
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 12, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Jesse Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Last night, Americans got the most detailed account yet of the mission that took out Osama Bin Laden and they got it first-hand from the man who killed him. In part, one of a more riveting special that aired last night featuring Navy SEAL Rob O'Neill. We learned why he signed up to serve our country, how he learned about the historic mission, and why he and his comrades didn't fear the possibility that they wouldn't return alive.



O'NEILL: It's it. It doesn't get any better. This is it. This is why we're here. We're at war because of this guy and now we're gonna go get him.

We all knew the chances of dying really high. So just hugging at the other guy, looking at the other -- my brothers from the other squadron, it was just -- you know, I can only imagine it's like the feeling in a tunnel for an NFL player before he's about to run on the field in front of 100,000 people. It's like, it is time to do my job.


PERINO: Part two airs tonight and here's the preview that shows O'Neill expressing relief and perhaps, disbelief when they did make it out alive.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) O'NEILL: We got on the helicopter we flew out. That was a bit more intense because now we're there. The people know something happened. They know helicopters were involved and now we're trying to get back, you know a 90- minute flight. So, it's almost like watching a race. It's like, well wait a minute, we can -- we can survive. We can live.

You know it's a 90-minute flight and were kind to watch it, we all started our watches, we're counting, we are watching it go. 80 something minutes into it, somebody came over the radio to everybody and said, alright, gentlemen, for the first time in your lives, you're gonna be happy to hear this, welcome to Afghanistan. And everyone is like oh, my God, we just did it.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: Joining us now is the man who got this exclusive, Fox News Correspondent Peter Doocy. Very smart, Peter, to carry this over two nights because, you left the cliff hanger at the end.

DOOCY: They're just getting on the helicopters.

PERINO: Is really an amazing accomplishment, great interview. Now, that you've worked on this for a year and a half. Now that you -- now that this has aired, what's the reaction then so far?

DOOCY: Well, from my perspective, it's great. That means it took me a year and a half to get here to this desk. No, it's been an avalanche of positives comments and support for Rob O'Neill. And that I spoke to somebody that knows Rob, who was in the military at the same time as Rob, and said that they watched last night and they wanted to shake his hand, afterwards. And so, it is all -- it is overwhelmingly good for Rob today after part one.

PERINO: Have you talked to him since it aired?

DOOCY: I have spoken to him. And he is -- he is taking it all in.

PERINO: No regrets for having decided to make the decision to talk then?

DOOCY: If he has some, he hasn't told me.

PERINO: Eric, you may have a question?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Why -- had a question -- I have two quick questions, did he ever change his mind during this? I mean, there -- it's a high profile thing, there's a lot of risk, I'm sure there's a lot of risk to he -- not only himself, his family. Did he ever want to pull out of the deal beforehand or before it aired?

DOOCY: No. Once we started, once we sat him down and we did the interview, it was all systems go. And he's been very excited ever since we did it, in the summer. And as our team upstairs on the 18th floor who's working on the thing, he just couldn't wait to see it, and he's out last night and enjoyed it carelessly (ph).

BOLLING: Can I follow up a very quickly. Some of the other networks now that after part one aired, today, CNN, MSNBC is saying about Rob O'Neil, they're saying, "Oh, the guy who claims to have killed Osama Bin Laden." Now I've happened to screen -- the whole second part as well. Tonight, you're gonna hear him say the minute he looked at Osama Bin Laden, a very light and standing, facing him, Osama Bin Laden in the eye, it convinced me that he's the guy who took the shot. Are you a hundred percent convinced?

DOOCY: Yeah. I mean, we did a lot of reporting on this. We talked to a lot of sources. I live in Washington, there are a lot of people down there who know what happened, they have heard what happened from the people who were in the room. They all confirm to me that Rob O'Neill is the guy. And when you see it tonight, we explain it with Rob, with an expert and also with some graphics that make it crystal clear that he was the guy.

PERINO: Let's look at one thing before we go to Bob, this is a sound from how Rob O'Neill came to be the shooter, they came as the number two man up the stairs to Osama Bin Laden.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DOOCY: So how is it? That you ended up the number two man on the stairs to the third floor?

O'NEILL: Just luck. Just the way that it worked, the guys ahead of me, based on our tactics, we know that guy in front stays in front and everyone behind him when there's other stuff going on, they need to get through that -- you know the threat and take care of the threat, which could be other people, other rooms, other doors. More important was, you know, we need to clear that level before we go up one more.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: So you see that part tonight. Bob?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: See, I want to ask you, did -- Osama Bin Laden's body was taken out so that they could prove that in fact it was Osama Bin Laden. Did they take him on that helicopter?


DOOCY: Yes. And they explain tonight and it's really interesting that they -- four guys carry him out of the house in a body bag. They put the body in one helicopter and in case that helicopter was shot down, they took a DNA sample and they took some other forensics and they put that in the other helicopter. That way, no matter what happen, if something happened to one of the helicopters God forbid, they would have proof, this is from the dead guy in the house.

BECKEL: He was buried at sea, right? On the.


