
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is The Five.

It's a new year and a new era is set to begin in Washington. The 114th Congress convenes tomorrow in full Republican control. And while GOP lawmakers and the president have pledged to work together on issues like free trade and overhauling our tax system, there will be plenty of clashes ahead over highly contested one like immigration and health care. So what should Republican strategy be for 2015? Here's incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL, R-KY., INCOMING SENATE MAJORITY LEADER: When the American people are elected by the government, they're not saying they don't want anything done, what they are saying is they want things done in the political center, things on both sides can agree on. We talked about the things for it maybe some agreement. What I hope, Senate Republicans will present to the country is the conservative right of center, governing majority, serious people, elected in serious times to try to get results.


PERINO: OK, see it. We are kicking off the year with something new, Eric. So last two years in Congress, nothing really happened. There's no governing so to speak, no legislation was able to get on the floor, really no way to run a railroad. I find it amazing that -- curious your thoughts -- that regular order or getting back to the normal course of business is actually the number one agenda item.


PERINO: As they get back.

BOLLING: That's good, because -- well, as you point out, the 113th Congress was of the least effective and prolific Congress in history, so they want to get back in -- getting some things done. I guess, the Keystone pipeline here by the end of the week is going to hit the president -- it's actually -- it's going to started making its way to the president's desk, that will be great. I'd love to see a repatriation bill hit the president's desk anytime soon --

PERINO: Want to explain that bill?

BOLLING: Yeah -- OK, so there's about $2 trillion sitting in offshore bank accounts that have already been taxed by foreign countries, to bring it back to the United States. For some reason we've decided, we need to tax then at the 35 percent rate, to bring back the money that's already been taxed, so the corporations keep the money over there. Bring it back here, give them a tax break, give them a holiday, say in the next two years, you bring it back, we won't charge you tax on it, that's a stimulus plan in and of itself that would create a lot of jobs and also a lot of economic stimulus. I love to see that and I don't think it's partisan, I think both sides should would have some sort of agreement on some of that stuff.

Whether or not they're going to get anything to the president's desk and whether or not he's going to veto it, I mean -- it looks like that's we're are going to get for the next two years. We're going to get a lot of things hitting his desk and he's going to be using that pen he likes so much.

PERINO: And -- there's a -- there's several new members of Congress, there's new senators and new members in the House on Republicans and a few Democrats, but there's a ton of pent up energy, Kimberly, by people who have been waiting and trying to actually get something done in the legislative process. So, what you see happening in terms of the rush to try to a flurry of activity? Will they be able to follow through on any other?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah, everybody's going to try and sort to stake their claim and get out in front, ride in the horse to say, look, I've got the ideas, we're going to put it forward. And I like the idea that there's new energy and renewed vigor on the Hill to get something done.

But what's really going to poison the well is Obama with the pen. If he's going to sit there and be an obstructionist and use his pen and veto -- it's really going to put -- you know, a drain on kind of any energy working on bipartisan things together. So, that -- that's the problem that I see -- you know, going forward. So how do you work around that? Especially, when they have votes to block -- block the pipeline. that's something that will be great for the economy. That's should be a lay-up, a no-brainer, but still you're already seeing dissension about that.

PERINO: Bob, President Obama is in a great position to get a lot of things done, but he is -- is he in the mood to get those things done?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Oh, I -- is no question he's in the mood. First of all, I just want to make something clear --

PERINO: Really?

BECKEL: In the last six years, he has only vetoed a bill twice, that's --

PERINO: Why is that?

BOLLING: You know why? Because Harry Reid never let get it --

BECKEL: Because you say his prolific use of the pen (ph). I'm just trying to straighten you out that bill. Is your idea of repartition, I've always liked that idea. Because, you -- another part of it I understand was, they would use that money for American jobs, invest in American's capital. The Senate Democrats will going to put on the Keystone pipeline bill and amendment that I don't think the Republicans can vote against, which is the one, to make this -- the pipeline out of U.S. made steel. And secondly, the gas that you get out of it is -- is usually in the United States. And that bill -- I think Obama will sign it.

PERINO: That's an interesting concept though, because the Democrats actually, would -- maybe not have done that in the past. But I think they're --

BECKEL: That's right. They probably would --

PERINO: They're quite populous -- (ph)

BECKEL: But I think that will get a sign. I've always thought this Keystone pipeline is going to go ahead --

PERINO: Well then --

BECKEL: Or way another, that's what it is.

PERINO: Ahead. We're going to listen to Senator Chuck Schumer who talks about the Keystone pipeline today --


PERINO: And then get Greg's reaction to this from what perplexing remark.

GREG GUTFELD, CO HOST: I'm not going to -- respond.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D-N.Y.: Our Republican colleague say that this is a jobs bill. But, that's really not true at all. By most estimates, it will create several thousand temporary construction jobs and only 35 -- 35 permanent jobs. Why create a very few -- few jobs with -- the dirtiest of energy from Tarzan (ph) when you can create tens of thousands more clean jobs using wind and solar. In conclusion, we will have enough votes to sustain a presidential veto.


