
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 9, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANDREA TANTAROS, THE FIVE HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Andrea Tantaros. Lots of breaking news today in the NFL's growing domestic violence scandal. Today, we heard from the victim of that elevator attack, by Baltimore Ravens' Running Back Ray Rice. In an Instagram post, his now wife, Janay Palmer, defended her husband and lashed out of the media saying, quote, I woke up this morning feeling like I had a horrible nightmare. No one knows the pain that the media and unwanted options from the public has caused my family, to take something away from the man I love, that he has worked his blank off for, for all his life just to gain ratings is horrific, this is our life. We also heard from Rice himself in a statement to ESPN, quote, I have to be strong for my wife, we have a lot of people praying for us and we'll continue to support each other. The Ravens release Rice after the video became public, Coach John Harbaugh briefly addressed the press last night.


JOHN HARBAUGH, RAVENS COACH: It something we saw for first time today, you know, all of us. And it changed things, of course. You know, it made things a little bit different.


TANTAROS: The NFL has suspended Rice in definitely, the league claims it never saw the tape and didn't even know about it. But TMZ says that's not true.


CHARLES LATIBEAUDIERE, TMZ: We have spoken to multiple sources at Revel Casino are assured that someone from the NFL -- it wasn't Roger Goodell walking in, we know that. But there were people from the NFL who came and saw the video.

HARVEY LEVIN, TMZ: I now believe they actually turned a blind eye to it. And it's a shameful story that the NFL knew that this surveillance video existed.


TANTAROS: All right, Eric.


TANTAROS: There's no way that the NFL had not seen that video.

BOLLING: Can I just do this? Look, believe me, I'm not defending NFL, this -- I think Roger Goodell is a great man, I also think he needs to get in front of the camera and explain this to everyone who's watching, but he needs to explain this. I'm not -- well, I'm not defending them, they made mistake, but he admitted he made a mistake, gave Ray Rice a two-game suspension, it should have been much harsher. TMZ, both of those clips we just play in TMZ, they're speculating, they think the NFL -- we got to Revel and got to see the surveillance tapes. But Levin -- was it Harvey Levin. Well also said, there's no question in his mind. Well, there's no one who said come out and said, we showed this to a representative of the NFL, by the way, not only representatives of the -- well, great, right. So, my point is...

TANTAROS: Would you lie with TMZ sniffing around? I wouldn't.

BOLLING: Here's what I wrote right here, look, I absolutely all abets are off if they did lie, if they did actually see the video. But, in the absence of the video, I think they -- they made a mistake, they admitted to their mistake, but -- and they're doing the right thing, they cut Rice. They said Rice can't come back to the NFL, and I don't know, who knows, maybe a year, maybe two. Whatever it ends up being, they're doing the right thing, they're protecting the brand. They need to do this, by the way, they say that some around 45 percent of all of their new viewers, the new people coming to the NFL, are women. They better be doing this, they have a huge brand, a multi, multi billion dollar brand that they need to protect, and they need to protect -- they need to protect women. It's not the old boy network of, don't worry guys, we'll take care of this lock arms and circle the wagon and say, we're going to take care of what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room. Not anymore, this is a big, big business. I'm not defending them.

TANTAROS: I know, but I think that it was -- I think it was a circle the wagons, Kimberly, old boys club. This isn't going to be an issue for us, we can take care of it until TMZ came along, because if TMZ wouldn't have put that video out there, apparently, the first video wasn't enough for them to do any.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, THE FIVE HOST: That's the point exactly that should be made here. Really? You needed to see the second video? Are people that dense out there? Hello? She didn't knock herself out unconscious, OK? Obviously, something happened and transpired in that elevator.

BOLLING: K.G., can I just stop right there?


BOLLING: If you don't see the piece where he hits her, if you don't see that piece -- you're an attorney, you know that there are any numbers that could have happen in that elevator.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, come on. Come on, I wasn't born yesterday, figure it out. Figure it out. They already admitted that something happened, that there was a physical altercation and that, in fact, charges were brought against them. The reason why that case had no legs is because wouldn't go forward and testify against her husband or at the time her fiance, would always happen. The NFL want a plausible deniability, they didn't want to see any part of that tape, because it would have pushed them to the fire.

TANTAROS: I just want to ask Kimberly very quickly. Didn't the prosecutor have access to this tape, isn't he taking heat for not throwing the book at Ray Rice? And wouldn't, as you to point out, wouldn't there be a detailed criminal report that the Atlantic City Police Department has on this altercation? So we know that he hit her already, we didn't the second...

GUILFOYLE: ...because in all the domestic violence cases that I have prosecuted, San Francisco and Los Angeles District Attorney's Office, I never had one with a video where the perpetrator knocking the victim out, it was all he said, she said. So what jury couldn't find that persuasive? That's like the golden ticket in a DV case, because the proof is right there. What could she have possibly said or done to justify a beating like that? Nothing excuses it. And the point is, the DA knows that, the cops know that, Ray Rice knows that, the NFL knew it and now look.

BOB BECKEL, THE FIVE HOST: Well, the thing -- the bigger picture here is, the NFL is known about this domestic violence abuse, but there are other players going back four years. And they never said a single thing about it. There were four last year, I think there was six the year before that, where these reports were brought in front of the NFL, and they didn't do anything. Why Eric's right? They're protecting their brand, protecting their players, which is just ridiculous. I mean, the idea that this guy was going going to get a two-game suspension, or maybe not even a year, to be more than that. But it's -- the whole thing is the indictment of the NFL, as far as I'm concerned.

