
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Suing the Boss

A former employee is suing an Oregon catering company for a half-million bucks-- for being referred to-- as a woman.

The Oregonian reports that Valeria Jones identifies as neither a man or a woman-- and prefers gender neutral words-- like they instead of she.

The lawsuit alleges that Jones' co-workers kept using miss and other feminine references-- and the company did nothing to stop them.

Court documents indicate Jones marked neither male nor female on her job application -- and asked managers to inform other employees-- to keep it neutral.

They allegedly did not.

Jones is asking for $18,000 in lost wages-- and another half million for pain and suffering.

State Dinner Decadence

Tonight's state dinner honoring French President Francois Hollande will have pomp and pageantry befitting a world leader.

Music by Mary J. Blige, tables set with crystal and china.

And a decadent menu complete with caviar, steak, and chocolate malted cake.

But some folks in Washington-- say it's time to trim the fat.

Illinois Republican Congressman Rodney Davis is pushing a bill-- to make White House meals comply with the nutritional requirements-- of the USDA school lunch program.

Those requirements include limiting saturated fats, trans fats, and sodium and serving meals with reasonable calorie counts.

A work-up of the state dinner menu estimates diners will consume 2,500 calories and a whopping 153 grams of fat.

That's at least twice the fat most adults should consume in an entire day.

Also attracting attention today-- this photo the First Lady tweeted-- showing the first dogs-- sitting at an ornate table-- one wearing a jeweled necklace.

Bone Appetit-- she writes.

"Good Thing The U.S. Only Has 6.6% Unemployment"-- one person tweeted--"

And another-- "The wealthiest 1% feed their dogs like this.”

Breaking News

And finally-- Here's a news flash for you-- Americans like pizza.

Your tax dollars have gone toward proving that.

It's part of the USDA's ‘What We Eat in America’ survey of 18,000 Americans.

Among the findings-- men eat more pizza than women.

Women over 60 are least likely to order a slice of pizza and 13 percent of Americans go for a pie on any given day.