
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 28, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and she uses a GPS when playing Monopoly because she gets lost a lot, it's Dana Perino. This is "The Five."

After an Islamic terror attack in Libya, an exec at Al Jazeera English, the other cartoon network, e-mailed his workers asking them to avoid words like terrorist, Islamists or jihad. Carlos Van Meek says avoid characterizing people and also that often their actions do the work for the viewer. So there you have it. Al Jazeera is officially Islamophobic. After all, avoiding the word terrorist for fear of offending your viewers implies that your viewers see themselves in those actions. It's weird.

He also said, and I quote, "One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter." It's old. But what does it mean? I mean are these jihadists jihading for freedom? Do freedom fighters kill children for watching soccer? I'm thinking maybe we should help Van Meek with alternative names for terrorists. How about savages? Maniacs? Future executives at Al Jazeera?

Anyway, this is no different than Christiane Amanpour who still has her CNN job somehow after referring to the Paris killers as activists. For them, it's just easier to fight the language than terror. It's why the media focuses on mean words rather than deeds. As men are being thrown from buildings to their deaths for being gay and women are being murdered for adultery, where's the left? They're busy dissecting Bobby Jindal's speech for Islamohatred which shows you what we're up against. It's the fifth column defending evil while chasing phantom phrases. But maybe the hacks at Al Jazeera avoid the real threat because they don't want to lose their job, or perhaps their lives. For them, heads will roll isn't just a figure of speech. K.G.?


GUTFELD: It was a moving monologue.

GUILFOYLE: It was so moving. I felt it.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right.

GUILFOYLE: Throughout my body.

GUTFELD: They won't use the word terrorist. So I understand -- I understand, they don't like the word Islamist, but they don't even want terrorist. So what are we going to call it?

GUILFOYLE: It's awkward. I feel like we have like to send a little memo out via carrier pigeon to get permission in a peaceful politically correct way so that we can choose our words more carefully when going up against extreme evil. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but it -- when you look at who's saying it, it does.

GUTFELD: Yes. Juan, you know, if they're refusing to call terrorists terrorists, would that suggest a bit of bias on their part?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Gee, you think so? I don't know. The thing about you is you're so quick. You know, I've noticed that about you.

GUTFELD: Yes. It creeps up on me.

WILLIAMS: Right. You know, I don't see how they can avoid using the language. I mean this is a problem for the Obama administration because they want to be sure to keep Muslim countries on our side in the Middle East where they -- where it's possible. So you're thinking Saudi Arabia where the president recently visited. You're thinking about Jordan, some of these other countries. You'd even extend it to Indonesia, you know, Muslim country. But this is -- when you come to news, when you come to telling people the truth about what's going on, I think it's important that you say, "Hey, you know what? These are Islamic terrorists that are doing - - cutting off people's heads. How about that one?"

GUTFELD: Yeah. They're not Methodists. Eric, should we help them -- help them come up with better terms?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, they know the terms. So everyone has a style guide, right?


BOLLING: You know, A.P. puts out their style guide. It's how they treat names, how they treat -- just the way they write. That's what they do. Al Jazeera has their own style guide. I happen to see a video of Al Jazeera's style guide regarding this. And in the video, it says, "Islamist, do not use. We will continue to describe groups and individuals by talking about their previous current actions and current aims to give viewers the context they require rather than this simplistic label." Well, if you go by their current actions or recent actions, they're Islamic, they're radical and they're jihadists. I'm not sure why they're steering away from every -- all of these things when that's exactly what they're describing. For some reason, they're really pulling an editorial decision not to call them that because, frankly, they don't want -- they don't want to look at what the reality is.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Dana, do you think they're just scared?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, it's called Al Jazeera English, not Al Jazeera English as a second language. This is our language.


PERINO: This is the language that we use. We are not going to change our culture or our language to conform to some sort of politically correct view of the news. There's -- their guidelines are one thing, and sticking your head in the sand is another. You accidentally said earlier, and I loved it, Al Jazero.

GUTFELD: Oh, I know. That's pretty good.

PERINO: That was a good line. I think that was on purpose. I think that we should maybe start using that. It's not that different from another debate we've been having with the White House, which is what kind of language are they willing to use?

GUTFELD: Exactly. Exactly. And they don't present a coherent reason why they aren't saying it. They -- like if they could convince me, I would just say drop the story and let's move on. But they have yet to say why we are afraid of using these terms. Good transition because I want to talk about - - there are a number of retired generals who are actually talking about this incoherent terror strategy. This is, I think, Retired General Jim Mattis and General Jack Keane discussing what's missing.


JAMES MATTIS, RETIRED GENERAL: The hearing today addresses the need for America to adapt to changing circumstances to come out now from our reactive crouch and take a firm strategic stance in defense of our values. America needs a refreshed national strategy.

JACK KEANE, RETIRED GENERAL: I say that this administration has been paralyzed by the fear of adverse consequences in the Middle East. So they're totally handcuffed in terms of establishing a strategy, a vision and a desire to solve the problems that are put on the table in front of them.


