
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 18, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Tom Shillue.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: Is President Obama dealing in reality when it comes to the global war on radical Islam? For years, he's based his foreign policy on thing like closing Gitmo, ending the war in Iraq, winding down operations in Afghanistan.

And he's also promised us that al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Make no mistake: we will close Guantanamo prison.

Tonight, I'm announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.

We're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self reliant Iraq.
Meanwhile, we will continue the work of devastating al Qaeda's leadership and denying them a safe haven.

Al Qaeda is on the path of defeat and bin Laden is dead.

Al Qaeda is much weaker than it was when I came into office.

In some cases, I believe we've compromised our basic values by using torture to interrogate our enemies.

We have removed our troops from Iraq. We are winding down our war in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda's leadership on the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been decimated and Osama bin Laden is no more.


GUILFOYLE: It doesn't look like the American people are buying it. A brand new "Wall Street Journal" poll says that 57 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of foreign policy, an all-time high. How high can you go?

Bolling, you have some differences of opinion on this. But this is not a good day for the president. This poll reflecting serious dismay on behalf of the American people at the way this administration and Mr. Obama has handled his foreign policy.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yes. And every day we wake up, and there's something else going on in Middle East, something else going on in Iraq.
ISIS now is taking control of one of major refineries of the Iraq, and that's concerning for the people of the Middle East, not necessarily us, because it's refined product. But if they get their hands on the oil installations, you may see oil prices go, which brings us back what our opinion is.

In my opinion -- I get beat up every night on Twitter, Bolling, you've been sitting next to Beckel too long. What's wrong with you? Did the White House send their talking points to you yet?

No, I haven't. I'm still conservative. No, I don't listen to the White House.

I think the best way to handle all of this is becoming completely independent from Middle Eastern oil, and it's not that far away.

GUILFOYLE: Why can't you have both?

BOLLING: Listen to me, it's 1.2 million barrels away from Saudi Arabia, and about 600,000 to 700,000 barrels away from the other countries in OPEC, and we are done with them. We use 20 million barrels of oil a day. So, we're literally less than 2 million barrels away. That's a 10 percent away from doing this ourselves.

Just frack on federal lands, drill off shore and open the Keystone pipeline. One, two, three, and we're done with those cockroaches, forever.

GUILFOYLE: I think that it's part of the issue, part of the problem, I think is like multilayered solution here that you have to come forward with. You can't operate in a vacuum and be naive to assume if we just let Rome burn, it's going to be fine. That's not the case. I mean, they have bigger goals and agendas here, which they are actually achieving in the rapid rate because the U.S. sits back and waits.


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I agree on American ingenuity can actually solve a part of this problem.


PERINO: And it is the oil part or the energy part of this. It's -- everything seems to agree that all options should be on the table when it comes to energy. So, if we can get our Congress and our president to work together on that, along with the governors because they are a big part of this and the environmentalists are going to have to come to the table.

I mean, all of that -- it sounds like it's really -- if we can get off foreign oil tomorrow, we would probably in our best interests we would do so, it take a longer time. And in the meantime, this group, the ISIS, as they take more and more territory, what they are also building with them -- they are bringing along more and more people. So, they are about 150 at least foreign fighters that we know have left European countries, some from America, that have gone to get training there and are feeding itself back.

So, what you have is -- they aren't that concerned about oil over there. What they are concerned about is destroying our way of life and killing anything that disagrees with that.

GUILFOYLE: So, how can we ignore it?

PERINO: I don't think that we can, although today when the president met with the bipartisan leadership in the Oval Office, it seemed that he was basically still weighing his options and I think maybe -- I think there are no good options, but I also think we're kind of running out of time to
exercise any that we would have.

GUILFOYLE: OK, but airstrikes seems to be a reasonable option that should be on the table, one that he should consider because it will at least slow this down so that he can ponder and think some more, sitting on a rock, and decide what he's going to do about this situation, because we have lost ground here.

And I'm sorry -- it's not just an issue of al Qaeda or any of these other groups or Ansar al-Sharia or ISIS. This is the whole thought process, an ideology out to destroy the American way of life, and it's the guy, the 21-year-old, that starts believing this, that goes and blows himself up at the Starbucks across the street, that you have to worry about next.

So, sit here and do nothing and you'll see what's going to happen.

Tom, are you scared yet?

TOM SHILLUE, CO-HOST: I'm scared as you talk. But I want to ask, Eric. I mean, I'm -- again, I'm not the smartest guy in the world -- but is it really about barrels of oil? Isn't it about American -- is American influence antiquated?

BOLLING: It's what about that.

SHILLUE: Our receding from responsibility from the Middle East -- if we pull back, is it not about oil but rather about America's influence in the world, when we pull out, Russia and China get more powerful. Isn't that really the case? Or am I wrong about that?

