phone, unlike this woman here, oblivious to about what was to occur. Show it!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's Lance. Nice ball handled. Three.


GUTFELD: Here we come a ball. There it goes. And see this woman, she's too busy on the phone. Smack. Ow. Quite painful, I must say.

Say it again.

We must see it again in slow motion, it's so horrible.


GUTFELD: Look at the guy just pretending to block it. Just an update on this. She passed away. No.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

GUTFELD: She's doing great. She's fine. She's fine. She had a little bloody nose. Everything is good. However, they had to shoot the ball.

GUILFOYLE: That was like so Marcia Brady right there.

BOLLING: Not the first time the ball has done that.

PERINO: That's why I don't go. I don't go to baseball or basketball games for that very reason.

GUTFELD: Is that why you don't go?

PERINO: I'm afraid of getting hit in the face.

GUILFOYLE: Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: OK. Very quickly, Will Ferrell took to the baseball field. He went to the Cactus League games in Arizona, played ten -- nine fielding positions, played in ten different games today in benefit, all cancer organizations. That's with HBO and "Funny or Die," a great cause.

WILLIAMS: No doubt about it.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Juan.

WILLIAMS: So, Marc Morial said today in reacting to the Ferguson thing, you know what? We should just retire the "N" word. And I just want to back him up, because I don't care if it's a black rapper. I don't care if it's a redneck. I don't care if it's a comedian. I remember Richard Pryor once saying, you know, he didn't see any people like that when he went to Africa. He stopped using it in his comedy routines.

I was talking to Eric the other day about my e-mail. It is so unbelievable. It's like a sludge coming through there with the "N" word and do you know where your family -- it's just wrong. It's painful. Stop it. Don't use that word. I don't care who you are.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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