GUTFELD: K.G., isn't that the point? We're operating from a platform of fear?

GUILFOYLE: You're absolutely right. I got lost for a moment because I would like General Jack Keane to take me as his prisoner. I can't be more impressed with him. I think he's fantastic. I love his message. He's strong on national security and foreign policy. He's not afraid to tell it like it is. Oh, and guess what? He makes sense. And he's calling them out. It takes courage to do that, to be able to say, "This is what we're doing wrong. This is how we can do it better. And by the way, the time is now. Not waiting because we're already behind. This is the issue right now. We're not -- we're in this position because this administration has failed to move forward, and now this country has been in retreat."

GUTFELD: Why do you -- why do you think the president seems to have problems admitting the obvious? Is it just about ego with him because he said that Al Qaeda is on the run and now it's jumped -- terrorists jumped four fold in five years? Is that it?

WILLIAMS: No. You know, look. I disagree with so much of this because, you know, I -- one, I don't think we want to say that we are involved with a war against all of Islam. I don't think we want that. And secondly, I think if you -- and I hear this from the general, the generals always want war.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, not true.

PERINO: Unfair.

WILLIAMS: That's just what I heard them say.

PERINO: That is not what they said.


WILLIAMS: They're saying.

PERINO: That they want to protect the country.

WILLIAMS: . "You know what? We need a strategy." What?

PERINO: They want to protect the country. They don't want war.

WILLIAMS: I want to protect the country too, but I'm saying there are different ways. You can't constantly go back and fight the last war as if this is World War II.

PERINO: That's not what they said.

WILLIAMS: It's not World War II.

PERINO: They're saying -- they're saying we need a refreshed strategy and they're not alone. The other people that have said are -- include all of the former secretaries of state and defense of President Obama, Gates, Panetta.


PERINO: Even Tom Friedman said, "You've got to call it what it is."


WILLIAMS: No. No. Calling it what it is is different than saying, "Oh, you know what? The solution is just more war, more troops going on the ground."

PERINO: That's not what they said. That's unfair to them. WILLIAMS: I don't think -- I think that's exactly what all the generals, all the soldiers say, "Hey, we know how to fight wars. Let's solve it through fighting wars."

PERINO: Yes. You know what's different? Is that these guys actually have responsibility. They have the responsibility to protect. They're going to be responsible for this long after President Obama is gone and is making billions of dollars in the post-presidency.

WILLIAMS: Let me tell you something. I think anybody who's president of the United States is burdened by the responsibility of keeping us safe.

PERINO: I agree.

WILLIAMS: And that if the minute something goes wrong, they are going to be held accountable to no end.


PERINO: No. But (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: So I don't think it's fair to say, "K.G. (ph). Our current president is not doing enough to keep us safe."

PERINO: I didn't say that, Juan. I said they are going to be responsible for a lot longer than when after President Obama leaves office. They are looking at a 70-year ideological war that they've got to try to fight, and they're asking for a refreshed strategy. And they did the right thing. They didn't write books like others. They went directly to Congress, testified in open -- in open seating. They were honest. They were on the record. And that's the kind of transparency I think that America is looking for.

WILLIAMS: I think some of them have written books. I'm thinking of Leon Panetta.


PERINO: I'm saying the generals that were talking yesterday were not doing it for any financial gain.

WILLIAMS: Oh, OK. That's fine. But I'm saying there's diplomacy. There are sanctions. There's training and support. They're sharing intelligence. There's obviously a social media war. This is where we are. This is what the generals don't seem to get.

BOLLING: Is there anyone that suggests that we shouldn't employ all of those?

WILLIAMS: Well, these generals are only talking in military terms.

BOLLING: No. But you're conflating -- the topic is and issue is should the Obama administration call Islamic radical terror or should they not?

WILLIAMS: No, no, we passed that. We agreed. They should call it that. I worry about, you know, antagonizing all of the Islamic world, but that's them. That's not (inaudible).


GUTFELD: I think we they'd to stop worrying about that because it hasn't helped.


WILLIAMS: Good point. Good point.


GUILFOYLE: This involvement (ph). He's right.


BOLLING: We have Al Qaeda on the march. People are being beheaded. The JV team has become the Lakers. So why not try something different? Why not call -- let the world know -- we know who they are. There's another -- may I stay on this a little bit?


BOLLING: There's a great piece in New York magazine. I don't know if you guys heard (ph) Jonathan Chait. Have you seen this piece? He talks about -- he talks about the left becoming too P.C. President Obama is the leader of the left and the leader of the P.C. police. And Jonathan Chait points out that it's becoming more and more dangerous in America to say anything. You have to have -- you have to have a qualified opinion by your skin color, by your sex, by whatever, in order to say anything and it becomes a.


WILLIAMS: Hey, hey.

BOLLING: . a more dangerous.


WILLIAMS: My skin color didn't help me with NPR, brother.


BOLLING: And therein lies.