BECKEL: Buried at sea as it --

PERINO: Kimberly?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah, I like the part where he describes of course, and you know, the danger also believing that the vicinity because, at first they have the element of surprise and then when the first hillo (ph) went down and that as Rob explained, that he -- his team was able to go in than first, right? So you'll just imagine all the training, everything goes into it. Then they are leaving, there's a very high risk, because you've been detecting, you could be shot down by an RPG, like the one hillo, (ph) that went down with the bunch of guys from gold, and it did before, as very dangerous and they had a long ride before they even cleared and got to the safety, believe it or not, of Afghanistan.

DOOCY: Yeah, he talks about how -- they knew it was a 90-minute ride from bin Laden to house back to Afghanistan, and as soon as they got into the helicopter, they just set their watches and waited.

PERINO: Remarkable. I also love the some of the stories about the teammates because, everybody ends up looking good. In particular, I'm interested in the CIA analyst that helps, make sure that he knows, has the information. But what I didn't know and I found out last night and talking to somebody else is that, CIA team was all women. And I don't know if you knew that. Oh, you probably did.



JESSE WATTERS, GUEST CO-HOST: We've been doing this for a year and a half. I think he knows better.

PERINO: Fear no, for all the women are.

WATTERS: You know what I'm curious about, how did you score this interview? Everybody wanted the interview. Everyone in the mainstream press is dying for this. I know probably some luck was involved. How did you do it? From what I heard, you had a code name to keep your colleagues at Fox from finding out what was going on, is that true?

DOOCY: That is true, yeah. The code name word was "Gatewood" because.


DOOCY: Because, John (inaudible) been working on this is a history buff. And there was -- Army Lieutenant Charles Gatewood in the 1880s who led the mission to capture the real Geronimo.

PERINO: Right.

DOOCY: Apache. And then fast forward to 2011, the SEALs (ph) Geronimo is the word on the radio, so that they don't have to say, hey, we've got them one as body here in Pakistan just in case.



WATTERS: Did you like run into this guy in a bar? How did this go down?

DOOCY: We got set up by a third party. But the first time I met him in person was actually at a bar in Virginia.

WATTERS: Oh, it's finding Doocy.

PERINO: Let me.

WATTERS: Let me find you there.

PERINO: There have been a lot of responses on Facebook and Twitter coming in to Fox. And this is one that I think we should talk about because, it's surprise people and it was the cliff hanger part of part one, which is the reason people want to stay tuned and watch tonight for part two. This is from Kay O., she says, "Alright, you didn't warn me, I would need tissues watching this. The part with his dad is a great special, can't wait to see tomorrow night." Let's take a look at that.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DOOCY: Before you left, you also called your dad.

O'NEILL: I did. He was the last person I called. I was actually, in my gear getting ready to launch and some like that I tell him, I called him to say goodbye and thanks for everything.

TOM O'NEILL, FATHER OF NAVY SEAL WHO KILLED BIN LADEN: There was -- there was something in the, in the tone that got me. I think it's over for him. What we typically say in every phone call is -- I tell Rob how proud of him I am, to this day, and that I love him. And in this call, I remember, I said, I wish I could go with you.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: And that's Tom O'Neill. Peter also like to work with him, you seem very cooperative in the whole effort.

DOOCY: He was great. And he was driving us around in his pickup truck, throughout butte. He's taking us up -- tonight you're gonna see some scenes at the top of a beautiful mountain scene in Montana. And we just said, hey, Tom where should we go? We have these fancy cameras, taking somewhere. And we went to one place and we didn't like it, so we all loaded up at Tom's truck again, and we went up to the top. He was great. And something that I didn't realize was how emotional this story was gonna end up being, because you think, oh, these tough guys went, they killed Osama Bin Laden, that's great for them, that's great for the country. But you all think about what they're saying to their dads and writing to their kids an hour before they think they are gonna go die.

BECKEL: The -- about what we saw two film during the scenario, I know, it's the most beautiful place in all of America, I think. But the Pakistanis were not informed about this, for obvious reasons. The Pakistanis have very advanced aircraft, very advanced surface-to-air missiles. Did they give a lot of thought to Afghanistan coming after them?

DOOCY: He was -- to the Pakistanis? He was thinking about it the whole way there, the whole way. And he will describe the thought process of -- I wonder what it would feel like if one of those missiles was to hit this helicopter right now.

PERINO: And the Pakistani is actually could remain fairly quiet about it even afterwards.

BECKEL: Well they were embarrassed about it.

DOOCY: Yeah.

BECKEL: I mean, going anything else. And that was right, that's where -- that's for their training facility is for their cadets, officer corps and a lot of retired military in that town, right?

PERINO: So tonight, tells us again tonight, so the part two, what you gonna see?

DOOCY: So, last night we met Rob and we left him as he's getting on the helicopter, despite all the sadness, very excitedly happily. Tonight, the shooting starts. The real, I mean, tonight, he's gonna walk us step by step, off the chopper into bin Laden's bedroom. And he's gonna talk about, what it was like to be this close to Osama Bin Laden, the face on the target that they had been using for years, since 9/11, and it is so compelling. This is why we needed the second hour. Because, he just goes through everything and, something a lot of people don't think about, his thoughts after.

PERINO: Right.

DOOCY: You know when they do realize that they are gonna live. And then they get back, what do you do after you kill Osama Bin Laden? Or if you were on the team that took out bin laden.

