
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 9, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

What were Hillary Clinton's intentions in using a private e-mail account to conduct government business at the State Department? And why has she been so quiet about the issue ahead of a potential 2016 White House run? Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is urging Hillary to answer both of those questions.


DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CALIFORNIA SENATOR: What I would like is for her to come forward and say just what the situation is, because she is the preeminent political figure right now. She is the leading candidate, whether it will be Republican or Democrat for the next president -- to be the next president. And I think that she needs to step up and come out and state exactly what the situation is. The silence is going to hurt her.


GUILFOYLE: Fellow Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer also weighed in by defending saying Hillary, saying the e-mail controversy will be nothing more than a little blip on the radar.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D-N.Y.: Hillary Clinton's followed the law, and I know her for a long time. She is an upstanding public servant. She's done more than any other secretary of state. I think that at the end of the day people will -- this will just be regarded as a slight hiccup, small bump in the road, six months from now.


GUILFOYLE: And just breaking in the past hour, multiple reports saying the former secretary of state will hold a news conference in the next few days. So is it a hiccup or -- yeah.


GUILFOYLE: From a communications and gastrointestinal perspective, Dana, do you think this is -- what?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: This is a story that's going into its second week on the front pages of newspaper all across the country. Not just the National Press, not just on cable news, not just on talk radio, this is in people's home papers. They are hearing about it online. People are talking about it, and her silence is actually becoming the story. So today, CNN finally says that -- broke the news earlier that Hillary Clinton is going to address this story in the next 48 hours, OK? So now you are almost 10 days into a story in which, several spokes people at the - in the administration have had to reverse themselves on statements that they said was absolute. So Chuck Schumer can say, she did nothing wrong, OK? He's not held to account. The spokes people, the State Department and at the White House have now both had to revise their remarks and say, well, actually, we're not really sure about that. Well actually -- and that is kind of the -- that's now for spokesperson's credibility. So, I would, if they -- I think that they all want Hillary Clinton come out and speak sooner than later. She should take questions from the press, but the timing of why they are waiting so long to me says they are worried because they don't have the answer to any of the follow up questions.


PERINO: And they're going to get plenty of follow up questions, and she could actually be in serious trouble.

GUILFOYLE: Well Hillary might be thinking in her supporters out there, what difference does it make? But, now you have not only -- you know, leading members of the Democratic Party, you know Eric, with Dianne Feinstein coming out on record, a lot of criticism from the left, the right also taking strides with this.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Here is what difference it makes to us. Less we'll be talked a little bit about The Wall Street Journal article that pointed to GE doing a deal with Algeria after a $3.7 billion deal with the Algerian government. GE dropped, somewhere between $500,000 and $1 million into the Clinton foundation. We didn't talk about Boeing dropping $900,000 into the Clinton foundation after -- an airplane deal with the Russians. We didn't talk about the 60 other companies who lobby State Department under Hillary Clinton who made donations to the Clinton's foundation. Look, there was a new one that circulated today, a bond offering for a mall in upstate New York, a developer got a bond offering, it actually bond offering and a road built, and then after that was agreed upon, he put $100,000 into the Clinton foundation. Now look, I don't know if this passes the illegal threshold? But it certainly passes in my opinion the unethical threshold and the -- we're bigger than the law threshold for me. So I would like to see what is on her e-mail trail to find out if these things were tied together. If they were pay for play deal and again, again, I'm not claiming it is illegal. I think it would be, not sure. I'm not a lawyer but it certainly doesn't smell right.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So it is objectionable from a bipartisan perspective, Greg.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, you know when you have -- when you first bring up the Clinton foundation, what is the first thing you have to say? It does good work. So before you are about to like go after it you have to say it does good work and knowing the Clinton's, that's the strategy for the Clinton foundation, using a charity as a shield for other behaviors. In cycling, it's called drafting, which is by the way, what Blanche Armstrong did with his charity as well. If you are doing great things, people tend to overlook the bad things. But her strategy right now taking shape is about gender and it's not about expertise. You can't count on her competence, but the Democratic Party can count on her chromosomes. This is the party that has been effective by being the first, the first black president. It feels good when you vote for the first plaque president. They are counting on people. Never mind her incompetence for weirdness. It feels good voting for the first -- first woman. And she's going to ride this gender inequality thing, that's going to her armor. The moment they hit her on 63 cents on the dollar that she paid her own employees, it's going to fall apart. The real sexisms are the people that are defending her as an elderly woman who doesn't know better when it comes to e-mail. If that is the case, if they think that this poor little old lady doesn't - and know how to -- to send an e-mail, then clearly, she might fall for a Nigerian e-mail. She shouldn't be in the White House and no person would use that as defense against for a male candidate. So it is pure sexism.