WILLIAMS: Out there.


BOLLING (?): And that should happen sooner.

WILLIAMS: Well, it could happen, so.


BOLLING: I just point out and.

WILLIAMS: He wants me fired sooner. He broke out my man.

BOLLING: He wrote this soon in the left gawker (ph).

PERINO: Leading.

BOLLING: . talking points memo, it's all out there out in force trashing him.


BOLLING: . for having that opinion. That's a shame.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. Let me -- I want to -- and it's not just Republicans and it's not just retired generals that are -- that questioning President Obama. Democrats in an Iraqi bet, Tulsi Gabbard had this to say last night on the record.


TULSI GABBARD, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: The first I think we've got to understand that this is not just about words. It's not just about semantics. It's really about having a real true understanding of who our enemy is and how important that is, that we have to understand what their motivation is and what their ideology is, radical Islamic ideology that's fueling them. It's a real problem because of a very simple reason, actually. And that is something I learned as military 101, if you're at war, which we are, you have to know who your enemy is in order to defeat them.


GUTFELD: OK, gee (ph). I would call her a rising star.

GUILFOYLE: I think she is there. Let it happen. Yeah, I love her words, of what she has to say, and it's true. You have to be able to name and identify with courage and conviction, unabashedly, who the enemy is. That's what we need to do in this country. And the generals, with all due respect, we're not being warmongers. They were being visionaries about a future for America that is strong and safe for all our future generations.

Sometimes is war necessary? Yes. But if you engage in the right tactics and you have a strong military and approach that is respected in the world, you shouldn't have to get to that step. But you must have.


WILLIAMS: Let me just tell you something.

GUILFOYLE: . the mettle and wherewithal.


WILLIAMS: You know what, these guys.

GUILFOYLE: . to do it if it's called for.

WILLIAMS: Listen, these guys are saying even we should have a unified command like General Eisenhower did back in World War. II. These guys are lost in the past.

GUILFOYLE: No, they're not.

WILLIAMS: I want to tell you something.


GUILFOYLE: No, they're not. They're not lost in victory.


WILLIAMS: If you to -- if you.

GUILFOYLE: They're not lost in the past.


WILLIAMS: . if you think that the United States.


GUILFOYLE: . one of the people.

WILLIAMS: . hang on, if you think the United States.


GUILFOYLE: But I've got facts.

WILLIAMS: . if you think that the United States of America is not fighting this war right now, go talk to the Italians, the Germans, the French.


GUILFOYLE: What to you say.

WILLIAMS: . the British. We have more skin in this game than any of those people.

GUILFOYLE: Nobody is questioning that. But you can put all the skin in it if you want, if you don't have the right strategy and approach and you're not doing it in a defiant, strong way, it's not going to give you the outcomes that you need. And when you talk about.


WILLIAMS: Oh, I thought you weren't all about war.


GUILFOYLE: . hey, and when you say talking.

WILLIAMS: . a minute ago.

GUILFOYLE: . about the past, you know, Jack Keane is one of the key people that advised Petraeus on the surge that worked. Ha, recent.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah. A surge that worked, right.


And right -- and what do you think that most Republicans right now -- forget the general public -- most Republicans want to follow him back into war? No. Ha.

GUILFOYLE: I didn't say that because of the thoughtful and deliberate process.


GUTFELD: All right, you two.

GUILFOYLE: We're boss (ph).


GUTFELD: You go to -- you go to your room.


GUTFELD: And you go.

WILLIAMS: Can I go with her?


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, this is what happens to me when I get sent to my room.


GUTFELD: Oh, yes. It doesn't happen on "The View." all right. Frankly, we're all more attractive.


All right. Ahead, is the Obama administration deliberately holding up the results of the army's investigation of Bowe Bergdahl? That's next.


GUILFOYLE: Did president Obama swapped five dangerous prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl to score political points? That's what they're saying over at MSNBC


GLENN THRUSH, POLITICO SENIOR STAFF WRITER: When you bring Bergdahl and his family into the Rose Garden and you take to all three Sunday shows to some extent, you are embracing and politicizing the decision. In the summertime, as you recall, the president's numbers weren't very good. There weren't a lot of good news stories for him. I think they made a strategic decision at that point that this was something they wanted to highlight. And I think frankly it would be much less of an embarrassment if they hadn't gone on the Sunday shows or brought Bergdahl and his family into the Rose Garden.


GUTFELD: NBC news is reporting Bergdahl is going to be charged with desertion and a guest on Fox News said so, too. CNN is reporting we'll know the decision in days. So has the White House been delaying an announcement? Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral Kirby about it this morning.


ELISABETH HASSELBECK, FOX & FRIENDS HOST: Is there pressure on the Pentagon to delay any charges on Bowe Bergdahl?

JOHN KIRBY, PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: Oh, my goodness, no. That is the most ludicrous claim I've heard in the last couple of days. General Milley (ph) has complete freedom to take his time with this, and he has complete authority to come back with whatever recommendations he wants.


