
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 16, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City -- and this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: Well, The Washington Post just released their 10 biggest Pinocchios of the year -- also known as lies -- and guess what topped the list.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period.


GUILFOYLE: And remember after the president got caught in that lie, he lied about what he had actually said.


OBAMA: If you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law, and you really like that plan, well what we've said was you could keep it. If it hasn't changed since the law has passed.


GUILFOYLE: How charming.

Even the presidents' defenders are finding it impossible to stand by him.

Here is liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank.


DANA MILBANK, THE WASHINGTON POST: This is a low point. We don't know if it's the lowest, but it is a very low point in the Obama administration. It doesn't help to have neutral groups calling you the liar of the year.


GUILFOYLE: So, I'm left wondering, how low can you go?



ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, maybe he's hit -- as far as the lie of the year, I can't imagine you can top that one. I have no idea where you go from there.

GUILFOYLE: Credibility, polling.

BOLLING: But there was also something "The Washington Post" talking about what the candidates in 2014 are going to run on and to their surprises, the Republican candidates weren't going to run on economy or jobs, they were going to stay on ObamaCare.

Well, guess what? That's a good reason, because this isn't going to go away. This is just what President Obama lied about wasn't about the website. The website is still having its problems, once the website comes back. What President Obama was lying about -- according to "The Washington Post" -- we can say it now, "The Washington Post" and PolitiFact -- what he is lying about is the nuts and bolts of ObamaCare.

No, you can't keep your doctor. No, you can't keep your policy. No, it's not going to cost you less. No, we're not bending the cost curve down. All of those things that Republicans need to run on.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: It's the only thing they get to run on since the economy is getting so much better. I read The Financial Times, the headline was, "United States leads the world out of bad economic times."

BOLLING: Stay on ObamaCare, though.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: For the rich people.

GUILFOYLE: Bob wrote the headline. All right. That's Fox News.

Dana --

BECKEL: Hey, hey. I didn't have my Wi-Fi connected or I would have known.


GUILFOYLE: Why? Was it connected to the ObamaCare website?

BECKEL: No, it wasn't working. It should get working.

GUILFOYLE: So, Dana --

PERINO: Or Dana is going to have a fit on air.

GUILFOYLE: There was a little bit of meltdown earlier.

Let me ask you -- is this like a communications bummer, to use a technical, political term?

PERINO: I think that Dana Milbank deserves the understatement of the year. When he says it is not helpful that third party groups or so-called neutral groups are saying that you lied, that's not helpful. Right. I think he gets the understatement of the year.

And, look, I think Dana Milbank, he's an equal opportunity analyst and when he is coming after you, he can be brutal. But when he is going after your opponent, it's delicious. I love it.

Here's my problem with this whole thing -- yes, I think it was the lie of the year in 2010. But I think it was the lie of the year of 2010, and had the media not criticized -- spent their time criticizing people like maybe people here at this table who were saying the law wasn't going to work well, or work as well as they were saying it was going to, they were actually criticizing us rather than focusing on the law.

And there's actually that Politico that deep dyed in the magazine, that looked at the media's role and not asking hard questions, and now, all of a sudden, they are trying to pick up the pieces of the president's policy.

GUILFOYLE: I think you like him, because Dana to Dana --

PERINO: Dana Milbank and I are very close.

GUILFOYLE: Very close, separated by (INAUDIBLE).

PERINO: Right, Dana?

GUILFOYLE: OK. Greg, what do you make of the situation? Do you agree with your co-host here?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: What she said.

GUILFOYLE: The 2010 lie?

GUTFELD: But, you know, did the -- I think the problem that the White House has right now is that they thought they could outlast this new cycle, which they have, with just about every single crisis they have moved past, whether it's Benghazi, the IRS, DOJ. But they can't get past this and the reason is because ObamaCare is a perpetual motion machine of misery, a diarrhea of crisis and it can't be stopped.

Going back to what you said, the lesson here for everyone is how do you prevent collusion between the media and the White House prior to an election, which is what happened with ObamaCare, Benghazi, the IRS, the regulations --

PERINO: Right, Fast and Furious.

GUTFELD: Fast and Furious.

The media bashing Obama now is like an inmate pretending to find God after he's in jail. It would have been nice that he found religion after he mugged that family.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: And, you know, once he gets out of jail, he's going to go back to mugging, and that's the way the media is. They're going to be critical of Obama and then once a new liberal comes along, they're going to be in love with them again.

BOLLING: Can I follow up on that? I completely agree, 100 percent. Let's take it in a sports -- we'll do a sports analogy.

So, when Barry Bonds, when they found out he was juicing and was hitting all those home runs, and all those other people were hitting all those home runs, they want to put an asterisk, right? They want to put an asterisk in the record books.


BOLLING: You know what? Now that we know, now that The Washington Post and PolitiFact just calling this the big lie, the lie of the year, it was a lie, President Obama was pouting this lie in 2011, throughout the whole re-election campaign, we should put an asterisk next to the president's win in 2012.