BOLLING: I'm not sure what you are asking me. Guess what? Russia -- forget Russia -- China is going to be the global super power and are we going to start fighting the Chinese now?


SHILLUE: I used to play risk as a kid. You got to keep your skin in the game. I'm saying if we say it's over, like what you are referencing, let's get independent and we'll just out of that region altogether, which is what al Qaeda wants, right? I mean, that is their wish is for us to get off the Arabian Peninsula completely. But when we do that --

BOLLING: So, we win. We don't lose bodies and money. They win.
They want us off their soil any way. And we're energy independent. It seems to me like it's a win-win --

GUILFOYLE: But what are you going to do about the threat level? The threat to Americans, I don't understand why --


GUILFOYLE: I'm trying to help you out. I agree with you about energy independence, but I think you are being politically naive with all due respect and I haven't sent you any pleas talking --


GUILFOYLE: Yes, but I'm about to -- during the commercial break, about your philosophy how we handle the Middle East. What have we been
doing for all these years to try to secure our position? And now you just
go ahead --


BOLLING: Here's what we've been doing, we've been losing tens of thousands of bodies to injury, to death, $2 trillion in wars, what do we have to show for it? The minute we pull back, and within 12 months pulling back out of Iraq, they are back to the Godforsaken place that they were before we went there.

GUILFOYLE: If you don't beat them back, Eric, their way of life will come over here.

BOLLING: Here's my point, my last piece of philosophy, let them have the freaking Middle East, keep it, all yours, with the exception of Israel, back Israel, give them money, give them support, give them tanks, give them airplanes, give them a pat on the back, you know what, Netanyahu, go get them.


JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: And let me just say, I can't believe that you're attacking Eric for being rational. I mean, the fact is -- look, this is not about attacking our way of life. This is about Sunnis and Shias and all their --

GUILFOYLE: And it's about the caliphate. They are one step closer to achieve it.

WILLIAMS: Those people are nuts. I mean, and you want us in the middle of their nuttiness? That's just crazy.

And the second thing to say is what is it that gives you guys, especially the hardcore Republican line, I saw Dick Cheney, former vice president --

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I'm about to get to that.

WILLIAMS: -- writing a piece. I mean, Harry Reid said today, if you Republicans know so much, what's your great idea? What do you want? You want to send more young people to die, you want to send Eric's kids to die?


GUILFOYLE: You mentioned Dick Cheney. Here's somebody who gets it and it was in the Bush White House, and actually, we were feared and respected in the world, which we don't have right now. So, listen to this.

He said, "American freedom will not be secured by empty threats, meaningless red lines, leading from behind, appeasing our enemies, abandoning our allies or apologizing four our great nation. All hallmarks to date of the Obama doctrine. Our security and the security of our friends around the world can only be guaranteed with a fundamental reversal of the policies of the past six years."

WILLIAMS: Let me ask you something, does that guy have no shame? Is that the same guy that got us in the mess the first time that led to this mess? I can't believe the people like Vice President Cheney, I can't believe that there's so many guys who want us to go after the same path
after they were so wrong.

GUILFOYLE: With all due respect, Vice President Dick Cheney knows a lot more about it than anybody at this table.


WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. That's why you were so wrong?


WILLIAMS: So, it doesn't matter that he was wrong, Kimberly. We
should send more young people to die.

GUILFOYLE: You are the one saying that. No one is wanting to sacrifice American lives. We are doing this so we don't have to lose more.


BOLLING: Can we also just go --


BOLLING: Can we just go back to 12 years ago or 13 years -- 12 1/2 years ago on 9/11 when we were attacked, we got the surprise attack, we lost 3,000 people down here, we lost hundreds in the Pentagon, everyone was united in America to go on. So, I'm going to disagree with you why we initially went.

My question and I'm simply saying, we did it for a reason. America needed to do what we needed to do at that point. Things have changed, though. The environment has changed. The American appetite for war has gone down. Our ability to satisfy our own oil needs has increased.

There are a lot of reasons, in my opinion, just in my little world here, people don't want to do that again. At that time, it was the right thing to do. This time, I'm going to disagree.


GUILFOYLE: That's going to be America's Achilles heel, we have
exhaustion and fatigue to fight our enemies. That's when they defeat us.

WILLIAMS: You know what Harry Reid said on the Senate floor? He said, listen, are you saying you would have had Americans stay in Iraq all this time, is that what Republicans think?


PERINO: I think it's really a disservice to be that simplistic in describing the situation. I'm fine on going back and the people saying that Bush was wrong. I disagree, but fine. Let's just say that he was wrong, it was the wrong thing to do.