TOM SULLIVAN, FOX BUSINESS ANCHOR: I don't know why we insist these organizations, you know, be good at discipline. It's a crime. He punched a woman in the face, all right? Go to court, and if he's convicted, he should do time. He wasn't, he got the...

GUILFOYLE: The diversion program.

SULLIVAN: Yeah, the PTI, Pretrial Intervention. So, the judge decided that he was going to get a pretrial intervention, now he's married. I agree with this woman. Why are we -- you know, we go to the NFL like they're a judge and jury? They're a private organization, of course, they're going to circle the wagons.

TANTAROS: Bryant Gumbel says they're willfully ignorant, and he says that maybe Ray Rice and his gave Roger Goodell a different version of events. So I don't know why Roger wouldn't want to get to the bottom of it himself. But here's Bryant Gumbel.


BRYANT GUMBEL, SPORTCASTER: It's hard to believe they didn't see it. You also have to wonder, how -- what Roger Goodell think, that she fainted? We have her being drag at the elevator. I think at best, at best, the only thing you can say is that they were willfully ignorant.


TANTAROS: Willfully ignorant.

BOLLING: We'll modeling two issues here. Tom's right, yes, the police have


BOLLING: The DA and the DA have to decide whether they're going to prosecute, and as you well know, if you don't have the victim who's willing to testify, it becomes a much more difficult, much more complicated case as you well know. But model by, with the NFL. The NFL is a brand, it's a company, all of it -- what they are concerned with is making sure that the NFL, that logo. Every time you watch an NFL game, no matter what they're in the ads, or at half-time, there's an NFL stamp to it, they have to make sure that...

SULLIVAN: You know what their logo should be? It should be those monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil.

BOLLING: Whatever. But the point is, if the police, if law enforcement isn't -- is going to do their thing, the NFL is going to do theirs as well. And Roger Goodell, he admitted he made a mistake. He said it shouldn't have been a two game, it should have been a six-game, first offense, and a complete dismissal from the NFL the second -- that's harsh punishment, guys. That's harsh punishment.

BECKEL: When you say private organization, when you have a private organization -- first of all, they're using the public airwaves to send this stuff out and make a lot of money, number one. Number two, when there's been a history of this kind of abuse with your players, it seems to me that you got to responsibility to the fans, to women, to step forward. But what they do? They hit it all.


SULLIVAN: I agree. Even this action is bad for the brand, because it shows that they don't do anything until they're caught. But I think we, the American people, shouldn't be complaining about the NFL. If a crime is committed, you should be arrested. I think you should be suspended for as many games as you're in jail. That should be the policy. Oh, he can't play, he's in jail.

BOLLING: But in this case he may not go to jail and should still be suspended, because he did something that was detrimental to the brand.

GUILFOYLE: It didn't matter, come on guys, remember Michael Vick? That was engage in the bad sport (ph) of fighting dogs and stuff, and he went to jail, and he had this trouble and finally -- eventually got picked up later on by a team. But shouldn't this matter just as much, and shouldn't the culture in NFL, where crimes are committed, it should go unacceptable. They should have a standard of conduct, you do not commit crimes against women, against children. There should be a higher standard of play for these guys.


TANTAROS: Atlantic City, it's not the most above board town. Why didn't the prosecutor throw the book at him? Do you think maybe somebody intervened in this, because really, Ray Rice should be in jail. And I understand the NFL, they're quaking in their boots because Ray Rice isn't the first player to be accused of domestic violence, this is the problem in the entire NFL organization. So I'm sure Goodell is thinking what do I do about all the other players now? Do I go back and suspend these players? But why didn't this prosecutor throw the book at him when all the facts were there?

GUILFOYLE: I would love to know, was the prosecutor hiding under their desk, because this is inexcusable. I'm telling you, this is compelling evidence whether or not you have a victim that's cooperative or not. You can bring in other witnesses, there's ways to do this and you can play the tape. So maybe they didn't -- they shied away from it, they didn't want to do it because they didn't have, you know, the main victim, the complaining witness to come forward and take the stand. Or perhaps, and this is what they do, you put them on the stand, they won't talk, you put them on the stand, they won't talk, they recant. That didn't happen. She can't do that with the video.

BECKEL: They did have the video, right? I mean, the -- the prosecutor have the whole video inside and -- yeah.

GUILFOYLE: They got it.

SULLIVAN: That's why I think you let this go in a courtroom and if you don't get the conviction you want, then you have to move on. I don't like people being convicted on social media and we've been running this tape and everyone's going crazy and then the NFL has to take action.

TANTAROS: The NFL has dabbled in other issues like breast cancer, where all the players are wearing pink.

UNIDENTITIFED MALE: I know. I don't think they should.

TANTAROS: It hasn't really become just solely focused on business issues. I mean, -- are they really going to give the most powerful sports organization a pass on this?

GUILFOYLE: No, they can't take a knee on this, induce other causes they want to embrace.