GUTFELD: It's his steroids. That's his steroids.

BOLLING: That's exactly right.


GUILFOYLE: Lying is his juice.

OK, Bob, I'm sure you wholeheartedly agree with this.

BECKEL: Well, first of all, all I would say the good news about Benghazi, if you didn't notice this weekend, it was revealed the CIA themselves said they would stand down. But leaving that aside, this is -- unlike the Fast and Furious, or unlike Benghazi, this one -- as Greg pointed -- has got constantly new stories. This is one you got to have to look at the election year, you can see this being a problem and leaving it to up -- up to you guys, it will be a problem every day. And when I thought we were done through that everybody died because of it but we found new ways to get to it.

GUILFOYLE: We've got more ways -- Dana.

PERINO: Well, just to that point, I sent around -- on our pitch thread, our e-mail thread that we talked about, I sent a paragraph from the telegraph yesterday in the U.K., which basically was that the National Health Service basically has declared a national disaster. Those stories are on the front page every day since the National Health Service was started. So why don't we ever learn from their mistakes.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know what it is, ObamaCare is the potatoes of crisis. You can make so many different meals out of it.

GUILFOYLE: I love potatoes.

GUTFELD: Every day, you got French fries on Monday. On Tuesday, you have got --


GUTFELD: Salad and potatoes, it doesn't end.

GUILFOYLE: It is delicious, with an extra dose of ketchup.

BECKEL: Can I ask a quick question?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I'm going to hammer you some more.

BECKEL: Oh, you probably are.

But let's assume this all unfolds where you all say it's going to unfold. That means it's going to be tens of millions of people without insurance next year? I mean, is that possible?

GUILFOYLE: Bob, that's why you have a problem.

BOLLING: And tens of millions more already.

BECKEL: OK. So, that means what they do they do? They get everybody to crowd in the emergency room?

BOLLING: See? This is a great question, Bob. What are they doing now?

GUILFOYLE: They are going to the emergency room.

BOLLING: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: This is what we've been saying.

PERINO: Well, all the other things that could happen if the government changes, if the Republicans take over, there could be significant changes if the president would then be in a position to have to say no to something that the country just voted for. But also if the market were allowed to work, those people might be able to find other ways to be able to get care.

But can I tell you something, Bob?


BECKEL: -- for years. So what happens -- I'm not make this -- I'm not arguing here. I just want to know, what happens?

GUILFOYLE: But I'll tell you what else --

BOLLING: They acquire insurance or they're going to pay the 1 percent of your adjusted gross income.

PERINO: And they live with a huge amount of anxiety that they don't have the insurance before ObamaCare.

GUILFOYLE: Well, a couple of things too, because Bob is the king of polls. You know, Obama is in trouble because his mattress of support, his little sleepy support has been the millennials, you know the new poll numbers, the AP numbers, et cetera. And then also, millennials over ObamaCare, nearly four in five say ObamaCare will worsen insurance coverage.

This is a problem. This is a group he strongly relied on for his popularity, for his presidency, for his political will to get things done, and it has compromised, severely battle-tested at this point.

BECKEL: It's also, I mean, the thing that would worry me if I were sitting in the White House now, is it's also the least effected by ObamaCare. In other words, they may end up paying some fines but they don't think they're going to need insurance all that much.

So, the fact that it's a soft there is a bit of a problem, particularly if you're coming up to things like immigration, where they really will need young voters to put their voices to it.

GUILFOYLE: And the paperwork is behind too, for ObamaCare.

GUTFELD: What I'm hoping for is that somehow ObamaCare is a vaccine against intrusive government in the way that the vaccine has the toxin in it and it provides inoculation against further stupidity. I doubt that will happen.

GUILFOYLE: But wishful thinking never hurt.

BOLLING: The problem is it's so big.



BOLLING: You know, a vaccine, a polio vaccine is a little touch of the polio disease, or whatever. This is one-sixth of the economy.

Can I just point out their millennials?

BOLLING: Harvard did their own study, Harvard, OK? Not I wouldn't call them right wingers.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the professors are.

BOLLING: Harvard id this study, asking millennials what -- how likely they were to sign up for Obama care? Forty-five percent said unlikely, only 22 percent said likely and the rest weren't sure.

PERINO: However, most kids that go to Harvard are able to get employer sponsored health insurance because they are the kids that actually could --

BOLLING: I'm not sure what that that's what they are doing. They're literally polling them, would you, will you or will you not? When two to one in a liberal place like Harvard say --

BECKEL: With everything being so negative, who would sign up for it?

GUILFOYLE: I know, but, Bob, here's another thing, ObamaCare rollout, AP poll, Americans on how it's doing, not well, 76 percent.

BECKEL: Of course.

GUILFOYLE: And very well, 3 percent.

BECKEL: Yes, but why would you say assume anything else? They have been bombarded every day with the problems of ObamaCare.

