
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

You're Hired

A terrorist from Jordan briefly worked as a counselor -- or navigator -- on behalf of ObamaCare in Illinois.

The National Review reports Rasmieh Yousef Odeh was convicted in Israel for her role in several bombings including one that killed two students.

She was fired from her ObamaCare job when the U.S. Attorney's Office discovered she had lied on her immigration paperwork.

The subsequent indictment says she was sentenced to life for the bombings but released after 10 years in a prisoner swap.

National Review says a comprehensive FBI background check for Odeh does not list any past criminal offenses.

District of Confusion

A woman living in the District of Columbia says a TSA agent told her she was unsure whether a D.C. driver’s license was a valid form of ID.

Ashley Brandt tells the Washington Post, an agent at the Phoenix Airport began to shake her head when she saw the license since D.C. is not a state.

The agent asked for a U.S. passport instead.

Brandt was eventually allowed to pass.

D.C. congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton says Ashley's experience quote -- "has moved collective insult to personal injury."

Silver Lining

And finally, talk about a silver lining inside a really dark cloud.

An admiral in China's navy says the country's dangerous levels of smog will actually protect it from new American laser weapons.

News Corps Australia reports, the admiral says the pollution is so thick that it actually blocks sunlight. It contains tiny metallic particles that are hard for the lasers to penetrate.

The U.S. Navy is planning to deploy its first laser weapon on a ship later this year.