
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 8, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Tonight, the president's sub-par apology.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We put in a clause in the law that said if you had one of those plans, even if it was sub-par when the law was passed, you could keep it. I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.


GUILFOYLE: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Julie Roginsky, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York city and this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: Is he really sorry for breaking his promise to millions of Americans that if they like their health care plans, they can keep them?

Well, if he was, why did he feed then all a bunch of sorry excuses?


OBAMA: We're talking about 5 percent of the population. A lot of these plans are subpar plans. The majority of folks will end up being better off. Everybody's acting as if the existing market was working.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Let's get right to it, because there's a lot to discuss.

Now, this interview came out right after our show last night and we have been waiting to respond anxiously, with bated breath.

Dana, we're going to begin with you.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I noticed that the president used a golf analogy. I had the same thought as Greg -- sub-par. I thought it was a pretty sorry apology. It might satisfy a few people in the media who were looking for a reason to try to move on and try to help the president in some way.

I think because it seemed so insincere and immediately was panned by many people, responsible journalists, like at "National Review", if you're going to apologize, you have to go all in, if you like seriously apologize. He said it in a passive voice, not the active voice.

And the other part of this is there's no action plan behind it. It wasn't I'm sorry and then the president of the United States and therefore I am going to do these three things to make it better. There's no follow- through, which is just, sorry, life sucks.

GUILFOYLE: And sometimes sorry isn't good enough. We've learned that, Mr. Bolling.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, first of all, sub-par is good in golf.

PERINO: Oh, it is?

BOLLING: Yes, talking about sub-par plan. Kind of like, I'm sorry I punched you in the face and I'm sorry you're bleeding. However, I'm not going to help you with your bleeding.

GUILFOYLE: And you can't keep your healthcare.

BOLLING: Look, he can apologize all he wants for the big lie, but it doesn't fix the big lie. The broken promises, you can keep your doc, a lie. You can keep your plan, a lie.

You can -- it will bend the -- remember this one? It's going to bend the cost curve down. Remember that one? Another lie.

He promised $2,500 lower in family health insurance premiums. Three years or 3 1/2 years into this being a law, it's literally the exact opposite -- $2,581 higher since we signed it into law. So, check's in the mail.

The other one, I can't remember right now. He can apologize all he wants, but doesn't fix those problems.

GUILFOYLE: All right. But this isn't looking too good for el presidente right now, two minutes into the show -- Greg.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yes, I'm still mad you took my golf joke.

PERINO: I came up with the golf joke. No, I came up with it myself.

GUTFELD: Oh, please.

Can I just --

GUILFOYLE: Kindergarten alert.

GUTFELD: Can I use this exact phrasing -- I'm sorry they are finding themselves in this situation. So you see what he's done there. It's actually the being action of the person who lost their health insurance that are responsible.

It's like saying, "Kimberly, I'm sorry, you parked your car in the place I ran into it." He's the guy that leaves the anonymous note on your windshield, "Dude, I'm sorry," and then just drives off, because like you said, he didn't do anything.

Imagine if you did this with your spouse. If you want your spouse and you said, I'm sorry you were hurt by these actions. As opposed to I'm sorry I was a jerk. If you pulled any of this crap with a good woman, you'd be out on your ass faster than you can say Bill Clinton.

PERINO: I'm sorry you took it the wrong way.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly, it's on you.


GUILFOYLE: Let's welcome Julie to the program.

JULIE ROGINSKY, CO-HOST: Thank you. Thanks for having me.


ROGINSKY: So, you know, I wish I could disagree, but I'm kind of ticked because I've been going out schilling for this thing for three years now.

GUILFOYLE: So, what can you do? Give us your best material.

ROGINSKY: I'm thinking. I'm digging deep. Look, I'm pretty ticked off because here I am and a whole bunch of Democrats have been saying this is a good program. I think it still is.

But the execution has been so horrific that it's making it harder and harder for people to buy into it. And literally buy into it. It's impossible because you can't go on the Web site, but really making it even harder for people to support it. You see the president's numbers going down.

So, if this was the president's number one priority, how did he manage to bungle it this way?

BOLLING: Bungle the Web site?

ROGINSKY: Bungle the whole thing.

BOLLING: That's what he apologize for. He didn't even apologize for the bungling of the Web site. He apologizes for what he perceives is 5 percent of the population that will lose their insurance, when the reality, it could be up to 25 percent. Some estimates, 120 million Americans are going to lose health care insurance.

What's he going to say then? If he's apologizing for I guess 14 million, what happens when it's tenfold?

ROGINSKY: Well, they're going to lose it because they're going to be able to go into the exchanges if they ever start working and actually go and purchase it. The problem was, again, this was supposed to launch seamlessly. They had years to get it done.