PERINO: They are bombarded because the problems are real. The media is not making up the problem.

BECKEL: I think some are catching --


BECKEL: And I also think that on the poll for the millennials, I was surprised it is not just about the website, millennials know how to use technology, but I thought the initial polling would show that they were offended that the government is so bad at doing just the basic when it comes to the website and the technology, but it does seem to be more.

GUTFELD: But the media, you can't count them out. They will frame a big government disaster as an anomaly. In a progressive world, every single failure is always an anomaly or an exception even in the absence of any success. If there's no -- success is the anomaly in a progressive world. Somehow, they've managed everybody to think it's the reverse.

BECKEL: I don't know what an anomaly is but it sounds like a bad thing about --

GUTFELD: It's a chocolate.

BECEKL: Well, I think --

GUILFOYLE: Not good for you and your guide, Bob. But what is good is to repeat this - Charles Krauthammer, this is from December 13th on PBS -- behold Charles.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: I love how you guys just can't wait to get your teeth into Republicans throwing mud at Republicans. On a week when this administration -- by the way, the viewers, you're not going to hear about a word about a weekend which the secretary of HHS unilaterally and lawlessly changed every deadline in the ObamaCare law without any legal authority in the way that is absolutely astonishing. But you won't hear about this on this show. So --


KRAUTHAMMER: -- try Fox.


GUILFOYLE: Courageous to tell it like it is. That was my favorite aha-moment of the weekend. You can get Charles Krauthammer for the full hour this Wednesday, right here on "The Five," 5:00 p.m. Eastern. So, we hope you will join us on the ticket.

BECKEL: As much as I love Charles, he's a panelist on that show, it's closing after next week. You said to take a shot, that was the time to take a shot.

PERINO: He's been on 30 years, Bob.

BECKEL: I know, but it's closing. It's down.

PERINO: That says more about PBS than Charles.

GUILFOYLE: Charles likes to rain on parades.

BOLLING: Charles knows his timing.

PERINO: That seems right.

GUILFOYLE: He's the ambassador of timing.

Bolling, you have a final comment on that, and then, Greg? It was a good one.


GUTFELD: All I know is I think there should be a metal band named Krauthammer. It sound like --

PERINO: It's a German metal band.

GUTFELD: Yes, German metal. It would be awesome. Krauthammer!


PERINO: You didn't me a last thought.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I'm giving you. Go ahead.

PERINO: My last thought is please, I beg you, Wi-Fi guy, make the Wi-Fi work before I have a conniption.

BECKEL: Yes, please? And I had to listen to it, OK?


BECKEL: And, by the way, the Germans have great movies.

GUILFOLE: Yes, we're on clear about the mental health you might be getting from ObamaCare.

But next, because we are just getting started, Football Hall of Famer Jim Brown had high hopes for President Obama when he campaigned for him in 2008, but his hope has turned to disappointment and he's going to tell why.

And later, the season finale shocker on "Homeland", was it a good or bad ending to one of the hottest shows on TV. Eric has some thoughts.

Stay right here. We'll be right back.


PERINO: Strong start to the week, Joshua.

All right. Welcome back to "The Five."

The African-American community has overwhelmingly supported the Democratic Party for decades. So, it's an uphill battle for the Republican Party to make in-roads in the black community. Stephen A. Smith is a sports commentator who is known for speaking his mind and he thinks black conservatives need to be heard.


STEPHEN SMITH, FIRST TAKE CO-HOST: The black population hasn't given the Republican Party more than 15 percent of its vote since 1964. And anybody who is deemed a black conservatism, I'm one of them, a registered independent -- just to get that out of the way. But those that I know who are black conservatives are considered pariahs and are ostracized in our communities, and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


PERINO: So, we're going to kick this around a little bit.

We do also, in the commercial break, I would say that is the most important part of the show that you don't get to see. We have a debate as to where does the term gridiron originates and they just threw a picture which I don't think --

BECKEL: The original football field.


BECKEL: No, this is the original football field it. It was a gridiron. Two lines going both ways. Anybody knows, send us in a tweeter.


PERINO: Can you explain why it is?

BOLLING: I believe gridiron, it was applied to a football field because it looked like that from the stands. But the gridiron, the original cooking surface for drilling.

PERINO: Do you know why that matters today?


PERINO: On topic. The other sound bite that we have is from Jim Brown.



JIM BROWN, FORMER NFL FOOTBALL PLAYER: Somehow it seems like he's over his head. I did, along with my wife and the Rooneys, campaign for him in Ohio because that was a key state. But if I had to say does he rate an A, does he rate a D., it would be very difficult. I'd give him a C.


PERINO: OK. So, those are words, Kimberly, that from Jim Brown on rating of the president. What do you think of that?