GUTFELD: Oh, my goodness, no. Well, that's quite an answer. Let's see if it holds up. Eric, what do you make of it?

BOLLING: So I think Kirby is 100 percent right. There's no rush. I mean, Bergdahl was gone for five years. Why rush a decision. Let's get all the facts but it has.


GUTFELD: What if it's been made?

BOLLING: Well, so a lot of times -- I'm guessing a decision can't be made. If it gets leaked to the press and the press runs with it, they can sit on it. I would think they can sit down. I think they have urgency -- no speedy trial situation.

The question is what's he going to be charged with? If he is charged, is it going to be absent without leave which would be he left with an intent to come back, that seems like it would be way, way too soft on him.


BOLLING: . especially -- yeah, AWOL.

GUTFELD: That's at the lower spectrum.

BOLLING: Especially if six people allegedly may or could possibly likely have died searching for Bergdahl in the aftermath of his disappearing. There are other levels that -- that I obviously he could be put to death. I'm guessing they may not do that.


BOLLING: But there are certain -- I would hope that they would go a little bit further. But in the meantime, everything in this White House -- this White House -- the administration is about optics, right?


BOLLING: So if they come out and have a -- have a guy in Fox News and in - - in NBC saying, "Oh, the decision is made. He's going to be charged with treason," and then they follow it up. It makes him looked like another leak from the administration. If they say no, we're still thinking about it, they can come to that conclusion later and not be able to -- not have to be accusably get (ph).

GUTFELD: All right. Dana, talk about the communications aspect of it. They're kind -- they're kind of behind the message in the story, trying to play catch-up, and if it comes out now that in fact, it's true, how does it make them look?

PERINO: Well, I think that both things could be factually true. So, Rear Admiral Kirby says no decision has been made yet or the final checkmark has not been made. That could be true. And they might be just waiting on something or it could be that it's not going to be desertion. It could be totally different. I agree that the timing is not that important. I think that Glenn Thrush of Politico who was on MSNBC in that clip, that's not a new revelation that this was probably a political -- they thought that at the White House that this was going to be a good communications strategy for the White House. It backfired on them, and they've been playing catch-up ever since. But regardless what happens, they will be able to point to it wasn't our decision at the White House. The Pentagon ran the investigation. This is all on their shoulders. I think that's what they'll do.

GUILFOYLE: Well, let's see. I mean, I don't think it's a good situation for them either way, because especially with they mentioned about look at that, at the Rose Garden, all the big press, the patting on the back.

PERINO: And the consequences of a decision and how the prisoner swapping, does that lead others like in Jordan who's facing a difficult decision now with their -- with ISIS holding one of their hostages.

GUILFOYLE: That's the real fallout besides obviously the loss of U.S. lives.

GUTFELD: It goes back to what I said yesterday. The president doesn't know the value of things. He doesn't know how to negotiate. You can't negotiate if you don't know the value. He thought this trade was a club sandwich. It was a crap sandwich. This may be the worst trade since Boston sent Babe Ruth to the Yankees which created the curse of the Bambino. This is the curse of the Obama. Every single negotiation he makes flounders because he refuses to understand the value of the things he's bartering with.

GUILFOYLE: What are you saying? The president should go on The Price Is Right to learn the value of things?

GUTFELD: Absolutely.

PERINO: I'm good at that game.

GUTFELD: Or Let's Make A Deal.

WILLIAMS: All right, here is the thing. I think what Greg just said is right. The right wing in this country has decided we don't like this trade. We didn't like the idea that you swap Bergdahl for these five terrorists.


WILLIAMS: And so now, everybody is waiting on the news. What's he going to be charged with? Is the administration going to force the Pentagon to go light on him? I think that's way, way lost. That's not the issue. I think this is a young man, and I think that he should have had -- President Obama should have had the parents with him because you're bringing an American soldier back home. I think there's great pride for everybody in the country. Where they went wrong, Susan Rice on Sunday show saying oh, he served with great honor. I don't see that.


PERINO: They want the optics to begin with.

BOLLING: What was wrong was to put the parents in the Rose Garden to do a big photo op before they had all the facts like did he walk away. There were people in his battalion who said he walked away. He deserted.


WILLIAMS: That's not the issue. The issue is bringing an American home.

GUILFOYLE: Which is fine but you don't need to do it with pomp and circumstance in the Rose Garden because they know enough, if we knew it, that he was left under suspicious circumstances and potentially a deserter.


WILLIAMS: That's fine. It looks bad for him. But as far as we, as Americans, are concerned, we should bring our soldiers home.

GUILFOYLE: No one is quarrelling with that.

GUTFELD: We let go of five guys who traded a howitzer for a water balloon.

WILLIAMS: I don't know how dangerous those five were. I'll leave that to you.

GUTFELD: I would say pretty dangerous.

GUILFOYLE: It's well documented.

GUTFELD: Let me check, hold on a second. Yeah, pretty dangerous, it says so here.