PERINO: You almost have to admire his audacity. Remember the stimulus bill that they passed for --


PERINO: Millions -- tens and millions -- that has all those shovel ready jobs that the president admitted weren't so shovel ready. These are actually jobs that you could --

GUTFELD: It's amazing.

PERINO: See coming down the pipe.

GUTFELD: He keeps calling it temporary, almost -- aren't all construction jobs temporary?

PERINO: All jobs are temporary.

GUTFELD: I mean, this is --

PERINO: Once it's build --

GUTFELD: This isn't the Winchester mystery house, where you keep building on to rooms -- people in California know what I mean. But the -- they're saying they're going to delay this, because of environmental -- on environmental grounds. Well, what about the other 2.5 million miles of pipeline in the United States that carries oil and gas and sewage. Oil pipelines are 70 times safer in transporting oil than trucks. When you use trucks, four times as many people are killed and they actually kick (ph) move a very small fraction of it, so it's definitely safer. I would travel by pipeline if I could.

BECKEL: And let me just say --


BECKEL: Let me ask a question --

PERINO: You could probably sit on it.


GUTFELD: But my -- I want to finish this. He's coming out against creating jobs.

PERINO: Right, yes.

GUTFELD: That's amazing. Because -- and his reason is, it's only a few jobs. What if you create jobs? What's wrong with that? Even if it's 35 or 300 --

GUILFOYLE: Does he prefers wind and solar and cylinder. (ph)

BECKEL: there are a lot more jobs than have been created. But, let me ask you question.


BECKEL: This pipeline in the United States, most of these pipelines go underground. Is the Keystone pipeline -- this is not (inaudible) it goes -- it mostly going to be underground?

BOLLING: Some of its -- above ground, some of its below and not that's -- yes, most of --

PERINO: Some of it is above to protect the environment.

BOLLING: Yeah. And -- they're jumping through who's they're actually rerouting pipelines around areas that people are afraid to put up in the water and in the ground so they'll go around it and keep it above ground.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Not only it is a job -- first of all, it's not a jobs bill, Chuck Schumer, it's a jobs project. It's an economic stimulus project. Stop calling it a bill or a law. Forget it, that's not -- that's not what this is. Also, 800,000 barrels of oil per day that are going to come down from Canada. Just think about the economic effect of that. You're bringing in -- what, what is this, $32 million per day just in oil, and then it turns into refining, transportation, electricity, shipping, the jobs of -- just creating the pipeline may be 18,000, 15,000, 12,000 call them temporary, once the oil gets here, the jobs could be --

BECKEL: What do you think there's another gas in the United States?

BOLLING: Billions upon billions of economic activity and billions of tax dollars as well.

BECKLE: What about using all the gas in the United States?

BOLLING: That's a great idea, all for it, fantastic.

PERINO: Let me ask you, Kimberly --


PEIRNO: On this point that the Democrats how about, on objection due to environmental concerns, you heard Chuck Schumer say it was the dirtiest of oil -- of dirtiest of energy sources. This oil will end up on the market, whether it comes through the United States and the Keystone pipeline or Canada decides to do it another way, it is going to go out into the world. Why do the Democrats get away with trying to say that they are so for American jobs when -- but at -- in the same time, so concerned about --


PERINO: Climate change when, instead we could do it better and cleaner here in the United States if we brought the jobs here.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there's the hypocrisy right there. I mean, first of all, being against jobs to beginning with by saying, oh, well, diminishing it, that's not that many jobs. Then can say, citing environmental concerns, we know we do it cleaner and better and safer. It's like whose team are you playing for exactly? Do you just wake up so confuse every morning and just garbage? Toxic garbage spills out of your mouth, because it doesn't make any sense. It's anti-economy, it's anti-American, I don't understand, and it's anti-environmental on what they're suggesting.

PERINO: Before we go to better --

GUILFOYLE: Do it here, do it better.

PERINO: Before we go to the question about the -- the election for the speaker of the House, Bob, I just have to ask you, if this bill does pass the Senate, do you think President Obama will veto it?

BECKEL: If it has the U.S. steel provision and it has the gas used in the United States only, and I believe those --

PERINO: How can you do that? How can gas only be used in the United States?

BECKEL: Well, because you can -- you can say that --

PERINO: Does everybody put up a barrier that says you may not ever -- you may not use this to like --


PEIRNO: To create any products and sell overseas?

BOLLING: Can I give Republicans of it? Can I give Republicans anything to go for that? Here's why, you produce the gasoline, you take the oil, you refine and turn it to gasoline as you go -- put it in the tank and if you want to ship gas or oil somewhere else, ship another barrel --

BECKEL: Refined.

BOLLING: That has already been refined.

BECKEL: But -- but, look --

BOLLING: Made that deal --


BECKEL: It's a nice political amendment to put on.


BECKEL: To get people covered and go forward.

BOLLING: Make that deal. Cut that deal.


BECKEL: And so the answers that --

PERINO: And so, if Obama is going to cave -- if Obama can cave that easily to his principles, then so be it, I'll be all for it.