ROGINSKY: They knew it was going to be a problem months ago. And how this never got taken care of before this became a whole debacle, I don't know.

GUTFELD: Because the bill was never read. The bill was like the bad sushi that you buy without checking the "sell by" date or smelling it. So, you go home, you have it and you throw up. That's what happened with this bill.

GUILFOYLE: You have the worst digestive system.

GUTFELD: I do. The bill was -- all these things happened because no one read it and no one cared. They believed in the greater good of this giant bill coming from the petulant prince. It's going to save everybody. And then you start biting into it and everybody sick.

PERINO: Remember when Speaker Pelosi said that you had to pass the bill to find out what was in it? You play that sound bite all the time. But I was thinking today, that's actually -- you had to pass it in order for people that were called crazy and racist and mean and other things for saying this idea is not going to work. It wasn't personal. It was about the idea and the policy.

Now, that it isn't working, I think it's difficult for Democrats, especially because, Julie, you mentioned the Web site not working. Maybe they'll get it to the point.

There's two things I saw today where they might not get to the point where it's actually working by November 30th which is the self-imposed date. One was that Jeffrey Zients, who's in charge of trying to fix it all, reports today that the more people get on, the more problems they're finding. So, remember you said it was pulling the string on the sweater?

GUTFELD: I never said that.

PERINO: Yes, you did. You said the sweater --

GUTFELD: I think somebody else said that.

BOLLING: No, you said it.

PERINO: Who could be more brilliant than you to have said something like that?

And so, my second point has left the building --


GUTFELD: OK. I've got something I want to play for you.

Obama is trying to justify this. It's probably the worst apology I've ever heard. I've heard a few from men. Here's the president's apology, OK?

So, this is yesterday. And take a listen to this.


OBAMA: I think for the most part people know I speak my mind. I tell folks what I think. And I've been clear about what I'm trying to do. What we've been trying to do is change it in the least disruptive way possible.

Ultimately, I think I'll be judged on whether this thing is better for people overall.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so he's saying we're off to a bad start here, people, let's all come together, forget all the things I said, forget the lies, the confusion. It's going to be better when this actually gets going and more than six people can log on.

BOLLING: Yes, I think he was very, very correct, in the last part of the phrase, statement, where he said, I'll be judged on how this thing unfolds.

He will be. This is going to be his legacy. I have a hunch this is going to be a terrible legacy. People are going to look back and say, it was bungled from the beginning and that was only until they got the Web site up and running, then they realize how bad the law really was.

But I will tell you, I also think that Republicans asking for a delay is a mistake. Let the thing happen. You're not going to get rid of it. Let it unroll. Let people find out how bad this thing really is. How much costs are going to go up. Insurance is going to go up. And then win. Win in 2014.

GUILFOYLE: What about the vote in the Hill next week? What's your position?

GUTFELD: That's what we ere saying before the shutdown, Eric. Remember, we were saying, don't do the shutdown. Remember, saying, hey, let this thing unravel. Let it unravel. Instead, we went into this mad farce.

BOLLING: I'm simply saying, we're saying let's delay this now because the Web site --

GUTFELD: I agree, I agree. Good luck, 2014 candidates, Democrats running against this or with this.

GUILFOYLE: So, you're saying let them fall on their health care sword.

ROGINSKY: Here's the problem with this -- this law hinges on large part on young people sign up, right? That's actually how it can take place. The fact that this Web site's not working is not allowing young people to sign up and that's the problem. That's going to be financially the problem for this operation.

So, if you're in the White House, that's what you're actually worried about.

BOLLING: Jules, we go way back.

ROGINSKY: Way back.

BOLLING: I got to call you out.


BOLLING: Just because the Web site's not working, that's because young people aren't signing up. That's what you said.

ROGINSKY: No. Web site is not working. Young people tend to gravitate to Web sites. But I'll also go further and say that the more young people read and hear bad news about this thing, what's the incentive to sign up?

BOLLING: How about when their premiums are going to skyrocket, young healthy people? They realize at some point it's more expensive for me to sign up --

ROGINSKY: First of all, young premium people, the fine actually increases year after year so they're not going to be able to afford to do it. It's not just 95 bucks. It's 95 bucks if you make a small amount of money. Look, they get subsidies if they can't afford it. There's ways to make this work. The problem is this administration is just not doing the - -

PERINO: I think that you should take yes for an answer because she's agreeing with you.


ROGINSKY: He can't help himself.

BOLLING: No, no, she wasn't agreeing. She said the reason why young people weren't signing up is because the Web site -- I have to tell you, when they fix the Web site, young people still aren't going to sign up.