Then, you inherit a situation that was actually pacified. You promise
-- you tell the American people that you will be safer now because we have succeeded in Iraq. The generals tell them to keep more people in there in terms of boots on the ground, but also a lot more of the political solution, the diplomatic solution that everybody can agree is a better way to solve a problem.

In 2011, when we receded and retreated, we didn't just left military, we left diplomatically and politically as well. That I think is also worth reviewing on the history of it, because President Obama did promise, he told Americans that they would be OK. He told them what they wanted to hear. And maybe he believes it as well.

So, he chased the polls, and now, Americans are seeing the results of that and saying oh, we don't like that either. We don't want this and we don't want that. The American president has to sometimes tell the American people what they do not want to hear.

I am willing to be led by the president, I would like to know where we are going.


PERINO: To something, give us something to go on because I feel like
we're sitting here watching our options fade away.

GUILFOYLE: I agree. Too much equivocation and waffling.

Tom, I get quick thought from you before I wrap it up.

SHILLUE: Well, I mean, like I said, I don't know. Again, I feel dumb because I'm not a foreign policy expert, but I feel like it is a little more than just being about oil.

It's kind of interesting looking at each of you guys. Everyone talks about politics is left and right, but it's definitely a circle because Eric
is so far right, he's to the left of Juan.


WILLIAMS: You said you feel dumb, don't worry. This is the council on foreign relations. We're supposed to (IANUDIBLE) on foreign relations.


BOLLING: We couldn't do much worse.

WILLIAMS: Exactly.


GUILFOYLE: All right. We're going to educate during the commercial break so stick around, because when we come back, the growing number of scandals coming out of the White House has more and more Americans losing confidence in President Obama. Is it a failed presidency? Well, that debate directly ahead. It's going to get good.


PERINO: President Obama on the ropes at home, the IRS, DOJ, NSA, ATF and V.A. scandals, abroad, the Syrian red line, the crisis in Ukraine, and most recently, the resurgence of Islamic terror group in Iraq. All of these events have apparently caused the American people to lose confidence in President Obama. A new poll says 54 percent of Americans believe President Obama is no longer able to lead the country.

Brit Hume and NBC's Chuck Todd both think the president is in big trouble.


BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: I hate to say it because, you know, I'm an American. I wanted a robust recovery. I wanted a more peaceful world.

We don't have it. He's failing. It's hard for me to imagine that the same policies which he seems to hesitant to change are going to bring anything but similar results going forward. So, I think we're looking at a
failed presidency.

CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS: This poll is a disaster for the president. You look at the presidency here, lowest job rating tied for the lowest on foreign policy.

The issue is do you believe he can still lead? And the majority
believe don't. Essentially, the public is saying your presidency is over.


PERINO: OK. I think that there's -- Juan, I'm going to start with you, because I think it is fair to say that they have multiple crisis on their hands and they are in triage mode and it's very confusing.

But may be a little too early to say that the presidency is over as we know it?

WILLIAMS: Yes. It lacks context of that statement. I mean, the fact is that if you look at the NBC/"Wall Street Journal" poll, what it says is the American people think the country is going in the wrong direction. And secondly, that they think that Republicans that even less popular than Democrats when it comes to elections and voting for people in Congress.

But when it even comes to Afghanistan, Iraq, the American people aren't happy. They have reason to be unhappy. That makes sense. Is it all Obama's fault? I don't think so.

PERINO: That is true.

Eric, in the poll, it did say that the Republicans negative image seems to be almost set in stone. Do you think that anything can change between now and November that or does it not matter in those red states?

BOLLING: (INAUDIBLE) number is going to be a huge -- look, I think President Obama -- I've said it before, way earlier than this, he's lame duck. He's got nothing left. He's not going to get immigration. He's not going to get anything else.

I think this is -- he's just going to play the next year and a half hour and go off into the sunset and hope he doesn't have to put out another
20 or 30 scandals between now and then. You know what's really, really kind of -- this hit home last night. I think we may have been emailing back and forth.

Claire McCaskill trashing Dr. Oz, Mehmet Oz, on the Hill about his diet pills. Now, I know we're going to talk a little bit later, but hold on, hold on.

GUILFOYLE: What block are you in?

BOLLING: This is what a U.S. senator, one of top-ranking senators in the Senate, Democrat, has to do her time, trash Dr. Oz diet pills when you rattled off a list of scandals this long and I have not seen her fired up about any of those yet. But she's really ticked off by the diet pills.
That's what's wrong with the Democrat Party, that's why the American people
are probably done with them come November.

PERINO: It might be the reason people are just unhappy writ large is because they look at Washington and they think why around you dealing with anything we care about, the polls that we just talk about really have to do
-- most of the polls are talking about the foreign policy angle, but people say their number one problem is the economy is not growing. Do you hear that out on the road?