GUILFOYLE: Now -- well now, you are just disappointing me. Because I thought I wasn't being able to preorder, the commemorative Franklin played it the coin, with the first female president. All right, so what do you think? I mean, you are seeing now very strong vocal opposition to not only what you have called influence by the (inaudible) on Clinton's foundation, but now you have this. These are both really problematic from an ethical perspective and otherwise. How do you handle it from the Democratic Party if this is your candidate, like Feinstein said, she is the frontrunner, whether it's a -- you know, Republican or Democrat.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Exactly, she is the frontrunner for everybody in the 2016 cycle. So, I think that's why you are seeing Feinstein saying what she is saying, I think that's also why you are seeing. This is really interesting to me, you know the Obama team, the Axelrods, the Gibbs, we've seen some of them comments (ph) saying, hey, you know what? She broke the rules. Nobody is saying so far, despite all of the speculation this table, that she broke the law. But it is a matter of entitlement and as you were saying you have questions. What did you say? Ethical --

BOLLING: Well, it doesn't pass the unethical test. I think --

WILLIAMS: The smell test -- all right.

BOLLING: The smell test. You only have to go test and --


BOLLLING: Certainly be, I'm above the law and I don't need to explain myself.

WILLIAMS: OK. OK. By how many politicians do we all know, --


WILLIAMS: Who think they are above everybody anyway? So, I don't -- but anyway, you know what it says to me is Republicans are just -- they are going out of their minds over Hillary, because she is so far the strongest candidate. And I must tell you, what -- there was a new poll that was came out today, it said, 34 percent of Republicans paying intense attention to this story, only like 16 percent of Democrats? So Hillary Clinton is not losing any Democratic votes over this.

GUILFOYLE: Oh wow, they got you, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Not at all.

GUILFOYLE: They got you.

WILLIAMS: They got --

GUILFOYLE: I can tell.

WILLIAMS: Oh you, you got to me.

BOLLING: What about the other? What about the countries that she is dealing with? So she is dealing on behalf of U.S. corporations, and that's fine. But we already know about Russia, we know about Algeria, we don't know about several other countries who she may have negotiated with. What is she telling them?

GUILFOYLE: That's the conflict of interest.

BOLLING: What is she --

WILLIAMS: That's what --

BOLLING: What is she promising them?

WILLIAMS: This is real. Now I see --

BOLLING: Because every deal has two (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: I think this is real. I think that is pay for play and I think -- if you add it up, here's -- let me make the case. The book rollout, right, when she says we are poor, right?

BOLLING: Ted Burrough (ph)

WILLIAMS: Then you have the foundation and you - to me it looks like, you know, quid pro quo, pay to play, hey, we got -- you got to watch that, because you don't want foreign countries buying an American president, right?

GUTFELD: Should --

WILLIAMS: That's the man there should be.

GUTFELD: Should the potentially --

WILLIAMS: Hang on. And the third thing would be this e-mail scandal, right? OK. So that is the case. But the thing is, from a purely political standpoint, if I am managing her campaign, at this point say, yeah, the Republicans look like they are pretty upset but, you know, it is not doing anything to us in terms of our base. Where is the smoking gun? I think it should be the question.

GUTFELD: Should the first -- potentially first woman president that be taking donations from a government that abused women. That would be like President Obama taking donations from the Aryan brotherhood, it makes no sense. It undermines -- it undermines her view as the first woman president to be, I mean, to go to its countries that abuse women.

WILLIAMS: You are so sensitive.

GUTFELD: I know. It's true.

WILLIAMS: The way you care about women.


WILLIAMS: I don't know. I don't --

GUILFOYLE: But you what --

GUTFELD: I think you are being sarcastic.


GUILFOYLE: Regardless of gender, this is a huge problem. Whether this was the frontrunner, that was male that had it all lined up, and you know, for 2016. This is an issue. This is an issue of credibility, of integrity. It should matter regardless of your political strife. And I want -- take a listen to this, because Trey Gowdy, he is on it. He's got the fence on this and he is not going to give up.


MARIE HARF, STATE DEPERTMENT DEPUTY SPOKESPERSON: The e-mail she gave us back, cover the breath of her time at the State Department.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you know that? How do you know that it --

HARF: Because I know when she started and when she left and they correspond to that. And they cover all of the time in between.


HARF: There is not like two months missing, right?

TREY GOWDY, SELECT COMMITTEE ON BENGHAZI CHAIRMAN: There are gaps of months and months and months, and if you think to that iconic picture of her on a C-17 flying to Libya, she has sunglasses on and she has her hand held device in her hand, we have no e-mails from that day. In fact, we have no e-mails from that trip.


GUILFOYLE: So that's a problem regardless. I mean, right, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Now what's the problem?

GUILFOYLE: It is a problem because these are key intricate moments in --

WILLIAMS: What moments?


WILLIAMS: She was on a trip, Kimberly, to Libya.

GUILFOYLE: State Department policy and interaction.

WILLIAMS: It wasn't around the time of Benghazi.

GUTFELD: That wasn't --

WILLIAMS: There was no connection.

GUTFELD: That picture was taken in a Macy's cellar.

WILLIAMS: That could be.

GUTFELD: She could have any Wi-Fi, it's not her fault.

WILLIAMS: It could be.

