
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," July 2, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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O'REILLY: Thanks for staying with us. I'm Bill O'Reilly in the "What the Heck Just Happened" segment tonight. New poll, again from the Pew people asking young people what they care about. In the group 18 to 29, they care about the World Cup at a rate of 24 percent. The Supreme Court decision, six percent. Violence in Iraq, 13percent. IRS losing emails ten percent. VA scandal 15percent. They don't really care very much about anything. Here now to analyze the young folks two old guys, Bernard McGuirk and Greg Gutfeld, author of the book "Not Cool," which is a young person's expression, Gutfeld.

And why don't they care about anything?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST OF "THE FIVE AND HOST OF "THE RED-EYE": It's no surprise. Soccer is probably the greatest thing ever in the world.


GUTFELD: This is a sport that is so interesting it doesn't need scoring. Now imagine if you took all the scoring out of an NBA game, took away all those baskets. How much faster it would be. By the way, in Italian soccer means sleep.

O'REILLY: Yeah, I know that.

GUTFELD: But it's not surprising our country is in the toilet. So, we will look at anything, even soccer to take our minds off it. I actually took up nude Pilates with me and Dobbs in the park.

O'REILLY: You and Lou Dobbs?

GUTFELD: Yeah, in the park.

O'REILLY: What park is that?

GUTFELD: Brian Park about 3:00 a.m.



GUTFELD: I pretend to walk a dog. Just got me off.

O'REILLY: All right now, we've got absolutely nothing out of that answer. Do you have any reason at all that young people don't care about anything?

BERNARD MCGUIRK, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF "IMUS IN THE MORNING": Of course, because we raised a bunch of common denominator nitwitz (ph). So I mean you say - you have Jesse Waters goes out and he documents the fact that he can tell a young person that the French bombed Perl Harbor, and they believe it. I mean them, you know, they think a misogynist or somebody who can give you a back rub. You know, they don't know Ghana from your momma. It's unbelievable.

O'REILLY: So, you think it's the collapse of the educational system that's just driven the apathy?

MCGUIRK: And that, and the way we raised them. We didn't tell them .

O'REILLY: Challenge them.

MCGUIRK: Exactly right.

O'REILLY: In any way.

MCGUIRK: If it's not trending on Twitter they don't care about it. I mean maybe if we had something ..

O'REILLY: I think it's the machines. I really do. Because it is out of - and 24percent.


O'REILLY: No, the machines that these people carry that we had to take away from you right before the segment began.

GUTFELD: That was a neck massager.

O'REILLY: Because they - you can just blot out the whole world. You can just blot it out. Create your own insipid world, that means nothing and still be functioning.

GUTFELD: But it's all good at - it's also has enabled more conversation and communication so you could argue the opposite that it has gotten people more in touch with politics and pop culture.

O'REILLY: And then, would you have the poll that says they don't care anything about politics. What are discussing that I don't care about politics? That I'm not cool?

GUTFELD: That's a fair point.

O'REILLY: I don't know. I don't want to overwhelm either of you with logic, so let's go on to the next deal. This is a reaction to the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling that said if you are a corporation that has strongly held religious believes we are not going to force you to buy a birth control device that may be you consider to be abortion. Here is how CNN commentator Ashleigh Banfield reacted.


ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, CNN COMMENTATOR: I started to think yesterday as I was trying to sort of digest everything I was hearing at rapid pace what if this were a Muslim family that owned a company and they were very strict in their religion, they did not believe that women should be coming to work unless they had permission slips from their husbands. Is this the kind of thing that they now could mount a case and take this all the way to the Supreme Court and heavens to Betsy there is actually precedent for a religious issue trumping civil rights laws? Alex?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, this is exactly the danger in this case.


O'REILLY: Is it really?

MCGUIRK: Heavens to Betsy, Bill. Hey, I'm glad to see I haven't seen that lady for a while. The woman with the hot glasses Ashleigh Banfield. I'm glad she landed on her feet. But the way she is talking it sounds like she might have landed on her head. I mean this is just - that's outrageous. She is engaging in Islamophobia in order to justify her religious bigotry.

O'REILLY: It's the slippery slope that if you give a Christian concern this window that you don't have to do an abortion mechanism that they consider to be one. The morning after pill, that then everybody of the Muslim religion will be wearing burqas in the market place. And, you know, they'll force them to do that.

MCGUIRK: Yeah. I'm for that. I would like to see burqa Fridays, the opposite of casual Fridays.

O'REILLY: Burqa Fridays!

GUTFELD: I don't need to see, you know, khaki shorts. I don't need to see people's knees. But, you know, this is the first time I've seen mainstream media concern about sharia law. It used to be if a conservative brought it up they were nuts. They didn't care about Hirsi Ali being banned from Brandeis for being a victim of sharia law. By the way she talks about Muslim businesses. She should give us a specific example of a Muslim business that might do this because it also, the case, specifically says this does not apply to other religious exemptions. So this is a completely bogus point.

O'REILLY: OK. So you think that it's fabricated?


O'REILLY: For the sake of what?

MCGUIRK: For the sake of just for politics. Political reasons.

O'REILLY: Political?

MCGUIRK: Of course it is.

O'REILLY: To make the Supreme Court look like a bunch of fascists?

MCGUIRK: To make .

GUTFELD: Old men.

MCGUIRK: The people who support the decision look like a bunch of fascists so that they can win at the ballot box.

O'REILLY: Right. And I hope that Ms. Banfield isn't going for the younger market because only six percent of the 18 to 29 Americans cared about the Supreme Court decision.


O'REILLY: Not a lot. All right. There is Gutfeld and McGuirk, everyone. Dennis Miller will return in this slot next week. And he would like you to know that the "Bolder Fresher Show" in Rapid City South Dakota on July 25, 95 percent sold out. Fargo, North Dakota the next night July 26th. 90 percent sold out. So, if you want to see us in the Dakotas you have got to get on it. Also, in the fall we see everybody in Boston, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, West Virginia. BillO'Reilly.com has info on all the shows.

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