SHILLUE: But, listen -- I mean, I don't think these numbers are that bad. Can president Obama lead the country and get the job, yes, 42 percent. That's pretty much all Democrats. They still like him. They're fine with him.

And I agree with you, Eric, he is a lame duck but that's what being a second term president is, isn't it? . What do presidents do in their second term?

Let's stop with this two terms nonsense, we have an election. And then they run for reelection for the whole four years and then we reelect them. Let's just do one term of six years, come on! How's that? That's a
good proposal, isn't it?

PERINO: That's an interesting theory. What do you think of that, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: No. No. Here's what I think. I'm very over this administration. I'm over their rope-a-dope approach to politics, foreign policy, I don't think their numbers are good because anybody that talked to all the Democrats, and I do.

They are not happy with this guy. They do not think he's like a stand-up leader, that he's A-game, that he's varsity. They think he's JB (ph), he's a rookie, he's not respected in the world. He's not respected at home.

Bye-bye and it's going to be reflected in the midterm elections. Wait for it, retake the Senate, and he's done. This is over.

PERINO: That's actually what I think will reinvigorate the presidency that is if the Republicans take over in November. That means that next January, Harry Reid will no longer be able to protect President Obama from having to deal with all the tough issues. So, they will send him a bill on tax reform, on Keystone Pipeline, all sorts of things that American people want him to do, he will finally do it and he will look like a hero.


PERINO: Like Bill Clinton with welfare reform.

BOLLING: His legacy will be one of best Republican presidency ever.

PERINO: You know what? It worked for Bill Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: Eric Bolling, back in the game, people, Eric Bolling.

SHILLUE: What saved Clinton, it was the Contract with America. After that, Clinton's poll numbers went up, right?

PERINO: So, you're following me.

SHILLUE: I'm smart.

PERINO: All right. Coming up, last night, Hillary Clinton sat down with Bret Baier and Greta van Susteren, Juan -- believe it or not, Juan thought it went so well it proved she's ready for 2016. That's Hillary, not Greta.

He will make his case when we come back.


WILLIAMS: Big interview last night right here on FOX. Hillary Clinton sat down with Bret Baier, Greta van Susteren. I think she did an outstanding job. Hillary proved to the world she is ready to run in '16.

Here she is setting the record straight on Benghazi.


BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Did you talk to Secretary Panetta that night?

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I talked with Director Petraeus, open line.

BAIER: You didn't speak to him that night?

CLINTON: I didn't, I can't -- you know, I can't recall.

BAIER: Your testimony before the Senate on Benghazi, January 2013, you stated this, quote, "I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the intelligence community talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows."

Do you stand by that statement?

CLINTON: I do, Bret. I wrote about this at length in my book, whole
chapter on the attack on Benghazi. This was the fog of war.

BAIER: Do you know where the president was at the time of the attack?

CLINTON: The president was in the White House.

BAIER: Did you talk to the president about the video?

CLINTON: I don't know that I talk to him about it at that


WILLIAMS: Well, I must say, she sure didn't seem brain dead there.
She seemed very lively, answering tough questions from a first rate interviewer and doing it well.

So, you have something to say, madam?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. No, I think that they did a great job. I don't share your opinion of how Hillary did.

WILLIAMS: She came into the lions den, right? And she was to be supposed to injured and so uncertain, and not have clear answers --

GUILFOYLE: You really think -- in good faith you can tell me that you think she did an outstanding job?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I do. But I know that my pal Dana disagrees.

PERINO: Not on necessarily on that interview. I think that her interview on FOX was perhaps her best. I still think that the Benghazi answers are very shaky and loose.

GUILFOYLE: I concur.

PERINO: And I can see --

SHILLUE: She wrote a whole chapter on in her book.

PERINO: The whole chapter.

WILLIAMS: I'm glad you noticed that. Yes, she's got that message through.

PERINO: Here's the thing, though, that I disagree, Juan. I think she had the best interview she had was on FOX.


PERINO: I don't think though at the end of this book tour that she had energized her base enough to think yes, we can, it was more like if we must, we'll do this again.



WILLIAMS: You have nothing to say about this?

BOLLING: No. Look, maybe she did have a good interview.

WILLIAMS: That's it, you don't want to --


BOLLING: Here's the problem, I didn't want her to have a good interview. I wanted to know what she meant by fog of war, I want to know what she meant by information kept changing. I want to know what you mean you didn't speak to the president. I thought you said you did speak to the president --

WILLIAMS: She did. She's like she did speak to the president.

BOLLING: Well, then, she didn't. At one point, she contradicted a lot of things that she had said before.

GUILFOYLE: Dana knows the timeline better.

BOLLING: Honestly, I'm going to be honest with you, Juan, I think if we're take her interview there and we take some of her testimony on the Hill, and we take some of the things she said before and we really put some mind to it and some editors to it, we're going to find two or three different narratives that have been going on and I'd like to know which one is the right one.