GUILFOYLE: So no e-mails when through.


GUILFOYLE: A draft issue, Greg.


WILLIAMS: So no matter -- what is the time table? It doesn't make sense.

BOLLING: Juan, how many, how many e-mails you get a day?

WILLIAMS: Me, I get --

BOLLING: Like how many?

WILLIAMS: Hundreds.

BOLLING: OK. So Hillary Clinton turned over about 37 per day during her time.




BOLLING: Don't you think she probably got -- 2 or 3 or 4, 500 per day?

WILLIAMS: I don't know.

BOLLING: I want to know what --

WILLIAMS: Hey, remember --

BOLLING: Let us decide what --

WILLIAMS: Remember --

BOLLING: Is she was the law or not.

WILLIAMS: Look, Condoleezza Rice never used e-mail.

BOLLING: But she would --

WILLIAMS: Lindsey Graham said, he didn't use e-mail, didn't use it at all, Eric. That is not used to these people.

GUILFOYLE: I'm sorry, Juan. We going to throw a flag on the play and yeah. Dana? Conde?

PERINO: Condoleezza Rice's office come out and said that she did use a government e-mail when she was secretary of state.


PERINO: That she used it. I mean, you can have a personal e-mail as well, but --


PERINO: To do official government business, the guide lines were that and law was that, and that was she did.

GUILFOYLE: Well, yeah. And how about the president, we have time for this specifically, but he said he heard about Hillary's e-mails through news reports, you know, problematic and he didn't give her a pass on this. He did say, listen, my administration is supposed to be about transparency. If only Hillary would do as the president does, which is use of the pen.

GUTFELD: All she have to do --

GUILFOYLE: Sending these e-mails.

GUTFELD: Return the e-mails the way she returned the furniture.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

GUTFELD: Remember she took -- PERINO: They do belong to us, actually.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. It's a 190 grand worth of rugs and TVs and sofas, you just send it back.

BOLLING: You really have something really important --

GUILFOYLE: I had to go, that you're making fun of people with hoarding problems.

BOLLING: That's -- that is like the fourth or fifth scandal.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: Or issue that President Obama heard about it on the news.


BOLLING: IRS. He heard about AP, James Rosen. I mean, really?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. There you go. What? Breathe. Hold it. Coming up -- coming up, Hollywood giving ISIS a pass, up next. You're going to hear why the popular TV show, Homeland is leaving the terrorist group out of its future story lines.


GUTFELD: How do you portray evil when it's so evil? Alex Gansa, producer of "Homeland," said ISIS won't be on the show soon. After all, "Homeland" for the past four seasons has tried to portray our adversaries and try to humanize them, right?


ALEX GANSA, PRODUCER OF HOMELAND: Homeland, for the past four seasons has tried so hard to portray our adversaries and to humanize them. That is very hard to do with ISIL. What they are doing on the ground feels so medieval and feel so horrible, that to give them a platform on television, I'm a little wary of. To try to make what they are talking about understandable or relatable is very difficult. So yeah, we are struggling with that. You know, it may be too soon. It may be that we don't understand them well enough. It may be that they are just too evil to dramatize on television.


GUTFELD: So if you can't humanize the bad guy then you can't show the bad guy? No wonder Hitler is in no movies.

Please, this is an industry that has no problem with evil if it matches their politics. There's no ambiguity when it comes the evil cops or greedy oil men. Hell, "Scandal" just did their version of Ferguson and had the cop arrested because that is their happy ending. Yet here, actual reality offers you the worst villain ever and you say, sorry he is too villainy.


GUTFELD: I guess to Hollywood objective evil is like a relic, like your granddad's chompers floating in a glass of water. But ambiguity, that's cool. It makes you look deep. For you don't just fault evil, but good as well -- like America. But ISIS? It is hard to humanize be-headers.

Still you think "Homeland" would reflect the ugly truth. It is about terror after all. The problem is entertainment has changed but evil hasn't. Since "Bonnie and Clyde," Hollywood has romanticized evil. And "Reservoir Dogs" broke new ground, turning cop mutilation into a dance number. So as we embrace these sexier evils, real evil still persists. If we can't depict that evil, then how can we beat it?

I do have a solution for "Homeland," however. Make ISIS the villain, but one that is funded by a secret group of evil, white, climate change skeptics. You'll knock that script out in an hour.

PERINO: And get an award.

GUTFELD: Yeah. To think -- we were talking about this, Dana. I'm looking down for your name.

PERINO: There's Dana.

GUTFELD: There are plots that you can come up with, very easily.

PERINO: So, I just wrote one.


PERINO: During the sound bite.


PERINO: About recruiting of young teenagers.

GUTFELD: Yeah. PERINO: On that middle group that she goes -- when...


PERINO: Dana and Homeland, she goes.


PERINO: And has therapy and she has to live with that place.


PERINO: And those kids are right.


PERINO: They're taking their upper middle class kids.


PERINO: And have some problems. They just want to belong. They want to do something amazing.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You should get a writer's credit. Eric, why do you think they -- do you think it is because --


GUTFELD: They can't blame America?