GUILFOYLE: So they (ph)

PERINO: That'll be great. (ph)

OK. Another thing is happening, and that is the election for speaker of the House, this happens every time there's a new Congress. Interestingly, Speaker Boehner has drawn two opponents in this race -- we're going to to see a little bit more about that. But no election of a speaker has gone beyond the first ballot since 1923, when a Frederick Tullett, a Republican of Massachusetts won re-election on the ninth ballot. There he is, there's so it -- it would be quite a feat (ph) for Louie Gohmert and Representative Yoho of Florida to try to unseat Speaker Boehner -- here's Gohmert.


REP. LOUIE GOHMERT, R-TEXAS: We've heard from a lot of Republicans that Jihad (ph) vote for somebody besides Speaker Boehner, but nobody will put their name out there as running, so there's nobody else to vote for. Well that changed yesterday, when my friend Ted Yoho said, "I'm putting my name out there, I'll be a candidate for speaker." And I'm putting my name out there also today, to be another candidate for speaker.

PERINO: Alright, so we've got three candidates for speaker.

GUTFELD: Do we really?

PERINO: I think so. I think everybody thinks Boehner will probably win.

GUTFELD: Look, here's a smart idea, you just decisively beat the White House. You got the House in the Senate, let's unseat our speaker. That's like firing your doctor after he delivers a very healthy baby -- it makes no sense. Here's -- here's a piece of advice, in certain activities in your party make the other party happy? Don't do it. Don't do it. I know that people have some problems with Boehner, he's orange, he cries, he's like a weak tangerine, but the fact that he's just a serious dude, he's an adult and he's also -- this is the most important part. He's a narrow target and -- if there's anything we've learned -- Republicans and conservatives have to be more elusive and they have to be a -- a finer target. They've got to -- they got to -- I guess, be more sophisticated about how they articulate their ideas and I think taking risks at this point is stupid.

PEIRNO: You need to go on a target diet.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You got to be a small target.

BECKEL: Well, you got - you know, they couldn't ask for two better people. But you said that the Democrats love it -- we love it.

GUTFELD: Of course.

BECKEL: First of all, Louie Gohmert is a nice guy but, come on. I mean, the guy can barely speak English, and Yoho --


GUTFELD: You're the one to talk.

BECKEL: But Yoho --

PERINO: But yeah, no one has said (ph) with what you're saying Bob.

BECKEL: Yoho is -- the only problem with Yoho, can you imagine saying Speaker Yoho every day? You're going to think like street -- that's pop (ph) you out in the street.

GUTFELD: What about Barack Obama?


GUTFELD: Barack.

BECKEL: Yoho? (inaudible) like Yoho.


GUILFOYLE: Listen, there is a real request a need for a strong leadership in the Republican Party. There are people that are dissatisfied with the current speaker so --

PERINO: But, I think that --

GUILFOYLE: You've got to have some kind of discussion and dialogue and perhaps it's going to push them movement, maybe if they're not even successful and at least to get the door open, to pushing forward with the stronger agenda that the American people strongly supported in the midterm election and the Gallup poll showing m53 percent. Want this stronger more robust -- Republican, you know, platform to go forward.

PERINO: I'm surprised that --

BECKEL: If 15 votes, I'll be amaze.


BOLLING: He probably won't. I'm sorry.

PERINO: It's OK. Go ahead.

BOLLING: -- there's -- there are so many people who want -- that this #FireBoehner, they just want him out, this the far right, it's probably -- hate to say this, it's probably not going to happen, Bob. He's probably right, if he gets 10 or 11 -- if there 10 or 11 dissenting votes, it would probably be a surprise -- right now the number is nine, as we speak. However, I think just having this discussion is, at least a heads -- it should be at least a heads up to John Boehner and some of the other -- you want to call them centrist Republicans that there is a voice on the right that needs to be heard and maybe just the fact that we're having this discussion will wake him up fully.

PERINO: That's true.


PERINO: And the reason that those people who even have a chance to be successful and be in this position with a larger majority is because John Boehner raised $100 million for candidates all across America and increased the majority, which was the historical --

GUILFOYLE: He brought them the bacon of (inaudible)

BECKEL: Greg is right. He was right, he's an adult, he knows what he's doing, he knows how to play politics right. And the other thing is it all - - well underscores how tiny the right is in this country. They're far right, have little of this now --

BOLLING: Why what to say that?

GUILFOYLE: Where are you getting that from?

BOLLING: Because they don't get a lot of votes, doesn't mean there -- the right is tiny. There are people who have come from very right wing district who was still vote for Boehner, because they don't want it -- has Greg points out, they don't to appear, that's a divided party and they'll stick -- they'll stay with -- what he works for them for the last couple of years.

PERINO: And he yet --

BECKEL: What do you think (inaudible) to people that play himself far right --

GUTFELD: I don't think that --

BOLLING: I don't know -- I mean --

GUTFELD: I don't think that's the issue. The issue Bob, I mean, we can do the same thing with the hard left. You have a lot of hard left over there that has destroyed your party. I think the GOP agenda is three things. No symbolic battles, every battle that you have has to be about substance, you want to win something, you want to win you, don't want to make a lot of noise and lose, no internal divisions or divides, because, you need everybody together, it's an open tent. (ph) And no stunts designed to placate cable news, because so you can get on and do five minutes and --

PERINO: But --

GUTFELD: Joke about something.