BOLLING: I learn (ph) another thing that the NFL needs. Clearly they need - - and they realize they're cleaning, I don't want to be -- have a sign hung always defending the NFL on this. They screwed up, they admitted they crew screwed up and they're fixing it. They also need to fix their drug policy. If a player tests positive for marijuana, the THC, he's either out for a half year or a full year depending on what he's testing positive for. So you're actually punished more for taking hit of a joint than hitting your wife.

GUILFOYLE: That's the point we're making, really?

BOLLING: But I'm not disagreeing with you.


GUILFOYLE: So that --- yeah, no. I agree with you.

BOLLING: One of the issue is that, the prosecutor screwed up by not going after Ray Rice, but certainly let's not say the NFL hasn't -- isn't going to do anything, they are, they made a mistake, they admit it. Do we not all deserve...

GUILFOYLE: OK, great. So, they are they like the king of, like, cannabis?

BECKEL: Then they don't do their drug testing, there's no set number of drug tests in the course of a year and there's been some indication that they don't give it at all to certain players.

TANTAROS: No. I do think that's right, Erick. I mean, if they're going to punish what six months for marijuana and two games for hitting a woman, they clearly have their priorities messed up.

SULLIVAN: That's why we don't have -- we shouldn't have considerations do it. I think go to the courtroom.

TANTAROS: Can he come back, Ray Rice? Stephen A. Smith was on with Hannity last night and he was asked that question, will he have the redemption, ala Michael Vick?


STEPHEN SMITH, TALK SHOW HOST: I think it's plausible that he'll get back in. Not this season, no question about it. Nobody will touch him right now. But you have to consider the fact that Michael Vick with the whole dog fighting scandal, serving 18 months in the federal penitentiary, he's back in the League. The (inaudible) who consider, you know, committed they've hit kill man's order, and they ultimately ended up having to deal with that, with the ramifications of that. They ended up back in the league.


TANTAROS: Is this different, Eric?

BOLLING: Yeah, I think this is different. I think this case, especially with the video, kind of woke everyone up to what's going on, what the NFL has or hasn't been, whatever, the point is, going forward, this is a brand that's an extremely profitable brand and they need women going forward to continue the brand and they -- my guess is that there will be a team that wants them. There's going to be some dumb team that says you know what? I need a running back, let's take him. And the league should step up and prior well stuff (ph) and say, I don't care if you want him or not, he's banned and...

GUILFOYLE: They need to, like, police and baby sit their brand a little bit better. You know what? This is America, everybody loves a fallen guy to come back up, say I'm sorry, do the time, make amends, he's going to have to do works with domestic violence organizations and speak out again.

TANTAROS: Is that going to be enough?

SULLIVAN: He is going to come back because his wife, you saw her tweets today. They're going to go out, she's going to support him, it's going to take some time but he will come back.

TANTAROS: Bob, isn't that the status part, though, the tweet from his wife.

BECKEL:  Yeah. I don't -- well, you know, I worked at domestic violence shelter in Baltimore (ph). It still amazes me, women who get battered and battered, and you must have seen it.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, sad, awful.

BECKEL: They go back. They go back and you almost have the sense about this that, you know, this is not the first time and she seems to -- I don't know I'm not suggesting that she like this, but I've seen enough battered women who just -- who want to go back home and think they can fix this.

TANTAROS: This is the big deal. I mean, she basically said that we're whipping this controversy up for ratings and trivializing what she went through. She doesn't think it's an issue.

BOLLING: You know what else? It's a like -- it's not -- it's a can do to President Obama blaming the media for being on the golf course when the fall week press or beheading press just ended.

TANTAROS: Blame The Five, it's all our fault. It's my fault that I have to cut Bob off. Ahead on The Five, President Obama is going to deliver an address on ISIS in prime time tomorrow night. Will he finally have the strategy to present to the American people? Stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Pressure is mounting on President Obama as he is set to address the nation tomorrow night about continued action to combat ISIS. His speech comes as the American public is losing confidence in the president. A new Washington Post/ABC News pool show just 43 percent find Obama to be a strong leader, the lowest of his presidency. Speaker John Boehner suggests the president must articulate his plan.


JOHN BOEHNER, SPEAKER OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: What I'm hoping to hear from the president today is a strategy that goes after ISIS and destroys it. We have a very serious problem, what we need is a strategy, and until there's a strategy, there's no reason to talk about any of the specifics.


GUILFOYLE: The same Washington Post/ABC poll find 65 percent of Americans support expanding U.S. bombing into Syria, so what is Obama waiting for? If it's an International Coalition, the president wants, Brit Hume warn that one might not follow.


BRIT HUME, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: He says he will degrade and eventually destroy ISIS, but only with the support of an Internal Coalition and with no use of the U.S. ground troops. Ask yourself this question, if you were a foreign leader, urge by Mr. Obama to join him in a campaign against the terrorist army in which the U.S. will clearly do less than it could, and your ground troops and none of his will be the infantry, how eager would you be to sign up?


GUILFOYLE: Let's see, show of hands for the International Coalition to get in on this one, anybody? Mueller? Oh, Bob, of course. What do you think?