GUILFOYLE: Look, what I like is for people to be open and honest and vocal about these things. I think if you have an opinion about that, it's not very popular to criticize the president but I do appreciate candor and honesty, and they are entitled to what their beliefs, what they think.
Whether it's Steven Smith or whether it's, you know, Jim Brown, and Jim Brown at many times a controversial individual.

But I think he is voicing what a lot of people feel, whether you're white, or black, or Hispanic or Asian in America, that you supported a man that you had high beliefs in, and it has fallen short and people are left wanting for more and feeling disappointed.

PERINO: Greg, you've talked before black intellectuals and conservatives that are ostracized from the community or made fun of. Do you think that there is a turning point here or is this just an anomaly to use a phrase from the first --

GUTFELD: I don't know. In my opinion, black conservatism is a cancer on liberalism. If it spreads, they are dead, because it will break the hold of this racial warfare that seems to be kind of their go-to weapon against Republicanism.

You know what a true radical is a black conservative because Hollywood doesn't know they exist. If you try to find them as a character in any show, they're not there.

There is only one black conservative I can think of and that's Darth Vader.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my God. Aren't you glad?

BECKEL: I think it sounds as if, black conservatives, they are ostracized and all of that. They're probably true, but also what they say doesn't make sense.

GUTFELD: Well, who?

PERINO: Really?

BECKEL: Thomas Sowell.


GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about? He's a genius, Bob.

BECKEL: I don't agree with an awful lot of what he says.

GUILFOYLE: But that's different from saying it doesn't make sense.


GUTFELD: You can disagree with them but you shouldn't say what he said is nonsense, right?

BECKEL: I didn't say it was nonsense. I said I don't agree with him.


GUILFOYLE: No, you also said that it doesn't make a lot of sense.

BECKEL: Are you trying to pinpoint my -- you pick out my words now?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, in a sentence diagram you played.

PERINO: Let me ask you, if you were advising Republicans who are looking at 2014 and beyond because they want to and need to grow their voting base -- when it comes to African-Americans, what would you say is the best type of message that the Republicans, based on principle, can deliver?

BOLLING: Well, again, I don't want to be hypocritical, I think the Republicans in 2014 have to stay on ObamaCare. I wouldn't play around in these issues. I wouldn't play around with contraception or none of that.
Stay on ObamaCare.

But I find it interesting, James Brown, Stephen A. Smith, that's fantastic -- speaking the way they see it. That's great.

But here is the issue -- blacks, I believe, voted for President Obama in excess of 90 percent.

PERINO: Ninety-three percent.

BOLLING: Ninety-three percent.

And I think the approval rating among blacks is still almost 89 percent. I think that's the number. But if you look at what's gone on since President Obama has held office, the black unemployment rate has actually widened compared to white. So it had been historically around double the white unemployment rate and had gone down 1.6 percent or 1.7 times what the white unemployment was right before the presidency. And now, it's over 2.2 percent times what the whites are.

So the blacks are losing ground compared to whites in the last five years under President Obama, I can't imagine that would be -- that demand or command, 89 percent approval rating.

GUILFOYLE: But are those facts getting to them. That's the point.

BOLLING: I don't know why it's not getting to them. I don't know.

BECKEL: It always sort of follows on what happens in the white community. First of all, the economic is starting to boom, number one. We don't talk about that in our show.

BOLLING: But whites are outpacing blacks.

BECKEL: They are and they usually do and grow the economy.

GUILFOYLE: But don't you care about that, Bob?

BECKEL: Do I care about that? Is that a fair question? Do I care about? Of course I care about it.

GUILFOYLE: I want to hear your statement on it.

BECKEL: But I don't believe it is Obama's fault and I'm not giving up any faith in Obama. I think he's going to be just fine.

BOLLING: No, but if you are part of the black community and you are seeing that you're losing ground. You're not getting better under this -- under Obamanomics, do you want more of it? Do you want to vote for four more years?

BECKEL: I don't think they are losing ground. I think the other crowd is moving ahead, moving ahead --

BOLLING: But can I -- Dana, may I, I'm sorry, isn't that the same argument we had with incoming equality? And now you are taking the other side of that exact argument.

BECKEL: No, I'm not. I don't think I am.

PERINO: Let me ask, Greg, if you were a conservative black intellect person and you wanted to make inroads in Hollywood. Do you think there's any hope there? And should they abandon it?

GUTFELD: I don't think there's any hope. However --

GUILFOYLE: I don't think --

GUTFELD: I don't think -- no, I think -- this is a long -- it's a long battle. It is not about skin color, it is about skin thickness. You've got to be tough if you are a black conservative because you are facing the white left in the media who are angry that they have no effect on you. So, you've got to be an Allen West and just say, just screw you guys, I don't care what Salon or Slate or The New York Times thinks, I don't care.

PERINO: All right. I thought that was excellent.

GUILFOYLE: You kind of remind me, though, of a black conservative.


BECKEL: Where did that come from?

GUILFOYLE: Because he's not going to back down from his opinions, he's going to say what he thinks and that's that.