PERINO: Then what will we talk about?

GUTFELD: That's our problem.

GUILFOYLE: Then we're going to --

GUTFELD: That's not the country's problem.

PERINO: Alright -- welcome back, 2015.


PERINO: And it's 2015, I haven't said that yet. Alright, next, more police officers turn their backs on Mayor's -- Mayor de Blasio of New York, this time at the funeral for Officer Wenjian Liu. Plus, Oprah's weighing in on the anti-police protest and has even become a target of the protesters herself. Kimberly has got those details, next.


GUILFOYLE: Another very difficult weekend for the NYPD, thousands turned out for the funeral of Officer Wenjian Liu, assassinated along with his partner Rafael Ramos last month. Liu's widow delivered a very powerful and emotional eulogy describing how proud her husband was deserved in the NYPD and thanking his extended family of blue.


PEI XIA CHEN, WIDOW OF SLAIN NYPD OFFICER: To me, he is my soul mate. Wenjian is an incredible husband, son, co-worker and friend. One of his many passions is being a police officer. He took pride in the fact that he is NYPD. I thank you. My extended family, my family of blue for attending today's service.


GUILFOYLE: Beautifully done. The director of the FBI also spoke at the service, James Comey was a representing the Obama administration and mentioned these disturbing specific. (ph)


JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: 115 police officers were killed in this country in the last year, a shocking increase from 2013. I cannot understand evil, I cannot explain evil. I will not try. What I believe with all my heart is that our obligation is to try to make something good come from tragedy, so that evil is not allowed to hold the field, so that evil is not allowed to win the day. I believe our obligation is to do good.


GUILFOYLE: Another powerful moment, and now this just in, as the mayor of New York City, de Blasio spoke, along with Commissioner Bratton, had these comments in reflections on members of the NYPD, turning their back when the mayor spoke.


BILL DE BALSIO, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: They were disrespectful to the families involved, that's the bottom line. They were disrespectful to the families who have lost their loved one.

BILL BRATTON, NYPD COMMISSIONER: I should have been concerned, what was the need in the middle of that ceremony to engage in a political action -- I don't get it. And I'm very disappointed, very disappointed in those who did not -- response my request. The cover stories in so many of the papers focused on their actions, focused on them, the selfishness of that action, the selfishness of it.


GUILFOYLE: Surprising many who are expecting perhaps, some different comments to come out in that press conference today, Commissioner Bratton echoing the comment of mayor de Blasio, calling the fellow members of the NYPD who turned their backs at the ceremony, you see it in the picture there, disrespectful. Saying they were just disrespectful to the families of the slain officer by doing that, but of course the commissioner had to put out a memo to all of the members of NYPD, asking them to not do that specifically at this funeral. Let's get some reaction, Bolling?

BOLLING: Yeah. So -- in my opinion, I think de Blasio should have just shut up when it came to that, he should have referred to -- to Bratton. And I am -- I don't know why Bill Bratton is doing that, I mean, he went -- he couldn't said --

GUILFOYLE: Maybe he is being made to.

BOLLING: Yeah, but why does he do it. he's a tough guy, he's one of the best cops in the country, bar none and it just feels like he's abandoning his police force to -- kind -- echo what Bill de Blasio is saying and I think it's -- it's just -- it's terrible. Say what you need to say and move on. Look at the pictures of Liu's widow when she's crying at the funeral. Look at the pictures of Ramos's widow and her son --

GUILFOYLE: I know. He should know. (ph)

BOLLING: Holding on to her back crying. Those are not OK. It's not OK what -- Sharpton has done, what Obama has done, it's not OK with Sharpton has done with de Blasio, that's why they're not OK. I just don't understand by bragging exactly --


BECKEL: Let me try to explain to you for a second.

BOLLING: I want (ph) it Bob.

BECKEL: OK. When you saw that -- that moving picture, that woman, and then you see these cops outside --


BECKEL: They get the front page.

BOLLING: They were turning their back to de Blasio --

BECKEL: It doesn't matter. They did it during a funeral.


BECKEL: I've seen it. But why do it?

BOLLING: Right center (ph) Bob.


BOLLING: They were front and center until de Blasio took -- the mic.

BECKEL: And then he didn't get the rest and de Blasio was very, very --


BECKEL: Contradictory, (ph) have to say by the way.

PERINO: I have to say in the terms of this -- in terms of the mayor and police commissioner statement, I think -- if all of my communications instincts tell me that they were doing the wrong thing. Because, when you're in a position of leadership, your role is to try to not exacerbate tension, but to try to let it go. And I think Bratton could have said, I've sent a memo to my police force, they know exactly how I feel, we're going to focus on the family and helping them get through it -- moving on. Instead, there's stirring the pot ensuring that this will continue for several more days and they're -- just taking --

GUILFOYLE: Or longer.