GUILFOYLE: And on immigration too.

WILLIAMS: I think we got a pretty good news channel. I think we have good people asking the questions.

GUILFOYLE: We agree with that.

WILLIAMS: But let me just say, here's Karl Rove. He didn't like what
he saw.


KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: She's going to say what she's going to say because she's antagonistic towards the press, and she has a very thin skin. And she will abide no criticism. It's one of least attractive things that we see in Hillary Clinton. Look how she responded to Terry Gross who is a liberal reporter for National Public Radio who asks her, tell us how you came to having been a supporter of traditional marriage to now support gay marriage? And Hillary went after her. Why? Because she doesn't like being confronted, by anybody.


WILLIAMS: Tom, now those are general thoughts from Karl, not direct response to the interview, but what do you think?

SHILLUE: Sexist, Karl is being sexist.


SHILLUE: You know what? I have a theory. She -- she is a little bit, you know -- she's a little bit touchy with interviews sometimes, but sometimes it comes off as a positive thing, because she seems tough. But I think that this whole band boxy campaign -- remember, we were making fun of that earlier -- it was all to grease the wheels for Hillary.

PERINO: Of course it was.

SHILLUE: It is all about Hillary, because she is bossy and she want to ban it before she starts running.

WILLIAMS: I hadn't thought of it.

PERINO: Can I ask a question to Tom?

WILLIAMS: Certainly.


PERINO: As a comedian, when you -- because comedians make fun of a lot of politicians. When you're out there...

SHILLUE: Not women.

PERINO: ... OK, well, I want to -- did anyone make a joke about Hillary Clinton, and if they do, does anyone laugh?

SHILLUE: Well, so far all the late-night people have been kind to Hillary, because it's mostly guys, so they don't want to seem like jerks.
And it does seem -- women have an advantage in politics, and they take advantage of it. You remember when Hillary was running against Rick Lazio, and he walked up to her with that paper, and he stuffed -- and he was rude; he was rude for putting a paper near a woman. I mean, what is going on? I am woman. Hear me roar, just don't -- don't come in my space? What is it?


GUILFOYLE: Don't come in our space unless we ask you or invite you.

SHILLUE: Women take advantage of that. The thing about it is, women are tough. They're great politicians. We want -- we want a woman president. Some of us don't want Hillary, but we want a woman president.
But they still take advantage when they're running. They still hit from the white tees. And they...

WILLIAMS: White tees! Oh, please. Be nice.

GUILFOYLE: You're going to get lit up.

WILLIAMS: Directly ahead, what's Leonard DiCaprio, Dr. Oz, Kanye West have in common? Gee, they're all in Eric's "Fastest 7," coming right up next on "The Five."


BOLLING: Easy, Craig (ph), here. Welcome back to the "Fastest 7."

GUILFOYLE: Politics?

BOLLING: Leo, Oz and Kanye. Three sexy stories, seven dashing minutes, one beast (ph) host. First up, Leo DiCaprio, known for the -- for dating the most beautiful women on the planet and holding Rose over the bow of the Titanic, apparently is also a concerned citizen of the world who loves the sharks and the dolphins.


LEONARDO DICAPRIO, ACTOR: I'm standing here today as a concerned citizen of this planet, who believes that this is the most important issue of our time. If we don't do something to save our oceans now, it won't just be the sharks and the dolphins that will suffer. It will be all of us, including our children and our grandchildren.


BOLLING: K.G., I'm welling up. Take it.

GUILFOYLE: That's like the worst rap I've ever heard. I'd run for the emergency exit if he started throwing that at me.

Don't get me wrong: I love, like, Nemo and dolphins and all that. But what is he doing? Who is he trying to impress? He already gets all the hot chicks. What's the -- what's the deal here? And what did you...

BOLLING: Maybe he's trying to impress the environmentalists.

GUILFOYLE: What's a beef?

BOLLING: Stop, stop. As you pointed out, when we heard that sound bite, Iraq is burning.

PERINO: Iraq is burning. And also, he did mention the pandas, which I think -- or the polar bears, which I think really should -- they deserve a mention. They are too underrepresented.

The thing that gets me about this is that EPA's own data says that if they close all of the coal-fired power plants, you still would have, like -
- still get the warming. The practical solutions just aren't there. We may well think this is the most important issue of the day. That's fine.
I can disagree. But the practical solutions and the policy prescriptions don't match their rhetoric.

BOLLING: All right. Mr. DiCaprio ponied up $7 million after that speech, with the $3 million he had already done. In March.

WILLIAMS: I think that's terrific. First of all, by the way, what does it mean, beast?


WILLIAMS: Because I want to protect you. DiCaprio cares about animals. And I care about Eric, the beast. The beast, is that like baseball players, beast. Or beast...