PERINO: You know what the White House should have done last night. Instead of the quasi-apology, I think it would have been powerful for President Obama to come out and say, I apologize. I wish that this Web site had been better. That's what we paid for.

And on behalf of American taxpayer, I'm asking the contractor to give the money back. That would have been very powerful.

BOLLING: You know what they've done, since the Web site didn't work, October 1st, they realized it wasn't going to work, they've paid CGI federal five more contracts, $7 million more. After they realized how bad this thing was.

So, not only did he not apologize and demand the money back, they're still giving them contracts.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, Eric, you seem pretty upset, I want to see if I can get you more upset, angry, if possible.

And, Greg, I'll ask you to respond. This is the president talking about Kathleen Sebelius. Listen to this kind of haphazard answer about her performance.


OBAMA: I think Kathleen Sebelius under difficult circumstances has done a great job in setting up the insurance markets so that there is a good product out there the for people to get. Kathleen Sebelius doesn't write code. She wasn't our I.T. person.

Ultimately, the buck stops with me. I'm the president. This is my team. If it's not working, it's my job to get it fixed.


GUILFOYLE: Does that sort of sound like accountability?

GUTFELD: This never happens with anybody who has any experience in the private sector. What you're dealing with right now, you're watching bureaucrats trying to run a business. In the private sector, the customer is always right. You never blame the customer.

Here, politicians, bureaucrats, they have the power of government behind them. The idea you actually matter as an individual is false. So, you can call something a substandard plan which dismisses your right to choose.

So, all in all, behind all of this, which is really the story here, is the threat of force. If there was no threat of force behind ObamaCare through the policing of the IRS, which is at the behest of President Obama, we could laugh about this and forget about it, and go on to our lives with the private industry of insurance and figure it out for ourselves.

But we can't do that, because if we don't follow what the government wants, we could be arrested.

No --


GUTFELD: But why can't we say screw this? We can't say screw this. What if you don't pay the penalty? Ultimately, there's a threat of force and coercion behind this law, or else it would be really funny. But it's not funny because it's about force.

PERINO: The whole bill is based on coercion. That's why the lie.

I did remember my second point.

GUTFELD: Good for you.

PERINO: It's reported today that a lot of the insurance companies are starting to tell some of the insurance industry -- not lobbyists, I'm sorry, reporters, that there's not a single insurance company that thinks this Web site is going to be up and running by November 30th. If I were working for the insurance companies, I would start to get ahead of that now, because the White House has already shown their willingness to blame the insurance companies for their bungling, for the White House and HHS' bungling.

They ought to get in front of this, because if it's not fixed on November 30th, the insurance companies had better distance themselves from HHS.

ROGINSKY: So, here's what they need to do. They need to delay the implementation of the individual mandate until this Web site is fixed and fixed for good. They can't say we're going to do this, regardless of what happens. They need some kind of metrics, because otherwise, to people like me again who have been going out here and saying this is a good idea are going to keep having egg on their face and the person who's going to really have egg on his face is Barack Obama. And as a Democrat, I'm kind of sad about that.

GUTFELD: Remember when President Obama spent I guess the first year or so talking about green jobs and how important green jobs was? It turns out, ultimately, the greenest job there is the presidency, because there's no one greener than him.

GUILFOYLE: Isn't that a little clever joke you've come up with there?

But, Bolling, the last thing that he's saying, it's a little better than it was October 1st. I mean, maybe it will be better but I've been burned before. I mean, the American people.

BOLLING: A disaster, my guess next week, a week from yesterday, we're going to find out the actual numbers. Mine guess, it will be under a million people. They need 7 million by March, no way they're going to hit those metrics.

GUTFELD: Seven million? I don't --

BOLLING: Maybe half a million, who knows? Whatever it is, they need 7 million by March to make the numbers work and they're not going to make it work.

Very quickly, the buck stops here with me. Are you guys sick of hearing politicians say that? How about once of the buck stopping where someone screwed up?

GUTFELD: Yes, the buck is now, with inflation, about $10,000.

GUILFOYLE: Good quick math.

All right. Coming up, the president has addressed the rumors for the first time that V.P. Joe was almost locked out for Secretary Hill on his re-election ticket. Well, did he want to boot Biden in 2012? You're going to find out.

And speaking of good old Joe, he's just giving us fresh material to add to his blooper reel.

GUTFELD: That's his thumb.

GUILFOYLE: If you want a good chuckle and perhaps even a belly laugh, you should stick around.


PERINO: All right. This week, more than a dozen Democratic lawmakers, senators showed up at the White House to demand some answers from president. They are nervous because the political firestorm that is raging around his health care law that we talked about in the A-block is going to cost them possibly their seats in next year's midterm elections.