PERINO: Gap. That the -- that the police force -- they obviously have a grievance. Maybe it didn't deal with it appropriately in the minds of the mayor and the police commissioner, but I would not have exacerbated this. I would let it go.

GUILFOYLE: Alright. No, I agree at. That was really shocking to me that they came out --

PERINO: I'm surprised.

GUILFOYLE: About this, Greg.

GUTFELD: You know, at least they didn't wear jeans to the funeral. Anyway, somebody did. You can look it up. Would -- Wenjian Liu is an interesting story, he came to the United States at 12-years-old and he wanted to be a cop. So he came here to take, he didn't come to make. And it shows you that people that come to this country often are made of stronger stuff than the people who serves -- he ends up serving. We need more people like that to come here, and maybe they can serve as an example for the people that are here. You know, forever, since -- since Ferguson, this has been -- this has been made about race, but suddenly we ignore race when it doesn't suit you, he was Asian, he killer was black. We don't talk about that because race doesn't matter in that particular instance. However, it seems to matter in all other instances, but not there. My advice is to let all race go so we don't see it. But I have a feeling it will never happen. And, what about crime? We never talk about -- we never actually talked about the crime. And the crime is always -- crime is falling in the United States, what we see right now is violent acts by unstable individuals. Murderers, bloody attacks in New York, you have people pushing men and women in front of subways, these are what -- used to be called criminally insane. Now we call them homeless heroes that have been failed by the system. We used to put people in cars rate (ph) them so this he ticking time bombs wouldn't do these things. We don't have the power to do that anymore, so now we have this ticking time bombs going around, shooting cops and pushing people in front of subways, because we don't have the balls -- to put them behind bars.


BECKEL: Well, it's currently is way down and --

GUTFELD: I know. But that's what I'm, saying, and the exceptions are the mentally unstable dangerous felons.

BECKEL: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, Bob. I want to get you on this, because Oprah had some powerful, interesting comments, talking about the civil rights movement and not seeing any leadership in this current racial unrest in America. Take a listen.


OPRAH WINFREY, ACTRESS: It's wonderful to -- to march and to protest and it's wonderful to see all across the country people doing it. But, what I really am looking for is, some type of leadership to come out of this to say, this is what we want. This is what we want. This is what has to change and these are the steps that we need to take to make these changes and this is what we're willing to do to get it.


GUILFOYLE: Bob, are those comments surprise you?

BECKEL: They don't surprise me, and actually she's exactly right. Her new movie Selma is coming out which is one of the key moments of the civil rights movement. Where there was really was leadership, in fact one of king (ph) what we've -- if Al Sharpton is now the leader of the civil rights movement, I don't believe he is, but it certainly is a discouraging thought.


PERINO: I don't understand the criticism of Oprah for those comments. I don't think she can be faulted for caring. She cares a lot, she's done a ton. I think she's been a good ambassador for not just the black community, but for all of America. Everybody -- everyone loved Oprah and I think she's got every right to say what she has, and I actually wish that more people like her would talk and that would basically get this guy Al Sharpton, off the front page.


GUTFELD: Yeah, movements suffer when they sacrifice facts over symbolism. Which is what's happening right now, we're not looking at the actual facts, what causes the most destruction in pain in our country. Sharpton has turned racism into a rocket. If you do not agree with him, if you do not give his -- business money, he will -- he will come after you.

GUILFOYLE: Take down.

GUTFELD: He will pick at you --

GUILFOYLE: There you have.

GUTFELD: That's what it is.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, anti-police protests aren't just going after law enforcement at Oprah. Now they're targeting war heroes, but wait until you see how one very special one just fought back, that's next.


GUTFELD: Some protesters interrupted a town hall where a medal was to be awarded to a 100-year-old veteran, Dario Raschio, who served five tours during World War II. He crashed his plane in the Pacific but they crashed his moment. How brave.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALES: I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe!








GUTFELD: Yes, they're the real heroes, not Raschio, who risked his life so these twerps could marginalize his. He had to ask permission to talk.


DARIO RASCHIO, RECEIVING MEDAL: Give me a chance. Give me a chance.

At least let's show a little bit of respect for this occasion. Now I am accepting this on behalf of all the people who died in World War II.  They are the true heroes.


GUTFELD: True. My, how we have fallen.

Meanwhile, "Black Brunch" demonstrators stormed restaurants to target "white spaces" to protest police violence. They yelled at diners, shouting, quote, "Every 28 hours a black person in America is killed by the police." This is a figure debunked more times than the Loch Ness monster.

Meanwhile, one black American is murdered by a black offender every four hours, dwarfing their inflated chant. The protestors aren't just fudging numbers. They're ignoring more troubling statistics.

Call the protesters rude, but they justify all behavior in the name of the greater good. In this case, that black lives matter. But is there a person brunching in Manhattan who disagrees with that?

But more important, there isn't a cop alive who disagree, either. Forget that half the NYPD is non-white, which the shouters conveniently do. If black lives didn't matter to cops, why in God's name does their presence save black lives? The stats speak for themselves.