BOLLING: OK. So, run through the numbers very quickly, 91 percent of Americans believe ISIS poses a serious threat or a very -- a threat or a very serious threat, 71 percent support air strikes, 60 -- yeah we point out, 68 percent air strikes in Syria. Meanwhile, 39% percent of people think President Obama is handling Syria right. So, he needs to change tack here, which would probably mean adding Syria to the air strikes. I hope we hear that tomorrow. The one thing for me, obviously, like Iran involved in Saudi Arabia, but the one thing, the one most important thing in this whole thing puzzle for me, is if Turkey says, you know, we're on board. Turkey for some reason is staying quite on this. I know they have the Kurds, Peshmerga who are fighting. The country needs to step and say, we're going to put an end to this, we're going to allow you access to it. The border, you look over the border and you look right into the ISIS training camps. The axis is right there, and another, very important, I'm sorry, Bob.


BOLLING: A lot of the -- the routes, the oil routes and the smuggling routes literally go right through Turkey.

GUILFOYLE: Follow the oil.

BOLLING: Follow the oil, follow the money, cut it off and have Turkey help you. And I think that helps solve the problem.

BECKEL: I think the Turks problem is that they've got Sunni and Shia in their politics -- in the government. So -- and right now, their president is not in great shape. But I'll tell you what this says to me. The American public was not for this two weeks ago. The power of seeing those two guys gets killed in those videos and being sat around in -- can change public opinion. This probably is -- it doesn't surprise me because it's everywhere.

GUILFOYLE: The worse thing ISIS could have done to it so...

BECKEL: Yes, absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: Andrea, what do we need to hear from the president?

TANTAROS: I -- look, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait to hear what he has to say tomorrow, if he has built and assembled a broad coalition of ally including Arab states, and he articulate a very clear and decisive strategy for defeating ISIS, which we haven't heard thus far. I mean, he can't even differentiate between their threat levels. Then I think he'll have done a pretty good service and is -- on his way. Long- term, probably not, I'm just talking for steps. But you know what, Kimberly, I've talked to my sources on Capitol Hill today, the White House is scrambling to come up with plans. They'd asked the Department of Defense for plans, the Department of Defense has had them, remember he says, we don't have strategy. The DOD has had a strategy but they're enraged, the CIA is apoplectic, because they have been warning about this threat for a really long time. And now, again, you see the president trying to manage a new cycle and put on this press conference and I think in reaction to these two beheadings and he should have done it a long time ago. But I do thin, very quickly, he should go to congress and get their authority, and republicans, they can't make a big deal about him usurping congressional authority on Obamacare and not demanded on this. I think they have to be consistent.

GUILFOYLE: And Ted Cruz is saying that -- he's On the Record saying you got to come to us...

TANTAROS: He's not an emperor, he needs to follow...

GUILFOYLE: And this could be long-term action that's...

TANTAROS: Correct.

GUILFOYLE: ...sustainable. We need the congress to see it, to buy in on it. Tom.

SULLIVAN: I agree with Andrea, he should get specific, but he's not going to. It helps him to be ambiguous because they can never be wrong. Isn't that why he never spells out a plan because no one who came ever call him on. He can always say, yeah, I thought that from the very beginning, it seems to be that's his plan. Eric, when I ask you, do you think -- I don't think Turkey is going to help us. They haven't been any help to since, what, the first gulf war.


GUILFOYLE: We're all waiting to here from Turkey.

BOLLING: In their defense, I think there's some 49 Turkish officials who are being held by ISIS right now, as = hostages. So, I think they may be playing that political game right now.


TANTAROS: So you think they're upset on how we handle the Israel issue? I mean, we, kind of, just circumvent at them to go to Qatar and cut them out.

BOLLING: Here's Obama's speech from one year ago tomorrow.  Exactly one year ago, it's on Syria and why he was going to --instead of he's going to race his own red line and go to congress and ask for commission to attack Syria. Remember, they use chemical weapons and we can do prove it, we're going to attack Syria. We had proof, he was going to do it, but then at the last moment, he went to the American public and read this speech and said, I'm going to ask congress, knowing that he wasn't going to get approval from congress. Yes, Andrea, I think he should for once go ahead and do it and stop asking congress. Ninety one percent of people would agree with him doing it.


BECKEL: OK. Two points we are making. It's the people who would potentially be a coalition, those countries are much more in harm's way than we are right now. I mean, they're right there on the border, they've got -- in Europe, they've got a huge Muslim population. And secondly, I'd say this is not supportive of Obama at all, he ran as a domestic president, that was his -- he never liked foreign policy.

TANTAROS: That's pretty clear. That's actually transparent.

BECKEL: And I think he's a democrat who does not like to see the engagement of American military power overseas very far. And that's go back to (inaudible) now because that's where the excess (ph).

TANTAROS: You know, I think he probably wish of that he could go to congress to and get their approval. Because then, that's an exercise in CYA, he can blame them if something goes wrong with the military campaign.

GUILFOYLE: And I'm really loving whoever shot Bob Beckel up with the truth serum today.

TANTAROS: It was me.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it. Coming up...

BECKEL: Well, I always tell the truth.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Bob, let's not ruin the moment.


TANTAROS: The show is about over, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Why they do that? Knock on wood. Will the head of the DNC denounce the real perpetrators of domestic violence in light of the Ray Rice video? Eric takes Debbie Wasserman Schultz to task, next on The Five.


BOLLING: Welcome back, everybody. Time for -- three amazing stories, seven blazing minutes, one hell racing host, ready your blood moving in the category, timing is everything. Debbie Wasserman Schultz already taking heat for absurdly comparing the GOP to domestic violence, remember this?