BOLLING: That's -- you smoke (ph).

GUILFOYLE: What about the Rangers that wrote in and asked what size skirt you're wearing?

WILLIAMS: But let me just say how can you not be concerned if you -- if people are overfishing the ocean, throwing junk in the ocean. You can't go to the beach this summer without worrying that it's going to be polluted. That's not good, Eric.


SHILLUE: Leo knows a lot about the ocean. He has a private jet. He flies over the ocean all the time. He's always looking down there and
seeing those poor little sharks. So he knows more than us. He's always
up there.

BOLLING: Well done, well done.

GUILFOYLE: Like Tessler (ph).

BOLLING: Next up, Democrats, funny animals. They get outraged over the funniest thing. Here's Senator Democrat -- Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, getting her claws into Dr. Oz.


SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D), LOUISIANA: I don't get why you need to say this stuff, because you know it's not true.

DR. MEHMET OZ, TALK SHOW HOST: My job, I feel on the show is to be a cheerleader for the audience.

MCCASKILL: The scientific community is almost monolithic against you in terms of the efficacy of the three products that you call miracles.

OZ: I actually do personally believe in the items that I talk about in this show. I passionately study them. I recognize that oftentimes you don't have the scientific muster to present as fact, but nevertheless, I would give my audience the advice I give my family all the time.


BOLLING: OK, Ms. Dana. Really? This is...

PERINO: They had to have a congressional hearing about this? Right.
And I have to say, Dr. Oz, so refreshing. Because he's not having to read from a script. He's answering without being so careful in choosing his words. And he's just answering it and saying, "I think you're wrong." I thought it was good for him.

SHILLUE: Are we surprised that he -- his name is Dr. Oz. What tipped you off that he was a bit of a quack? Dr. Oz.


SHILLUE: Ignore that man behind the curtain. I'm just joking. Dr.
Oz is fine. It's a TV show. Do you know he has to fill time? Have you ever watched one of these "Dr. Oz" shows? It's one treatment after the next.

PERINO: I learned a good one from there.

SHILLUE: You know, you watch it. It's kind of fun, and you don't have to put your faith in it.

GUILFOYLE: You know what?

WILLIAMS: You know how many people buy diet pills in America?

SHILLUE: You know, caveat emptor. Let them try -- they try a little of this and a little of that.

BOLLING: What, you really want your senators dealing with Dr. Oz on the Hill?

WILLIAMS: Dr. Oz is a very popular, very lovable guy. But I mean, if you know -- by the way, Senator McCaskill lost a lot of weight, so she knows what she's talking about. If you're saying to Americans, "Oh, yes, buy this product, because the great Dr. Oz backs it," and in fact, there's no reason, there's no scientific research to back it, people should know.

BOLLING: All right, K.G. The real TV show was on the Hill during this testimony rather than Doctor...

GUILFOYLE: I mean, come on, what's next? "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"? I mean, she just comes off as, like, a hater. She seems sort of angry and distracted by an issue that she shouldn't be getting on.
And by the way, now you're off of Oprah's list.

PERINO: While we sit here and make fun of them, the Democrats are -- they are thinking ahead to what do women want to know about it, what do women care about? So we're waging here a war on women, and she's protecting women by saying that, "You, Dr. Oz, are doing the wrong thing."
So they're actually -- they're...


BOLLING: We need to save time for this. This is unbelievable. Bob's favorite celebrity couple, Kimye, just got married, and now we're learning from Kanye West that this official photo wedding with Kim Kardashian took four days to produce after the famous photographer, Annie Leibovitz, pulled out of their wedding one day before the big event. At nearly three million likes, the Kimye kiss is the most liked Instagram image ever.

PERINO: So who ended up taking the picture? Why did Annie leave?

BOLLING: So here's the deal.


BOLLING: I promised the producers I wouldn't do this. I think we're just doing that to put that picture up there. I'm not really sure. I mean...

WILLIAMS: Here's the thing that amazes me.

GUILFOYLE: I think it's a nice photo.

WILLIAMS: Why is that the most viewed picture ever? In world history?

BOLLING: Instagram.

WILLIAMS: Why? I mean, I can't believe -- who would even go there?

GUILFOYLE: I think that's a beautiful shot. I really like it. I love weddings.

WILLIAMS: Really? But you like those idiots. The idiots in the picture, you like.

GUILFOYLE: I don't have a problem with them. I've sat next to them at events. They were quite charming.

SHILLUE: I've had enough of Kanye and the Kardashians. I'm going to thumb down that thing. I'm on Instagram. I'm going to unlike them.

BOLLING: You can like on Instagram. You can't unlike.

PERINO: Make your voice heard.


WILLIAMS: Yes, really. Go make -- go make fun of them.

BOLLING: Enough said.