As murder rates drop, it's clear black lives matter. It may be more to the cops than the coeds tweeting their latest proud selfie.

So, Bobby.

BECKEL: Uh-huh.

GUTFELD: There are -- why are they so rude? Is that because they believe any cause warrants any behavior?

BECKEL: Well, it is despicable action in every way you could possibly define it. But the way that that is described, is people on the left. I'm on the left. I find that despicable. You're talking about a very marginal, marginal number of people on the left. It does not represent liberals in this country, all of whom are as appalled as you are at what happened.

GUTFELD: All right. Well...

PERINO: Where are they? Where's the liberal that's standing up and going, "Knock it off"?

BECKEL: Me. I just did.


BOLLING: Oregon, right? And New York, right? Try that in Oklahoma, or Kansas, or somewhere -- or Texas, or some places in the Midwest. Walk in on a group like that there and see what happens.

The problem is, the coasts are just way too liberal, Bob. Any way you slice it, it's -- it's the liberal left. These people -- Dana's right.  Where are the voices? Where are the leaders?

BECKEL: First of all, what -- the senator, the congressman spoke out himself. They wish to talk. Four or five members of the Black Caucus said something about it.

So I don't -- I mean maybe you can say that nobody speaks out about it, but I (UNINTELLIGIBLE). And it doesn't represent the left. You've got to get that out of your head, Dana. Every time you pick these things and say that represents the left.

BOLLING: But every time something on the right, where someone does something, you know, a fringe far right does something, don't you say that's all...

BECKEL: What about...


GUTFELD: ... Ferguson reflects all the police.

All right. Kimberly, you're our brunch expert. These protests operate on the idea that only white people brunch. These protestors are truly living in the 1980s. I know. Have they been to a brunch?

GUILFOYLE: Puerto Ricans brunch, too. Very festively, as a matter of fact.

Yes, look, I think this was just the height of disrespect. The calls in from the mayor and Bratton, this is too selfish, too disrespectful. This man who has fought and served our country, was trying to honor all of those who have fallen in World War II, and instead, they ruined it. They destroyed it. For what? Because of their ignorance. Because their facts don't even support their chance. That's the problem.

GUTFELD: Dana, you know what my theory is. They learned this on campus.  They were taught to mobilize.

Where else do they get this?

PERINO: That's my point, is that somewhere they're getting this type of leadership and being encouraged.

GUILFOYLE: Liberal group-think on campuses.

BECKEL: No, come on. You wouldn't get a liberal group on a campus that would condone that.

GUTFELD: If a conservative goes and speaks, they throw pies at them.

PERINO: It wasn't five people. It was like however many...

GUTFELD: A hundred.

PERINO: Yes, 100 people. That's a lot. And no one in that group says, "Ooh, maybe we shouldn't do this to a 100-year-old war veteran."

GUTFELD: Maybe they should apologize. I doubt they will.

PERINO: Also can I tell you? I don't like brunch.

GUTFELD: I'm not a bruncher.

PERINO: Takes too long.

GUTFELD: I don't like brunch either. You've got to wait for the table, because no one wants to get up. And when people are brunching, they're always, like -- they look at you while you wait, and they're going, like, "You're not getting this table."

BECKEL: I'm getting yelled at because you're not getting to the segment.

GUILFOYLE: You should probably go to brunch with me.

GUTFELD: All right, I will. We can get every table.

Next on The Five, Geraldo Rivera has a new boss, and he's trying not to get fired. But can Geraldo convince the Donald to keep him around? Stay tuned.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...



GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... the fastest six and a half minutes on television. Three exciting stories, seven expedious [SIC] minutes, one exalted host.

First up, huge wild card play-off game last night. After trailing most of the game, the Dallas Cowboys rallied from behind and stole the game from a very hot Detroit Lions team that was on the field.

For some of us watching, the real game was being played up in the owner's box, the Cowboys owner's box, where a very round and apparently very happy New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was handing out hugs like you haven't seen, well, since Hurricane Sandy.

This morning, Governor Christie defended his owners' box giddiness.  Listen.


GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE, R-N.J.: Just because I'm governor of New Jersey, it doesn't mean that I change who I root for. We haven't had a heck of a lot of success for a long time as Cowboys fans. So what are they angry at me for? You know, there's nobody yelling at me when we're losing to the Giants in the last game of the season and missed the playoffs. So, you know, I'm not listening to any of these people who are giving me a hard time now that we're having a little bit of success.


BOLLING: Quick around. K.G., your thoughts on Christie dancing for the Cowboys.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. I'll dance with the Cowboys, too.

BOLLING: If you were governor of New Jersey, when the New York Giants play.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? I get a little over the political correctness.  You've got to love who you love. Bring it. He's entertaining. Listen, if he's happy. I mean, this is a Christie moment I love. The real questionable issue in that game was the call. That's why they made it out.

BOLLING: All right. Let's stay on this for a second. Bob, Chris Christie hugging like a giddy school kid.

BECKEL: He was hugging one of the orneriest men in America, No. 1.