WATTERS: And he has taking out bin Laden, now he's kind of guy, I wouldn't say a cavalier attitude. But you know he's got a target on his back. I mean, people could chase him all the way to the hills of Montana and the federal government that you know they hate leakers in this administration. He's got his book out and now he's talking to you. He doesn't seem to care at all. Is that sense you got from him?

DOOCY: Rob O'Neill does not have a book out. And he does not -- he's not getting paid for this at all. And we let people decide if they think there is anything in the special that is going to either endanger any troops or that is classified and that shouldn't be out there, because we don't believe there is.

WATTERS: We -- I think he spoke to a magazine.

BOLLING: Right. No, no but -- maybe this is -- there's a gentleman in the film, in the documentary, who wrote a book, it was an historian on the --

DOOCY: Mark Bowden.

BOLLING: Mark Bowden, right -- it's very compelling. And he is the one who says, this is the guy, this is the shooter, and takes us through. And a lot of the, a lot of the -- you know, some of the visuals that you're seeing are based on Bowden's accounts as well.

CDOOCY: Yes. And we're gonna use him basically to explain the two prevailing accounts from -- the mission so far that are out there, and why Rob O'Neill is the most accurate.

BECKEL: Was there any option about taking bin Laden alive or was from the beginning they would gonna take him out?

DOOCY: He does -- he talks about that. They - you know, they went there, they had handcuffs in their gear, and we get in the little bit at tonight, you know was the killer capture mission -- I don't want to give way the whole show.

PERINO: No, there is a part of the story that was left untold. Can I say what that is?


PERINO: OK. We all know the story that our Navy SEALs made it back. And we know they killed Osama Bin Laden. But in the lead-up, there's a -- there is somebody out -- there's another living being on the helicopter that goes with them and it is a dog, named Cairo. But you didn't tell us if the dog comes back.

DOOCY: Well, President Obama announced that no Americans were harmed. That includes the dog. And so, and we get into all of that. It's, it is a really good second hour.


BECKEL: And why did you have to get into the dog? It's a great.


PERINO: Let me tell you, if you watch this documentary, you gonna want to know what happened to the dog. Actually, later found out that Stanley McChrystal, the general awarded him a medal of service, the dog.

DOOCY: And I've been.

PERINO: He's retired now. Did you see -- look at how tall you are. And I'm asking.

GUILFOYLE: Look at you between Jesse and Peter. Oh my God.


WATTERS: And she has a booster seat, too.

PERINO: OK, OK. So, who's next? Who's your next big interview?

DOOCY: Yours gonna have to wait and see. At my second part with the guy who killed bin Laden hasn't even aired yet.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, that's.


GUILFOYLE: By the way, just real quick, I think it is very important to say that the way Rob lays it out, he gives a lot of credit to his teammates and I think he does.

PERINO: And to President Obama.

GUILFOYLE: And to President Obama, who does an incredible job of describing the team effort that went into this and all the training that makes the Navy SEAL, special forces.


BOLLING: And to President Bush.


BOLLING: There's a lot of his motivation where who came from thinking about 9/11.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, that's right.

BECKEL: I know what Doocy's next thing, is that you want to say any but -- you will enjoy mother's day next year, it's be good for you. That's what you gonna do, you gonna cover mother's day in. I'm only kidding. I'm only kidding.

PERINO: Yes, it welcome as --

DOOCY: What happens on mother's day?


PERINO: Well, you will have to find out. That's mean you want to know.

(CROSSTALK) PERINO: And welcome to "The Five." It's been great to have you.

DOOCY: Thank you, Dana.

BOLLING: Congratulations.

BECKEL: Congratulations.

GUILFOYLE: Hopefully, we didn't.

BOLLING: Great job.

BECKEL: Good Job.

GUILFOYLE: We didn't corrupt this fine young man.


GUILFOYLE: You're still intact. I told you to put next to Dana not Bob.

PERINO: Jesse Watters, on the other hand, is totally corrupted.

WATTERS: That's right.

PERINO: OK. Thanks for joining us. Peter congratulations to you. The conclusion of the man who killed Osama Bin Laden airs tonight at 10 p.m. eastern.

Coming up on Obamacare, architect is caught on tape, not once, not twice, but three times, insulting the intelligence of the Americans while admitting they were deceived about the law. You'll see that ahead.


BOLLING: Well, here's something different, an honest Democrat, I actually I think he the Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber, a hand for having the courage to admit that Americans were intentionally deceived in order to get his health care legislation pass. Thank you Mr. Gruber, But I'd like to ask you to please be honest once again with the American, you called stupid and try not to convince them, remarks were regrettable and off the cup because, you knew you gonna find one, the second tape has surface.


JONATHAN GRUBER, MIT ECONOMIST: For people with expensive health insurance plans, they will no longer get a 40 percent tax break. What if we instead just levy a 40 percent tax on the insurance companies that sell those terrible expensive Cadillac plants. He said, "Well, that's pretty much the same thing but why doesn't it matter?" And he said, "You'll see." And they proposed it and that passed, because Americans are too stupid to understand the difference.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: Uh oh. You know what? So as the third.