GUILFOYLE: Working. Yeah, it's working. OK, ahead on The Five, are democrats hurting our kids by putting unions ahead of education? Thousands of Americans across the country think so, and they are demanding change. Details next.


WILLIAMS: It's poll choice week here in America and a lot of folks across the country are demanding change to our broken education system. That includes me. As a lifelong democrat, a minority, I'm looking into this camera, and I'm challenging President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the democrats to stop favoring unions, start favoring what's best for our kids. Republicans have long supported the idea of school choice. And according to a recent poll done by a democratic polling firm, by the way, 69 percent of likely voters' polls agree school choice is best. That's why it's time to take action now. Let me tell you a quick story.

PERINO: You go.

WILLIAMS: My two sons and my daughter could not go to one day of District of Columbia public schools growing up. I had to pay the bill. Why is that? Because they were bad schools. For a middle-class black parent, anybody, bad schools. OK. My grandson, guess what? He won in a lottery to get into a charter school. And now, you have an average in this country of 300 people waiting for every single charter school. In other words, parents want in, 300 people every single charter school in the country. That's what's going on. That's why people need school reform in America. And that's why the democrats are behind the eight ball on this one. They are letting down minorities. This is a civil rights issue of this generation. If you deny someone a good education, you can talk about Ferguson. You can talk about whatever you want. You can talk about affirmative action. If the guy can't do the job, if he's not educated, what are you going to stand up and fight for? You've got to fight for education first. Democrats, wake up to it.


GUTFELD: William!

GUILFOYLE: Hear, hear, everybody. Feel it.

WILLIAMS: I'm fired up about that one.

PERINO: This week is school choice week, and so it's grown every year. They have these democratic mayors are coming out. There's a big rally in Montgomery, Alabama today. And the rule is there's no partisanship. No one's demonized. So why don't the democrats take this issue and run with it? Why don't they make this their issue?

WILLIAMS: You're too smart. You're setting me up because you know that the unions, especially teachers unions, put big money into the party. And I think what essentially, they've cut the vocal cord.

GUILFOYLE: That's very nasty. Profiting off the backs of children's education?

WILLIAMS: Oh, that's nasty.

GUILFOYLE: No, but it is.


WILLIAMS: That's what I'm telling you.


GUILFOYLE: I'm telling you.

BOLLING: Back to your point here, they showed us -- they just sent us these numbers. Service employees at SEIU, $209 million; ACT Blue, $146 million; NEA, $89 million. You're 100 percent right. That's why. But can we talk about one quick thing?

GUILFOYLE: Follow the money.

BOLLING: What is actually going on in our schools that makes Juan's point even more important? We're falling against the world stage across the board. In math, we're No. 31. In reading, we're No. 21. And in science, we're No. 28 on a global scale. There are countries in there that you would never expect to be in front of us.

WILLIAMS: It's unforgivable. It's rotten. And, you know, a lot of times people say you're just talking about minority kids. No, we're talking about all our children. When you look at those numbers, you can absolutely segregate out the white kids and the black kids, and it's still not good. I think we've got to go beyond the point of somehow thinking it's some other kid.

GUILFOYLE: It's not just a race issue. I mean, it is an education issue. It's about children, regardless of your ethnicity or where you come from. It impacts across the board, and it's significant.

If you want to be continuing to have to give out entitlements where the system is broke? No, how about giving the education? That's where the investment needs to be, right there, like nurture it. It's got to be in the soil. Equip them with the skills they need to build their future.

WILLIAMS: So let me tell you something that makes my head blow off. You thought I was getting upset before.

President Obama -- President Obama went to a private school. His mother put him in private school. His mother put him in private school. Guess what? OK.

So then comes the opportunity to have what they call the D.C. Opportunity School Act and to offer vouchers to low-income kids. The minority kids in the destruct of Columbia so they can have the opportunity, their parents, to have some choice. And he and the Democrats tried to block it. Today Speaker Boehner was on the Hill, and Speaker Boehner again said this is about opening doors for young people who otherwise can't see the light of day.

GUTFELD: Well, you raised probably the most interesting point of all. Why are liberals pro-choice when it comes to preventing life but anti-choice when it comes to enhancing it?

WILLIAMS: Good point.

GUTFELD: That's all I'm saying.


BOLLING: Can I throw in a little piece of news that just came? Carl Cameron just e-mailed all of us, saying that Washington state -- this is very good. Washington state Democrat party approved a resolution announcing Common Core. The Republican Party had done it. So now it's bipartisan.

So they want to take the control back to the states. They say there's too much control going to the federal government.

PERINO: But is Common Core a school choice issue? That's not -- they're apples and oranges.

WILLIAMS: It came from the states, from the governor.

PERINO: I know, but it's apples and oranges. You can't say that Common Core and school choice are one and the same. One is about standards and one is about schools being high performing.

WILLIAMS: I wasn't making the leap that they were the same thing. I was simply saying that Carl -- the point is this. How's this? Maybe people like Juan, Democrats, liberals like Juan, are saying, "You know what? Education is a big issue. It's one of the most important issues. We need to start rethinking. It doesn't have to be along party lines or necessarily along the lines of who the donors are donating money to."