BOLLING: Can I take the other side of it?


BOLLING: I just want to be entertained. I know H4omeland mirrors a lot of things that are going on. But you know what? For me, it's not even about -- it doesn't, for me doesn't need to mirror it.

GUTFELD: Exactly, yeah.

BOLLING: It can be loosely based on it. Can look a little bit like it. I just really enjoy the interaction with the characters, how they solve the problems, how they get along, how they fight and how they make up at the end or they don't make up and they kill each other at the end. I don't need it to be about ISIS. In fact, that might be, it might be too much if it were too close.

GUTFELD: Yeah, you know what, because you want to keep that out?

BOLLING: I just -- yeah, I kind of agree with them. They are so evil, I don't need another hour of it when I'm --


BOLLING: When I'm trying to just chill and watch drama.

GUTFELD: But I mean, Juan. If we use that philosophy, we have a hard time doing World War II movies.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. But I -- from what I've seen of Homeland, it is pretty clear. They are bad, bad people.

PERINO: That's what I was thinking. When he said we try so hard to humanize them, I'm like -- I don't -- I don't get that.


GUTFELD: It's like they're talking about the main character, Damian. Watch his face.


WILLIAMS: Yeah, but I mean, but his a mindless at this point.

PERINO: He is happy right now.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah. He is out of the point. But you know, when you are writing a character, you do try to say well, you know, here are the roots, here's the - you know, what they say everybody has a mother you know?


WILLIAMS: And the mother was hopeful for that the boy would turn out well.


WILLIAMS: He turned out to be, Eric, what can we do? So, that's the character, right? But you can't do that with these guys. I mean, these guys are really bad.

GUTFELD: But you don't need to do that. Who needs a root cause, just killed them.

GUILFOYLE: Who cares? Bad is bad, whacked them. I mean, I don't understand. Why do you have an obligation to try to humanize them? The point is, they lack humanity.

GUTFELD: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: They lack dignity.


GUILFOYLE: So, isn't that what you are supposed to portray -- here's the bad guy, he has nothing redeeming about him or their cause.

GUTFELD: Absolutely. I felt that way about The Golden Girls.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh. Now --

GUTFELD: I love The Golden Girls.

GUILFOYLE: Now he said, I'm obsessed with The Golden Girls.

GUTFELD: A great show.

GUILFOYLE: I can't wait to be one.

GUTFELD: Coming up, President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran could come sooner than we thought -- details next.


PERINO: All right. To the United States, they're cutting a nuclear deal with Iran. While a new poll revealed that 71 percent of Americans revealed the administration's plan will not stop the Iranian regime from building a nuclear weapon. President Obama is still pushing for one.


BARAK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We have made progress in narrowing the gaps, but those gaps still exist and I would say that over the next month or so, we're going to be able to determine whether or not their system is able to accept what would be an extraordinarily reasonable deal. I think it is fair to say that there is urgency, because we now have been negotiating for well over a year.

BILL PLANTE, CBS NEWS SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: And you have said that if there is no deal you are willing to walk away. That's true?

OBAMA: Absolutely. If there is no deal then we walk away.


PERINO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned yesterday that Iran cannot be trusted.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: We share the same goal of preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but we disagree on how to do it. I do not trust inspections with totalitarian regimes. It is a matter of survival, really. And the deepest security issues for the state of Israel, I think for the security of the Middle East, for the security of the world and also for the United States. Even in these times of, sometimes heated disagreement, you know, I think it is useful to remember who your ally is and who your enemy is.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: Last night, a group of 47 GOP senators wrote an open letter to Iran's leader, warning that any deal signed with the Obama administrations won't last after the Obama's tenure. The president responded to that letter earlier today.


OBAMA: I think it is somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hard liners in Iran. It's an unusual coalition. I think what we are going to focus on right now is actually seeing whether we can get a deal or not.


PERINO: Now I'm not saying I agree with the letter necessarily, but I do find -- if he wants to talk about irony. Check out this picture from 2007 when then Speaker Pelosi went to Syria to meet with Bashar al-Assad after the Bush administration as to not to and I'm pretty sure, the Democrats got behind her and defended her in that action. Now Greg, you notice something in the president's comments, a word that he likes to use.

GUTFELD: Whenever he's uses the word extraordinarily, he is lying, because that is always kind of the gap filler when he can't think of anything else to say. By the way, with Bibi, you cannot blame Bibi because, when the U.S. is making a deal with Iran, that's like Israel coming here to make a deal with measles. It's something that it's so close to you and can cause problems. Most people however, including myself, would be positive about a deal with Iran if we trusted the negotiating skills of our president. If Obama was your lawyer, he gets you life in prison for shop lifting and call it a deal, nobody trusts him. But seeing is what has happened to Robert Menendez and that --


GUTFELD: And as April 15 is approaching, I have changed my mind completely and I am for the Iran deal 100 percent. I think it could be the next China. I think it is real they thought. I support President Jerick (ph) I don't think we should be so narrow-minded.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God. Valerie?