Charles Krauthammer doesn't think they're going to be able to escape the rollout disaster though. Here's him.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The president now is toxic. The thing is called ObamaCare. There's no running away from it. It's got his name on it.

You see the president and you think about the policy and you know it's a disaster. And the problem for the Democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now late into the night trying to fix a system which is not just the glitches we're talking about, the architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. If it isn't up and running smoothly and perfectly, they're going to start postponements and then the whole thing starts to unravel.


PERINO: I was in New Orleans, and Senator Landrieu has a very tough race ahead of her and she didn't actually join the president at his speech today, although she flew down on Air Force One with him.

But, Julie, let's get your take on this first. Are red state Democrats nervous about Obama care in particular going into next year's election? Which is usually tough for the president in power. They usually lose seats in that midterm anyway.

ROGINSKY: Yes. So, think they're keeping an eye on it but I think luckily for the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is in worse shape than we are.

And so, unlike Eric's ex-boy friend Chris Christie, not the rest of the Republicans don't win as much anymore, so when you have the Ken Cuccinellis of the world losing, I think unprecedented in Virginia losing in the second term of the presidency, a Republican losing to a Democrat, both flawed candidates, I think Democrats are slightly better shape right now than Republicans are.

GUILFOYLE: Bullish statement.

PERINO: All right. You want to respond?

BOLLING: Can I just point something out that Terry McAuliffe had a 14-point lead with three weeks left to go before the election and the ObamaCare debacle tightened that race up to --

ROGINSKY: Only counts in horseshoes.

BOLLING: But I think honestly -- you're a Democratic strategist, right, you have to admit the ObamaCare -- this can't be helpful to someone who's running in a tight race, right?

ROGINSKY: It's not, it's not. What's less helpful, though, is the Republicans still have the shutdown around their necks and that's something. If you look at polls, that's the one thing saving the Democrats right now, is that Republicans, I think Republican brand, Republican Party --

BOLLING: But people will forget the shutdown in the next six months, and they ain't going to forget ObamaCare in six months.

ROGINSKY: Unless Ted Cruz decides to shut it down again. So, we'll see. I mean, if they behave themselves for the next year, maybe. But I don't know, we'll see.

GUTFELD: ObamaCare is like tuberculosis. You get it, you're isolated.

ROGINSKY: I don't even know what that means.

GUILFOYLE: You're very morose today.


GUTFELD: Can I see the picture of the senators up again like we had earlier? All those guys meeting with Obama, that picture?

This is the periodic table of idiots. I have no sympathy for them. The big lesson about how this happened, the Democrats became terrified of the monster that they created. And the monster was the accusation of racism, which was used on anybody that was critical of President Obama for the last five years.

What happened is you couldn't go to President Obama and be critical about him, about his signature achievement, for fear that perhaps you might be tainted with the same brush as racism. So, they fell victim to their own instrument, their own devise of destruction, and I have no pity for these people. No pity at all, Julie.

ROGINSKY: I don't know where to begin with that.

GUTFELD: You say I agree.

ROGINSKY: I sort of don't agree at all. I just criticized the president in the first block and I don't think I'm racist but --

PERINO: But it is true -- in those first two years when President Obama was trying to get the law passed, if you said anything negative, I remember being at an event -- that was an amazing meeting.

There was an undercurrent, even if somebody said you're a racist, you must not like the president because he's black, and therefore, you don't want people to have health care.

Kimberly, we haven't spoken yet.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you for calling --

PERINO: Do you think that the problems with ObamaCare now have enough lasting power to have an impact on the election next year?

GUILFOYLE: OK. Multiple choice question. Answer selections are, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You can't go wrong with yes. I think that's what it's going to prove to be.

Anybody who's running in 2014 better worry about this. There's so much sound out there that they can run these commercials night and day and it's going to hang like an albatross around the necks of these candidates that were supportive of ObamaCare. I mean, think the senator said it best. You cannot escape it.

It's like a stinky old coat that you have to keep putting on every time. Oh, my God, can everyone else smell that coat? That's the problem.

ROGINSKY: Technically, it's really not called ObamaCare.

PERINO: He called it -- he said I want everybody to call it --

GUILFOYLE: Because I care.

PERINO: He put his name on it. He said, you can now call it ObamaCare. He gave us the blessing.

Eric, if you are Republicans, however, and you've got about 11 months to go until the next election, at some point do they have to pivot to start saying, here's the plan that we would before to replace --

BOLLING: Maybe, if you want to, it doesn't hurt. Let's try insurance across state lines, all the other things that they propose, tort reform.

But don't forget, about a year from now, right around election time, around the end of the year, Republicans can see that, it will be a month before the election, month after the election. They can say, look, look at the expense. If people don't sign up, whatever the estimated costs for ObamaCare are going to be bigger than that. They'll be another trillion dollars on top.

