
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Food For Thought

In the ongoing debate about school security, and whether to arm school personnel to protect against a potential intruder, one principal has a new line of defense.

Canned food.

She sent a letter to parents of students at W.F. Burns Middle School in Alabama, asking that each child bring in one can of peas, corn, soup, or the like.

It's part of her plan to catch intruders off guard.

She says throwing those cans could -- quote -- "stun the intruder or even knock him out until the police arrive."

The school district specifies the canned food attack would be a last resort only if attempts to barricade the attacker outside the classrooms failed.

Reports of My Death

An Army veteran got some bad news from the VA this week. He learned he was dead.

Retired Sergeant James Fales says the letter came in the mail addressed to his wife -- quote -- "We are sorry to learn about the death of James Fales and extend to you our deepest sympathy."

It goes on to provide instructions on how to collect death benefits.

Fales took it all in stride, telling a local TV station

Quote -- "When you're pronounced dead, and you are the one opening the letter, it isn't really a bad thing."

The VA's response, when he called to share the good news that he was very much alive -- "Oh Boy."

They have since apologized, and say they are working diligently to fix the mistake.

Cutting the Cheese

And finally, in a show of allegiance for the Seahawks ahead of Sunday's matchup, a town neighboring Seattle has banned cheese at City Hall.

The Seattle Times reports the manager of Bainbridge Island issued the ban in the form of an executive order -- quote -- "Due to the relationship between the Green Bay Packers, their fans, and cheese, the possession of and/or consumption of cheese or cheese flavored products shall be banned in Bainbridge Island City Hall."

But it seems he may not have done his homework.

You see, the Washington Dairy Products Commission says most of the cheese sold in the state is actually made locally, or in nearby Oregon, California, or Idaho.

But the city manager isn't backing down. He says he will have a grater on hand for any cheese smuggled in.

Not to be outdone, a Wisconsin radio station has banned musicians associated with Seattle's music scene -- including Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden.