
By Greta Van Susteren

Let's all go "Off the Record" for a minute. I have a hero less than four feet tall, dressed in pink and orange, could not be cuter or braver. An inspiration to me, and no doubt, to you as well. She is 4-year-old Leah Still, daughter of Cincinnati Bengals' defensive tackle Devon Still.

Leah is fighting Stage 4 pediatric cancer. Thursday night, she stole the show during a Bengals' game against the Cleveland Browns. It was Leah's first time watching her father play in the NFL in person. The Bengals honored Leah with a special ceremony and presented Cincinnati Children's Hospital with a $1.3 million check in her name from sales of her father's jersey.

Look at Leah's courage, I can't help but think, "Imagine if they could inspire and get people to come together like this little girl." She sure puts things in perspective, doesn't she? And that's my "Off the Record" comment tonight.