I would go, look, you promised us $900 billion. It was $1.8 trillion a year ago. Now, it's $2.8 trillion. Now, when does it end? If you keep going forward -- you need to elect Republican senators really to get some sort of change. You will never get rid of the law or at least not for now.

PERINO: Oh, that's good. So, now we all agree it's win, then fight. Win, win, win.

GUTFELD: ObamaCare is a snake bite that in the anti-venom are the elections.

ROGINSKY: These metaphors today are unbelievable.

PERINO: You have to keep up, when Greg's on, you have to pay attention, Julie. All right.

Ahead, the NFL takes yet other hit after two of its legends reveal how they're suffering physically now from their football careers. That's coming up next on THE FIVE.


GUTFELD: On ESPN's "Around the Horn", writer Kevin Blackstone ragged on the American flag uniforms at Northwestern University are donning to raise cash for the wounded warriors. "The Star-Spangled Banner," he hates that too.


KEVIN BLACKSTONE, WRITER: You sell this along with me, you should also be selling the rest of the military symbolism embrace with sports, whether it's singing of the war anthem to open every game, whether it's going to get a hot dog and being able to sign up for the Army at the time, whether it's the NFL's embrace of the mythology of the Pat Tillman story. It's been going on in sports since the first national anthem was played in the World Series back in 1917, and it's time for people to back away.


GUTFELD: He's fun.

Blackstone claims we are conflating a war anthem with a simple game, all evil symbolism and mythology accentuated by flyovers and recruiters on site. What's the good alternative? Kumbaya? "Imagine" by John Lennon? I would barf.

Now, Kev may think he's daring but he's simply parroting the same old college crud that the military is big, bad and oppressive. We know he's wrong. Our military's the only thing that se rates the free from the unfree.

Kev's a walking cliche, reveling in words like symbolism and mythology. He's the guy that you avoid at parties. Here's why, he's a professor -- which proves Gutfeld's maxim number five, put a professor anywhere and anywhere gets worse.

In this case, sports. Sports is fun. People love flyovers. They don't mind the national anthem.

But you throw in a professor and suddenly it's war like. This guy is a fun sucker. He sucks the fun out of everything.

I hate to sit next to him on a long flight. He's lecture you on his peanut allergy. But he's just like every other professor, who professed that war is yucky, bombs drop, people die, nothing good ever comes of it. Well, except for the American Revolution, the end of slavery, the deaths of Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and the enabling of freedoms for billions.

But why quibble?

So about these uniforms --

GUILFOYLE: That was good.

GUTFELD: Thanks.

PERINO: He had a gluten allergy, too.

GUTFELD: Does he?

PERINO: Yes, has a gluten-free diet.

GUTFELD: That's great. D.P., why don't you just pile on? You don't even know the guy.

Anyway, where am I? K.G., it's Friday, I'm about checked out at this point.

GUILFOYLE: I can tell.

GUTFELD: What do you feel about the star spangled banner being played at games and uniforms?

GUILFOYLE: I love it, I'm a patriot through and through. I love everybody who's fought for this country for the freedoms that we enjoy and for people like us --

GUTFELD: That's a daring comment, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I like to go way out on a ledge here at FOX News. Who will join me?



ROGINSKY: I will push you off that ledge, I hate freedom.

GUILFOYLE: What happens? It was going so well.

GUTFELD: But, you know, Julie, now that you said you hate freedom.

ROGINSKY: I do, every fiber of my being.

GUTFELD: How do you feel about recruiters being at the games? I mean, that's the other thing --

ROGINSKY: I cool with it.

GUTFELD: You agree with it?

ROGINSKY: I'm cool with it. Whatever.

You want to sign up in the military? I have friends in the military. They're obviously much braver than I could ever be.

So, God bless. If you don't want to go recruit and you want to sign up, great. If you don't want to sign up, you don't go to talk, what's the big deal?

GUTFELD: It's not like you have a gun to your head.

Eric, what do you --

BOLLING: Little known fact that the "Star Spangled Banner" has four verses so Mr. Blackstone really be freaked out by the fourth verse. Let me read a little of it?


BOLLING: Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just. And this be our motto: in God is our trust.

PERINO: Oh, yes, he hates that.

BOLLING: Look, this song represents American freedom from oppression. What's the problem? I mean, it doesn't glorify war. It's just when you're on one of those talk shows and you just have, what am I going to say? I think I have, what am I going to say-itis.

PERINO: I bet he doesn't want to get a job with NBC News, or NBC, that covers the Olympics, because when you win a medal, every country gets to play their anthem. That's the whole, like, joy of it. That's -- everybody rally.

GUILFOYLE: He's a downer.

GUTFELD: He is. He's a Debby Downer.