WILLIAMS: I couldn't agree more.

Coming up, the Obamacare architect who got heat for calling Americans too stupid to understand the healthcare law. Well, he's back. The rap video starring the MIT professor. You have to see it next.


BOLLING: All right. Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: The "Fastest Seven" minutes on television: three curious stories, seven cursory minutes, one convergent host. Convergent host.

First up, they say everyone has a teacher or a professor who leaves a lasting impression on every student's life. Hold that thought. Here's MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber -- you know, the guy who called Americans stupid enough to vote for Obamacare-- teaching those brilliant minds at MIT. Get ready to get Grubered again.


JONATHAN GRUBER, MIT PROFESSOR (rapping): And what about me? Why should you care about a rapping fool with thinning hair. I was once a pre-frosh just like you. Coming to MIT was the best thing I could do. Went to grad school and got a Ph.D. Now I'm a teacher here at MIT. And my research on health reversal helped the U.S. get insurance that's universal.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Wow.

BOLLING: All right, Greg. But we're stupid, right?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what? We know that he's kind of a dope that is desperate for affection. That was at a talent show.

But in a way, every one of us has been a Gruber. What you're seeing there is we failed to see ourselves as the way others see us. And that creates a sense of embarrassment.

So you know, when he was preparing for this, he was excited about it. He wrote it. He thought it was going to be great. He thought it was going to be awesome, and then he embarrassed himself.

The worst part about it and the lesson is this stuff now lives forever. This in the modern area, any idiocy that is created by the disconnect caused by the fact of you not knowing who you really are is alive forever.

So actually, we've all been there. Who hasn't done a talent show and made a fool of himself?

GUILFOYLE: I think there's only one rapper at this table.

PERINO: I am a rapper aficionado.


GUTFELD: Yes, you are.

BOLLING: Are you going to rate him?

PERINO: Oh, I thought you were going to play that thing again. No.

GUILFOYLE: I should have.

PERINO: Here's what -- I'm going to take an alternative view. I think those students will remember that. They don't care about the last six months of being -- how Gruber told every American that they're stupid. They're thinking about their futures, and they're at MIT and they're excited. And they'll remember that. So I would say as a teaching tool, I thought it was probably pretty good.

BOLLING: K.G., but he did call Americans stupid, and he did -- what, he -- $5 million?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, if this was "The Gong Show," I would have gonged him for sure.

But the thing is, like, you know, students, they think it's cool. Like hey, guess what? My teacher's Gruber. It's like hipsterness. But whatever. He just becomes more stupid by the minute with that rap.

BOLLING: You want to take this one, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, I think it's, you know, it's fun. If you're a student, as Dana was for sure. You know, students, they think it's cool. "Guess what? My teacher is Gruber." It's, like, hipsterness. Whatever. He becomes more stupid by the minute with that rap.

BOLLING: You want to take this one, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I think it's, you know, it's fun. If you're a student, as Dana was saying, I think it's memorable. This guy's trying to be a rapper. I don't think he's Ice-T, let me tell you that. But you know, it's -- I'd just leave it alone.

PERINO: Is he Coca-Cola?

WILLIAMS: Coca-Cola?

GUTFELD: He's more like Snow.


GUTFELD: Remember Snow?


GUTFELD: "Informer"?

GUILFOYLE: Well, he's no Vanilla Ice. That's all I know. The true standard of excellence in rap.

BOLLING: That's true.

The 87th Academy Awards are just 25 days away, and the controversy of dearth over American -- African-American nominees continues to simmer. Here's "Selma" director on the topic of racism in Hollywood.


AVA DUVERNAY, DIRECTOR, "SELMA": The bottom line, I don't think the question is so much about the awards. The question is why were some of the only films that were even in the running with people of color for the award?

It's systemic. It's systemic. It's a system that's been set up in a certain way. Times have changed. Ideas have matured. And the system might not have caught up with that or stayed up with that.


BOLLING: All right, Juanito, your thoughts on racism in Hollywood and this director of "Selma" saying, "We're coming along."

GUILFOYLE: And do it in ten seconds.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think Chris Rock said, you know, "Look, Hollywood is a white industry." And you know, they have people who are stars. There are black stars. There's no question about that. But in terms of the executives and the like.

But I think this woman has a bigger problem, which is you know what I think a lot of people didn't nominate -- didn't vote to nominate her for the Oscar? Why? Because the film is beyond fiction. It is a distortion of the history, and to the point where it does damage to us as an American people, because I think it further divides us instead of giving us common inspiration.

BOLLING: Anybody? Like it? Like "Selma"? D.?

PERINO: I would just say that, from the movies I've seen this year, there's some pretty strong competition. So could it possibly be on merit?

WILLIAMS: Yes, check it out.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's the thing. There's supposed to be affirmative action in film selection for Best Picture?