DEBBIE WASSHERSAM SCHULTZ, AMERICAN POLICIAN: Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back.


BOLLING: Well, just two days later, the rest of that video you're watching right there, surface making the DNC chairwoman's comments look even dumber than they already look. K.G., when we are around the table as we...

GUILFOYLE: This is the worst person in the world.

BOLLING: The worst timing in the world.

GUILFOYLE:  Worst timing, worst situation, worst comparison to domestic violence, I don't know.  Can she lose her job?  That's not the first instance of bad comments by Wasserman Schultz.

BOLLING:  Because she's just so annoying that...

BECKEL:  She annoys you, but she makes me happy.  The other thing is how long do you stay up at night writing that open 7 series host or whatever?

GUILFOYLE:  Your serious host?

BECKEL:  The -- I still condemn -- whatever you say, you're not going to agree.  I didn't think she was talking about domestic abuse at all.  I think she was talking about trying to keep women -- the ceiling on for women.

BOLLING:  Ands, shouldn't she -- I don't know -- think out her -- her metaphors?

GUILFOYLE:  The metaphors are physical violence.

TANTAROS:  Yes.  I don't understand what you're talking about, Bob.  Pulling hair?

GUILFOYLE:  Exactly.

BOLLING:  No, it's just the old...

TANTAROS:  I'm not going to argue with you, because that's just -- that's a gymnastic exercise in crazy.

Listen, she heads the DNC, OK?  She's a party leader, Eric.  And the party believes that there's a war on women, right?  The Democratic Party feels they should control every issue relating to women down to their ovaries.  OK?

Now, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who likes to talk about make-believe beatings, has a real beating in front of her.  Why didn't she say something? I mean they've butted their nose, the Democratic Party, including the president, into sports for concussions, sexuality of players, medication in locker rooms, trademarking.  So I'm just wondering: are we to believe that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and President Obama only care about concussions on the field?

BOLLING:  OK.  Tommy -- we actually contacted Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  I went on Twitter and asked her for -- if she cared to make an apology.  We contacted her office, contacted her office.  No response.

SHILLUE:  She routinely says terrible things.  She's not nice.  But it doesn't hurt her.  She's in a safe district.  She's a national figure, but she doesn't run nationally.  She's head of the DNC, so her job is to smear Republicans, which she does.  I see her; she's on every right-wing blog.  They say -- oh, look what she's said -- again.  But it doesn't hurt her.  So she's fine politically.  Bob, you'd agree with me.  She's doing just fine.

BECKEL:  It's part of the job, guys.  The Republican national chairman does...

BOLLING:  I want to bring this one up.  You ready for your blood to really boil now?  Megyn Kelly gave "The Five" a taste of her interview with that irritating and offensive 9/11 apologist, Professor Ward Churchill.  Here's more of that interview.


MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS ANCHOR:  How could you draw a moral equivalency between 3,000 dead Americans and a murderous Nazi like Adolf Eichmann?

WARD CHURCHILL, FORMER PROFESSOR:  I made a reference to what I described as a technocratic core of empire, which was a particular group within that 3,000.

KELLY:  You thought that the dead Americans were just like the Nazis.  However, you had nothing but praise for the 9/11 hijackers.  You called them courageous, even gallant.


KELLY:  Gallant?


KELLY:  Al Qaeda?  The guys who flew those jet into the World Trade Centers?



BOLLING:  Bobby, you want to weigh in on this one first?

BECKEL:  There's no way in on it.  The guy's got bad hair, and he's got a bad mind.  And I -- the fact that the guy was a professor somewhere just is -- I find mind-boggling.

BOLLING:  Yes.  And that was one of the biggest issues for me, as well.  That these professors are teaching our kids.

TANTAROS:  They're actually teaching Bob's child.  Because...

BECKEL:  Now wait a second.  This is not another one -- Gutfeld's not here to say, "Every college is all full of Ward Churchills."

TANTAROS:  Your daughter goes to a school where he was a professor, a tenured, revered professor.

BECKEL:  But they dumped him.

TANTAROS:  They dumped him for fabrications and plagiarism and other...

GUILFOYLE:  Not for this.

TANTAROS:  ... other issues.  But yes, ;look, he's a bad guy.

BECKEL:  Other things?

TANTAROS:  He's not an intellectual.  Well, yes, plagiarism.  He has a whole list of things.  He's a bad guy.

SHILLUE:  A lot of my college professors were like this guy, with the hair and the attitude.  A lot of them are like this.  You should do a weekly segment.  Have a professor on.  I mean, we can see how these guys -- how they think.

TANTAROS:  And show how much they charge for one of their classes.

BOLLING:  Plenty -- plenty of opportunity to bring weekly professors on.  Go ahead, K.G.

GUILFOYLE:  Yes, you know what?  He got exposed even further for the horrible human being that he is.  And he was taken down, Kelly style.  I like it.

BOLLING:  I think there's another piece to that interview tonight...

GUILFOYLE:  Correct.

BOLLING:  ... if I'm not mistaken.  And now, this is going to make your b.p. blast through the roof.  The video that captured Daniel...

BECKEL:  Going to be dead before this...