ROGINSKY: He's a buzz kill, it's true.

GUTFELD: He is a buzz kill.

But one last question, Julie, because you're a guest here, why does the left hate America? The troops and patriotism?

ROGINSKY: If I have the entire show to describe to you in detail how we get in these calls every morning, the left, together and we go over how we're going to sell the hating of America.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it.

ROGINSKY: The secret phone calls, I might eavesdrop one day, but I need an entire hour to --

PERINO: Does Bob make it on those calls?

ROGINSKY: Sometimes you hear Bob snoring.

GUILFOYLE: He has his secretary take notes.

BOLLING: There's one Valerie Jarrett says, is Bob here?


ROGINSK: Absolutely.

GUTFELD: All right, coming up, everybody's favorite crazy uncle Joe Biden has made not one but two phone calls this week to a wrong number. We have to take the embarrassing voice mail he just left for your enjoyment -- I love him, look at him -- when THE FIVE returns.


BOLLING: We told you the other day on THE FIVE: a new book reveals President Obama's campaign was considering a name change on the 2012 ticket from Biden to Clinton. President O. just addressed that rumor for the first time in an interview.


OBAMA: If they asked me, I would have said there is no way I'm not running again with Joe Biden because I generally voted that he has been one of the best vice presidents in our history. When my back's up against this wall, he has my back. I would not be here if it weren't for the support I have from Joe Biden.

He is a personal friend and adviser. It's one of the best decisions that I've ever made.


BOLLING: Best VP in history, Joe Biden, our Joe Biden? The one who first called the wrong Boston Mayor-elect Marty Walsh to congratulate him on and his second attempt did this on Tuesday?


JOSEPH BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Marty, it's Joe Biden. Nice to see you win and nice to see labor win. Anything I can do to help you from the White House in terms of your needs, holler, man.


BOLLING: The problem, that call went to Tony, a female, who's not the mayor elect and she doesn't even live in Boston.

Best ever, Mr. President.

What are your thoughts? You like Joe Biden.

ROGINSKY: All right. I'm going to admit to you guys --


ROGINSKY: I love Joe Biden. So, I'm going to admit to you, guys, because you're my friends, I kind of have a little crush on Joe Biden. I do.

GUILFOYLE: I could tell.

ROGINSKY: I do. I kind of get a little crazy eyed about Joe Biden. I'm sorry, I love him.

BOLLING: Well, he's a likable guy, no question about it.

But, Kimberly, a president who says that might be one of the best VPs in history. Your thoughts?

GUILFOYLE: And ObamaCare is awesome, right? Do you believe anything he says anymore? I'm sorry.

OK, he likes Joe. Joe's been loyal to the president. That should count for something. So, I'm glad he had his back. If you don't think they weren't considering Hillary, then you don't know politics.

BOLLING: Where's Joe been?

PERINO: Well, what would we say that he did to make him a bad vice president? He didn't place the phone call that got to the wrong -- they dial the phone and they say, here, sir, leave a message. It's not his fault. I don't what we would say that would make him a really --

GUILFOYLE: I think it's interesting --

BOLLING: We're going to play the gaffe reel but we played it --

PERINO: The gaffes are fantastic. I love them. I love that big stick gaffe more than anybody. That's my favorite.

I do think he's been a good vice president for President Obama.

ROGINSKY: He's totally authentic. You guys complain about Obama reading from the teleprompter. This guy obviously doesn't read from the teleprompter.

GUTFELD: Good point.

ROGINSKY: He's totally authentic. And privately, he's the same that he is in public.

GUTFELD: Can we get that picture of him where his hands are up like this? That's my favorite. This is when he put on his giant invisible hat. A lot of people have been telling him it doesn't exist. And he puts it on and then he thinks he can fly.

You know why Obama loves Joe Biden? Because he makes Obama look smart. And whenever Obama is having a bad week, they pray that Biden's going to have a gaffe so it will take the heat off Obama. So, he's a gaffe machine --

PERINO: He's a decoy.

GUTFELD: He's a decoy and it works. You notice when President Obama said about the switch, no one told me? And then he said the best decision he ever made was hiring Biden? Those two things don't jive. He's lying it. He either was involved in both decisions or none.

BOLLING: So, Julie, can I ask you this? Let's just, 2016 starts to roll around and Joe Biden wants to throw his hat in the ring. You have Hillary over there.

What does President Obama do?

ROGINSKY: I think he stays out of it. I don't remember a president endorsing a successor, right? You don't really get involved in Democratic primaries. But, Greg, you're being very negative on my imaginary boyfriend Joe Biden and I don't like it.

GUTFELD: -- will allow that to get to that point, believe me.

ROGINSKY: We'll see if Hillary even runs.