PERINO: Remember the Jodi Arias case?


PERINO: And I had nothing to say? That's how I am about the Kardashians. I'm like a blank slate.

KARDASHIAN: Your position is "seen it."

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it right there.

Coming up, a landmark decision handed down from the U.S. Patent Office puts new pressure on the Washington Redskins over the team's controversial name. The new details directly ahead.


SHILLUE: New developments in the controversy over the Washington Redskins name. In a decision today, the U.S. Patent Office canceled the Redskins' trademark registration, calling the football team's name, quote, "disparaging to Native Americans."

The ruling doesn't stop the team from using the Redskins name and logo, but it opens the door for outside sellers to sell Redskins merchandise without paying royalties to the team or the NFL.

Earlier, Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw explained why he thinks the team should change its name.


TERRY BRADSHAW, NFL HALL OF FAMER: Was I shocked that the Redskins thing became a huge front-page story? No. Am I surprised by my decision to say -- and I'm not screaming and hollering here.


BRADSHAW: I'm just saying, you know, it's offensive. It's like being called, like, the "N" word. So yes, yes. There's enough people...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're comparing using the word "Redskins" to using...

BRADSHAW: Yes. Yes, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... the "N" word, you said?



SHILLUE: Dana, what do you think? I mean, is this -- is this the cultural elite taking charge here?

PERINO: I think -- maybe. And I guess just in the natural course of things, maybe people have just decided that they just are not going to be able to support the Redskins.

I'm actually a little bit like the Kardashians on this one. I don't really have an opinion.

SHILLUE: But they're going through the patent. They're attacking the patent. This is a very interesting way...

PERINO: They decided because they weren't getting anywhere with the owners, so they decided to figure out to get him where it hurts.

SHILLUE: I'm sure there are a lot of patents that are offensive to people.

PERINO: In fact, I've heard that one, just before I came on the show
-- there's actually a "dumb blonde" patent.

SHILLUE: Dumb blonde.

PERINO: So I think wise up.

SHILLUE: Were you after that patent yourself, to use it?

WILLIAMS: Slow down, Tom.

PERINO: All -- the left that hate me that tweet me, they use that.

GUILFOYLE: But there's no dumb brunette patent? Thank God.

SHILLUE: Another opportunity.

Look, there's some logos that offend me that I think they should change. The Minnesota Vikings, look at that logo. For anyone who's pillage a village or had their village pillaged, they should be offended.

Pittsburgh Penguins, that's terrible. We all know penguins should have been given skates. They live on ice, for God's sakes.

The Modesto Nuts, minor league team. Look at this. My kids have allergies to nuts. I'm not going to let them watch any of these games.

The Las Vegas Area 51s. I'm not kidding, this is a team. That is offensive to people like Eric who believe in aliens. Am I right, Eric?

BOLLING: No, no. I think Bob and Andrea are the alien/ghost believers.

GUILFOYLE: The Ghostbusters.

WILLIAMS: Eric is paranoid and likes conspiracy theories.



BOLLING: Can I help here a little bit? First of all, I think it's ridiculous that they would lose the patent. There are literally thousands of other patents watching Florida State Seminoles. Colleges, high schools, clothing companies, Abercrombie, Chippewa. It goes on and on. You shouldn't lose a patent. However...

SHILLUE: It's called the trademark. I lost my trademark.

BOLLING: If you do, though, Snyder should be smart. He should make a deal. Make a deal with the league. Get a Super Bowl to D.C., and let the fans name the team. Then Snyder wins; the fans win. The league gets what they want, and the Native Americans get what they want.

SHILLUE: Let the people decide.

Should -- should Native Americans start selling Redskins merchandise to make a buck off it?

WILLIAMS: Yes, they can make it...

SHILLUE: They can start selling it now. There's no trademark.

WILLIAMS: That's pretty cool. Because that would absolutely hurt Snyder in his pocket.


WILLIAMS: So that would be the way to go. And in fact, that's what this is all about.

BOLLING: Why do you want anything punitive? Why does it always hurt the guy?

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, apparently, people feel offended by the name, and so people who feel offended are now saying this is our way finally to get through to Dan Snyder. Dan Snyder said capital letters, no way, not changing the name.

GUILFOYLE: Right. He's not budging. And if the remarks today from his trademark attorney said, "Fine. We don't care." We've been down this road before. They've actually done this exact same legal maneuver and won.

WILLIAMS: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: And then the Redskins team appealed it and got it back.
Just so you know. This has happened before. Like Groundhog Day.

WILLIAMS: In 1999, the same Patent Office did the same thing...

GUILFOYLE: They could call it Groundhog. Groundhogs. The Lions (ph).

WILLIAMS: Those people who filed suit have no standing. The courts threw it out. The Redskins are back. So that's what Snyder's position is.