BECKEL: No. 2, he really won't be president of the United States.

BOLLING: Because of that?

BECKEL: Yes. Not that. The question is he looks fat in that picture.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God!

GUTFELD: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bob is calling Chris Christie horny and fat.  I just want to make that clear.

PERINO: I think he meant ornery.

GUILFOYLE: No, I think he meant ornery.

BOLLING: I admit to being horny, that's not the point. I said Jerry Jones was ornery. Ornery. Not horny. That's me. Ornery, hornery, whatever it is.

GUTFELD: Oh, my God.

GUILFOYLE: I was sure when I laughed, because that's what I thought.

GUTFELD: I swear you said horny.

PERINO: He did say it. But that's not what he meant.


BECKEL: Ornery. Ornery.

BOLLING: I defend Bob.

GUILFOYLE: When you slur, it sounds like "horny."

BOLLING: All right. Let's move on. Next on "The Fastest Seven," "Celebrity Apprentice" kicked off last night at NBC, but it was a Fox celebrity who stole the show.


PIERS MORGAN, FORMER "CELEBRITY APPRENTICE" WINNER: I couldn't help but notice on those posters there were two pictures of you. Are you suggesting that you are not the star, but you need at least two pictures of you?

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT/ANCHOR: If I thought that it would sell more pies, I would have put three pictures up of myself.


BOLLING: Well, Geraldo put a smackdown on "Cosby Show" darling Keshia Knight Pulliam. Geraldo raised a whopping $185 grand from folks like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, and other celebrity friends.


BOLLING: No. What's up, Geraldo?

PERINO: He'll call you next time.

BOLLING: He's a force to be reckoned with? I guess at some point he will.  If he's...

GUTFELD: I think what's great about Geraldo is the charities that he's chosen: Speedo and Banana Boat suntan lotion, which is great, and also Nair, so you can get a hairless chest.

PERINO: And "Candid Camera."


BOLLING: By the way, take a listen to this. I cut that short.


RIVERA: In my life, I didn't have enough betrayal, obsession, back stabbing, double dealing.

LESTER HOLT, NBC NEWS: You knew what you were getting into, right?

RIVERA: I had no idea, Lester. I had never done a reality show before, and I knew how hyper competitive it was. I didn't understand truly how cutthroat it was. It was really fun.



PERINO: Well, I love these business competition shows, because I like talent shows. I like all of those. But I think that this actually teaches people things, and it gives them a sense of risk taking. That it's OK to take a risk and you might be able to succeed wildly, and Geraldo is a great judge.

BOLLING: Bobby, Geraldo on Trump's show?

BECKEL: I wouldn't do it. And he -- because sometimes Trump can be an ornery guy.

GUILFOYLE: Thank God he enunciated.

BECKEL: K.G. Geraldo did very well.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I love it. I think Geraldo is fantastic; he's fun.  Listen, my money is on him. All day long. And he also has the best Puerto Rican rum. Another good bruncher.

BOLLING: After last night, he's probably a favorite to win that whole thing.

All right. And we end "The Fastest" on a sad note. For almost two decades, I along with millions have gotten our sports news from an awesome sportscaster. Stuart Scott, one of the best in the broadcasting business, sports or otherwise, passed away yesterday after a long battle with cancer.

Here's a piece of a very moving speech he delivered just six months ago.


STUART SCOTT, SPORTSCASTER: I'm not losing. I'm still here. I'm fighting. I'm not losing, but I got to amend that. When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and the manner in which you live.


BOLLING: Scott was snarky, witty, funny and, most of all, had an inside look at players and strategy. Stuart Scott will be very much missed.

Bob, you want to start this one?

BECKEL: I think he changed the way of broadcasting sports as much as Howard Cosell did back in his day. I mean, this guy was an amazing guy. I loved to listen to him, and he understood sports.

BOLLING: He did understand sports. You guys. You like this one, Dana?

PERINO: I would just say he packed a lot of life into what ultimately was a life that was cut off way too early.

BOLLING: Way two early. Seven -- since 2007 I think he's been.

GUTFELD: But that is oddly -- and I say this as somebody who had lost both parents to cancer -- the only beauty of cancer is that it allows you to settle things with the victim, with the person who has it, because it gives you time to realize that life is temporary and that you can talk.

I always have sympathy for the accidental deaths, the people -- like, I always think about on 9/11 when people left their apartments in a fight with their wife or their husband or their kids and didn't come back, because they didn't have that time to settle that.

BOLLING: K.G., he leaves behind two young daughters.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Yes. He does, and you know, I'm happy to call him a friend. He's a great guy, beloved by everybody who knew him. Just he's going to be really, really missed.

BOLLING: That's right, Bobby, he was a pioneer in that type of sports journalism.

All right. Coming up, a lot of things can go wrong when you pop open a bottle of champagne. And it did on live TV when this woman just tried to.  The tape ahead.


BECKEL: ... tragic and also remarkable story out of Kentucky. A 7-year- old girl miraculously survived a plane crash this weekend that killed everyone else on board, including her parents, her 9-year-old sister and her 14-year-old cousin.