WILLIAMS: No. No, no. But I must say, I mean, you know, "12 Years a Slave," that was no easy movie to swallow, and that did pretty well. Maybe that's a hint for her.

BOLLING: Yes. Right. And so you're making the point -- you're refuting her statement.

WILLIAMS: Yes. I'm disagreeing with her.


WILLIAMS: It's hard for you to accept that.

BOLLING: No, no. I'm glad. Greg.

GUTFELD: There is real bigotry in Hollywood, but it's not black people. It's brick people. "The LEGO Movie" not only was not nominated for Best Picture, but it wasn't nominated for Best Animated Picture. That is true bigotry.

GUILFOYLE: You're actually right.

GUTFELD: Bigotry against LEGOs. It's against the brick people. Unfortunately, though, the brick people, they don't protest, because they're tiny. And you have to put them together.

PERINO: And they're plastic.

GUILFOYLE (singing): Everything is awesome.

BOLLING: And we now end the "Fastest Seven" with some sad news. Can we -- can we actually say that we saw this coming? Jimmy McMillan, "the rent is too damn high" guy. Listen.


JIMMY MCMILLAN, FORMER CANDIDATE, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: Allow me to introduce myself. I represent the Rent is Too Damn High Party. That is it. Nothing else to be said. End of subject. There's nothing else to talk about it. Rent is too damn high. It all boils down to one thing, rent is too damn high.


BOLLING: Jimmy was right, the rent was too damn high. McMillan is being evicted from his rent-stabilized Manhattan apartment, because the landlord wants to get full price.

K.G., I love this guy.

GUILFOYLE: Eight hundred and seventy-two dollars a month, rent-stabilized East Village apartment. I didn't even know that still existed in New York City. Choosers.

BOLLING: Now, he's claiming that it's not -- the landlord is claiming that's not his primary residence.


BOLLING: So he wouldn't qualify to stabilize.

GUILFOYLE: I like the guy. I met him here when he was on "Hannity."

BOLLING: Good man. Your thoughts?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I mean, I don't understand rent-controlled apartments. They're like Easter eggs in New York City. And if you eliminate them, apparently, then all of the rents will go down.

And I don't know what's going on between him and his landlord. It's probably a more complicated story than we have time for. I feel bad for the guy, but I don't know the story.

BOLLING: All right. D.?

PERINO: I just think supply and demand is out of whack when you have a subsidy. That's the problem.

WILLIAMS: I'm from out of town at this point, even though I grew up here, but I must say I don't understand how, if they did away with rent control, all the rents would go down?

GUTFELD: Well, I guess it would be -- yes, because people would be...

BOLLING: There would be more inventory.

GUTFELD: More inventory.

PERINO: Supply and demand.

WILLIAMS: Yes, more inventory for the Chinese and the Russian zillionaires.

BOLLING: Well, no, no. Prices...

GUTFELD: You're filling in for Bob nicely.

GUILFOYLE: Whoa! What's going on here? Did Bob, like, infuse you with, like, a crazy elixir?

BOLLING: You believe that no one is occupying an apartment for $890 something a month. That's probably four or $5,000.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying.

BOLLING: That would put it back onto the market.

WILLIAMS: Yes, so somebody who could afford it would buy it.

GUILFOYLE: There's something wrong with that chair, I think.

BOLLING: By the way, he said the gasoline was too damn high, too, and gasoline come down. So you never know.

Ahead on "The Five," the ad you won't be seeing during the Super Bowl this year, because animal rights activists have complained. You'll see it here next.


PERINO: Well, the Super Bowl countdown is on. While they say I don't know much about football, I am an expert on dogs. Remember Budweiser's puppy Super Bowl ad? Well, GoDaddy tried mocking it this year, and now the Internet company is under fire. Here's why.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look, it's buddy! I'm so glad you made it home. Because I just sold you on this website I built with GoDaddy. Ship him out.


PERINO: GoDaddy yanked the commercial after animal rights activists criticized it, calling it cruel and irresponsible.

Now Budweiser's new ad isn't getting the same type of backlash. Watch this.





PERINO: Now, Greg, wasn't that the sweetest thing you've ever seen?

GUTFELD: That commercial, like Budweiser, makes me want to throw up.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: I'll tell you. The first commercial, GoDaddy, was an excellent commercial. It was very clever. They pretended to tug on the heartstrings, and then they gave sentimentality the shaft.

This says everything about -- that the illusion that animal rights activists actually care about animals. They do not even understand animals. People like you, who grew up on a ranch, you know what animals are. Animal rights activists are usually stupid undergrads who've never been near a horse in their lives.

Besides, every single animal in every movie that you saw as a kid, from Rudolph to Benji to Old Yeller, experiences hardship, and you're supposed to understand that. It's supposed to move you as a kid.

Preventing this and creating a hoopla over it, you're idiots. You're such idiots you make me sick. And GoDaddy, you're wimps. And I'm not using your stupid website any more.

GUILFOYLE: Whoa. Well...