PERINO: That's what we should have done the next block on. I want to hear more about your thoughts on that.

ROGINSKY: I have no insight on this.

GUILFOYLE: I have nothing nice to say about Biden. Aha, I thought of it. He did a nice job, right, in the debate when everybody -- against Ryan. I thought he did pretty decent. He outperformed the expectation.

ROGINSKY: He is the bomb. I love my boyfriend Joe Biden.

BOLLING: Well, he is certainly good for material for us on THE FIVE.

Coming up: what price is too high? New reports show NFL legends Tony Dorsett and Terry Bradshaw are suffering from big football hits. We'll debate the tradeoffs between fame versus the quality of life when THE FIVE returns.


ROGINSKY: Football is America's most popular sport and I'm the only American who doesn't watch it. But it comes at a price to those who play it.

Two NFL legends are now speaking out about the physical toll the game has taken on their lives. One them is Hall of Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw. And we'll get to him in a moment.

But, first, it's been revealed that Hall of Fame running back Tony Dorsett is now suffering from a degenerative brain disease called, (INAUDIBLE) Dorsett, excuse me. I don't watch football.

Dorsett just spoke about his health on ESPN's "Outside the Lines." He said, quote, "My memory's getting worse and worse as the days go by. I'm very short tempered. Clinically, I'm depressed. I'm too smart of a person to take my life but it's crossed my mind.

Eric, bail me out here because I know nothing about Tony Dorsett.


GUTFELD: I know, 25 years of being a writer with the drinking and the smoking, it's not that different in terms of mental decline.

GUILFOYLE: And digestive issues.

PERINO: Talk about being a co-host of THE FIVE with Bob, you bang your head against the wall every day.

Kidding, Bob. Help me out here.

BOLLING: You know what you're getting into, these guys from the time they're this big. Now, the NFL has rules. You can't lead with your head. They're trying to stave off all types of concussion. These guys have to man up. They made millions upon millions of dollars in a violent game. They know what they're doing. I don't have any opinion for these guys.

ROGINSKY: Would you let your son play football?

BOLLING: I would.

ROGINSKY: You would? Really? OK.

Dana, I hear you don't watch football either.

PERINO: I do watch. People who play rugby, they don't have any protection at all. I just don't hear these kinds of stories. It's one of those things that all of us are hearing these stories and maybe it's because there's more awareness. But maybe it's also because the media's paying attention to it, or it's got really good PR people. I feel for them in a way.

ROGINSKY: What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: OK, I love football and I feel badly because I'm part of the problem I guess, that there's people like me who pay to go to games and watch it all the time and a big fan.

BOLLING: What's the problem?

GUILFOYLE: Well, because there are very debilitating injuries that result from the game.

BOLLING: In everything.

GUILFOYLE: See where I'm going, Eric. Stay with me, stay with me.

BOLLING: All right.

GUILFOYLE: But you sign up for it, because there's a lot of attraction to it for players to go in. They can the lives of their family members, very lucrative careers, endorsement signing. So, yes, you go into it with an open mind that you might sustain injuries that could paralyze you, cause you brain damage, that cause you some kind of paralysis, et cetera.

So, I don't know. I'd like ton see protections. I would like ton see the league offer proper insurance for players. But, again, careful about decisions you make.

ROGINSKY: Let me read to you what Terry Bradshaw who actually have (INAUDIBLE), said, he said, quote, "I couldn't focus and remember things and I was dealing with depression." He said this on Thursday. "I was frustrated I couldn't remember stuff, and I got real upset. It was driving me nuts." I feel that way every day, but that's for different reason.

"I got tested to see the condition my brain was in and it's not in real good shape." What do you think, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, I think life is always going to be a risk/benefit equation. Not just in sports but in way you live. We talk about this yesterday.

GUILFOYLE: What you eat, what you drink.

GUTFELD: Yes, if you live in Malibu, you're going to have mud slides. If you play football, here are the benefits: wealth, fame, prestige, women, influence. The risks are: as you get towards 60, there may be a decline in faculties and maybe a young person doesn't realize that when they're 18.

Terry Bradshaw has had an exciting, wonderful life because of football. He had an acting career. He's well liked by everybody.

GUILFOYLE: Commercials, endorsements.

GUTFELD: Yes, I think if he could time travel, would he go back and tell his 18-year-old self to get out of this? He wouldn't. That's the question. It's bad, but you accept the risk.

BOLLING: Yes, think about the other one -- boxing, cars, even jobs, careers.

GUTFELD: Our jobs --

GUILFOYLE: How about military?

BOLLING: Military, coal mining.


ROGINSKY: That's a good point. Military actually gets compensated a lot less. And Terry Bradshaw for a lot more.