GUTFELD: My heart is black.

PERINO: OK, we're going to ponder that in the commercial break, maybe tell you about it on the other side.

Coming up, more disturbing reports about the Mandela sign language interpreter, a controversial QB wins the Heisman trophy, and a secret admission from Susan Sarandon, next on "The Five."


BOLLING: Welcome back, everybody.

To another installment of the fastest segment in TV news. Three hot topics, seven fast minutes, one enthusiastic TV host.

First up, our old friend, the fake interpreter getting the full "Saturday Night Live" treatment this weekend. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have been listening, to what -- to what Americans are saying. And some very valid concerns are being raised.


BOLLING: Well, adding to the mystery, there are reports that the interpreter has added burning two people to his rap sheet, alongside rape, murder and pretending to know sign language.

K.G., you chimed in there. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I know. I mean, this story is actually really horrible. The only decent part was the "Saturday Night Live" aspect of it.

But how did they not catch this guy? How is the fact that he's like -- no, but I'm saying that he's done this before. He's been interpreting and he's like a criminal? Does it get much worse?

BOLLING: Dana, your thoughts on this guy.

PERINO: Well I read somewhere that one of the reasons the South African government is trying to explain what happened, they think someone took the lowest bid, which doesn't usually happen in government. But in this case, they got what they paid for.

I do think it might be time to sort of bury this -- let this story go after this one. We obviously -- he's a deranged person who needs help and never should have been near all of those dignitaries, especially the president.

GUILFOYLE: Bad security breach.

BECKEL: He was accused with a group of the other people of killing people by putting ties around their neck and starting fires, which is one of the nastiest ways during the uprising in Soweto, which was the black township outside of Johannesburg that is basically doing one of the nastiest things in the world. Everybody else got arrested but he got sent back home because he was insane.


BOLLING: Thoughts?

GUTFELD: It just tells you how screwed up south Africa is. This guy got so close. The emotional import of the event allowed a loosening of standard of protection for our president.

Our president would not allow that to happen in any other circumstance but they allowed it here because it was an emotional event and maybe our White House security -- or the Secret Service didn't want to make a stink out of it, but they shouldn't have let this happen.

GUILFOYLE: But they should have.

BOLLING: We've got to move on. We've got to move.

Next story, a story we talk about last week -- Florida State star and storied quarterback Jameis Winston can now add Heisman trophy winner to his bio.


JAMEIS WINSTON, FLORIDA STATE QUARTERBACK: I trusted in the process that evaluate facts and truth is deliver a positive outcomes because out of all of the things I've been through the past month, I remember when my daddy trusted in the process when he risked his job and -- and was jobless three years ago, when I was out there doing whatever I did to provide for my family, but the truth prevailed because eventually I got me a scholarship. This Heisman isn't just for Jameis Winston, it is for Florida State.


BOLLING: All right. Jameis won with a wide margin of votes, even though he is fresh off a controversial rape accusation, the state's attorney dropped the charges. And now, Jameis Winston is the 2013 Heisman winner, the youngest in Heisman history.

Bob, your thoughts on Jameis.

BECKEL: Well, first of all, he is the second freshman in a row to get this Heisman trophy, which is very unusual. But I think obviously, on the numbers, he deserved it. No question about it.

But I still question when he said he had a rough month, what about the woman that went through the rape?


GUTFELD: Yes, you know, the problem with this is we focus on the person who won the trophy, what about the 314 million people who didn't? And it raises the question, why do you have to play football to win the Heisman trophy? That is bigoted toward the uncoordinated in this country.

I'm boycotting all sports until I can be eligible for the Heisman.


BOLLING: You're technical eligible --


GUTFELD: That's true.

BOLLING: Dana, your thoughts on Jameis.

PERINO: I guess facts are facts. This is not a character award and you can't argue with him.


GUILFOYLE: Given the controversy and the nature of the allegation of this, I mean, there are a lot of criticisms that the case wasn't investigated fully, that they didn't test the blood in this case and it's basically he said/she said comes sometimes down to just, you know, popularity contests in some of these high-profile cases. It's very challenging.

PERINO: Doesn't he have to play another year in college before he can play in the pros? Or -

BECKEL: No, he's got one more. I think he has to go to sophomore, I think that's right.

BOLLING: Well, we're going to leave it there, because we have to move on, because this is a big one. Last one for today, ever wonder why those Hollywood types are so weird when they hit the award shows.

Susan Sarandon coming clean, so to speak.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Name one Hollywood event that you showed up to stoned?



SARANDON: I would say almost all except the Oscars.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, almost all except the Oscars. OK.


BOLLING: But they are all baked. That explains the strange commentary. I don't smoke and I don't care what they do, but can't they wait until after the show.

GUTFELD: No, absolutely not, I encourage them being high. It is not the pot, that's the problem. It's the politics.

Perhaps if she was stoned all of the time, she wouldn't have stupid politics.