PERINO: I like how you are covering your bases. Make sure you're OK.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: Eric, 71 percent of America -- of the American people today said, that they do not think this deal is going to actually stop it and they want some -- I think that the representatives are looking for a way to have some input, because President Obama has cut them out of the process.

BOLLING: And so many different areas, he's cut them out of the process and I think he's going to do the same thing. So that is why the senators wrote that letter, saying by the way, they won't last the test -- pass the test of time. Trust, Greg mentioned trust. This whole thing is based on trusting the Iranians. Can you trust them? Can you trust the inspectors? The answer is no on all of them for one reason, and something no one is really talking about. Why do the Iranians need nuclear energy? Let me just throw this numbers at you. 3.2 million barrels a day of oil they produce, right now, they only used about one. So they have excess of 2 million per day. They are sitting on almost a half a trillion barrel equivalence of oil underneath them at $4 a barrel. They have enough free or cheap energy to last them -- centuries, not decades -- centuries. They want nuclear for something more than just energy. Because they -- by the way, their oil would be cheaper than their nukes would be. So it's got to be something else, and I content it's -- to develop a weapon.

PERINO: To get a weapon.

GUILFOYLE: It's obviously for evil. I mean, I don't know what to tell you. I don't want to ruin the plot line here on this (inaudible) but no. You know if their lips are moving, they are lying. So I don't understand the president's urgency to get this except he just wants to make it happen like Obamacare. I'm the guy -- he promised in 2008, that he's going to reach out to Iran. What do we know about Iran? Are we trying to like to fantasize and create that there is a different, you know, dialogue with them that really isn't happening? They don't want Israel on the map, OK? They want to wipe Israel off the earth, off the planet.

GUTFELD: You know, it's just a map.

GUILFOYLE: We know that. All right, well maybe just the map to leave them and pretend everybody that it is God. But they got a fanatical group of that religious malice (ph) write in cleric. And they believe they are the true believers, everybody else is apostate. They have now under this administration expanded their reach in influence to Iraq, to Syria, to Yemen, to Lebanon and other areas of the Middle East. That's now the president's legacy because that is what happened.

PERINO: And so --

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. This is just so wild to me.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's not.

(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: We're going to nowhere in fact. Of course Iran has influence and negative influence from our -- form the United States perspective in the Middle East. And we would like, somehow, to get them to stop doing that and work with us. And in fact, if you look of what is going on tight now with ISIS, they are fighting ISIS on a parallel track, and that is not bad news for the United States.

PERINO: I think you just made Kimberly's point.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's -- my point is -- and talk about Israel. These people have, as you said, dedicated to wiping out Israel. If we can get a situation where they are not enriching uranium and advancing their nuclear program, that is good for the United States; that's good for Israel. But you have these guys on Capitol Hill. I can't believe they're sending a letter to the hard-liners in Iran. That's like playing to Obama's game.

PERINO: Why won't President Obama -- why won't President Obama eliminate the word "sunset" in this deal that he's offering?

WILLIAMS: Because if you can do it for ten years, that's a good deal. You are stopping -- so far in the years that we've been negotiating.

GUILFOYLE: You really believe that, though? Because they'll be developing it on a parallel track.

WILLIAMS: Let me stay to Eric, Eric, remember it's not about trust. It's about this. The United States, if we choose -- I mean, and some people say this is what Netanyahu is setting us up for, is if the United States goes to war. If they break the deal, not only will there be added sanctions, we can go to war.


BOLLING: ... welcome (ph) to two...

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just saying.

GUILFOYLE: Iran is taking advantage of the president's desperation. That's what they're doing. They're taking advantage of his desperation to make a deal, and they are winning.

PERINO: I just don't get the desperation.


Ahead on "The Five" -- switching gears here -- the Material Girl is giving college advice and "Saturday Night Live" has found their Hillary Clinton impersonator. "The Fastest Seven" is up next.

And later, why in the world is Greg Gutfeld walking backwards and so well? He'll explain.


BOLLING: All right. Welcome back. Time for...



GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television." Three winsome stories, seven winged minutes, one waggish host.

GUILFOYLE: What are you looking at me for?

BOLLING: You like these words.

GUILFOYLE: No, I like it when you dip (ph) into the thesaurus.

BOLLING: Parody can be defined as comedy created by poking fun at serious subjects through satire. Sometimes it flops if a parody is too far from the real thing. The folks at "Saturday Night Live" hit the parody nail squarely on the head this week, spoofing Hillary Clinton.


KATE MCKINNON, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": I have survived everything that's been thrown at me -- Benghazi, Whitewater, the blue dress, having the maiden name Rodham -- and none of that destroyed me. Music in.

So after this little blip, I shall rise again from the ashes like a phoenix, nay like a Hillary Clinton, and I will ascend to the high office of president and claim my rightful place in history!

If I choose to run. I don't know. I don't know. I'm still iffy on the whole thing.


BOLLING: Wow, K.G. Nailed it.

