
This is a rush transcript from "Your World," August 6, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Do I smell? Is it my deodorant? Why are you standing so far back?


CAVUTO: Anyway, something tells me the president might be asking the same question about himself these days, because look what members of his own party have been doing, avoiding him, like, well, the plague.

Democratic Senator Mark Warner making it clear in a town hall meeting that there are a lot of places he disagrees with the president.

Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley firing back against what he calls White House spin.

And the Democrats' best chance of defeating Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell hitting the campaign trail with Bill Clinton today, not with President Obama, ever.

No surprise to this guy right now from the friendliest city in the country, Charleston, South Carolina.

Patrick, you're a big reason why, I'm sure.



CAVUTO: But what you make of this very unfriendly dis Democrats are having toward the president?

CADDELL: Well, I think it reflects in part what the polls are showing. And I hope we will talk about that a little bit in a second.

But I -- I find it amusing when Mark Warner, who has been himself -- he has voted -- this is the problem. These people say I'm not really supporting Obama. I am going to dissent. But they let Harry Reid run the Senate. They will vote with Obama all the time. They basically support a totally partisan agenda, as do the Republicans.

And Mark -- O'Malley is, to paraphrase what was once said in a -- I hate to say this -- Medal of Honor statement, award, was this, which is that, in a field conspicuous with hypocrisy, his hypocrisy stands out conspicuously. And it's just unbelievable.

But they keep thinking they can fool the American people. And that's what the Wall Street Journal poll reinforced, a lot of the research I have been doing, which shows you can't. And they are really mad and scared.

CAVUTO: All right.

Now, part of what comes up in that Wall Street Journal/NBC poll is this general cynicism toward both parties and Congress in general, the inability to get things done. But Democrats being the real party in power, at least when it comes to the Senate and the presidency, they seem to be feeling the brunt of this.

What does that mean for November, especially with Democrats now nervously keeping their distance from the president?

CADDELL: Well, we don't know.

The numbers on the race, you know, how would vote are almost identical, slightly a point or two more Republican than they were in the first week in August and of 2010. Let me tell you what makes the difference is that when you ask people should they -- are they going to vote for the Republicans to stop Obama or vote for the Democrats to stop the Republicans, about a quarter -- excuse me -- a fifth of the voters say that.

A third of the voters say throw them all out, and another 20 percent say that for mixed reasons. So the majority are not for the traditional partisan definition. Yet that's what we will have in November. More frightening to me and confirms what -- this effort the Smith Project I have done -- and people can go to weneedsmith.com and look at it -- you have...


CAVUTO: How many websites do you have?

CADDELL: Just that one at the moment.


CADDELL: I'm very slow on this stuff.

CAVUTO: All right.

CADDELL: But, look, 76 percent of the people now say, the highest number this poll has ever registered, that people's children will have a worse future. Sixty percent flat out say the country is in decline.

And -- and, you know, by -- and a majority of Americans say that if you work hard, no matter where you come from, you can succeed. This idea that the American idea is fading or is dying is a bigger moral and issue if people will understand it. The problem is, both parties -- people believe both parties have failed, particularly on the economy.

And 71 percent of voters say that the economy is not working because the politicians in both parties are not working or failing. And it's -- these are numbers -- it may be, given a choice between one or the other, it will be -- the Democrats will pay the price.

It's not an endorsement of the Republicans at this point.


CADDELL: The people are angry at Washington. But Obama's rating, which -- with voters -- you know, these were all adults, so, I guess, with likely voters, it was even under 40 percent -- is pretty disastrous.

CAVUTO: All right. We will -- we will watch very closely. In the meantime, thank you, sir. it's always a pleasure.

CADDELL: Great. Thank you.

CAVUTO: He doesn't really mean that.


CAVUTO: But he certainly sounded sincere.

CADDELL: Yes, I know you didn't. I know you didn't.


CADDELL: I'm in Charleston.

CAVUTO: Fine. Sure. All right.

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