BECKEL: You are stoned most of the time, what are your points?

GUTFELD: That is my point.

Responsible people having fun, I don't really have a problem with it.


PERINO: I was moved to make a confession. How do you think I get through this show every day? I mean --

GUTFELD: You are baked right now.

PERINO: Obviously, there are chemicals involved. I'm not surprised.

GUILFOYLE: Are you hungry?

PERINO: I think that most people at those award shows are on something because they are so boring.

BECKEL: Are you on Molly by any chance?

BOLLING: Do you know Molly?

PERINO: I only know what that is because you guys told me.

GUILFOYLE: From Miley Cyrus.

BECKEL: The word is going to get out. You're using dope.

GUILFOYLE: No, she is not. She is very clean.

BECKEL: I don't admit to anything that I wasn't stoned for about 35 years.

GUILFOYLE: That explains a lot. Poor Mondale, poor Mondale. That explains that a lot.

BECKEL: I'll tell you. I don't have any problem. Some of the things are so boring, why not. I don't think everybody should get stoned, but they do. It doesn't bother me.

BOLLING: K.G., weigh in on this.

GUILFOYLE: You know, listen, they are going to do, it is a lifestyle choice. You know, nobody is a baby sitter.


GUILFOYLE: I'm personally against it.


GUILFOYLE: But that's my -- meaning, that's not for me. I like the red wine, that's it.


GUILOFOYLE: No, I don't. I mean, Dana doesn't either. But --

BOLLING: It is as rare a topic that we all agree on and I think we all agree, do what you want to do, Hollywood.

BECKEL: You never smoke dope in your life?

GUILFOYLE: I just don't think it's going to change their viewpoint so much.

BOLLING: Listen, I'll have cocktails until --

BECKEL: I know that.


GUIFOYLE: To the face.

BOLLING: To the face -- but just --


GUTFELD: Point well taken, Kimberly. Is there another way to take vodka that I'm not aware of?

BOLLING: There actually is.

PERINO: There is not. There is not.


BOLLING: We're not going to talk about it.

Directly ahead, Santas running wild and brawling in New York City, I kid you not. We're going to tell you about an annual tradition called SantaCon.

GUILFOYLE: No way, Bob. Are you kidding? You are kidding me.


GUTFELD: Throughout Saturday, New York endured SantaCon, where thousands of people dressed as Santas descended on Manhattan and drank until they puked. Here's a taste.


GUILFOYLE: Is that an elf?

GUTFELD: Oh, jeez.

Their excuse? It's for charity. Last year, the organizers raised 45,000 bucks for Toys for Tots. Hooray.

But look, my preferred charity are the bar keeps, the waiters, the bouncers, the cops who had to work that night, and saying this is for charity is not an excuse to annoy the staff, or not tip or pee in someone's doorway. Never mind the city workers who have to deal with the rainbow of bodily fluid left behind.

Using charity to excuse bad behavior is OK if the charity outweighs the bad behavior. I'm not sure it does in SantaCon.

My point? Drink up. But drinking is about combining contemplation with camaraderie. It's never an excuse for me to infringe on your good time or vice versa. We do not share a blood stream. Only you can feel your buzz. So your mindless babbling about how wasted you are is not mutually enjoyed.

When I say people abuse the gift of alcohol, it makes said. It's like watching an inexperienced driver grind the gears of a beautiful sports car. I respect the drink, but not the drunk.

The fact is, the best drinker should never reveal how hammered he is. The mark of the pro is that you never know, which is why I'm seeing three Kimberlys right now.

GUILFOYLE: You wish.

GUTFELD: But who is complaining? It's three Kimberlys.


GUTFELD: Am I a Grinch, Dana?

PERINO: Well, I have to say, when the topics came around this morning, when I heard that you're going to be against SantaCon, I was shocked because I've go to tell you, in the Upper East Side, they were perfectly delightful.

GUTFELD: Oh, on the Upper East Side, eh.

PERINO: When I was shopping along Madison Avenue, running the ship's mate, said hello, it was just a delightful afternoon.

BOLLING: Was he wearing a Santa outfit?

PERINO: He was not wearing Santa con outfit, but as we walk down the street, there's all this -- the snow was coming down. It was a beautiful day. I didn't know any of that stuff was going on, but I blame one person.


PERINO: De Blasio.

GUTFELD: There you go.


GUTFELD: It's the liberals, Bob.

GUILFOYLE: Pile it on.

GUTFELD: If it wasn't for the liberals, this wouldn't happen.

BECKEL: Because liberals dominate the Upper East Side, don't they?
The wealthy ones.

What were you doing on the Upper East Side?

PERINO: I was shopping on my way to go to brunch with you.

GUILFOYLE: She was stimulating the economy. Hello.

BECKEL: I've seen this thing in my neighborhood and the guys come down and they leave sober and they come back smashed and they are loud. It is not giving Santa a good name, you know? I mean, it's just a bad idea, all the way around. I don't know why anybody sanctioned it (ph). You can give $45,000 and go door-to-door and you'll raise more money than putting up with this crap.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know what, Eric?