SHILLUE: But if they get their way, OK, won't this create a domino effect? All the logos are going to start -- there are a lot of offensive logos.

GUILFOYLE: The Braves.

SHILLUE: Girls Gone Wild has a logo.

WILLIAMS: That's not offensive.

SHILLUE: Girls going wild?

GUILFOYLE: Tom likes it.

WILLIAMS: But I'm probably, because I just -- I'm probably the only Redskins fan on this table. And let me say, I just wish this thing would get out of the way. I want to root for the team. I really don't care about this name. Call them the Bravehearts. Call them the Potomac.

SHILLUE: I don't think...

PERINO: That's so lame, the Potomac, the Nationals. It's all so watered down.

SHILLUE: I agree with you, Juan, though.


SHILLUE: It's about power. It's about -- it's about getting their way. And if they can get their way with the Redskins, they're going to move on to the next target. OK, "One More Thing..."

PERINO: And you're next.

SHILLUE: Yes, I'm next.

"One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Time now for "One More Thing." Juan, you're up.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I'm a dad, and my daughter Rae hated roller coasters. But dad had to go, so I want you to watch this videotape. It's Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart. They're down in Orlando, and they had to ride the Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket at Universal. It's unbelievable.


KEVIN HART, COMEDIAN: Wait! Oh, no! Oh, no!


HART: We're going to go again.

FALLON: We're going to what?

One more time, here we go!


WILLIAMS: Now that -- that reminds me of something, Rae-Rae.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, how sweet, a little personal message. Bolling.

BOLLING: OK. So one of the problems -- let's just roll the tape of Peter King being -- I didn't even want to say. Just listen.


REP. PETER KING (R), NEW YORK: I mean, this proves what happens when Ted Cruz decided to be the center of his own universe and live in his own world. Not to know who the other members of Congress are, other members of the Senate. That's really his problem.

Maybe if he had listened to me over the years he'd be a little smarter. But again, not to be talking about myself, but I was the third highest Republican on national television shows last year.


BOLLING: You know, honestly, what he should do is stick to the issues. Peter King allegedly wants to run for president, which is an absolutely crazy thing to do. Stop taking shots at Cruz and Paul and just stick to your own issues, Representative King. Thank you.

PERINO: He's got a good issue in front of him, like the Wall Street Journal front-page story that says the Sandy -- Hurricane Sandy aid still hasn't gotten to all the people that need it. I mean, that would be a good thing to change.

BOLLING: That would be a good one.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, since you're speaking.

PERINO: OK. So innovation in education. We have Juan here is an education expert. I like this story.

So Starbucks has decided that, for employees who work for them more than 20 hours a week, they've worked out a deal with Arizona State University to make an online undergraduate degree available at a steep discount to all of its 135,000 employees who work at least 20 hours a week.
You have to complete the degree in order to get the benefit.

So I think this is a great free-market way to solve what is becoming a very expensive education problem in the country.

SHILLUE: Howard Schultz runs a great -- Starbucks is a great company.
I'm sure he's a Democrat. But he is a great businessman. And people should copy; other businesses should copy Starbucks.

GUILFOYLE: Have you try the chai tea?

SHILLUE: I won't do that. Just black coffee for me.

GUILFOYLE: Your turn.

SHILLUE: OK. I am a dad, as well. And I'm always proud of my daughters, whatever they do, if they kick a soccer ball or hit a baseball.
But take a look at this Malaysian girl, how she saves a sinking canoe.
These kids are now in the water, and she's is emptying the canoe. Look at this; mad skills.


SHILLUE: She empties out the canoe right now. She's going to jump off and let the kids hop in. And now they're all -- they're all safe.
Isn't that fantastic?

GUILFOYLE: It worked (ph).

SHILLUE: See, this is -- these are the kind of skills we don't learn here in the Western world. It's fantastic.

GUILFOYLE: She would dominate the Girl Scouts, OK. Like immediate promotion. I love it. Find her out. That was hot.

OK. Speaking of hot, "Shades of Grey," baby. Yes. Here's the first photo released. Feast your eyes on this. That's an Irishman for you, Jamie Dornan. He is the star. He plays Christian Grey. This is the first photo they released. We like it a lot, and I just wanted to put it up on the screen.

PERINO: We don't.

GUILFOYLE: Why? Because there's no dog in it?

PERINO: There is not a "we."

GUILFOYLE: Most -- all women really like it. No? Except for Dana.
I should have Photoshopped Jasper...

BOLLING: You really like Irish guys.

PERINO: It's not him in particular; it's the movie.

GUILFOYLE: Is that what it is?

PERINO: Does nothing for me.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there's still time to read all the books and be on top of it.

Don't forget to set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five."
Someone resuscitate Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my. I'm having a heart attack.

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