
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

The Past Is Coming

Historians in Boston are getting a glimpse of the past after finding a time capsule left by our country's founding fathers.

While working on renovations of the Massachusetts State House, crews uncovered the box from 1795, believed to have been left by Revolutionary War veterans including Paul Revere and then-Massachusetts Governor Samuel Adams.

The capsule was sent off to the Museum of Fine Arts for examination.

It is believed to contain items such as old coins and newspapers, but more will be known after the x-ray scheduled for Sunday.

In October, a capsule dating back to 1901 was discovered containing well-preserved items including a letter from journalists of that period.

Under the Sea

Drones are a popular spying tool now, and controversial one, but the next generation may look very different.

This is silent Nemo -- a robot designed to look and swim like a bluefin tuna.

Nemo will be charged with protecting U.S. ships and ports and has the ability to go undetected in enemy territory.

The natural swimming motion is much quieter than other unmanned underwater vehicles that are propeller-driven.

The leader of the project told the Virginian pilot that the idea is to -- quote -- "essentially reverse-engineer what nature has already done."

The U.S. Navy hopes Nemo is operational within next year.


Finally, what a difference a year makes -- especially in the world of politics.

Last year, Texas Monthly magazine's August cover featured rising Democratic star Wendy Davis along with politicians Julian and Joaquin Castro -- suggesting Davis could lead a Democratic resurgence in Texas.

The November election results answered that with a resounding "no." At least, so far.

January's cover of the same magazine is far less flattering.

Davis was awarded the Bum Steer of the year Award with the magazine saying it was an easy choice.

Quote -- "Nothing, and we mean nothing, could match the train wreck that was Wendy Davis, battleground Texas, and the Democrats."