And what if a child walks down the street and sees Santa vomiting?

GUILFOYLE: That happened.


BOLLING: Where do you go? I guess, look --

GUILFOYLE: Santa has a stomach virus.

BOLLING: You have the right to drink. Drunks are bad. Drinking is fine. But how creepy to see these guys. Look at the cheap shots.

GUILFOYLE: They are the bad elf.

BOLLING: Forget the ones fighting with each other. It is the haymakers from leftfield. Wow.

BECKEL: And the elves in that, too --


GUILFOYLE: Yes, the elves are very bad --

BOLLING: Only eight citations handed out.

GUTFELD: Yes, it was pretty --

GUILFOYLE: Because it is too hard to identify which Santa did it.
They are like it was the other guy. It was the guy from the South Pole, happened in the North Pole.

PERINO: The guy in the red hat.

BECKEL: And that is a good point. Because when you are wearing a costume you think you are entitled. I was out on the street --

PERINO: And you were in an elf costume.

GUTFELD: Yes. In a place called (INAUDIBLE), which didn't allow Santas in there. And I was smoking outside and Santa demanded my phone, Santa demanded my phone, because they feel if they are Santa, they ask for anything. And they grab people.

PERINO: Did you give it to him?


PERINO: Did he tell you, get back there in and make some toys. He's not finished.


PERINO: What is your specialty in Santa store, when you are making your toys?


GUTFELD: She's lost her mind.

All right. We're done here.

Coming up, a husband is shot and killed after going Christmas shopping with his wife at the mall. And there is a manhunt under way for the shooter. The details when we come back.


BECKEL: Greg's still looking for his "One More Thing," so if anybody has any ideas you might want to tweet him.

And anyway, Christmas shopping turns deadly. Last night 30-year-old Dustin Friedland was killed after he and his wife were carjacked outside a shopping mall in New Jersey. His wife is OK. Here's what happened.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The husband, the victim, had opened the door for his wife. She started to get into the vehicle, and he got in the driver's side and started to get ready to enter the vehicle or enter the vehicle and he was approached by two males and was shot before he entered his vehicle.


BECKEL: There is a manhunt under way for the two suspects, who fled in the couple's SUV.

Now, I don't want to start a raging battle over gun control here, Eric, but New Jersey, yes, the guy was shot.

BOLLING: New Jersey has some of the highest gun control...

BECKEL: Right.

BOLLING: So that's ridiculous. But criminals get guns. Here's the issue. That mall -- I live three miles from that mall.


BOLLING: That mall is -- there's an area of affluence right next to an area of extreme -- let's call it lower -- lower-class poverty. This happens a lot. I've had three cars stolen.

GUILFOYLE: Three Range Rovers. This was a Range Rover.

BOLLING: This was a Range -- bottom line is this guy was approached with his wife coming out of the mall. Two carjackers approached and said, "Give me the keys." The guy pushed back and said no, actually told the guys no. Gets two bullets to the head while the wife was standing there.

GUILFOYLE: Thirty years of age.

BOLLING: And here's the moral of the story. Someone approaches you and wants your car, you're intimidated, hand it over. The insurance...

BECKEL: Did anybody steal your car when you were there?

BOLLING: I was standing 15 feet from my car on the third theft. The other two I was...

GUILFOYLE: Can I just say one thing? What you said is 100 percent right. It's not worth it. I mean, even if you don't have insurance any more like Bolling, you should still turn over your car, no matter what.

But we don't know for sure that he refused. Because the cops aren't saying that. I mean, there's some speculation that perhaps he said something, because guess what? He probably doesn't want to turn over his wife to some murderous thug, and he's worried about her safety and so, you know, it would make sense he sacrificed his own. Thirty years old and an attorney. Dustin Friedland.

BECKEL: They found the car in Newark, which has a notoriously high crime rate. So can we draw some conclusions here from that?

GUTFELD: Bob, my conclusion is these guys will be caught pretty quickly, because they usually are. And it's an interesting crime because what are they going to gain out of this? They can't sell the car. It's just a terrible crime. I don't even know what else to say other than that it's awful.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. They dumped it.

BECKEL: Crime like this does -- And it bothers you around Christmastime, Dana. I mean, obviously, people are out there shopping. They've got a lot of money and you've got a lot...

PERINO: But you don't think that you're -- it's -- one of the great things about America is we live in this free society that -- where you have a government that, through the taxpayer dollars, we pay for protection. So you just assume -- and you have to in order to live your life -- that you're going to be OK if you go to the shopping mall to get Christmas presents or whatever else they were shopping for.

GUILFOYLE: But they love to steal those Range Rovers.

PERINO: But it shatters your confidence of being able to go to school or to work or just even shopping.

GUILFOYLE: Just the Short Hills Mall, 9 p.m. at night.