PERINO: They'll be the judge of that. They're kind of like the monopoly.

GUTFELD: Send me another e-mail.

GUILFOYLE: That was like "I Hate These People."

GUTFELD: GoDaddy, jerks.

PERINO: Do you think GoDaddy, like, they knew what they were doing because they would get attention for it? You can't compete with Budweiser.

GUILFOYLE: Of course. You can tell they're winners. Just look at the name, GoDaddy. Yes, they knew it.

GUTFELD: I don't understand.

PERINO: I liked it, though, because it was like a little -- I liked the Budweiser one because it's a mini movie.

WILLIAMS: Let me say I like the Budweiser one, too. I don't know. Greg is just in, like, a bad mood.

GUILFOYLE: So negative. He's got little negative ants in his pants.

BOLLING: Can I agree with Greg?

GUTFELD: Please.

BOLLING: Think about this for a second. The GoDaddy ad took the product, told you what the product was, and sold the hell out of the product. That was fantastic. What is the Budweiser ad selling you?


BOLLING: To drink a beer when you want...


PERINO: Emotion.

BOLLING: ... to you?

PERINO: You know what? It's getting the kids hooked early.

BOLLING: Is that right?

PERINO: That's what it was.

WILLIAMS: That could be. I didn't think of that one.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my god.

PERINO: They'll have the FCC coming after them next.

WILLIAMS: The kids drinking beers.

PERINO: All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing" -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK, so I was watching the FOX Business Network today. And guess what happened this morning? See this little phone right here? Well, Apple sold 74 million iPhones last quarter. They put up $18 billion, a record profit for any company any quarter. They have $178 billion of cash and investments. That means they could give every American, man, woman and child, 556 bucks if they wanted to, which they don't. Currently, lower gasoline prices, people are buying iPhones. But the big question was, Steve Jobs passing, when they passed the torch on to Tim Cook, whether he was going to be able to handle Apple. He's handling Apple just fine.

GUILFOYLE: I wish I had a 6 Plus. I got the 6, but I want the 6 Plus.

BOLLING: The bigger one?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. I think it's very good, and I can see everything on it.

WILLIAMS: You can't fit it in your pocket.

GUILFOYLE: I don't put anything in my back pocket. It would get crushed.

GUTFELD: Oi, vey. All right. Before I do mine I want to credit National Review for breaking the story on the al Jazeera e-mails. I neglected to do it, because frankly, I didn't care. But now I do.

All right. It's time for...


GUTFELD: Greg's Top 40 Music Corner with Greg Gutfeld.


GUTFELD: Yes, that's correct. All right. This is a big hit. It's screaming up the charts, because this woman has pipes.




GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: I love the hair, too.

PERINO: Where do you find this stuff?

GUTFELD: Do you want to know, Dana?

PERINO: Clear your history.


GUILFOYLE: You can't make noise like that in my building. They'll throw you out.


PERINO: OK, 29 years ago today, you might not remember that this was the anniversary of the Challenger exploding. And President Ronald Reagan marked the occasion with this speech.


RONALD REAGAN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger honored us with the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved good-bye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.


PERINO: And that speech was written by Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan. In fact, when they first decided that they needed the speech, they said, "Go get that girl, that girl that could do it."


PERINO: Amazing.

GUILFOYLE: Magic with words.


WILLIAMS: Well, 3 a.m. Monday guess what? On the White House lawn here comes a drone, and it crashes into the White House lawn. They lockdown the White House. They lock down the Eisenhower Building, the old executive office building. Everybody is in a panic. What's going on? Is this an attack?

Well, now we learn that, actually, it was a government employee who was drunk.


WILLIAMS: A guy who works for the Geospatial Intelligence Agency, one of our geniuses, was drunk playing with the drone, lost control of it, crashed, and he's now turned himself into the intelligence agency. And so far no punishment.

PERINO: Did he have a security clearance?

WILLIAMS: Of course. He's in Geospatial Intelligence.

PERINO: No, I'm joking.

GUILFOYLE: But I saw a picture that it showed Joe Biden was flying.

PERINO: Can I see that?

GUTFELD: All I can say is for once there's a drone outside the White House. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Whoa. Who you going to call? Ghostbusters? Remember that movie? All right. Well, if you didn't see it the first time you can see it again now but with all chicas. So feast your eyes on that photo, but this is supposedly the new cast. Melissa McCarthy. Who doesn't love her. What a star she was in "Bridesmaids." He's in it. Leslie Jones from "SNL," Kate McKinnon, they're all on board. And Kristen Wiig. I think this is going to be very, very good. I'm excited about it.

GUTFELD: Totally bigoted.

GUILFOYLE: And the same director from "Bridesmaids," Paul Feig.

GUTFELD: Bigoted choices, bigoted choice.

BOLLING: Hollywood.

GUTFELD: Yes, Hollywood.

Don't go anywhere. Bret Baier has got a big exclusive with House Speaker John Boehner. "Special Report" is up next.

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