GUILFOYLE: I thought that was funny. And I like her hairdo and her outfit. Very good parody of Hillary Clinton. And I'm sure, actually, Hillary would find it funny.

BOLLING: What do you think, Juan. All of it real? I mean, all of it right on (ph)? All of it right?

WILLIAMS: I thought that was terrific. I've got to tell you, I love that parody, because you know what it does? You know, this is something I think Greg would appreciate. It plays into what we all think about Hillary Clinton anyway, right? That's the ambition, ambitions just coming out of her. And you know what? She's making fun of herself. So I thought that was terrific.

BOLLING: Except it wasn't her.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's not here. She's making fun of herself.

GUILFOYLE: It was that convincing. He thought it was Hillary.

GUTFELD: We must point that out.

You know what's -- the important part of this parody is that it captures her insipid fake laughter, which reflects a creature that uses deception to blend in. The reason why her laughter is so strange and so troubling is that it happens at the wrong time.

When somebody over laughs or laughs at inappropriate times, it suggests covert intentions and a confusion in their own mind about how to fool you. She's like a Batman villain, a cross between the Joker and the Penguin.



PERINO: No. And I think making fun of women is a little bit tricky. Right? Well, not if it's a Republican woman. They've got that one down. They're really good at it.

And I would just say if she's going to be the person that does Hillary Clinton for the next couple of years, I would just work a little bit on nailing down her little ticks, like her movements, because I think that will make it more credible.

BOLLING: Very good.

PERINO: It was pretty funny, though.

BOLLING: Let's move on to this one. Madonna sent her daughter off to college, Lourdes Leon is a freshman at the University of Michigan, the school Madonna attended for a brief time before blowing up into a superstar pop -- of music, pop and culture. Not sure she's the best one for this job, but here's some advice for college kids via Madonna.


MADONNA, POP STAR: Try to do everything in moderation. Try not to kill all your brain cells, and try to go to class.


MADONNA: Of course.

DALY: You go to games?

MADONNA: No. I'm not allowed at games. You think my daughter wants me at a game?

I'm very mom. I'm very, you know, worried? Are you OK? Are you getting enough sleep? Eating right? You know, I set up a humidifier in her room with eucalyptus oil.

DALY: Right.

MADONNA: I was worried about the fact that she didn't have enough towels, Q-tips. You know.


BOLLING: OK, Greg. I'm not sure I like to hear Madonna talking this way.

GUTFELD: I think it's...

BOLLING: A little creepy.

GUTFELD: Beautiful. If I were her daughter, like, "Don't bring dates home when you're visiting," because you're going to have to...

GUILFOYLE: When they get up to...

GUTFELD: She likes young men.

GUILFOYLE: Use the restroom in the middle of the night.

GUTFELD: You need to live a lot to learn a lot, you know. It's rare when you see entertainers with any common sense, because they live in a bubble. So that's why I get this news that when you hear a famous celebrity talk common sense, it kind of messes with our head, because usually they're so stupid.


PERINO: Maybe I'm susceptible to that, because that was my favorite interview I've ever seen her do.

BOLLING: Really?

PERINO: I liked it. I was like, "Oh, she's just like us."

BOLLING: Is she?

PERINO: No, of course, she's not like us? She's super talented.

BOLLING: No, no, no. Is that real, though?

GUILFOYLE: I think it was real. I love it. I mean, I could see her on Amazon with the prime account and ordering like, you know, the extra value pack of the Q-tips. I'm all in on the humidifier. I have one in my room, too. One of the helpful tips, eucalyptus oil.

BOLLING: Very nice.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know, it might break it, but I'm going to try it.

WILLIAMS: So if I'm a college guy, right?


WILLIAMS: And I'm going out with Madonna's daughter, like wow, this is wild.

GUILFOYLE: We know where your mind is going.

WILLIAMS: Madonna -- Madonna has got to be the hottest mom ever, right?

PERINO: Except for K.G.

WILLIAMS: Yes. I can't -- I can't slack my girl. So I'm just saying, looking good.

BOLLING: Can I also mention my wife and Greg's wife, as well.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute.

BOLLING: My wife, sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Greg's wife?

WILLIAMS: What are you doing?

GUILFOYLE: Wait a second. What's happening here?

WILLIAMS: You don't want to be telling me about this.

BOLLING: We've got a different definition of hot.

Anyway, let's move on to this one. Let's bail this one out.

Finally, Apple has made billions telling us what we can't eventually live without, skinny laptops, iPhones and now the iWatch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Apple Watch is the most personal device we have ever created. Apple Watch tracks your daily movement. It tracks how long you're exercising or getting brisk activity. And it even reminds you if you've been sitting too long.

With a built-in speaker and microphone, you can receive calls on your watch. I have been wanting to do this since I was 5 years old. The day is finally here.


BOLLING: So the Apple Watch starts at 349 bucks, and should be able to get e-mail, unlock hotel doors and your blood pressure will be recorded. But will you start wearing -- Dana, will you start wearing a watch again?