BOLLING:  ... Daniel Fuzz (ph) beating the daylights out of a Kroger clerk.  Note the woman yelling -- the woman yelling, "Hold on, they got a white dude" just before they unloaded on the innocent victim.




BOLLING:  OK, so blood and pumpkins, that's how one eyewitness described the scene, Tommy.  I mean, disgusting.  A group pulls two guys out.  I guess two guy went out to help another shopper.  The two clerks went out, and they just got pummeled.

SHILLUE:  I mean, it's a disturbing video, obviously.  "Hold on, they got white dude," that's like -- gee.  I mean, it's terrible to laugh at this, but it's ridiculous.  And I don't know how to react to it.  I don't even want to watch it again.  I've seen it once, and now I'm watching it again.  It's terrible.

BOLLING:  And K.G., now I believe either we contacted the police department in the area, or they made a statement saying this was not a hate crime.  I'm not sure why they classified it as not a hate crime.  But nonetheless, it's still disturbing, the video.

GUILFOYLE:  Of course it is.  It's incredibly disturbing, but they must have some other statements or facts and circumstances surrounding it to make that kind of determination, it is very difficult to be able to bring a hate crime prosecution.  They're actually pretty rare.

BECKEL:  I'm trying to stay alive here, because my blood pressure's been increasing, part of your segments here.  So I really don't have much to say.

BOLLING:  That doesn't -- that doesn't tick you off?  That doesn't tick you off?

BECKEL:  I think these guys -- of course it does.  And these guys are...

BOLLING:  A hundred to 125 people beating up one.

BECKEL:  Remember the kids, they did this before when they entered into stores, and they would go in there and do the wild thing in the stores.  I think these are aggressive -- and why they haven't arrested more, I don't know.

SHILLUE:  A hate crime?  You don't need a hate crime, right?  It's a crime.

BOLLING:  I think the hate crime gets a...

GUILFOYLE:  Well, the hate -- the hate crime serves as a sentence enhancement, but they're going to have a huge sentence anyway.

TANTAROS:  We're talking about it on "The Fastest Seven," but where's the rest of the media on this?  Where -- where have they been?  They should be covering -- they cover certain issues when it fits a narrative much better than they cover this.  I guess it's...

GUILFOYLE:  Very disturbing to see a video like this, see this kind of thing.  Awful.

BOLLING:  Yes.  Makes your blood pressure go up.

All right, next, Apple...

BECKEL:  Here we go again.

BOLLING:  ... makes a long-awaited announcement on the iPhone 6 today.  Does the product line live up to the hype?  We're going to show you ahead.


SHILLUE:  That was the legendary U-2 helping celebrate the launch of the iPhone 6 today and also the Apple watch, out in Cupertino, California.

The company unveiled two new phones, the 6 with a 4.7 inch screen, and the 6 plus with a 5.5.  It also designed a new wearable device called the Apple watch that can supposedly do all kinds of cool things.

So Kimberly, why are we so obsessed with Apple?  Why do we want to know what -- everything that's coming out?

GUILFOYLE:  Apples are fun and tasty and good devices.  I love it.  I mean, I'm a big convert to Apple.  I even recently just tried the Samsung, because I've never not -- I don't know.  I can't even use it.

SHILLUE:  But why are we -- people still camp out at the store.  There's no reason to camp out.

GUILFOYLE:  I think it's so good.  It's user friendly.  You've got your little iPad.  You've got your iPhone.  You've got your iNet (ph).  It's just all one...

SHILLUE:  I already have the Apple Watch.  Get a shot of this.

GUILFOYLE:  Really?  Is that true?

SHILLUE:  Yes.  It's great.

GUILFOYLE:  How did you get that?

SHILLUE:  Get a shot of this.  Look at this.  It's great.

TANTAROS:  No.  That's a rubber band.

SHILLUE:  It's a rubber band, but it's a good -- that's a good watch band.

GUILFOYLE:  I can't see.  That's another reason.  It's a bigger screen.

SHILLUE:  This is an iPod Shuffle.  You can wear it on your wrist.  I'm doing fine.  Eric, you too?  Really?

BOLLING:  I hate that part, but I love everything about Apple.  I'm clearly a geek with this stuff.  I'm definitely going to get the 6.  I've got the 5; I'm going to get the 6.

The thing about the 6 is, if you know these products, the camera is one of the biggest problems with the phone.

SHILLUE:  It's a great camera.


BOLLING:  No, no.  I don't think it's a great camera.  I think Galaxy blows the Apple camera out of the water.  But the new Apple 6 has much higher megapixels and some 1080, whatever.

To make a long story short: one weakness of this phone they're going to fix.  It's also going to be a bigger size.  It's going to be great.

GUILFOYLE:  You can see it better, right?

BOLLING:  There's two sizes.  I love all these Apples.

GUILFOYLE:  So it's just the cost is the issue.

Bob, what are you doing?

BECKEL:  I'm taking pictures here.  The...

SHILLUE:  Is that a Blackberry, Bob?

BECKEL:  You know what this is?  Every year, this year unveiling of whatever Apple is going to do next is anticipated like I used to anticipate the "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit...

TANTAROS:  What do you mean used to?

BECKEL:  I mean, it's -- it was great.  I mean, everybody waited for it, you know?  Because you saw some of the best-looking women in the world.  Now Tom, I'm telling you that watch is -- we don't wear it anywhere.