GRUBER: We just have insurance company, they passed on higher prices that all set to tax break we get, and to be the same thing. It's a great clever, you know, base on the exploitation of the -- of the lack of economic understanding the American voter, Ok.



BOLLING: Giant hoax has perpetrated on Americans with Obamacare. Conservatives and Fox News have warned about it for years, now there's finally tape and lots of it to prove it. The question, will President Obama and people in his administration be as transparent as Professor Gruber? We're gonna bring it around, Bob. I know you are ready to explode, but K.G.



BOLLING: It's now.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, you gonna relaxed.

BOLLING: You know what? Everyone is trashing Jonathan Gruber right now. But at least the guy is honest to say, "Look, I put this thing together and the American people are stupid, they voted for it." By the way, all Democrats voted for it only.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there you go, it's gonna, it's gonna hang around them too. So, here's the thing, we knew it, now we've got the proof of it. It's like the smoking gun in a court case and you put it in front of the jury and then, please try on it. That's the proof, but not just like one tape or maybe he misspoke. He's saying the same thing, he's consistent in all three of these tapes and perhaps, who knows, maybe there's more. But the point has been made. In fact, yes, I'm glad he was honest about it. But I obviously disfavor strongly, him referring to the American people as ignorant, because he's very wrong about that.

BOLLING: More importantly, the way we threw -- he came out of the -- Bob, this is a big deal. This isn't a -- in the words of Joe Biden, this is a big F in deal. This is the real big F.


BECKEL: I would, I would if there is only one honest Democrat, why are you asking me the question.


BOLLING: I did a little fact checking any numbers from last night, we'll get to that.

BECKEL: Yeah, OK, fine. You.

PERINO: I want it too.

BECKEL: Go right ahead.


BECKEL: And I've got my numbers too.

BOLLING: Anyway.

BECKEL: Numbers that do not proofs.

BOLLING: Jonathan Gruber.

BECKEL: Look, first of all, it is not good for the Obama administration, I agree with all that. But if you think this is the kind of thing does he want. And whenever you pass legislation, people will vote -- I've been in too many meetings to see it but, the whole Vietnam War was a -- to the hoax on the American people and they said it. And yet that went on and they killed 52,000 people. What's the big deal?


WATTERS: If we lie on the Vietnam, we fail lie to the Obamacare?

BECKEL: How could anything lie on legislation?

BOLLING: Let's stay on how what it is actually.

GUILFOYLE: That was on yoga class, stretch it on that.

BOLLING: How did the Democrats, how has President Obama, Democrats dig their way out of this hole? It's in bigger.

PERINO: Because the media lets them do it. The lie of the year, not designated by Fox News but, by fact checkers was that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. That was the lie of the year. And the media just shrugs their shoulders. Remember the video of Romney saying that 47 percent of people are too dependent on government. That actually, it ran on every media, front cover for months. This is actually a video of the architect of Obamacare saying that we have to pass because American people are too stupid and -- he did say, it doesn't say it once, says it three times.


PERINO: I think that the problem for the Obama administration is that no one in the Obama administration is just about them. They are acting like they haven't heard it.

BOLLING: This is a good point and he literally said, Jonathan Gruber says, you know, it was regrettable remark.

PERINO: Irony.

BOLLING: And off the cuff.

WATTERS: Correct.

BOLLING: The people say.


PERINO: How you say something throw times off the cuff?

WATTERS: It's like a gaff in Washington is when someone tells the truth. But I think what this proves is that President Obama is a con artist. This is not about.


WATTERS: The president is complicit in the fraud. There is a guy named Jonathan Gruber who visited the White House, 19 times.

BOLLING: Oh yeah.

WATTERS: You think that is a coincidence? They got this stage through by bribing senators, remember the Louisiana Purchase?

BECKEL: Really?

WATTERS: (inaudible)

BECKEL: Bribe a senator?

(CROSSTALK) WATTERS: Everybody's will.

BECKEL: Show me the administration doesn't bribe a senator?

PERINO: And yet a .

WATTERS: So it's OK Bob? I mean, for this thing was purchase. It cost a trillion dollars. The Web site blew up.


WATTERS: Are you kidding me? The president lied about keeping your plan. He lied about being a deficit neutral. He lied about it not being a --


BOLLING: This is important. Jonathan Gruber also got a lot of heat earlier in the year when he told the public, he went out and may be on the speaking tour that he does. That states that didn't have a state -- health care system set up. They will still be in the -- the citizens of those states, will still be in tax, that tax money taking from state that didn't have one, was used for health care exchanges and states that did have it.

BECKEL: It's Terrible.

BOLLING: Well, it is terrible, because this is everything that you want Bob.


PERINO: Eric, here's the mistake that you're making.


PERINO: You're making a huge mistake. You think they give a rat's you know what? They don't care.

GUILFOYLE: They don't care.

PERINO: They got what they want, and this is their dream from the 1920s, they've got brought a different situation, (ph) doesn't matter if they perpetuated or fraud. And you're passionate about it, because you know what it is doing to the economy, they don't care.

GUILFOYLE: Like take -- Bob.

PERINO: They don't care if they are caught in a lie. They don't care.

BOLLING: And you don't look like.


BECKEL: Well, I -- first of all, because I think that you are all wrong about the future.

GUILFOYLE: Make it fast.

BECKEL: Everything is gonna be helpful. But beyond that, listen, you think the American people gonna care what -- next week, next week.


BOLLING: The last time you said three minutes (ph) are going down. You're - - absolutely incorrect on that. Single coverage has going up between 2000 and 2010 and 2014 is up 19 percent, family coverage up 22 percent. If you want to take -- last year to this year numbers are about 3 percent and 4 percent.

BECKEL: And between 2000 and 2004 how much did they go up?


WATTERS: He promised he was lower premiums, by $1500.

BECKEL: It happened. WATTERS: And it did happen.

PERINO: You know what? You know what?

WATTERS: And will happen.

BECKEL: Will happen.

WATTERS: And he said that he was gonna do it and it will help.

PERINO: And you know what Jesse? Vietnam.


BOLLING: Hold on, hold on.


BOLLING: Hanging in there, hanging there. Because listen to Howard Dean.

GUILFOYLE: Bob is killing me. BOLLING: The former DNC Chair Howard Dean reveals another truth about the president's health care law, while reacting to it, and Gruber said, listen.


HOWRAD DEAN, FORMER DNC CHAIR: The problem is not gonna said it.


DEAN: I was -- he thinks that re-corps, (ph) I'm serious.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's a keen (ph) like concept.

DEAN: There is put together by a bunch of the leaders, who don't really fundamentally understand the American people. That's what the problem is. (END VIDEO CLIP)

BOLLING: Although it's the.

PERINO: What about, Howard Dean is the Democrat making the most sense, out of any Democrat in America. They should listen to him. All of them should have said I cannot believe he said that, instead they're hiding behind themselves, thinking that they can actually pass a Keystone Pipeline Bill and save Mary Landrieu in Louisiana. I've never seen they like it, I need to response to the elections has been abysmal, but Nancy Pelosi pretending that it was nothing. You actually think that it doesn't matter, Bob? I think the reason that people did come out to vote for Republicans when they decide to change things for Washington is partly because of this. There's nothing worse than a liberal elitist and that is exactly what Jonathan Gruber --

BOLLING: That's tight.

BECKEL: You think that's what people keep on voted on?


BECKEL: You guys, those said, I know you didn't fall off the turnip truck last night. But I mean, what is this politics.

GUILFOYLE: But you sound like you did.


EBCKEL: No, I didn't. I didn't. I invented the turnip truck and put the wheel on it.

BOLLING: Politics doesn't work anymore. We're in 2014, people are mad, they're ticked off. We need.

BECKEL: You know that's terrible.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but the problem is Bob doesn't have any good defense. So, he's going all the way back to the Vietnam War to try and by.

BECKEL: 52,000 dead people. You think that is something not to consider.

GUILFOYLE: You know, Bob, you're not -- your hysterical antics --

BECKEL: I'm not hysterical.

BOLLING: Bob, we know that the .

GUILFOYLE: No one is disrespecting Vietnam. The point is you need to take this seriously. And you said before the Obamacare wasn't get a matter, well, it did matter. And the votes and the results show it, and they should have -- you know, a teachable moment on behalf of the liberals to get it.


WATTERS: You know what this proves about?


WATTERS: When you shine the light this administration, it's ugly.

GUILFOYLE: It's scary.

WATTERS: They put shred hard drives and.

GUILFOYLE: It's Freddy Krueger.


BECKEL: You know what? And the President of the United States is a big con man. That's what you said, right? That's terrible.


BECKEL: Yes go. Yeah, we've heard.

BOLLING: You will not believe what Democrats and the Senate may do. Dana just alluded to this, plotting, what they may be plotting in order to help Mary Landrieu keep her seat at runoff state in Louisiana.



WATTERS: Yesterday reports surfaced that Democrats may consider bringing up a vote on the Keystone Pipeline during the lame-duck session that just kicked off today. Dems see it as an opportunity to give Senator Mary Landrieu a popular vote that may help her in Louisiana's Senate run-off. But her opponent, Bill Cassidy, weighed in on the political maneuvering last night.


BILL CASSIDY (R), LOUISIANA SENATE CANDIDATE: Keep in mind that Harry Reid could have brought this up any time that he wished. The only job he's interested in protecting is Senator Mary Landrieu's. It is cynicism. It is what people don't like about Washington. They're more -- they care more about returning their colleague, Senator Mary Landrieu, to Senate, than they do about those 40,000 jobs that would have had better wages, better benefits.


WATTERS: It didn't take long for Mary Landrieu herself to confirm the reporting on the Senate floor this afternoon.


SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D), LOUISIANA: This has been a project that has lingered far too long. We should take the new majority leader at his word and stop blocking legislation that is broadly supported by the American public and has been for quite some time. I want to say yes to majority leader, new majority leader, Mitch McConnell.


WATTERS: Today the House GOP revealed they are happy to engage in some political gamesmanship. They will vote on the Keystone pipeline tomorrow in a bill sponsored by, you guessed it, Bill Cassidy.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

WATTERS: I mean, this is a reuse. I mean, it's a total stunt. This gamesmanship. Everybody knows it. This type of gamesmanship, that's why people are sick of these guys in Washington to begin with. It's never going to pass the Senate. I mean, are the voters in Louisiana that stupid?

BASH: No, I don't think that they are. Jonathan Gruber might. But I do not.

Democratic disarray is so much fun, because the Republicans have been divided for so long that it is fun to watch a Democrat. After she left the Senate floor, she went to the elevators and reportedly, by Robert Costa of "The Washington Post," Chuck Schumer was chasing her down the hall, "Mary, Mary." And she didn't want to talk to him. Because the Democrats have pulled out of helping her in Louisiana.

So this is the ultimate "Hail Mary" pass. Look, if they can get Keystone pipeline done, that's great.

Here is the key: will President Obama sign it? And can they get done in time before the first of the year. And I think that the Republicans should demand from the White House a statement of administration policy. It's called a SAT. They should get one before they agree to go conference to have the vote.


PERINO: Find out what is the president's position, and put that onus on him.

WATTERS: Eric, they're in a pickle, the Democrats right now, because they need money from this billionaire Steyer, who doesn't want the Keystone pipeline. But they need these jobs to get the economy moving. So they're kind of in a bind. Do they protect their own jobs? Or do they, you know, help jobs for the American people.

GUILFOYLE: This is happening.

BOLLING: This is a -- she's not going to win anyway.


BOLLING: They can play the game all they want. They can say -- she can go on record, to try and get the Steyer money so that she can trash her opponent. It won't matter.

And Dana makes a very good point: it doesn't matter if you do push it through the Senate now, because it's been sitting there for a long time; and Harry Reid wouldn't put the House bill through the Senate.

PERINO: Because Obama wouldn't allow it.


BOLLING: Because he told -- there's no doubt President Obama said, "Hey, Harry, do not take a vote on this."

PERINO: Exactly.

BOLLING: "Don't put me in the position where I have to either sign this thing and look bad to one constituency or not sign it."

WATTERS: I bet it fails in the Senate by one vote.


BOLLING: So here's the point. So they'll play the game so she can try and get the money. It won't matter. Every seat matters, but this one won't matter even if they do get something and make her look good. She's still going to lose.

GUILFOYLE: Doesn't matter. She's toast. She's lost the seat. Plan your speech to concede.

BOLLING: Correct.

GUILFOYLE: This is what's happening. You can't last minute, like jump on the bandwagon: "Oh, I love me some Keystone pipeline." No one believes you.

WATTERS: And she loves Mitch McConnell.

GUILFOYLE: "And Mitch -- Yo, Mitch, call me."


GUILFOYLE: "Call me, baby."

WATTERS: Let me ask you a quick question, though.


WATTERS: Let me ask you: How many green jobs has the president created? He promised 5 million green jobs. We need some green jobs.

BECKEL: You know, Jess, I wouldn't trust what a common man said about that for the world. Let me just make a couple things clear here. Mary Landrieu was for the pipeline from the beginning, even, No. 1. No. 2, it's going to pass, and it's going to be signed. I predicted in this very show that this thing was going to be done this year. It will be. The pipeline will be approved.

GUILFOYLE: And she's going to -- and she's going to...

BECKEL: And she's going to lose. Admit it.

GUILFOYLE: Forget the pipeline.

BECKEL: You can put 15 pipelines in and it wouldn't help.

BOLLING: Win, win, win.

WATTERS: How many jobs does this create? What do they say?

GUILFOYLE: Forty thousand.

BOLLING: Anywhere between 20,000 and 50,000.


BECKEL: Permanent jobs?

BOLLING: Some of them are permanent. Some...

BECKEL: How many?

PERINO: How many jobs are...

BOLLING: Here's what it does.

WATTERS: A job is better than a quarter of a job, Bob.

BOLLING: This is what it does create. It creates tens of billions of dollars in economic activity.


BOLLING: You're bringing 700,000 barrels of oil per day. That's got to go somewhere. That gets processed. That gets used. That gets sold. That gets taxed. It's all good to the American public.

BECKEL: You know, the good news about this is it makes us less and less dependent on the Saudis and other people. And (AUDIO GAP).

WATTERS: Was a slip of the tongue, Bob.

GUILFOYLE: Anyway...

WATTERS: We have to go.

All right. Vets saluted with "F" bombs. Someone would know something about that. And anti-war songs last night at the Concert for Valor. That outrage next on "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: Military families and vets turned out on the National Mall for the Concert for Valor that aired last night. And while there were many uplifting moments, it was a surprise to many that they were welcomed with anti-war songs like this from Bruce Springsteen.




GUILFOYLE: OK, so this caused a bit of a controversy, Bolling. What's your take on it? Obviously, Bruce Springsteen is an incredible musical performer.

BOLLING: Yes, he's very talented. I'm an absolute First Amendment free speech advocate, but that said, you know, you have to have a little common sense. Choosing that song and a couple of the other songs, anti-war songs, what a mistake. It's Veterans Day.

And then Eminem coming out and saying, you know, dropping the "F" bomb 12, times including twice as his intro, the first words out of his mouth, come on, guys. Common sense. These are heroes. People are -- kids are watching this. HBO showed it. There is probably millions of young people watching. Bad timing.

GUILFOYLE: Well, it's inappropriate. You've got children out there, too, with their families. So what is the point. It sounds just like very gratuitous, attention-seeking behavior, Dana.

PERINO: I agree. Well, I agree on a couple things. One, I think Eminem saying it, really, is sort of just, really, is he trying to shock us? Because I'm not shocked. I guess I would kind of expect it.

The other thing about Bruce Springsteen is, this is not new material for him. He sings about this a lot. And there are probably a lot of people in the audience who kind of agreed with it. Maybe some veterans were offended. I hope, though, that everybody could take away that this was a big event for veterans. A lot of people came out. And it brought a lot of people together. And they had great weather, so it was a good event overall.

But I didn't see it, but it was pointed out to me that George Lopez used the "M-F" word. Right? And it's like...

GUILFOYLE: And an old man.

PERINO: Come on, like really? That's not attractive any more.

BECKEL: The other thing is if you're going to hire Springsteen, this is the guy that one of his big songs was "Born in the USA," which is an anti- war song. It goes back to the people who do the hire -- somebody brought these people here. Somebody had to ask themselves a question. "If I bring Bruce Springsteen up here, is he going to do something?" Probably, yes. So I would get it back to the organizers, and they could have put somebody else up there.

BOLLING: He still performed it, Bob. That's like blaming Porter when you get bleeped.

WATTERS: Here's the thing, though.

BECKEL: Porter bleeps me.

GUILFOYLE: You hear Bob make an argument for himself.

BECKEL: He's an idiot, that's why.

WATTERS: My thing about Springsteen, listen, if vets are offended, vets can be offended. That's fine. I don't really have a big problem with it. Personally, I'm not that offended by it. Sometimes a song is a good song.

PERINO: Exactly.

WATTERS: You kind of rock out to it. The lyrics, they kind of wash over you. You've had a few drinks. Whatever. You know, maybe it's not the best choice. But I don't think anybody booed Springsteen. I think everyone was just kind of having a good time. And I think, you know, some people get a little uptight about some things sometimes. There's a lot more offensive things to subject yourself to...

BECKEL: That's because you've never heard a song sober. That's the difference.

BOLLING: Can I be a little provocative here?

WATTERS: ... a few songs.

BOLLING: There were some black artists performing last night. Now if you follow this -- if you go to a concert or you listen to some music, some hip-hop music, the "N" word is used quite often.


BOLLING: I could be wrong, but I don't think the "N" word was used last night. Am I mistaken?

WATTERS: I don't think it was. It probably wasn't.

BOLLING: If they were able to put off -- pull off a concert and not drop the "N" bomb, how come Eminem couldn't not drop an "F" bomb? And how come Bruce Springsteen couldn't find a song that wasn't derogatory to the military?

WATTERS: I don't know that it was that derogatory. But if you're booking Eminem, you're not going to get Peter, Paul and Mary. Eminem. I mean, look at his past.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse -- you know it.

WATTERS: The guys that are going to Eminem's shows. It's not like these Marines haven't heard salty language.

PERINO: I think the star of the night was Carrie Underwood. And for great reason.

GUILFOYLE: Class act.

PERINO: She is the American jewel of Nashville right now. And I thought that was the best hire that they made for last night.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Dana, for rounding out.

BECKEL: Yes, Dana, thank you for that.

GUILFOYLE: On that positive note. Bob, focus.

Ahead on "The Five," can money really buy happiness? Bob, up next, going to finally give us that answer. I know you can't wait.

And later, brand-new information about what may have caused Robin Williams' death. Stay tuned.


BECKEL: Can money really buy you happiness? Well, we'll have to ask Eric, who's rolling in it, in a moment.

The research says the answer is yes to some extent. But people actually find greater happiness when they give money away rather than spend it on themselves.

Eric, let me start with you because you came from nothing. You were -- grew up poor in Chicago. And then you...

BOLLING: Broke, dead broke.

BECKEL: Dead broke. I understand that.

BOLLING: It's the age-old question. What's the most rewarding? Making it, having it, spending it; or giving it? For me it was making it because my background of dead broke, or just the thought that I'm finally getting out of that hole, that horrible thing.

But you also have to like it; you have to spend it and spend it freely. But most importantly, you have to give it, too. Otherwise, all the work, you can't feel good about it, unless you give it away. And I think the most...

GUILFOYLE: You're super, super generous.

BOLLING: The happiest people are the rich people that give a lot of their money away.

BECKEL: It's true.

BOLLING: And Gates and Buffett want to give all of their money away, which is just...

BECKEL: Dana, what do you think?

PERINO: Well, I think that, in reading the article, that money certainly makes life easier; it makes it less stressful. But it doesn't necessarily make you happier. I think happier -- happy is an emotion that comes from more of a choice rather than just, like, something that happens to you automatically because you have money to buy things.

I just think it makes -- that we shouldn't kid ourselves. Obviously, having more money makes it easier, and your life is less stressful if you go to the grocery store; and you don't have to worry about how much you're going to be able to buy food for your family. If you aren't worried about that, then you're less stressed, and that might make you happier.

BECKEL: Yes. Now, Jess, part of the study does say that money also causes a lot of disruptions...


BECKEL: ... in relationships. Is that -- are you buying that? You're a man of some wealth.

WATTERS: Yes, yes. More money, more problems. That's what they tell you. I mean, I think -- I think the study is bogus. I've never seen a happy homeless guy or, you know, a sad billionaire. They also had this other thing in the study that says, you know...

GUILFOYLE: No, no. There are sad billionaires.

WATTERS: You probably know a few.

PERINO: She broke their hearts.

WATTERS: When you have to buy experiences, don't buy material goods, buy experiences. Now personally, I hate that. Like on Christmas when my wife gives me, "Oh, merry Christmas. Here are some play tickets. We're going to go to Broadway together and see a show." I hate that! I'd rather get, like, a TV or like something I can touch.

I don't buy the study at all. I think it's a ruse to tell people, you know, that aren't doing well right now, like, don't worry about it, you're broke. It's OK. Money doesn't -- you know?

BECKEL: Yes. Well, Kimberly, you've come out of not what you would call deep -- you married deep roots, but you didn't come out...


BOLLING: Where are you going with this?

GUILFOYLE: No one knows. It just makes no sense.

PERINO: She's a self-made woman.

BECKEL: No. What do you think about this?

GUILFOYLE: I pay my bills. OK? Yes. I work hard; I always have. I don't want to take other people's money, nothing like that. I love opportunity. I come from an immigrant background. That's my mentality. It's all about the work ethic. The most important thing you can have -- It doesn't matter hour dollar signs you have behind your name if you do not have your health.

BECKEL: Yes, you know, that...

GUILFOYLE: If someone becomes very sick, yes, if you have more money, you're able to perhaps access more resources. And I wish that wasn't the case.

BECKEL: Yes. That's my message about it. I mean, health is so much more important. I'm paying a big price for the way I lived.

But you know, I'll tell you the other thing was, I came up in a family that had no money, was broke most of the time, spent three years living in a trailer, which you don't ever want to do. But you know something? What drives me to make money is I'm afraid not to have it, to be honest with you. I'm afraid to go back to it, because I don't ever want to have to see my mother once again figure out how she's going to get the money to bury her mother. You know, I mean, I just -- I can't do that. And so if that's selfish, it's selfish. But it is what it is.

"One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Jesse.

WATTERS: Chuck Todd, political director, NBC News, and "Meet the Press" guy, NBC News chief -- He's got a lot of titles. He had this to say about President Obama's big-time gaffe from a while back about people clinging to their guns and religion. Check it out.


CHUCK TODD, POLITICAL DIRECTOR, NBC NEWS: When he says things like the people in rural Pennsylvania cling to their guns and bibles, it'll come across as an attack when he's just observing, the way an anthropologist would observe a society.


WATTERS: An anthropologist. He's just being an anthropologist. I mean, these are the kinds -- this is why you have Obamacare. This is why you have these scandals that just are allowed to happen, because the press just does whatever this guy wants.

PERINO: This is the anchor of "Meet the Press." Interesting.

WATTERS: This is not a hack. This is a good guy.


BECKEL: OK. I want to just say once again, my man Teddy Cruz, the man that I want to be president of the United States, Teddy has come up with a new one, a new plank. And we're putting this together plank by plank. Teddy wants to shut down the Internet, because he wants to do away with net neutrality.

BOLLING: No, no, no! Bob.

PERINO: Bob, that's not what he said.

BECKEL: A brilliant plan. He's one of the smartest people I know. Keep going at it, Teddy. You're building it plank by plank. I'm for you.

GUILFOYLE: This is so crazy.

PERINO: That is not what Ted Cruz wants. Eric.

BOLLING: All right. So check this out, Dana. We've talked a lot about chargers and how do people in third world countries charge if they don't have access to electricity. This is a solar panel. These things are called Waka Wakas. A solar panel that you can use to charge a phone.

PERINO: Love it.

BOLLING: And you can use as a light. Right? So they've sent over 50,000 of these to people in Ebola countries.


BOLLING: And Syrian refugee camps. But what a great, great product.

PERINO: You'd invest in that?

BOLLING: I haven't invested in it. I have nothing to do with it.

PERINO: Oh, no. You would. You might.

BECKEL: I thought you didn't like solar energy.

PERINO: OK, I've got to go quick. You know how I'm a morning person and that drives a lot of people crazy? Especially Greg Gutfeld. I have tips now from "Entrepreneur" magazine of how you, too, can become a morning person, be more productive.

You've got to set your intentions before you go to bed. Move the alarm clock across to the other side of the room if you need an alarm. Brush your teeth, drink a full glass of water. And you've got to get a workout in the morning, and then you can have a shower. And if you do that, you'll become a morning person.

BECKEL: Let me tell you, when you go to bed at 7 in the morning, like I do, you do it a lot differently. Go ahead. We don't have much time. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I got 99 problems, and we've gotten 10 seconds left.

OK. So on a serious note, so many of you were heartbroken over the death, the loss of an incredible comedian and human being, Robin Williams. Well, the autopsy result haves been released of his August 11 death. And unfortunately, he was also suffering from Lewy body dementia in addition to the early-stage Parkinson's. And this is the second most common form of dementia in this country after Alzheimer's, with 1.3 million Americans suffering from it. So it's my dear friend. I hope we bring some awareness.

PERINO: That's it for us. "Special Report" is up next.

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