
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Not Enough Hours in the Day?

You think you have some long days.

A government contractor billed taxpayers more than 100 hours a day, for 12 straight days.

An inspector general's report says the employee with Northrop Grumman raked in $177,000 in overpayments.

It also found $91 million in questionable labor costs were paid in a six year period for a counter-narco-terrorism contract.

The Army Contracting Command did not verify the employees or payments, instead relying on Northrop Grumman to do so.

Army command has agreed to improve the oversight of contractors and assist in the recovery of funds.

Dean of the Left

Former head of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, is well known for his fiery rhetoric and one infamous scream.

While speaking at a Colorado fundraiser this week, he held nothing back attacking voter ID laws.

Quote -- "This is a Republican Party that has decided they like power so much that they think it's okay to win by taking away the right to vote. They are not American. They could be more comfortable in the Ukraine or Russia. But stay away from our country."

In the same speech he spoke about the need for more inclusion and a lack of tolerance -- quote -- "We have had enough of the extreme right wing. We have had enough of the politics of anger. We have had enough of the politics of hate. We have had enough of the politics of division."

Dean responded to critics calling his statements intolerant and offensive, tweeting -- quote -- "To be clear, I believe that Republicans who think it's OK to take away the right to vote are un-American and should go elsewhere." Republicans obviously, don't characterize Voter ID laws that way.

ID Required

Speaking of voter ID laws -- if you are running for office and support voter ID laws, always try to remember to bring your ID to the polls.

Asa Hutchinson won Tuesday's Republican primary for Arkansas Governor but forgot his ID when he went to vote.

An assistant eventually brought it to him. Hutchinson said the delay was inconvenient but he still believes the law is necessary.

Dangers of Multitasking

Finally, sending a cover letter to try to find a job -- great idea.

Posting it while at work and publishing it for the world to see -- not a good idea.

One Associated Press photo editor was adding a caption to a photo, and instead of putting the back story to the picture, accidentally added part of a cover letter applying for a different job.

The editor quickly caught the error and sent out a correction.