BOLLING: So like I said, three cars stolen in that area. I'm am more inclined now -- it's very hard to get a conceal carry license. I'm way more inclined to get my New Jersey conceal carry so that, if I'm confronted by some of these people -- I don't know. I don't know, Bob. Your point about gun control, I think this is -- this is basically telling innocent civilians, the general population, arm yourself against these bad guys.

GUILFOYLE: Because you're under siege.

BECKEL: Let me ask you about the demographics. You said this is an affluent neighborhood right next to a poor neighborhood?

BOLLING: Yes, it's adjacent.

BECKEL: That's unusual to have something like that.

BOLLING: Well, the other part of the demographics of that and the logistics.

GUILFOYLE: Ten miles away.

BOLLING: Is you can actually hit one of the major arteries and come right up to the -- to the ports and a lot of time those cars go right on boats and get shipped away.

GUILFOYLE: And they do. They sell these cars. They strip out the VIN. There is a big market for it.

BECKEL: Well, they had a VIN in this one. That's the saddest part.

GUILFOYLE: Very popular. Don't yell.

BOLLING: There's a murder involved.

GUILFOYLE: Don't yell.

BECKEL: I'm not going to yell at all, because that was not a happy story, and it was mine. "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks, Bob.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." My gosh, the commentary.

I have a very, very cute story. I love Pope Francis, and this is a charming little shot you're going to see there. There's the pope, the people's pope, and the little boy was very fascinated with the pontiff's little skull cap. He took it off. The pope loves children.

This was at the Santa Marta Institute at the Vatican that cares for sick children, provide medical care. And you'll remember, of course, that he also received the distinction of TIME Person of the Year. And the best part is his quote. He said, "If the joy is a person of your health (ph), spread the message of the gospel, a message of God's love for everyone. He will certainly be happy about that."

I like him a lot -- Eric.

BOLLING: All right. Very quickly, I wanted to do something on the NSA and that whole thing, but we decided it wasn't the right time to do it.
OK. Listen, fantastic, fantastic "Homeland" Season 3 finale last night.
You've got to watch. I'm not going to spoil it, but watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go, go, go! Driver, go!


BOLLING: All right. So I'm not going to spoil it for you. The big question, does Brody survive that episode? You have to see it. Let me know what you think about it. Hit me up on Facebook: Facebook.com/EricBolling, no spaces. Let me know what you think if you saw it. Loved it.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Fantastic. That sounds good. I have to start with episode one, so I'll be getting back to you in probably the next three years, but hang tight for that opinion. It's going to be a good one.

GUTFELD: "Homeland" is no "Scandal." "Scandal" kills over "Homeland." Just want to point that out.

GUILFOYLE: I love "Scandal." No way.

GUTFELD: "Scandal's" fantastic. Yes, it's a great show.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, I love it.

BOLLING: Saturday night, we lost a legend, Peter O'Toole. He was 81 years old. He's one of the greatest actors that ever lived. And this movie, if you've never seen a Peter O'Toole movie, start with "Lawrence of Arabia," because he plays this enigmatic figure, T.E. Lawrence, and it's an astounding movie. It's very long, but I've seen it maybe five or six times. I think it's probably the greatest movie ever made, better than "Citizen Kane" and "Porky's."


GUILFOYLE: "Porky's"?

GUTFELD: ... check it out. A great man and a great character.

PERINO: Peter O'Toole, a great Irishman.

GUTFELD: He was nominated eight times and never won an Oscar.

GUILFOYLE: He got an honorary Oscar, though. OK. Sorry. Go ahead.

BECKEL: OK. There's a sheriff by the name of John Cooke in Weld County, Colorado, who refuses to uphold the gun laws that were passed by the legislature in the aftermath of Aurora. He's not alone. There are a lot of other sheriffs in Colorado and around the country who don't do it.

It is the law, boys. And so I -- we used to be in the consulting business. Let me give you a little line that I would use if you were gun control advocates out in Colorado. And that is the police who won't follow the law are breaking the law. And they ought to be arrested.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Maybe they could, like, arrest themselves. That would be so weird. OK, Dana.

PERINO: OK. Well, this is a first. I am combining my two favorite "One More Thing" topics in one for the first time. Ever.

GUTFELD: Is there something wrong with Jasper?

PERINO: This is about...

BECKEL: Oh, don't.

PERINO: ... Jasper and Dierks Bentley.

BECKEL: No, we almost made it.

PERINO: Dierks Bentley's folks, they started getting these pictures of people sending in selfies of things that they cared a lot about. And you can go on -- if you go to Instagram, if you hash tag Iholdon, you can also submit one. I did one with Jasper, and I've driven Bob crazy.
Mission accomplished.

GUILFOYLE: Charming.

BECKEL: We almost made it.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Don't forget to set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." We're going to see you right back here tomorrow. "Special Report" is next.

BECKEL: Fifty-nine-50.

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