PERINO: I was just thinking, you know, what -- do they come in a small size? Because you can't have a watch too big.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine?

PERINO: But I agree with him. This is really from "The Jetsons." And I think it's -- I think it's very cool. And I know that you are saying that you might not get one, but I guarantee you, when it comes out, you're going to want one.

BOLLING: I don't see why they won't put the technology in the Apple Watch into an iPhone so I don't need the watch.

PERINO: You can have both.

BOLLING: I don't need the watch at all, then. I would have to -- Greg.

GUTFELD: I would -- I would put a camera in mine and call it an "I like to watch." But...

GUILFOYLE: You know that's illegal, right?

GUTFELD: The problem with this is it's a built-in nag. A built-in nag. I don't need somebody to tell me I'm sitting down too long. I have a wife for that. But let's face it: You could put an Apple logo on a dead cat, and it's going to sell. I tried.

BOLLING: K.G., you're going to try one of these now? By the way, you can get the gold version for 10 and a half...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, you saw my watch?

BOLLING: All the way up to $17,000.

GUILFOYLE: Was it cute? And if they have one with some nice diamonds on, I might be all about that.

I'm very excited about the recording the brisk activity thing.


BOLLING: There is -- Juan, there is one app that I think might -- that is unique to the watch.

WILLIAMS: What is that?

BOLLING: It can monitor your blood pressure and tell you if things are going wrong.

WILLIAMS: You know what my doctor once told me? He said -- and I love watches, but I love watches as jewelry, like that watch you have on. I think it's gorgeous. So I don't really care about telling the time. Anyway, he said to me, "Stop wearing the watch, because it's just making you anxious."


WILLIAMS: You don't need to be constantly looking. And you know what I noticed? Everywhere you are you find a clock. So anyway. But I do think that most men buy a beautiful watch for jewelry. But this is going to be appealing to younger people like Dana. Yes, young people.

PERINO: Like me.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Our coquette will buy one because it's hip.

GUILFOYLE: Coquette?

GUTFELD: Croquette.

WILLIAMS: You see the phone? See what Dana has (ph).

BOLLING: All right. We've got to get out.

This weekend marked the 50th anniversary of the famous civil rights march in Selma, Alabama. So how are race relations in America today? We're going to discuss that coming up.

GUILFOYLE: How about that? (ph)


WILLIAMS: This weekend marked the 50th anniversary of one of the most important moments in civil rights history. On March 7, 1965, clashes took place between African-Americans marching for the right to vote and police in Selma, Alabama.

Leaders from across the country made their way to that same dusty town on Saturday to commemorate the landmark event known as Bloody Sunday. Here are a few of my favorite lines from President Obama.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The Americans who crossed this bridge, they were not physically imposing, but they gave courage to millions. They held no elected office, but they led a nation.

They marched as Americans who had endured hundreds of years of brutal violence, countless daily indignities, but they didn't seek special treatment, just the equal treatment promised to them almost a century before.


WILLIAMS: Well, you know what struck me here was you had President Bush. You had several Republicans. I know there's a lot of criticism from people who said, well, a lot of the Republican leadership in Congress wasn't there.

But I think it's important that this event not become simply a black event. And I think that there was substantial representation not only in terms of whites but in terms of Republicans at the event.

And I -- that really thrilled me, because I was worried that it would somehow be consigned to not the same place as a Gettysburg or a Lexington or a Yorktown but seen as, oh, you know, another special-interest exercise, in the cynical Greg Gutfeld way, on the part of the black community and I just don't think that's what it was about.

BOLLING: Was President Bush there?


BOLLING: I was reading in the New York Times this morning, and I saw a picture, but I couldn't see President Bush in it.

WILLIAMS: That was on Sunday. This happened Saturday.

BOLLING: I'm kidding.

WILLIAMS: But I think -- no, that's not -- that's a serious point for me because...

BOLLING: And they said because it was above the fold, and they could -- they could absolutely go wide with that.

GUTFELD: But wait a minute. Let's not quibble. This is an amazing event. It's an incredible event. Who cares about the photo?

But since then we've let -- I think we've let African-Americans down. I think that since then, the progress hasn't been enough, and when you see what's going on in this country, you know that things could be better. I think it has a lot to do with black activist leaders have let down their own people. And I think white -- the white left has indulged that.

But then when you see this SAE thing, you realize -- this SAE chant -- and you go, like, "There are still some really bad people out there." You know?

PERINO: You know what I liked in the speech? When President Obama talked about how can we have a -- how can we celebrate this moment in a fight for voting rights and now not exercise our right to vote? And he was talking about low voter turnout in a lot of elections. I thought that was a good point.

WILLIAMS: Very important.


GUILFOYLE: Low voter information and low voter turnout is always a problem. All of us lose in that regard.

I'll tell you why it does matter. Because the president did give a speech where I felt, more so for the first time, that he was trying to unite us as a country. I would have liked to have seen that photograph memorialized on the New York Times, which is an important paper that people do read, to see the two presidents, the last two, right there front and center, white and black.