SHILLUE:  This is an Apple product.  This thing...

BECKEL:  I don't care.  As I said before, that is butt ugly.

SHILLUE:  It's like the old...

TANTAROS:  What is so great about the new Apple feature?  The only person who's given me a really compelling answer is our producer, Josh, who said it comes in gold.

GUILFOYLE:  Gold color.

BECKEL:  That makes it -- me feel great.

TANTAROS:  You'd do good with a gold phone.

BOLLING:  This one...

GUILFOYLE:  Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING:  That's the only color you can get.

SHILLUE:  I love Apple products but I want to know how they've stayed cool.  They have U-2 on here.  You remember how Microsoft -- I remember Windows 95, when they had the Stones, and I thought that's ridiculous.  They're just flaunting their wealth.  And I just thought they were uncool.  Apple used to be an underdog, but they're not any more.  They're the biggest company in the world.

TANTAROS:  Why can't they do what the Galaxy does?  Doesn't the Galaxy remind you of someone's birthday?  Or if you're in the area and you see that commercial that's like, "Remind me to buy my wife flowers."  Why can't they do that on this phone?

SHILLUE:  They can.

BECKEL:  See?  That's why I got divorced.

GUILFOYLE:  That's why you got divorced?  That is actually not why you got divorced.  Don't make me tell it.

BECKEL:  Well, you've been divorced five times.

GUILFOYLE:  No, I haven't.  So sorry.  Twice.

BECKEL:  A couple of those were done in Vegas, weren't they?  Or in Bimini?

GUILFOYLE:  Incorrect.

SHILLUE:  What happened to our Apple discussion?

GUILFOYLE:  We're over that.

SHILLUE:  All right.

GUILFOYLE:  We're over that.  If only the iPhone could get you a quick divorce.

TANTAROS:  I hope the Apple does well.

GUILFOYLE:  I'm kidding.

TANTAROS:  I hold stock in Apple.  Do you think it's going to do well?

SHILLUE:  I'm sure this is.

GUILFOYLE:  Way to go.  Bring home the bacon.

SHILLUE:  They're an absolute monster now, but they're still hip.

GUILFOYLE:  Kind of like Bob.

SHILLUE:  Exactly.

BECKEL:  But don't wear that watch, or you won't be.

SHILLUE:  A monster, I think.  OK.  We have -- coming up next on "The Five," we have breaking news.  NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has just broken his silence on this new Ray Rice tape.  You're going to hear what he has to say about it straight ahead.


BECKEL:  This is a FOX News alert.  NFL commissioner Roger Goodell just spoke to CBS News about the Ray Rice tape.  Here's what he had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Did you know that a second tape existed?

ROGER GOODELL, NFL COMMISSIONER:  Well, we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator.  We assumed that there was a video.  We asked for the video.  We asked for anything that was pertinent.  But we were never granted that opportunity.


BECKEL:  I'll tell you, I find it very hard to believe that they asked for it and they couldn't get it.  They didn't -- they didn't convene a grand jury for 6 weeks after this thing took place.  They had plenty of time to ask for it and get it.  And why would the casino not give it to them?

BOLLING:  The casino -- they probably asked for it from law enforcement to see it.

GUILFOYLE:  Well, isn't that the question?  It is unclear, because there's going to be different standards there that are going to apply.  Like did he ask the D.A.'s office?  Did he ask the police department?  Did he ask the casino to turn it over?  Who, in fact, did he ask, on what specific dates and occasions.  And what, if anything, were their responses?  That's what I would know.

Because now that opens the door to all of that.  Because he was in, you know...

BOLLING:  This is what I said in the "A" block.  He needs to get in front of the camera and say this, and he did.

Roger Goodell, like him or not, is a stand-up guy.  Not only that, he makes a ton of money, being commissioner of the NFL.  He wouldn't get up there and say something that wasn't true, get caught in a lie and get thrown out.

BECKEL:  What he said was...

BOLLING:  We have not seen it, is what he said.  We have not seen the...

TANTAROS:  We, is it the royal "we" haven't seen?  The royal we here at the NFL?

I mean, the question really is did anyone in the Reagan -- Ravens organization see it?  Did someone outside of the NFL see it?  I think they're playing games here, because I don't believe that anybody connected to Roger Goodell did not see that video.

And again, Atlanta County, the prosecutor had that video.  It's not exactly the gold standard of doing the right thing above board in South Jersey.  There's easy ways to get that video.  And I just cannot believe the most powerful sports organization just said, "We were asked, but they rebuffed us."

BECKEL:  You know what?  Do you buy into what he said?

SHILLUE:  He said, "We asked and we didn't get that opportunity."  Someone, I think...

TANTAROS:  Who's "we."

SHILLUE:  Someone saw that tape, and they said, "We saw it and you don't want to see it."  And he said OK.

GUILFOYLE:  Plausible deniability.  That's what I'm saying.

GUTFELD:  This goes to my point.  We shouldn't expect these companies, they're there to protect themselves.  It is a big CYA thing.  That's why, when there's a crime, you let the justice system deal with it.  Don't expect these people to be -- deal with it.

BECKEL:  Why would you not expect him to deal with it?  Why would you allow him to stand up there and say basically, "We probably could have gotten it but we didn't get it."


