
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Location Is Everything

Noted political strategist Woody Allen once said, 80 percent of success is showing up.

And showing up is especially important, of course, on Election Day.

So the good people of Philadelphia should double-check their polling places before heading out the front door.

A group called Pennsylvania Working Families mailed 30,000 postcards encouraging residents to vote but pointed many to the wrong polling location.

The progressive organization admits -- quote -- "It was a human error, and a big one, but an honest one."

The group is directing people to the city's election website to avoid any further confusion.

Texas Trouble?

If you think addresses are hard, try math.

Battleground Texas is a group founded by veterans from President Obama's campaigns.

Friday, it released an analysis of early voting in Texas claiming it was up more than 30 percent compared to 2010 and despite most polls showing Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis down double digits -- quote -- "all signs point to this being a fight to the finish."

The memo was pulled down hours later because the information was -- quote -- "inadvertently based on incomplete data."

The Texas Tribune crunched the numbers. Turnout is actually expected to be significantly lower than 2010 in Texas.

Just End It

Finally, with all this stress and travel and money why not just do away with the midterms altogether?

A New York Times op-ed written by a professor and a student at Duke University says midterm elections are harmful to America and should be abandoned.

They argue constant campaigning leads to electioneering instead of governing and encourages representatives to dodge politically difficult issues.

The op-ed points to the electorate changing too often as an issue because midterm voters are often whiter, wealthier and older.

The authors favor increasing terms in the House of Representatives to four years and the U.S. Senate to eight so all elections fall in line with presidential campaigns.

They say to offset the change term limits could also be part of that deal.