GUTFELD: Can I respond to that?

GUILFOYLE: All I saw then was just, you know...

GUTFELD: I don't think George Bush would have wanted to be in that picture. I think that he would feel that that was something that wasn't necessary for him. And that, by the way...

GUILFOYLE: But he was president.

GUTFELD: But that was a different picture. The picture -- he wasn't in that picture. Do you understand? It wasn't cropped.

GUILFOYLE: No. I'll tell you what I do understand, but thank you, because I'm not hearing impaired or dense.

GUTFELD: What did I just do?

GUILFOYLE: The bottom line is the photo was taken. The photographer said that he took a wide shot and he took a shot that wasn't...

GUTFELD: Two shots.

GUILFOYLE: It wasn't cropped. That is what they came back and said. However, I'm saying they have this original photograph that is the wide shot that I think is symbolic and important of where we're trying to get in this country to show two presidents, one white, one black, one Republican, one Democrat, were all lined up holding hands, front and center.

WILLIAMS: Give me five. Give me five.

GUILFOYLE: That's why I think it matters.

WILLIAMS: We, the people, is what that picture would have said.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Right.


GUILFOYLE: That's what I'm saying. And the president...

BOLLING: One more point. One more point. That was the most passionate and heartfelt speech President Obama has ever delivered.


BOLLING: That passion and that heart would be well-suited when he's doing some other speeches.

WILLIAMS: All right.

"One More Thing" coming right at you.


GUILFOYLE: All right. I think I know what's coming up. Time now for "One More Thing."

BOLLING: Yes, I'm going to start. Kicking off, K.G., with a big happy birthday to Kimberly Guilfoyle.

PERINO: Happy birthday.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

PERINO: I love March.

GUILFOYLE: That's gorgeous. I love it.

Thank you so much.

GUTFELD: What is that?

BOLLING: That's K.G.'s.

GUTFELD: I know it is.

BOLLING: Now you know what it's like to be 30 years old.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. Over and over again. Can I blow this?

GUTFELD: Excuse me?



PERINO: Of course you can.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you very much.

WILLIAMS: Happy birthday.

GUILFOYLE: Wonderful to be here at the table to celebrate it with you guys.

WILLIAMS: Well, God bless.

GUILFOYLE: And Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: All right. It is time for something.


GUTFELD: The Gretchen Carlson Backwards Walking Olympics.


GUTFELD: Here we are again, thinking you can do better, but I triumph again.


GUTFELD: You think you're good at this. You think you can walk backwards? You don't even know half the story. I walk backwards better than anybody on the planet. And when I'm done doing this, you're going to be embarrassed. Let's go.

That's how you do it, Gretchen. Don't come here and tell me that you can walk backwards. Nobody can walk backwards better than me. So if you want any tips, come and see me, G.C.



PERINO: For those of you listening on radio, you're going to have to watch it later, on DVR. Because that was priceless.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So Dana, you're up next.

PERINO: OK. I just wanted a quick -- a quick mention. I have an article that just posted on FOXNews.com with some good news out of the Middle East. And it's about the 10,000 Women Initiative. This is a public-private partnership that was started by my friend, Dina Powell (ph), who works at Goldman Sachs, and she was at the State Department. And they work with a lot of different women who have been coming over to the United States for years. They've received mentoring. They have measurable results that are impressive, doubling the size of their workforces, mentoring, teaching businesses. So some good news out of the Middle East.

GUILFOYLE: That's fantastic.

WILLIAMS: That is cool.

GUTFELD: What is that cake? Is that fruit?

GUILFOYLE: I'm telling you, I licked the candle. It was the most delicious thing I've ever seen.

WILLIAMS: Yes, raspberry.


WILLIAMS: Well, I just wanted to say one of the key points that President Obama made on Saturday at Selma was talking about real patriotism and things that we have done that have created real change.

And the people who want to say Ferguson is like Emmett Till, you know what? You weren't alive back then. You don't have any idea how much things have changed. And that change is a result of people who gave themselves their sacrifice, and that is why it's a special American moment in Selma.

GUILFOYLE: And you have an article, too.

WILLIAMS: I did have an article about this on FOXNews.com.

GUILFOYLE: All right. I'm trying.

PERINO: Your articles are good.

GUILFOYLE: Who else is up? Bolling? Me? Oh, yes, I forgot. "American" -- come to me. "American Sniper," amazing film. We told you to see it. It passed the 500 million mark worldwide, and it became the highest grossing domestic film of 2014 with 337.2 million.

BOLLING: Very quickly, on Friday, hosted our son's prom, junior prom party. Check it out. There's a line of kids right there. The next one, there's a staircase full of kids.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, gorgeous.

BOLLING: And there's the man right there. One more, can we get that? That's Eric and his prom date.

WILLIAMS: You were in charge of stopping people from messing around?


WILLIAMS: I can't believe that.

GUILFOYLE: "special report" is next. Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

PERINO: You would be great.

WILLIAMS: He would be great at that?

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