SHILLUE:  Because, like most companies, they're always running scared.  They wait until something comes out, and then they start...

BECKEL:  This is domestic abuse.  This is not -- this is not a deflated football.

SHILLUE:  That's what I'm saying, Bob, you let -- let the law take over.  If someone commits a crime, it goes to the law and then, you know, don't expect these people to be law men.  They're not.

BECKEL:  Well, they have -- they have processes.  All these leagues do.

SHILLUE:  Well, they should -- I don't think they should have processes.  They don't do any good.  They've always screwing up.

BECKEL:  Well, that's just because they overlook them.

SHILLUE:  We know they're covering their butt all the time.

TANTAROS:  The problem is they do have a process.  The only time they came to a conclusion about a more strict process is when TMZ had the guts to take on the NFL.

Again, if it wasn't for TMZ, we wouldn't be having this conversation.  And the money is the bottom line of all this.  Right?  So the NFL wants to keep all the money in its pocket.  I'm sure TMZ used some dollars to get the video.  Money is at the crux of all of this.

BOLLING:  You see what we've just set up right here?  We have on one hand, TMZ says we know -- we think the NFL has seen the video.  The NFL says, "We haven't seen the video."  This is going to be very interesting to find out where it -- how this plays out.  Did the NFL see the video?  And if they did, why didn't they say so?  And why is Roger Goodell lying on tape?  And if they didn't see the video, why is TMZ accusing the NFL?

GUILFOYLE:  This ain't over yet.

BECKEL:  "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE:  I want to tell you...

BECKEL:  It's been a long time.

GUILFOYLE:  ... I have not...


TANTAROS:  Time now for "One More Thing."  Eric Bolling, 2016.

BOLLING:  Let's talk got how ISIS is financing their terror organization.

GUILFOYLE:  Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING:  Bob mentioned to do this between the two of us.  ISIS oil revenues.  They have 30,000 barrels per day that they've taken from Iraq.  They have 80,000 barrels a day from Syria.  That's -- sorry, 50,000 from Syria.  That's a total of 80,000 barrels per day.

The black market price for a barrel of oil, $40.  The free-market price is around $92 a barrel.  Forty bucks a barrel.  So people in Turkey, Iran, the area, are paying 40.

That's $3.2 million per day in revenues to the oil -- to the terror group.  That's $96 million per month.  That's why we can't wait.  We can't wait another month.  We can't wait two or three more months, because they're racking up almost $100 million in just oil revenues.

GUILFOYLE:  They can make the case just like you did.  That's pretty easy to understand.  Hello, Congress, check it out.

TANTAROS:  ... the White House your whiteboard?

BOLLING:  By the way, they use all those revenues.  They use that money to go buy more terrorists.  There's mercenaries that will come over and fight for the cause for the money.

GUILFOYLE:  Right.  Cut off the money.

BOLLING:  Right.


GUILFOYLE:  I thank you so much.  This is a really cute photo that the White House put on their Flickr account.  So respect to the Oval Office, a kid taking a nap or just looking for some attention?  Feast your eyes on that face plant for that little munchkin.  So his father is an outgoing Secret Service agent.  And the president took the time, which is very nice, to meet with him and his wife, and then there's the little boy.  Hey, what do you do when you're in the Oval Office?  Boom.  Anyway, it's pretty funny.  This will follow this kid for the rest of his life.

TANTAROS:  Cute.  Roberto.

BECKEL:  Don't change (Ph).

OK.  Scotland, one of my favorite places.  Actually, I've gone there four or five times, and it never rained, as everybody said.  They're going to have a vote September 18 to become independent of England.  And, the result of that is very serious, because first of all, England took it unfairly and they -- the Scots have always wanted to be free, and if it happens, David Cameron could not -- could be out as prime minister.

TANTAROS:  I think that's a very good...

SHILLUE:  What do you think?  Do you think it's going to happen, bob?

BECKEL:  Yes.  I think it's a big margin.

SHILLUE:  I think it's -- I think the no is going to win.  I was just in Scotland, so this is great.  I took some iPhone video.  I had my family out there.  I was performing 24 shows in a row out in Edinburgh.  And we were able to visit Edgecombe (ph) Island.  There's a 12th Century abbey there.  You're seeing the videotape here.  And it was beautiful.

BECKEL:  Is that where you gave your performances?

SHILLUE:  no, I was not in the abbey.  I was in -- I was in Edinburgh.  It's fantastic.

BECKEL:  It's a great place.

GUILFOYLE:  Very cool internationally.

TANTAROS:  Our own Greta Van Susteren has stayed on the story of Sergeant Tahmooressi.  He has a trial that's set to resume at 7 p.m. Eastern.  Let's not forget about one of our American heroes who's still in this Mexican prison.  They're going to decide this evening and decide if he really did make that wrong turn.  Let's start trending on Twitter.  Please get the attention of the Mexican government.  We should not stand for this.  Kudos to Greta for staying on this story.  It's really important.

GUILFOYLE:  Very important.

TANTAROS:  And some good news.  You never have to miss another minute of this show.  You can now watch FOX News live anywhere from your computer, smart phone or tablet.  Just type "FOXNewsGo.com" or download the FOX News app.

That's it for us.  "Special Report" is next.  Dana will be on the panel with Bret.  Don't miss it.

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