Little Sailor Gutzler not only managed to get out of the plane in an upside-down aircraft, but she walked nearly a mile through the woods in freezing temperatures with shorts on and made it to a home of somebody who was within a mile of the home [SIC]. And he then called 911, but she survived. Remarkable, remarkable.

And let me start with Greg here, because -- Dana, let me go to you. Greg's not feeling well. Go ahead.

PERINO: I -- this is a story that everybody in America has been wrapped -- enraptured by because you think about the miracle of her survival and also what God does to try to encourage someone, at 7 years old to have the presence of mind to be able to get up and to go and get help. Hat, I think, is incredible. Let's hope that her memories are soothed through the years.

BECKEL: Yes, that's right.

PERINO: And that she remembers the good times that she had with her family.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. It's just unbelievable the human spirit and what you can do. I'm so proud of her. And I'm sure her family, too, are looking down on her from heaven. I hope she has a great family to take care of her.

And just the strength that she had in the dark like that, when you're a child and she's dressed for the Florida weather. And so many of the homes there are summer homes, so people aren't -- you know, that don't live year round. So it was amazing that she was able to find Mr. Wilkins, Larry Wilkins, who took her in and called 911.

BECKEL: I take it you agree on that?

BOLLING: Her mom, dad, her sister and her cousin died in the crash. She walks away. God's got a plan for this young lady. Sadly, she's 7. She's going to have this memory. Hopefully, that -- time fades that memory very, very quickly for her, and a lot of people praying for her. In fact, a lot of people have offered to help out, and there's probably some -- we probably should put something up there on how to help out the family.

BECKEL: That's a good idea. I'm going to let Greg off on this one, because he really is sick, and I promised not to go to him. "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: OK, it's time now for "One More Thing." We've had a great time in the commercial break. We're going to do "One More Thing" for you.

I was in South Carolina for the last several days, through the holidays. I want to share some pictures of my good friends.


PERINO: And my grandchildren, my grand twins. They call me Grandma America. There are Seb and Rachel on the end and Macy English of Savannah, Georgia. She is in the middle there. She's my good friend that lives down there and helped me take care of the twins while they were there.

This next one, Peter and Jasper in the side car. If you look, Jasper is very good at checking for traffic, looking to the left. Twins on a dock.

And then this one I love. This is Scott and Millie Standville (ph). And Millie was getting a ride on Standville (ph). She's four months old, and we loved meeting her in South Carolina. We had a great time. I had a great holiday.

BECKEL: It's about time you came back to work is all I can say. No wonder you've been gone that long.

PERINO: I know. Don't I look rested and refreshed?

BECKEL: Yes, you do. You probably have 100,000 more pictures, don't you?

PERINO: A few more, yes. All right. Eric, you're next.

BOLLING: Oh, I'm up?  OK. So, minimum wage went up in 21 states as of January 1. Bob and liberals say that it has nothing to do with job losses.  There's plenty of economists that would disagree with that. Take this, for example. Here's Tastes of Life restaurant. After two years as a nonprofit -- that's a pastor who ran a nonprofit restaurant when Michigan raised its minimum wage from 7.40 to 8.50 an hour. He said, "That's it. We can't afford it anymore." Expect a lot more of that going on.

BECKEL: Expect very little of it.

BOLLING: Minimum wage rate hikes do cost jobs, period.

PERINO: OK, we'll see. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: On to the bubbly. Well, so there was an awesome bit of television in Canada. Thanks for that, Greg.


GUILFOYLE: Where we had a wine expert who was trying to show how to properly savor a bottle of champagne, with a sword. And a note to those who try this at home: remove the wire cage part first. Shoot.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not about cutting the glass. It's just about hitting that point nice and firmly and following through.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK? You go, one, two...




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... is not how it's supposed to be done.


GUTFELD: Thank God she's not a rabbi.

BECKEL: Oh, yes, the good citizens of -- sorry. The good citizens of Oklahoma -- and there are many of them -- have to be appalled at their state legislature, because there's a bunch of right-wing Republican people.  But one of them introduced a bill. Listen to this: you get a $500 fine for wearing a hoodie, for wearing a hoodie in a public place. Now, the last time Oklahoma outlawed those hoods was against the Ku Klux Klan in 1920s.

GUTFELD: Democrats.

BECKEL: These guys says -- wait a minute. I hope you get sick, all night long.

Anyway, all I can say is the biggest demographic that buys those hoods, the senator who did that, take a look. You might want to learn something.


BECKEL: I won't say it.

PERINO: All right.

GUILFOYLE: All right. That was weird.

PERINO: We're going to ponder that one.

Greg, you've got a few seconds.

GUTFELD: Do I? I'll be appearing at the Funny Bone April 7 to the 21 in New Jersey. I'm joking. I'm not appearing anywhere. I just figured I'd run out the clock.

PERINO: Do you want people to send you organic natural cold remedies?

GUTFELD: No, because they don't work.

PERINO: With pictures of their dogs?

GUTFELD: Just send me alcohol.

PERINO: All right. That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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