GUILFOYLE: We have an issue with that as well. We should take care of our veterans.

ROGINSKY: I agree. Go Yankees.

GUTFELD: By the way, the easiest lie, movie stars have damage to their head using substances that I condemn.

PERINO: All right, America.

ROGINSKY: America, "One More Thing" is coming up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for one more thing. And we invite you to watch FOX News because we know how much you love it.

And Bill Hemmer is hosting --


GUILFOYLE: -- a great special. He's just jealous.

FOX News reporting 50 years of questions, the JFK assassination is going to air Saturday, November 9th, 9:00 Eastern. There is Mr. Hemmer.

You are going to see it when it repeats at 12:00 midnight. Take a look.


BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: November 22nd, 1963. The day begins with an exciting welcome for President Kennedy outside his Ft. Worth, Texas hotel. In nearby Dallas, Oswald is going to work with a hidden rifle. He kept it Ruth and Michael Paine's garage.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The blanket looked like campaign equipment. I think it never occurred to Michael that there might be a gun.

HEMMER: It is 8:45 Central Time. In less than four hours, President Kennedy will be dead.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, Greg will be watching. We hope you join Greg and the rest of the country.

GUTFELD: My place.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana, you are up next.

PERINO: OK. So, this week, a huge week for Twitter. Big IPO. And I was watching with interest.

And it occurred to me that I am quite a participant. And I wonder, you know, what should my piece of the pie be? There's actually, you can go on and find out how much of a contributor you are. There's algorithm, all this math you can do. It turns out, Twitter would owe me $77,000, no, $77,223, anyway, nearly $80,000. I can barely see that.

Part of that, of course, is my brilliance. The other part is this dog. His name is Jasper. There he is. Jasper who has grown up on Twitter.

I thought I would take a look to see how much my feuding partner here in Twitter, how much he would be owed and he would only get $53,000.53.

GUTFELD: That's because I don't drive people crazy with pictures of your dog.

GUILFOYLE: I would be in third place.

GUTFELD: Dogs, dogs, dogs.

PERINO: It's kind of fun. You can find out how much Twitter owes you. I'm cashing in on my Twitter account.

BOLLING: Cashing in?

GUILFOYLE: Cashing in. Bolling?

BOLLING: What a great transition. Thank you, Dana Perino.

"CASHIN' IN", tomorrow, 11:30 a.m., DVR it. We have a big show. We are going to deconstruct the big lies. Take a look.


BOLLING: The apology after the pledge. Did President Obama just join this club?

RICHARD NIXON, FORMER PRESIDENT: No one in the White House staff, no one in this administration, presently employed was involved in this very bizarre incident.

WILLIAM J. CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

OBAMA: If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period.

BOLLING: All broken promises and backtracking.


BOLLING: All right. Go ahead, 11:30, DVR now. Bye.


Greg, now.

GUTFELD: Let's see, I have three things. I hate these people.

I hate these people! A lot of people ask me to do things because I'm a big TV star. Like (INAUDIBLE) on Twitter asked me to tell Kimberly Guilfoyle -- tell her I said she's hot.

PERINO: Hey, what does that mean?


GUTFELD: He said, tell her to stop sending pictures of her dog.

PERINO: No, he didn't say that.

GUTFELD: Also, my Mike Baker, he's a friend of FOX News. There he is. He's got a new TV show on the Travel Channel, Sundays, 10:00 p.m. It's called "American Declassified." He's always on FOX.

GUILFOYLE: He's a great guy.

GUTFELD: He's one of the greatest people, former CIA. He's hideous. Just ugly. Just an ugly man. I feel bad for him to be that ugly.

PERINO: He's terrible muscle definition.


"RED EYE" tomorrow night at 11:00 p.m.

GUILFOYLE: All righty, then. All right. Julie, what do you have for us?

ROGINSKY: Lady Gaga -- yes, thank you, I agree -- will become the first artist to sing in outer space in 2015. And I am hoping she stays there, because I am not a fan of the Lady Gaga.

GUILFOYLE: She was just across the street.

ROGINSKY: I know. I could have gone over there and bullied her because I don't like her. I don't like her.

GUTFELD: She's already in outer space.

ROGINSKY: Yes. Yes, yes. Not a fan.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, you like Lady Gaga?

PERINO: No. I was saying I saw a headline where she said she struggled with her weight or something, which I think -- anytime I have seen her, she looks amazing.

GUTFELD: She's waiting for a sandwich.

BOLLING: Did you hear the actress who stabs her husband today -- Reese?

PERINO: Witherspoon?

BOLLING: No, with the knife.

PERINO: I heard it from a priest. I heard it from the priest.


GUILFOYLE: That's for us "Five." Thanks for watching. Have a great weekend, everybody.

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