
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Not Impressed

Many Coloradans are not impressed with the state's new logo which took a year and a million and a half dollars to create.

Last week, the state unveiled the logo along with a new slogan -- quote -- "It's our nature."

Since then, more than 500 people have weighed in on the simplistic design on the "Brand Colorado" Facebook page.

Quote -- "Thousands of dollars spent to design a triangle with the word Colorado beneath it? What's wrong with the world?"

Quote -- "A year to make that symbol and a huge cost to tax payers next time have an elementary school contest. They will do a better job and it won't cost us so much."

Many others likened it to the carbon monoxide warning symbol.

Funding for the new branding campaign came from a combination of corporate sponsors and a whole lot of tax payer dollars.

Comedy of Errors

A comedy of errors appears to have led to a massive freighter running aground along the English coast.

And the biggest problem -- the captain might have forgotten that England existed.

The 262-foot ship got stuck on rocks while traveling from Scotland to Belgium last March.

The BBC reports human error and a lack of knowledge of geography, led to the accident.

The crew apparently did not consider that anything might actually be in their way.

The crew quote -- "...basically said 'we'll draw a line and go the quickest way possible,' without really thinking about 'do I need to go that close to the Farne Islands?'"

Well, the Coast Guard surveyor also told the BBC the crew forgot to turn on an alarm system that would have sounded as they approached land and the lookout guy on the boat was asleep at the time of the crash.

Virtually Knocked Up

Well, you can buy anything on the Internet these days -- including -- positive pregnancy tests.

The Daily Dot reports an uptick in Craigslist postings offering tests indicating a woman is pregnant -- most charging around $20 to $25 each.

One ad suggests buyers use the tests to get their boyfriends to propose.

Another says -- quote -- "Use it however you like -- no questions, no judgments."

Clearing the Air

And finally, Hong Kong has a solution for its overwhelming smog problem and it does not involve reducing carbon emissions or cutting back on pollution.

Officials have hung a backdrop, it's pristine -- offering tourists a picture-perfect souvenir.

A photographer snapped these photos of people smiling for the camera in front of a sheet portraying blue skies, sharp buildings and well, maybe a few wrinkles in the backdrop here and there.