
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Double Standard?

Like beauty it seems profiling is in the eye of the beholder.

Yesterday, on the Grapevine, we told you Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott wants "wanted" posters of terrorists removed from Seattle buses saying the posters encourage racial and religious profiling.

Today, we learned the congressman thinks profiling of a different kind -- the kind that has targeted conservatives is just fine. In fact, he says it's a good idea.

While questioning interim IRS Chief Daniel Werfel at a hearing today, McDermott took issue with the agency suspending BOLO -- or "be on the lookout" -- lists for screening groups applying for tax-exempt status.


JIM MCDERMOTT, D – WA: The American College of Surgeons has just adopted BOLO lists. Before they take somebody into surgery, there's a whole long checklist of things that they look at. We think that's the way you organize your thinking. And it's clear to me that a 'be on the lookout' list is a good idea, so don't say you're gonna throw them away.


But not "be on the lookout" for wanted terrorists.

As you'll recall, the IRS BOLO lists included words like "Tea Party" and "patriot." The IRS I.G. says the BOLO lists also included words like "progressive" but there's no evidence that liberal groups were actually targeted.

Better Late Than Never

On Monday, the son of a World War II veteran was shocked to receive two letters from his late father – 69 years to the day after they were written.

Chris Kunellis was stationed in Italy in 1944 when he mailed the letters to his wife.

Fast forward nearly seven decades -- a stamp collector in Australia came across the unopened letters and managed to track down Chuck Kunellis -- Chris' now-71-year-old son.

He says his dad never talked much about the war, making those letters even more special.

Red Tape Diaries

And finally, bureaucracy getting in the way of common sense.

A suburban Atlanta woman was forced to go to great lengths to prove she is a woman.

37-year-old Nakia Grimes recently noticed a mistake on her birth certificate identifying her as male.

When she went to Vital Records Services to get the typo cleared up, she was told to go to the doctor to prove that she is in fact a woman and bring back a notarized letter.

Apparently having given birth to a son was not evidence enough.

Eventually, the local Fox affiliate made some calls and the change was made without the doctor's note.